Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Protocole de transfert hypertexte'
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Amaro, da Cruz Mauro. "An enhanced multi-protocol middleware solution for Internet of things." Thesis, Mulhouse, 2021. https://www.learning-center.uha.fr/.
Full textIn Internet of Things (IoT), data is handled and stored by software known as middleware (located on a server). The evolution of the IoT concept led to the construction of many IoT middleware, software that plays a key role since it supports the communication among devices, users, and applications. Several aspects can impact the performance of a middleware. Based in a deep review of the related literature and in the proposal of a Reference Model for IoT middleware, this thesis proposes a new IoT middleware, called In.IoT, a scalable, secure, and innovative middleware solution based on a deep review of the state of the art and following the reference middleware architecture that was proposed along with this research work. In.IoT addresses the middleware concerns of the most popular solutions (security, usability, and performance) that were evaluated, demonstrated, and validated along this study, and it is ready and available for use. In.IoT architectural recommendations and requirements are detailed and can be replicated by new and available solutions. It supports the most popular application-layer protocols (MQTT, CoAP, and HTTP). Its performance is evaluated in comparison with the most promising solutions available in the literature and the results obtained by the proposed solution are extremely promising. Furthermore, this thesis studies the impact of the underlying programming language in the solution's overall performance through a performance evaluation study that included Java, Python, and Javascript, identifying that globally, Java demonstrates to be the most robust choice for IoT middleware. IoT devices communicate with the middleware through an application layer protocol that may differ from those supported by the middleware, especially when it is considered that households will have various devices from different brands. The thesis offers an alternative for such cases, proposing an application layer gateway, called MiddleBridge. MiddleBridge translates CoAP, MQTT, DDS, and Websockets messages into HTTP (HTTP is supported by most IoT middleware). With MiddleBridge, devices can send a smaller message to an intermediary (MiddleBridge), which restructures it and forwards it to a middleware, reducing the time that a device spends transmitting. The proposed solutions were evaluated in comparison with other similar solutions available in the literature, considering the metrics related to packet size, response times, requests per second, and error percentage, demonstrating their better results and tremendous potential. Furthermore, the study used XGBoost (a machine learning technique) to detect the occurrence of replication attacks where an attacker obtains device credentials, using it to generate false data and disturb the IoT environment. The obtained results are extremely promising. Thus, it is concluded that the proposed approach contributes towards the state of the art of IoT middleware solutions
Chen, Xin. "Performance analysis of persistent hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP) over satellite links." Ohio : Ohio University, 1997. http://www.ohiolink.edu/etd/view.cgi?ohiou1177605718.
Full textGilis, Matteus, David Hörnsten, and David Larsson. "Filöverföring i modern tid : En jämförelse av SMTP, SFTP och HTTP." Thesis, Linnéuniversitetet, Institutionen för datavetenskap (DV), 2015. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:lnu:diva-45684.
Full textTransferring and receiving computer files are something most of us do on a regularbasis whether it is for private purposes or if it is work related. FTP is a protocolused for this very purpose which was launched during a time when personal computerswere growing increasingly popular in both home and workplace environments.Since then, more protocols have been introduced and today there are a number ofoptions available bringing new and common features alike to the market. The SMTPprotocol, extended with the MIME standard, is currently a widely used alternative tothe pure file transfer protocols due to the user familiarity and past experiences withthese mail services. Sending and receiving files through e-mail does however implysome limitations together with the fact that some security aspects need to be takeninto consideration, particularly for company users handling sensitive data. In thisthesis, three different file transfer protocols (SMTP, SFTP and HTTP) have all beenevaluated in account of their user friendliness as well as their security features. Theresults indicate that HTTP(S) combined with the WebDAV extension can be considereda viable alternative for organizations due to its user friendliness and security.The remaining protocols, SMTP and SFTP, also have their uses where SFTP wouldseem to be an appealing option for advanced users and where SMTP remains a passablealternative for private usage by regular users under the right conditions.
Bersack, Evelyn Louise. "Implementation of a hypertext transfer protocol server on a high assurance multilevel secure platform." Thesis, Monterey, Calif. : Springfield, Va. : Naval Postgraduate School ; Available from National Technical Information Service, 2000. http://handle.dtic.mil/100.2/ADA386364.
Full textSCHNEIDER, RAYMOND. "Un protocole de diffusion pour un service de transfert fiable et ordonne." Université Louis Pasteur (Strasbourg) (1971-2008), 1995. http://www.theses.fr/1995STR13029.
Full textElza, Dethe. "Browser evolution document access on the World Wide Web." Ohio : Ohio University, 1998. http://www.ohiolink.edu/etd/view.cgi?ohiou1176833339.
Full textKalibjian, Jeffrey R. "Group Telemetry Analysis Using the World Wide Web." International Foundation for Telemetering, 1996. http://hdl.handle.net/10150/607611.
Full textToday it is not uncommon to have large contractor teams involved in the design and deployment of even small satellite systems. The larger (and more geographically remote) the team members, the more difficult it becomes to efficiently manage the disbursement of telemetry data for evaluation and analysis. Further complications are introduced if some of the telemetry data is sensitive. An application is described which can facilitate telemetry data sharing utilizing the National Information Infrastructure (Internet).
Masmoudi, Wahid. "Contribution à l'étude fondamentale du séchage des matériaux capillaro-poreux : critique de la modélisation macroscopique et du protocole expérimental de validation." Toulouse, INPT, 1990. http://www.theses.fr/1990INPT016H.
Full textMichálek, Branislav. "Aktualizace programu v zařízení s obvody Zynq." Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta elektrotechniky a komunikačních technologií, 2019. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-400680.
Full textAllard, Fabien. "Le transfert de contexte : atout pour la mobilité et outil de réduction de coûts pour la sécurité." Télécom Bretagne, 2009. http://www.theses.fr/2008TELB0090.
Full textVila, Jean. "Influence du protocole d'établissement des contraintes thermodynamiques sur les performances d'un réacteur solide-gaz de pompes à chaleur chimiques." Perpignan, 1991. http://www.theses.fr/1991PERP0108.
Full textMichel, Martial. "Contribution au transfert de données : application à MPI." Nancy 1, 2001. http://www.theses.fr/2001NAN10197.
Full textMPI is a Standard that defines a library based upon the Message Passing concept, aimed at solving parallel problem by allowing direct communications between tasks. MPI has many basic data-types available, but the creation of data-types composed of other basic data-types is a long and repetitive process, eased by AutoMap. MPI has no mechanism for automatic transfer of pointer linked data-types : AutoLink is a library developed to answer the adaptation and transfer need of such a mecanism. Those tools compose the MPI Data-Types Tools, and are the work discussed in this PhD thesis. We will present the evolution of the inner mechanisms as well as algorithms, describe the way AutoLink produces a serialized data to be transfered using buffers to enhance communications, present experimental studies of performances, explain uses of the MPI Data-Types Tools, compare them with other similar tools, and finally possible extensions to the current algorithms will be introduced
Jouneau, Jean-François. "Les hormones gonadotropes : contrôles, intérêts dans la mise en place d'un protocole de transfert embryonnaire chez les taureaux de combat." Bordeaux 2, 1991. http://www.theses.fr/1991BOR2P060.
Full textSouissi, Mohsen. "Mise en oeuvre du protocole IPv6 au-dessus d'une infrastructure ATM." Versailles-St Quentin en Yvelines, 2000. http://www.theses.fr/2000VERS008V.
Full textBurgain, Aurore. "Optimisation d’un protocole d’immunisation génétique par électrotransfert de plasmide à des fins de production d’anticorps neutralisant les toxines botuliques." Paris 6, 2009. http://www.theses.fr/2009PA066728.
Full textBenhamou, Corinne. "Le désir d'enfant chez les femmes en cours de protocole de F. I. V. E. T. E. [(fécondation in vitro et transfert d'embryons)]." Paris 7, 1999. http://www.theses.fr/1999PA070005.
Full textSince be unexpected furge in PMA, a large number of women have engaged in fivete protocol. After meeting with difficulties in different areas : somatical and psychologicol, they have become candidates for the fiv and frequently for several trials. The following question is unavoidable : why does this prospect of maternity put a woman in ill at ease ? It would seem that there is an interaction with their become in a woman. The oedipal history when they were little girls sheds light on our understanding of their desir to have children, because it is specific. We witness a real processus socialisation for this desir to have children. The phallic presomption would seem to be an essential aspect of their problems. This presomption come to the fore in a creativity with has different outlets (the writing, stained- glass. . . . ). For many of these women. So the link between the desir of creation and the pma become a question
SIFFERT, ANNE-ELISABETH. "Modes de transfert des radionucleides aux vegetaux et a l'homme ; mise au point d'un protocole de mesure de la radioactivite au niveau des plantes." Strasbourg 1, 1990. http://www.theses.fr/1990STR15064.
Full textKlingestedt, Kashmir. "Client-Server Communications Efficiency in GIS/NIS Applications : An evaluation of communications protocols and serialization formats." Thesis, KTH, Skolan för elektroteknik och datavetenskap (EECS), 2018. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:kth:diva-233581.
Full textGeografiska informationssystem och nätverksinformationssystem är viktiga redskap för vårt samhälle, vilka används för hantering av geografisk data och stora informationsnätverk. Det är därför viktigt att se till att sådana system är av hög kvalitet. GIS/NIS-applikationer behandlar vanligtvis stora mängder data, vilket kan resultera i mycket nätverkstrafik. I det här arbetet utvärderas två olika kommunikationsprotokoll och serialiseringsformat för kommunikationseffektivitet mellan klient och server i GIS/NIS-applikationer. Specifikt är dessa HTTP/1.1, HTTP/2, Java Objektserialisering och Googles Protocol Buffers. De implementerades var och en i en kommersiell GIS/NIS-miljö och utvärderades genom mätningar av två signaturanrop i systemet. De aspekter som observerades är kommunikationstiden, mängden HTTP-overhead och mängden HTTP-payload. Resultaten tyder på att HTTP/2 och Googles Protocol Buffers presterar bättre än HTTP/1.1 respektive Java Objektserialisering. En 87% minskning av mängden HTTP overhead uppnåddes då HTTP/1.1 ersattes med HTTP/2. En minskning av mängden HTTP payload observeras också med användning av Protocol Buffers snarare än Java Objektserialisering, särskilt för kommunikationer där data innehåller många olika objekttyper. Gällande kommunikationstiden tyder resultaten på att valet av kommunikationsprotokoll påverkar mer än valet av serialiseringsformat för kommunikationer med små mängder data, medan motsatsen gäller för kommunikationer med mycket data.
Ferronato, Corinne. "Lessivage des composés aromatiques par les pluies naturelles : établissement d'un protocole expérimental d'étude des échanges gaz-liquide." Université Joseph Fourier (Grenoble ; 1971-2015), 1996. http://www.theses.fr/1996GRE10112.
Full textBennour, Emad. "Impact du protocole de transfert par voie rétrovirale du gène de l'enzyme thymidine kinase du virus Herpès Simplex sur le métabolisme protéique et la sensibilité au Ganciclovir de lymphocytes T génétiquement modifiés." Besançon, 2009. http://www.theses.fr/2009BESA0008.
Full textThe infusion of Ganciclovir can allow controlling the alloreactivity of gene-modified T cells (GMC) expressing the Herpes Simplex virus thymidine kinase (HSV-TK). A limitation to this approach was related to the presence of an inactive form of th HSV-TK gene, resulting from an alternative splicing. In order to circumvent this problem, a corrected HSV-TK (cHSV-TK) gene was fused to a truncated splice variant of the human CD34 molecule (tCD34) allowing for the immunomagnetic sorting of GMC. We demonstrated in the first part of this thesis that, despite this correction, CD34-positive, but Ganciclovir-resistant, GMC can still be generated after transduction with a vector encoding a tCD34/cHSV-TK fusion protein, through two mechanisms involving deletions in the HSV-TK part of the transgene and a partial proteolysis of the fusion protein, of which only the CD34 part is still expressed. In the second part, we compared the " old " protocol previously used to produce GMC during our first clinical trial, using a CD3 activation and G418 selection to a " new " protocol that we propose to use in future studies, using a CD36CD28 activation and ΔNGFR expression-based immunomagnetic selection. We show that the new protocol has advantages in terms of proliferation, sensitivity to apoptosis and protein metabolism, because of the CD3-CD28 costimulation and the absence of G418 selection, but also an increased expression of HLA class II molecules, which could be related to a potentially increased immunogenicity of GMC. This later point should be considered if using the new protocol for future clinical trials
Leonard, Pierre. "Etude et expérimentation des mécanismes de synchronisation du travail collaboratif sur réseaux de postes de travail." Versailles-St Quentin en Yvelines, 1997. http://www.theses.fr/1997VERS0007.
Full textLéon, Jacques. "Conception et réalisation d'un système de transfert de fichiers fondé sur le protocole de fichier virtuel FTAM (ISO) et application à la transmission de données par le satellite TELECOM 1 entre le CERN et Saclay." Paris 11, 1985. http://www.theses.fr/1985PA112252.
Full textHaloua, Abderrahmane. "Étude d’un protocole de communication asynchrone faible consommation à lien radio impulsionnel ultra-large bande : implémentation sur silicium des fonctions RF critiques." Thesis, Aix-Marseille, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018AIXM0255.
Full textIn recent years, research has been devoted to the study and development of Wireless Sensor Network (WSN). These research are a response to the increase of the connected objet number in the world with development of smartphones and Internet of things (IoT). Energy consumption in sensor networks is one of the most studied areas. In fact, the optimization of the consumption of the elements making up the sensor networks allows a reduction in the costs associated with their installation, operation and maintenance. Communications in sensor networks represent an important part of their power consumption. In order to reduce the consumption of communications in sensor networks, different levels of optimization are possible. In this context, various IM2NP research projects aimed at reducing transceiver consumption through innovative design were carried out. Much of this work has been devoted to Impulsionnal Radio Ultra-Wide Band (IR-UWB). Moreover, MAC protocols used to manage the communication channel access in wireless sensor networks are also important in optimizing their consumption. The research work proposed in this manuscript, based on the work on impulse radios UWB carried out within the IM2NP, propose an optimization of the consumption of sensor networks on two levels. Firstly, an asynchronous MAC protocol based on radio wake-up radio suitable for UWB communications is proposed as well as its energy study. Following the study of the proposed asynchronous protocol, the design of a low power semi-passive wake-up receiver (WuRx) and a UWB sub-GHz impulse generator is presented and their performance in terms of energy efficiency discussed
Hristova, Iva. "Le protocole de Kyoto et les mécanismes de développement propre (MDP) : quels impacts pour les pays en développement à l'horizon 2020--2050 ?" Thesis, Paris 9, 2013. http://www.theses.fr/2013PA090061.
Full textThe present thesis focuses on the definition of potential Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) (or other successor mechanism) financial flows at the horizon of 2020 and 2050 and on their impact on recipient countries’ economies. The analysis is completed by an overview of the current CDM characteristics, not only through a comparison with other financial flows (Foreign Direct Investments (FDI) and Official development Assistance (ODA)) typical for developing countries, but also through a detailed survey of the conditions that would ease the spread of greater spill-over effects and through an analysis of the current impacts on host countries’ economic growth. At last, the thesis presents an overview of the current CDM impacts in terms of technology transfers and sustainable development and it proposes a detailed overview of the main offset- mechanism limits, the undergone improvements and the alternative solutions. Thus, the thesis shows the positive impact that projects under the CDM or any potential successor mechanisms can have in terms of perceived investments, issued carbon emission reductions, economic growth, technology transfers and, ultimately, sustainable development within non-Annex I host countries. In addition, it demonstrates that larger share of benefits will be earned by those countries that would be able to absorb greater spill-over effects through their more favourable conditions in terms of renewable energies infrastructure, credit facilities and qualified human capital availability. For both Annex I and non-Annex I countries, the generalization of an improved sustainable successor mechanisms, in combination with robust capacity building programs, should be of the highest interest in any future negotiations under the UNFCCC
Scarlato, Michele. "Sicurezza di rete, analisi del traffico e monitoraggio." Master's thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2012. http://amslaurea.unibo.it/3223/.
Full textPartika, Marek. "Publikace dat ze sítě meteostanic ve formátu DATEX II." Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta elektrotechniky a komunikačních technologií, 2016. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-240798.
Full textPalomares, Velasquez Daniel. "Study of mechanisms ensuring service continuity for IKEv2 and IPsec protocols." Phd thesis, Institut National des Télécommunications, 2013. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00939092.
Full textGuo, Wen-Da, and 郭玟達. "A Bandwidth Sensitive Hypertext Transfer Protocol for Wireless." Thesis, 1996. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/67479861148954804172.
Full textArtback, Jonathan. "Comparison of Video file transmission : over Dat protocol and Hypertext transfer protocol." Thesis, 2019. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:bth-17937.
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