Academic literature on the topic 'Psychoanalysis and literature'

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Journal articles on the topic "Psychoanalysis and literature"


Freer, Alexander. "Poetics contra Psychoanalysis." Poetics Today 40, no. 4 (December 1, 2019): 619–43.

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This essay argues that psychoanalytic literary criticism has largely failed because it has assumed that literature and psychoanalysis share common analytical ground. It contends that psychoanalytic approaches necessarily deform literature, that literary readings deform psychoanalytic theory, and that the assumption of commonality between poetics and psychoanalysis causes psychoanalytic literary criticism to go astray. Advocating the opposite approach, the essay sets poetics against psychoanalysis, contending that where their mutual tension and disfigurement is recognized and investigated, psychoanalysis and literature can become genuinely available to one another.
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Kechur, Roman, Olha Yaskevych, and Khrystyna Turezka. "PSYCHOANALYTIC MANNER AND ITS RELATION TO THE LITERATURE." PSYCHOLOGICAL JOURNAL 7, no. 5 (May 31, 2021): 85–96.

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This research continues the methodological discussion between psychoanalytically-oriented therapists and their colleagues, who understand the point, the process and the influence of psychotherapy through a CBT-oriented lens. The central point of research is the question of connections between psychoanalysis and literature, or even, of psychoanalysis itself as a kind of literature. The key features of a psychoanalysts mode of thinking is to be found in the plane of aesthetics. It is proposed, that, unlike a CB-therapist, who mainly goes by the rational principles of cognition, a psychoanalyst is prone to experience the reality of psychotherapy in terms of literary aesthetics, and their attempts to verbalize their understanding of the patient is based on a literary perspective. There exists certain similarity between a writers work, as he tries to embody an imaginary character onto a page, and an analysts work, as he tries to incorporate his analytic intuition into a psychodynamic hypothesis and create a psychological portrait of the patient. Thus, the article is focused on the empirical exploration of therapeutic texts, made by therapists based on viewing an unstructured first-session interview, executed by therapists with different levels of psychotherapeutic education, experience and predisposition to psychoanalytic thinking. (For measuring said predisposition an adaptation of the Comparative Psychotherapy Process Scale(CPPS) has been carried out, its inner coherence and diagnostic validity have been established. The results of simultaneous independent criterion-based analysis of the produced texts by literary experts and psychoanalytic supervisors have shown, that the literary aesthetic is an a priory feature of the descriptions of psychoanalysts, and the more so, the higher the analysts therapeutic quality. This does not so much concern the artistic value of the descriptions, but the artistic taste: the ability to distinguish kitsch and artistic form, and the ability to integrate them into new gestalts on basis of sensual harmony. Thus, the evidence supports the claim, that artistic taste is a fundamental feature of a psychoanalysts therapeutic cognition. It is particularly the aesthetic ability of the analyst, which allows for the specific non-goal-oriented approach to his therapeutic influence, which gives room to the development of the true Self according to Winnicott, and further separates the therapeutic process from the goal-oriented therapeutic learning. Thus it is concluded, that the analytic process from the position of aesthetics may fall under the risk of devolving into forms of kitsch practices.
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Marini, Stefano, Laura Di Tizio, Sira Dezi, Silvia Armuzzi, Simona Pelaccia, Alessandro Valchera, Gianna Sepede, et al. "The bridge between two worlds: psychoanalysis and fMRI." Reviews in the Neurosciences 27, no. 2 (February 1, 2016): 219–29.

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AbstractIn recent years, a connection between psychoanalysis and neuroscience has been sought. The meeting point between these two branches is represented by neuropsychoanalysis. The goal of the relationship between psychoanalysis and neuroscience is to test psychoanalytic hypotheses in the human brain, using a scientific method. A literature search was conducted on May 2015. PubMed and Scopus databases were used to find studies for the inclusion in the systematic review. Common results of the studies investigated are represented by a reduction, a modulation, or a normalization of the activation patterns found after the psychoanalytic therapy. New findings in the possible and useful relationship between psychoanalysis and neuroscience could change the modalities of relating to patients for psychoanalysts and the way in which neuroscientists plan their research. Researchers should keep in mind that in any scientific research that has to do with people, neuroscience and a scientific method cannot avoid subjective interpretation.
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Kolar, D., and M. Kolar. "Psychoanalysis, Philosophy and Literature- Intersection of Science and Art." European Psychiatry 66, S1 (March 2023): S973.

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IntroductionPhilosophy and psychoanalysis have mutually influenced each other in many ways. Ancient Greek philosophers, Socrates and Plato were frequently cited by Freud in his works and the origins of certain psychoanalytic concepts can be found in their works. The philosophical works of Kant, Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, Heidegger, Husserl, Sartre and many others had a significant impact on the development of psychoanalytic ideas. The intersection of philosophy and literature was best depicted in Simone de Beauvoir’s concept of the metaphysical novel.ObjectivesThe goal of this presentation is to perform a comprehensive historical review of the relationship between psychoanalysis, philosophy and literature.MethodsDifferent philosophical schools from ancient philosophy to classic German philosophy and philosophy of existentialism have been explored in their relationship with psychoanalysis and world literature. Among world literary classics, we selected only those who best represent the role of psychoanalysis in the modern literary critics and on the other hand the influence of philosophy on literature.ResultsEarly origins of the relationship between philosophy, psychoanalysis and literature can be found in the text of ancient philosophers and writers. The great Sophocles’ tragic drama Oedipus the King was the foundation for Freud’s concept of Oedipus complex. The Socratic dialogue, a technique best elaborated by his student Plato was the antecedent of modern psychotherapy. Later in history philosophical works of Kant, Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, Husserl, Heidegger, Sartre and many others had a significant impact on the development of psychoanalytic ideas. There is a number of other philosophical fictions in the world literature written by Sartre, Camus, Kafka, Proust and many others and some of these literary woks may have characteristics of psychological novel as well. Literary critics is an important field for the application of psychoanalysis. Psychoanalytic theory has been always in forefront of Shakespearean studies. Marcel Proust is a writer who gave a significant contribution to modern literary studies. He wrote about the interactive process between the reader and text and emotional impact of reading. Proust recognized the similar psychological processes that we can see in psychoanalytic setting.ConclusionsThis comprehensive historical review of the relationship between psychoanalysis, philosophy and literature demonstrates that all these disciplines have much in common, particularly in their intention to approach truth from different angles. Psychoanalysis is a science and applies scientific methodology in its theory and treatment. Certain branches of psychoanalysis like Jung’s analytic psychology are sometimes closer to philosophy and art than to science. Philosophy as a humanistic discipline has always been in between science and art.Disclosure of InterestNone Declared
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MAVRODIEV, Stoil. "PSYCHOANALYSIS OF BULGARIAN LITERATURE: A HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE." Ezikov Svyat volume 22 issue 2, ezs.swu.v22i2 (May 30, 2024): 111–21.

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The article is devoted to the development of the psychoanalytic movement in Bulgaria between the 1920s and the 1940s, when it reached its apogee. After this period, the communist regime came to power in Bulgaria and it banned all philosophical currents other than Marxist-Leninist philosophy. Psychoanalysis was also banned and it was declared to be a “bourgeois and unscientific doctrine”. The meta-analysis of the work of the Bulgarian Freudians makes it possible to distinguish the following main problem areas in which they worked: philosophical and methodological issues of psychoanalysis; the topic of religion; the “reading” of socio-political and social phenomena; issues of education and training; psychopathology and abnormal personality development; and the application of psychoanalysis as a methodology of artistic creation. This text examines the application of psychoanalysis as a methodology of artistic creation and its possibilities for analyzing the personality of the author and the literary works. It presents the interpretations of Bulgarian psychoanalytically oriented authors of the literary works of the poets Hristo Botev and Peyo Yavorov, as well as their reflections on some problems of art and aesthetics.
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Katz, Maya Balakirsky. "An Occupational Neurosis: A Psychoanalytic Case History of a Rabbi." AJS Review 34, no. 1 (April 2010): 1–31.

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In consultation with Sigmund Freud, the Viennese psychoanalyst Wilhelm Stekel (1868–1940) treated the first Jewish cleric known to undergo analysis, in 1903. According to the case history, published in 1908, a forty-two-year-old rabbi suffered from aBerufsneurose, an occupational neurosis associated with the pressures of his career. Stekel's case history forms an indelible portrait of a religious patient who submitted himself to the highly experimental treatment of psychoanalysis in the early years of the discipline. However, scholars never integrated the rabbi's case into the social history of psychoanalysis, more as a consequence of Freud's professional disparagement of Stekel than of the case history's original reception. Psychoanalytic historiography has largely dismissed Stekel's legacy, resulting in a lack of serious scholarly consideration of his prodigious publications compared to the attention paid to the work of some of Freud's other disciples. Stekel's most recent biographers, however, credit him as the “unsung populariser of psychoanalysis,” and claim that he is due for reconsideration. But in his published case history of the rabbi, Stekel also warrants introduction to the field of Jewish studies, not only because of the literary treatment of the rabbinical profession by a secular Jewish psychoanalyst, but also because the rabbi incorporated aspects of that experience into his own intellectual framework after treatment.
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Bachrach, Henry M., Robert Galatzer-Levy, Alan Skolnikoff, and Sherwood Waldron. "On the Efficacy of Psychoanalysis." Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association 39, no. 4 (December 1991): 871–916.

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In this study we critically review the formal research literature pertinent to the outcomes of psychoanalysis and the factors influencing these outcomes. Our inquiry was conducted from a psychoanalytic perspective. We found the research yield consistent with the accumulated body of clinically derived psychoanalytic knowledge, e.g., patients suitable for psychoanalysis derive substantial therapeutic benefit; analyzability and therapeutic benefit are relatively separate dimensions and their extent is relatively unpredictable from the perspective of initial evaluation among seemingly suitable cases. The studies all contain clinical and methodological limitations which are no more substantial than in other forms of psychotherapy research, but they have not substantially advanced psychoanalytic knowledge. This raises challenges for the further development of formal research strategies native to psychoanalysis.
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De Jonghe, F., P. Rijnierse, and R. Janssen. "The Role of Support in Psychoanalysis." Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association 40, no. 2 (April 1992): 475–99.

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A two-factor theory of clinical psychoanalysis is proposed. In accordance with the predominant position of the structural-adaptational (“classical”) approach in psychoanalytic theory, the power of interpretation and insight in clinical psychoanalysis has received ample attention in psychoanalytic literature. There seems, however, to be a growing awareness among analysts that not all the facts of an analytic treatment can be accounted for by this approach alone. A second factor is increasingly recognized: the power of adequate support provided by the analyst and resulting in a specific experience by the analysand. In the application of the developmental (“postclassical”) approach of psychoanalytic theory, the importance of this support-experience factor in the treatment of ordinary neurosis by means of ordinary psychoanalysis is emphasized. The relative neglect of this aspect of clinical psychoanalysis may be indicative of the present-day dilemma of how to translate advances in theoretical knowledge of mental development into the therapeutic praxis of psychoanalysis. There may, however, be another important reason. Support and experience are phenomena often occurring on the nonverbal level. In contrast to interpretation and insight, they are usually not voiced, let alone distinctly and loudly expressed. They are the silent power of psychoanalysis.
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Wardani, Erna. "The Piano: A Psychoanalytic Approach to Movie as A Media of Reflective Teaching." J-Lalite: Journal of English Studies 1, no. 1 (June 30, 2020): 68.

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Freud’s psychoanalytic approach has been one of the most controversial approaches to many fields of interest. Relating to education and educational psychology, this approach plays a significant role in modifying and enhancing one’s behavioral relationship among the educational elements like educators, parents, and students. Therefore, in many things, this approach has contributed a lot of inspiration in the development of education. In literary works, there seems to be a mutual fascination between psychoanalysis and literature whereas theory and approach, psychoanalysis explains literature and literature itself exploits psychoanalysis for creative purposes and works. Here, as a creative work, movie is considered literature because it can be interpreted and analyzed just like other written works of literature. As a learning instrument, movie evokes an affective domain that leads to changes in learning behavior and attitudes. Experiencing certain-themed movies can trigger particular reflective memories and reference toward events occurring on a daily basis and it can further strengthen the foundation for learning complex concepts like psychoanalysis.
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G. E. Kelly, Mark. "Foucault On Psychoanalysis: Missed Encounter or Gordian Knot?" Foucault Studies 1, no. 28 (September 27, 2020): 96–119.

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Foucault’s remarks concerning psychoanalysis are ambivalent and even prima facie contra-dictory, at times lauding Freud and Lacan as anti-humanists, at others being severely criti-cal of their imbrication within psychiatric power. This has allowed a profusion of interpretations of his position, between so-called ‘Freudo-Foucauldians’ at one extreme and Foucauldians who condemn psychoanalysis as such at the other. In this article, I begin by surveying Foucault’s biographical and theoretical relationship to psychoanalysis and the sec-ondary scholarship on this relationship to date. I pay particular attention to the discussion of the relationship in feminist scholarship and queer theory, and that by psychoanalytic thinkers, as well as attending to the particular focus in the secondary literature on Fou-cault’s late work and his relationship to the figure of Jacques Lacan. I conclude that Fou-cault’s attitude to psychoanalysis varies with context, and that some of his criticisms of psychoanalysis in part reflect an ignorance of the variety of psychoanalytic thought, partic-ularly in its Lacanian form. I thus argue that Foucault sometimes tended to overestimate the extent of the incompatibility of his approach with psychoanalytic ones and that there is ultimately no serious incompatibility there. Rather, psychoanalysis represents a substantively different mode of inquiry to Foucault’s work, which is neither straightforwardly ex-clusive nor inclusive of psychoanalytic insights.
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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Psychoanalysis and literature"


Lindsay, Stuart L. "Reading Chernobyl : psychoanalysis, deconstruction, literature." Thesis, University of Stirling, 2014.

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This thesis explores the psychological trauma of the survivors of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster, which occurred on April 26, 1986. I argue for the emergence from the disaster of three Chernobyl traumas, each of which will be analysed individually – one per chapter. In reading these three traumas of Chernobyl, the thesis draws upon and situates itself at the interface between two primary theoretical perspectives: Freudian psychoanalysis and the deconstructive approach of Jacques Derrida. The first Chernobyl trauma is engendered by the panicked local response to the consequences of the explosion at Chernobyl Reactor Four by the power plant’s staff, the fire fighters whose job it was to extinguish the initial blaze caused by the blast, the inhabitants of nearby towns and villages, and the soldiers involved in the region’s evacuation and radiation decontamination. Most of these people died from radiation poisoning in the days, weeks, months or years after the disaster’s occurrence. The first chapter explores the usefulness and limits of Freudian psychoanalytic readings of local survivors’ testimonies of the disaster, examining in relation to the Chernobyl event Freud’s practice of locating the authentic primal scene or originary traumatic witnessing experience in his subjects’ pasts, as exemplified by his Wolf Man analysis, detailed in his psychoanalytic study ‘On the History of an Infantile Neurosis’ (1918). The testimonies read through this Freudian psychoanalytic lens are constituted by Igor Kostin’s personal account of the disaster’s aftermath, detailed in his book Chernobyl: Confessions of a Reporter (2006), and by Svetlana Alexievich’s interviews with Chernobyl disaster survivors in her book Voices from Chernobyl: The Oral History of a Nuclear Disaster (2006). The second chapter argues that Freudian psychoanalysis only provides a provisional, ultimately fictional origin of Chernobyl trauma. Situating itself in relation to trauma studies, this thesis, progressing from its first to its second chapter, charts the geographical and temporal shift between these first and second traumas, from trauma-as-sudden-event to trauma-as-gradual-process. In the weeks following the initial Chernobyl explosion, which released into the atmosphere a radioactive cloud that blew in a north-westerly direction across Northern Ukraine, Belarus, Latvia, Estonia, Finland and Sweden, symptoms of radiation poisoning slowly emerged in the populations of the abovementioned countries. To analyse the psychological impact of confronting this gradual, international unfolding of trauma – the second trauma of Chernobyl – the second chapter of this thesis explores the critique of the global attempt to archivise, elegise and ultimately understand the Chernobyl disaster in Mario Petrucci’s elegies, compiled in his poetry collection Heavy Water: A Poem for Chernobyl (2006), the horror film Chernobyl Diaries (2012, dir. Bradley Parker), and Adam Roberts’ Science Fiction novel, Yellow Blue Tibia (2009). Analysing the deconstructive approach of Jacques Derrida in these texts – his notions of archive fever, impossible mourning and ethical mourning – this chapter argues that the attempt to interiorise, memorialise and mourn the survivors of the Chernobyl disaster is narcissistic, hubristic and violent in the extreme. It then proposes that Derrida’s notion of ethical mourning, outlined most clearly in his lecture ‘Mnemosyne’ (1984), enables us to situate our emotional sympathy for survivors – who, following Derrida’s lecture, are maintained as permanently exterior and inaccessible to us – in our very inability or failure to comprehend or locate the origin of their Chernobyl traumas. The third and final chapter analyses the third trauma of Chernobyl: the psychological and physiological effects of the disaster on second-generation inhabitants living near the Exclusion Zone erected around the evacuated, cordoned-off and still-radioactive Chernobyl region. These second-generation experiences of living near a sealed-away source of intense radiation are reconstructed in literature and videogaming: in Darragh McKeon’s novel All That Is Solid Melts Into Air (2014), Hamid Ismailov’s novel The Dead Lake (2014) and the videogame S.T.A.L.K.E.R: Shadow of Chernobyl (2007), developed by the company GSC Game World. The analysis of these texts is informed by Nicolas Abraham and Maria Torok’s psychoanalytic theory of the intergenerational phantom: the muteness of a generation’s history which returns to haunt the succeeding generations. This chapter will explore the psychological effects upon second-generation Chernobyl survivors, which result from these survivors’ incorporation or unconscious interiorisation of their parents’ psychologically repressed traumatic Chernobyl experiences, by analysing reconstructions of this process in the abovementioned texts. These parental experiences, echoing the Exclusion Zone as a denied physical space, have been interred in inaccessible psychic crypts. By way of conclusion, the thesis then offers an alternative theory of reading survivors’ Chernobyl trauma. Survivors’ restaging of their Chernobyl witnessing experiences as jokes enables them to cathartically, temporarily abreact their trauma through the laughter that these jokes engender.
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Baker, Philip Paul. "Beckett and psychoanalysis." Thesis, University of Oxford, 1993.

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Szollosy, Michael. "Surviving our paradoxes : the psychoanalysis and literature of uncertainty." Thesis, University of Sheffield, 2003.

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This thesis explores the importance of tolerating and facilitating uncertainty as it is recognised by British Independent and Kfeinian psychoanalysis and contemporary British magic realist fiction. In Part I, I offer some theoretical investigations, arguing that postmodem and some psychoanalytic discourses, namely Lacanian psychostructuralism, remarkably fail to address the challenges facing subjects in late- twentieth, early twenty-first century consumer culture. In their inability to tolerate paradoxes and uncertainty, these discourses objectify the subject, through processes of depersonalisation, derealisation and desubjectification. To redress these problems, I offer the work of British psychoanalysts, specifically, that of D. W. Winnicott and Melanie Klein and her followers. These perspectives, I argue, better serve the contemporary subject by recognising the importance of paradox and helping develop facilitating environments for the realisation of creative experience. In Part II, I examine how the play of paradox is fostered in contemporary British magic realist fiction. Specifically, I look at how these narrative strategies attempt to move away from the vicissitudes of internal and external, certainty and uncertainty, reason and unreason, to negotiate a Winnicottian third, potential space. The conceptualisation of such a space, I believe, offers a place from which we can begin to dialogue, to draw ourselves out of the oppositional dialectics that have plagued the bourgeois subject. I believe that in the novels of writers such as Jeanette Winterson, Joanne Harris, John Fowles, John Murray and, most especially, Angela Carter, we can find alternatives to bourgeois conceptions of reason and rationality, alternatives that are not based on the paranoid-schizoid, primitive processes and depersonalisation necessitated by the Enlightenment and capitalism but instead upon, in Kleinian terms, depressive ambivalence and the recognition of whole-objects.
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Shorter, Wendy Ann. "Gothic writing : maintaining the psyche in literature and psychoanalysis." Thesis, University of Kent, 2004.

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Johnson, Scott. "Systemic concepts in literature and art." Diss., This resource online, 1991.

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Chisholm, Dianne Lynn. "H.D.'s Freudian poetics : psychoanalysis in translation." Thesis, University of Oxford, 1988.

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Ray, Nicholas. "Tragedy and otherness : Sophocles, Shakespeare, psychoanalysis." Thesis, University of Warwick, 2002.

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The thesis is concerned with the relationship between psychoanalysis and tragedy, and the way in which psychoanalysis has structured its theory by reference to models from tragic drama - in particular, those of Sophocles and Shakespeare. It engages with some of the most recent thinking in contemporary French psychoanalysis, most notably the work of Jean Laplanche, so as to interrogate both Freudian metapsychology and the tragic texts in which it claims to identify its prototypes. Laplanche has ventured an ‘other-centred’ re-reading of the Freudian corpus which seeks to go beyond the tendency of Freud himself, and psychoanalysis more generally, to unify and centralise the human subject in a manner which strays from and occults some of the most radical elements of the psychoanalytic enterprise. The (occulted) specificity of the Freudian discovery, Laplanche proposes, lies in the irreducible otherness of the subject to himself and therefore of the messages by which subjects communicate their desires. I argue that Freud’s recourse to literary models is inextricably bound up with the ‘goings-astray’ in his thinking. Laplanche’s work, I suggest, offers an important perspective from which to consider not only the function which psychoanalysis cells upon them to perform, but also that within them for which Freud and psychoanalysis have remained unable to account. Taking three tragic dramas which, more or less explicitly, have borne a formative impact on Freud’s thought, and which have often been understood to articulate the emergence of ‘the subject’, I attempt to set alongside Freud’s own readings of them, the argument that each figures not the unifying or centralising but the radical decentring of its principal protagonists and their communicative acts. By close textual analyses of these three works, and by reference to their historical and cultural contexts, the crucial Freudian motif of parricide (real or symbolic) which structures and connects them is shown ultimately to be an inescapable and inescapably paradoxical gesture: one of liberty and autonomy at the cost of self-division, and of a dependence at the cost of a certain autonomy.
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Bell, Richard 1972. "Towards a psychoanalytic aesthetics of contemporary literature." Monash University, German Studies, 2001.

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Wright, Laurie Jo. "Unravelling countertransference : three case histories from literature." Thesis, University of Kent, 1996.

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Curtis, Abigail. "The Freud effect : at the limits of psychoanalysis and literature." Thesis, University of Sussex, 2007.

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Books on the topic "Psychoanalysis and literature"


Vine, Steve, ed. Literature in Psychoanalysis. London: Macmillan Education UK, 2005.

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Parkin-Gounelas, Ruth. Literature and Psychoanalysis. London: Macmillan Education UK, 2001.

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Rancour-Laferriere, Daniel, ed. Russian Literature and Psychoanalysis. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company, 1989.

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Daniel, Rancour-Laferriere, and Conference on Russian Literature and Psychoanalysis (1987 : University of California, Davis), eds. Russian literature and psychoanalysis. Amsterdam: J. Benjamins Pub. Co., 1989.

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Valentine, Kylie. Psychoanalysis, Psychiatry and Modernist Literature. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2003.

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Shlomith, Rimmon-Kenan, ed. Discourse in psychoanalysis and literature. London: Methuen, 1987.

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1961-, Vine Steven, ed. Literature in psychoanalysis: A reader. Basingstoke: Palgrave, 2002.

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1961-, Vine Steven, ed. Literature in psychoanalysis: A reader. Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan, 2005.

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Green, Martin Burgess. Otto Gross, Freudian psychoanalyst, 1877-1920: Literature and ideas. Lewiston, NY: E. Mellen Press, 1999.

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Williams, Paul, D.P.M. and Gabbard Glen O, eds. Key papers in literature and psychoanalysis. London: Karnac, 2007.

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Book chapters on the topic "Psychoanalysis and literature"


Long, Will. "Psychoanalysis." In The Palgrave Handbook of Philosophy and Literature, 489–517. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2018.

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Walker, Oriana, and Arthur Rose. "The Forgotten Obvious: Breathing in Psychoanalysis." In The Life of Breath in Literature, Culture and Medicine, 369–90. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2021.

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AbstractThis essay traces the role of breathing in the literature and history of psychoanalysis from Josef Breuer and Sigmund Freud through Otto Fenichel and Wilhelm Reich. It uncovers interesting discontinuities in the significance granted to breathing as the psychoanalytic tradition develops. These observations of the breath shed new light on major theoretical divisions of psychoanalysis from its founding through its arrival in the US with the émigré analysts. This history offers views both into the changing imagination of the breath itself and into the role of the body in an evolving psychoanalytic practice more generally.
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Cooper, Seiso Paul. "Literature Review." In Psychoanalysis and Zen Buddhism, 33–50. London: Routledge, 2023.

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Frosh, Stephen. "Psychoanalysis as/of Literature." In Psychoanalysis Outside the Clinic, 69–97. London: Macmillan Education UK, 2010.

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Spielrein, Sabina. "Russian Literature on Psychoanalysis." In Sabina Spielrein and the Beginnings of Psychoanalysis, 261–72. Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, NY : Routledge, 2019.: Routledge, 2019.

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Ogden, Benjamin H. "From literature to psychoanalysis." In Beyond Psychoanalytic Literary Criticism, 21–37. London ; New York, NY : Routledge, 2018.: Routledge, 2018.

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Ogden, Benjamin H. "From psychoanalysis to literature." In Beyond Psychoanalytic Literary Criticism, 38–49. London ; New York, NY : Routledge, 2018.: Routledge, 2018.

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Frosh, Stephen. "Psychoanalysis, art and literature." In A Brief Introduction to Psychoanalytic Theory, 211–22. London: Macmillan Education UK, 2012.

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Vine, Steve. "Introduction." In Literature in Psychoanalysis, 1–15. London: Macmillan Education UK, 2005.

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Derrida, Jacques. "Fors: The Anglish Words of Nicolas Abraham and Maria Torok." In Literature in Psychoanalysis, 160–77. London: Macmillan Education UK, 2005.

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Conference papers on the topic "Psychoanalysis and literature"


de Castro, Larissa Leão, and Terezinha de Camargo Viana. "THE PSYCHOANALYTIC THOUGHT OF HÉLIO PELLEGRINO (1924-1988): INITIAL REFLECTIONS." In International Psychological Applications Conference and Trends. inScience Press, 2021.

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"This theoretical study is part of a doctoral thesis and aims to investigate how the psychoanalytic thinking of Hélio Pellegrino - the Brazilian psychoanalyst, poet and writer - is structured and its ethical and political implications in the formation of psychoanalysis. We note the importance of thematic research, since there is no scientific publication that has as its object of study a systematic analysis of the author's psychoanalytic production. Furthermore, investigations of this kind contribute to the establishment of a reference bibliography on psychoanalysis in Brazil. That said, this research was developed and completed through a study of a large part of his psychoanalytic production, which is under the custody of the personal archives of the Museum of Brazilian Literature, at the Casa Rui Barbosa Foundation (FCRB). In this work, we outline some elements of the analysis found in his work, whose focus is on reflecting on the epistemological, conceptual and practical foundations of psychoanalytic theory. It has, as a constant concern, the analysis of the problems that structure Brazilian society, observed through his own reading of the Oedipus complex, the constitution of subjectivity and the social pact, in general, and in Brazil, in particular. As such, he discusses the explicit commitment of psychoanalysis in transforming the serious social problems faced by Brazil, which are related to the serious structural problems of international capitalism, and which are also reflected in the problems of the development of psychoanalytic institutions around the world."
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Psychoanalysis is a branch of science that focuses on the subconscious and unconscious aspects of human beings. “When it comes to the human soul, it is seen that almost the entire human ego is based on psychology.” (Emre, 2006: 16). The psychoanalytic literary theory is a theory that tries to reveal the unconscious and subconscious aspects of the artist in general, and is shaped on the theories of Sigmund Freud. This theory has a feature that reflects the bonds between the identity of the artist and his work. “Until Freud, the origin of human behavior was generally associated with physiology. After long studies, Freud reveals that the unconscious is as effective as physiological conditions and disorders on the basis of human behavior. (Cebeci, 2009: 72). Necip Fazıl Kısakürek, one of the important names of Turkish poetry in the Republican period, is generally known for his mystical and metaphysical poems. There are many uses in his poems that are suitable for psychoanalytic analysis. In the poems of Kısakürek, "subconscious and image, rebirth, sense of emptiness, self-complexity, struggle for existence" etc. elements are included. Key words: Necip Fazıl Kısakürek, Literary theory, Psychoanalytic.
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Dynnychenko, T. A. "Polar psychoanalysis images of late European modernism literature." In PHILOLOGICAL SCIENCES AND TRANSLATION STUDIES: EUROPEAN POTENTIAL. Baltija Publishing, 2022.

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Oliveira Neto, Benjamim Machado de. "Psychoanalysis and pedagogy as a study that brought the concept of pedalysis to life: a method that works on learning and subjectivity." In II INTERNATIONAL SEVEN MULTIDISCIPLINARY CONGRESS. Seven Congress, 2023.

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Abstract The article will have the proposal to develop a study on the relationship between psychoanalysis and education as an educational practice in Early Childhood Education, considering that the educational model is undergoing transformations due to the advancement of technology, political changes and innovations of globalization. The objective of the work is to reflect on the importance of the concept of Pedanalysis as an instrument that allows working with the learning process and the stages of development of children. The methodology will encompass a bibliographical review, based on specialized literature on the subject in question, in the quest to present the theoretical framework and how such works contribute to building a human, technical and meaningful teaching. The bibliographic content covers a set of authors and professionals in the field of psychology, education and psychoanalysis, in this case: Brenner (1987), Hal; Layton (2013); Lindsey (1984); Siqueira (2003); Shultz (1992); Tales (2001); Taquette (2013). In this way, research is of paramount importance to offer an investigation tool that makes it possible to identify conflicts, emotions and problematic behavior in childhood, which is capable of bringing a sensitive look to the level of learning difficulties and to intervene in such situations. situations that occur in the classroom. It was concluded that the value of the object is to think about the existing connection between pedagogy and psychoanalytic action as a method that allows explaining certain conflicts in the school environment and working on the subjectivity of students.
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Tomassoni, Rosella, Melissa Benvenuto, and Monica Alina Lungu. "PSYCHOLOGY AND LITERATURE: THE CONSCIOUSNESS OF ZENO BY ITALO SVEVO." In 10th SWS International Scientific Conferences on ART and HUMANITIES - ISCAH 2023. SGEM WORLD SCIENCE, 2023.

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The present work aims to address the role that psychology plays within literary works starting from a "critical" reading aimed at understanding and recognizing the psychological and in some works also psychopathological traits present within the texts. Our goal will be to present the conscious and unconscious aspects of the various characters and identify the reasons that prompted the author to create and analyze certain psychological issues and certain environmental situations. The methodology that will be used will mainly be that indicated by Professor Antonio Fusco which aims and which tends to enhance the contribution of the Author's conscious Ego, of the emotional centers and of the unconscious contents of the mind following in part the line of the psychiatrist Silvano Arieti who in one of his main works illustrates the concept of �tertiary thinking� and sees it as a synthesis of unconscious, endoceptual and conceptual elements [1]. The aspects that will allow you to better understand the facets of a literary work will be reading, knowledge of the author's biography and identifying with the characteristic features of the characters. On the relationship between mind, art, literature and psychoanalysis over time we have had numerous contributions from not only Sigmund Freud, Carl Gustav Jung, but also many other authors. Just think of the various writers who have dealt with very important psychological and psychoanalytic themes through their novels; in the present work we will limit our attention to a psychological investigation of the work Zeno's conscience by Italo Svevo. Through the analysis of the characters and their inner life, it will be our task to be able to make the reader identify completely with the life described by the authors of the literary works. In this perspective, the psychologist will try to work alongside the traditional literary critic with the sole propose of providing a further humble investigative contribution. In conclusion, it can be said that the thread that binds psychology to many literary works is very thin.
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Crepaldi, Gianluca, and Pia Andreatta. "THE CONCEPT OF CUMULATIVE TRAUMA IN TIMES OF COVID-19: COULD KHANS THEORY BECOME USEFUL AGAIN?" In International Psychological Applications Conference and Trends. inScience Press, 2021.

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"The paper discusses whether the psychoanalytic concept of Cumulative Trauma could be a valuable theoretical contribution in understanding possible traumatization’s of children in the course of the Covid-19 pandemic, as they may quite often face a multiple stressed parent during a lockdown, who’s parental function is on the verge breaching. This concept of trauma as established by British Psychoanalyst Masud Khan in 1963 was hardly taken into account in recent trauma research and it has seen little discussion in psychodynamic literature; if at all, it has been used as a merely descriptive category, without considering the suspension of the parental care function, which was identified as the decisive traumatogenic factor for the child’s traumatization. The paper begins with a recapitulation of the original theory and then moves on to linking the Cumulative Trauma to current research contexts (attachment, mentalization, developmental trauma disorder). Finally, the relevance of the concept for parenting in times of the Covid-19 pandemic is explored on the basis of a short clinical case example."
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Nguyen Thi, Dung. "The World Miraculous Characters in Vietnamese Fairy Tales Aspect of Languages – Ethnic in Scene South East Asia Region." In GLOCAL Conference on Asian Linguistic Anthropology 2019. The GLOCAL Unit, SOAS University of London, 2019.

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Like other genres of folk literature, fairy tales of Vietnamese ethnicity with miraculous character systems become strongly influenced by Southeast Asia’s historical-cultural region. Apart from being influenced by farming, Buddhism, Confucianism, urbanism, Vietnamese fairy tales are deeply influenced by ethno-linguistic elements. Consequently, fairy tales do not preserve their root identities, but shift and emerge over time. The study investigates and classifies the miraculous tales of peoples of Vietnam with strange characters (fairies, gods, Buddha, devils) in linguistic and ethnographic groups, and in high-to-low ratios. Here the study expands on, evaluates, correlates, and differentiates global miraculous characters, and describes influences of creation of miraculous characters in these fairy tales. The author affirms the value of this character system within the fairy tales, and develops conceptions of global aesthetic views. To conduct the research, the author applies statistical methods, documentary surveys, type comparison methods, systematic approaches, synthetic analysis methods, and interdisciplinary methods (cultural studies, ethnography, psychoanalysis). The author conducted a reading of and referring to the miraculous fairy tales of the peoples of Vietnam with strange characters. 250 fairy tales were selected from 32 ethnic groups of Vietnam, which have the most types of miraculous characters, classifying these according to respective language groups, through an ethnography. The author compares sources to determine characteristics of each miraculous character, and employs system methods to understand the components of characters. The author analyzes and evaluates the results based on the results of the survey and classification. Within the framework of the article, the author focuses on the following two issues; some general features of the geographical conditions and history of Vietnam in the context of Southeast Asia’s ancient and medieval periods were observed; a survey was conducted of results of virtual characters in the fairy tales of Vietnam from the perspective of language, yet accomplished through an ethnography. The results of the study indicate a calculation and quantification of magical characters in the fairy tales of Vietnamese. This study contributes to the field of Linguistic Anthropology in that it presents the first work to address the system of virtual characters in the fairy tales of Vietnam in terms of language, while it surveys different types of material, origins formed, and so forth.
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