Academic literature on the topic 'Prunus – Résistance aux maladies'
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Journal articles on the topic "Prunus – Résistance aux maladies"
Maillard, Jean-Charles. "La résistance génétique aux maladies animales." Revue d’élevage et de médecine vétérinaire des pays tropicaux 51, no. 2 (February 1, 1998): 106–8.
Full textPINON, J. "La sélection pour la résistance aux maladies." Revue Forestière Française, S (1986): 228.
Full textMANDONNET, N., E. TILLARD, B. FAYE, A. COLLIN, J. L. GOURDINE, M. NAVES, D. BASTIANELLI, M. TIXIER-BOICHARD, and D. RENAUDEAU. "Adaptation des animaux d’élevage aux multiples contraintes des régions chaudes." INRAE Productions Animales 24, no. 1 (March 4, 2011): 41–64.
Full textSimonnet, Émilie, and Isabelle Brunet. "Les fonctions de l’innervation sympathique artérielle." médecine/sciences 35, no. 8-9 (August 2019): 643–50.
Full textTAMIETTI, Giacomo, and Claude ALABOUVETTE. "Résistance des sols aux maladies : XIII - Rôle des Fusarium oxysporum non pathogènes dans les mécanismes de résistance d'un sol de Noirmoutier aux fusarioses vasculaires." Agronomie 6, no. 6 (1986): 541–48.
Full textQUILLET, E., P. BOUDRY, and S. LAPEGUE. "Variabilité génétique de la réponse aux organismes pathogènes : un outil pour améliorer la santé des mollusques et poissons d’élevage." INRAE Productions Animales 20, no. 3 (September 7, 2007): 239–52.
Full textTotté, Philippe, A. L. W. De Gee, and John Wérenne. "Le rôle des interférons dans les maladies infectieuses du bovin : leurs effets sur les virus et les rickettsies." Revue d’élevage et de médecine vétérinaire des pays tropicaux 46, no. 1-2 (January 1, 1993): 83–86.
Full textESMENJAUD, D., G. SALESSES, J. C. MINOT, R. VOISIN, and A. BONNET. "Résistance des arbres fruitiers à noyau aux nématodes à galles: étude du modèle Prunus cerasifera1." EPPO Bulletin 24, no. 2 (June 1994): 501–9.
Full textNaves, Michel, F. Vallée, and Nicolas Barré. "Observations sur un foyer de dermatophilose sur des bovins Brahman en Guadeloupe. Description, aspects épidémiologiques et économiques." Revue d’élevage et de médecine vétérinaire des pays tropicaux 46, no. 1-2 (January 1, 1993): 297–302.
Full textSchneider, C., J. L. Spring, C. Onimus, E. Prado, T. Verdenal, G. Lemarquis, F. Lorenzini, et al. "Programme de collaboration franco-suisse pour la création de nouvelles variétés de vigne durablement résistantes au mildiou et à l'oïdium." BIO Web of Conferences 15 (2019): 01018.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Prunus – Résistance aux maladies"
kfoury, Linda. "Analyse des causes de la résistance du pêcher, Prunus (L) Batsch, au puceron vert du pêcher, Myzus persicae Sulzer." Toulouse 3, 1992.
Full textDe, Oliveira Lino Leandro. "Etude de la variabilité génétique de la sensibilité à la pourriture brune au cours du développement du fruit chez la pêche en lien avec l’évolution des caractéristiques physiques et biochimiques du fruit." Thesis, Avignon, 2016.
Full textBrown rot (BR) in peach fruit caused by the fungus Monilinia spp. is a common disease that can provoke as much as 30 to 40% losses of crop. Currently, all cultivated peaches are more or less sensitive to BR. No other alternative than chemical treatment is available, hence fungicide applications are required until pre-harvest. Such applications are damaging the environment and may let residues in fruits. A review of literature was accomplished to compile the knowledge scattered in the literature from many years. The aim of this study is to investigate the factors of resistance of the fruit to M. laxa at different stages of fruit growth and their genetic control by studying contrasted genotypes and an interspecific peach progeny. The first focus was made on few cultivars to study the evolution of sensibility of fruits to M. laxa during their development in relation with structural and biochemical characteristics of the fruit, e.g. cuticular conductance, micro-cracks and fruit surface compounds. Some compounds were detected for the first time on peach fruit. The results confirmed that during the stage I immature fruits are susceptible to BR. Fruit cuticular conductance was high probably due to high density of stomata and thin cuticule in formation. In contrary, at pit hardening stage fruits were resistant, cuticular conductance was low and the levels of surface compounds exhibit a peak. When maturity approaches, fruit become susceptible again. With rapid development of the fruit during this stage, the surface compounds were diluted and micro-cracks often appear which resulted in high cuticular conductance. At stage I we explored the different physical characteristics of the immature fruit in relation with susceptibility to M. laxa. A hundred of individuals of an interspecific peach progeny called BC2 were characterized through laboratory infection, monitoring of fruit transpiratory losses and estimating stomata density (only for nectarines). Unexpected symptoms (not progressing ‘clear spot’) were observed. The cuticular conductance was significantly linked to the likelihood of infection, but the stomata number had no effect on the likelihood of infection. QTL controlling fruit resistance to BR, cuticular conductance and stomata number have been identified and some co-locations observed. At maturity stage we investigated the genetic control of BR resistance together with biochemical compounds of fruit epidermis. For three years, mature fruits from the BC2 progeny were infected with two modalities of infection: spray until runoff in the orchard to measure infection probability and drop in the laboratory conditions in order to observe the characters of beginning, progression and speed of infection. The BC2 progeny displayed high variability for BR resistance. Despite low stability between years, genotypes with high level of resistance were identified. In addition in 2015, we explored the variation in epidermis compounds of fruit within the BC2 progeny. Phenolic compounds, terpenoids and derivatives were quantified by HPLC. The relationship between BR resistance and presence and/or levels of certain epidermis compounds and the genetic control of these compounds were investigated. BR of peach fruit is a complex problem which is still far from resolved. Progress has been made in the knowledge of structural and biochemical characteristics involved in BR resistance and regions of the genome that could confer certain disease tolerance have been detected. Further work is needed to develop molecular markers for marker assisted selection. The results obtained suggest that solutions for the future lie in associations of tolerant cultivars _ less susceptible to micro-cracks and with high content of epidermis compounds potential inhibitor of the fungus development _ with cultural practices reducing both risks of fruit cracking and occurrence of micro-climatic conditions favorable to BR spread and sporulation
Espinoza, Christian. "Approche métabolomique non-ciblée pour révéler les réponses métaboliques des prunus à l'infection par le PPV, conduisant au développement d'un outil de détection innovant pour la détection précoce de la maladie de la sharka et la sauvegarde des vergers en Occitanie." Thesis, Perpignan, 2022.
Full textSharka disease, caused by Plum pox virus (PPV), is responsible for significant economic losses in Prunus. However, no preventive or curative treatments are currently available and only a few sources of natural resistance have been found. In France, a prophylactic approach has been adopted in an attempt to limit the spread of the PPV, which is essentially based on the rapid detection and removal of infected trees. However, certain technical and economic limitations do not allow the early andeffective detection of PPV on a large scale by conventional methods. The department of Pyrénées Orientales (France) is the most affected by this disease (85% of infections). These issues motivated the creation of the Antishark project, which is the result of a collaboration between AkiNaO, the University of Perpignan Via Domitia, FDGDON66 and local producers. The objective of the project was to develop an innovative method of early detection, targeting the metabolic responses of Prunuspersica at an early stage of the infection. Consequently, two studies under monitored conditions using an untargeted metabolomics approach (UHPLC-HRMS) were carried out. This approach is a promising tool to reveal the metabolic interactions between PPV and its host. In a first study, the global metabolic response to PPV-infection (Dideron and Marcus strains), including symptomatic and asymptomatic leaves, allowed the discrimination of metabolic profiles from PPV-infected and healthy leaves. Although there was a common response between the two strains, metabolic differences were also revealed, notably highlighting strain-specific metabolic alterations. In fact, this novel result could eventually lead to the possibility of identifying the viral strain(s) responsible for the infection. Furthermore, it was possible to discriminate PPV-infected plants (symptomatic and asymptomatic leaves) from healthy plants and from plants infected by another plant pathogenic virus. These observations suggest the existence of a potential specific response to the sharka disease. Based on all these findings, the hypothesis that asymptomatic PPVinfected trees could be detected through virus-induced metabolic alterations is supported.Furthermore, the metabolic responses collected from asymptomatic leaves could be considered as early responses to PPV-infection, i.e., before the appearance of symptoms. In a second step, early metabolic alterations, before the appearance of sharka symptoms, were confirmed by a kinetic study, despite negative molecular tests (RT-qPCR). Our results indicate that early detection of PPVinfected plants by targeting metabolic responses in Prunus persica was a promising strategy. Finally,statistical correlations between the two studies were found. Although the cultivars showed significantly different metabolic profiles, some discriminant features were common between the different cultivars tested (GF-305, yellow nectarine, yellow peach) and also between the different stages of the virus infection (symptomatic and asymptomatic). Nevertheless, a co-infection of PPV and powdery mildew observed during the kinetic experiment under monitored conditions could alter the impact of PPV-infection. Consequently, a new kinetic study without co-infection, is ongoing to confirm or refute these first observations. In addition, the identification of biomarkers related to the sharka disease, also in progress, would provide a betterunderstanding of the metabolic interactions between peach and PPV. Finally, other experiments under natural conditions are underway to evaluate the robustness of our potential biomarkers
Rousselin, Aurélie. "Contribution des pratiques culturales (irrigation et fertilisation azotée) à la gestion des populations de pucerons en verger fruitier : Cas des systèmes pêcher - puceron vert du pêcher (Prunus persica - Myzus persicae) et pommier - puceron cendré (Malus domestica - Dysaphis plantaginea)." Thesis, Avignon, 2016.
Full textAphids are major pests of important fruit trees in France, especially peach and appletrees. In order to reduce chemical use, various alternatives can be implemented for themanagement of aphids in orchards. This thesis starts by a review of the different alternativemanagement methods and their positioning at different aphid life cycle stages. Then our workfocuses on the study of the effects of modulation of host plant characteristics, through culturalpractices, on aphid abundance. Our study is based on the Plant Vigor Hypothesis which statesthat phytophagous insects are more performant on vigorous plant or organ. Thus, in theexperimental part we combined dynamic assessment of vegetative growth and aphid abundanceduring two factorial experiments: Prunus persica – Myzus persicae (2 levels of water supply ×2 levels of nitrogen supply) and Malus domestica – Dysaphis plantaginea (2 levels of watersupply × 2 tree genotypes). We chose those factors for their possible impact on vegetativegrowth and nutritional quality of the host plant. We conducted the experiments on young nonbearingpotted trees. At shoot scale, aphid abundance is positively correlated to vegetativegrowth for both studied systems. On peach tree, the positive impact of nitrogen availability onaphid abundance seems to be mediated by the strong positive impact of nitrogen on vegetativegrowth. The negative effect of water restriction on aphid abundance seems to be unrelated toan impact of water availability on vegetative growth. Thus on the second studied system: appletree – rosy apple aphid, we chose to vary water supply and to work on two genotypes to test thegenericity of the observed pattern. At shoot scale, water restriction has a positive effect on aphidabundance on one tree genotype and a negative effect on the other one, whereas at tree scalefor both tree genotypes aphid abundance is positively correlated to vegetative growth and waterrestriction negatively impacts aphid abundance. These results suggest that aphid performanceon water restricted trees is limited by another host plant characteristics than vegetative growth.This thesis shows that water restriction and vigour management through nitrogen fertilizationcan be implemented to manage aphids in fruit orchards. However, the patterns evidenced aredependent on tree genotype and on the scale of analysis. The applicability of these alternativemethods remains to be assessed in producing orchards, taking into account the effects of waterand nitrogen restrictions on fruit production
Marandel, Grégoire. "Organisation génomique de la résistance quantitative au Plum pox virus chez les Prunus." Bordeaux 2, 2008.
Full textThe Plum pox virus (PPV), the causal agent of the sharka disease, is the most detrimental virus on stone-fruit trees, worldwide. Infected fruits are not marketable. To date, no peach cultivar is resistant. However sources of resistance have been identified and mapped in apricot and Prunus davidiana, a wild peach-related species. Several of the mapped QTL co-localize with candidate genes previously identified. Among them are the translation initiation factors. In this study, resistance in P. Davidiana was confirmed in an F2 population and two new QTL were identified. Quantitative analysis of the apricot cultivar 'Harlayne' resistance was also performed. A candidate gene strategy followed, including translation initiation factors elF4E, elF4G and their isoforms. Molecular markers targeting these genes were developped as a tool for marker-assisted selection. It revealed a striking co-localization with several resistance QTL identified in P. Davidiana and P. Armeniaca cv. 'Harlayne'. The implication od these genes in PPV resistance is discussed. In order to validate the consistency of these results with those previously published, data were merged in a QTL meta-analysis. It enabled to refine the boundaries of the genomic region controlling PPV resistance in both species, P. Davidiana and P. Armeniaca
Palloix, Alain. "Potentiel et limites d'une résistance polygénique : la résistance du piment (Capsicum annuum) à Phytophthora capsici." Lyon 1, 1986.
Full textBarnadas, Céline. "Épidémiologie moléculaire et résistance de Plasmodium vivax aux antipaludiques à Madagascar." Lyon 1, 2008.
Full textOur objective was to assess (i) the importance of Plasmodium vivax infections in Madagascar, (ii) the parasite sensitivity to antimalarial drugs, and (iii) molecular markers role to monitor antimalarial drug resistance. The study was led on 8 sentinel sites. An in vivo protocol was conducted according to WHO criteria. P. Vivax isolates were analysed for nucleotidic polymorphisms on pvcrt-o, pvmdr1, pvdhfr and pvdhps genes. We searched fro polymorphisms on pvcsp, pvmsp3, pvmsp1 genes and on microsatellites sequences to genotype the isolates from the in vivo protocol. Microsatellites markers were also used to assess the genetic diversity of the Malagasy isolates. Other microsatellites sequences located in the flanking regions of dhfr and dhps genes were identified to assess the origin and propagation of resistant clones
Bonduelle, Olivia. "Etude multiparamétrique des mécanismes de la réponse immunitaire contre les infections virales des voies respiratoires et après vaccination." Paris 6, 2013.
Full textImmune protection against viral respiratory infections requires the induction of synchronized innate and adaptive immune responses. In this thesis, the role of various immune effectors acting in the early and late phases of the immune responses after infection and vaccination was studied. A murine model of vaccinia virus nasal infection allowed us to establish the pivotal role of myeloid dendritic cells expressing the CX3CR1 chemokine receptor in the initiation of specific T cell response. These results demonstrate the existence of an early coordination between innate and adaptive arms of the immune system, which is involved in the induction of a protective response. Data from two clinical studies were used to study various immune parameters after vaccination and infection with pandemic A(H1N1)pdm09 influenza virus and to model the induced responses. A multiparametric analysis of seven effectors of the adaptive immunity shows strong heterogeneity of vaccine-induced immune responses, depending on the residual anti-influenza response. A principal component analysis identifies five profiles of adaptive responses. In addition, a year after vaccination, specific immune memory has similar characteristics to the induced responses detected after a moderate viral infection. However, the quality and intensity of memory responses after pandemic vaccine are different from the one observed after a severe infection with A(H1N1)pdm09 influenza virus. These results suggest that a balance between the different compartments of the cellular immune responses after vaccination or infection is essential for immune protection. This work opens up new ways in the correlates of vaccine efficacy and protection
Millet, Anne. "Résistance aux pathogènes et régulation de la réponse immune chez Caenorhabditis elegans." Aix-Marseille 2, 2005.
Full textMonteiro-Sepulveda, Milena. "Functional and immune alterations of the intestine in human obesity." Paris 6, 2013.
Full textL'épithélium intestinal contribue à l'homéostasie glucidique assurant la digestion des aliments, l'absorption des nutriments et la sécrétion des entero-hormones aprs un repas. GLUT2, un transporteur de sucre à haute capacité, est transitoirement recruté dans la membrane apicale des entérocytes en réponse à un repas riche en sucre. L'augmentation de l'insulinémie provoquée par l'hyperglycémie postabsorptive déclenche l'internalisation de GLUT2 dans l'entérocyte, mécanisme qui est perdu chez les rongeurs diabétiques ou rendus résistants à l'insuline par le régime. Dans le jéjunum de sujets obèses morbides résistants à l'insuline et/ou diabétiques de type 2, j'ai montré une localisation anormalement permanente, de GLUT2 dans la membrane apicale des entérocytes. La localisation apicale de GLUT2 favorise un échange bidirectionnel transépithélial de glucose. GLUT2 peut aussi s'accumuler dans les endosomes des sujets dont l'alimentation est riche en graisse et plus pauvre en hydrate de carbone. Ces localisations anormales de GLUT2 dans les entérocytes sont un signe d'adaptation pathologique de l'intestin à l'obésité humaine (Diabetes J 2011). L'obésité est une maladie inflammatoire à bas grade, affectant la sensibilité à l'insuline de plusieurs organes. L'immunité intestinale est peu étudiée dans l'obésité humaine. J'ai montré que la muqueuse intestinale des sujets obèses est hypertrophique et associée à un accroissement du nombre de cellules de l'immunité innée et adaptative. Ces modifications sont en lien avec les changements biocliniques mesurés chez les sujets obèses. Le phénotype des lymphocytes T du jéjunum a été établi en cytométrie de flux et par l'expression de gènes. L'activité des lymphocytes T de sujets obèses, pas celle des sujets minces, dégrade la sensibilité à l'insuline des entérocytes Caco2/TC7 (2 manuscripts en préparation). Nos résultats suggèrent que l'adaptation de l'immunité intestinale dans l'obésité affecte la sensibilité à l'insuline des entérocytes modifiant la fonction d'absorption des sucres dans l'intestin
Books on the topic "Prunus – Résistance aux maladies"
Whelan, Robert J. The ecology of fire. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995.
Find full textBrooks, J. E. Development of a resistance index for Sitka spruce against the white pine weevil Pissodes strobi Peck. Victoria, B.C: Forestry Canada, 1992.
Find full textMark, Fischetti, ed. The new killer diseases: How the alarming evolution of mutant germs threatens us all. New York: Crown Publishers, 2003.
Find full textFischetti, Mark, and Elinor Levy. The New Killer Diseases: How the Alarming Evolution of Mutant Germs Threatens Us All. Crown, 2003.
Find full textPunja, Zamir K. Fungal Disease Resistance in Plants: Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, and Genetic Engineering (Crop Science) (Crop Science). Food Products Press, 2004.
Find full textPunja, Zamir K. Fungal Disease Resistance in Plants: Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, and Genetic Engineering. Food Products Press, 2004.
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