Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Psychanalyse des institutions'
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Bittolo, Christophe. "Ambiances et climats subjectifs dans les groupes et les institutions : approches clinique et psychopathologique." Paris 5, 2004. http://www.theses.fr/2004PA05H066.
Full textThis research aims at studying the nature and impact of different group ambiences and their normal and pathological aspects, from an individual and group psychoanalytical angle. Three theoretical chapters attempt to afthom how specific and peculiar undifferentiated mental states are, and to clarify the nature of the affective and emotional elements that make up such states. Then our argument itself is clinically put to test in psychiatric hospitals for adults, from three main exploring angles : individual psychotherapeutic relationship, psychotherapeutic groups, and team work. Thanks to this study, we can emphasize different group climates and their peculiar effect on mental life, as well as some structural forms of syncretic grouping and their influencing quality and disruption in sensoriaffective group states and individual moods
Maurin, Aurélie. "Les couloirs de l'adolescence : les espaces et les temps informels, leurs pratiques et leurs sens dans les institutions éducatives pour adolescents." Paris 8, 2010. http://octaviana.fr/document/152088563#?c=0&m=0&s=0&cv=0.
Full textThis thesis addresses the function of `informal spaces and times' in adolescents development centers, in light of self-construction processes inherent to this transitional period of life. We perform this analysis following a clinic approach and exploiting a multidisciplinary theoretical corpus, mainly based on psychoanalysis, philosophy and sociology. Dedicated observations in a Parisian high-school, two secondary schools, and one outpatient clinic, combined with original research tools, such as photography workshops, revealed that adolescents dwell indeed in such informal times and spaces. This manuscript is organized in three parts that reflect the actual research themes : the concept of the informal, the adolescent stage, and their possible interaction. Adolescence will be considered as a time of subjectification which implies a body’s presence, i. E. A specific way of dwelling, in the informal spaces and times. This is part of the psychological self-construction. Furthermore, this thesis argues that informal spaces and times are to be related to the ‘transitional space’ and consequently to the ability to dream, to create and to think. The question of transformation as paradigm of both the informal concept and adolescence will be also addressed
Pazmiño, Márquez Gabriela. "Paramètres cliniques pour la prise en charge des enfants et adolescents atteints d'autisme et de psychose au sein des institutions publiques : contributions de la psychanalyse en France et perspectives en Équateur." Thesis, Sorbonne Paris Cité, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018USPCC030.
Full textThe institutional device turns out to be particularly relevant for the treatment of psychotic and autistic children, as demonstrated by the experiences of early childhood educators and psychoanalysts in Europe from the 1920s onwards. We are going to place the modalities of institutional intervention, which allows us to verify this hypothesis, based on the analysis of four different institutional experiences oriented by psychoanalysis. The Freudian and Lacanian doctrine gives the clinician the opportunity to invent and to constantly renew the means to admit and encourage the productions of the psychotic subject, giving them all their place and dignity. A clinical approche of psychosis develops in this way, and results in the transmission of its effects. This allows to consider an application of psychoanalysis in Ecuador, through the study of the parameters for the implementation of an unprecedented clinical device, in order to treat on an institutionnal level children suffering from psychic disorders
Petrou, Michael. "Souffrances limites individuelles et cadres transsubjectifs pour leur symbolisation. : approche psychanalytique des institutions de soin, de l'adolescence, de la violence et du deuil, à l'interface de l'Anthropologie." Thesis, Lyon, 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019LYSE2107.
Full textThis Thesis is the reworking and re-composition of a study based on the experience acquired by the author from the following:• his active participation in the recent psychiatric reform in Greece (establishment and functioning of a shelter for asylum-seeker patients and later a daycentre for autistic children);• his clinical theory reflections on maltreatment and adolescents (offenders and victims of violence), what the author proposes to call violated transitions.• this research stretching over thirty years on the topic the continuing mourning of the missing persons in Cyprus (on account of the invasion of the island by Turkey in 1974) and the individual, social and political interferences with this impossible mourning;• his studies on the extension of the concept of the work of mourning (as a prototype of the psychic work in his report on the cultural work), the limits and obstacles that the mourning encounters in the context of culture and contemporary society.In the course of these developments, the adopted pluridisciplinary approach gives rise to a dialogue involving the Psychoanalysis, Anthropology and Literature of ancient Greece. Pluridisciplinarity allows, at the same time, the multiplication of approaches, in order to better seize of the phenomena in their complexity and relation to their environments, examine that which is developing on the interfaces, bring out in relief our conceptual and methodological limitations, in order to place into perspective the ways of disengagement and overtaking. (The study on the presumed primacy of the mother in Psychoanalysis and Anthropology, as well as the study on postmodern culture as an anti-mournful meta-frame, are examples of this).4In multiplying the expressions of psychic suffering that have to be studied, the environments where they manifest themselves and the perspectives of their examination, the author is forced to show that the structure and the psychic processes of the individual subject, especially their sufferings, cannot be sufficiently understood and even less so sustained and alleviated, whether one relates them to the loads and contents they take for other subjects, or one articulates and places them in communication with other psychic functions of the latter, also with the frames and meta-frames in which the subjects fall, in their capacity as accepting party and constituent party of a trans-subjective unit.Hypotheses on the inter-subjective processes, functions and contents of transfer, load, transit, trans-subjective framing, recovery and re-symbolization are at the forefront of this work
Rodrigues-Martins, Romain Galloy Jean-Pierre. "Pertinence de la psychanalyse appliquée dans le traitement des sujets psychotiques en institution." [S.l.] : [s.n.], 2006. http://www.scd.uhp-nancy.fr/docnum/SCDMED_T_2006_RODRIGUES_MARTINS_ROMAIN.pdf.
Full textGafa, Stéphanie. "Vécus de violences professionnelles et décompensation cancéreuse : Recherche en psychologie clinique." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Lyon 2, 2024. http://www.theses.fr/2024LYO20019.
Full textThe main aim of this research is to examine the possible links between cancer decompensation and work situations experienced as violent and traumatic. Based on her clinical experience in an onco-haematology department, and following a number of encounters with subjects who cited the professional sphere as the cause of their illness, the author wished to carry out more extensive and precise field investigations into this subject. The aim was to find out how many subjects were potentially 'work-sick', and to talk to them in order to identify the conscious and unconscious movements that, in their view, contributed to such a somatic situation, among other factors.The clinical interviews with twenty subjects, who were highly committed to their work, highlighted the effects of (ob)scenalisation of the unconscious scene on the professional scene, and the possible traumatic collision between these two scenes. Her theoretical hypotheses enabled the author to propose an understanding of these movements through the existence of an ego-pro linked to institutional envelopes - made up of the institution, the work organisation and the various groups to which the worker belongs - which would serve the subject's psychic and somatic equilibrium when his subjectivity unfolds at work. Conversely, when subjectivity is prevented, the author has shown how elements previously contained and/or metabolised can come back and echo the unbound elements of the amential unconscious, causing serious somatisation (the original and primary dysfiliation collapsing in a traumatic way with professional disaffiliation)
RUGGIERI-, DUMONT CELINE. "Langage et psychose. Analyse de discours de patients en institution hospitaliere." Paris 8, 1996. http://www.theses.fr/1996PA081157.
Full textThe thesis entitled "language and psychosis : discourse analysis of patients in psychiatric hospitals" uses techniques drawn from so-called "field linguistics", emphasising the description of spoken language used by diverse speakers in various situations. Certains zones in this field of study, such as communication in psychiatric hospitals, remain insufficiently explored : in addition to its usual functions, language in such institutions often decides the treatment to different mental illnesses. In order to put the study into an historical perspective beginning towards the end of the century, the first part of the thesis looks into therapeutic techniques used in the treatment of psychotic patients and discourse : the semiology of psychiatry is, after all, based on linguistic characteristics taken as signs of mental illn further proof is needed, moreover, of the relationship between psychoanalysis and language. But this relationship must b redefined through an elaboration of the concept of the unconscious. Other researchers have a place in this epistemological and historical intinerary : pioneers of interdisciplinarity, they have each demonstrated in their own wa the relationship between language and the psyche, and their research fearlessly uses the interrogations and methodology of each and either field. The section devoted to true discourse analysis uses samples of speech given by psychotic patients, whose various illnesses do not impede communication, in non-therapeutic conversations with members of hospital staff. This linguistic study constitutes the second and third parts of the thesis, forming two distinct monogra respectively the story of carine and the story of marzo. Several linguistic approaches, adapted to the type of discourse given by each of these two patients were adopted : whereas carine's use of pronouns for self-reference is studied in lig of enunciation theory, the interactional dimension and discursive design of marzo's interview illustrates the pertinence for discourse analysis, of the concept of negotiation. Oral linguistic analysis can thus enrich and diversify itself thr the study of such types of discourse
Jandrok, Thierry Lesourd Serge. "Le sujet, sa vie et l'hôpital comme institution de sa mort." Strasbourg : Université Louis Pasteur, 2007. http://eprints-scd-ulp.u-strasbg.fr:8080/780/01/JANDROK2007_.pdf.
Full textDevette, Pascale. "Jacques Lavigne : une philosophie de l'institution du sujet." Thesis, Université d'Ottawa / University of Ottawa, 2012. http://hdl.handle.net/10393/20543.
Full textVicet, Marielle. "Etudes préalables à l’intelligence émotionnelle face aux violences : le rôle des émotions dans l'élaboration psychique des professionnels en institution." Sorbonne Paris Cité, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015USPCC298.
Full textThis research-based work assumes a constructive approach to the role of emotions and considers the factors that block collective psychic elaboration within an institution confronted with the problematic of institutional violence. The study of the processes involved, through elements provided by neuroscience and Antonio Damasio's theoretical constructs on emotions and concience, forms the central focus both theoretically and clinically, in our third-person practice in psychocriminology and victimology. The first part of the study proposes an analysis of the legislative framework in place that addresses questions of institutional mistreatment and violence endured by minors at the hands of the same professionals in charge of their safety. Attention is then given to the brain's organic regulatory system and the conscious mind as a derivative of emotional residue. The analysis examines the transmission of traumas, in particular the impact of recurring elements in the life of the subject that relate to transgenerational heritage. The model of individualized victimhood trajectories, supported by the axiom of life, is generalized to a collective level. The clinical axis of the research aims at identifying pathological modes of institutions and the conditions of acts informed by the historical context. The analysis establishes principles of the institutionalization of violence in cases where institutions behave in an abusive and violent fashion. The conclusion recapitulates the interactive elements that run between individuel and collective existential trajectories, as well as presenting other scenes of institutional violence and concrete perspectives
Pittiglio, Serge. "Institution scolaire et symptômes contemporains : regard psychanalytique relatif à la généralisation du discours capitaliste : quelles incidences sur l'économie de la jouissance des collégiens d'aujourd'hui ?" Thesis, Rennes 2, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014REN20052/document.
Full textAs a psychologist within the National Education system, I bear witness to the changes taking place in social links over schools. Everyone is able to note the emergence of signs of increasing conflicts : drop-out rate, school phobia, increase number of days of expulsion, calls for a return to more authority, exhausted teachers, growing need for individual remedial tuition, and expanding requests for help from carers. How could psychoanalysis interpret these contemporary symptoms ? In which way are they expressions of putting aside the Oedipus complex in order to symbolically fake the impossible nature of relationships between the sexes in the 21st century ? This is the aim of our current work to try and better understand the clinical issues and also the mental processes that arisenowadays in social links increasingly organised by a "capitalist master."
Weber, Jean-Marie. "Le tutorat comme métier impossible et de l'impossible : Les apports de la psychanalyse et les moyens pédagogiques et institutionnels du tuteur dans le cadre d'une formation initiale d'enseignants." Université Louis Pasteur (Strasbourg) (1971-2008), 2008. http://www.theses.fr/2008STR1PS05.
Full textThis thesis sets out to question and analyse the tutoring process involved in student teachers’education programme. The focus will be on the quality of tutors’ discourse, some individual and common myths, mentors’ agonisies and general discrepancies or contradictions occurring during this process. Furthermore, questions will be raised as to what supportive framework is needed for mentors to act professionally in their counselor role. For example, can a psychoanalytical approach to tutoring be useful to tutors ? The psychoanalytical approach to mentoring not only reveals malfunctionings in the mentoring process but it also demonstrates the difficulties of this type of tutoring. However, the psychoanalytical approach is refused as a useful tool by mentors and student teachers alike. Taking into account these obvious contradictions and difficulties, the field of pedagogy, which is characterized by the link to be established between training, knowledge and institutional objectives, is well equipped to develop and implement a supportive and effective framework of tutoring
Guibert, Emile. "L'impensé de la maltraitance : du désaveu à la répétition institutionnelle en gériatrie." Phd thesis, Université Nice Sophia Antipolis, 2013. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00918570.
Full textJandrok, Thierry. "Le Sujet, sa Vie et l'Hôpital comme Institution de sa Mort." Université Louis Pasteur (Strasbourg) (1971-2008), 2007. https://publication-theses.unistra.fr/public/theses_doctorat/2007/JANDROK_Thierry_2007.pdf.
Full textThe present thesis is a study of the Hospital. In this respect, i have analysed the acts and discourses of the hospital's protagonist::doctors, caregivers, patients and families. My goal was to question the basis of this institution to emphasize the fact that the hospital is the symptom of a society's modernity. My theoretical field is the freudian and lacanian psychoanalytic approach. This research stresses out the difficulties of a subject dealing with the hospital many discourses. Moreover, the managerial evolution of the hospital as an institution could be a strong indicator of a passage from one historical period to another. At last but not least, it seems to us that, epistemologically speaking, psychoanalysis could play a role as a field of ethics foe science. Psychoanalysis, as a theory and praxis revealing the strands of modernity's discourses must defend its own field of research against the proliferation of scientism and pseudo-scientific arguments and theories
Moreira, Soares Natalia. "Un dedans et un dehors : les jeunes placés qui fuguent. Une approche psychanalytique." Thesis, Université de Paris (2019-....), 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019UNIP7171.
Full textIn this thesis, we are interested in the phenomenon of running away among youth in institutional care and the incidence of intra-psychic conflict in the spaces where they are. We start from the hypothesis that runaways, the unexpected behavior of going back and forth from one place to another, translate into the space scene, an individual’s resource to a regressive stage of illusion (notion proposed by Winnicott 1971), of nondifferentiation between the internal and external realities (inside and outside). Running away from the family home and/or from the residential care might indicate the person’s attempt to control his or her drive activity and one’s inclusion of a possible place in the social bond. In this study, we also propose to discuss the capacity of the residential facility (shelter modality) to act as a 'frontier' between the dimensions of 'inside' and 'outside'. The methodological matrix used in this thesis is research in psychoanalysis. We will present the context of the institutional care based on the realities of the child welfare services in Brazil and France. We used as methodological resources the clinical vignettes of interviews conducted with institutionalized young people, as well as the researcher’s observation notes, through the consultation of dossiers in two residential cares, one in Brazil and another in France. From the analysis of the clinical material, we highlight the experience of human encounters with individuals whose internal resources are fragile, and their heart’s desire can find no place to call home
Falla, Willy. "Cadre groupal et monde emboîtés en formation d’adultes ou de jeunes adultes ; les formateurs au travail lors de mises en turbulence du cadre. Recherche participante." Thesis, Paris 10, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010PA100197.
Full textWhen the interpreting function instituting of the team is operative, the attack on the framework in institution, seems an attempt to interiorize, starting from the experiment of confrontation to the institutional device, the framework understood a preconception unsaturated with the direction as Bion has it. By taking again the developments relating to the role of the counter-transference in the individual cure and by establishing an analogy between the couple transference - counter-transference, dialectical between asymmetry and solidarity characterizes the psychoanalytical device. A close link is established between the investment by the analyst of this dialectical and the share of the counter-transference expressed in the report of the analyst to the psychoanalytical framework. After having checked the possibility of extending these developments to the formative relation, the group and the institution, an analogy was postulated between inter-transference and counter-transference relative with the investment of this dialectical between asymmetry and solidarity. A failure of the inter-tranferential analysis induced by a blocking of dialectical asymmetry - solidarity will be at the origin of actings on behalf of the team. This blocking appears in the movement inter - tranferential investing the dimension of asymmetry at the expense of the dimension of solidarity. This dimension of solidarity indeed makes it possible to accomodate what comes from the other and to assume the complex relations of fitment subjacent with the intersubjective bond. These theoretical assumptions were put at work within a research action with a team of trainers to professional animation