Academic literature on the topic 'Qadiryya'
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Journal articles on the topic "Qadiryya"
Asiyah, Siti. "Ajaran Tarekat dalam Sistem Pendidikan di Pondok Pesantren." Musala : Jurnal Pesantren dan Kebudayaan Islam Nusantara 1, no. 2 (July 29, 2022): 157–85.
Full textHidayat, R. Aris. "Makna Ritual Dalam Risalah Tarekat Qodiriyah Naqysabandiyah." Analisa 17, no. 1 (June 25, 2010): 105.
Full textRubaidi, Rubaidi, Masdar Hilmy, Ali Mas’ud, and Kunawi Basyir. "Resisting the Surge of Salafism among Malay and Javanese Muslims: The Dynamics of the Tarekat Naqshbandiya and Qadiriya wa Naqshbandiya in Promoting Peaceful Islam in Riau Sumatera." Teosofi: Jurnal Tasawuf dan Pemikiran Islam 13, no. 1 (June 1, 2023): 1–31.
Full textBakhtiar, Amsal. "Tarekat Qadiriyah: Pelopor Aliran-aliran Tarekat di Dunia Islam." Refleksi 6, no. 1 (June 1, 2004): 1–32.
Full textMusta'in. "Transcendental Sufism Communication in Zikr of the Qadiriyyah Naqsyabandiyyah Tariqa." KOMUNIKA: Jurnal Dakwah dan Komunikasi 17, no. 1 (April 1, 2023): 75–88.
Full textSugandi, Rafid, Ahmad Taufik Hidayat, and Yulfira Riza. "NASKAH FATHU AL-ARIFIN: SEBUAH AJARAN TASAWUF TAREKAT QADIRIYAH NAQSYABANDIYAH." Metahumaniora 13, no. 3 (December 14, 2023): 178.
Full textIstiqomah, Nur. "Transformasi Tarekat Qadiriyah Arakiyah Di Indonesia." Syntax Idea 3, no. 12 (December 25, 2021): 2693–705.
Full textMasduki, Imron Rosidi, and Ahmad Sopian. "KESAN AJARAN TAREKAT QADIRIYAH WA NAQSYABANDIYAH TERHADAP MASYARAKAT DESA MENGKIRAU." Al-Shafi'i | International Journal of Islamic Contemporary Studies 2, no. 2 (May 9, 2023): 26–44.
Full textMud’is, Maulana Hasan, and Hasan Mud’is. "Rancang Bangun Sistem Aplikasi Amaliyah Tarekat Qadiriyah Naqsabandiyah (TQN) Suryalaya Berbasis Android." Jurnal Algoritma 20, no. 1 (May 30, 2023): 179–89.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Qadiryya"
Fariq, Dlshad. "Le soufisme confrérique au Kurdistan : Rôles spirituel, social et politique de la Qadiriyya et de la Naqshbandiyya-Khālidiyya du XVIIème siècle à la chute de l'Empire Ottoman." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Université Paris sciences et lettres, 2024.
Full textIn this research, the development of Sufi brotherhoods in Kurdistan, particularly the Qadiriyya and the Naqshbandiyya-Khālidiyya, is explored· From the 17th century until the fall of the Ottoman Empire, these brotherhoods played a crucial role as spiritual, social, and political forces in shaping the spiritual and political landscape of Kurdistan· The shaykhs, the spiritual leaders of these groups, also played pivotal roles in the social and political transformations of the region·Sufism in Kurdistan dates back to the 5th/11th century, but it was under the Ottoman Empire that the Sufi brotherhoods, first the Qadiriyya and then the Naqshbandiyya in the 19th century, became major social and spiritual powers· Following the Battle of Chaldiran (1514) and the Treaty of Qasr-i Shīrīn (1639), Sunni Kurds strengthened their ties with the Ottoman Empire, enabling the Sufi brotherhoods to solidify their position as influential social and spiritual forces in the region·This study also focuses on the institutionalization of Sufism within Kurdish society· The brotherhoods did not limit themselves to religious practices; they became influential social institutions· The shaykhs established a social hierarchy, with disciples and successors playing varied roles in Kurdish society, contributing to the social structuring of the region·The methodology adopted combines a historical analysis of events with an examination of the interactions between the brotherhoods and their environment· By employing sociological and anthropological methods, the research sheds light on the impact of these brotherhoods on the social and political relationships in Kurdistan· This analysis highlights their influence on social structures and their connections with local authorities·The sources used in this research are varied, including ancient manuscripts, administrative documents, and archives in multiple languages (Kurdish, Persian, Arabic, Turkish, Urdu, French, and English·), along with contemporary studies· These materials allow for a comparison of different perspectives on Sufism and its influence in Kurdistan, providing a comprehensive view of the subject·Lastly, the study emphasizes the significant role of Sufi brotherhoods in the formation of Kurdish nationalism· Figures such as Shaykh ʿUbaydullāh Nahrī led nationalist movements in the 19th century, involving the brotherhoods in political and national struggles· Their key role in the development of Kurdish identities demonstrates their importance beyond the religious sphere·
Cone, Tiffany Carole. "Charismatic Embodiment and Religious Authority - a Qadiriyya Sufi community in Northwest China." Phd thesis, Canberra, ACT : The Australian National University, 2015.
Full textMouloud, Salah [Verfasser]. "Die Qadiriya-Bruderschaft im geopolitischen Kontext der maghrebinischen Länder : Algerien, Marokko und Tunesien / Salah Mouloud." Mainz : Universitätsbibliothek der Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, 2016.
Full textDraper, Mustafa. "Towards a psotmodern Sufism : eclecticism, appropriation and adaptation in a Naqshbandiyya and a Qadiriyya Tariqa in the UK." Thesis, University of Birmingham, 2002.
Full textHellqvist, P.-O. "Sufism inom den somaliska diasporan i Göteborg." Thesis, Högskolan i Gävle, Avdelningen för kultur-, religions- och utbildningsvetenskap, 2013.
Full textHlaoua, Abdelaziz. "La production de l'ordre et de la hiérarchie dans une confrérie soufie contemporaine : étude de cas de la Zawiya Al-Qadiriya Al-Boutchichiya au Maroc." Paris, EHESS, 2015.
Full textThis thesis endeavours to examine the production of order and hierarchy among the soufi Moroccan friary. The zawiya Boutchichiya, subject of the study, is situated in the village of Madagh, in the North-East of Morocco. At its head is the living cheikh, Sidi Hamza. In order to carry out this research, to describe and analyse the field data, the ethnomethodology perspective has been chosen. The praxeologic approach considers field data as real and observable. The customs in action (meals, , songs, invocations, pilgrimages, international meetings. . . ) at the heart of the zawiya have been the fundamental material of this study. Two ethnographic movies revealed these customs: ritual ethnography and political ethnography. The universe explored in this friary is one that produces its own classification and its own order. This research highlights elements of the common social world of the Boutchichiya that create hierarchy, educate members in this hierarchy and thus bring them to produce, strengthen and reinforce the order of this hierarchy. Its different spokespersons relay this "Moroccan islam, of the middle ground" but also broadcast a message to clearly fight religious extremism. One of its famous disciples is at the top of the powerful sovereign Ministry of Habous and Islamic Affairs. The message given echoes the preoccupations of an ever growing audience. Nowadays, the zawiya leads a large scale extension campaign of its teachings. It plays a dominating role in the Moroccan political landscape, forming an alliance with the Alaouite monarchy. The Boutchichiya is a political-religious friary, highly dynamic in Morocco, as well as abroad
Boly, Hamadou. "Le soufisme au Mali du XIXème siècle à nos jours : religion, politique et société." Phd thesis, Université de Strasbourg, 2013.
Full textDiakité, Hiénin Ali. "Al-Mukhtār b. Yerkoy Talfi et le califat de Hamdallahi au XIXe siècle : Édition critique et traduction de Tabkīt al-Bakkay. Á propos d’une controverse inter-confrérique entre al-Mukhtār b. Yerkoy Talfi (1800-1864) et Aḥmad al-Bakkay (1800-1866)." Thesis, Lyon, École normale supérieure, 2015.
Full textFor half a century from 1818-1862, the Hamdallahi Caliphate was ruled by three successive leaders who each carried the name “Amadou.” The capital of the Caliphate was located in the Macina region which is in the center of modern-day Mali in West Africa. This region witnessed numerous changes over the course of the nineteenth century, especially in its intellectual, political and Sufi configurations. This study is focused exclusively on the period from 1800 to 1866 in the Macina region. The work is based on a polemical text about the differences between West African members of the Qādiriyya and Tījāniyya brotherhoods during the nineteenth century. This choice was made with the goal of expanding the documentary basis for the history of the Macina, and more than this, to make the West African literature of the nineteenth century better known. The historiography of the region has until now been based on quick analyses which are not based on deep study of texts and as such, the choice made here in this thesis is to concentrate on the contents of texts related to these problems. This study illustrates the intellectual and political history of West Africa in the nineteenth century. The text was written after the military victory of al-Ḥājj Umar in the Macina region in 1862. That conquest put a definitive end to the theocratic state known by the name of the Hamdallahi Caliphate, one of the best organized states in West Africa in the nineteenth century. The political conflict was transformed into a conflict between brotherhoods. Ibn Yerkoy Talfi was a disciple of al-Ḥājj Umar and a Tījāni ideologue who was part of the winning side, and it was directed against Aḥmad al-Bakkay, leader of the Qādiriyya brotherhood in sub-Saharan Africa. Aḥmad al-Bakkay was among those defeated in this conflict, and had been a longtime critic of al-Ḥājj Umar and his brotherhood.A much broader investigation and critical analysis of the texts allows us to return to certain topics which have already been studies such as the wider context of these events, the stakes in the relations between the Kunta and Fulɓe in the period studies, and the manipulation of religious texts for political, historical and social reasons
Books on the topic "Qadiryya"
A, Batran Aziz, ed. The Qadiryya brotherhood in West Africa and the Western Sahara: The life and times of Shaykh al-Mukhtar al-Kunti, (1729-1811). Rabat: Publications de l'Institut des études africaines, 2001.
Find full textM, Afif H. Al- Qadiriyah dan dilema Gunung Balak. Jakarta: Perhimpunan Pengembangan Pesantren dan Masyarakat, 1988.
Find full textSiregar, L. Hidayat. Aktualisasi ajaran tarekat Syekh Abdul Wahab Rokan al-Naqsyabandi: Sejarah sosial tarekat Naqsyabandiyah Sumatera Utara. Bandung: Citapustaka Media Perintis, 2009.
Find full textMulyati, Sri. Peran edukasi tarekat Qadiriyyah Naqsyabandiyyah dengan referensi utama Suralaya. Rawamangun, Jakarta: Kencana, 2010.
Find full textSukamto. Tradisi kepemimpinan mursyid tarekat Qadiriyah Naqsabandiyah, Jombang: Laporan penelitian individual. Surabaya: [Fak. Syari'ah, IAIN Sunan Ampel], 2005.
Find full textKasnazānī, Muḥammad ʻAbd al-Karīm. Attariq'a al-alia al-Qadiriyah al-Kasnazaniyah : study in sufic rituals. Baghdad, Iraq: al-Shekh Muhammad al-Shekh Abdulkarim Alkasnazani Alhusseiny, 2000.
Find full textKasnazānī, Muḥammad ʻAbd al-Karīm. Attariq'a al-alia al-Qadiriyah al-Kasnazaniyah : study in sufic rituals. Baghdad, Iraq: al-Shekh Muhammad al-Shekh Abdulkarim Alkasnazani Alhusseiny, 2000.
Find full textJunaidy, Abdul Basith. Kepemimpinan tarekat: Studi kasus Tarekat Qadiriyah wa Naqsabandiyah kemursyidan Surabaya : laporan penelitian individual. Surabaya: IAIN Sunan Ampel, 2005.
Find full textDulhadi. Perilaku keagamaan penganut ajaran Tarekat Qadiriyah Naqsyabandiyah (TQN) di kota Pontianak: Laporan penelitian kelompok. [Pontianak]: Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Negeri Pontianak, 2004.
Find full textFaisol, L. Sohimun. Peranan tarekat Qadiriyah Naqsabandiyah dalam dakwah Islamiyah di Lombok pasca kemerdekaan: Laporan hasil penelitian. [Mataram]: Institut Agama Islam Negeri Mataram, 2004.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Qadiryya"
"Qadiriyya, Mahdiyya, and Usmaniyya." In Religion and Political Culture in Kano, 146–89. University of California Press, 2023.
Full textLarémont, Ricardo René. "Sufism and Salafism in the Maghreb." In Social Currents in North Africa, 31–50. Oxford University Press, 2018.
Full text"11. "The Qadiriyya and the lineages of Qadiri shaykhs in Kurdistan"." In Mullas, Sufis, and Heretics, 213–30. Piscataway, NJ, USA: Gorgias Press, 2011.
Full textÇetinsaya, Gökhan. "The Caliph and the Shaykhs: Abdülhamid II’s Policy towards the Qadiriyya of Mosul." In Ottoman Reform and Muslim Regeneration. I.B.Tauris, 2005.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Qadiryya"
Fuhaidah, Ulya, Siti Marlina, and M. Ali Mubarak. "Philanthropy of Qadiriyya and Naqsabandiyah Tariqa in Kuala Tungkal Jambi." In International Conference Recent Innovation. SCITEPRESS - Science and Technology Publications, 2018.
Full textSatori, Akhmad, Faisal Fadilla Noorikhsan, and Hari Waluyo Sedjati. "Tanbih Values as Deradicalization Model of Qadiriyah Naqsabandiah Tariqa Pesantren Suryalayain Tasikmalaya." In International Conference on Social Political Development (ICOSOP) 3. SCITEPRESS - Science and Technology Publications, 2019.
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