Academic literature on the topic 'Pyrophylite'
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Journal articles on the topic "Pyrophylite"
Andrić, Ljubiša, Dragan Radulović, Marko Pavlović, Milan Petrov, and Jovica Stojanović. "Possibility of applying pyrophylite as filler in refractory coatings." Zastita materijala 61, no. 3 (2020): 210–19.
Full textWatanabe, S., T. Ishikura, T. Yamamoto, N. Hayashi, T. Sumi, Y. W. Kim, D. Dyke, and G. Touchard. "The polarity of streaming current in water passing through a pyrophylite disc." Journal of Electrostatics 40-41 (June 1997): 717–21.
Full textArakawa, M., M. Higa, J. Leliwa-Kopystyński, and N. Maeno. "Impact cratering of granular mixture targets made of H2O Ice–CO2 Ice–pyrophylite." Planetary and Space Science 48, no. 15 (December 2000): 1437–46.
Full textHonarpazhouh, Jamal, Ali Asghar Hassanipak, and Kumars Seifpanahi Shabani. "Integration of Stream Sediment Geochemical and Aster Data for Porphyry Copper Deposit Exploration in Khatun Abad, North West of Iran / Integracja geochemicznych danych o osadach dennych oraz danych pozyskanych z systemu aster do poszukiwań geologicznych w rejonie złóż miedzi porfirytowej w khatun abad, w północno-zachodniej części iranu." Archives of Mining Sciences 58, no. 1 (March 1, 2013): 37–54.
Full textLantenois, S., J. M. Beny, F. Muller, and R. Champallier. "Integration of Fe in natural and synthetic Al-pyrophyllites: an infrared spectroscopic study." Clay Minerals 42, no. 1 (March 2007): 129–41.
Full textPee, J. H., A. N. Kwak, Jong Young Kim, Yoo Jin Kim, and Kyung Ja Kim. "Effect of Pyrophyllite on the Mullite Generation in Ternary Porcelain System." Key Engineering Materials 512-515 (June 2012): 575–79.
Full textLiu, Bo, Hai Feng Chen, and Pei Song Tang. "The Dynamics for Aqueous Sodium Adsorption and Characterization of Natural Pyrophyllite." Applied Mechanics and Materials 117-119 (October 2011): 1129–32.
Full textPark, Jeong-Ann, Jae-Hyun Kim, Chang-Gu Lee, and Song-Bae Kim. "Pyrophyllite clay for bacteriophage MS2 removal in the presence of fluoride." Water Supply 14, no. 3 (December 27, 2013): 485–92.
Full textMansour, Sabria Malika. "Use of Natural Pyrophyllite as Cement Substitution in Ultra Performance Polypropylene Fiber Concrete." International Journal of Engineering Research in Africa 56 (October 4, 2021): 123–35.
Full textSheng, Jia Wei, Li Ping Zhang, Jun Yan, Qing Sun, and Jian Zhang. "Nano-Structural Alteration of Pyrophyllite by Grinding Revealed by X-Ray Diffraction and High-Resolution Transmission Electron Microscopy." Journal of Nano Research 40 (March 2016): 72–78.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Pyrophylite"
Дайнеко, Катерина Борисівна. "Низькотемпературний електротехнічний фарфор." Thesis, НТУ "ХПІ", 2015.
Full textThesis for granting the Degree of the Candidate of Technical Sciences on the spe-ciality 05.17.11 – Technology of Refractory Non-Metallic Materials. – National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnical Institute", Kharkiv, 2015. The thesis is devoted to the development of porcelain energy saving technology of electrotechnical designation on the basis of national feldspar and pyrophylite raw materials. The results of microlevel modeling of material behavior at temperature-strength stress and physical-chemical research of mixtures belonging to elementary tetrahedron A₃S₂–NAS₆–KAS₆–S of system Na₂O–K₂O–Al₂O₃–SiO₂ were used when designing low-temperature electroporcelain compositions. The mass area for porcelain designing compositions with firing temperature 1200 °C is limited by component content, weight. %: SiO₂ 55÷65, Al₂O₃ 20÷45, K₂O 2÷4, Na₂O 2÷4. It was shown that for sintering intensification and electroporcelain phase formation at low firing temperature it is necessary to use complex fluxes and mineralizing additives. Based on studies of composition and properties of Ukrainian and foreign feldspar and pyrophylite materials the choice of raw materials for the production of low electroporcelain was justified. The physical and chemical regularities of low electroporcelain formation were shown and the mathematical models of its properties dependence on the mass composition were received. The composition and technological parameters of manufacturing low-temperature eleсtroporcelain with complex of high electrophysical and mechanical properties (breakdown voltage 30 kV∙mm¯¹, volume resistivity 4,1·10¹⁴ Оhm·cm, dielectric loss tg δ·10³= 12,1, tensile strength of 31 MPa) were developed.
Дайнеко, Катерина Борисівна. "Низькотемпературний електротехнічний фарфор." Thesis, НТУ "ХПІ", 2015.
Full textThesis for granting the Degree of the Candidate of Technical Sciences on the spe-ciality 05.17.11 – Technology of Refractory Non-Metallic Materials. – National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnical Institute", Kharkiv, 2015. The thesis is devoted to the development of porcelain energy saving technology of electrotechnical designation on the basis of national feldspar and pyrophylite raw materials. The results of microlevel modeling of material behavior at temperature-strength stress and physical-chemical research of mixtures belonging to elementary tetrahedron A₃S₂–NAS₆–KAS₆–S of system Na₂O–K₂O–Al₂O₃–SiO₂ were used when designing low-temperature electroporcelain compositions. The mass area for porcelain designing compositions with firing temperature 1200 °C is limited by component content, weight. %: SiO₂ 55÷65, Al₂O₃ 20÷45, K₂O 2÷4, Na₂O 2÷4. It was shown that for sintering intensification and electroporcelain phase formation at low firing temperature it is necessary to use complex fluxes and mineralizing additives. Based on studies of composition and properties of Ukrainian and foreign feldspar and pyrophylite materials the choice of raw materials for the production of low electroporcelain was justified. The physical and chemical regularities of low electroporcelain formation were shown and the mathematical models of its properties dependence on the mass composition were received. The composition and technological parameters of manufacturing low-temperature eleсtroporcelain with complex of high electrophysical and mechanical properties (breakdown voltage 30 kV∙mm¯¹, volume resistivity 4,1·10¹⁴ Оhm·cm, dielectric loss tg δ·10³= 12,1, tensile strength of 31 MPa) were developed.
Hayes, John P. "Geological setting and genesis of the Eastern Avalon High Alumina Belt /." Internet access available to MUN users only, 1996.,38145.
Full textBelzunces, Bastien. "Atomic-scale study of pesticide interaction with soil mineral matter." Thesis, Toulouse 3, 2017.
Full textPesticides are widely employed molecules for crop protection in France and all over the world. When these substances are spread an important quantity reaches soils. In the present thesis, pesticide fate is under study. For this purpose, three pesticides have been selected: atrazine, metamitron and fenhexamid ; and the most abundant smectite clay type, montmorillonite, has been chosen. The computational simulations conducted in this thesis use the Density Functional Theory (DFT) formalism. The first part of this thesis treats a static study of atrazine interaction with pyrophyllite and montmorillonite. In the following chapters, Car-Parrinello Molecular Dynamics through DFT is used. This study begins with isolated pesticides, metamitron and fenhexamid, then their complexes with one or two Na+ and Ca2+. Finally, the adsorption of these entities, in the presence of water or not, onto a montmorillonite surface, is considered using periodic calculations. Within the second chapter of the present work, results from geometry optimisations in gas phase are presented. The third part develops the obtained results on the adsorption of metamitron and fenhexamid over the chosen clay model. In the last chapter of this thesis, some of the most stable structures of each adsorbed pesticide onto the surface have been solvated and a study of fenhexamid desorption from the montmorillonite surface using Umbrella Sampling has been done. This work allowed to quantify theoretically the free energy barrier to overcome to desorb fenhexamid from the hydrated montmorillonite
Толкач, Олександр Миколайович, А. Н. Толкач, and O. M. Tolkach. "Геометризація родовищ пірофілітової сировини на основі комплексного врахування якісних показників покладу." Thesis, Видавництво НГУ, 2013.
Full textДиссертация на соискание ученой степени кандидата технических наук по специальности 05.15.01 - «Маркшейдерия». Государственное высшее учебное заведение «Национальный горный университет», Днепропетровск, 2013.
Ph.D. thesis in Engineering Science by the speciality 05.15.01 − Mine Surveying. State Higher Educational Institution «National Mining University», Dnipropetrovsk, 2013.
Дисертація присвячена питанням дослідження і встановлення геометричних закономірностей зміни якісних показників покладів пірофілітової сировини на базі використання сучасних програмних прикладних пакетів. У результаті виконаних досліджень на основі математичного та комп’ютерного моделювання встановлені основні типи взаємозв’язків між показниками якості пірофілітових сланців, залежність мінливості якісних показників від параметрів залягання покладу; розроблено методики багатофакторної геометризації пірофілітових сланців за комплексним показником якості та пріоритетністю розробки технологічних зон на основі комплексного врахування показників якості. На основі комплексного аналізу просторової мінливості якісних показників покладу із застосуванням сучасних комп’ютерно-інформаційних технологій виконано поділ родовища на технологічні зони залежно від параметрів якості сировини та напрямків її використання, встановлено закономірність розміщення основних технологічних типів пірофілітової сировини.
Диссертация посвящена вопросам исследования и установления геометрических закономерностей изменения качественных показателей месторождений пирофиллитового сырья на базе использования современных программных прикладных пакетов и разделения месторождений пирофиллитового сырья на технологические зоны с целью обеспечения рациональной и комплексной его разработки. В результате выполненных исследований на основе математического и компьютерного моделирования установлены основные типы взаимосвязей между показателями качества пирофиллитовых сланцев, зависимость изменчивости качественных показателей от параметров залегания залежи. Разработаны методики многофакторной геометризации пирофиллитовых сланцев по комплексному показателю качества и приоритетности разработки технологических зон на основании комплексного учета показателей качества. Предложено стратегию управления качеством пирофиллитовых сланцев по данным многофакторной геометризации. Опираясь на результаты теоретических и экспериментальных исследований, впервые для месторождений пирофиллитового сырья предложена возможность получения комплексного плана, который количественно выражает качественные характеристики залежи. В результате комплексного анализа пространственной изменчивости качественных показателей залежи с применением современных компьютерно-информационных технологий и ГИС выполнено разделение месторождения на технологические зоны в зависимости от параметров качества сырья и направлений его использования, что дает возможность наиболее полно использовать породу месторождения в соответствии с ее качеством и рациональностью использования. В работе на основе анализа модели размещения технологических зон впервые установлены закономерности размещения основных технологических типов пирофиллитового сырья. Разработанная методика обеспечивает возможность создания различных электронных геологических и горно-геометрических планов, отчетов, дополнений и карт, что значительно упрощает принятие решений при последующем геологическом изучении, геолого-экономической оценке и разработке месторождения.
The thesis is devoted to researching and establishing of geometric patterns of the change in quality indicators of pyrophyllite deposits based on the use of modern software application packages. As a result of the researches based on mathematical and computer modeling the basic types of relationships between quality indicators and dependence of quality indicators variability of deposit parameters were established. The methods of multifactorial geometrization based on complex quality index and on the priority of mining technological zones based on comprehensive account of quality indicators were made. Based on the comprehensive analysis of the spatial variability of deposit quality indicators with modern computer and information technology the division of deposit on technological zones depending on the parameters of raw materialsʼ quality and on the areas of their use was made. The model of the allocation of the basic technological types of pyrophyllite was found.
Mensi, Gabriel. "Etude pétrogénétique des occurrences alumineuses de l'unité 1 d'Avène (Montagne noire, Hérault)." Phd thesis, Grenoble 1, 1988.
Full textHUANG, ZHONG-MOU, and 黃重謀. "A study on the pyrophyllite isograd in metamorphic terrain, sotuhern Taiwan." Thesis, 1992.
Full textLiu, Yu-Mei, and 劉玉梅. "A study on the hydrothermal synthesis of analcime from pyrophyllite in Hsiang-Yang Sericite Ore." Thesis, 2006.
Full text國立成功大學
In this study, the mica powders produced by Sunshine Mineral Company was used as the starting material. The content of sericite is about 57 % (muscovite and paragonite) with the other major mineral pyrophyllite and very small amount of chlorite. Hydrothermal reactions was used to synthesize analcime. The primary mineralizers used were Na2SiO3, NaOH, Na2CO3, NaCl, while NaF, NaCl, NaOH, Na2CO3, Na3PO4 as minor mineralizers. Reaction temperatures were between 150oC~240 oC. The reaction conditions, i.e. type and concentration of mineralizers, solid/liquid ratio, reaction temperature and time were investigated to find their effects on the phase and morphology of analcime produced, so as to establish the primary synthesis conditions.
Chang, Cheng-Huei, and 張振輝. "A study on the hydrothermal modification of sericite and pyrophyllite in Hsiang-Yang Sericite ore." Thesis, 2005.
Full textBooks on the topic "Pyrophylite"
G, Korablev G., Udachin V. N, and Koroteev V. A, eds. Pirofillitovoe syrʹe paleovulkanicheskikh oblasteĭ. Moskva: "Nauka", 1989.
Find full textMacLean, M. Talc and pyrophyllite in British Columbia. Victoria, B.C., Canada: Mineral Resources Division, Geological Survey Branch, 1987.
Find full textGeological Survey of Western Australia., ed. Talc, pyrophyllite, and magnesite in Western Australia. Perth, W.A: Geological Survey of Western Australia, 1996.
Find full textClifton, Robert A. Talc and pyrophyllite: A chapter from Mineral facts and problems, 1985 edition. [Washington, D.C.?]: U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Bureau of Mines, 1985.
Find full textHoward, Daniel M. Mineral commodity report, talc and related minerals: 1986. Sacramento, Calif: California Dept. of Conservation, Division of Mines and Geology, 1986.
Find full textHoward, Daniel M. Mineral commodity report, talc and related minerals. Sacramento, Calif: California Dept. of Conservation, Division of Mines and Geology, 1986.
Find full textZerdazi, Yacine. A study of the electrical conductivity of dry pyrophyllite and other dry rocks at high temperatures. Norwich: University of East Anglia, 1987.
Find full textThe 2006-2011 World Outlook for Dolomite, Dolomite-Magnesite, Forsterite, Pyrophyllite-Zircon, Carbon and Graphite Crucibles, Retorts, Stopper Heads, Natural Graphite, Refractories, and Molten Cast. Icon Group International, Inc., 2005.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Pyrophylite"
Bährle-Rapp, Marina. "Pyrophyllite." In Springer Lexikon Kosmetik und Körperpflege, 463. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2007.
Full textZelazny, Lucian W., Pamela J. Thomas, and Christophe L. Lawrence. "Pyrophyllite-Talc Minerals." In Soil Mineralogy with Environmental Applications, 415–30. Madison, WI, USA: Soil Science Society of America, 2018.
Full textZelazny, L. W., and G. N. White. "The Pyrophyllite-Talc Group." In SSSA Book Series, 527–50. Madison, WI, USA: Soil Science Society of America, 2018.
Full textBurzo, E. "Pyrophyllite, talc and related silicates." In Phyllosilicates, 59–107. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2007.
Full textEvans, B. W., and S. Guggenheim. "Chapter 8. TALC, PYROPHYLLITE, AND RELATED MINERALS." In Hydrous Phyllosilicates, edited by S. W. Bailey, 225–94. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 1988.
Full textRieger, Konrad C. "Wollastonite, Pyrophyllite, and Talc for Rapid-Fire Wall Tile Bodies." In Ceramic Engineering and Science Proceedings, 180–82. Hoboken, NJ, USA: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2008.
Full textKřest'an, J., Pavol Šajgalík, Zdenĕk Pánek, and David Salamon. "Low Cost SiAlON from Pyrophyllite with High Hardness and Good Corrosion Resistance." In Fractography of Advanced Ceramics II, 312–15. Stafa: Trans Tech Publications Ltd., 2005.
Full textChang, Soomin, Deaeun Kwon, and Jeonghwan Kim. "New Approach with Fluidized Bed Reactor Using Low-Cost Pyrophyllite/Alumina Composite Membrane for Real-Metal Plating Wastewater Treatment." In Frontiers in Water-Energy-Nexus—Nature-Based Solutions, Advanced Technologies and Best Practices for Environmental Sustainability, 177–78. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2019.
Full text"pyrophylite." In Dictionary Geotechnical Engineering/Wörterbuch GeoTechnik, 1061. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2014.
Full text"Pyrophyllit m." In Wörterbuch GeoTechnik/Dictionary Geotechnical Engineering, 865. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2013.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Pyrophylite"
Fuad, Abdulloh, Nandang Mufti, Markus Diantoro, Subakti, and Septa Kurniawati S. "Synthesis and characterization of highly purified nanosilica from pyrophyllite ores." In THE 4TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON THEORETICAL AND APPLIED PHYSICS (ICTAP) 2014. AIP Publishing LLC, 2016.
Full textKorobiichuk, Igor. "HEAT ACCUMULATING BLOCKS BASED ON THE PYROPHYLLITE AND THERMALLY EXPANDED GRAPHITE." In 16th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference SGEM2016. Stef92 Technology, 2016.
Full textElsandika, Gabriela, Abdulloh Fuad, Markus Diantoro, Siti Zulaika, and Subakti. "Preparation and characterization of superhydrophobic glass surface using pyrophyllite nanosilica coating." In 2ND PADJADJARAN INTERNATIONAL PHYSICS SYMPOSIUM 2015 (PIPS-2015): Materials Functionalization and Energy Conservations. AIP Publishing LLC, 2016.
Full textPondee, B., and W. Thiemsorn. "Influences of pyrophyllite and CaO/K2O on phase transformation and properties of ceramic body and glaze for single firing." In THE SECOND MATERIALS RESEARCH SOCIETY OF THAILAND INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE. AIP Publishing, 2020.
Full textReports on the topic "Pyrophylite"
Collings, R. K., and P. R. A. Andrews. Talc and pyrophyllite. Natural Resources Canada/CMSS/Information Management, 1990.
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