Academic literature on the topic 'Public procurement for innovation'
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Journal articles on the topic "Public procurement for innovation"
Melander, Lisa, and Ala Pazirandeh Arvidsson. "Getting innovations out of interactions in the public procurement context." Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing 35, no. 12 (April 17, 2020): 2051–65.
Full textPeprah, James Adu, Kwabena Nduro, and John Mensah. "Stimulating Innovation through Public Procurement: Barriers to Awareness Level of Public Procurement of Innovation." Business and Economic Research 6, no. 1 (January 6, 2015): 13.
Full textLee, Jehee. "A Study on the Innovation Procurement System: Focusing on the diversification of procurement ways." Legal Studies Institute of Chosun University 30, no. 1 (April 30, 2023): 383–411.
Full textNurlukman, Adie Dwiyanto. "e-Procurement: Inovasi Penyelenggaraan Pemerintahan dalam Pengadaan Barang dan Jasa Berbasis e-Government di Indonesia." Journal of Government and Civil Society 1, no. 1 (February 22, 2018): 65.
Full textBednarz-Szymak, Justyna. "OPPORTUNITIES TO USE INNOVATION PARTNERSHIP IN PUBLIC INVESTMENT." Współczesna Gospodarka 10, no. 1 (32) (March 31, 2019): 35–44.
Full textRadicic, Dragana. "Effectiveness of public procurement of innovation versus supply-side innovation measures in manufacturing and service sectors." Science and Public Policy 46, no. 5 (May 25, 2019): 732–46.
Full textYu, Chunling, Toru Morotomi, and Qunwei Wang. "Heterogeneous Effects of Public Procurement on Environmental Innovation, Evidence from European Companies." Sustainability 15, no. 19 (September 28, 2023): 14354.
Full textTsygankov, Sergey, Vadim Syropyatov, and Vyacheslav Volchik. "Institutional Governance of Innovations: Novel Insights of Leadership in Russian Public Procurement." Economies 9, no. 4 (December 2, 2021): 189.
Full textLember, Veiko, Rainer Kattel, and Tarmo Kalvet. "Quo vadis public procurement of innovation?" Innovation: The European Journal of Social Science Research 28, no. 3 (July 3, 2015): 403–21.
Full textWeisheng, Lu, Anita M.M. Liu, Wang Hongdi, and Wu Zhongbing. "Procurement innovation for public construction projects." Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management 20, no. 6 (November 11, 2013): 543–62.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Public procurement for innovation"
Krautter, Nicolai. "PEP - Public Electronic Procurement : Innovation im öffentlichen Beschaffungswesen /." Hamburg : Kovač, 2008.
Full textKrautter, Nicolai. "PEP - public electronic procurement: Innovation im öffentlichen Beschaffungswesen." Hamburg Kovač, 2007.
Full textChicot, Julien. "Strategic use of public procurement for innovation : rationales, instruments and practices." Thesis, Université Grenoble Alpes (ComUE), 2017.
Full textAn increasing number of OECD countries has adopted measures to encourage the use of public procurement to foster innovation. However, implementation of public procurement of innovation (PPI) is lagging behind policy discourse. The ambition of this dissertation is to address this discrepancy by assisting in the design of PPI initiatives, that is, by identifying the innovation-related failures that PPI can overcome, and the most appropriate policy instruments and practices for achieving this objective. We define eight PPI ideal-types according to the type of meso-level market of system failures they address. These failures can relate to users, producers or to their mutual interactions. We confront them with macro-level failures, and determine accordingly the contribution of each PPI ideal-type to distinct mission-oriented policies. Our typology provides a unified PPI framework associating their rationales with their design. Therefore, it contributes to policymaking, and to policy evaluation and analysis. Some PPI categories aim to spur innovation by stimulating the formation of markets. We employ an evolutionary approach to analyse the influence of PPI at the different stages of the dynamic process of market formation through a series of selected existing case studies. We demonstrate that PPI can underpin the different phases of knowledge coordination for market formation, by ensuring appropriate interactions between users and producers early in the public procurement procedure. The literature on private procurement nevertheless shows that early supplier involvement is subject to a number of micro-level failures having their root in procurement practices. Based on interviews with public procurers and suppliers, we identify relevant collaboration failures related to the standard PPI and competitive dialogue procedures. We highlight differences in these failures and their loci between the two procedures. Furthermore, public procurers and suppliers appear to have different perception of the causes of the failures they have encountered. Finally, our findings discuss the influence of the legal framework on PPI and suggest additional PPI procedures and strategies that are favoured by suppliers to varying extents. In sum, our research identifies innovation-related failures at different levels that PPI can resolve, and relevant instruments to help PPI initiative to achieve their objectives. Furthermore, it advocates a dynamic approach considering failures, instruments, and practices at different stages of public procurement procedures, and market formation and public procurer-supplier collaboration processes
Weisshaar, Clara. "Understanding the relationship between the adoption of innovation and institutions : an exploratory qualitative case study on NHS procurement." Thesis, University of Manchester, 2016.
Full textDale-Clough, Lisa. "Public procurement of innovation : towards a theory of adoption and implementation by local authorities." Thesis, University of Birmingham, 2015.
Full textAlaiya, Mayowa. "Organizing municipal procurement of civil works and the perceived conditions for promoting innovation." Thesis, KTH, Ledning och organisering i byggande och förvaltning, 2020.
Full textByggrelaterad forskning tyder på att branschen präglas av effektivitets- och produktivitetsproblem som många menar beror på en låg innovationsnivå inom sektorn. Mycket forskning har därför riktats mot förbättringar inom upphandling då man anser att valet av en optimal upphandlingsstrategi kan främja innovation, vilket i sin tur kan resultera i ökar effektivitet och produktivitet inom sektorn. Dessutom, tyder mycket forskning på att offentliga beställare utgör en stor roll i att främja innovation och effektivitet inom sektorn, något som stödjs genom flera politiska direktiv. Detta är dock ett område som behöver förbättras då många offentliga beställare fortfarande tillförlitar sig på traditionella och stelbenta upphandlingsmetoder som hämmar innovationspotentialen. För att främja innovation inom upphandling av anläggningsentreprenader krävs det inter-professionellt samarbete mellan byggprojektledare och upphandlare, något som kan vara svåruppnått då forskning har visat att spänningar kan uppstå dessa två yrkesgrupper emellan. I betraktande av ämnets vikt och relevans är arbetets syfte att studera hur byggförvaltningar och upphandlingsfunktioner i kommuner organiseras vid upphandling av anläggningsentreprenader samt hur projektledare och upphandlare samarbetar under processen. Studien har även undersökt de upplevda förutsättningarna av projektledare och upphandlare för att främja innovation vid upphandling av anläggningsentreprenader. En fallstudie av fyra svenska kommuner genomfördes för att uppnå studiens syfte, där empirin framställdes genom semi-strukturerade intervjuer med projektledare och upphandlare i kommunerna. Empirin visade att de studerade kommunerna till stor del saknade organisatoriska resurser för att främja innovation vid upphandling av anläggningsentreprenader. Resultaten indikerade att stödet och engagemanget för innovation inom anläggningsområdet var måttligt i kommunerna, men att det fanns ett starkt stöd för innovation inom andra områden exempelvis inom IT. Likväl, finns det fortfarande en vilja bland projektledare att främja innovation och öka effektiviteten i anläggningsentreprenaderna, och resultaten visade att projektledare och upphandlare var bättre rustade för att fokusera på inkrementella innovationer snarare än radikala innovationer. Möjligheter att främja innovation diskuterades och analyserades. Till exempel bedömde man att högre och mer projektspecifika miljökriterier i projekt kunde förbättra potentialen för ökad effektivitet och utveckling av innovativa lösningar i anläggningsentreprenaderna.
Li, Yanchao. "Public procurement as a demand-side innovation policy in China : an exploratory and evaluative study." Thesis, University of Manchester, 2013.
Full textLeiringer, Roine. "Technological innovations in the context of public-private partnership projects." Doctoral thesis, KTH, Industrial Economics and Management, 2003.
Full textThe idea that the private sector can play an important partin the financing and creation of built assets and thesubsequent operation of public services has gained ground overthe last decade. This development has contributed to the risein public-private partnership (PPP) projects in many countriesand within many areas in the public sector. From theconstruction perspective, these projects are usually creditedas providing real incentives for the actors involved, as wellas creating a business environment that is conducive toinnovation and improved practices, especially in theconstruction phase. This thesis examines the validity of thesestatements in the context of the PPP procurement route and theextent to which the actors involved in the design andconstruction phases are presented with, and able to exploit,opportunities for technological innovation. A multiple- casestudy approach was adopted for the empirical part of theresearch. Four major projects, containing significantconstruction work and completed between 1997 and 2002, werestudied: three in the UK and one in Sweden. Project personnelthe principal actors in the design and constructionphaseswere interviewed at length. Within the findingsthere is evidence that the existence of certain conditions onprojects, and particular actions arising in relation thereto,can lead to a marked propensity towards innovative behaviour.The conclusion is reached that it is possible to implementtechnological innovations successfully on PPP projects, butthat there is reason to be cautious in promoting thisprocurement route as a prescription for success in theconstruction sector. There are inhibitors in the process thathave the potential to limit the amount of innovation achievedon a project. The thesis discusses this matter and identifiesthree key areascommunication and information, achievingtransparency in the applied framework and risk managementin which actions could be taken in order to improve theprospects for realising technological innovation on PPPprojects.
Keywords:Public-private partnerships, technologicalinnovation, construction procurement, project management,risk
Thomas, Susana. "Buying innovation in complex public service settings : the example of service improvement in education." Thesis, University of Manchester, 2015.
Full textSOHLSTRÖM, ELIN. "Is Swedish Public Procurement Ready for Sustainable Product Development? : An Investigation on Barriers in Public Procurement that Prevents the Diffusion of Sustainable Innovations." Thesis, KTH, Hållbarhet och industriell dynamik, 2016.
Full textBooks on the topic "Public procurement for innovation"
Lember, Veiko, Rainer Kattel, and Tarmo Kalvet, eds. Public Procurement, Innovation and Policy. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2014.
Full textEdquist, Charles, Leif Hommen, and Lena Tsipouri, eds. Public Technology Procurement and Innovation. Boston, MA: Springer US, 2000.
Full text1947-, Edquist Charles, Hommen Leif, and Tsipouri Lena J. 1953-, eds. Public technology procurement and innovation. Boston: Kluwer Academic, 2000.
Find full textEU public procurement: Modernisation, growth and innovation : discussions on the 2011 proposals for procurement directives. Copenhagen, Denmark: DJØF Publishing, 2012.
Find full textWiederhold, Simon. The role of public procurement in innovation: Theory and empirical evidence. München: Ifo-Institut, 2012.
Find full textCommission, European. Pre-commercial procurement: Driving innovation to ensure high quality public services in Europe. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2008.
Find full textGreat Britain. Parliament. House of Lords. Science and Technology Committee. Public procurement as a tool to stimulate innovation: 1st report of session 2010-12 : Report. London: Stationery Office, 2011.
Find full textEliasson, Gunnar. Advanced public procurement as industrial policy: The aircraft industry as a technical university. New York: Springer, 2010.
Find full textIs war necessary for economic growth?: Military procurement and technology development. New York: Oxford University Press, 2006.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Public procurement for innovation"
Thai, Khi V. "International Public Procurement: Innovation and Knowledge Sharing." In International Public Procurement, 1–10. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2015.
Full textPalaco, Ileana, Alicia Avendaño, and Waldemar Núñez. "Contract Management Innovation in Public Procurement: Costa Rica’s Experience." In International Public Procurement, 13–29. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2015.
Full textEdquist, C., and L. Hommen. "Public Technology Procurement and Innovation Theory." In Public Technology Procurement and Innovation, 5–70. Boston, MA: Springer US, 2000.
Full textLember, Veiko, Rainer Kattel, and Tarmo Kalvet. "Public Procurement and Innovation: Theory and Practice." In Public Procurement, Innovation and Policy, 13–34. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2013.
Full textLember, Veiko, Rainer Kattel, and Tarmo Kalvet. "Introduction." In Public Procurement, Innovation and Policy, 1–11. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2013.
Full textKim, Dae-In. "Korea." In Public Procurement, Innovation and Policy, 191–211. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2013.
Full textRolfstam, Max, and Robert Ågren. "Sweden." In Public Procurement, Innovation and Policy, 213–32. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2013.
Full textUyarra, Elvira, Jakob Edler, Sally Gee, Luke Georghiou, and Jillian Yeow. "UK." In Public Procurement, Innovation and Policy, 233–57. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2013.
Full textWeiss, Linda. "USA." In Public Procurement, Innovation and Policy, 259–85. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2013.
Full textLember, Veiko, Rainer Kattel, and Tarmo Kalvet. "How Governments Support Innovation Through Public Procurement: Comparing Evidence from 11 Countries." In Public Procurement, Innovation and Policy, 287–309. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2013.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Public procurement for innovation"
Peng, Hong-guang, and Jian-hu Cai. "Measuring performance of public procurement for innovation." In 2008 International Conference on Management Science and Engineering (ICMSE). IEEE, 2008.
Full textRocha, Frederico. "Does public procurement for innovation increase innovative efforts? The case of Brazil." In III Encontro Nacional de Economia Industrial e Inovação. São Paulo: Editora Blucher, 2018.
Full textGalamaga, Dorina. "The role and integrity of subjects in the public procurement system in the prevention of corruption." In The 3rd International Scientific Conference "Development through Research and Innovation". Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova, 2023.
Full textLenderink, B., J. I. M. Halman, and J. T. Voordijk. "Public procurement of innovation in construction: A design science approach." In 2016 IEEE International Conference on Management of Innovation and Technology (ICMIT). IEEE, 2016.
Full textRullan, S., E. Saucedo, and J. Bacaria. "Public procurement for innovation: Challenges and prospects for Latin America." In 2012 International Symposium on Management of Technology (ISMOT). IEEE, 2012.
Full textPrayudi, Made Aristia, Nyoman Trisna Herawati, and Luh Gede Kusuma Dewi. "Investigating The Success of Public Procurement Innovation in Government Organization: Does e-Procurement Really Work?" In Proceedings of the International Conference on Tourism, Economics, Accounting, Management, and Social Science (TEAMS 2018). Paris, France: Atlantis Press, 2019.
Full textShmeleva, Marina V. "Innovative Public Procurement In Russia, The Usa, And China." In International Scientific and Practical Conference «State and Law in the Context of Modern Challenges. European Publisher, 2022.
Full textROCHA, Carlos Frederico Leão. "PUBLIC PROCUREMENT AS INNOVATION POLICY: THE CASE OF THE BRAZILIAN OIL AND GAS SECTOR." In 1º Encontro da Nacional de Economia Industrial e Inovação. São Paulo: Editora Blucher, 2016.
Full textAdebayo, Victor Olalekan, and Richard David Evans. "Adoption of e-procurement systems in developing countries: A Nigerian public sector perspective." In 2015 2nd International Conference on Knowledge-Based Engineering and Innovation (KBEI). IEEE, 2015.
Full textReports on the topic "Public procurement for innovation"
Crespi, Gustavo, and Rafael Castillo. Supply-side versus Demand-side Innovation Policies in Peru: The Impacts of Public Procurement of Innovation. Inter-American Development Bank, January 2023.
Full textCrespi, Gustavo, and Rafael Castillo. Supply-side versus Demand-side Innovation Policies: Exploring the Impacts of Public Procurement of Innovation in Peru. Inter-American Development Bank, July 2022.
Full textMoñux, Diego, and Elvira Uyarra, eds. Spurring Innovation-led Growth in Latin America and the Caribbean through Public Procurement. Inter-American Development Bank, November 2016.
Full textJiménez, Efraim, and María Eugenia Roca. Innovation in the Methods of Public Procurement in Latin America and The Caribbean: Case studies. Inter-American Development Bank, November 2017.
Full textJungsberg, Leneisja, Hilma Salonen, and Lisa Rohrer. Scaling up Nordic impact through public procurement - A review of literature. Nordregio, February 2023.
Full textBosio, Erica, Simeon Djankov, Edward Glaeser, and Andrei Shleifer. Public Procurement in Law and Practice. Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research, May 2020.
Full textGerardino, Maria Paula, Stephan Litschig, and Dina Pomeranz. Distortion by Audit: Evidence from Public Procurement. Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research, October 2017.
Full textEstache, Antonio, Renaud Foucart, and Tomás Serebrisky. When can lotteries improve public procurement processes? Inter-American Development Bank, November 2022.
Full textBryan, Kevin, and Heidi Williams. Innovation: Market Failures and Public Policies. Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research, August 2021.
Full textAguiar, Angel, Caitlyn Carrico, Thomas Hertel, Zekarias Hussein, Robert McDougall, and Badri Narayanan. Extending the GTAP framework for public procurement analysis. GTAP Working Paper, August 2016.
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