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Watters, Paul Andrew, and Maya Espinosa Walters. "Implications of Distributed Information Technology for South Pacific Development." South Pacific Journal of Psychology 9 (1997): 75–80.

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AbstractThe global digital communications network, colloquially known as the “internet”, has received much attention in recent years from business, media, cultural, and government interests. This paper looks behind the hype and sales-pitches, at the essential features of the medium which have made it (and will continue to make it) the central technology for the dissemination of information in the next century. It is a particularly important technology for remote communities, since all information resources (educational, commercial, and recreational) can be transmitted using a standard set of protocols (Hypertext Transfer Protocol, File Transfer Protocol, Network News Transfer Protocol), over any physical medium (packet radio, satellite, phone-line, and optic fibre), in any data format that can be digitised (radio, television, text, graphics, and sound). The implications of this non-coercive technology are explored in the context of the impact on development in the physically distant communities of the South Pacific.
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SUSANA, RATNA, ANGGA NUGRAHA, and DECY NATALIANA. "Perancangan dan Realisasi Web-Based Data Logging System menggunakan ATmega16 melalui Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)." ELKOMIKA: Jurnal Teknik Energi Elektrik, Teknik Telekomunikasi, & Teknik Elektronika 3, no. 1 (January 1, 2015): 1.

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ABSTRAKHypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) merupakan protokol jaringan pada lapisan aplikasi TCP/IP yang menjadi dasar komunikasi pada World Wide Web (WWW). Penelitian ini merancang dan merealisasikan web-based data logging system yang bertujuan untuk memperkenalkan aturan HTTP, sehingga perangkat elektronik dapat berkomunikasi dengan website secara langsung. Sistem dirancang dengan dua sub sistem utama yaitu website data logger dan website. Data logger direalisasikan menggunakan ATMega16 yang diintegrasikan dengan sumber data analog dan digital, RTC serta modem GSM. Data logger berfungsi sebagai pengirim data, sedangkan website berfungsi sebagai pengatur, penerima, pengolah dan penyaji data. Sistem ini telah berhasil melakukan komunikasi antara data logger dengan website melalui HTTP, artinya protokol ini dapat diimplementasikan pada data logger yang menggunakan ATmega16. Perubahan data analog dan status logika 0 dan 1 dari data digital yang terjadi pada data logger dapat dilihat pada tampilan di website.Kata kunci: basis data, data logger, Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), website, protokol jaringan.ABSTRACTHypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is an application layer network protocols in TCP/IP is the basis of communication on the World Wide Web (WWW). This research was to design and realize a web-based data logging system that aims to introduce the rules of HTTP, so that electronic devices could communicate with the website directly. The system was designed with two main sub-system, namely data logger and website. The data logger was realized using ATmega16 are integrated with analog and digital data sources, RTC and a GSM modem. Data logger function as the sender of data, while the website functions as regulator, receiver, processing and presenter data. This system had been successfully perform communication between the data logger to a website via HTTP, meaning that this protocol could be implemented on a data logger that uses ATmega16. Website could receive and process the data transmitted by the data logger and organize system entities. Changes in analog data and status logic 0 and 1 of digital data could be seen on display at the website.Keywords: database, data logger, Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), network protocol, website.
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Presseau1, Annie. "Analyse de l'efficacité d'interventions sur le transfert des apprentissages en mathématiques." Articles 26, no. 3 (October 15, 2002): 515–44.

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Résumé L'étude, qui se fonde sur un cadre théorique sociocognitiviste, cerne le rôle d'interventions sur le transfert des apprentissages en mathématiques en identifiant sur quelles opérations cognitives elles influent. Cette recherche exploratoire, qui est de type expérience formatrice, emprunte à l'étude de cas et au protocole expérimental. Les résultats font ressortir que les deux participants ont effectué relativement peu de transferts, surtout explicites, et ce, malgré les interventions posées. Certaines explications et propositions d'interventions propices au transfert sont néanmoins dégagées de la recherche.
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Dimitrova, Biljana, and Aleksandra Mileva. "Steganography of Hypertext Transfer Protocol Version 2 (HTTP/2)." Journal of Computer and Communications 05, no. 05 (2017): 98–111.

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Dempsey, B. J., and J. Herrin. "WEB-Enabled Medical Databases: a Threat to Security?" Methods of Information in Medicine 39, no. 04/05 (2000): 298–302.

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Abstract:An increasing number of clinical databases are being adapted to allow access through Internet protocols, particularly Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP). The World Wide Web (WWW) provides a user-friendly, standardized, broadly distributed database interface; at the same time, it may also present a threat to the security and confidentiality of patient data. However, there is little empirical evidence concerning such threats. Using publicly available records we estimate the additional risk of security violations due to web-enabling a database. The evidence, though limited, suggests that the additional risk may be small relative to more traditional security threats.
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Carignan, Isabelle. "La mobilisation de stratégies de lecture sur trois formes de documents en 3e secondaire." Nouveaux cahiers de la recherche en éducation 12, no. 2 (July 30, 2013): 161–78.

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Les adolescents mobilisent-ils les mêmes stratégies de lecture à l’écran et sur papier ? Cet article vise à explorer cette question en considérant les stratégies déclarées par 12 élèves de 3e secondaire lors de la lecture d’un texte argumentatif sur trois formes de documents (texte papier, texte linéaire à l’écran et hypertexte). Les outils méthodologiques utilisés sont les suivants : 1) la technique oculométrique; 2) l’entrevue libre et la verbalisation rétrospective; et 3) l’entrevue semi-dirigée. Les résultats ont, entre autres, démontré que les sujets semblent avoir déclaré davantage de types de stratégies diversifiées sur le texte papier. De plus, les données ont montré que les sujets semblent avoir fait un transfert de stratégies, du papier à l’écran, lors de la lecture de documents électroniques.
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Musliyana, Zuhar, Teuku Yuliar Arif, and Rizal Munadi. "Peningkatan Sistem Keamanan Autentikasi Single Sign On (SSO) Menggunakan Algoritma AES dan One-Time Password Studi Kasus: SSO Universitas Ubudiyah Indonesia." Jurnal Rekayasa Elektrika 12, no. 1 (March 25, 2016): 21.

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Single Sign On (SSO) merupakan model autentikasi independen yang diimplementasikan Universitas Ubudiyah Indonesia (UUI) menggunakan Message-Digest Algorithm 5 (MD5) dan web service NuSOAP berbasis bahasa pemograman PHP. Sistem ini berjalan pada protokol Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP). Faktanya penggunaan protokol HTTP ini sangat rentan terhadap berbagai jenis serangan karena data dikirim dalam bentuk plaintext tanpa ada proses enkripsi dan penerapan algoritma MD5 pada autentikasi login juga rentan terhadap serangan dictionary attacks dan rainbow tables. Disisi lain, Penggunaan web service NuSOAP juga menciptakan celah keamanan karena pengiriman dan penerimaan payload tidak dienkripsi. Saat ini diketahui sudah ada beberapa metode yang dapat digunakan untuk meningkatkan pengamanan kerentanan tersebut diantaranya yaitu menggunakan Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS), Secure Hypertext Transfer Protocol (SHTTP) dan Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart (CAPTCHA). Namun beberapa hasil penelitian terkait memperlihatkan masih terdapat beberapa kelemahan dari penggunaan HTTPS, SHTTP dan CAPTCHA. Penelitian ini mengusulkan penggunaan algoritma Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) dengan pembangkit kunci dinamis dan metode One-Time Password (OTP) berbasis sinkronisasi waktu dengan kombinasi salt untuk meningkatkan keamanan pada autentikasi SSO UUI. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan penerapan algoritma AES dan OTP dapat mengamankan proses autentikasi SSO dari serangan dictionary attack dan rainbow table.
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Zain ul Abideen, Muhammad, Shahzad Saleem, and Madiha Ejaz. "VPN Traffic Detection in SSL-Protected Channel." Security and Communication Networks 2019 (October 29, 2019): 1–17.

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In recent times, secure communication protocols over web such as HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure) are being widely used instead of plain web communication protocols like HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol). HTTPS provides end-to-end encryption between the user and service. Nowadays, organizations use network firewalls and/or intrusion detection and prevention systems (IDPS) to analyze the network traffic to detect and protect against attacks and vulnerabilities. Depending on the size of organization, these devices may differ in their capabilities. Simple network intrusion detection system (NIDS) and firewalls generally have no feature to inspect HTTPS or encrypted traffic, so they rely on unencrypted traffic to manage the encrypted payload of the network. Recent and powerful next-generation firewalls have Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) inspection feature which are expensive and may not be suitable for every organizations. A virtual private network (VPN) is a service which hides real traffic by creating SSL-protected channel between the user and server. Every Internet activity is then performed under the established SSL tunnel. The user inside the network with malicious intent or to hide his activity from the network security administration of the organization may use VPN services. Any VPN service may be used by users to bypass the filters or signatures applied on network security devices. These services may be the source of new virus or worm injected inside the network or a gateway to facilitate information leakage. In this paper, we have proposed a novel approach to detect VPN activity inside the network. The proposed system analyzes the communication between user and the server to analyze and extract features from network, transport, and application layer which are not encrypted and classify the incoming traffic as malicious, i.e., VPN traffic or standard traffic. Network traffic is analyzed and classified using DNS (Domain Name System) packets and HTTPS- (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure-) based traffic. Once traffic is classified, the connection based on the server’s IP, TCP port connected, domain name, and server name inside the HTTPS connection is analyzed. This helps in verifying legitimate connection and flags the VPN-based traffic. We worked on top five freely available VPN services and analyzed their traffic patterns; the results show successful detection of the VPN activity performed by the user. We analyzed the activity of five users, using some sort of VPN service in their Internet activity, inside the network. Out of total 729 connections made by different users, 329 connections were classified as legitimate activity, marking 400 remaining connections as VPN-based connections. The proposed system is lightweight enough to keep minimal overhead, both in network and resource utilization and requires no specialized hardware.
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Almanza Olmedo, Moreno. "e-commerce cybersecurity vulnerability, http protocol case." Minerva 2, no. 6 (November 22, 2021): 23–31.

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This paper was designed with the intention of analyzing the vulnerability of e-commerce web sites. We are going to describe the transmission of data in clear text without encryption by hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP), reason why we argue that by means of a sniffer technique this information can be captured and this way violating customer privacy information.
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Swen, Bin. "Outline of initial design of the Structured Hypertext Transfer Protocol." Journal of Computer Science and Technology 18, no. 3 (May 2003): 287–98.

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Miloudi, H., T. Bui, S. Fayolle, L. Gonzalez, B. Royer, A. Noel, F. Dufay, and S. Amir. "Optimisation d’un protocole rochers au scanner." Radioprotection 53, no. 1 (January 2018): 21–25.

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Cette étude vise à optimiser le protocole des rochers d’un scanner Siemens Somatom Sensation 40. Ainsi, plusieurs acquisitions du fantôme Catphan 600 sont réalisées pour évaluer quantitativement la qualité d’image. Pour cela, l’écart type du nombre CT et la fonction de transfert de modulation (FTM) sont mesurés à partir des images acquises. La qualité d’image est également évaluée visuellement par le radiologue, à partir d’images issues de patients. Trois critères sont considérés : la visualisation du tympan, la visualisation des osselets et la texture du bruit. L’utilisation de la table plutôt que de la têtière comme support conduit à une augmentation moyenne du bruit de 10 %. L’évaluation qualitative des images issues de patients a permis quant à elle de réduire les mAs effectifs de 28 % et donc l’IDSV de 150,8 mGy à 109,1 mGy. De plus, l’utilisation d’un filtre plus dur a conduit à une amélioration de la visualisation des plus petites structures de l’oreille interne. Ainsi, cette étude a permis d’assurer une qualité d’image satisfaisante pour le diagnostic tout en réduisant la dose délivrée au patient de 28 %.
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Akasiadis, Charilaos, Vassilis Pitsilis, and Constantine D. Spyropoulos. "A Multi-Protocol IoT Platform Based on Open-Source Frameworks." Sensors 19, no. 19 (September 28, 2019): 4217.

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Internet of Things (IoT) technologies have evolved rapidly during the last decade, and many architecture types have been proposed for distributed and interconnected systems. However, most systems are implemented following fragmented approaches for specific application domains, introducing difficulties in providing unified solutions. However, the unification of solutions is an important feature from an IoT perspective. In this paper, we present an IoT platform that supports multiple application layer communication protocols (Representational State Transfer (REST)/HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP), Message Queuing Telemetry Transport (MQTT), Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP), Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP), and Websockets) and that is composed of open-source frameworks (RabbitMQ, Ponte, OM2M, and RDF4J). We have explored a back-end system that interoperates with the various frameworks and offers a single approach for user-access control on IoT data streams and micro-services. The proposed platform is evaluated using its containerized version, being easily deployable on the vast majority of modern computing infrastructures. Its design promotes service reusability and follows a marketplace architecture, so that the creation of interoperable IoT ecosystems with active contributors is enabled. All the platform’s features are analyzed, and we discuss the results of experiments, with the multiple communication protocols being tested when used interchangeably for transferring data. Developing unified solutions using such a platform is of interest to users and developers as they can test and evaluate local instances or even complex applications composed of their own IoT resources before releasing a production version to the marketplace.
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Willoughby, Alexander A., Ayodele O. Soge, Muiz A. Adeleke, and Oluwaseyi A. Ilori. "An IoT-Based Home Automation and Weather Monitoring System." International Journal of Research and Innovation in Applied Science 07, no. 03 (2022): 26–29.

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This paper reports an IoT-based home automation and weather monitoring system developed for remote control of household appliances and weather monitoring. The proposed system comprises a Wi-Fi enabled ESP32 microcontroller as the network gateway, a relay module, and a DHT11 sensor for monitoring temperature and humidity. The status of the household devices and the weather data are continuously collected and stored in a MySQL database, which is set up on the IoT platform. A user interface was created using two different protocols – HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) and Message Queuing Telemetry Transport (MQTT). The IoT-based home automation and weather monitoring system is designed to be low cost, user-friendly and can remotely control home appliances and monitor weather data over the internet.
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Jia, Xi, and Meng Zhang. "Encrypted Packet Inspection Based on Oblivious Transfer." Security and Communication Networks 2022 (August 24, 2022): 1–13.

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Deep packet inspection (DPI) is widely used in detecting abnormal traffic and suspicious activities in networks. With the growing popularity of secure hypertext transfer protocol (HyperText Transfer Protocol over Secure Socket Layer, HTTPS), inspecting the encrypted traffic is necessary. The traditional decryption-and-then-encryption method has the drawback of privacy leaking. Decrypting encrypted packets for inspection violates the confidentiality goal of HTTPS. Now, people are faced with a dilemma: choosing between the middlebox’s ability to perform detection functions and protecting the privacy of their communications. We propose OTEPI, a system that simultaneously provides both of those properties. The approach of OTEPI is to perform the deep packet inspection directly on the encrypted traffic. Unlike machine and deep learning methods that can only classify traffic, OTEPI is able to accurately identify which detection rule was matched by the encrypted packet. It can facilitate network managers to manage their networks at a finer granularity. OTEPI achieves the function through a new protocol and new encryption schemes. Compared with previous works, our approach achieves rule encryption with oblivious transfer (OT), which allows our work to achieve a better balance between communication traffic consumption and computational resource consumption. And our design of Oblivious Transfer and the use of Natural Language Processing tools make OTEPI outstanding in terms of computational consumption.
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Mattson, Robert L. R., and Somnath Ghosh. "HTTP-MPLEX: An enhanced hypertext transfer protocol and its performance evaluation." Journal of Network and Computer Applications 32, no. 4 (July 2009): 925–39.

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Hussain, Mohammed Abdulridha, Hai Jin, Zaid Alaa Hussien, Zaid Ameen Abduljabbar, Salah H. Abbdal, and Ayad Ibrahim. "Enc-DNS-HTTP: Utilising DNS Infrastructure to Secure Web Browsing." Security and Communication Networks 2017 (2017): 1–15.

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Online information security is a major concern for both users and companies, since data transferred via the Internet is becoming increasingly sensitive. The World Wide Web uses Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) to transfer information and Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) to secure the connection between clients and servers. However, Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) is vulnerable to attacks that threaten the privacy of information sent between clients and servers. In this paper, we propose Enc-DNS-HTTP for securing client requests, protecting server responses, and withstanding HTTPS attacks. Enc-DNS-HTTP is based on the distribution of a web server public key, which is transferred via a secure communication between client and a Domain Name System (DNS) server. This key is used to encrypt client-server communication. The scheme is implemented in the C programming language and tested on a Linux platform. In comparison with Apache HTTPS, this scheme is shown to have more effective resistance to attacks and improved performance since it does not involve a high number of time-consuming operations.
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Lachaîne, Marie-Paule, Chantal Provost, Danielle Duchesneau, and Bruno Poellhuber. "Développer les stratégies d’apprentissage et le raisonnement clinique à l’aide d’un wiki : une étude de cas." Éducation et francophonie 41, no. 1 (April 3, 2013): 147–72.

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Cette recherche porte sur l’utilisation d’un wiki auprès d’étudiants de niveau collégial en soins infirmiers. Longitudinale et de nature mixte à forte composante qualitative, cette recherche a pour objectif général de comprendre l’évolution des stratégies cognitives et métacognitives de huit étudiants (étude multicas) au cours des trois premiers trimestres de la formation. L’étude a permis de répertorier les stratégies d’apprentissage utilisées dans des situations de transfert ainsi que dans un contexte de résolution de problèmes à l’aide d’un wiki. Dans cet article, les résultats de deux cas sont contrastés. Le premier cas suggère qu’une certaine autonomie dans la régulation des apprentissages (stratégie métacognitive) est de nature à favoriser une compréhension optimale (monitoring) des différents concepts et, par le fait même, à influencer positivement la capacité de transfert. Le deuxième cas illustre plutôt l’absence de stratégies métacognitives telles que le monitoring et la régulation, ce qui influence négativement la prise de décision en situation de transfert. Dans les deux cas, des lacunes liées aux stratégies cognitives de haut niveau, comme la discrimination et la pensée critique, ont été relevées. Enfin, l’étude suggère qu’un usage combiné du wiki et du rappel stimulé (protocole verbal à la suite de la situation de transfert) s’avère une avenue prometteuse pour les recherches futures et pour l’enseignement.
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Et al., Abed. "Developing Load Balancing for IoT - Cloud Computing Based on Advanced Firefly and Weighted Round Robin Algorithms." Baghdad Science Journal 16, no. 1 (March 11, 2019): 0130.

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The evolution of the Internet of things (IoT) led to connect billions of heterogeneous physical devices together to improve the quality of human life by collecting data from their environment. However, there is a need to store huge data in big storage and high computational capabilities. Cloud computing can be used to store big data. The data of IoT devices is transferred using two types of protocols: Message Queuing Telemetry Transport (MQTT) and Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP). This paper aims to make a high performance and more reliable system through efficient use of resources. Thus, load balancing in cloud computing is used to dynamically distribute the workload across nodes to avoid overloading any individual resource, by combining two types of algorithms: dynamic algorithm (adaptive firefly) and static algorithm (weighted round robin). The results show improvement in resource utilization, increased productivity, and reduced response time.
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Yi, Shi, Quan Liu, and Jing Song Li. "Design and Realization of Large File Asynchronous Upload and Broken-Point Continuingly-Transferring Based on ASP.NET MVC." Applied Mechanics and Materials 543-547 (March 2014): 3165–68.

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In this paper, discusses the design and realization of large file asynchronous upload and Broken-point continuingly-transferring based on ASP.NET MVC. At the first, brief review the traditional upload method based on HTTP(Hypertext transfer protocol) protocol and ASP.NET(C#), point out the existed malpractices, while introduce the basic principles of asynchronous upload and broken-point continuingly-transferring, and in-depth analysis of the design and realization of the function of asynchronous upload and broken-point continuingly-transferring in ASP.NET MVC.
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Yi, Shi, Quan Liu, and Jing Song Li. "Design and Realization of Large File Asynchronous Upload and Broken-Point Continuingly-Transferring Based on ASP.NET MVC." Applied Mechanics and Materials 556-562 (May 2014): 5636–39.

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In this paper, discusses the design and realization of large file asynchronous upload and Broken-point continuingly-transferring based on ASP.NET MVC. At the first, brief review the traditional upload method based on HTTP(Hypertext transfer protocol) protocol and ASP.NET(C#), point out the existed malpractices, while introduce the basic principles of asynchronous upload and broken-point continuingly-transferring, and in-depth analysis of the design and realization of the function of asynchronous upload and broken-point continuingly-transferring in ASP.NET MVC.
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Peacock, Sylvia E. "Politics, Public Goods, and Corporate Nudging in the HTTP/2 Standardization Process." SAGE Open 10, no. 4 (October 2020): 215824402097161.

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The goal is to map out some policy problems attached to using a club good approach instead of a public good approach to manage our internet protocols, specifically the HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol). Behavioral and information economics theory are used to evaluate the standardization process of our current generation HTTP/2 (2.0). The HTTP update under scrutiny is a recently released HTTP/2 version based on Google’s SPDY, which introduces several company-specific and best practice applications, side by side. A content analysis of email discussions extracted from a publicly accessible IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force) email server shows how the club good approach of the working group leads to an underperformance in the outcomes of the standardization process. An important conclusion is that in some areas of the IETF, standardization activities may need to include public consultations, crowdsourced volunteers, or an official call for public participation to increase public oversight and more democratically manage our intangible public goods.
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Herby, Peter. "Un traité d'interdiction des mines antipersonnel sera-t-il conclu en 1997?" Revue Internationale de la Croix-Rouge 79, no. 824 (April 1997): 205–11.

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En 1996, lors de la Conférence d'examen de la Convention de 1980 sur les armes classiques, les modestes amendements apportés au Protocole II sur les mines terrestres avaient beaucoup déçu. Aujourd'hui, cependant, l'espoir renaît, car 1997 pourrait être l'année de l'adoption et de la signature d'un nouveau traité international interdisant la production, l'exportation, le transfert et l'emploi des mines terrestres antipersonnel. Même si ce nouveau traité ne bénéficie pas d'emblée d'une adhésion universelle, il établira une importante norme juridique internationale. Un pas de géant sera ainsi ac-compli sur le chemin qui doit permettre d'atteindre l'objectif que s'est fixé le CICR: faire disparaître à tout jamais le fléau des mines terrestres.
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Mihalkovich, Aleksejus, Eligijus Sakalauskas, and Kestutis Luksys. "Key Exchange Protocol Defined over a Non-Commuting Group Based on an NP-Complete Decisional Problem." Symmetry 12, no. 9 (August 20, 2020): 1389.

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In this paper we present a cryptographic primitive based on non-commutative cryptography. This primitive is used for key exchange protocol (KEP) construction. We prove that the security of this primitive relies on a nondeterministic polynomial complete (NP-Complete) decisional problem. Recently there are no known quantum cryptanalysis algorithms effectively solving NP-Complete problems. So far, KEPs are widely used in secure communication channel creation, e.g., in hypertext transfer protocol secure (https://) and are based on traditional cryptographic primitives representing commutative cryptography. However, the security of these protocols does not rely on NP-Complete problems and hence, according to P. W. Shorr, they are vulnerable to quantum cryptanalysis. We use one of seven non-commuting groups of order 16 which is not isomorphic to any other group to define a platform group for a key exchange protocol based on previously considered matrix power function (MPF). By investigating basic properties on the group M16 and their implementation for our goals we fix the order of actions in MPF from left to right. Furthermore, we define a special form of the base matrix and separate templates for left and right power matrices. Using properties of the specified templates and Schaeffer criteria we prove that the security of the proposed key exchange relies on an NP-Complete decisional problem.
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Pozo, Alejandro, Álvaro Alonso, and Joaquín Salvachúa. "Evaluation of an IoT Application-Scoped Access Control Model over a Publish/Subscribe Architecture Based on FIWARE." Sensors 20, no. 15 (August 4, 2020): 4341.

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The Internet of Things (IoT) brings plenty of opportunities to enhance society’s activities, from improving a factory’s production chain to facilitating people’s household tasks. However, it has also brought new security breaches, compromising privacy and authenticity. IoT devices are vulnerable to being accessed from the Internet; they lack sufficient resources to face cyber-attack threats. Keeping a balance between access control and the devices’ resource consumption has become one of the highest priorities of IoT research. In this paper, we evaluate an access control architecture based on the IAACaaS (IoT application-Scoped Access Control as a Service) model with the aim of protecting IoT devices that communicate using the Publish/Subscribe pattern. IAACaaS is based on the OAuth 2.0 authorization framework, which externalizes the identity and access control infrastructure of applications. In our evaluation, we implement the model using FIWARE Generic Enablers and deploy them for a smart buildings use case with a wireless communication. Then, we compare the performance of two different approaches in the data-sharing between sensors and the Publish/Subscribe broker, using Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP) and Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) protocols. We conclude that the integration of Publish/Subscribe IoT deployments with IAACaaS adds an extra layer of security and access control without compromising the system’s performance.
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Akanji, Oluwatobi Shadrach, Opeyemi Aderiike Abisoye, and Mohammed Awwal Iliyasu. "MITIGATING SLOW HYPERTEXT TRANSFER PROTOCOL DISTRIBUTED DENIAL OF SERVICE ATTACKS IN SOFTWARE DEFINED NETWORKS." Journal of Information and Communication Technology 20, Number 3 (June 11, 2021): 277–304.

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Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks has been one of the persistent forms of attacks on information technology infrastructure connected to public networks due to the ease of access to DDoS attack tools. Researchers have been able to develop several techniques to curb volumetric DDoS which overwhelms the target with a large number of request packets. However, compared to slow DDoS, limited number of research has been executed on mitigating slow DDoS. Attackers have resorted to slow DDoS because it mimics the behaviour of a slow legitimate client thereby causing service unavailability. This paper provides the scholarly community with an approach to boosting service availability in web servers under slow Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) DDoS attacks through attack detection using Genetic Algorithm and Support Vector Machine which facilitates attack mitigation in a Software-Defined Networking (SDN) environment simulated in GNS3. Genetic algorithm was used to select the Netflow features which indicates the presence of an attack and also determine the appropriate regularization parameter, C, and gamma parameter for the Support Vector Machine classifier. Results obtained showed that the classifier had detection accuracy, Area Under Receiver Operating Curve (AUC), true positive rate, false positive rate and a false negative rate of 99.89%, 99.89%, 99.95%, 0.18%, and 0.05% respectively. Also, the algorithm for subsequent implementation of the selective adaptive bubble burst mitigation mechanism was presented. This study contributes to the ongoing research in detecting and mitigating slow HTTP DDoS attacks with emphasis on the use of machine learning classification and meta-heuristic algorithms.
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Maulana, M. Rizqi. "Detection of Attacks on Apache2 Web Server Using Genetic Algorithm Based On Jaro Winkler Algorithm." JOURNAL OF INFORMATICS AND TELECOMMUNICATION ENGINEERING 4, no. 1 (July 20, 2020): 185–92.

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Web server is software that provides data services in the form of HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) requests and responses in the form of HTML documents (Hypertext Markup Language) with the aim of managing data in the form of text files, images, videos and files. But in managing large amounts of data, good security monitoring is needed so that the data stored on the web server is not easily hacked. To protect the web server from hackers need an application to detect activities that are considered suspicious or possible hacking activities. By utilizing logs from a web server that is processed using the Jaro Winkler algorithm to see hacking attempts that produce a matrix and hacking activity reports to the admin. Thus the web server admin can see suspicious activity on the web server directly.Keywords: Web Server, Jaro Winkler Algorithm.
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ANSARI, SALIM G., PAOLO GIOMMI, and ALBERTO MICOL. "ESIS ON THE WORLD WIDE WEB." International Journal of Modern Physics C 05, no. 05 (October 1994): 805–9.

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On 3rd November, 1993, ESIS announced its Homepage on the World Wide Web (WWW) to the user community. Ever since then, ESIS has steadily increased its Web support to the astronomical community to include a bibliographic service, the ESIS catalogue documentation and the ESIS Data Browser. More functionality will be added in the near future. All these services share a common ESIS structure that is used by other ESIS user paradigms such as the ESIS Graphical User Interface (Giommi and Ansari, 1993), and the ESIS Command Line Interface. A forms-based paradigm, each ESIS-Web application interfaces to the hypertext transfer protocol (http) translating queries from/to the hypertext markup language (html) format understood by the NCSA Mosaic interface. In this paper, we discuss the ESIS system and show how each ESIS service works on the World Wide Web client.
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Cheng, An Yu, Xiao Yu Lin, and Wen Long Feng. "Implementation of Multi-Vehicle Terminals' Data Transmission Based on HTTP Communication Protocol." Applied Mechanics and Materials 556-562 (May 2014): 5098–101.

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Vehicle terminal can upload the vehicle status information to the server in time, to provide service for the users with more security. But vehicle terminal in the process of upload information to the server need to solve many issues, such as a large number of terminals connecting to the server, large amount of data, the data of transmission in various forms, the server is not stable enough and many other issues. This design uses the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) to achieve reliable data transmission between the WEB server and vehicle terminals, and the load of server is lower, so the server can support more vehicle terminals’ connection.
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Rivas-Sánchez, Yair, María Moreno-Pérez, and José Roldán-Cañas. "Environment Control with Low-Cost Microcontrollers and Microprocessors: Application for Green Walls." Sustainability 11, no. 3 (February 2, 2019): 782.

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Green wall irrigation procedures are a particularly important and hard task, given that the quality of the green wall depends on them. There is currently a wide variety of irrigation programmers available, with a range of functions and prices, thereby replacing manual activities and making it easier to maintain green walls. This paper proposes the use of low-cost automated irrigation programmers via a freeware called Arduino. The system is based on air and substrate measurements to ensure optimal plant growth and high water-use efficiency. At certain thresholds, the irrigation system is activated. This not only makes irrigation more convenient but also helps to reduce energy consumption, increases irrigation efficiency and saves time. The data is then sent via Transmission Control Protocol using Internet of Things technology, in this case ThingSpeak. The platform compiles the data and presents them in simple graphical format, thus enabling real-time monitoring from wherever there is Internet access. Together with Arduino, the project incorporates the Raspberry pi system that operates like a database via Hypertext Transfer Protocol Wi-Fi received by a Structured Query Language (MySQL) server using Hypertext Preprocessor. These data are used for the subsequent analysis of green wall performance.
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Ugwu, Chimezie F., Henry O. Osuagwu, and Donatus I. Bayem. "Intranet-Based Wiki with Instant Messaging Protocol." European Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science 5, no. 4 (July 18, 2021): 10–19.

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This research developed an Intranet-Based Wiki with Instant Messaging Protocol (IBWIMP) for the Staff of the Department of Computer Science, University of Nigeria, Nsukka to enable them to collaborate on tasks; like writing of documents like, memo, project guidelines, proposal/grants, and circulars with online security consideration. The essence of this work is to improve on the contributions staff make during work, in carrying out tasks with their colleagues irrespective of the person’s location at that point in time. The existing system on ground would always require the presence of the staff within the department before they can carry out the tasks meant for them or respond to the available mails within their mail boxes located within the general office of the department. In regard to such situation, there is always delay in the processing of such mails or documents that could require urgent attention of the supposed staff therefore could cause serious damages. This research established a better internet connection for the security of the system and the documents therein by the use of virtual private server (VPS) hosting on virtual private network (VPN). This system allows the collaboration between the staff of the department and external persons, or partners classified as external staff user on documents like circulars that normally come from outside the department. This system automatically sends emails to the supposed users whenever the admin posts a document via the Short Message Transfer Protocol (SMTP). The system is accessed online by the users from any location once there is accessible internet connection and users can collaborate on the development of any posted document at the same time. This application was designed using Object Oriented Analysis and Design Methodology (OOADM) and implemented using Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), JavaScript, Cascading Style Sheet (CSS), CkEditor, Hypertext Pre-Processor (PHP) and MySQL database management system.
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Kakavand, Mohsen, Norwati Mustapha, Aida Mustapha, Mohd Taufik Abdullah, and Hamed Riahi. "A Survey of Anomaly Detection Using Data Mining Methods for Hypertext Transfer Protocol Web Services." Journal of Computer Science 11, no. 1 (January 1, 2015): 89–97.

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Wang, Yumei, Mengyao Sun, Kaiyu Wang, and Lin Zhang. "Quality of experience estimation with layered mapping for hypertext transfer protocol video streaming over wireless networks." International Journal of Communication Systems 29, no. 14 (January 12, 2015): 2084–99.

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Suárez Silva, Norbertino, Roberto Pérez Rodino, and Ricardo Yelicich Peláez. "Red de transporte de datos en formato RTCM, vía protocolo de Internet (Ntrip). Implementación en la región y proyección futura a través de SIRGAS." Revista Cartográfica, no. 89 (October 3, 2019): 165–87.

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Las CORS (Estaciones de Referencia de Observación Continua), utilizan los GNSS (Sistemas Satelitales de Posicionamiento Global), para determinar con alta preci- sión una posición, mediante la observación de los satélites de las constelaciones disponibles (GPS, GLONNAS, próximamente Galileo y Compass/BeiDou). Empleando la técnica llamada de Corrección Diferencial, es posible eliminar casi totalmente la influencia de los errores inducidos voluntariamente o producidos por la señal GNSS. El método DGNSS, tanto en modo Post Proceso como en Tiempo Real, son las modalidades más utilizadas. Actualmente están disponibles tam- bién soluciones PPP (Precise Point Positioning - Posicionamiento Puntual Preciso), a partir de desarrollos generados en varias agencias de investigación. Últimamente se han presentado ciertos avances sobre PPP (Posicionamiento de Punto Preciso), particularmente en tiempo real: PPP-RTK. Las Correcciones Diferenciales pueden ser obtenidas directamente a partir de un receptor GNSS, de una CORS o de una red CORS, conectadas a un Servidor-Cáster a través de Internet. El cliente o usuario móvil utilizando tecnología de telefonía móvil (GSM, GPRS, EDGE, UMTS) y un programa Cliente, puede acceder a la dirección IP del Cáster, a través de protocolo Ntrip (Red de Transporte de datos en formato RTCM a través Protocolo de Internet), a fin de obtener los datos de corrección diferencial para el receptor GNSS que está utilizando. Ntrip se basa en HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol - Protocolo de Transferencia de Hipertexto), siendo capaz de trasmitir cualquier tipo de datos GNSS a través de mensajes RTCM (Radio Technical Commission for Maritime Services) o datos en formato propietario (raw data). El usuario puede elegir entre una serie de produc- tos, como por ejemplo correcciones de una sola CORS, o corrección de una red CORS. Existen diversas soluciones de red, como ser: VRS (Estación de Referencia Virtual), FKP (Parámetros de Corrección de Planos), MAX (Máster-Auxiliar), iMAX (individual Máster-Auxiliar
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Ohe, K., S. Kaihara, and T. Kiuchi. "Using a WWW-based Mail User Agent for Secure Electronic Mail Service for Health Care Users." Methods of Information in Medicine 37, no. 03 (July 1998): 247–53.

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AbstractWWW-based user interface is presented for secure electronic mail service for healthcare users. Using this method, communications between an electronic mail (WWW) server and users (WWW browsers) can be performed securely using Secure Socket Layer protocol-based Hypertext Transfer Protocol (SSL-HTIP). The mail can be encrypted, signed, and sent to the recipients and vice versa on the remote WWW server. The merit of this method is that many healthcare users can use a secure electronic mail system easily and immediately, because SSL-compatible WWW browsers are widely used and this system can be made available simply by installing a WWW-based mail user agent on a mail server. We implemented a WWWbased mail user agent which is compatible with PEM-based secure mail and made it available to about 16,000 healthcare users. We believe this approach is effective in facilitating secure network-based information exchange among medical professionals.
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Hussain, Aamir, Tariq Ali, Faisal Althobiani, Umar Draz, Muhammad Irfan, Sana Yasin, Saher Shafiq, et al. "Security Framework for IoT Based Real-Time Health Applications." Electronics 10, no. 6 (March 18, 2021): 719.

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The amazing fusion of the internet of things (IoT) into traditional health monitoring systems has produced remarkable advances in the field of e-health. Different wireless body area network devices and sensors are providing real-time health monitoring services. As the number of IoT devices is rapidly booming, technological and security challenges are also rising day by day. The data generated from sensor-based devices need confidentiality, integrity, authenticity, and end-to-end security for safe communication over the public network. IoT-based health monitoring systems work in a layered manner, comprising a perception layer, a network layer, and an application layer. Each layer has some security, and privacy concerns that need to be addressed accordingly. A lot of research has been conducted to resolve these security issues in different domains of IoT. Several frameworks for the security of IoT-based e-health systems have also been developed. This paper introduces a security framework for real-time health monitoring systems to ensure data confidentiality, integrity, and authenticity by using two common IoT protocols, namely constrained application protocol (CoAP) and message query telemetry transports (MQTT). This security framework aims to defend sensor data against the security loopholes while it is continuously transmitting over the layers and uses hypertext transfer protocols (HTTPs) for this purpose. As a result, it shields from the breach with a very low ratio of risk. The methodology of this paper focuses on how the security framework of IoT-based real-time health systems is protected under the tiers of CoAP and HTTPs. CoAP works alongside HTTPs and is responsible for providing end-to-end security solutions.
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Daud, Guiamarudin S., and Mohaymin A. Maguid. "Secured Cotabato City State Polytechnic College Web-Based Student Clearance System." Randwick International of Social Science Journal 3, no. 1 (January 16, 2022): 61–66.

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The study describes the Secured CCSPC Web-Based Student Clearance System's use and predicted effects. Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP), Sublime editor, Bootstrap, and MySQL as the database tool were used to create the clearance system. This system includes two-factor authentication for students and designated offices. In the clearance system, a Secure Socket Layer (SSL) for data transit, as well as a software firewall and anti-SQL Injection attack, were offered and implemented. The CCSPC Portal was linked to the web-based student clearance system and Web API, with Web API acting as a bridge between SIMone and the clearance system. SIMone's role is to offer just a limited amount of information on the web-based clearing, such as designated office operations, account status from the Cashier, and student profiles from the Registrar. Students and the approved offices in charge of signing the student clearance include the Graduating Class Association (GCA) Treasurer, Laboratory Custodian, Cashier, Librarian, Academic Related Services (ARS), SPEED Director, Department Chairperson, College Dean, and the Registrar. The ISO 9126-1 International Standard Tool for Software Evaluation, on the other hand, was utilized in the CCSPC beneficiaries' surveys to test the system's effectiveness and reliability.
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Warsito, Ary Budi, Ajeng Ananda, and Dian Triyanjaya. "Penerapan Data JSON Untuk Mendukung Pengembangan Aplikasi Pada Perguruan Tinggi Dengan Teknik Restfull Dan Web Service." Technomedia Journal 2, no. 1 (August 27, 2017): 26–36.

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Data adalah salah satu komponen penting dalam sebuah aplikasi. Di perlukan sebuah database untuk menyimpan data dalam jumlah besar sebagai media pendistribusian data dari server ke client. Banyak nya aplikasi pada sebuah perguruan tinggi membutuhkan bandwidth yang besar untuk keperluan pengambilan data untuk di sajikan sebagai sistem informasi yang sangat berguna untuk berbagai kepentingan. Web Service sangat berperan penting pada kasus ini dimana, client yang seharusnya mengakses melalui jalur yang berbeda ke database akan di alihkan ke dalam web service dalam proses pengambilan data untuk meringankan kerja database yang harus berulang ulang melayani permintaan dari client. Arsitektur REST, yang pada dasarnya di oprasikan melalui HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol), yang mengacu pada proses pembacaan halaman web tertentu yang berisi sebuah file JSON. File inilah yang menguraikan dan memuat konten yang hendak disajikan kepada konsumen. Setelah melalui sebuah proses definisi tertentu, konsumen akan bisa mengakses antarmuka aplikasi yang tersedia. Kata Kunci : Database, Web Service, permintaan Data is one of the important components in an application. In need of a database to store large amounts of data as a medium for the distribution of data from the server to the client. Many of its application on a college requires a large bandwidth for data retrieval purposes toserved as an information system that is very useful for various purposes. Web Service is very important in this case where, clients should access through different pathways to the database will switch to the web service in the data collection process to alleviate the database that should be repeated requests from the client. REST architecture, which is basically in oprasik an via HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol), which refers to the process of reading a specific web page that contains a JSON file. It is this file that describes and includes the content to be presented to consumers. After going through a process of certain definitions, consumers will be able to access the application interface is available. Keywords: Database, Web Service, request
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Suthendra, Juan Andrew, and Magdalena Ariance Ineke Pakereng. "Implementation of Microservices Architecture on E-Commerce Web Service." ComTech: Computer, Mathematics and Engineering Applications 11, no. 2 (December 16, 2020): 89–95.

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The research aimed to make e-commerce web services using a microservices architecture. Web service was built using Representational State Transfer Protocol (REST) with Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) method and JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) response format. Meanwhile, the microservices architecture was developed using Domain-driven Design (DDD) approach. The research began by analyzing e-commerce business processes and was modeled using Unified Modeling Language (UML) based on business process analysis. Next, the bounded context was used to make a small responsible service for a function. The Programming language used to make the system was Go programming language with Go-kit tool and apply database-per-service pattern for data management. The system also applied the concept of containerization using Docker as the container platform and using API Gateway to manage each endpoint. Last, the evaluation process was carried out using the Postman application by testing each endpoint based on the white-box testing method. Based on the results of the evaluation process, the e-commerce web service can work as expected. The results also show that the system has a high level of resilience. It means that the system has a low level of dependencies between services and adapts to future changes.
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Khudhur, Dhuha Dheyaa, and Muayad Sadik Croock. "Developed security and privacy algorithms for cyber physical system." International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE) 11, no. 6 (December 1, 2021): 5379.

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Cyber-physical system (CPS) is a modern technology in the cyber world, and it integrates with wireless sensor network (WSN). This system is widely used in many applications such as a smart city, greenhouse, healthcare, and power grid. Therefore, the data security and integrity are necessary to ensure the highest level of protection and performance for such systems. In this paper, two sides security system for cyber-physical level is proposed to obtain security, privacy, and integrity. The first side is applied the secure sockets layer (SSL)/transport layer security (TLS) encryption protocol with the internet of things (IoT) based message queuing telemetry transport (MQTT) protocol to secure the connection and encrypt the data exchange between the system's parties. The second side proposes an algorithm to detect and prevent a denial of service (DoS) attack (hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP) post request) on a Web server. The experiment results show the superior performance of the proposed method to secure the CPS by detecting and preventing the cyber-attacks, which infect the Web servers. They also prove the implementation of security, privacy and integrity aspects on the CPS.
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Deroussi, Anass, Abdessalam Ait Madi, Imam Alihamidi, Lalla Amina Charaf, Mohammed Saber, Anass Erraoui, and Adnane Addaim. "A novel autonomous remote system applied in agriculture using transmission control protocol." International Journal of Reconfigurable and Embedded Systems (IJRES) 11, no. 1 (March 1, 2022): 1.

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<span lang="EN-US">An internet of things (IoT) irrigation system is challenged by several issues, such as cost, energy consumption, and data storage. This paper proposes a novel energy-efficient, cost-effective IoT system called "NewAgriCom" to monitor agricultural field water flow. NewAgriCom works with an embedded energy harvesting system, is an autonomous remote supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) based on a general packet radio service (GPRS) cellular network that effectively communicates irrigation field data to the Node.js server using SIM808 EVBV3.2 modem. In javascript object notation (JSON) format, data is transmitted over the hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP) protocol to the MySQL database. Then data are transferred to the proposed IoT platform, which gives us a hand to control actuators, visualise, store and download the data. NewAgriCom can significantly reduce water consumption. It can set a schedule to control water automatically at specific times in various modes, including normal, light, and deep sleep modes. It regularly provides the location, time, signal strength, and the state of actuators with the identifier of every device remotely on the IoT Platform.</span><p> </p>
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Jaafar, Ghafar A., Shahidan M. Abdullah, and Saifuladli Ismail. "Review of Recent Detection Methods for HTTP DDoS Attack." Journal of Computer Networks and Communications 2019 (January 10, 2019): 1–10.

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With increment in dependency on web technology, a commensurate increase has been noted in destructive attempts to disrupt the essential web technologies, hence leading to service failures. Web servers that run on Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) are exposed to denial-of-service (DoS) attacks. A sophisticated version of this attack known as distributed denial of service (DDOS) is among the most dangerous Internet attacks, with the ability to overwhelm a web server, thereby slowing it down and potentially taking it down completely. This paper reviewed 12 recent detection of DDoS attack at the application layer published between January 2014 and December 2018. A summary of each detection method is summarised in table view, along with in-depth critical analysis, for future studies to conduct research pertaining to detection of HTTP DDoS attack.
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Indrajaya, Muh Aristo, Rizana Fauzi, Hajra Rasmita Ngemba, and Syaiful Hendra. "Penerapan dan Analisis Perbandingan Metode Antrian Jaringan (Network Queuing) Pada Jaringan Local Area Network Fakultas Teknik Universitas Tadulako." Jurnal Ecotipe (Electronic, Control, Telecommunication, Information, and Power Engineering) 9, no. 1 (April 11, 2022): 79–86.

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Membanjirnya konten yang diakses oleh civitas akademika di lingkungan kampus menuntut kinerja jaringan yang handal, terutama dalam menangani beban trafik data yang tinggi. Seringkali yang terjadi adalah ketika beban trafik data meningkat, kualitas layanan data yang dapat diberikan akan menurun. Hal ini tentu saja berdampak buruk, terutama layanan komunikasi yang membutuhkan kehandalan tinggi seperti layanan VoIP atau video conference. Untuk mengatasi hal tersebut maka perlu diterapkan suatu metode antrian data yang mampu mengatur distribusi beban lalu lintas data secara efektif dan mampu bekerja dengan baik di segala kondisi beban lalu lintas. Penelitian ini akan mensimulasikan jaringan komputer lokal yang berada di Fakultas Teknik Universitas Tadulako menggunakan tiga jenis metode antrian trafik data yaitu First In First Out (FIFO), Priorityt Queuing (PQ), dan Weighted Fair Queuing (WFQ) dimana tiga protokol akan diuji untuk mengelola tiga jenis layanan yang sering digunakan, antara lain layanan konferensi video, Voice Over Internet Protocol (VoIP), dan Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) dalam kondisi beban trafik tinggi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa metode PQ memiliki keunggulan dalam menangani beban trafik data yang tinggi.
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Indrajaya, Muh Aristo, Rizana Fauzi, Hajra Rasmita Ngemba, and Syaiful Hendra. "Penerapan dan Analisis Perbandingan Metode Antrian Jaringan (Network Queuing) Pada Jaringan Local Area Network Fakultas Teknik Universitas Tadulako." Jurnal Ecotipe (Electronic, Control, Telecommunication, Information, and Power Engineering) 9, no. 1 (April 11, 2022): 79–86.

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Membanjirnya konten yang diakses oleh civitas akademika di lingkungan kampus menuntut kinerja jaringan yang handal, terutama dalam menangani beban trafik data yang tinggi. Seringkali yang terjadi adalah ketika beban trafik data meningkat, kualitas layanan data yang dapat diberikan akan menurun. Hal ini tentu saja berdampak buruk, terutama layanan komunikasi yang membutuhkan kehandalan tinggi seperti layanan VoIP atau video conference. Untuk mengatasi hal tersebut maka perlu diterapkan suatu metode antrian data yang mampu mengatur distribusi beban lalu lintas data secara efektif dan mampu bekerja dengan baik di segala kondisi beban lalu lintas. Penelitian ini akan mensimulasikan jaringan komputer lokal yang berada di Fakultas Teknik Universitas Tadulako menggunakan tiga jenis metode antrian trafik data yaitu First In First Out (FIFO), Priorityt Queuing (PQ), dan Weighted Fair Queuing (WFQ) dimana tiga protokol akan diuji untuk mengelola tiga jenis layanan yang sering digunakan, antara lain layanan konferensi video, Voice Over Internet Protocol (VoIP), dan Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) dalam kondisi beban trafik tinggi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa metode PQ memiliki keunggulan dalam menangani beban trafik data yang tinggi.
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Cahuzac, C., T. H. Ta, A. Henaoui, F. X. Laborne, N. Briole, M. Porche, L. Lamhaut, D. Sapir, and H. Andrianjafy. "Évaluation du délai DIDO (door in-door out) des syndromes coronariens aigus dans les hôpitaux sans cardiologie interventionnelle du réseau RESSIF." Annales françaises de médecine d’urgence 8, no. 2 (April 2018): 94–99.

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Objectifs : Le délai door in-door out (DIDO) représente la durée de séjour au service d’urgence (SU) des patients pris en charge pour un syndrome coronarien aigu ST+ (SCAST+), avant transfert en centre de cardiologie interventionnelle (CCI). Le DIDO ne devrait pas dépasser 30 minutes. Notre objectif était d’évaluer le DIDO dans le réseau des urgences Sud Île-de-France (RESSIF). Matériel et méthodes : Étude épidémiologique, rétrospective, multicentrique comparant le DIDO entre 2014 et 2015 (période 1), puis en 2016 (période 2) dans deux hôpitaux sans CCI, l’hôpital de Longjumeau et l’hôpital d’Arpajon. En 2016 était appliqué dans notre protocole régional SCAST+ le « réflexe électro-oculotéléphonique » (REOT), avec l’objectif de diminuer le DIDO : dès l’électrocardiogramme qualifiant (ECGq), avant tout traitement ou obtention du CCI de transfert, le médecin urgentiste appelle le service d’aide médicale à l’urgence (SAMU) pour l’envoi immédiat d’un service mobile d’urgence et de réanimation (SMUR) secondaire. Résultats : Entre les deux périodes, le délai DIDO médian n’a pas été modifié significativement (–16 min [4–42] ; p = 0,06). Le délai entre ECGq et appel du SAMU n’était pas significativement différent avant et après application du REOT (15 [8–34] vs 9 min [6–26] ; p = 0,12). Le DIDO était supérieur ou égal à 30 min en période 1, contre 6 % en période 2 (p = 0,11). Conclusion : Le DIDO du RESSIF n’a pas été significativement modifié. Il n’y a pas eu d’impact significatif du REOT sur le DIDO, mais notre étude manque de puissance. Le REOT pourrait être évalué plus largement dans les SU. Un réseau de soins impliquant les SAMU, SMUR, SU et CCI avec protocoles partagés est essentiel pour le pronostic des SCAST+.
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Chaubet, Allan, George Henrique de Oliveira, Gustavo Valeira, and Cristiano Akamine. "Practical tests with MMT and ROUTE/DASH on the transport layer of ATSC 3.0." SET INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BROADCAST ENGINEERING 2020, no. 6 (August 1, 2020): 56–65.

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The development of new technologies allowed television systems to evolve over time. For the transport layer, the Movie Pictures Expert Group (MPEG) developed several standards to deliver multimedia content, including the MPEG-2 Transport Stream (TS), which has been widely explored for years. However, it was developed before the spread of the internet, which led to the interest in a new standard that could fulfill the needs from a connected world. One of these standards is the MPEG Multimedia Transport (MMT), which has inherited some features from the MPEG-2 TS, adapting them to be compatible with the Internet Protocol (IP). The broadband systems also needed a new standard compatible with Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), resulting in the development of the MPEG-Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP (DASH). To deliver DASH on broadcast channels, it was combined with the Real-time Object delivery over Unidirectional Transport (ROUTE) protocol. The Advanced Television Systems Committee 3.0 (ATSC 3.0) adopted many technologies to attend the requirements for the next generation of television systems, including both MMT and ROUTE/DASH. This paper presents a historic background of these delivery methods, as well as a brief technical review, focusing on a practical setup to test the methods mentioned, analyzing the differences and similarities of their properties.
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Seo, Hyungyoon, and Goo Kim. "DASH Live Broadcast Traffic Model: A Time-Bound Delay Model for IP-Based Digital Terrestrial Broadcasting Systems." Applied Sciences 11, no. 1 (December 29, 2020): 247.

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This paper proposes a live broadcast traffic model for an internet protocol (IP)-based terrestrial digital broadcasting system to transmit dynamic adaptive streaming over hypertext transfer protocol (DASH) media. The IP-based terrestrial digital broadcasting systems such as Advanced Television Systems Committee (ATSC) 3.0 transmit media content (e.g., full high definition and ultra-high definition) in units of DASH segment files. Although the DASH segment file has the same quality and playback time, the size of each DASH segment file can vary according to the media composition. The transmission resource of the terrestrial broadcasting system has increased the transmission capacity of broadcasting with new technologies. However, the transmission capacity is still limited and fixed compared to wired broadcasting networks. Therefore, a problem occurs with the efficiency of broadcasting resources and transmission delay when transmitting a variable segment file to a terrestrial digital broadcasting network. In this paper, the resource efficiency and transmission delay results that occur when transmitting the actual DASH segment file are simulated through the live broadcast traffic model, and the maximum delay time that a viewer accessing the terrestrial broadcast can experience is presented.
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Newton, P. F. "Algorithmic versions of black spruce stand density management diagrams." Forestry Chronicle 73, no. 2 (April 1, 1997): 257–65.

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Algorithmic versions of stand density management diagrams (SDMDs) were developed for natural and managed black spruce (Picea mariana (Mill.) B.S.P.) stands. Specifically, the IBM-compatible PC-based algorithms (1) graphically illustrate site-specific size-density trajectories for eight user-specified initial density regimes, (2) given (1), calculate and subsequent tabulate periodic yield estimates (mean dominant height, density, mean volume, total volume, total merchantable volume, quadratic mean diameter, and basal area), and (3) given (2), graphically illustrate empirically-derived yield production curves for total merchantable volume ha−1 and stems m−3 with user-specified operability criteria superimposed. Instructions on acquiring the executable algorithmic versions including the required graphical subroutines via the Internet are described. Currently, the algorithms are restricted in applicability to central insular Newfoundland. Key words: stand density management diagrams, black spruce, algorithms, microcomputer, World-Wide Web (WWW), hypertext browser, file transfer protocol (FTP).
APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO, and other styles

Vitria, Rikki, Ratna Dewi, and Ariq Naufal. "ANALYSIS OF DATA COMMUNICATION BETWEEN ANDROID APPLICATIONS AND WEB SERVER." JURNAL INTEGRASI 11, no. 2 (October 17, 2019): 91–96.

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Aplikasi android sudah banyak diterapkan dalam berbagai bidang, seperti dalam bidang pendidikan, kesehatan, perbankan, transportasi dan yang lainnya. Aplikasi ini banyak digunakan untuk kemudahan untuk mendapatkan informasi. Pada penelitian ini Aplikasi Android digunakan untuk informasi keberadaan dosen. Aplikasi digunakan untuk memudahkan sesorang untuk mengetahui keberadaan dari dosen yang ingin mereka cari. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisa komunikasi data antara aplikasi android dan web server. Analisa komunikasi data ini menggunakan aplikasi wireshark. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan informasi pada masing-masing lapisan Open System Interconnection (OSI) ketika terjadi komunikasi antara aplikasi android dengan web server. Perbandingan komunikasi data menggunakan Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) dan HTTPS juga dilakukan. Hasil studi ini menunjukkan data-data yang dikirimkan baik dari aplikasi android maupun webserver dapat terbaca dengan mudah ketika yang digunakan HTTP, akan tetapi ketika menggunakan HTTPS data tersebut tidak bisa terbaca lagi karena data-data tersebut sudah di enkripsi.
APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO, and other styles

Park, Jiwoo, Minsu Kim, and Kwangsue Chung. "Buffer-based rate adaptation scheme for HTTP video streaming with consistent quality." Computer Science and Information Systems, no. 00 (2021): 21.

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Recently, HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) based adaptive streaming (HAS) has been proposed as a solution for efficient use of network resources. HAS performs rate adaptation that adjusts the video quality according to the network conditions. The conventional approaches for rate adaptation involve accurately estimating the available bandwidth or exploiting the playback buffer in HAS clients rather than estimating the network bandwidth. In this paper, we present a playback buffer model for rate adaptation and propose a new buffer-based rate adaptation scheme. First, we model the playback buffer as a queueing system that stores video segments. The proposed scheme selects the next video bitrate that minimizes the difference between the current buffer occupancy and the expected value from the playback buffer model. The evaluation results indicated that the proposed scheme achieves higher video quality than conventional algorithms and can cope with various environments without the tuning of the configuration parameters.
APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO, and other styles

Priadi, Doni. "Measurement of Quality of Service (QoS) in File Sharing Applications with the Android-Based Client Server Method." Jurnal Jartel: Jurnal Jaringan Telekomunikasi 6, no. 1 (May 7, 2018): 39–49.

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In this research, an application is made that can make it easier to transfer files or data by utilizing a wifi connection on a network and then transferring files via a web browser using Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) server technology which will be installed on an Android-based smartphone. After that, it is necessary to measure network performance to determine the quality of the network in accessing the application. The measured performance is Quality of Service (QoS), which is a parameter that shows the quality of data packets on the network. Based on the results of measurements carried out by connecting the server to the AH building network and the client accessing from the AI ??building network at the State Polytechnic of Malang, when compared to the ITU-T standard, the application delay is in the very good category, jitter is in the bad category, the throughput value depends on the size. data sent. For packet loss, it is in the very good category. Meanwhile, based on measurements made using the Apache benchmark software, out of the 1000 requests that were tested, none of them failed or failed.
APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO, and other styles
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