Academic literature on the topic 'Psychology in literature'
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Journal articles on the topic "Psychology in literature"
Santos, Rosemary Conceição, João Camilo Santos, and José Aparecido Santos. "Psychology of Literature and Literature in Psychology." Temas em Psicologia 26, no. 2 (2018): 781–94.
Full textMoghaddam, Fathali M. "From ‘Psychology in Literature’ to ‘Psychology is Literature’." Theory & Psychology 14, no. 4 (August 2004): 505–25.
Full textAras, Goksen. "Personality and Individual Differences: Literature in Psychology- Psychology in Literature." Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 185 (May 2015): 250–57.
Full textARZUMANYAN, ARMENUHI, and NAIRA HAKOBYAN. "INTERDISCIPLINARY LINKS: LITERATURE AND PSYCHOLOGY." Main Issues Of Pedagogy And Psychology 15, no. 3 (December 19, 2017): 57–62.
Full textStodel, Emma J. "Literature Reviews in Sport Psychology." Sport Psychologist 21, no. 2 (June 2007): 265–66.
Full textLancaster, F. W., K. Konopasek, and Tina Owens. "The literature of educational psychology and the literature used by writers in educational psychology." Contemporary Educational Psychology 10, no. 4 (October 1985): 314–28.
Full textWulandari, Anisa Nur, and Yuni Nurhamida. "Factors Causing Aggression Behavior Viewed from Psychology: A Literature Study." International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews 5, no. 7 (July 2024): 2071–82.
Full textLee, Christina, and Neville Owen. "Behavioural Sport Psychology." Behaviour Change 3, no. 2 (June 1986): 79–80.
Full textEMRE, İsmet. "Psychology Sources Of New Turkish Literature." Journal of Turkish Studies Volume 4 Issue 1-1, no. 4 (2009): 319–55.
Full textFagan, Thomas K. "The Evolving Literature of School Psychology." School Psychology Review 15, no. 3 (September 1, 1986): 430–40.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Psychology in literature"
Zaciewski, Janelle. "Consultation Trends in School Psychology Literature." TopSCHOLAR®, 2003.
Full textBrown, Stephanie Lynn. "Diversity Literature in Major School Psychology Journals: 2000-2003." Oxford, Ohio : Miami University, 2006.
Full textMacleod, Catriona. "Theory and South African developmental psychology research and literature." UCT Press, 2009.
Full textau, 19310449@student murdoch edu, and Joseph Marrable. "Transpersonal literature." Murdoch University, 2003.
Full textSassen, Catherine J. (Catherine Jean). "Citation Accuracy in the Journal Literature of Four Disciplines : Chemistry, Psychology, Library Science, and English and American Literature." Thesis, University of North Texas, 1992.
Full textRabon, Jessica Kelliher, Edward C. Chang, and Jameson K. Hirsch. "Positive Psychology and Suicide Prevention: an Introduction and Overview of the Literature." Digital Commons @ East Tennessee State University, 2019.
Full textDawson, T. "Dreams, myths, and fictions : Jungian psychology and the interpretation of novels." Thesis, University of East Anglia, 1985.
Full textAste, Julie A. "Chronic Pain and Stigma A Literature Review." Thesis, Union Institute and University, 2016.
Full textChronic pain is a prevalent disorder that is difficult to treat and has the potential to be stigmatizing for individuals with chronic pain. An exploratory literature review was conducted to examine chronic pain stigma. The review specifically investigated studies that addressed individuals’ experiences of chronic pain stigma, identified sources of chronic pain stigma, and chronic pain stigma’s impact on treatment adherence. The following key terms were used to search 15 computerized databases (i.e. chronic pain AND stigma OR stigmatization OR disbelief OR stereotype OR invisible OR misconception). Studies were reviewed if they were relevant to chronic pain stigma, were conducted in the United States, the majority of participants were adults with a chronic pain condition, chronic pain condition was non-malignant, chronic pain was defined as persistent or intermittent for at least 3 months, and stigma was defined as being labeled, stereotyped, devalued, or discredited. The final review included 18 qualitative and quantitative studies from 1989-2015 that examined chronic pain and stigma. The findings of the study included twelve key themes that shed light on the experiences of stigma, sources of stigma, and impact on treatment adherence. Experiences of stigma included: estrangement, self-stigmatization, invisibility, medication stigma, and disbelief. The participants in the studies identified three sources of stigma: doctors, public, and family. Four themes emerged from the few studies that addressed treatment adherence: difficulty communicating about pain, management strategies, to seek care or not seek care, and to not take medications due to fears of addiction and stigma. The findings are further discussed in relation to the United State’s societal values, beliefs, and culture. A cultural shift is suggested in how we view chronic pain and illness. Additionally, recommendations are made for the role of psychologists addressing chronic pain stigma from a multi-systems level approach. Keywords: Chronic pain, stigma, disbelief, diagnostic uncertainty, illegitimacy
Dudley, Patricia D. "Narrative Fiction and Depth Psychology| A Path Toward Growth and Discovery." Thesis, Pacifica Graduate Institute, 2016.
Full textThe cultural movement toward abbreviation and multitasking detracts from the desire and also, potentially, the ability to begin engaging in deep reading. This is problematic, considering that the deep reading of narrative fiction has many potential benefits. Through the use of both heuristic and hermeneutic methodology, this thesis takes a look at the psychological and scientific literature that explores the relationship between reading narrative fiction and an increase in both empathy and theory of mind skills; how the art of reading narrative fiction can be viewed from a depth psychological perspective; and the author’s personal experience with reading narrative fiction. This information is then utilized to explore how these components can be applied within the psychotherapy process through the use of bibliotherapy, as well as how it can be a valuable tool for one’s own personal growth and exploration outside of a therapy setting.
Boden, Helen. "Autobiography and eighteenth-century psychology in the early poetry of William Wordsworth." Thesis, University of Newcastle Upon Tyne, 1991.
Full textBooks on the topic "Psychology in literature"
Mowah, Frank Uche. Psychology and African literature. Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria: Stirling-Horden Publishers, 1996.
Find full textJhārī, Kr̥shṇadeva. Kāvya-manovijñāna = Psychology of literature. Naī Dillī: Rāshṭrīya Hindī Sāhitya Parishad, 2005.
Find full textHolland, Norman Norwood. Holland's guide to psychoanalytic psychology and literature-and-psychology. New York: Oxford University Press, 1989.
Find full textSchram, Dick, and Gerard J. Steen, eds. The Psychology and Sociology of Literature. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company, 2001.
Full textTuman, Myron. The Stuttering Son in Literature and Psychology. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2022.
Full text1948-, Fox Christopher, ed. Psychology and literature in the eighteenth century. New York, N.Y: AMS Press, 1987.
Find full textD, Fireman Gary, McVay Ted E, and Flanagan Owen J, eds. Narrative and consciousness: Literature, psychology, and the brain. New York: Oxford University Press, 2003.
Find full textJ, Paris Bernard, ed. Third force psychology and the study of literature. Rutherford, N.J: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 1986.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Psychology in literature"
Carroll, Joseph. "Death in Literature." In Evolutionary Psychology, 137–59. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2019.
Full textMiller, Scott A. "Literature Reviews." In Writing in Psychology, 91–111. 2nd ed. New York: Routledge, 2022.
Full textElms, Alan C. "Literature." In Encyclopedia of psychology, Vol. 5., 63–66. Washington: American Psychological Association, 2000.
Full textMeisel, Perry. "Psychology." In A Companion to Modernist Literature and Culture, 79–91. Oxford, UK: Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 2007.
Full textCormack, Margaret A., Michael E. Dewey, and R. Glynn Owens. "Literature Review." In Recent Research in Psychology, 3–34. New York, NY: Springer New York, 1989.
Full textMichalos, Alex C. "Literature Review." In Recent Research in Psychology, 1–25. New York, NY: Springer New York, 1993.
Full textMichalos, Alex C. "Literature Review." In Recent Research in Psychology, 1–23. New York, NY: Springer New York, 1993.
Full textMichalos, Alex C. "Literature Review." In Recent Research in Psychology, 1–46. New York, NY: Springer New York, 1991.
Full textMichalos, Alex C. "Literature Review." In Recent Research in Psychology, 1–13. New York, NY: Springer New York, 1991.
Full textCarroll, Joseph. "Literature and Evolutionary Psychology." In The Handbook of Evolutionary Psychology, 931–52. Hoboken, NJ, USA: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2015.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Psychology in literature"
"Ecology Destruction: Hoot of Environmental Psychology." In International Conference on Humanities, Literature and Economics. International Centre of Economics, Humanities and Management, 2014.
Full textGarcês, Soraia, Margarida Pocinho, and Anita Figueira. "Positive Psychology in Education:A Systematic Literature Review." In 2nd International Conference on Advanced Research in Teaching and Education. GLOBALKS, 2019.
Full textWang, Chang-Min. "Analysis on the Creative Psychology of Network Literature." In 2nd Annual International Conference on Social Science and Contemporary Humanity Development. Paris, France: Atlantis Press, 2016.
Full textHeinrichova, Nadezda. "Teaching History Through German Literature." In 8th International Conference on Education and Educational Psychology. Cognitive-crcs, 2017.
Full textTomassoni, Rosella, Francesco Spilabotte, and Monica Alina Lungu. "PSYCHOLOGY AND LITERATURE: SOME PSYCHOLOGICAL REFLECTIONS ABOUT EVELYNE BY JOYCE." In 10th SWS International Scientific Conferences on ART and HUMANITIES - ISCAH 2023. SGEM WORLD SCIENCE, 2023.
Full textTomassoni, Rosella, Francesco Spilabotte, and Monica Alina Lungu. "PSYCHOLOGY AND LITERATURE: SOME PSYCHOLOGICAL REFLECTIONS ABOUT EVELYNE BY JOYCE." In 10th SWS International Scientific Conferences on ART and HUMANITIES - ISCAH 2023. SGEM WORLD SCIENCE, 2023.
Full textWikansari, Rinandita, Abu Ausat, Rahmat Hidayat, Sofyan Mustoip, and Ade Sari. "Business Psychology Analysis of Consumer Purchasing Factors: A Literature Review." In Proceedings of the International Conference on Economic, Management, Business and Accounting, ICEMBA 2022, 17 December 2022, Tanjungpinang, Riau Islands, Indonesia. EAI, 2023.
Full textTomassoni, Rosella, Melissa Benvenuto, and Monica Alina Lungu. "PSYCHOLOGY AND LITERATURE: THE CONSCIOUSNESS OF ZENO BY ITALO SVEVO." In 10th SWS International Scientific Conferences on ART and HUMANITIES - ISCAH 2023. SGEM WORLD SCIENCE, 2023.
Full text"Cross-cultural Awareness Teaching in English Literature Education." In 2018 International Conference on Education, Psychology, and Management Science. Francis Academic Press, 2018.
Full textReports on the topic "Psychology in literature"
Gillison, Fiona, Bas Verplanken, Julie Barnett, Tania Griffin, and Liam Beasley. A rapid evidence review of the Psychology of Food Choice. Food Standards Agency, March 2022.
Full textHardani, Rika, Diana Setiyawati, and Yuli Fajar Susetyo. The Effect of Emotion Self-Regulation on Academic Achievement During Adolescence: a Protocol for a Systematic Literature Review And Meta-Analyses. INPLASY - International Platform of Registered Systematic Review and Meta-analysis Protocols, March 2022.
Full textMakhachashvili, Rusudan K., Svetlana I. Kovpik, Anna O. Bakhtina, and Ekaterina O. Shmeltser. Technology of presentation of literature on the Emoji Maker platform: pedagogical function of graphic mimesis. [б. в.], July 2020.
Full textKost’, Stepan. THE CONCEPT OF CREATIVITY IN JOURNALISM. Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, March 2021.
Full textRinghand, Madlen, Maximilian Bäumler, Christian Siebke, Marcus Mai, and Felix Elrod. Report on validation of the stochastic traffic simulation (Part A). Technische Universität Dresden, 2021.
Full textBäumler, Maximilian, Madlen Ringhand, Christian Siebke, Marcus Mai, Felix Elrod, and Günther Prokop. Report on validation of the stochastic traffic simulation (Part B). Technische Universität Dresden, 2021.
Full textRheinberger, Christoph, and Nicolas Treich. Catastrophe aversion: social attitudes towards common fates. Fondation pour une culture de sécurité industrielle, June 2016.
Full textKoomar, Saalim. What is 'Nudging' and How Does it Change Behaviour in Education? EdTech Hub, January 2024.
Full text#InspireInclusion: Addressing the Undue Service Burden Placed on Women Faculty in Psychology. ACAMH, March 2024.
Full textDetaching RAD from DSED: the rationale and research requirements. ACAMH, May 2018.
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