Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'PSCS'
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Nielsen, Nikolaj [Verfasser], and Albrecht [Akademischer Betreuer] Schwab. "Function of ion transport proteins in pancreatic stellate cells (PSCs) / Nikolaj Nielsen ; Betreuer: Albrecht Schwab." Münster : Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Münster, 2015. http://d-nb.info/1138281395/34.
Full textSampaio, Cristina Cardoso. "Pancreatite alcoólica." Master's thesis, [s.n.], 2014. http://hdl.handle.net/10284/4842.
Full textA pancreatite alcoólica é uma das principais complicações do consumo excessivo de álcool. O risco de desenvolver a doença aumenta com a ingestão de doses crescentes de álcool, sugerindo que os efeitos tóxicos estão relacionados com a quantidade de álcool ingerida. No entanto, apenas uma minoria dos alcoólicos desenvolve pancreatite, o que indica a necessidade de um fator desencadeador adicional para iniciar a lesão pancreática clinicamente evidente. A pancreatite alcoólica começa como um processo agudo necroinflamatório/ autodigestivo, progredindo com repetidos episódios de necroinflamação. O seu espectro clínico inclui pancreatite aguda (dor abdominal aguda e elevados níveis séricos das enzimas pancreáticas) e pancreatite crónica (dor abdominal, má digestão e diabetes). Têm sido feitos avanços significativos que fornecem uma visão sobre os mecanismos moleculares da lesão pancreática provocada pelo álcool, principalmente no que diz respeito aos seus efeitos tóxicos sobre as células acinares pancreáticas e recentemente, nas células estreladas pancreáticas (PSCs), que desempenham um papel fundamental na fibrose, caraterística da pancreatite crónica alcoólica. Alcoholic pancreatitis is a major complication of alcohol abuse. The risk of developing pancreatitis increases with increasing doses of alcohol, suggesting that alcohol exerts dose-related toxic effects on the pancreas. However, it is also clear that only a minority of alcoholics develop the disease, indicating that an additional trigger may be required to initiate clinically evident pancreatic injury. Alcoholic pancreatitis is thought to begin as an acute necroinflammatory/autodigestive process in a susceptible individual and to progress with repeated episodes. The clinical spectrum of the disease includes acute pancreatitis (acute abdominal pain and raised sérum levels of pancreatic enzymes) and chronic pancreatitis (abdominal pain, maldigestion, diabetes). Significant advances have been made in recent years that provide an insight into the molecular mechanisms of alcohol-related pancreatic injury, particularly with respect to the direct toxic effects of alcohol on pancreatic acinar cells and on the recently characterized PSCs, with may play a key role in the fibrosis of alcoholic chronic pancreatitis.
Alfify, Mohammed. "Impact of IPO on professional soccer clubs." Thesis, Bourgogne Franche-Comté, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018UBFCH045.
Full textIn 1990s and 2000s many professional soccer (PSCs) clubs have been listed IPO in stock markets. The success of IPO in soccer markets, especially in the field of sports and financial performance is uncertain. Thus, number of empirical academic researches have been advocated to examine financial performance of IPO in these clubs. Such researches found financial performance of listed clubs is declined. Most of those researches indicate there is relationship between sports performance and financial performance in those listed clubs. However, researchers have not determine the factors of this phenomenon. To bridge this gap in the past literature, thesis aims to identify the determining factors of sports and financial performance in listed PSCs and to compare them with determinants of sports and financial performance of PSCs in Middle East.This thesis provides further empirical evidence on the relationship between sports and financial performance in listed PSCs. More importantly, results of thesis provide number of determining factors that affect sports and financial performance in PSCs. An interesting results, there are some similar and dissimilar factors between European soccer clubs and Middle east soccer clubs. This seemed to be confirmed by the fact that market and tournament and regulations are different. Furthermore, impact of spectators is interesting result, in which their effect on financial performance is indirect, while direct on sports performance. Yet, fair value of club is uncertain because lack of disclosure and detail accounting information. Thus, we suggest improving corporate governance to enhance transparency and accountability. Moreover, thesis suggest that strategic management perspective is important factor to treat unsustainable financial performance of PSCs, especially in long term in order to measure fair value of club. This lead to gain more relevance considering the importance of strategic management in future academic researches. Thus, we can raise the following question is to which extent IPO is sustainable in professional soccer clubs?
Tatibouët, Jérémie. "Approche systématique basée sur fUML pour formaliser la sémantique d’exécution des profils UML." Thesis, Paris 11, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014PA112247.
Full textUML profiles enable the UML to be tailored to a particular domain. To do so, a profile adds domain specific concepts (i.e., stereotypes) and constraints to UML and disambiguates specific semantic variation points. The design process for abstract syntax of profiles is well documented in the literature. However, specification of the semantics is neglected. According to our researches, there are no proposals in the state-of-the-art that define a systematic approach to solve this problem.Semantic formalization is a key point of language design. It enables to formally define the meaning of syntactic elements. In order to be efficient, the formalization activity must be realized in parallel with a standardization activity. The interest to have a language with a formal standardized semantic is to enable models defined using this latter to be interpreted (analysis, execution, simulation) in equivalent way between tools implementing the semantics. This equivalence enables users to observe similar interpretations of the same model between different tools and therefore to have a shared understanding of this model and the associated semantic.In the context of UML profiles, normalization activities leaded by the OMG are focused on the syntax. The semantic formalization aspect is neglected. We propose to address this problem by relying on fUML and PSCS OMG (Object Management Group) specifications. These standards formalize execution semantics for a subset of UML (classes, composite structures, and activities).Firstly, we define two methodologies relying on these standards to formalize execution semantics of UML profiles execution semantics. The first methodology defines the execution semantics for the domain model underlying the profile. The executable form of an applicative model defined using the profile is obtained by model transformation. In the second methodology, semantics are defined directly for the profile by extending the semantic model of fUML/PSCS using fUML. By being conform to fUML, the semantic model is by construction executable and can be directly used in any tools implementing the UML and fUML standards.Secondly, we compare our approaches against the following criteria: the modelling effort required to build the semantic model, the capability of the methodology to preserve the UML semantics (i.e., the one defined by fUML/PSCS) and the capability to identify clearly the relationships between the stereotypes and their semantics. This comparison enables us to demonstrate the capacity of the second methodology to define key extensions of the UML semantics in the context of a profile. These latter are: the control delegation, the instantiation, and the communications. The contributions have been implemented in our model execution framework Moka which is integrated in the open-source UML/SysML modeling tool Papyrus
Quinaud, Manuelle. "Étude structurale et fonctionnelle de PscE : PscF : PscG? un hétérotimère nécessaire à la biogenèse de l'aiguille de sécretion de type III de Pseudomonas aeruginosa." Grenoble 1, 2007. http://www.theses.fr/2007GRE10138.
Full textType III secretion systems are found in several Gram-negative bacteria. These nanomachines are involved in the transport of virulence effectors directly into the cytoplasm of Target cells. Pseudomonas aeruginosa, whose type III secretion needle is studied here, is the causative agent of a large number of nosocomial and chronic infections in cystic fibrosis patients. This system is composed of a base anchored in the double bacterial membrane and a hollow needle formed by a single polymerized protein (PscF in Pseudomonas aeruginosa). Within the bacterial cytoplasm, PscF requires two distinct chaperones for stabilisation before its secretion, without which the entire system is nonfunctionnal. The 2. 0 A X-ray crystal structure orthe PscE:PscF55-85 :PscG ternary complex reveals that the C-terminus of the needle protein PscF, which is essential for needle polymerisation, is engulfed within the hydrophobic groove of the TPR-like molecule PscG. This indicates that the macromolecular scaffold necessary to stabilize the needle protein is totally distinct from T chaperoned complexes between pilus- or flagellum- forming molecules. Disruption of specific PscG:PscF interactions leads to impairement of bacterial cytotoxicity toward macrophages, indicating that This essential heterotrimer, which possesses homologs in a wide variety of pathogens, is an attractive therapeutic Target for the development of novel drugs
Hambsch, Mike, Qianqian Lin, Ardalan Armin, Paul L. Burn, and Paul Meredith. "Efficient, monolithic large area organohalide perovskite solar cells." Royal Society of Chemistry, 2016. https://tud.qucosa.de/id/qucosa%3A36282.
Full textDe, Canditiis Bartolomeo. "3D characterization of multi-segmented HPGe detectors : simulation and validation of the PSCS technique and its application for different energies with a 152 Eu source." Thesis, Strasbourg, 2020. http://www.theses.fr/2020STRAE008.
Full textNew generation gamma-ray detectors arrays, such as AGATA, employ multi-segmented high purity germanium detectors in experiments of nuclear physics that require high resolution and efficiency which are obtained thanks to the application of pulse-shape analysis and gamma-ray tracking. These techniques require full volume characterization of the position sensitive detectors. The IPHC developed a scanning table that uses the Pulse Shape Comparison Scan (PSCS) technique to perform this task. Simulations are performed to quantify the accuracy of the PSCS and to validate it.They are applied on a pixelated 3x3 planar detector and a symmetrical S-type AGATA detector. The method is tested with different gamma-ray energies and input statistics. Several real scans are performed as well on both detectors, which are fully characterized. In particular a scan with agamma-ray source of 152Eu, the first ever done, prove some assumptions on which the tracking technique is based
Bala, Masud. "Effects of IFRS adoption on the financial statements of Nigerian listed entities : the case of oil and gas companies." Thesis, Abertay University, 2015. https://rke.abertay.ac.uk/en/studentTheses/2a81c014-18a6-4372-90c8-985f6ad8e0d3.
Full textDuffin, Heidi R. "A Qualitative Method for Dynamic Transport Selection in Heterogeneous Wireless Environments." Diss., CLICK HERE for online access, 2004. http://contentdm.lib.byu.edu/ETD/image/etd546.pdf.
Full textZhang, Jueman (Mandy). "Making online HIV/AIDS PSAs more effective." Related electronic resource: Current Research at SU : database of SU dissertations, recent titles available full text, 2009. http://wwwlib.umi.com/cr/syr/main.
Full textCausey, Charles Lawson. "The Effects of PSAS on Trust in Romantic Relationships." W&M ScholarWorks, 2006. https://scholarworks.wm.edu/etd/1539720284.
Full textSaunders, Paige F. "Targeting Functions: A New Approach to Anti-Smoking PSAs." The Ohio State University, 2011. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=osu1308241861.
Full textWang, Linghan. "Race Moderates the Motivational Processing of Anti-Smoking PSAs." The Ohio State University, 2014. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=osu1397734531.
Full textNosrati, Kamyar. "Substation Reliability Analysis Using PSS/E." Thesis, KTH, Electromagnetic Engineering, 2011. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:kth:diva-48118.
Full textKowalkowski, Christian, and Daniel Kindström. "Value visualization strategies for PSS development." Linköpings universitet, Industriell marknadsföring och industriell ekonomi, 2009. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:liu:diva-59921.
Full textOriginal Publication: Christian Kowalkowski and Daniel Kindström, Value visualization strategies for PSS development, 2009, Chapter in: Introduction to Product/Service-System Design, 159-182, Eds T. Sakao and M. Lindahl. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-1-84882-909-1_8 Copyright: Springer http://www.springerlink.com/
Qie, Lili. "Performance Improvement of Latex-based PSAs Using Polymer Microstructure Control." Thesis, Université d'Ottawa / University of Ottawa, 2011. http://hdl.handle.net/10393/19727.
Full textCanavezes, Alexandre Gonzalez da Rocha Silva. "The topology of the density of the universe using PSCz." Thesis, Imperial College London, 1999. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.314346.
Full textFeng, Yamiao. "Factors influencing college students’ attitude toward PSAs for recruiting volunteers." Thesis, Högskolan i Borås, Akademin för bibliotek, information, pedagogik och IT, 2015. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:hb:diva-8687.
Full textNeves, Aline da Silva Boschi Martins. "Evid?ncias de Validade da PSS-10 e PSS- 14: Estudo com An?lise Fatorial e de Rede." Pontif?cia Universidade Cat?lica de Campinas, 2018. http://tede.bibliotecadigital.puc-campinas.edu.br:8080/jspui/handle/tede/1093.
Full textMade available in DSpace on 2018-05-04T18:39:57Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 ALINE DA SILVA BOSCHI MARTINS NEVES.pdf: 1713644 bytes, checksum: f8d45029bc62915e3c5e77690c011494 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-02-26
Stress is one of the constructs emphasized when evaluating the health-disease process. However, because it is a latent variable, specific instruments are needed to measure it. The Perceived Stress Scale (PSS) is an instrument that has been used to assess the perception of stress in the last month. Despite numerous validations in several countries, their psychometric properties have not been consensual. The main objective of this work was to investigate the internal structure of the PSS-10 and PSS-14 versions, through exploratory factorial (AFE) and network analysis. Thus, two studies were carried out: in Study I, PSS-10 and PSS-14 were analyzed through AFE and, in study II, the scales were analyzed through network analysis. We used: a) the PSS-10 with a sample composed of 686 participants, being 175 (27.3%) men and 466 (72.7%) women (n = 641), with a mean age of 33.9 SD = 11.3) years, ranging from 18 to 73 (n = 632); and (b) the PSS-14 was answered by 690 participants, of which 304 (44.1%) were men and 386 (55.9.7%) were women, with a mean age of 34.72 (SD = 12, 56), with a range of 18 to 65. In both analyzes, the psychometric properties of PSS-10 and PSS-14 were shown to be reliable and confirmed the two-dimensional structure of distress and coping. Also, the network analysis allowed to explore the PSS in the Brazilian context, allowing new association patterns to emerge from the analyzed samples. And, even AFE being a widely used technique in the construction and evaluation of psychometric tests, network analysis has shown to be a promising and much more comprehensive tool at the level of the symptom, accommodating the numerous processes of psychological constructions. In this study, the network analysis showed how the perception of control influences the outcome of stress. Thus, in addition to providing evidence of validity of the PSS-10 and PSS-14, this study demonstrated how much the network analysis has to contribute in the psychology and health area.
O estresse ? um dos construtos enfatizados quando se avalia o processo sa?de- doen?a. No entanto, por ser uma vari?vel latente, instrumentos espec?ficos s?o necess?rios para mensur?-lo. A Escala de Estresse Percebido (Perceived Stress Scale - PSS) ? um instrumento que tem sido utilizado para avaliar a percep??o do estresse no ?ltimo m?s. Apesar de in?meras valida??es em diversos pa?ses, suas propriedades psicom?tricas n?o t?m sido consensuais. O objetivo principal deste trabalho foi investigar a estrutura interna das vers?es PSS-10 e PSS-14, por meio de an?lise fatorial explorat?ria (AFE) e de rede. Assim, dois estudos foram realizados: no Estudo I, a PSS-10 e a PSS-14 foram analisadas atrav?s da AFE e, no estudo II, analisaram-se as escalas por meio da an?lise de rede. Foram utilizadas: a) a PSS-10 com uma amostra composta por 686 participantes, sendo 175 (27,3%) homens e 466 (72,7%) mulheres (n = 641), com m?dia de idade de 33,9 (SD = 11,3) anos, com amplitude de 18 a 73 (n = 632); e b) a PSS-14 que foi respondida por 690 participantes, dos quais 304 (44,1%) s?o homens e 386 (55,9,7%), mulheres, com m?dia de idade de 34,72 (SD = 12,56) anos, com amplitude de 18 a 65. Nas duas an?lises, as propriedades psicom?tricas da PSS-10 e PSS-14 demonstraram-se confi?veis e confirmaram a estrutura bidimensional de distress e coping. Ainda, a an?lise de rede permitiu explorar a PSS no contexto brasileiro, permitindo que novos padr?es de associa??o emergissem das amostras analisadas. E, mesmo a AFE sendo t?cnica muito utilizada na constru??o e avalia??o de testes psicom?tricos, a an?lise de rede demonstra ser uma ferramenta promissora e muito mais abrangente no n?vel do sintoma, acomodando os numerosos processos das constru??es psicol?gicas. Neste estudo, a an?lise de rede evidenciou o quanto a percep??o de controle influencia no desfecho do estresse. Assim, al?m de fornecer evid?ncias de validade da PSS-10 e PSS-14, este estudo demonstrou o quanto ? an?lise de rede tem a contribuir no ?mbito da psicologia e na ?rea da sa?de.
Ilis, Lars. "Implementering av en PSS i Trängslets kraftstation." Thesis, Uppsala universitet, Elektricitetslära, 2013. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:uu:diva-209381.
Full textSharpe, Jacob Christopher. "PSC-z determination of the local flow." Thesis, Imperial College London, 2000. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.311931.
Full textMehal, Wajahat Z. "Pathogenetic factors in primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC)." Thesis, University of Oxford, 1993. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.386583.
Full textMarques, Caio Augusto Nunes. "Framework para definir modelos de processos específicos de desenvolvimento de PSS." Universidade de São Paulo, 2018. http://www.teses.usp.br/teses/disponiveis/18/18156/tde-25092018-110733/.
Full textCompanies historically focused on the production of manufactured goods have faced a number of challenges over the past few decades. Notably, the intensification of competitiveness in the various markets has contributed to the transformation of various products into commodities of similar quality and performance. The dispute between players ceases to be based on technological leadership and tends to be limited to the search for lower production costs. At the same time, rises the awareness of various actors in society regarding environmental issues and, consequently, the pressure on industries to contribute to the creation of a more sustainable society. The creation of products and services bundles to deliver value in use or through the performance of a function is a strategy that has been studied to overcome the aforementioned challenges. The creation and offering of a Product-Service System (PSS) by a manufacturing company has the potential to contribute to the three perspectives of sustainability, but it also poses some challenges. The development of products and services must be done in an integrated way, considering their relationships and, often, the company\'s business model has to be changed. In order to overcome the development challenges, there are generic PSS development process models proposed for companies to define their own specific models. These models have been proposed for different development contexts and usually carry the biases of their authors, thus presenting strengths and limitations. The present work aims to propose a framework for defining specific process models to develop Product-Service Systems. For this, this work uses the paradigm of the hypothetical-deductive method and the DRM (Design Research Methodology) methodological approach. The research methods used are: experts\' panel, corpus linguistics and frame semantics, focus group, case study, systematic literature review and content analysis. It was possible to obtain three unpublished contributions: the set of 310 synthesis activities; the analysis of the 15 PSS development process models; and the framework itself. The first two are contributions to theory. The synthesis activities correspond to all the PSS development activities prescribed by the PSS development process models available in the literature, constituting its state of the art. The analysis of the process models objectively evidenced their different profiles, with each model prioritizing certain categories of activities in comparison to others. The framework created was applied to two PSS design project in two startups, being a contribution to practitioners in industries that can use it to define their specific PSS development processes models from a broader base of activities than in any of the 15 generic models analyzed.
Aspinall-O'Dea, Mark Kevin. "An investigation of the PsbS protein isolated from spinach chloroplast membranes." Thesis, University of Sheffield, 2005. http://etheses.whiterose.ac.uk/14485/.
Full textDennison, Fraser. "Analysis of PSC Formation using Parcel Temperature Histories." Thesis, University of Canterbury. Physics and Astronomy, 2013. http://hdl.handle.net/10092/7872.
Full textAxelsson, Daniel, and Daniel Olsson. "Utvärdering av olika dynamiska lastmodeller i PSS/E." Thesis, Högskolan Väst, Avdelningen för Industriell ekonomi, Elektro- och Maskinteknik, 2017. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:hv:diva-11630.
Full textThis bachelor’s thesis has been performed for Vattenfall Eldistribution AB. The purpose of this work has been to create understanding of dynamic load models and clarify how they function and how they can be used. The aim has been to perform simulations on short circuits and motor starts for two different load models. A part of the work is also to describe the basic principles of the induction motor to create a connection between simulation and theory. The theory of the induction motor contains information about the electric induction that is the basic principle of the induction machine. It also contains the correlations between torque, speed, current and voltage and also a description of the equivalent electric circuit. The IMD program is a program connected to PSS/E and it has been used to create the model for the induction motor that has been used for the simulations. The simulations have been based on instructions from the advisor and instructions from the PSS/E manuals. Simulations have been run with two of the built-in load models in PSS/E, one general load model and one model for induction motors. Short circuits have been simulated on both models and motor starts on the induction motor model. Short circuits have been simulated with two different fault durations 0.15 and 0.4 seconds. Motor starts have been simulated with two different transformer sizes 1.5 and 3.0 MVA and three different values of the inertia time constant 0.7, 1.0 and 1.5 MWs/MVA. At short circuit the fault duration causes larger currents and longer recovery times for both load models. At motor start the size of the transformer, in MVA, and the inertia time constant affects the motors starting time. Larger transformer means shorter time because of lesser drop in voltage. A larger inertia time constant means longer time. If only the size of the voltage drop is of interest and not the course of the event, the motors start admittance can be used instead.
Stargård, Susanna, and Sara Hassan. "The Success Factors of PSS Development : A Transformation of Traditional Manufacturing Companies." Thesis, Mälardalens högskola, Akademin för innovation, design och teknik, 2013. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:mdh:diva-19520.
Full textHively, Myiah Hutchens. "The effects of self-efficacy statements in anti-tobacco fear appeal PSAs." Online access for everyone, 2006. http://www.dissertations.wsu.edu/Thesis/Spring2006/m%5Fhively%5F042706.pdf.
Full textNguyen, Minh-Triet [Verfasser]. "PSCA als DNA-Vakzine zur Behandlung des duktalen Pankreaskarzinoms / Minh Triet Nguyen." Bonn : Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Bonn, 2012. http://d-nb.info/104351094X/34.
Full textZhang, Jerry Jiaer. "PSS : a phonetic search system for short text documents." Thesis, University of British Columbia, 2008. http://hdl.handle.net/2429/5537.
Full textLI, XIN, and YUNLEI ZHANG. "New Business Potential while Embedding PSS Concept to Wanxiang." Thesis, Blekinge Tekniska Högskola, Institutionen för maskinteknik, 2016. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:bth-11707.
Full textTam, Pui-ching Celine, and 譚佩貞. "Resident participation in management of HOS/PSPS courts: problems encountered and possible solutions." Thesis, The University of Hong Kong (Pokfulam, Hong Kong), 1998. http://hub.hku.hk/bib/B31968466.
Full textTam, Pui-ching Celine. "Resident participation in management of HOS/PSPS courts : problems encountered and possible solutions /." Hong Kong : University of Hong Kong, 1998. http://sunzi.lib.hku.hk/hkuto/record.jsp?B21029076.
Full textRadhakrishnan, Aravind. "Android Phone Controlled Beagle Board Based PSCR in a Dynamic Spectrum Access Environment." Thesis, Virginia Tech, 2010. http://hdl.handle.net/10919/35046.
Full textMaster of Science
Söderhielm, Kristofer. "Integration av konstruktionsdatabas och styrsystem." Thesis, Linköpings universitet, Institutionen för systemteknik, 2012. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:liu:diva-80805.
Full textZhang, Pei. "Co-ordination and control of power system damping controllers to enhance small signal stability." Thesis, Imperial College London, 1999. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.321949.
Full textHrag, Margossian. "VALIDATION OF THE PSS/E MODEL FOR THE GOTLAND NETWORKR." Thesis, KTH, Elektriska energisystem, 2010. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:kth:diva-119577.
Full textMartins, Eduardo B. G. "Lymphocyte subsets and immune mechanisms in primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC)." Thesis, University of Oxford, 1995. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.294347.
Full textAkis, B. Ceylan. "Preparation of Pd-Ag/PSS composite membranes for hydrogen separation." Link to electronic thesis, 2004. http://www.wpi.edu/Pubs/ETD/Available/etd-0430104-113019.
Full textYao, Xiao. "Grayscale patterning of PEDOT: PSS films by multi-photon lithography." Thesis, Kansas State University, 2008. http://hdl.handle.net/2097/780.
Full textDepartment of Chemistry
Daniel A. Higgins
Lithography techniques have been widely used to fabricate optical, electronic and optoelectronic devices with sub-micron scale spatial resolution. In the most common lithographic procedures, a light sensitive polymer, called a photoresist, is exposed and developed to form a binary relief pattern on a substrate. The finest features are produced by X-ray or electron-beam methods, both of which are very expensive to employ. Less expensive methods use ultraviolet (UV) light to expose the photoresist through a photomask. The resolution in these methods is somewhat lower and is governed by diffraction of light by the photomask, the quality of the photomask, and by any chemical/physical development steps subsequently employed. Due to the above limitations, we have been investigating direct-write, ablative multiphoton lithography as an alternative method for preparing high-resolution patterns. With this method, near-IR light from an ultrafast pulsed laser source is focused into a polymer film, leading to depolymerization and vaporization of the polymer. Arbitrary binary patterns can be produced by raster scanning the sample while controlling exposure of the film to the laser. Importantly, high-resolution etching of the polymer film is achieved without the use of a photomask and without chemical development steps. While arbitrary patters are easily prepared, it is also possible to prepare three-dimensional (i.e. grayscale) surface relief structures. In this study, ablative multiphoton photolithography is used to prepare binary and grayscale structures in thin films of PEDOT:PSS, an electrically conductive organic polymer blend. A simple kinetic model is proposed to explain the etching process. Data on the power-dependence of polymer etching can be fit to this model and is used to determine the order of the nonlinear optical process involved. The etch depth as a function of laser focus is also investigated and shown to follow the same kinetic model. The results show that three-dimensional (grayscale) patterns can be prepared by modulating either the laser power or the laser focus. Images of several binary and grayscale structures prepared by this method are presented.
Thornström, Axel. "Strömbegränsare i synkrongeneratorer : En studie av strömbegränsarmodeller i PSS/E." Thesis, Uppsala universitet, Elektricitetslära, 2016. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:uu:diva-282507.
Full textRanc, Anne-Gaëlle. "Phenol Soluble Modulins et lipopolysaccharide de Legionella pneumophila : rôle dans la réponse immunitaire innée." Thesis, Lyon, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018LYSE1010/document.
Full textLegionella pneumophila (Lp) is a ubiquitous intracellular bacterium found widely in the environment and is the cause of an opportunistic infection named legionellosis. The majority of the strains involved belong to serogroup 1 (Lp1) and to a specific subgroup named mAb3/1+, linked to a specific epitope expressed at the cell membrane. However the distribution difference between the strains found in the environment and the ones involved in pathology is not fully understood. We here studied two virulence factors of Lp. We first demonstrated the existence of Phenols Soluble Modulines (PSMs), smalls peptides that only have been described for Staphylococcus and found that the peptides that were predicted for Lp by in silico analysis were able to activate the innate immune response by NF-?B pathway and were able to have a cytotoxic activity. We also studied the lipopolysaccharide (LPS) of Lp. To found out if the predominance of some strains was linked to a diagnosis biais, we first evaluated the sensitivity of 3 urinary antigens tests against extracted LPS of strains belonging to all the sous-groups of Lp1 and serogroups of Lp. We then demonstrated that those tests are able to detect all LPS of Lp1, independently of mAb3/1 character. The sensitivities of the 3 tests were very variable for the other serogroups of Lp, but were too low to be able to detect those LPS in practice. We then used these extracted LPS to evaluate the innate immune response for different strains of Lp1. We demonstrated that mAb3/1- strains needed lower dose of LPS to activate the innate immune response than mAb3/1+ strains, which could be linked to a better clearance of the bacteria from the host, which doesn’t develop an infection. This work has studied two potentially virulent factors of Lp, which could partially explain the predominance of some strains of Lp in human pathology
Asker, Helene, and Maria Backström. "En psykometrisk utvärdering av frågeformulären PSAS-C och APSQ som mått på sömnrelaterad oro." Thesis, Örebro University, School of Law, Psychology and Social Work, 2010. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:oru:diva-9604.
Full textVårt syfte med denna studie var att göra en psykometrisk utvärdering av frågeformulären PSAS-C (Pre sleep arousal scale) och APSQ (Anxiety and preoccupation about sleep questionnaire). Teoretiska modeller har kommit fram till att kognitiv uppvarvning och förvrängd subjektiv perception av sömn skapar oro som kan bidra till utveckling av insomni. För att fånga upp oro vid insomni används idag två frågeformulär, PSAS-C och APSQ. Deltagare från en svensk longitudinell studie (n = 2333) ombads att svara på de två formulären. Båda skalorna visade på en god begreppsvaliditet och intern samstämmighet. Faktoranalyser, korrelationer och jämförelser av medelvärden visar att båda frågeformulären har goda psykometriska egenskaper och kan vara till stor nytta som mätinstrument för att fånga upp oro vid insomni.
Bird, Stefan Charles, and stbird@seatiger org. "Adaptive Techniques for Enhancing the Robustness and Performance of Speciated PSOs in Multimodal Environments." RMIT University. Computer Science and IT, 2008. http://adt.lib.rmit.edu.au/adt/public/adt-VIT20081027.122244.
Full textMensah, Kwaku Sarpong. "Improving Stability of Ghana's Power System Using Power System Stabiliser(PSS)." Thesis, Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet, Institutt for elkraftteknikk, 2009. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:no:ntnu:diva-12884.
Full textKarl, Ralph. "PSS Center for Independent Living evaluation of the residential service program /." Online version, 2008. http://www.uwstout.edu/lib/thesis/2008/2008karlr.pdf.
Full textFlores, Jonas Gomes. "Fatores relacionados à determinação do sexo de potros da raça PSC." reponame:Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da UFRGS, 2018. http://hdl.handle.net/10183/179251.
Full textThe biotechnologies of reproduction in equine species have been improved in the last decade and the horse breeders started to inquire about the possibility of intervention regarding to the sex determination in foals. Sex determination is important because the sex of the foal has a great influence on the commercial value of the foal. The aim of the present study is was to evaluate the influence of the time of the breeding in relation to time of ovulation in the sex of the foals, besides analyzing other factors such as: the age of the mare and the stallion; ovulation inductor, ovary and the diameter of the preovulatory follicle. The study was accomplished in studs located Bagé/RS and Aceguá/RS – Brazil (31°24'06.1''S 54°07'47.5''W) and (31°30'16.0''S 54°07'45.5''W) during the breeding seasons from 2011 to 2015, using 259 reproductive cycles of 160 mares and 22 stallions of Thoroughbred breed. Information like the induction of ovulation agent that was used (Deslorelin; n = 187 or hCG; n = 72); date of breeding (n = 259); time of ovulation in relation to the breeding (+24 hours; n = 69 and -24 hours; n = 190); age of the mare (G1: up to the age of 8; n = 123 G2: from the age of 9 to the age of 14; n = 110 and G3: >14 years old; n = 26); age of the stallion (up to the age of 14; n = 11 and >15 years old; n = 11); ovary in which the ovulation occurred (Right; n = 122 and Left; n = 137) were catalogued and evaluated As result, 136 (52,51%) were born colts and 123 (47,49%) were born fillies. The elapsed time from breeding to ovulation did not influence on the sex of the product, on mares that ovulated in less than 24 hours after the ovulation induction: 104 foals (54,74%) were male and 86 (45,26%) were female, whereas in the mares that ovulated in more than 24 hours, 32 foals (46,38%) were male and 37 (53,62%) were female. The percentage of born females regarding to the age of the mare was 46,34% (n = 57), 47,27% (n = 52) and 46,15% (n = 12) in the groups G1, G2 and G3, respectively. From stallions up to the age of 15 years, 44,14% (n = 49) were females and from those which were older than 15 years old, 49,66% (n = 73) were females. There was no difference regarding the sex of the product in relation to the ovulation inducer agent (Deslorelin x hCG) and ovary in which the ovulation occurred. None of the factors studied modified the male:female proportion of the born foals.
Zhu, Yichao. "Modelling the transition from channel-veins to PSBs in the early stage of fatigue tests." Thesis, University of Oxford, 2012. http://ora.ox.ac.uk/objects/uuid:ad163287-19cc-4318-995a-378df1d80260.
Full textKhuong, Thi thu huong. "Investigation of the regulation of photosynthesis at the molecular level for improvement of plant growth and productivity under limiting light conditions." Thesis, Aix-Marseille, 2013. http://www.theses.fr/2013AIXM4001.
Full textLight is indispensable for plant survival, but plants have to cope with different environmental situations where light quantity and quality can be not optimal for photosynthesis. This can cause photodamage due to the formation of harmful reactive oxygen species (ROS). To limit ROS formation, plants developed a mechanism important as the dissipation of excess absorbed energy as heat and is called Non Photochemical Quenching (NPQ). The PsbS protein plays the key role of sensor of the low lumenal pH, the signal to activate NPQ. In this thesis, we proposed and investigated the hypothesis that PsbS absence (NPQ decrease) would improve growth under controlled low light upon elimination of the PsbS in Arabidopsis and tomato plants. Results showed that the increase of photosystem II yield in mutant plants leaded to a significant improvement of growth and flower number in mutants as compared with wild type plants under low light, suggesting that this mutation could be useful to improve plant performances in controlled conditions where light is strongly limiting. In addition, another photosynthetic regulation, called “state transitions”, which is important to optimize photosynthesis under variable light for intensity and quality thank to reversible migration of phosphorylated light harvesting complexes LHCII from PSII to PSI also investigated in my thesis
Barquet, Ana Paula Bezerra. "Creation of product-service systems (PSS) proposals in the fuzzy front-end." Universidade de São Paulo, 2015. http://www.teses.usp.br/teses/disponiveis/18/18156/tde-04052015-101933/.
Full textSistema produto-serviço (SPS), definido como um sistema de produtos e serviços, infraestrutura e networks e que visa aumentar a satisfação de clientes, auxilia na inovação nos negócios e tem o potencial de levar à melhoria de desempenho ambiental. A adoção de SPS requer a criação ou modificação dos modelos de negócios das empresas. A decisão de criar ou modificar um modelo de negócio ocorre no fuzzy front-end por meio da criação de propostas. Desta forma, acredita-se que criação de propostas para SPS auxilia na adoção de modelos de negócio para SPS. No entanto, empresas requerem auxilio na adoção de modelos de negócio para PSS devido a três principais motivos. Primeiro, a maioria dos estudos sobre modelos de negócio para SPS mencionam sua importância, porém não exploram o conteúdo que deve compor esses modelos. Segundo, pesquisas sobre modelos de negócio para SPS levam em consideração uma visão parcial das dimensões de modelos de negócio. Finalmente, é constatada a carência de métodos e ferramentas que auxiliem na adoção de modelos de negócio para PSS no fuzzy front-end. O objetivo desse trabalho é desenvolver um método, denominado Configurador de Propostas de SPS, que guie empresas na criação de propostas de SPS para negócios novos e existentes. Por meio de revisão sistemática de literatura, consulta com especialistas e um estudo de caso exploratório, o método foi desenvolvido. Ele é composto por oito passos e cada passo aborda uma dimensão do modelo de negócios, como por exemplo, proposição de valor. Ainda, cada passo engloba várias tarefas que devem ser executadas para que a proposta de SPS seja criada. Como suporte para realizar as tarefas, um elemento ajuda foi criado. Este elemento inclui exemplos de empresas que adotaram SPS e dicas de práticas, métodos e ferramentas. Com objetivo de avaliar o método, uma aplicação no contexto de um projeto de pesquisa foi realizada, por meio de um estudo de caso. O objetivo dessa aplicação foi criar uma proposta de SPS para um conceito de uma bicicleta e verificar se o método alcança seu propósito, que é ajudar na criação de propostas de SPS. Considerações finais incluem contribuições e limitações do estudo. Um exemplo de contribuição do método é o fornecimento de um conhecimento compartilhado sobre PSS entre diferentes áreas de conhecimento. A falta de aplicação do método em um caso real é uma das limitações deste trabalho. Adicionalmente, pesquisas futuras são sugeridas, como por exemplo, a inclusão de novas tarefas no método e novas relações entre elas, conforme sugerido pelos participantes do segundo estudo de caso.