Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'PV BASED MICRO GRID'
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Xu, Yize. "Reference model based power smoothing for stand-alone hybrid PV-diesel micro grid." Thesis, University of British Columbia, 2013. http://hdl.handle.net/2429/45654.
Full textTian, Feng. "SOLAR-BASED SINGLE-STAGE HIGH-EFFICIENCY GRID-CONNECTED INVERTER." Master's thesis, University of Central Florida, 2005. http://digital.library.ucf.edu/cdm/ref/collection/ETD/id/3503.
Full textM.S.E.E.
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Engineering and Computer Science
Electrical Engineering
Fuad, Syed Ahmed. "Consensus Based Distributed Control in Micro-Grid Clusters." Thesis, Michigan Technological University, 2017. http://pqdtopen.proquest.com/#viewpdf?dispub=10267526.
Full textWith the increasing trend of utilizing renewable energy generators such as photovoltaic (PV) cells and wind turbines, power systems are transforming from a centralized power grid structure to a cluster of smart micro-grids with more autonomous power sharing capabilities. Even though the decentralized control of power systems is a reliable and cost effective solution, due to the inherent heterogeneous nature of micro-grids, optimal and efficient power sharing among distributed generators (DG’s) is a major issue which calls for advanced control techniques for voltage stabilization of the entire micro-grid cluster. The proposed consensus based algorithm in this thesis is a solution to overcome these control challenges, which only requires each DG to exchange information with its directly connected neighboring DG’s, in order to maintain the power balance and voltage stability of the entire micro-grid cluster. The proposed method in this thesis is simulated in PSCAD and its effectiveness is demonstrated using several realistic and practical cases including micro-grid topology changes, communication delays, and load changes.
Kronebrant, Mattias. "Cost comparison of solar home systems and PV micro-grid : The influence of inter-class diversity." Thesis, Högskolan i Halmstad, Akademin för ekonomi, teknik och naturvetenskap, 2017. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:hh:diva-33997.
Full textNästan en femtedel av världens befolkning saknar tillgång till elektricitet. Nicaragua är ett av de länder där en stor del av befolkningen saknar eltillgång och det gäller speciellt hushållen på landsbygden. Utbyggnader av elnätet till dessa områden är ofta låg-prioriterade på grund av höga kostnader för att tillgodose ett många gånger lågt energi och effektbehov. En alternativ lösning för att ge dessa hushåll tillgång till elektricitet är att använda off-grid system, system frikopplade från det nationella elnätet. Två vanligt förekommande off-grid system är solar home systems (SHSs) och micro-grids. Det faktum att flera hushåll ofta använder sin toppeffekt vid olika tillfällen (sammanlagring av effekt) har visat sig vara till stor fördel för micro-grids. Tidigare studier har visat att sammanlagringsfaktorn i ett micro-grid kan reducera nödvändig kapacitet av solceller och energilager upp till 80%, i jämförelse med enskilda system (t.ex. SHSs). Dessa studier bygger dock på antagna sammanlagringsfaktorer, overkliga lastprofiler och nödvändig kapacitet beräknas med intuitiva metoder. Med data från intervjuer i ett landsbygdssamhälle i Nicaragua skapas lastprofiler och en sammanlagringsfaktor beräknas för samhället. Lastprofilerna skapas i en programvara utvecklad för att formulera realistiska lastprofiler för off-grid konsumenter i landsbygdsområden. Lastprofilerna används senare i programvaran HOMER där sammanlagringens påverkan på nödvändig kapacitet och kostnad undersöks genom en jämförelse mellan SHSs och ett solcellsdrivet micro-grid. Studien visar att nödvändig kapacitet och nuvärdeskostnad för växelriktare och laddningsregulator tydligt minskar till följd av sammanlagring. Nödvändig kapacitet på solceller och batterier minskar också när ett micro-grid används. Dock beror detta med stor sannolikhet inte på sammanlagring utan är ett resultat från de begränsade märkeffekter på komponenter som användes i HOMER.
Gaptia, Maï Moussa Lawan. "Gestion optimale d'énergie électrique à partir des sources d'énergies renouvelables dédiées aux sites isolés Power control for decentralized energy production system based on the renewable energies — using battery to compensate the wind/load/PV power fluctuations Three level Neutral-Point-Clamped Inverter Control Strategy using SVPWM for Multi-Source System Applications Wind turbine and Batteries with Variable Speed Diesel Generator for Micro-grid Applications." Thesis, Normandie, 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019NORMLH28.
Full textThe thesis works are part of the research work of the thematic team: Mastery of Renewable Energies and Storage Systems (MERS) of the GREAH-EA3220 laboratory. They include the dimensioning of the constituent elements of the system and the optimal management of electrical energy for a hybrid system (Variable speed Diesel, Wind, PV and Batteries) dedicated to isolated sites. Power sources supply loads through multi-level converters of power electronics. The generator set with a variable speed diesel engine is considered to be the main source of energy used to control the DC voltage at the coupling point. This type of generator is chosen to optimize fuel consumption. It is used to deliver an electrical power compatible with the engine speed which does not tolerate frequent and rapid variations. Renewable energy sources whose share of energy is sought to meet demand are managed so as to instantly extract the maximum power available from resources (sunshine, wind). These thus impose their dynamics and their intermittences at the coupling point. The battery pack is used to compensate for rapid fluctuations in energy from renewable energy sources compared to a slower evolution supported by the generator. Interactions within the resulting hybrid electrical system are managed by means of multi-level static converters (AC / DC, DC / DC and DC / AC). An electrical energy management approach based on the frequency distribution of disturbances induced at the coupling point by renewable sources. An experimental platform on a reduced scale (1/22) has been developed to experimentally validate theoretical approaches and simulations. The results of simulations obtained in the Matlab / Simulink / SimPowerSystems software environment and those from the experimental device produced and piloted by dSPACE-1104 prove the adequacy of the proposed control methods
Løtveit, Marte Wiig. "System Design and Configuration of a Stand-Alone PV-Biomass Micro Grid : An Application for Wawashang, Nicaragua." Thesis, Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet, Institutt for elkraftteknikk, 2014. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:no:ntnu:diva-27157.
Full textBastholm, Caroline. "Micro-grids supplied by renewable energy : Improving technical and social feasibility." Licentiate thesis, Uppsala universitet, Fasta tillståndets fysik, 2019. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:uu:diva-375499.
Full textSaghaleini, Mahdi. "Switching Patterns and Steady-State Analysis of Grid-Connected and Stand-Alone Single-Stage Boost-Inverters for PV Applications." FIU Digital Commons, 2012. http://digitalcommons.fiu.edu/etd/796.
Full textKumar, Shailendra. "Design, control and implementation of grid interactive solar PV array and battery energy storage based microgrids." Thesis, IIT Delhi, 2019. http://eprint.iitd.ac.in:80//handle/2074/8123.
Full textAlramlawi, Mansour [Verfasser], Georg Akademischer Betreuer] Frey, Peter [Akademischer Betreuer] [Bretschneider, and Pu [Gutachter] Li. "Model-based optimization of PV-based microgrids considering grid blackout and battery lifetime / Mansour Alramlawi ; Gutachter: Pu Li ; Georg Frey, Peter Bretschneider." Ilmenau : TU Ilmenau, 2021. http://d-nb.info/1239050178/34.
Full textLu, Di. "Conception et contrôle d’un générateur PV actif à stockage intégré : application à l’agrégation de producteurs-consommateurs dans le cadre d’un micro réseau intelligent urbain." Thesis, Ecole centrale de Lille, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010ECLI0021/document.
Full textThe integration of PV power generation in a power system reduces fuel consumption and brings environmental benefits. However, the PV power intermittency and fluctuations deteriorate the power supply quality. A solution is proposed by adding energy storages, which are coordinated by a local controller that controls the power flow among all sources and implements an inner energy management. This PV based active generator can generate power references and can provide ancillary services in an electric network. Then micro grid concepts are derived to design a central energy management system of a residential network, which is powered by PV based active generators and a gas micro turbine. A communication network is used to exchange data and power references. An energy management system is developed with different time-scale functions to maximize the use of PV power. An operational daily planning is designed by a determinist algorithm, which uses 24 hour-ahead PV power prediction and load forecasting. Then power references are refreshed each half of an hour by considering the PV power availability and the states of energy storage units. Prediction errors and uncertainties are compensated by primary frequency controllers. Simulation and testing results validate the design of the PV active generator local controller and the central energy management system of the studied residential network
Halawani, Mohanad. "An iterative analytical design framework for the optimal designing of an off-grid renewable energy based hybrid smart micro-grid : a case study in a remote area - Jordan." Thesis, Abertay University, 2015. https://rke.abertay.ac.uk/en/studentTheses/40b75bc8-d237-4aaf-9668-797739f49f74.
Full textBouneb, Bourbia. "Feasibility and economic study of a grid connected fuel cell/battery based micro-CHP system for residential application." Thesis, University of Strathclyde, 2009. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.510676.
Full textTu, Tu. "The rise of renewable energy and battery storage based micro-grids: challenges in techno-economic balance and infrastructural transition, modeled with a real-world case-study." Thesis, University of Sydney, 2020. https://hdl.handle.net/2123/22969.
Full textDias, Ricardo Machado. "Instalação de uma microrrede fotovoltaica conectada/isolada com estocagem e monitoramento com controle da carga alimentada." Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos, 2015. http://www.repositorio.jesuita.org.br/handle/UNISINOS/4957.
Full textMade available in DSpace on 2015-11-23T18:36:57Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Ricardo Machado Dias_.pdf: 9738672 bytes, checksum: 93b61d762b320f8c388034ac9d4ea82c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-06-19
CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior
PROSUP - Programa de Suporte à Pós-Gradução de Instituições de Ensino Particulares
Este trabalho trata do desenvolvimento e do comissionamento de uma microrrede fotovoltaica de 1680 W pico conectada/isolada com estocagem para gerenciamento e controle de uma carga considerada crítica. Esta microrrede, empregando duas tecnologias de módulos, foi instalada no Laboratório de Energias Renováveis da Unisinos. A microrrede é composta de dois painéis de módulos, um de 1080 W de silício multicristalino, e um de 600 W de silício monocristalino. O primeiro é do sistema conectado à rede e o segundo é do sistema isolado, respectivamente. O sistema de gerenciamento e controle, chamado de supervisório, monitora e controla as duas redes através do sistema de aquisição de dados, que possui como tarefa o armazenamento dos dados em um cartão de memória além de mostrar em tempo real as variáveis envolvidas no processo através de um display de cristal líquido. São feitas análises dos valores de correntes e tensões, tanto alternada quanto contínua, para determinação das potências de entrada e de saída dos equipamentos envolvidos no processo, como também variáveis como temperatura ambiente e do painel FV e irradiância. A proposta deste estudo é demonstrar a disponibilidade do sistema para satisfazer uma carga que pode ser considerada como um processo crítico, a fim de entregar uma potência constante para a carga. Para isto, é necessário que a carga seja comutada entre os sistemas conectado à rede e isolado de acordo com as variáveis analisadas pelo sistema de aquisição de dados. As análises dos dados são divididas em duas partes: sistema FV conectado à rede e sistema isolado. Para cada sistema, foi analisado o comportamento da tensão, corrente e potência dos painéis fotovoltaicos, assim como o comportamento dos inversores e banco de estocagem de energia, considerando dias com céu claro e céu nublado. Para o dia de céu claro analisado, foi injetado na rede da concessionária 5,8 kWh de energia. A eficiência global, ηs deste sistema conectado ficou na ordem de 9 %. O sistema de aquisição de dados e controle da microrrede mostrou-se adequado com o propósito de alimentar a carga em permanência. Sempre que a rede da concessionária é desligada, a carga é automaticamente direcionada para o sistema isolado. Quando o banco de estocagem atinge 50 % de sua capacidade, a carga volta a ser alimentada pelo sistema conectado em paralelo com a rede da concessionária.
This work deals with the development and commissioning of a photovoltaic micro-grid 1680 W connected/alone with storage for management and control of a load considered critical. This micro-grid, employing two PV modules technologies, was installed on Renewable Energy Laboratory at Unisinos. The micro-grid panels is composed of two modules, a 1080 W multicrystalline silicon, and a 600 W of monocrystalline silicon. The first is a grid-connected system and the second is a stand-alone system, respectively. The management and control system, called supervisory, monitors and controls the two systems via data acquisition, which has the task of storing the data on a memory card in addition to showing real-time variables involved in the process through a liquid crystal display. Are made analysis of current values and voltages, AC and DC, to determine the input and output power of the equipment involved in the process, as well as variables such as ambient temperatures and PV module and irradiance. The purpose of this study is to prove availability of the system to meet a load that can be considered as a critical process, in order to maintain a constant power to the load. For this, it is necessary that the load is switched between systems connected to the grid and alone, according to the variables analyzed by the data acquisition system. The analyzes of the data are divided into two parts: PV grid-connected and alone system. For each system, the behavior of tension was analyzed, current and power of the PV panels, as well as the behavior of inverters and power storage bank, considering days with clear skies and overcast sky. For clear sky days analyzed, it was injected into the mains 5.8 kWh of energy. The overall efficiency of this system connected, ηs is 9 %. The data acquisition and control system micro-grid was adequate for the purpose of feeding a remaining charging. Whenever, the mains is switched off, the load is automatically directed to the alone system. When the storage capacity of the database reaches 50%, the load is once again powered by the connected system in parallel with the utility grid.
Bartel, Kyle. "Allocating Optimal Grid-Connected Solar Photovoltaic Power Plant Sites : GIS-Based Multi-Criteria Modeling of Solar PV Site Selection in the Southern Thompson-Okanagan Region, British Columbia, Canada." Thesis, Högskolan i Gävle, Akademin för teknik och miljö, 2011. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:hig:diva-15859.
Full textFlygare, Carl. "A market-based instrument for renewable energy : Modelling a dynamic price function for local areas." Thesis, Uppsala universitet, Institutionen för samhällsbyggnad och industriell teknik, 2019. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:uu:diva-403002.
Full textAlexandru, Mihai. "Efficient large electromagnetic simulation based on hybrid TLM and modal approach on grid computing and supercomputer." Phd thesis, Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse - INPT, 2012. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00797061.
Full textWang, Dian. "Microgrid based on photovoltaic energy for charging electric vehicle stations : charging and discharging management strategies in communication with the smart grid." Thesis, Compiègne, 2021. http://www.theses.fr/2021COMP2584.
Full textThe rapid development of electric vehicles (EVs) increases the power demand, which causes an extra burden on the public grid increasing the load fluctuations, therefore, hindering the high penetration of EVs. A real-time rule-based algorithm for electric vehicle (EV) charging stations empowered by a DC microgrid is proposed to deal with the uncertainties of EV users’ behaviour considering its arbitrary and random choices through the human-machine interface, meanwhile considering most of the users’ choices. The simulation results obtained under MATLAB/Simulink verify the feasibility of the proposed management strategy that presents a good performance in terms of precise control. In addition, EV shedding and restoration optimization algorithms (SROA) for battery charging power can be used to meet user needs while maintaining EV charging station power balance, taking into consideration the intermittency of the photovoltaic (PV) source, the capacity limitation of the storage, and the power limitation of the public grid. The simulation results show that compared with rule-based algorithm, the proposed SROA respect the user's choice while reducing total charging time, increasing the full rate, and maximizing the available power utilization, which shows the feasibility and effectiveness of SROA. Furthermore, a PV based charging station for EVs can participate to solve some peak power problems. On the other hand, vehicle to grid (V2G) technology is designed and applied to provide ancillary services grid during the peak periods, considering the duality of EV battery “load-source”. So, a dynamic searching peak and valley algorithm, based on energy management, is proposed for an EV charging station to mitigate the impact on the public grid, while reducing the energy cost of the public grid. Simulation results demonstrate the proposed searching peak and valley algorithm effectiveness, which can guarantee the balance of the public grid, meanwhile satisfy the charging demand of EV users, and most importantly, reduce the public grid energy cost
Sencu, Razvan. "Multiscale stochastic fracture mechanics of composites informed by in-situ X-ray CT tests." Thesis, University of Manchester, 2017. https://www.research.manchester.ac.uk/portal/en/theses/multiscale-stochastic-fracture-mechanics-of-composites-informed-by-insitu-xray-ct-tests(85a0be40-9e7a-4df3-a366-69ac6ce02e35).html.
Full textDuffy, Michael James. "Small wind turbines mounted to existing structures." Thesis, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2010. http://hdl.handle.net/1853/34765.
Full textGUPTA, NIKITA. "MODELLING, DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT OF PV BASED MICROGRID." Thesis, 2018. http://dspace.dtu.ac.in:8080/jspui/handle/repository/16491.
Full textSalve, Rima. "PV Based Converter with Integrated Battery Charger for DC Micro-Grid Applications." Thesis, 2014. http://hdl.handle.net/1805/6108.
Full textThis thesis presents a converter topology for photovoltaic panels. This topology minimizes the number of switching devices used, thereby reducing power losses that arise from high frequency switching operations. The control strategy is implemented using a simple micro-controller that implements the proportional plus integral control. All the control loops are closed feedback loops hence minimizing error instantaneously and adjusting efficiently to system variations. The energy management between three components, namely, the photovoltaic panel, a battery and a DC link for a microgrid, is shown distributed over three modes. These modes are dependent on the irradiance from the sunlight. All three modes are simulated. The maximum power point tracking of the system plays a crucial role in this configuration, as it is one of the main challenges tackled by the control system. Various methods of MPPT are discussed, and the Perturb and Observe method is employed and is described in detail. Experimental results are shown for the maximum power point tracking of this system with a scaled down version of the panel's actual capability.
Wang, Yi-Hung, and 王譯鴻. "Energy Co-sharing Control of Micro-hybrid Solar PV Grid." Thesis, 2015. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/72234159131565892895.
Full text國立臺灣大學
A networking technique for solar PV power co-sharing in a micro-grid composed of several hybrid solar PV systems (HyPVs) with limited battery storage, called “HyPV-net”, was developed. A power switching control was used to distribute the solar PV power between individual HyPVs. Excess solar PV power in an individual HyPV at low load power consumption will be transmitted to its neighbor HyPV through a central control unit (CCU) via ac power line. This will increase the PV power generation of the grid and improve the economy of the system. A long-term system performance simulation of HyPV-net for system design was carried out. A HyPV-net with two HyPVs was built and tested to measure its performance and verify the simulation results.
SUKESH, NIKHIL. "Single Stage Grid-Connected Micro-Inverter for Photovoltaic Systems." Thesis, 2012. http://hdl.handle.net/1974/7317.
Full textThesis (Master, Electrical & Computer Engineering) -- Queen's University, 2012-07-06 16:24:13.385
Jhou, Pin-Hong, and 周品宏. "A WIND SWITCHED-RELUCTANCE GENERATOR BASED GRID-CONNECTED MICRO-GRID." Thesis, 2017. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/9czm96.
Full text國立清華大學
This thesis develops a switched-reluctance generator (SRG) based DC microgrid with hybrid storage, energy harvesting and grid-connected capability. The microgrid DC bus voltage is established by the wind SRG via an interleaved boost DC/DC converter. The hybrid energy storage system consists of a SRM driven flywheel, a lead-acid battery bank and a super-capacitor. While the super-capacitor bank is directly connected across the SRG output, the battery and the flywheel are respectively interfaced to the common DC bus via its bidirectional DC/DC converter. Satisfactory energy support discharging and charging characteristics are preserved by proper controls. In addition, a chopped dump load is equipped for avoiding bus over-voltage in the occurrence of energy surplus. The isolated grid-connection of the established microgrid to utility grid is achieved by a bidirectional LLC resonant converter and a bidirectional single-phase three-wire (1P3W) inverter. The schematics and control schemes of these two power stages are all properly designed and implemented. Good inverter output waveforms are obtained via the designed proportional plus resonant control scheme. And the microgrid-to-grid (M2G) and the grid-to-microgrid (G2M) bidirectional operations can be smoothly conducted. To further enhance the power supplying quality of the established microgrid, a three-phase Vienna SMR based energy support scheme (ESS) is developed. As wind and stored energies are deficient, the possible harvested AC and DC sources can be plugged into the ESS to provide energy support for the microgrid. The control schemes of all the established power converters are realized digitally and evaluated experimentally.
Chang, Hung-Cheng, and 張宏誠. "Design and Implementation of a DSP Based Grid-Connected PV Inverter." Thesis, 2013. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/02849305094757894673.
Full text中原大學
Abstract In the thesis, we use digital signal processor (DSP) as the control core and build the protection feature of international regulations and grid-connected regulations to design a grid-connected 3000 watt photovoltaic (PV) inverter. First, we introduce the grid-connected photovoltaic (PV) inverter block diagram and explain all functions on the digital signal processor (DSP) TSM320F2808 control system to achieve a system configuration and interface. Secondly, we introduce a photovoltaic (PV) inverter power stage structure, and combine zero crossing detection with AC synchronization in the hardware design. In addition, the functional safety functionality is implemented according to the requirements of VDE-AR-N 4105, such as relay defect detection, insulation resistance (RISO) measurement and residual current monitoring unit detection (RCMU). Third, design the digital signal processor (DSP) software control algorithm of this system; we introduce each function of close loop system control, voltage monitoring, frequency monitoring, insulation detection, residual current monitoring unit detection, improved maximum power point tracking (MPPT) algorithm and anti-islanding protection algorithm. Finally, we complete a prototype of 3000watt photovoltaic (PV) inverter and implement to assess the predictions. The experimental results are in feasibility close to the estimation. The contributions of our research are as follows: (1) Import an IEC62109 and VDE-AR-N 4105 specifications requirements that has system security. (2) Improve perturbation and observation (P&O) control to reach the maximum power point quick tracking. (3) Invent a new detect unit with relay, provide more security protection of this mechanism and simplify some circuits on inverter system. Thereby, optimize about cost and reliability.
Chellal, Majd. "Experimental evaluation of Kalman filter based MPPT in grid-connected PV system." Master's thesis, 2022. http://hdl.handle.net/10198/25144.
Full textPhotovoltaic (PV) energy is becoming an important alternative energy source, since it is abundant in nature, non-polluting and requires low maintenance. However, it suffers from low energy conversion efficiency, which can be even lower if the photovoltaic generator does not operate around a so-called Maximum Power Point (MPP). Tracking this point, which changes its location depending on weather conditions, is a very important step in the design of a photovoltaic system. Several techniques have been investigated in the literature in the MPP context. However, some techniques such as the Kalman filter are steel unknown with a lack of information in real test conditions, since their evaluation is limited only in simulation and literature review. This work presents an experimental evaluation of the Kalman filter based on a comparison with two well-known maximum power point tracking (MPPT) algorithms, which are the Perturbation and observation (among the simplest techniques) and the Particle Swarm Optimization (among the most complex techniques). The experimental tests were carried out under real atmospheric conditions, using Matlab/Simulink and the 1103 dSPACE real-time controller board. The results show that the Kalman filter has a higher aptitude to operate closer to the MPP, with a low oscillation in steady-state compared to the other MPPT evaluated in this work. However, the technique’s flaw lies in the shadow situation where it can not differentiate between the local and global optimums, unlike the particle swarm optimization.
A energia fotovoltaica (PV) está a tornar-se uma importante fonte de energia alternativa, uma vez que é abundante na natureza, não poluente, e requer pouca manutenção. No entanto, sofre de uma baixa eficiência de conversão energética, que pode ser ainda mais baixa se o gerador PV não operar em torno do chamado Ponto de Potência Máxima (MPP). O rastreio deste ponto, que muda a sua localização dependendo das condições meteorológicas, é um passo muito importante na concepção de um sistema PV. Várias técnicas têm sido investigadas na literatura no contexto do MPP. No entanto, o desempenho de algumas técnicas, como o filtro Kalman, em condições reais de teste, ainda desconhecido, ou existe pouca informação, uma vez que a sua avaliação é limitada apenas na simulação e revisão da literatura. Este trabalho apresenta uma avaliação experimental do filtro de Kalman com base numa comparação com dois seguidores de ponto de potência máxima (MPPT) bem conhecidos, que são a Perturbação e observação e a Optimização do Enxame de Partículas. Os testes experimentais foram realizados em condições atmosféricas reais, utilizando o Matlab/Simulink e a carta de controlo em tempo real dSPACE. Os resultados mostram que o filtro de Kalman tem uma maior aptidão para operar mais perto do MPP, com uma baixa oscilação em regime permenente, comparativemente com os outros algoritmos MPPT avaliados neste trabalho. No entanto, a desvantagem ocorre aquando da ocorãncia de sombra, onde a técnica não consegue diferenciar entre os óptimos locais e global, ao contrário da optimização do enxame de partículas. Palavras-chave: Fotovoltaico (PV), Seguimento do Ponto de Potência Máxima (MPPT), Perturbação e Observação (PO), Optimização de enxame de partículas (PSO), Filtro de Kalman (KF), Sistema PV ligado à Rede, dSPACE 1103.
Hussain, Ikhlaq. "Investigations on high power converters based grid interfaced solar pv power generating systems." Thesis, 2018. http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/12345678/7668.
Full textReddy, Sadhu ReddySekhar. "Grid Synchronisation of IVS based MPPT PV Array Using Damped SOGI Control Algorithm." Thesis, 2018. http://ethesis.nitrkl.ac.in/9716/1/2018_MT_216EE4307_SReddy_Grid.pdf.
Full textZhang, Wen-Chao, and 張文超. "Micro-Grid Converter Control Strategy Design Based on Virtual Synchronous Generators." Thesis, 2017. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/8n4mns.
Full text國立中央大學
In this paper, the converter is used to simulate the synchronous generators. In island mode, converter can meet load requirements and provide stable voltage and frequency support .In grid-connected mode, converter can output request active power or reactive power. The control strategy of the virtual synchronous generators (VSG) is making distributed power supply operate safely and stably. The virtual synchronous generators are need to realize seamless transform between the island mode and grid-connected mode .This paper use a pre-synchronous method of VSG based on virtual power and secondary frequency and voltage regulation is put forward to achieve seamless transform. In island mode, multiple VSGs connected to work as a unit, each VSG should according to the capacity to sharing power which required by load . This paper simulates the operation of the virtual synchronous generator in Matlab/Simulink, and verifies the effectiveness of the proposed control algorithm.
Dash, Prajna Paramita. "A High-Performance Three-Phase Grid-Connected PV System Based On Multilevel Current Source Inverter." Thesis, 2013. http://hdl.handle.net/10012/7356.
Full textDeepak, G. "Integrated Magnetics Based DC-DC Converter Topologies For A DC Micro-Grid." Thesis, 2012. https://etd.iisc.ac.in/handle/2005/2310.
Full textDeepak, G. "Integrated Magnetics Based DC-DC Converter Topologies For A DC Micro-Grid." Thesis, 2012. http://etd.iisc.ernet.in/handle/2005/2310.
Full textMWAKITALIMA, ISAKA J. "TECHNO-ECONOMIC ANALYSIS OF RENEWABLE ENERGY BASED MICRO GRID FOR RURAL APPLICATIONS." Thesis, 2022. http://dspace.dtu.ac.in:8080/jspui/handle/repository/19711.
Full textOjurongbe, Oluwademilade Moyosore. "Localising the smart grid based on a South African context: A user centred approach to the micro-grid." Thesis, 2015. http://hdl.handle.net/10539/17538.
Full textLiu, Ming-Chang, and 劉銘昌. "Development of Dispatch and Control System for Renewable Energy Generation Based Micro Grid." Thesis, 2011. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/15095678851922214591.
Full text國立勤益科技大學
Under the circumstances of petroleum resources in dwindling and the trend of consciousness of environmental protection rising up, clean, non-contaminated and inexhaustible energy source is in urgent need. Thus, the development and application of the renewable energy become one of the most important studies that every country is engaging in as well as putting it the primary energy policy in consideration in recently years. The integration of renewable energy into an independent power system shall be populated in the near future. For this, the main purpose of the thesis is to develop a dispatch and monitoring-control system of the hybrid renewable energy based micro grid, which includes a wind turbine and solar cell; in the mean time, a highly mobilized and widely applicable micro turbine was adopted as well. Further, an operation strategy for the purpose of back-up power supply is derived. The renewable energies are optimally dispatched in the normal condition. In case the utility is in abnormal or interrupted, the overall hybrid power system is ensured to keep the power loading in demand, so the operation can be run steadily. The constructed dispatch and monitoring-control system of the integrated hybrid power system is able to operate in grid-connected mode or independent operation mode. In grid-connected mode, the renewable energy is adapted as primary power supply of loading. When the power generated by renewable energy is larger than the demand, it can be feedback to the power company. If the loading demand increases or external environmental factor results in insufficient output power, the micro turbines shall be adopted for the backup in power supply for the balance management of power system. It can be a useful reference for the overall design and operation in planning and integrating the hybrid power system derived from renewable energy.
Shafiei, Arash. "Modeling, Analysis, and Design of a PV-Based Grid-Tied Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicle Battery Pack Charger." Thesis, 2013. http://spectrum.library.concordia.ca/977857/1/ARASH_SHAFIEI_Master's_Thesis_Final_Edition.pdf.
Full textJian, Lu Shih, and 簡盧世. "DEVELOPMENT OF PLUG-IN ENERGY SUPPORT SYSTEMS FOR WIND SRG-BASED DC MICRO-GRID." Thesis, 2016. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/62145479709714988532.
Full text國立清華大學
This thesis develops the plug-in energy support systems for a wind switched- reluctance generator (SRG) based DC micro-grid. The auxiliary energy support from the accessible AC or DC sources can be achieved as the energy deficiencies of wind source and storage devices occur. First, an available wind SRG based micro-grid is redesigned and employed as the studied platform. It is equipped with a hybrid energy storage system consisting of a flywheel, a lead-acid battery bank and a super-capacitor bank. The common DC bus voltage of micro-grid is established by the SRG via an interleaved boost DC/DC converter. Thanks to the interleaving approach, the well-regulated DC bus voltage with lower ripple and fault-tolerance is preserved. For performing experimental test, a three-phase load inverter is established. The balanced three-phase voltages with good waveform and dynamic response characteristics are obtained by applying the designed space-vector PWM switching and dynamic control schemes. In the hybrid energy storage system, while the super-capacitor bank is directly connected across the SRG output, the battery and the switched-reluctance motor (SRM) driven flywheel are respectively interfaced to the common DC bus via a bilateral buck/boost-buck/boost DC/DC converter and an one-leg bilateral buck-boost DC/DC converter. In the developed single-phase AC source plug-in energy support systems (ESSs), two schematics are proposed: (i) Single-phase SMR based ESS: an external SMR is added to excite the 400V micro-grid bus from the mains; and (ii) Single-phase buck and buck-boost SMR based ESSs: only a full-bridge diode rectifier and an AC-side low-pass filter are externally added. A buck SMR or a buck-boost SMR is formed using the embedded power devices to dedicatedly charge the flywheel and battery bank. As to the three-phase AC source plug-in ESS, an extra three-phase Vienna SMR is equipped. Through proper arrangement and control, the micro-grid can be supported auxiliary energy from three-phase AC, single-phase AC or DC source.
Full text國立清華大學
In this thesis, a switched-reluctance generator (SRG) based DC micro-grid is established. It is equipped with a hybrid energy storage system composed of a flywheel and a lead-acid battery bank. The plug-in energy support through SRG power circuit from the utility grid is also implemented. The developed SRG is interfaced to the micro-grid common DC bus via an interleaved boost DC/DC converter. Well regulated DC bus voltage is obtained under varying shaft driving speeds and load conditions by properly treating the related key issues, such as power circuit design, robust voltage control, voltage command setting and commutation shift, etc. Also, lower input current ripples and higher reliability are preserved since the interleaving technique. To evaluate the established DC micro-grid experimentally, a three-phase load inverter with proper control is established. Good AC voltage waveform and dynamic response characteristics are achieved under linear and nonlinear load. In the developed hybrid energy storage system, the battery bank is interfaced to the common DC bus through a bilateral buck/boost DC/DC converter. Good charging and discharging characteristics are achieved through properly designing the power circuit and controllers. As to the switched-reluctance motor driven flywheel, the proposed bilateral boost/boost DC/DC converter is employed as its interface. Several discharging performance improvement approaches are proposed and comparatively evaluated. In the developed plug-in energy support mechanism, a single phase interleaved boost switched-mode rectifier is formed using the original SRG system components. The energy support from the mains to the micro-grid with good line drawn power quality is achieved.
Lu, Lin-Yu, and 呂臨佑. "DEVELOPMENT OF A SWITCHED-RELUCTANCE GENERATOR BASED DC MICRO-GRID WITH ISOLATED CONVERTERS AND PLUG-IN CHARGER." Thesis, 2011. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/48739484098148064257.
Full text國立清華大學
This thesis presents the development of an experimental common DC-bus micro-grid system with a wind-driven switched-reluctance generator (SRG) as distributed generation source. In the establishment of SRG system, its power circuit and control scheme are first properly designed considering the alleviation of DC-link voltage ripples effects caused by commutation and switching. Moreover, the simple robust control is applied to yield improved DC output voltage regulation characteristics under varying prime mover driving speed. Then the operating performance is further enhanced via commutation shift approach. Having established the well-regulated SRG system, its output voltage (48VDC) is boosted by an isolated current-fed push-pull (CFPP) interface DC/DC to establish the common DC bus (400VDC). Similarly, the well-regulated DC bus voltage is achieved by the properly designed schematic and control scheme. As to the test load of micro-grid, a three-phase three-wire load inverter is established. Good AC output waveforms and regulation performance are obtained by applying the developed simple robust control approach. To provide the energy support for the micro-grid under generating fluctuation, a lead-acid battery energy storage system with bidirectional CFPP isolated interface DC/DC converter is developed. Good charging and discharging control performances are evaluated experimentally. In addition, a CFPP based switch-mode rectifier (SMR) is established and employed as an auxiliary charger. It can let the battery be charged from utility grid as the SRG fault is occurred. This SMR is formed using the embedded components of the SRG interfaced boost CFPP DC/DC converter, only an external diode bridge is needed. Through the proposed proper control, good charging characteristics and line drawn power quality are achieved.
Chou, Ko-Fu, and 周科甫. "A wind driven switched-reluctance generator based DC micro-grid supported by energy storages of battery and flywheel." Thesis, 2012. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/99626168714637922946.
Full text國立清華大學
This thesis develops a wind switched-reluctance generator (SRG) based DC micro-grid with battery energy storage buffer and three-phase load inverter. In the developed SRG, its power circuit is properly designed, and the hysteresis current-controlled PWM switching is applied to enhance the winding current control robustness against the adverse effects of back electromotive force. Then good generating performance under varying wind speed and load is achieved via proper voltage command setting, robust control and commutation shift. The SRG generated speed-dependent voltage is boosted and controlled by a current-fed push-pull interface converter to establish voltage well-regulated common DC bus. An active clamp circuit is equipped for increasing the operation reliability and efficiency of this DC/DC converter. The proposed micro-grid is supported by an energy storage system consisting of a flywheel and a lead-acid battery bank. The switched- reluctance motor (SRM) driven flywheel system is interfaced to the common DC bus through a bidirectional DC/DC converter. Good charging and discharging operation characteristics are obtained by properly designing the schematics and control schemes for the SRM drive and its followed interfaced converter. Similar to those of SRG, the voltage command of the SRM-driven flywheel in generating mode is also automatically adapted to the decreasing rotor speed and the voltage tracking error during the stored energy discharging. As to the battery energy storage system a bilateral buck/boost DC/DC converter is employed as an interface converter. Through proper circuit and controller designs, good common-bus DC voltage regulation in discharging mode and better charging performance are preserved. For making the performance experimental assessment, a three-phase load inverter is designed and implemented. The per-phase based control scheme is adopted, and the simple robust control is applied to yield good output voltage waveforms under linear and nonlinear loads. The control algorithms of all constituted power stages are realized fully digitally using digital signal processor (DSP). Normal operations and control performance of the established micro-grid are demonstrated experimentally.
Full text國立清華大學
his thesis develops a wind switched-reluctance generator (SRG) based DC micro-grid, it is equipped with a three-phase load inverter and a hybrid energy storage system consisting of a lead-acid battery and a flywheel. The established SRG is interfaced to micro-grid common DC bus via an interleaving current-fed push-pull (CFPP) DC/DC converter formed using two cells. Well regulated DC bus voltage is obtained under varying shaft driving speeds and load levels through properly treating the key issues, such as power circuit design, robust voltage and current controls, voltage command setting and commutation shift, etc. Meanwhile, lower ripples and higher reliability are possessed thanks to the interleaving operation. To make experimental evaluation for micro-grid, a three-phase load inverter is designed and implemented. The current control scheme in d-q domain with zero sequence control signal injection is adopted. Good AC output voltage waveforms and dynamic regulation characteristics under unknown and nonlinear loads are obtained. A hybrid energy storage system consisting of a flywheel and a lead-acid battery bank is established to provide energy storage support for the proposed DC micro-grid. Each storage device is interfaced to the micro-grid DC bus via a bilateral buck/boost DC/DC converter. For enhancing the SRM flywheel discharging performance, automatically adapting the voltage command, proper commutation instant setting and controller tuning are also made under generating mode. As to the battery energy storage system, good common-bus DC voltage regulation in discharging mode and good charging performance are obtained by the proper designs of its circuit and controller. Digital signal processor (DSP) is used to realize the digital controls of all constituted power stages in the developed micro-grid. The operation characteristics and control performances of the whole micro-grid are evaluated experimentally.
Bhattacharya, Tanmoy. "Battery Buffered Stiff Micro Grid Structure For A Variable Speed Slip Ring Induction Machine Based Wind Generation System." Thesis, 2009. https://etd.iisc.ac.in/handle/2005/678.
Full textBhattacharya, Tanmoy. "Battery Buffered Stiff Micro Grid Structure For A Variable Speed Slip Ring Induction Machine Based Wind Generation System." Thesis, 2009. http://hdl.handle.net/2005/678.
Full text國立清華大學
This dissertation is aimed at the development and operation controls of a DC micro-grid powered by wind permanent-magnet synchronous generator (PMSG) and DC source with hybrid energy storage devices. The DC sources are interfaced to the common DC bus via an interleaved DC/DC boost converter. As to the wind PMSG, after exploring the derated characteristics of PMSG systems with various AC/DC converters, a three-phase Vienna switch-mode rectifier (SMR) is developed as its interface to establish the common DC bus voltage of DC micro-grid. Its developed power is improved by proper commutation tuning and robust controls. The possible harvested DC or AC sources can be interfaced to the DC micro-grid via the embedded circuit components of Vienna SMR. Since the generating powers from various sources in a micro-grid are unpredictable and fluctuated, energy storage buffer is required to improve its power supplying quality. In the developed micro-grid, the battery/flywheel/super-capacitor hybrid energy storage system with bidirectional DC/DC interface converters is developed. And the droop control approach with adaptive predictive current control is proposed to yield good energy storage support control characteristics. Moreover, a chopped resistive dump load is equipped to regulate the energy balance when system energy surplus occurs. In test load arrangement, a single-phase three-wire (1P3W) inverter is established to yield 60Hz 220V/110V AC voltages for powering the home appliances. Good sinusoidal output voltage waveforms and dynamic responses due to load and DC-bus voltage changes are obtained by the proposed robust control schemes. When the renewable energy is surplus or insufficient, the microgrid-to-grid (M2G)/grid-to-microgrid (G2M) bidirectional operations can be also conducted by the established 1P3W inverter. Moreover, the bidirectional inter-connected operations between the developed micro-grid and the electric vehicle (M2V/V2M) can also be applicable. In addition, various motor drives, lighting devices and DC converter fed loads can be directly powered from the DC bus of the established micro-grid.
CHANG, YU-CHENG, and 張育誠. "Effects of Integrating the Concept map-based Global view and Knowledge Grid-based Micro view into a Ubiquitous Peer-Assessment model on Students' Learning Performances in Natural Science Courses." Thesis, 2016. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/42z3z2.
Full text東吳大學
In recent years, researchers have indicated that using Mindtools as mobile learning strategies is effective for improving students’ learning achievement. Researchers have further identified that learning in an authentic environment with quality knowledge constructional supports can engage students in thorough observations and knowledge construction. Grid-based knowledge constructional tools such as repertory grid enables students to compare the characteristics and its value of learning targets in Natural Science course. Although researchers have identified the effectiveness of Mindtools, many students may not aware the whole knowledge structure when they are creating grid-based Mindtools. To cope with the problem, this study integrated the concept map-based global view and knowledge grid-based micro view into a ubiquitous peer-assessment model, which allows students to reinforce the overall understanding of attributed features of learning contents. From the experimental results, it was found that the proposed ubiquitous peer-assessment model not only significantly promoted the students’ learning motivation, self-efficacy, and collaborative learning ability, but also improved their learning achievement. Moreover, the quality of experimental students’ knowledge grid is significantly better than those in the control group.