Academic literature on the topic 'Public procurement for innovation'

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Journal articles on the topic "Public procurement for innovation"


Melander, Lisa, and Ala Pazirandeh Arvidsson. "Getting innovations out of interactions in the public procurement context." Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing 35, no. 12 (April 17, 2020): 2051–65.

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Purpose The purpose of this paper is to discuss how a seller can use interactions to respond to public procurement needs for innovation when the buying side is restricted by public procurement regulations. Design/methodology/approach The authors collected data using qualitative semi-structured interviews of different empirical examples, in which private–public interactions of four different high-technological products are studied. Two products belong to the defence industry and two to the civil industry. Findings The findings point to three types of innovations in public procurement: product, service and business model. The empirical examples further indicate, as suggested in previous studies, that innovation is hindered by regulations that limit interaction between suppliers and the public. In addition, the empirical examples indicate that firms mobilize actors in their network when the buyer is restricted in regard to interaction. The findings also add to the IMP literature by comparing interactions in the three types of innovations in the public procurement context. Originality/value Public procurement is an area where innovations are lagging behind, compared with private procurement. Research points to limited interaction between actors as an obstacle to innovation in public sector collaborations. This paper extends the literature on how organizations interact in the setting of public procurement. The authors identify demand and supply triggers for three types of innovations: product, service and business model innovation.
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Peprah, James Adu, Kwabena Nduro, and John Mensah. "Stimulating Innovation through Public Procurement: Barriers to Awareness Level of Public Procurement of Innovation." Business and Economic Research 6, no. 1 (January 6, 2015): 13.

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<p class="ber"><span lang="EN-GB">Public sector procurement is very significant driver of innovation and currently re-emerging as the most sought after instrument of demand-side innovation policies. P</span><span lang="EN-GB">rogressively, it has been viewed as having imperative potential to drive innovation; </span><span lang="EN-GB">there has been an issue of awareness deficit of public procurement as an innovation policy tool among key stakeholders- policy makers, procurement practitioners and academics particularly in Ghana and Africa. It’s in this direction that this study sought to explore the barriers to awareness level of public procurement as an innovation policy tool among the key stakeholders in Ghana. The study adopted both exploratory and cross-sectional survey designs in investigating the barriers.<span> Purposive sampling was used in selecting the sample to help <span>fulfil </span>the predetermined purpose of the study. </span>The study revealed among others the following: low level of education as a major challenge to innovation in Ghana and developing nations, limited budgets for education in training of high-skill specialist for promotion of innovation, lack of coordination across agencies on innovation policies (incoherent public policies), poor governance and business conditions affecting awareness level, lack of public sector support of innovation, no policy direction as to the use of public procurement to stimulate innovation in Ghana. The study also showed a lack of link between science and innovation in Ghana impeding the awareness level among the key stakeholders. <span>The study recommends performance appraisal and institutional performance reviews for management of education to improve the level of education in Ghana and </span>the curriculum for VTE level should be practical-oriented. They should also increase the funding of education in general and VTE in particular. Agencies responsible for STI should be strengthened to coordinate all policies intended to influence innovation in Ghana and put together a coherent policy competent enough to capturing innovation where public procurement policy, R&amp;D policies and innovation policies will be connected together.</span></p>
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Lee, Jehee. "A Study on the Innovation Procurement System: Focusing on the diversification of procurement ways." Legal Studies Institute of Chosun University 30, no. 1 (April 30, 2023): 383–411.

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Public procurement is the purchase of necessary goods, services, and construction by public institutions. Since public procurement uses taxes as a resource, efficiency should be prioritized in public procurement. However, considering that the purpose of public procurement is to promote the public interest, public entities can intervene in the market beyond the status of buyers. In the era of the 4th Industrial Revolution, it is important to preoccupy the early market. It is difficult to induce corporate innovation only with traditional policies, such as preferential treatment of SMEs in the public sector. Creating new demand in the market, such as the purchase of prototypes by the public sector, can lead to corporate innovation, which is the starting point for innovation procurement. Innovation procurement can induce private innovation, and the problems faced by the public sector can be solved using private innovative ideas. The current innovation procurement system of Korea focuses on ‘Pre-Commercial Procurement’(PCP)'. It is necessary to support from the R&D stage of the product and create a new market by linking it with public procurement. Therefore, the 'Public Procurement of Innovation’(PCI) should be introduced in innovation procurement.
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Nurlukman, Adie Dwiyanto. "e-Procurement: Inovasi Penyelenggaraan Pemerintahan dalam Pengadaan Barang dan Jasa Berbasis e-Government di Indonesia." Journal of Government and Civil Society 1, no. 1 (February 22, 2018): 65.

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Utilization of technological developments for improving the quality of public services needs to be done in an effort to create transparent, accountable, quick, and appropriate governance. e-Procurement policy is one of technology utilization innovations in the effort to improve the public procurement that have been prone to corruption. This paper tries to analyze the efforts to optimize innovation in the implementation of government procurement of goods and services through e-Procurement in Indonesia that has been running for about a decade. Based on the results of the research, there needs to be good integration and collaboration between procurement policies, stakeholders involved, and the role of the Procurement Services Unit (ULP) to achieve optimization in the implementation of government procurement policies through e-Procurement.Keyword: Public Procurement, Government Innovation, e-Procurement
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Bednarz-Szymak, Justyna. "OPPORTUNITIES TO USE INNOVATION PARTNERSHIP IN PUBLIC INVESTMENT." Współczesna Gospodarka 10, no. 1 (32) (March 31, 2019): 35–44.

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In a globalisedworld, innovationis the driving force of the economy. In Poland, the public sector can support innovation to a large extent thanks to the Public Procurement Law, amended in 2016, which introduced a new procedure - innovation partnership. Judging by the scale of public spending, public procurement can become a powerful tool for the development of innovation in the economy. The aim of this article is to examine how innovation partnership can influence the effectiveness of investment projects. The assessment of processes related to the purchase of innovative solutions by the public sector with the use of public procurement and the innovation partnership mode shows that the use of this mode in various sectors of the economy may significantly improve the quality of tasks performed by them. In the study, the model method was applied based on the evaluation of the practice of using innovation partnerships in selected countries and the analysis of the transferability of these solutions to Poland. The evaluation took into account the specificity of public procurement procedures and innovation partnerships resulting from legal conditions and the national socio-economic environment. Weaknesses in the application of this procedure were identified, which cause that the innovation partnership is not a commonly used mode of investment projects implementation, and recommendations were formulated in order to reversethis trend. JEL Classification: O30, O31, O38
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Radicic, Dragana. "Effectiveness of public procurement of innovation versus supply-side innovation measures in manufacturing and service sectors." Science and Public Policy 46, no. 5 (May 25, 2019): 732–46.

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Abstract Most quantitative evaluations report positive but small effects of supply-side innovation measures. Although the literature suggests that demand-side measures, in particular, public procurement of innovation, might be more effective in stimulating innovation than supply-side measures, empirical evidence on this proposition is scarce. To empirically test this proposition, we utilize the Eurobarometer 2014 survey to estimate the effects from public procurement of innovation as well as from the supply-side innovation measures on product and process innovations in manufacturing and service firms in the USA and Europe. Our findings suggest that the treatment effects of public procurement of innovation are indeed larger than the effects of supply-side public support on product innovation in both manufacturing and service sectors. This finding also holds for process innovation, but only in the service sector. In contrast, in manufacturing firms, the estimated effects on process innovation are only positive and significant in firms receiving public support.
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Yu, Chunling, Toru Morotomi, and Qunwei Wang. "Heterogeneous Effects of Public Procurement on Environmental Innovation, Evidence from European Companies." Sustainability 15, no. 19 (September 28, 2023): 14354.

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Although substantial studies have discussed drivers or determinants of eco-innovation including environmental policies, research on relations between public procurement and environmental innovation is rare. This paper applies the propensity score matching (PSM) method to estimate the impact of public procurement on enterprises’ decisions to introduce innovations with environmental benefits, with 2014 Community Innovation Survey (CIS) data collected from firms in 15 European countries. The findings suggest that companies with a public contract are 5.7% more likely to introduce innovations with environmental benefits. Furthermore, this paper estimates the effects perfectly matching the types of eco-innovation, firm size, cooperative partner, nations, and industrial sectors. The firms that provide goods or services to public sectors have a larger possibility to be innovative for recycled waste, water, and material for their own use or sale (by 3.3~4.5%); for reduced energy use and CO2 footprint by end users (3.1~4.2%); for reduced air, water, noise, and soil pollution by end users (5.4~5.7%); for facilitated recycling of the product after use (2.6~3.4%); and for extended life length of the product (2.9~3.4%). The eco-innovation efforts in small (<50 employees) and large (>250 employees) companies are examined to be promoted by public procurement, with the magnitude of 5.0~6.3% and 7.5~10.6%, respectively. This study provides a creative theoretical framework of “dual-impetus” to explain the effect of public procurement on eco-innovation and is one of the first empirical research studies contributing to the discussions of the emerging topic by providing a more nuanced view of the heterogeneous effect of public procurement and companies’ eco-innovation behavior.
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Tsygankov, Sergey, Vadim Syropyatov, and Vyacheslav Volchik. "Institutional Governance of Innovations: Novel Insights of Leadership in Russian Public Procurement." Economies 9, no. 4 (December 2, 2021): 189.

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In the modern conditions of the post-COVID world, the transformation of the world economy in the framework of the transition to the post-industrial paradigm, and the economy of “knowledge”, the national innovation system (NIS) plays a leading role in the formation of competitive sectors of any given country. Within this setting, the performance of the Russian innovation system significantly lags behind other countries and calls for modernisation based on the modern regulatory tools, policies, and world’s leading trends. The direct import of institutions of foreign innovation systems demonstrates its limited effectiveness due to the incompleteness of institutions and mechanisms for regulating the institutional environment of the Russian economy. One of the generally recognised, leading, and the most “universal” instruments for implementing innovation policy by government institutions is the public procurement of innovation. The analysis of international experience shows that the implementation of the innovation policy via innovative public procurement has a highly heterogeneous landscape even in such a “cohesive” jurisdiction as those represented by the European Union (EU) as far as different types of policy dominate in different countries of the world. There is no clear trend towards the only one mainstream regulatory approach. In this context, the Russian experience demonstrates de facto the absence of any centralised, transparent, and effective policy expressed in such pseudo-innovative procurement as refuelling cartridges or car repairs. This paper identifies the existing institutional failures of the Russian NIS on the example of the regulation of innovative domestic procurement. It proposes ways to modernise the current policy based on the institutional and narrative approaches in order to foster its leading position in the international competition. This article shows the gaps in the literature in institutional governance of innovations and innovation procurement in Russia and points at directions for future research based on narrative economics. Outlining the present knowledge as a foundation for future research in institutional governance of innovations, this article holds implications for both academics and practitioners in the field of the innovation policies and public procurement.
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Lember, Veiko, Rainer Kattel, and Tarmo Kalvet. "Quo vadis public procurement of innovation?" Innovation: The European Journal of Social Science Research 28, no. 3 (July 3, 2015): 403–21.

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Weisheng, Lu, Anita M.M. Liu, Wang Hongdi, and Wu Zhongbing. "Procurement innovation for public construction projects." Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management 20, no. 6 (November 11, 2013): 543–62.

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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Public procurement for innovation"


Krautter, Nicolai. "PEP - Public Electronic Procurement : Innovation im öffentlichen Beschaffungswesen /." Hamburg : Kovač, 2008.

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Krautter, Nicolai. "PEP - public electronic procurement: Innovation im öffentlichen Beschaffungswesen." Hamburg Kovač, 2007.

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Chicot, Julien. "Strategic use of public procurement for innovation : rationales, instruments and practices." Thesis, Université Grenoble Alpes (ComUE), 2017.

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Un nombre croissant de pays de l’OCDE encourage l’utilisation des achats publics en soutien à l’innovation, mais les discours ont été peu suivis d’effets. L’ambition de cette thèse est d’aider l’élaboration des initiatives d’achat public d’innovation (API), en identifiant les obstacles à l’innovation qu’ils peuvent résoudre, ainsi que les instruments et les pratiques les plus à mêmes de les aider dans cet objectif. Nous identifions huit idéo-types d’API selon les défaillances de marché ou de système (niveau méso) auxquelles ils tentent de répondre pour stimuler l’innovation. Ces défaillances affectent soit les utilisateurs, soit les producteurs ou touchent leurs interactions. Nous les comparons à celles de niveau macro et déterminons ainsi la contribution potentielle de chacun de ces idéo-types d’API aux politiques tournées vers de grandes missions. Notre typologie constitue un cadre théorique unifié associant défaillances et modalités de mise en œuvre des API. Elle en aide ainsi l’élaboration, l’évaluation et l’analyse. Certains de nos idéo-types doivent soutenir la création de marché pour encourager l’innovation. Nous nous appuyons sur les théories économiques évolutionnistes et une série d’études de cas pour comprendre comment les API peuvent y parvenir. Nous identifions leurs rôles, à différentes étapes de la procédure d’achat public, dans la coordination de connaissances et d’informations pour la création et le développement de marché. Les API doivent notamment permettre aux utilisateurs d’interagir avec les fournisseurs de manière appropriée et suffisamment tôt dans la procédure d’achat. Les recherches sur les achats privés ont néanmoins montré qu’une telle implication précoce des fournisseurs est source de problèmes de niveau micro. Une série d’entretiens avec des acheteurs publics et des fournisseurs permet de mieux identifier les problèmes affectant leur collaboration au cours d’une procédure standard d’API ou d’un dialogue compétitif. La nature de ces défaillances diffère selon la procédure d’achat public, du même que leur moment d’apparition. Les entretiens révèlent également que les acheteurs et fournisseurs perçoivent différemment les pratiques à l’origine de ces défaillances. Nos résultats appellent enfin à reconsidérer l’influence du cadre juridique sur les API, et soulignent l’existence de procédures et stratégies alternatives qui sont plus ou moins privilégiées par les fournisseurs. En somme, notre travail de recherche identifie différents niveaux d’obstacles à l’innovation que les API peuvent résoudre, ainsi que les mesures les plus appropriées pour les aider dans cet objectif. Il plaide en faveur d’une approche dynamique de la décision politique, qui définit problèmes, instruments de politique et pratiques à chacune des étapes des procédures d’achat public, de formation des marchés, et de collaboration entre acheteurs public et fournisseurs
An increasing number of OECD countries has adopted measures to encourage the use of public procurement to foster innovation. However, implementation of public procurement of innovation (PPI) is lagging behind policy discourse. The ambition of this dissertation is to address this discrepancy by assisting in the design of PPI initiatives, that is, by identifying the innovation-related failures that PPI can overcome, and the most appropriate policy instruments and practices for achieving this objective. We define eight PPI ideal-types according to the type of meso-level market of system failures they address. These failures can relate to users, producers or to their mutual interactions. We confront them with macro-level failures, and determine accordingly the contribution of each PPI ideal-type to distinct mission-oriented policies. Our typology provides a unified PPI framework associating their rationales with their design. Therefore, it contributes to policymaking, and to policy evaluation and analysis. Some PPI categories aim to spur innovation by stimulating the formation of markets. We employ an evolutionary approach to analyse the influence of PPI at the different stages of the dynamic process of market formation through a series of selected existing case studies. We demonstrate that PPI can underpin the different phases of knowledge coordination for market formation, by ensuring appropriate interactions between users and producers early in the public procurement procedure. The literature on private procurement nevertheless shows that early supplier involvement is subject to a number of micro-level failures having their root in procurement practices. Based on interviews with public procurers and suppliers, we identify relevant collaboration failures related to the standard PPI and competitive dialogue procedures. We highlight differences in these failures and their loci between the two procedures. Furthermore, public procurers and suppliers appear to have different perception of the causes of the failures they have encountered. Finally, our findings discuss the influence of the legal framework on PPI and suggest additional PPI procedures and strategies that are favoured by suppliers to varying extents. In sum, our research identifies innovation-related failures at different levels that PPI can resolve, and relevant instruments to help PPI initiative to achieve their objectives. Furthermore, it advocates a dynamic approach considering failures, instruments, and practices at different stages of public procurement procedures, and market formation and public procurer-supplier collaboration processes
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Weisshaar, Clara. "Understanding the relationship between the adoption of innovation and institutions : an exploratory qualitative case study on NHS procurement." Thesis, University of Manchester, 2016.

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Despite various efforts to introduce support measures and financial incentives to improve innovation in the public sector, it is widely perceived that the adoption of innovation is a slow and complex process (Albury, 2005; Coriat and Levinthal, 1990). Evidence of previous research indicates that the adoption of innovation varies considerably across public sector organisations, regardless of the perceived potential benefit of the new product (or service) (Cash and MOster, 2000; Edquist, 2005).The public procurement and innovation literature emphasises the potential of public sector organisations as important buyers and adopters of innovation, highlighting the role of public demand for the triggering and diffusion of innovation (Edler et al. 2011; Cunningham and Karakasidou, 2009; Edquist, 1997). However, innovation adoption in the public sector has been characterised as a slow and unpredictable process where the underlying institutional factors that play a role in the adoption process are not fully understood (Albury, 2005; Allman et al., 2011). The topic of poor adoption in the public sector is of great significance, not only for the innovation agenda, but also due to the increasing pressure on the public sector to achieve higher quality services with more efficient allocation of resources, particularly the NHS (Bonoma, 1985).The main objective of the research is to address the problem of slow and inconsistent adoption of innovation in the public sector, by providing a more holistic and institutional perspective to the study of innovation adoption, addressing the lack of context specific research on the topic. A major focus of this work is to understand the relationship between the adoption of innovation and institutions as a means to establish a more in-depth understanding of the institutional features that influence the adoption process. The research focuses on new technology procurement cases in the context of the English and Scottish NHS system, as two different institutional contexts, in order to identify the institutional features at the system’s and organisational level hat make a difference in adoption of innovation.
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Dale-Clough, Lisa. "Public procurement of innovation : towards a theory of adoption and implementation by local authorities." Thesis, University of Birmingham, 2015.

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This thesis addresses the problem of why a broad agreement on the importance of using public procurement to stimulate innovation (PPI) has not been realised in practice by analysing the adoption and implementation of associated processes by local authorities. It applies evolutionary and institutional perspectives underpinning the systems of innovation approach to reveal the contextual and organisational factors affecting the selection of procurement processes by local authorities. It contains evidence from two case studies in which organisations attempt PPI, comparative analysis of the procurement practices of three European city authorities, and analysis of the strategies and policy setting informing the current PPI paradigm. Data collection and analysis was guided by a framework describing how local authorities are likely to encounter PPI, derived from a review of the innovation and procurement literatures. The analysis re-frames the current PPI debates as translating practices defined in the exogenous institutional setting into legitimate and rationalised alternatives to established, path-dependent procurement routines. It extends our understanding of the framework conditions and processes of PPI and factors contributing to variation in incidence and form. It presents propositions, variables and indicators that could be tested in future studies, and considers implications for future research and policy-making.
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Alaiya, Mayowa. "Organizing municipal procurement of civil works and the perceived conditions for promoting innovation." Thesis, KTH, Ledning och organisering i byggande och förvaltning, 2020.

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Construction research brings attention to the persistent efficiency and productivity issues in the industry which often are related to a lack of innovation in the sector. To tackle these issues, considerable research has been focused on improved procurement practices, as it is seen that choosing the optimum procurement strategy can promote the development of innovative solutions, thereby resulting in improved efficiency and productivity in the sector. Moreover, research and numerous policy initiatives highlight that public clients play an important role in promoting innovation and improving the overall efficiency and productivity level in the sector through improved procurement practices. Still, this is an area in need of continued improvement since many public clients still frequently rely on traditional and rigid procurement practices which inhibit the potential for innovation to take place. Furthermore, promoting innovation in the procurement of civil works requires interprofessional collaboration between construction project managers and procurers, which can be difficult to achieve since research has shown that interprofessional tensions between these professional groups may occur.  Considering the relevance and importance of the subject the research aims to study how technical functions and procurement functions are organized in the procurement of civil works and how project managers and procurers collaborate during the process. The study has also investigated the perceived conditions for promoting innovation in the procurement of civil works by project managers and procurers. The aim was achieved through a case study of four Swedish municipalities where the empirical data was gathered through semi-structured interviews with project managers and procurers in the municipalities. The findings showed that the studied municipalities largely lacked organizational resources conducive for innovation-oriented procurement of civil works. The findings suggested that the support and commitment for innovation within the civil engineering field was modest in the municipalities, however, there existed strong support for innovation in other areas such as within IT. Still, there exists a willingness among project managers to promote innovation and increase the efficiency in the civil works contract and the findings indicated that the project managers and procurers were better equipped for focusing on incremental innovations rather than radical innovations. Furthermore, opportunities for promoting innovations were discussed and identified. For example, setting higher and more project-specific environmental requirements in projects could improve the potential of increased efficiency and development of innovative solutions in the civil works.
Byggrelaterad forskning tyder på att branschen präglas av effektivitets- och produktivitetsproblem som många menar beror på en låg innovationsnivå inom sektorn. Mycket forskning har därför riktats mot förbättringar inom upphandling då man anser att valet av en optimal upphandlingsstrategi kan främja innovation, vilket i sin tur kan resultera i ökar effektivitet och produktivitet inom sektorn. Dessutom, tyder mycket forskning på att offentliga beställare utgör en stor roll i att främja innovation och effektivitet inom sektorn, något som stödjs genom flera politiska direktiv. Detta är dock ett område som behöver förbättras då många offentliga beställare fortfarande tillförlitar sig på traditionella och stelbenta upphandlingsmetoder som hämmar innovationspotentialen. För att främja innovation inom upphandling av anläggningsentreprenader krävs det inter-professionellt samarbete mellan byggprojektledare och upphandlare, något som kan vara svåruppnått då forskning har visat att spänningar kan uppstå dessa två yrkesgrupper emellan. I betraktande av ämnets vikt och relevans är arbetets syfte att studera hur byggförvaltningar och upphandlingsfunktioner i kommuner organiseras vid upphandling av anläggningsentreprenader samt hur projektledare och upphandlare samarbetar under processen. Studien har även undersökt de upplevda förutsättningarna av projektledare och upphandlare för att främja innovation vid upphandling av anläggningsentreprenader. En fallstudie av fyra svenska kommuner genomfördes för att uppnå studiens syfte, där empirin framställdes genom semi-strukturerade intervjuer med projektledare och upphandlare i kommunerna. Empirin visade att de studerade kommunerna till stor del saknade organisatoriska resurser för att främja innovation vid upphandling av anläggningsentreprenader. Resultaten indikerade att stödet och engagemanget för innovation inom anläggningsområdet var måttligt i kommunerna, men att det fanns ett starkt stöd för innovation inom andra områden exempelvis inom IT. Likväl, finns det fortfarande en vilja bland projektledare att främja innovation och öka effektiviteten i anläggningsentreprenaderna, och resultaten visade att projektledare och upphandlare var bättre rustade för att fokusera på inkrementella innovationer snarare än radikala innovationer. Möjligheter att främja innovation diskuterades och analyserades. Till exempel bedömde man att högre och mer projektspecifika miljökriterier i projekt kunde förbättra potentialen för ökad effektivitet och utveckling av innovativa lösningar i anläggningsentreprenaderna.
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Li, Yanchao. "Public procurement as a demand-side innovation policy in China : an exploratory and evaluative study." Thesis, University of Manchester, 2013.

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There has been increased interest internationally in using public procurement as an innovation policy. China too has employed innovation oriented public procurement (IOPP) to implement its ‘indigenous innovation’ strategy. This thesis explores China’s IOPP policy processes, evaluates the appropriateness of these policies, and explains key issues identified. Literature strands on innovation, policy, public procurement, and IOPP are drawn upon to analyse IOPP and related policies. IOPP processes are conceptualized as dynamics shaped by the institutions, actors and interactions of innovation and public procurement systems. IOPP policies are framed as horizontal mixes of cross-domain interventions, and vertical mixes of goals, rationales, instruments, designed implementation structures, actual implementation processes, and outcomes. A criterion for evaluating policy appropriateness is coherence between the various dimensions. Macro-level policies impact on micro-level processes which in turn provide evidence of implementation. A multi-level case study methodology is adopted to link up macro/national, meso/regional and micro/local levels of policy design, articulation and implementation. Implementation is characterized through three IOPP policy channels, a channel being a characteristic group of policies to promote IOPP. Channel 1 employed ‘innovation catalogues’, which was unexpectedly terminated in 2011 in response to concerns from other countries over China’s perceived protectionist tendency. Channel 1 was found to be a centralized mechanism to implement general IOPP across all regions, sectors and levels of governance. As a one-size-fits-all approach requiring cross-domain, cross-level coordination, it failed to achieve coherence with the institutional fragmentation of China’s innovation and procurement systems. The other two channels were implicit, strategic IOPP approaches i.e. commercialization projects for ‘major technological equipment’ with a rationale of pre-commercial procurement (Channel 2), and demonstration programmes for emerging technologies with a rationale of creating lead markets (Channel 3). These two channels realized better coherence with China’s systems as both were targeted at specific sectors and levels. Cross-case analysis suggests that micro-level IOPP processes were more frequently shaped by local contexts of stakeholders, interactions and informal institutions rather than IOPP policies. Interventionist local governments and proactive suppliers played stronger roles than procurers in initiating IOPP. IOPP cycles followed diverse and informal pathways not always competition-based, which might have breached de jure procurement regulations but China’s weak formal institutions allowed this flexibility. Informal institutions sometimes mitigated flaws of formal ones and facilitated IOPP, but could easily play competing roles (notably regional protectionism) that hinder policy implementation. This thesis contributes to IOPP knowledge by: offering a conceptual approach to IOPP policy analysis concerning implementation and appropriateness evaluation; uncovering China’s IOPP dynamics based on which the understanding of IOPP as a research subject is deepened. Policy implications include lessons for catching-up countries emphasizing institutional capacity and government capability, and more general issues highlighting policy differentiation and complementarity, and intermediation.
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Leiringer, Roine. "Technological innovations in the context of public-private partnership projects." Doctoral thesis, KTH, Industrial Economics and Management, 2003.

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The idea that the private sector can play an important partin the financing and creation of built assets and thesubsequent operation of public services has gained ground overthe last decade. This development has contributed to the risein public-private partnership (PPP) projects in many countriesand within many areas in the public sector. From theconstruction perspective, these projects are usually creditedas providing real incentives for the actors involved, as wellas creating a business environment that is conducive toinnovation and improved practices, especially in theconstruction phase. This thesis examines the validity of thesestatements in the context of the PPP procurement route and theextent to which the actors involved in the design andconstruction phases are presented with, and able to exploit,opportunities for technological innovation. A multiple- casestudy approach was adopted for the empirical part of theresearch. Four major projects, containing significantconstruction work and completed between 1997 and 2002, werestudied: three in the UK and one in Sweden. Project personnel–the principal actors in the design and constructionphases–were interviewed at length. Within the findingsthere is evidence that the existence of certain conditions onprojects, and particular actions arising in relation thereto,can lead to a marked propensity towards innovative behaviour.The conclusion is reached that it is possible to implementtechnological innovations successfully on PPP projects, butthat there is reason to be cautious in promoting thisprocurement route as a prescription for success in theconstruction sector. There are inhibitors in the process thathave the potential to limit the amount of innovation achievedon a project. The thesis discusses this matter and identifiesthree key areas–communication and information, achievingtransparency in the applied framework and risk management–in which actions could be taken in order to improve theprospects for realising technological innovation on PPPprojects.

Keywords:Public-private partnerships, technologicalinnovation, construction procurement, project management,risk

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Thomas, Susana. "Buying innovation in complex public service settings : the example of service improvement in education." Thesis, University of Manchester, 2015.

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This research investigates how public service organisations (PSO’s) use public procurement, referred to as the acquisition of goods and services by PSOs, to analyse the processes through which a PSO acquires innovative goods and services in order to improve public services. Despite a number of success stories from the literature (Phillips et al, 2007; Uyarra, 2010; Yeow et al, 2011), PSOs struggle to procure and implement innovation (e.g. Uyarra et al, 2014a). One major reason for this lack of innovation procurement and adoption is the nature of governance of the procurement process in the public sector (Rolfstam, 2009).Drawing from the public sector and organisational governance literature, this research develops a conceptual framework to investigate how internal, managerial and external governance affects the willingness and ability of PSOs to procure innovative goods and services. External governance refers to overarching bodies of organisations and institutions situated outside the PSO which influences policy and organisational arrangements of PSOs. Managerial governance refers to organisational actors and other stakeholders brought together to form governing boards which directly control and support the PSO leader. Internal governance refers to the day-to-day operations and delivery of a public service. This research adopts a positivist approach with a deductive inquiry process. Using the English secondary education system as the PSO under investigation this research utilises a mixture of quantitative (survey to two types of secondary schools in England) and qualitative methods (four case studies). The findings of this research indicate that these three governance levels influence PSOs procuring innovation in a number of ways. External governance can determine the decision-making process and what can and cannot be procured to improve the service and how budgets are used for innovations. External governance can also act as a source of expertise and knowledge, create opportunities and incentivise PSOs by establishing conditions, mechanisms and access to large scale programmes and initiatives. Similarly, managerial governance entails actors to act as gatekeepers in the decision making process, assisting in procurements by leveraging expertise from other positions and improving the chances of procuring innovation through partnership arrangements with internal governance actors. At the internal governance level, procurement of innovation is greatly improved when ‘champions’ support innovative solutions and when staff responsible for the delivery of the service (i.e. teachers) specify requirements. This research makes three contributions. Firstly, it develops a conceptual framework for public procurement of innovation (PPI) with governance at the centre. Secondly, it adds to the growing body of literature of PPI practice and the barriers faced by PSOs. Finally, this research pays attention to education, a public service sector that has been overlooked by previous studies. Consequently, this research may help policy-makers and practitioners to better understand the governance of PPI.
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SOHLSTRÖM, ELIN. "Is Swedish Public Procurement Ready for Sustainable Product Development? : An Investigation on Barriers in Public Procurement that Prevents the Diffusion of Sustainable Innovations." Thesis, KTH, Hållbarhet och industriell dynamik, 2016.

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The current focus on sustainability entails an extension of companies focus beyond economicobjectives to an approach that also take into account economic, ecological as well as societal performance (Hollos, Blome and Foerstl, 2012). In this context, purchasing and supply has been transformed to have a strategic role in sustainability (Meehan and Bryde, 2011). The European Union point to a rising interest for policies that aim at a reorientation of public procurement to achieve solutions that promotes consideration of social policies and that supports sustainable innovation (European Commission, 2016).Public procurement processes have according to Oruezabala and Rico (2012) only been studied in a few empirical studies. Furthermore, Rolfstam et al. (2011) emphasizes that diffusion is an area that have been neglected in the public procurement of innovation. The need for sustainable innovations makes it relevant to address a gap in the literature, which beyond exposing hinders for sustainable public procurement accounts for their effect on the diffusion of sustainable innovations. Wastewater treatment is important for public procurement due to its significant environmental impact and therefore the wastewater treatment industry is the focus of this thesis. The importance of the study is supported by actors such as AxFlow that supplies the wastewater treatment industry with technical solutions. This company experiences that hinders in public procurement prevents diffusion of sustainable innovations.The purpose with this research is to investigate what barriers for sustainable procurement that prevents the diffusion of sustainable innovations. To fulfill this purpose a case study was conducted where data was collected through interviews with individuals with varying roles and experiences within public procurement to waste water treatment plants. In order to achieve the purpose it was necessary to determine that public procurement play a role in achieving a sustainable development. It was also crucial to find evidence on the existence of barriers for sustainable procurement and what these are. The results indicate that public procurement could play a significant role in promoting sustainable development. However, it is possible to conclude that the actual contribution is significantly small or nonexistent due to the fact that there are several barriers in place that prevents public procurement from having a significant impact. Findings suggests that barriers to sustainable procurement exists and that these relate to all three pillars of sustainable development, which are the economic, social and environmental pillar. By analyzing barriers to sustainable procurement found in the empirical study it was possible to identify which specific barriers that prevents the diffusion of sustainable innovations. It is concluded that the diffusion of sustainable innovations is prevented by the following barriers: 1. Public procurement failing to create economic incentives for sustainable product development. 2. An insufficient base of stake holders involved in the policy formulation process. 3. Policies not being formed on consensus and dialogue. 4. A lack of policy integration over different environmental media. 5. A lack of a strategic plan in public procurement. 6. Procurers given insufficient support and mutual measures necessary for evaluation.
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Books on the topic "Public procurement for innovation"


Public procurement for innovation. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, 2015.

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Lember, Veiko, Rainer Kattel, and Tarmo Kalvet, eds. Public Procurement, Innovation and Policy. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2014.

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Edquist, Charles, Leif Hommen, and Lena Tsipouri, eds. Public Technology Procurement and Innovation. Boston, MA: Springer US, 2000.

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1947-, Edquist Charles, Hommen Leif, and Tsipouri Lena J. 1953-, eds. Public technology procurement and innovation. Boston: Kluwer Academic, 2000.

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EU public procurement: Modernisation, growth and innovation : discussions on the 2011 proposals for procurement directives. Copenhagen, Denmark: DJØF Publishing, 2012.

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Wiederhold, Simon. The role of public procurement in innovation: Theory and empirical evidence. München: Ifo-Institut, 2012.

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Commission, European. Pre-commercial procurement: Driving innovation to ensure high quality public services in Europe. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2008.

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Great Britain. Parliament. House of Lords. Science and Technology Committee. Public procurement as a tool to stimulate innovation: 1st report of session 2010-12 : Report. London: Stationery Office, 2011.

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Eliasson, Gunnar. Advanced public procurement as industrial policy: The aircraft industry as a technical university. New York: Springer, 2010.

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Is war necessary for economic growth?: Military procurement and technology development. New York: Oxford University Press, 2006.

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Book chapters on the topic "Public procurement for innovation"


Thai, Khi V. "International Public Procurement: Innovation and Knowledge Sharing." In International Public Procurement, 1–10. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2015.

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Palaco, Ileana, Alicia Avendaño, and Waldemar Núñez. "Contract Management Innovation in Public Procurement: Costa Rica’s Experience." In International Public Procurement, 13–29. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2015.

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Edquist, C., and L. Hommen. "Public Technology Procurement and Innovation Theory." In Public Technology Procurement and Innovation, 5–70. Boston, MA: Springer US, 2000.

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Lember, Veiko, Rainer Kattel, and Tarmo Kalvet. "Public Procurement and Innovation: Theory and Practice." In Public Procurement, Innovation and Policy, 13–34. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2013.

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Lember, Veiko, Rainer Kattel, and Tarmo Kalvet. "Introduction." In Public Procurement, Innovation and Policy, 1–11. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2013.

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Kim, Dae-In. "Korea." In Public Procurement, Innovation and Policy, 191–211. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2013.

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Rolfstam, Max, and Robert Ågren. "Sweden." In Public Procurement, Innovation and Policy, 213–32. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2013.

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Uyarra, Elvira, Jakob Edler, Sally Gee, Luke Georghiou, and Jillian Yeow. "UK." In Public Procurement, Innovation and Policy, 233–57. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2013.

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Weiss, Linda. "USA." In Public Procurement, Innovation and Policy, 259–85. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2013.

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Lember, Veiko, Rainer Kattel, and Tarmo Kalvet. "How Governments Support Innovation Through Public Procurement: Comparing Evidence from 11 Countries." In Public Procurement, Innovation and Policy, 287–309. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2013.

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Conference papers on the topic "Public procurement for innovation"


Peng, Hong-guang, and Jian-hu Cai. "Measuring performance of public procurement for innovation." In 2008 International Conference on Management Science and Engineering (ICMSE). IEEE, 2008.

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Rocha, Frederico. "Does public procurement for innovation increase innovative efforts? The case of Brazil." In III Encontro Nacional de Economia Industrial e Inovação. São Paulo: Editora Blucher, 2018.

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Galamaga, Dorina. "The role and integrity of subjects in the public procurement system in the prevention of corruption." In The 3rd International Scientific Conference "Development through Research and Innovation". Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova, 2023.

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The field of public procurement is one of the most vulnerable to corruption, and ensuring the integrity of subjects involved in public procurement constitutes a current approach to corruption prevention and research. Strengthening the integrity of public procurement subjects is an essential measure to prevent corruption, because public procurement is one of the key areas in which the public sector and the private sector interact financially. However, this interaction is based on public money, which attracts the corrupt subjects to illegal activities, due to the position they hold, they take advantage of public funds in personal interest or of a group at the expense of the general interest. Specifically, this paper researches the general conceptions of public procurement and integrity, the national normative framework regarding integrity in public procurement, identifies and analyzes the categories of subjects, their role, the causes and consequences of non-compliance with integrity in the public procurement system. In conclusion, it is deduced that the lack of integrity of subjects in the public procurement system generates not only deficient policies, norms and procedures, but endangers public respect for the government, erodes the rule of law, distorts the economy of a country and seriously affects the fundamental rights of citizens.
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Lenderink, B., J. I. M. Halman, and J. T. Voordijk. "Public procurement of innovation in construction: A design science approach." In 2016 IEEE International Conference on Management of Innovation and Technology (ICMIT). IEEE, 2016.

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Rullan, S., E. Saucedo, and J. Bacaria. "Public procurement for innovation: Challenges and prospects for Latin America." In 2012 International Symposium on Management of Technology (ISMOT). IEEE, 2012.

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Prayudi, Made Aristia, Nyoman Trisna Herawati, and Luh Gede Kusuma Dewi. "Investigating The Success of Public Procurement Innovation in Government Organization: Does e-Procurement Really Work?" In Proceedings of the International Conference on Tourism, Economics, Accounting, Management, and Social Science (TEAMS 2018). Paris, France: Atlantis Press, 2019.

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Shmeleva, Marina V. "Innovative Public Procurement In Russia, The Usa, And China." In International Scientific and Practical Conference «State and Law in the Context of Modern Challenges. European Publisher, 2022.

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ROCHA, Carlos Frederico Leão. "PUBLIC PROCUREMENT AS INNOVATION POLICY: THE CASE OF THE BRAZILIAN OIL AND GAS SECTOR." In 1º Encontro da Nacional de Economia Industrial e Inovação. São Paulo: Editora Blucher, 2016.

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Adebayo, Victor Olalekan, and Richard David Evans. "Adoption of e-procurement systems in developing countries: A Nigerian public sector perspective." In 2015 2nd International Conference on Knowledge-Based Engineering and Innovation (KBEI). IEEE, 2015.

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Since the introduction of the fi rst Public Procurement Act in 2002, the public procurement market has accounted for a signifi cant share of total premiums earned by insurance companies. In that sense, the author in this paper presents the impact of the public procurement legal framework on the insurance sector in the light of the most signifi cant innovations contained in the Public Procurement Act, which entered into force on 1 January 2020. Furthermore, the paper emphasizes the importance of adequate preparation of tender documentation and additional conditions for participation in the procurement of insurance services. Finally, the author analyzes the practice of the Republic Commission for the Protection of Rights in Public Procurement Procedures, which reveals the most common mistakes of contracting authorities in compiling additional conditions of fi nancial and business capacity.
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Reports on the topic "Public procurement for innovation"


Crespi, Gustavo, and Rafael Castillo. Supply-side versus Demand-side Innovation Policies in Peru: The Impacts of Public Procurement of Innovation. Inter-American Development Bank, January 2023.

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This paper exploits new data on the participation of Peruvian firms on public tenders to shed light on the potential for public procurement to encourage innovation. Many industrialized countries have gradually enlarged their innovation policy mix to include demand-side interventions, among them the use of public procurement to stimulate innovation investment at the firm level. Latin America, though, exhibits an unbalanced policy mix with little deployment of policy interventions that tackle the conditions that affect the demand for innovation. Using nonexperimental impact evaluation techniques, this research not only assesses the impacts of participating in public procurement projects on firm-level innovation efforts and outcomes but also compares these impacts with traditional supply-side approaches. The findings suggest that public procurement has a significant impact on innovation outcomes, but the results only hold when public procurement requires the development of new solutions. Regular or noninnovative public procurement does not show any impact on firm-level innovation.
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Crespi, Gustavo, and Rafael Castillo. Supply-side versus Demand-side Innovation Policies: Exploring the Impacts of Public Procurement of Innovation in Peru. Inter-American Development Bank, July 2022.

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This paper exploits new data on the participation of Peruvian firms on public tenders to shed light on the potential for public procurement to encourage innovation. Many industrialized countries have gradually enlarged their innovation policy mix to include demand-side interventions, among them the use of public procurement to stimulate innovation investment at the firm level. Latin America, though, exhibits an unbalanced policy mix with little deployment of policy interventions that tackle the conditions that affect the demand for innovation. Using nonexperimental impact evaluation techniques, this research not only assesses the impacts of participating in public procurement projects on firm-level innovation efforts and outcomes but also compares these impacts with traditional supply-side approaches. The findings suggest that public procurement has a significant impact on innovation outcomes, but the results only hold when public procurement requires the development of new solutions. Regular or noninnovative public procurement does not show any impact on firm-level innovation.
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Moñux, Diego, and Elvira Uyarra, eds. Spurring Innovation-led Growth in Latin America and the Caribbean through Public Procurement. Inter-American Development Bank, November 2016.

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Jiménez, Efraim, and María Eugenia Roca. Innovation in the Methods of Public Procurement in Latin America and The Caribbean: Case studies. Inter-American Development Bank, November 2017.

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Jungsberg, Leneisja, Hilma Salonen, and Lisa Rohrer. Scaling up Nordic impact through public procurement - A review of literature. Nordregio, February 2023.

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In 2019, it was estimated that, of 5,000 Nordic start-ups, 10% included solutions that addressed the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). However, many of them struggled to make a profit, especially at the early stages and mostly due to a lack of access to the market and to the right supporters. This publiction consists of two sections: The first part addresses barriers to public procurement, enablers for social innovation, and institutional support measures; In part two, we evaluate how Nordic municipalities use alternative financial models such as social impact bonds (SIBs) and public-private partnerships to achieve social impact.
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Bosio, Erica, Simeon Djankov, Edward Glaeser, and Andrei Shleifer. Public Procurement in Law and Practice. Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research, May 2020.

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Gerardino, Maria Paula, Stephan Litschig, and Dina Pomeranz. Distortion by Audit: Evidence from Public Procurement. Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research, October 2017.

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Estache, Antonio, Renaud Foucart, and Tomás Serebrisky. When can lotteries improve public procurement processes? Inter-American Development Bank, November 2022.

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We study the potential benefits of adding a lottery component to cut the main risks associated with standard negotiated and rule-based auction procurement procedures. We show that adopting a two stage approach in which bureaucrats first negotiate with a small number of bidders to assess their eligibility and, next, rely on a lottery to award the contract reduces corruption risks often observed in negotiated procedures. For rule-based procedures, we show that a “third-price lottery” in which the two highest bidders are selected with equal probability and the project is contracted at a price corresponding to the third highest bid can reduce limited liability, renegotiation, bid rigging and collusion risks.
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Bryan, Kevin, and Heidi Williams. Innovation: Market Failures and Public Policies. Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research, August 2021.

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Aguiar, Angel, Caitlyn Carrico, Thomas Hertel, Zekarias Hussein, Robert McDougall, and Badri Narayanan. Extending the GTAP framework for public procurement analysis. GTAP Working Paper, August 2016.

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This paper extends the GTAP framework to aid in the analysis of changes to public procurement policies. In terms of data developments, government investment demand data is estimated for each of the 57 GTAP Commodities in the 140 regions of version 9. In addition, the origin of imports by end use (i.e., for firms, private consumption, government consumption, and investment) is determined following the recent literature. Another layer of valuation is also introduced, which captures the preferences towards domestic production. In terms of model extensions, there is a new nest in the production structure that allows for different procurement regimes, and the origin of imports by agents’ end use is incorporated. We illustrate this framework by simulating the impact of a hypothetical reduction in the domestic preference in one of the newly introduced procurement regimes. Future work should focus on estimation of these domestic preference margins.
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