Academic literature on the topic 'Protocols'

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Journal articles on the topic "Protocols"


Shi, Lu-Feng, Karen A. Doherty, Tammy M. Kordas, and Joseph T. Pellegrino. "Short-Term and Long-Term Hearing Aid Benefit and User Satisfaction: A Comparison between Two Fitting Protocols." Journal of the American Academy of Audiology 18, no. 06 (June 2007): 482–95.

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Currently published hearing aid fitting protocols recommend speech-in-noise testing and loudness measures, but it remains unclear how these measures affect hearing aid benefit and user satisfaction. This study compared two protocols in their effects on benefit and satisfaction. Protocol A included an electroacoustic analysis, real-ear measures, and hearing aid adjustments based on users' comments. Protocol B included all of Protocol A and a speech-in-noise test, loudness discomfort levels, and aided loudness. Thirty-two participants completed the Abbreviated Profile of Hearing Aid Benefit (APHAB) and the Satisfaction with Amplification in Daily Life (SADL) at 45 days and three months post–initial fitting. Fewer hearing aid adjustments were made to the hearing aids for participants fitted with Protocol B than participants fitted with Protocol A, but final gains were similar for both groups. Although similar APHAB scores were obtained for both protocols, SADL scores decreased between 45 days and three months for Protocol A. Los protocoles de amplificación de auxiliares auditivo actualmente publicados recomiendan pruebas de lenguaje en ruido y mediciones de apreciación subjetiva de la intensidad (sonoridad), pero no está claro cómo estas mediciones afectan el beneficio de un auxiliar auditivo y la satisfacción del usuario. El estudio comparó dos protocolos en cuanto a sus efectos sobre beneficio y satisfacción. El Protocolo A incluyó un análisis electroacústico, mediciones de oído real y ajuste en el auxiliar auditivo basados en los comentarios del usuario. El Protocolo B incluyó todas las pruebas del Protocolo A, además de una prueba de audición en ruido, de niveles de molestia en la apreciación subjetiva de la intensidad y de sonoridad amplificada. Treinta y dos participantes completaron el Perfil Abreviado de Beneficio del Auxiliar Auditivo (APHAB) y la prueba de Satisfacción con la Amplificación en la Vida Diaria (SADL) a los 45 días y a los tres meses de la adaptación inicial. Tuvieron que hacerse menos ajustes en el audífono en los auxiliares auditivos de participantes adaptados con el Protocolo B, que en los participantes adaptados con el Protocolo A, pero las ganancias finales fueron similares en ambos grupos. Aunque se obtuvieron puntajes APHAB similares en ambos protocolos, los puntajes SADL disminuyeron entre los 45 días y los tres meses para el Protocolo A.
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Báez S., Paola, Isabel Ruiz S., Luis F. Restrepo, and Jhon D. Ruiz B. "Comparación de dos protocolos anestésicos para ovariohisterectomía en perras sanas." Revista Colombiana de Ciencias Pecuarias 20, no. 4 (July 25, 2016): 6.

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Para determinar los cambios hemodinámicos, y fisiológicos y la recuperación en dos protocolos anestésicos, en hembras caninas sanas durante ovariohisterectomia (OVH) electiva, se utilizaron dos grupos de animales, a cada uno de los cuales se les asignó un protocolo anestésico: Grupo I (fentanil + etomidato), grupo II (fentanil + tiopental). En ambos grupos el mantenimiento se hizo con isoflurano. Cada cinco minutos durante el procedimiento quirúrgico se midieron las siguientes variables: frecuencia cardíaca, frecuencia respiratoria, temperatura, dióxido de carbono expirado, presión arterial no invasiva, saturación de oxígeno. Las variables que presentaron significancia, desde el punto de vista estadístico, fueron: temperatura, con una media en el protocolo I de 37.7 ± 1.4, y de 38.0 ± 1.2 en el protocolo II (p < 0.05); y la variable capnografía con una media para el protocolo I de 50.9 ± 19.1 (p < 0.05) y en el protocolo II de 51.9 ± 7.9. Las demás variables se comportaron dentro de los parámetros normales, sin cambios significativos entre los protocolos. Durante el tiempo de recuperación se midieron las siguientes variables: tiempo de presentación del reflejo deglutorio, posición esternal, primera ingesta de líquidos y primera ingesta de alimentos. En resumen, desde el punto de vista estadístico los dos protocolos se comportaron de manera similar a pesar de las diferencias significativas de las variables temperatura y capnografía, por tanto corresponde al criterio clínico definir cuál de los dos protocolos utilizar, dependiendo de variables y circunstancias distintas a las analizadas en este estudio, como son la disponibilidad y el precio de los medicamentos, entre otros. Summary To determine the hemodynamic and physiologic changes and the characteristics of the recuperation phase in two anesthetic protocols to be used in healthy female dogs for elective ovary ohisterectomy, two groups of animals were used in order to test two protocols: Group I was given fentanyl + ethomidato and group II fentanyl + thiopental. For maintenance isofluorane was used in both groups. The following variables were measured at five minute intervals during the surgical procedure: cardiac frequency, breathing frequency, temperature, expired carbon dioxide, non- invasive blood pressure and oxygen saturation. Statistically, temperature and capnography were the only ones yielding significant results: temperature presented an average of 37.7 ± 1.4, in protocol I and 38.0 ± 1.2 in protocol II (p < 0.05); for capnography the average was of 50.9 ± 19.1 for protocol I and 51.9 ± 7.9 for protocol II (p < 0.01), the other variables did not present statistical differences between the tested protocols and maintained themselves within physiological parameters. For recuperation the fallowing variables were measured: time to gag reflex, esternal position, time of liquid ingestion and time of ingestion of solids. In summary, in spite of the significant differences in temperature and capnography, the values were always within physiological parameters therefore in practical terms the protocols behaved in a similar manner. It corresponds to the clinician to define which of the two protocols is more suitable depending of variables and circumstances other than those analyzed in this study such as costs and availability.
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Cameron, Thomas, Doson Chua, Stephen Shalansky, Edwin Tam, and Erica Wang. "Comparison of a Fully Weight-Based Protocol with a Non–Weight-Based Dosage Titration Protocol for IV Unfractionated Heparin: A Before-and-After Study." Canadian Journal of Hospital Pharmacy 76, no. 1 (January 9, 2023): 23–28.

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Background: Unfractionated heparin (UFH) is used for the prevention and treatment of arterial or venous thromboembolism. The dosage for IV infusion of UFH is generally based on the patient’s weight, with adjustment to a specific target for activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT). In May 2019, the UFH protocols at the study institution were changed from being fully weight-based (i.e., for both initial dosing and subsequent dosage titrations) to weight-based initial dosing and non–weight-based dosage titrations, but the relative effectiveness of these 2 approaches was not known. Objectives: The primary objective was to compare the effectiveness in achieving therapeutic aPTT with the fully weight-based and non–weight-based dosage titration protocols. The secondary objective was to compare the effectiveness of the non–weight-based dosage titration protocol with that of the previous fully weight-based one for patients with low-target aPTT. Methods: A single-centre, retrospective, observational before-and-after study was conducted for patients receiving therapeutic UFH for any indication. Patients in the “before” group (fully weight-based protocol) were treated from January 2015 to October 2016, and those in the “after” group (non–weight-based titration) from January to October 2020. Results: From a total of 1969 charts screened, 137 patients treated according to the fully weight-based protocols and 130 patients treated according to the non–weight-based titration protocols were included. In terms of the co-primary objective, the median number of dosage adjustments to achieve therapeutic anticoagulation was 1 in both groups (p = 0.48), and the proportion of patients with therapeutic anticoagulation at 24 h was similar (96.2% [125/130] with the non–weight-based titration protocols versus 99.3% [136/137] with the fully weight-based protocols; p = 0.09). Among patients treated according to the low-target UFH protocols, those with the non–weight-based titration protocol were less likely to have therapeutic anticoagulation at first measurement of aPTT than those with the fully weight-based protocol (37.9% [25/66] versus 44.6% [41/92], p = 0.033). Conclusions: This retrospective, observational, before-and-after study showed that the effectiveness of the non–weight-based dosage titration protocols in achieving therapeutic aPTT was similar to that of fully weight-based UFH protocols. RÉSUMÉ Contexte : L’héparine non fractionnée (HNF) est utilisée pour la prévention et le traitement de la thromboembolie artérielle ou veineuse. La posologie de la perfusion par IV d’HNF se base généralement sur le poids du patient, avec un ajustement à un objectif précis du temps moyen de céphaline activée (TCA). En mai 2019, les protocoles d’HNF de l’établissement à l’étude sont passés d’une approche entièrement basée sur le poids (à la fois pour la posologie initiale et les titrages posologiques ultérieurs) à une posologie initiale basée sur le poids, et à des titrages posologiques non basés sur le poids. Cependant, l’efficacité relative de ces 2 approches était inconnue. Objectifs : L’objectif principal de l’étude consistait à comparer dans quelle mesure les protocoles entièrement basés sur le poids et les protocoles de titrage non basés sur le poids étaient efficaces pour atteindre le TCA thérapeutique. L’objectif secondaire consistait quant à lui à comparer l’efficacité du protocole de titrage de dose non basé sur le poids au protocole précédent entièrement basé sur le poids chez les patients ayant une faible cible de TCA. Méthodes : Une étude monocentrique, rétrospective, observationnelle avant-après a été menée chez des patients recevant de l’HNF thérapeutique, toutes indications confondues. Les patients du groupe « Avant » (protocole entièrement basé sur le poids) ont été traités de janvier 2015 à octobre 2016, et ceux du groupe « Après » (protocole de titrage de dose non basé sur le poids) de janvier à octobre 2020. Résultats : À partir de 1969 dossiers examinés, 137 patients traités selon les protocoles entièrement basés sur le poids et 130 patients traités selon les protocoles d’ajustement posologique non basés sur le poids ont été inclus. En ce qui concerne l’objectif co-principal, le nombre médian d’ajustements posologiques pour obtenir une anticoagulation thérapeutique était de 1 dans les deux groupes (p = 0,48), et la part de patients ayant une anticoagulation thérapeutique à 24 h était similaire (96,2 % [125/130] avec les protocoles non basés sur le poids contre 99,3 % [136/137] avec ceux entièrement basés sur le poids [p = 0,09]). Parmi les patients traités selon les protocoles HNF à faible cible, ceux avec le protocole de titrage non basé sur le poids étaient moins susceptibles de connaître une anticoagulation thérapeutique à la première mesure du TCA que ceux avec le protocole entièrement basé sur le poids (37,9 % [25/66] contre 44,6 % [41/92], p = 0,033). Conclusions : Cette étude rétrospective et observationnelle avant-après a montré que l’efficacité des protocoles d’ajustement posologique non basés sur le poids pour obtenir un TCA thérapeutique était similaire à celle des protocoles d’HNF entièrement basés sur le poids.
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Peixoto, João Alvarez, André Borin Soares, and Vitor Macedo Ochôa. "Internet das Coisas Industrial: um ensaio de protocolos IoT para manufatura industrial." Revista Eletrônica Científica da UERGS 8, no. 3 (December 23, 2022): 178–87.

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Em meio às mudanças no mercado de bens e consumo, provocadas pela transformação digital, exige-se que as máquinas de manufaturas sejam mais interativas entre si e com os painéis de monitoramento em nuvem. As conexões via internet das coisas (IoT) promovem este grau de interação e mobilidade desejados. Contudo, o ambiente industrial reivindica melhor confiabilidade e segurança, visto que a Internet das Coisas Industrial (IIoT) apresenta-se com protocolos e plataformas para este fim. Portanto, conhecer as características de protocolos e plataformas, ante a manufatura, adquire importância. O objetivo deste estudo é caracterizar as funcionalidades dos protocolos MQTT, HTTP e CoAP como uma aplicação de manufatura industrial, com painel de monitoramento nas plataformas Adafruit.IO, Tago.IO e Thinger.IO. É proposto um método para a realização de estudos semelhantes, em sistemas de manufatura interativa, com uso de protocolos e plataformas IIoT. Como forma de conexão da máquina com a internet, é utilizado o módulo ESP8266 NodeMCU. Na aplicação, as plataformas IIoT obtiveram resultados muito semelhantes, podendo ser a elas atribuídas o mesmo grau de importância para o estudo. Os protocolos diferenciaram-se, sendo o protocolo MQTT o que melhor respondeu às funcionalidades do sistema de manufatura proposto, ao oferecer sua comunicação assíncrona, sem necessidade de que os equipamentos estejam constantemente interagindo. Já o protocolo HTTP apresentou melhores recursos em APIs, mas sua conexão síncrona demanda uma boa rede de dados em internet. Por fim, o protocolo CoAP apresentou documentação insuficiente para acesso às plataformas e bibliotecas para uso em módulos microcontroladores. Palavras-chave: Protocolos; IIoT; plataformas; redes; indústria 4.0; programação. Abstract Industrial Internet of Things: a trial of IoT protocols for industrial manufacturing Changes in the goods and consumption market, caused by digital transformation, require manufacturing machines to be more interactive, with each other and with cloud monitoring panels. Connections via the Internet of Things (IoT) promote this desired degree of interaction and mobility, but the industrial environment demands increased reliability and security. The Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) presents itself with protocols and platforms for this purpose. Knowing the characteristics of protocols and platforms, facing the desired manufacturing, becomes important. The objective of this study is to characterize the functionalities of the MQTT, HTTP and CoAP protocols in an industrial manufacturing application, with a monitoring panel on the Adafruit.IO, Tago.IO and Thinger.IO platforms. A method is proposed for carrying out similar studies in interactive manufacturing systems, using IIoT protocols and platforms. As a way of connecting the machine to the internet, the ESP8266 NodeMCU module is used. In the developed application, the IIoT platforms obtained very similar results, and they can be attributed the same degree of importance for the study. In the evaluation of the protocols, the MQTT protocol was the one that best met the functionalities of the proposed manufacturing system, providing its asynchronous communication, which does not requires the equipment to be constantly interacting. The HTTP protocol has better features in APIs, but its synchronous connection demands a good data network on the internet. The CoAP protocol presented insufficient documentation available for access to platforms and libraries, for use in microcontroller modules. Keywords: Protocols; IIoT; platforms; networks; industry 4.0; programming. Resumen Internet Industrial de las Cosas: un ensayo de protocolos IoT para la fabricación industrial En medio de los cambios en el mercado de bienes y de consumo provocados por la transformación digital, se requiere que las máquinas de fabricación sean más interactivas, tanto entre sí como con los paneles de control en la nube. Las conexiones dela Internet de las Cosas (IoT) promueven este grado deseado de interacción y movilidad, pero el entorno industrial exige una mayor fiabilidad y seguridad. La Internet Industrial de las Cosas (IIoT) se presenta con protocolos y plataformas para este fin. Conocer las características de los protocolos y las plataformas relacionados a la fabricación cobra importancia. El objetivo de este estudio es caracterizar las funcionalidades de los protocolos MQTT, HTTP y CoAP en una aplicación de fabricación industrial, con panel de control en las plataformas Adafruit.IO, Tago.IO y Thinger.IO. Se propone un método para realizar estudios similares, en sistemas de fabricación interactivos, utilizando protocolos y plataformas IIoT. Como forma de conectar la máquina a internet, se utiliza el módulo ESP8266 NodeMCU. En la aplicación, las plataformas IIoT obtuvieron resultados muy similares, pudiendo asignarles el mismo grado de importancia para el estudio. Los protocolos, en cambio, se mostraron diferentes, siendo el MQTT el que mejor respondió a las funcionalidades del sistema de fabricación propuesto, ofreciendo su comunicación asíncrona, no requiriendo que los equipos estén constantemente interactuando. El protocolo HTTP presentaba mejores recursos en las API, pero su conexión sincrónica exige una buena red de datos de internet. Por último, el protocolo CoAP presentó una documentación insuficiente para el acceso a las plataformas y bibliotecas, para su uso en módulos de microcontroladores. Palabras clave: Protocolos; IIoT; plataformas; redes; industria 4.0; programa.
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Li, Jian, and Chong-Qiang Ye. "Multi-party semi-quantum secret sharing protocol based on measure-flip and reflect operations." Laser Physics Letters 21, no. 7 (May 30, 2024): 075201.

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Abstract Semi-quantum secret sharing (SQSS) protocols serve as fundamental frameworks in quantum secure multi-party computations, offering the advantage of not requiring all users to possess intricate quantum devices. However, current SQSS protocols mainly cater to bipartite scenarios, with few protocols suitable for multi-party scenarios. Moreover, the multi-party SQSS protocols face limitations such as low qubit efficiency and inability to share deterministic secret information. To address this gap, this paper proposes a multi-party SQSS protocol based on multi-particle GHZ states. In this protocol, the quantum user can distribute the predetermined secret information to multiple classical users with limited quantum capabilities, and only through mutual cooperation among all classical users can the correct secret information be reconstructed. By utilizing measure-flip and reflect operations, the transmitted multi-particle GHZ states can all contribute keys, thereby improving the utilization of transmitted particles. Then, security analysis shows that the protocol’s resilience against prevalent external and internal threats. Additionally, employing IBM Qiskit, we conduct quantum circuit simulations to validate the protocol’s accuracy and feasibility. Finally, compared to similar studies, the proposed protocol has advantages in terms of protocol scalability, qubit efficiency, and shared message types.
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Guo, Hua, Chen Chen, Ya Gao, Xiong Li, and Jiongchao Jin. "A Secure Three-Factor Multiserver Authentication Protocol against the Honest-But-Curious Servers." Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing 2018 (September 13, 2018): 1–14.

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Three-factor multiserver authentication protocols become a prevalence in recent years. Among these protocols, almost all of them do not involve the registration center into the authentication process. To improve the protocol’s efficiency, a common secret key is shared among all severs, which leads to a serious weakness; i.e., we find that these protocols cannot resist the passive attack from the honest-but-curious servers. This paper takes Wang et al.’s protocol as an example, to exhibit how an honest-but-curious server attacks their protocol. To remedy this weakness, a novel three-factor multiserver authentication protocol is presented. By introducing the registration center into the authentication process, the new protocol can resist the passive attack from the honest-but-curious servers. Security analyses including formal and informal analyses are given, demonstrating the correctness and validity of the new protocol. Compared with related protocols, the new protocol possesses more secure properties and more practical functionalities than others at a relatively low computation cost and communication cost.
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ABSTRACTThis work aims to study which wireless sensor network routing protocol is more suitable for Smart Grids applications, through simulation of AODV protocols, AOMDV, DSDV and HTR in the NS2 simulation environment. Was simulated a network based on a residential area with 47 residences, with one node for each residence and one base station, located about 25m from the other nodes. Many parameters, such as packet loss, throughput, delay, jitter and energy consumption were tested. The network was increased to 78 and 93 nodes in order to evaluate the behavior of the protocols in larger networks. The tests proved that the HTR is the routing protocol that has the best results in performance and second best in energy consumption. The DSDV had the worst performance according to the tests.Key words.- Smart grid, QoS analysis, Wireless sensor networks, Routing protocols.RESUMENEste trabajo tiene como objetivo estudiar el protocolo de enrutamiento de la red de sensores inalámbricos es más adecuado para aplicaciones de redes inteligentes, a través de la simulación de protocolos AODV, AOMDV, DSDV y HTR en el entorno de simulación NS2. Se simuló una red basada en una zona residencial con 47 residencias, con un nodo para cada residencia y una estación base, situada a unos 25 metros de los otros nodos. Muchos parámetros, tales como la pérdida de paquetes, rendimiento, retardo, jitter y el consumo de energía se probaron. La red se incrementó a 78 y 93 nodos con el fin de evaluar el comportamiento de los protocolos de redes más grandes. Las pruebas demostraron que el HTR es el protocolo de enrutamiento que tiene los mejores resultados en el rendimiento y el segundo mejor en el consumo de energía. El DSDV tuvo el peor desempeño de acuerdo a las pruebas.Palabras clave.- redes inteligentes, análisis de calidad de servicio, redes de sensores inalámbricas, protocolos de enrutamiento.
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ABSTRACTThis work aims to study which wireless sensor network routing protocol is more suitable for Smart Grids applications, through simulation of AODV protocols, AOMDV, DSDV and HTR in the NS2 simulation environment. Was simulated a network based on a residential area with 47 residences, with one node for each residence and one base station, located about 25m from the other nodes. Many parameters, such as packet loss, throughput, delay, jitter and energy consumption were tested. The network was increased to 78 and 93 nodes in order to evaluate the behavior of the protocols in larger networks. The tests proved that the HTR is the routing protocol that has the best results in performance and second best in energy consumption. The DSDV had the worst performance according to the tests.Key words.- Smart grid, QoS analysis, Wireless sensor networks, Routing protocols.RESUMENEste trabajo tiene como objetivo estudiar el protocolo de enrutamiento de la red de sensores inalámbricos es más adecuado para aplicaciones de redes inteligentes, a través de la simulación de protocolos AODV, AOMDV, DSDV y HTR en el entorno de simulación NS2. Se simuló una red basada en una zona residencial con 47 residencias, con un nodo para cada residencia y una estación base, situada a unos 25 metros de los otros nodos. Muchos parámetros, tales como la pérdida de paquetes, rendimiento, retardo, jitter y el consumo de energía se probaron. La red se incrementó a 78 y 93 nodos con el fin de evaluar el comportamiento de los protocolos de redes más grandes. Las pruebas demostraron que el HTR es el protocolo de enrutamiento que tiene los mejores resultados en el rendimiento y el segundo mejor en el consumo de energía. El DSDV tuvo el peor desempeño de acuerdo a las pruebas.Palabras clave.- redes inteligentes, análisis de calidad de servicio, redes de sensores inalámbricas, protocolos de enrutamiento.
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Reges Bessa, Carlos Deyvinson, Rodrigo Soares Semente, Xiankleber Cavalcante Benjamim, Talison Augusto Correia de Melo, Felipe Denis Mendonça de Oliveira, Daniel Holanda Noronha, Antônio Eduardo de Morais Silva, André Laurindo Maitelli, and Andrés Ortiz Salazar. "PERFORMANCE EVALUATION ANALYSIS OF WIRELESS SENSOR NETWORKS ROUTING PROTOCOLS IN SMART GRIDS." Revista Cientifica TECNIA 26, no. 1 (November 28, 2016): 17.

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ABSTRACTThis work aims to study which wireless sensor network routing protocol is more suitable for Smart Grids applications, through simulation of AODV protocols, AOMDV, DSDV and HTR in the NS2 simulation environment. Was simulated a network based on a residential area with 47 residences, with one node for each residence and one base station, located about 25m from the other nodes. Many parameters, such as packet loss, throughput, delay, jitter and energy consumption were tested. The network was increased to 78 and 93 nodes in order to evaluate the behavior of the protocols in larger networks. The tests proved that the HTR is the routing protocol that has the best results in performance and second best in energy consumption. The DSDV had the worst performance according to the tests.Keywords.- Smart grid, QoS analysis, Wireless sensor networks, Routing protocols.RESUMENEste trabajo tiene como objetivo estudiar el protocolo de enrutamiento de la red de sensores inalámbricos es más adecuado para aplicaciones de redes inteligentes, a través de la simulación de protocolos AODV, AOMDV, DSDV y HTR en el entorno de simulación NS2. Se simuló una red basada en una zona residencial con 47 residencias, con un nodo para cada residencia y una estación base, situada a unos 25 metros de los otros nodos. Muchos parámetros, tales como la pérdida de paquetes, rendimiento, retardo, jitter y el consumo de energía se probaron. La red se incrementó a 78 y 93 nodos con el fin de evaluar el comportamiento de los protocolos de redes más grandes. Las pruebas demostraron que el HTR es el protocolo de enrutamiento que tiene los mejores resultados en el rendimiento y el segundo mejor en el consumo de energía. El DSDV tuvo el peor desempeño de acuerdo a las pruebas.Palabras clave.- redes inteligentes, análisis de calidad de servicio, redes de sensores inalámbricas, protocolos de enrutamiento.
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Saunders, Diana. "The Protocol of Protocols." Practice Nursing 9, no. 10 (June 2, 1998): 3.

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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Protocols"


Debant, Alexandre. "Symbolic verification of distance-bounding protocols : application to payment protocols." Thesis, Rennes 1, 2020.

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L’essor des nouvelles technologies, et en particulier la Communication en Champ Proche (NFC), a permis l’apparition de nouvelles applications. Á ce titre, nous pouvons mentionner le paiement sans contact, les clefs mains libres ou encore les carte d’abonnement dans les transports en commun. Afin de sécuriser l’ensemble de ces applications, des protocoles de sécurité, appelés protocoles délimiteurs de distance on été développés. Ces protocoles ont pour objectif d’assurer la proximité physique des appareils mis en jeu afin protocole cryptographique, protocole de paiement de limiter le risque d’attaque. Dans ce manuscrit, nous présentons diverses approches permettant une analyse formelle de ces protocoles. Dans ce but, nous proposons un modèle symbolique permettant une modélisation précise du temps ainsi que des positions dans l’espace de chaque participant. Nous proposons ensuite deux approches : la première développant une nouvelle procédure de vérification, la seconde permettant la ré-utilisation d’outils existants tels que Proverif. Tout au long de ce manuscrit, nous porterons une attention parti- culières aux protocoles de paiement sans contact
The rise of new technologies, and in particular Near Field Communication (NFC) tags, offers new applications such as contactless payments, key-less entry systems, transport ticketing... Due to their security concerns, new security protocols, called distance-bounding protocols, have been developed to ensure the physical proximity of the de- vices during a session. In order to prevent flaws and attacks, these protocols require formal verification. In this manuscript, we present several techniques that allow for an automatic verification of such protocols. To this aim, we first present a symbolic model which faithfully models time and locations. Then we develop two approaches : either ba- sed on a new verification procedure, or leveraging existing tools like Proverif. Along this manuscript, we pay a particular attention to apply our results to contactless payment protocols
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Bandyopadhyay, Amrit. "The smart stone protocol (SSP) design and protocols /." College Park, Md. : University of Maryland, 2006.

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Thesis (M.S.) -- University of Maryland, College Park, 2006.
Thesis research directed by: Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering. Title from t.p. of PDF. Includes bibliographical references. Published by UMI Dissertation Services, Ann Arbor, Mich. Also available in paper.
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Gerault, David. "Security analysis of contactless communication protocols." Thesis, Université Clermont Auvergne‎ (2017-2020), 2018.

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Dowling, Benjamin James. "Provable security of internet protocols." Thesis, Queensland University of Technology, 2017.

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Secure communications over the Internet are typically established by first running an authenticated key exchange protocol, which computes a secret key between two users, which is then utilised in an encryption protocol. In this work we examine novel security properties of the most prominent communications protocols, including the Transport Layer Security and Secure Shell protocols. We introduce new security frameworks for analysing security properties of protocols involving negotiation, multiple ciphersuites, long-term key reuse, and time synchronisation. Our results have increased confidence in the security of real-world protocols, and our analyses of next-generation protocols have informed their development by standardisation bodies.
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Gibson-Robinson, Thomas. "Analysing layered security protocols." Thesis, University of Oxford, 2013.

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Many security protocols are built as the composition of an application-layer protocol and a secure transport protocol, such as TLS. There are many approaches to proving the correctness of such protocols. One popular approach is verification by abstraction, in which the correctness of the application-layer protocol is proven under the assumption that the transport layer satisfies certain properties, such as confidentiality. Following this approach, we adapt the strand spaces model in order to analyse application-layer protocols that depend on an underlying secure transport layer, including unilaterally authenticating secure transport protocols, such as unilateral TLS. Further, we develop proof rules that enable us to prove the correctness of application-layer protocols that use either unilateral or bilateral secure transport protocols. We then illustrate these rules by proving the correctness of WebAuth, a single-sign-on protocol that makes extensive use of unilateral TLS. In this thesis we also present a full proof of the model's soundness. In particular, we prove that, subject to a suitable independence assumption, if there is an attack against the application-layer protocol when layered on top of a particular secure transport protocol, then there is an attack against the abstracted model of the application-layer protocol. In contrast to existing work in this area, the independence assumption consists of eight statically-checkable conditions, meaning that it can be checked statically, rather than having to consider all possible runs of the protocol. Lastly, we extend the model to allow protocols that consist of an arbitrary number of layers to be proven correct. In this case, we prove the correctness of the intermediate layers using the high-level strand spaces model, by abstracting away from the underlying transport-layers. Further, we extend the above soundness results in order to prove that the multi-layer approach is sound. We illustrate the effectiveness of our technique by proving the correctness of a couple of simple multi-layer protocols.
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Yang, Ying. "Routing protocols for wireless sensor networks: A survey." Thesis, Mittuniversitetet, Institutionen för informationsteknologi och medier, 2013.

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Wireless sensor networks(WSNs) are different to traditional networks and are highly dependent on applications, thus traditional routing protocols cannot be applied efficiently to the networks. As the variability of both the application and the network architecture, the majority of the attention, therefore, has been given to the routing protocols. This work surveys and evaluates state-of-the-art routing protocols based on many factors including energy efficiency, delay andcomplexity, and presents several classifications for the various approaches pursued. Additionally, more attention is paid to several routing protocols and their advantages and disadvantages and, indeed, this work implements two of selected protocols, LEACH and THVRG, on the OPNET, and compares them in many aspects based on a large amount of experimental data. The survey also provides a valuable framework for comparing new and existing routing protocols. According to the evaluation for the performance of the routing protocols, this thesis provides assistance in relation to further improving the performance in relation to routing protocols. Finally, future research strategies and trends in relation to routing technology in wireless sensor networks are also provided.
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Maria, Fábio Rogério Tôrres. "Frequência dos diferentes protocolos de extrações nos tratamentos ortodônticos conduzidos na Faculdade de Odontologia de Bauru FOB-USP, nos últimos 35 anos." Universidade de São Paulo, 2010.

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O presente estudo objetivou realizar um levantamento retrospectivo de todos os planejamentos ortodônticos realizados pelo Departamento de Ortodontia (FOB USP) desde 1973, para que pudessem ser avaliados os protocolos de tratamento escolhidos à época, principalmente quanto à decisão de extrações e suas freqüências. A amostra constitui-se inicialmente de 3745 documentações ortodônticas arquivadas pelo Departamento de Ortodontia, das quais 332 documentações foram descartadas seguindo alguns fatores de exclusão, tais como casos transferidos, desistências e informações e exames incompletos. A amostra total de 3413 pacientes foi avaliada de acordo com o protocolo de tratamento escolhido, classificados como: Protocolo 0 (Sem extrações); Protocolo 1 (Extrações de 4 primeiros pré-molares); Protocolo 2 (2 primeiros pré-molares superiores e 2 segundos inferiores); Protocolo 3 (2 pré-molares superiores); Protocolo 4 (4 segundos pré-molares); Protocolo 6 (Incisivos e caninos); Protocolo 7 (Primeiros e segundos molares); Protocolo 8 (extrações atípicas); Protocolo 9 (grupo de agenesias e perdas precoces). Estes protocolos aferidos, foram então divididos em 7 grupos, definidos como 7 intervalos cronológicos a cada 5 anos: Intervalo 1 (1973-1977); Intervalo 2 (1978-1982); Intervalo 3 (1983-1987); Intervalo 4 (1988-1992); Intervalo 5 (1993-1997); Intervalo 6 (1998-2002); Intervalo 7 (2003-2007). Estes intervalos foram então comparados entre si para que as freqüências dos protocolos pudessem definir possíveis tendências predominantes a cada época testada. Os resultados demonstraram diferenças estatisticamente significantes para 7 dos 10 protocolos avaliados entre os intervalos considerados, evidenciando uma grande diferença de freqüência dos principais protocolos de tratamento ao longo destes 35 anos avaliados. Portanto conclui-se que a escolha pelos protocolos de tratamento sofreram influências de filosofias e dogmas vigentes durante os intervalos avaliados.
The purpose of this retrospective study was to evaluate all orthodontic treatment plannings conducted at the Orthodontic Department at Bauru Dental School, University of São Paulo, since 1973, in order to investigate extraction and nonextraction frequency protocols selected at each considered period. The sample comprised initially 3745 records of treated patients, that according to exclusion criteria, reduced the final sample to 3413 documentations. This total sample was evaluated according to the protocol choice, being divided into 10 groups: Protocol 0 (nonextraction group); Protocol 1 (4-first premolar extractions); Protocol 2 (2-maxillary first and 2-mandibular second premolar extractions); Protocol 3 (2-maxillary premolar extractions); Protocol 4 (4-second premolar extractions); Protocol 5 (asymmetric premolar extractions); Protocol 6 (incisor and canine extractions); Protocol 7 (first and second molar extractions); Protocol 8 (atypical extractions) and Protocol 9 (agenesis and previously missing teeth group). These 3413 obtained protocols were divided into seven 5-year intervals: Interval 1 (1973-1977); Interval 2 (1978-1982); Interval 3 (1983-1987); Interval 4 (1988-1992); Interval 5 (1993-1997); Interval 6 (1998-2002); Interval 7 (2003-2007). The frequency of each protocol was compared among the 7 intervals, using the Proportion Test, in order to identify some predominant trends at each tested period. The results showed that 7 frequency protocols were significantly different among the 7 considered intervals, evidencing that the protocols choice was influenced by some dominant philosophies or dogmas during the evaluated periods.
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Guedj, Michaël. "BSP algorithms for LTL & CTL model checking of security protocols." Thesis, Paris Est, 2012.

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Dans un monde fortement dépendant de la communication de données distribuées, la conception d’infrastructures sécurisées est une tâche cruciale. Les systèmes et réseaux distribués prennent de plus en plus d’importance, car la plupart des services et des possibilités qui caractérisent la société moderne sont basés sur ces technologies.La communication entre les agents sur les réseaux a donc suscité un grand intérêt pour la recherche. Afin de fournir des moyens de communication efficaces et fiables, de plus en plus de protocoles de communication sont inventés, et pour la plupart d’entre eux, la sécurité est un objectif important
In a world strongly dependent on distributed data communication, the design of secure infrastructures is a crucial task. Distributed systems and networks are becoming increasingly important, as most of the services and opportunities that characterise the modern society are based on these technologies. Communication among agents over networks has therefore acquired a great deal of research interest. In order to provide effective and reliable means of communication, more and more communication protocols are invented, and for most of them, security is a significant goal
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坂部, 俊樹, 正彦 酒井, 圭一朗 草刈, and 直樹 西田. "Verifying Cryptographic Protocols." INTELLIGENT MEDIA INTEGRATION NAGOYA UNIVERSITY / COE, 2005.

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Jaspan, Ciera N. C. "Proper Plugin Protocols." Research Showcase @ CMU, 2011.

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The ability of the software engineering community to achieve high levels of reuse from software frameworks has been tempered by the difficulty in understanding how to reuse them properly. When written correctly, a plugin can take advantage of the framework’s code and architecture to provide a rich application with relatively few lines of code. Unfortunately, doing this correctly is difficult because frameworks frequently require plugin developers to be aware of complex protocols between objects, and improper use of these protocols causes exceptions and unexpected behavior at run time. This dissertation introduces collaboration constraints, rules governing how multiple objects may interact in a complex protocol. These constraints are particularly difficult to understand and analyze because they may extend across type boundaries and even programming language boundaries. This thesis improves the state of the art through two mechanisms. First, it provides a deep understanding of these collaboration constraints and the framework designs which create them. Second, it introduces Fusion, an adoptable specification language and static analysis tool, that detects broken collaboration constraints in plugin code and demonstrates how to achieve this goal in a cost-effective manner that is practical for industry use. In this dissertation, I have done an empirical study of framework help forums which showed that collaboration constraints are burdensome for developers, as they take hours or even days to resolve. From this empirical study, I have identified several common properties of collaboration constraints. This motivated a new specification language, called Fusion, that is tailored for specifying collaboration constraints in a practical way. The specification language uses relationships to describe the abstract associations between objects and allows developers to specify collaboration constraints as logical predicates of relationships. Since a relationship is an abstraction above the code, this allows developers to easily specify constraints that cross type and language boundaries. There are three variants of the analysis: a sound variant that has false positives but no false negatives, a complete variant that has false negatives but no false positives, and a pragmatic variant that attempts to balance this tradeoff. In this dissertation, I successfully used Fusion to specify and analyze constraints from examples found in the help forums of the ASP.NET and Spring frameworks. Additionally, I ran Fusion on DaCapo, a 1.5 MLOC DaCapo benchmark for program analysis, to show that Fusion is scalable and provides precise enough results for industry with low specification cost. This dissertation examines many tradeoffs: the tradeoffs of framework designs, the tradeoffs of specification precision, and the tradeoffs of program analysis results are all featured. A central theme of this work is that there is no single right solution to collaboration constraints; there are only solutions that work better for a particular instance of the problem.
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Books on the topic "Protocols"


G, Naugle Matthew, ed. Network protocols. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1999.

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Spiropoulos, George. Computer network protocols and protocol proving. Birmingham: University of Birmingham, 1988.

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Scott, Sbihli, and NetLibrary Inc, eds. The wireless application protocol (WAP): A Wiley tech brief. New York: John Wiley, 2000.

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Black, Uyless D. TCP/IP and related protocols. 2nd ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1995.

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Naugle, Matthew G. Network protocol handbook. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1994.

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Destefano, Anna. Chaperonin protocols. [Place of publication not identified]: Humana, 2010.

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Manson, Margaret M. Immunochemical Protocols. New Jersey: Humana Press, 1992.

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Graham, John M., and Joan A. Higgins. Biomembrane Protocols. New Jersey: Humana Press, 1993.

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White, Bruce A. PCR Protocols. New Jersey: Humana Press, 1993.

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Graham, John M., and Joan A. Higgins. Biomembrane Protocols. New Jersey: Humana Press, 1993.

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Book chapters on the topic "Protocols"


Malik, Waqar. "Protocols." In Learn Swift 2 on the Mac, 157–65. Berkeley, CA: Apress, 2015.

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Mesplié, Grégory. "Protocols." In Hand and Wrist Rehabilitation, 471–85. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2015.

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Malik, Waqar. "Protocols." In Learn Swift on the Mac, 141–48. Berkeley, CA: Apress, 2015.

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Campbell, Matthew. "Protocols." In Swift Quick Syntax Reference, 133–35. Berkeley, CA: Apress, 2014.

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Campbell, Matthew. "Protocols." In Objective-C Quick Syntax Reference, 81–83. Berkeley, CA: Apress, 2013.

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Moustaira, Elina. "Protocols." In International Insolvency Law, 107–17. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2018.

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Dalrymple, Mark, and Scott Knaster. "Protocols." In Learn Objective-C on the Mac, 235–47. Berkeley, CA: Apress, 2009.

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Wood, Linda Fossati. "Protocols." In Targeted Regulatory Writing Techniques: Clinical Documents for Drugs and Biologics, 53–68. Basel: Birkhäuser Basel, 2009.

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Schoenmakers, Berry. "∑-Protocols." In Encyclopedia of Cryptography and Security, 1206–8. Boston, MA: Springer US, 2011.

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Hummel, Susanne. "Protocols." In Ancient DNA Typing, 225–69. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2003.

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Conference papers on the topic "Protocols"


Chen, Qiqi, Zhiheng Zhao, and George Q. Huang. "Protocol Model and Execution Protocols for Networked MRO Intralogistics *." In 2024 IEEE 20th International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE), 2553–58. IEEE, 2024.

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Livesey, Joseph, and Dominik Wojtczak. "Propositional Gossip Protocols under Fair Schedulers." In Thirty-First International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence {IJCAI-22}. California: International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence Organization, 2022.

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Gossip protocols are programs that can be used by a group of agents to synchronize what information they have. Namely, assuming each agent holds a secret, the goal of a protocol is to reach a situation in which all agents know all secrets. Distributed epistemic gossip protocols use epistemic formulas in the component programs for the agents. In this paper, we study the simplest classes of such gossip protocols: propositional gossip protocols, in which whether an agent wants to initiate a call depends only on the set of secrets that the agent currently knows. It was recently shown that such a protocol can be correct, i.e., always terminates in a state where all agents know all secrets, only when its communication graph is complete. We show here that this characterization dramatically changes when the usual fairness constraints are imposed on the call scheduler used. Finally, we establish that checking the correctness of a given propositional protocol under a fair scheduler is a coNP-complete problem.
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Shu, J. C., and M. T. Liu. "Protocol conversion between complex protocols." In Ninth Annual International Phoenix Conference on Computers and Communications. 1990 Conference Proceedings. IEEE, 1990.

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Tan, Yang, and Bo Lv. "Mistakes of a Popular Protocol Calculating Private Set Intersection and Union Cardinality and its Corrections." In 3rd International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (CAIML 2022). Academy and Industry Research Collaboration Center (AIRCC), 2022.

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In 2012, De Cristofaro et al. proposed a protocol to calculate the Private Set Intersection and Union cardinality (PSI-CA and PSU-CA). This protocol's security is based on the famous DDH assumption. Since its publication, it has gained lots of popularity because of its efficiency (linear complexity in computation and communication) and concision. So far, it's still considered one of the most efficient PSI-CA protocols and the most cited (more than 170 citations) PSI-CA paper based on the Google Scholar search. However, when we tried to implement this protocol, we couldn't get the correct result of the test data. Since the original paper lacks of experimental results to verify the protocol's correctness, we looked deeper into the protocol and found out it made a fundamental mistake. Needless to say, its correctness analysis and security proof are also wrong. In this paper, we will point out this PSI-CA protocol's mistakes, and provide the correct version of this protocol as well as the PSI protocol developed from this protocol. We also present a new security proof and some experimental results of the corrected protocol.
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Piva, Fabio R., José R. M. Monteiro, Augusto J. Devegili, and Ricardo Dahab. "Applying Strand Spaces to Certified Delivery Proofs." In Simpósio Brasileiro de Segurança da Informação e de Sistemas Computacionais. Sociedade Brasileira de Computação - SBC, 2006.

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Although fair exchange protocols are being widely implemented, there are few formal methods able to verify them. This work introduces the strand spaces method for verifying certified mail delivery protocols, a subclass of fair exchange protocols. Three fair exchange properties are verified: effectiveness, verifiability of TTP and timeliness. For effectiveness and verifiability we used the FPH protocol [Ferrer-Gomila et al. 2000]; for timeliness we use the ZDB protocol [Zhou et al. 1999]. We show that strand spaces can be applied to fair exchange protocols, and present an additional attack to the FPH protocol which was not previously reported.
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Lamenza, Thiago, Marcelo Paulon, Breno Perricone, Bruno Olivieri, and Markus Endler. "GrADyS-SIM - A OMNET++/INET simulation framework for Internet of Flying things." In Simpósio Brasileiro de Redes de Computadores e Sistemas Distribuídos. Sociedade Brasileira de Computação - SBC, 2022.

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This paper describes GrADyS-SIM, a framework for simulating cooperating swarms of UAVs in a joint mission in a hypothetical landscape and communicating through RF radios. The framework was created to aid and verify the communication, coordination, and context-awareness protocols being developed in the GrADyS project. GrADyS-SIM uses the OMNeT++ simulation library and its INET model suite and allows for the addition of modified/customized versions of some simulated components, network configurations, and vehicle coordination to develop new coordination protocols and tested through the framework. The framework simulates UAV movement dictated by a file containing some MAVLink instructions and affected on the fly by different network situations. The UAV swarm’s coordination protocol emerges from individual interactions between UAVs and aims to optimize the collection of sensor data over an area. It also allows simulation of some types of failures to test the protocol’s adaptability. Every node in the simulation is highly configurable, making testing different network topographies, coordination protocols, node hardware configurations, and more a quick task.
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Suprano, Alessia, Emanuele Polino, Danilo Zia, Davide Poderini, Giovanni Rodari, Taira Giordani, Luca Innocenti, et al. "Black-box optimization in quantum information protocols." In CLEO: Fundamental Science. Washington, D.C.: Optica Publishing Group, 2023.

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We used a black-box approach in quantum information protocols. This allows us to optimize an engineering protocol compensating for experimental imperfections and to optimize the nonclassicality of an unknown system reinforcing the device-independent paradigm.
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Singh, Munindar P., Samuel H. Christie V., and Amit K. Chopra. "Langshaw: Declarative Interaction Protocols Based on Sayso and Conflict." In Thirty-Third International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence {IJCAI-24}. California: International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence Organization, 2024.

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Current languages for specifying multiagent protocols either over-constrain protocol enactments or complicate capturing their meanings. We propose Langshaw, a declarative protocol language based on (1) sayso, a new construct that captures who has priority over setting each attribute, and (2) nono and nogo, two constructs to capture conflicts between actions. Langshaw combines flexibility with an information model to express meaning. We give a formal semantics for Langshaw, procedures for determining the safety and liveness of a protocol, and a method to generate a message-oriented protocol (embedding needed coordination) suitable for flexible asynchronous enactment.
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Apt, Krzysztof R., Eryk Kopczyński, and Dominik Wojtczak. "On the Computational Complexity of Gossip Protocols." In Twenty-Sixth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence. California: International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence Organization, 2017.

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Gossip protocols deal with a group of communicating agents, each holding a private information, and aim at arriving at a situation in which all the agents know each other secrets. Distributed epistemic gossip protocols are particularly simple distributed programs that use formulas from an epistemic logic. Recently, the implementability of these distributed protocols was established (which means that the evaluation of these formulas is decidable), and the problems of their partial correctness and termination were shown to be decidable, but their exact computational complexity was left open. We show that for any monotonic type of calls the implementability of a distributed epistemic gossip protocol is a P^{NP}_{||}-complete problem, while the problems of its partial correctness and termination are in coNP^{NP}.
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Chiu, I., and L. H. Shu. "Potential Limitations of Verbal Protocols in Design Experiments." In ASME 2010 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference. ASMEDC, 2010.

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Contradictory results of a recent design stimulation and creativity experiment prompted us to re-examine our chosen methodological approach, namely the use of verbal protocols. We used verbal protocols to study design cognition associated with stimulus use. Our results showed that use of stimuli did not increase concept creativity, contradicting much of the design literature. After eliminating other possible errors, we re-examined the experimental methodology to identify potential design-specific limitations associated with verbal protocols. Many researchers have used verbal protocol experiments, also known as talk-out-loud experiments, to study cognitive processes, as there are few other methods to study internal cognition. While verbal protocols are a widely debated method, research has been done to validate them, and precautions can be taken to mitigate associated risks. Based on reviewing the literature and our own experiences, we have developed design-specific guidelines for the use of verbal protocols. We also outline future work required to explore and understand the suitability of verbal protocols for design studies. Despite potential limitations, verbal protocols remain a valuable and practical tool for studying design cognition and therefore should not be discarded.
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Reports on the topic "Protocols"


Williams, C., P. F. Reynolds, and B. de Supinoki. Delta Coherence Protocols: The Home Update Protocol. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), July 2000.

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Tubesing, Philip. Protocols for Uranium Carbon Analysis - Testing Protocol Summary. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), May 2021.

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Raikow, David, and Kelly Kozar. Quality assurance plan for water quality monitoring in the Pacific Island Network. National Park Service, 2023.

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In accordance with guidelines set forth by the National Park Service Inventory and Monitoring Division, a quality-assurance plan has been created for use by the Pacific Island Network in the implementation of water quality monitoring protocols, including the marine water quality protocol (Raikow et al. 2023) and future water quality protocols that will address streams and standing waters. This quality-assurance plan documents the standards, policies, and procedures used by the Pacific Island Network for activities specifically related to the collection, processing, storage, analysis, and publication of monitoring data. The policies and procedures documented in this quality assurance plan complement quality assurance efforts for other components of the overall protocol workflow, including initial creation of the protocol as described in the protocol narrative and quality assurance plans for other monitoring activities conducted by the Pacific Island Network.
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Raikow, David, and Kelly Kozar. Quality assurance plan for water quality monitoring in the Pacific Island Network. National Park Service, 2023.

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In accordance with guidelines set forth by the National Park Service Inventory and Monitoring Division, a quality-assurance plan has been created for use by the Pacific Island Network in the implementation of water quality monitoring protocols, including the marine water quality protocol (Raikow et al. 2023) and future water quality protocols that will address streams and standing waters. This quality-assurance plan documents the standards, policies, and procedures used by the Pacific Island Network for activities specifically related to the collection, processing, storage, analysis, and publication of monitoring data. The policies and procedures documented in this quality assurance plan complement quality assurance efforts for other components of the overall protocol workflow, including initial creation of the protocol as described in the protocol narrative and quality assurance plans for other monitoring activities conducted by the Pacific Island Network.
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Reynolds, J. K., and J. Postel. Official Internet protocols. RFC Editor, May 1987.

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Lloyd, B., and W. Simpson. PPP Authentication Protocols. RFC Editor, October 1992.

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Galvin, J., K. McCloghrie, and J. Davin. SNMP Security Protocols. RFC Editor, July 1992.

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Allen, J., P. Leach, and R. Hedberg. CIP Transport Protocols. RFC Editor, August 1999.

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Militao, Filipe, Jonathan Aldrich, and Luis Caires. Rely-Guarantee Protocols. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, May 2014.

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Anderson, Tom E., and David J. Wetherall. Enforceable Network Protocols. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, June 2004.

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