Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Protocole de routage multi-sauts'
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Amadou, Ibrahim. "Protocoles de routage sans connaissance de voisinage pour réseaux radio multi-sauts." Phd thesis, INSA de Lyon, 2012. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00763865.
Full textDoghri, Inès. "Stratégies de routage multi-chemin dans les réseaux sans fil multi-sauts." Phd thesis, Ecole normale supérieure de lyon - ENS LYON, 2012. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00828394.
Full textMedjiah, Samir. "Optimisation des protocoles de routage dans les réseaux multi-sauts sans fil à contraintes." Thesis, Bordeaux 1, 2012. http://www.theses.fr/2012BOR14663/document.
Full textGreat research efforts have been carried out in the field of challenged multihop wireless networks (MWNs). Thanks to the evolution of the Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS) technology and nanotechnologies, multihop wireless networks have been the solution of choice for a plethora of problems. The main advantage of these networks is their low manufacturing cost that permits one-time application lifecycle. However, if nodes are low-costly to produce, they are also less capable in terms of radio range, bandwidth, processing power, memory, energy, etc. Thus, applications need to be carefully designed and especially the routing task because radio communication is the most energy-consuming functionality and energy is the main issue for challenged multihop wireless networks.The aim of this thesis is to analyse the different challenges that govern the design of challenged multihop wireless networks such as applications challenges in terms of quality of service (QoS), fault-tolerance, data delivery model, etc., but also networking challenges in terms of dynamic network topology, topology voids, etc. Our contributions in this thesis focus on the optimization of routing under different application requirements and network constraints. First, we propose an online multipath routing protocol for QoS-based applications using wireless multimedia sensor networks. The proposed protocol relies on the construction of multiple paths while transmitting data packets to their destination, i.e. without prior topology discovery and path establishment. This protocol achieves parallel transmissions and enhances the end-to-end transmission by maximizing path bandwidth and minimizing the delays, and thus meets the requirements of QoS-based applications. Second, we tackle the problem of routing in mobile delay-tolerant networks by studying the intermittent connectivity of nodes and deriving a contact model in order to forecast future nodes' contacts. Based upon this contact model, we propose a routing protocol that makes use of nodes' locations, nodes' trajectories, and inter-node contact prediction in order to perform forwarding decisions. The proposed routing protocol achieves low end-to-end delays while using efficiently constrained nodes' resources in terms of memory (packet queue occupancy) and processing power (forecasting algorithm). Finally, we present a topology control mechanism along a packet forwarding algorithm for event-driven applications using stationary wireless sensor networks. Topology control is achieved by using a distributed duty-cycle scheduling algorithm. Algorithm parameters can be tuned according to the desired node's awake neighbourhood size. The proposed topology control mechanism ensures trade-off between event-reporting delay and energy consumption
Jerbi, Moez. "Protocoles pour les communications dans les réseaux de véhicules en environnement urbain : routage et geocast basés sur les intersections." Thesis, Evry-Val d'Essonne, 2008. http://www.theses.fr/2008EVRY0016/document.
Full textInter-Vehicle Communication (IVC) is attracting considerable attention from the research community and the automotive industry, where it is beneficial in providing Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) as well as assistant services for drivers and passengers. In this context, Vehicular Networks are emerging as a novel category of wireless networks, spontaneously formed between moving vehicles equipped with wireless interfaces that could have similar or different radio interface technologies, employing short-range to medium-range communication systems. The distinguished characteristics of vehicular networks such as high mobility, potentially large scale, and network partitioning introduce several challenges, which can greatly impact the future deployment of these networks. In this thesis, we focus on inter-vehicle communication in urban environments. Our main goal is to propose new routing and dissemination algorithms, which efficiently adapts to the vehicular networks characteristics and applications. Temporary disconnection in vehicular network is unavoidable. It is thereby of imminent practical interest to consider the vehicular traffic density. Therefore, at first, we propose a completely distributed and infrastructure–free mechanism for city road density estimation. Then, and based on such traffic information system, we propose a novel intersection-based geographical routing protocol, capable to find robust and optimal routes within urban environments. Finally, in order to help the efficient support of dissemination-based applications, a self-organizing mechanism to emulate a geo-localized virtual infrastructure is proposed, which can be deployed in intersections with an acceptable level of vehicular density. The advocated techniques are evaluated by a combination of network simulation and a microscopic vehicular traffic model
Cunha, Daniel De Oliveira. "Réseaux sans fil multi-sauts : protocoles à applications spécifiques et routage orienté vers la diversité coopérative." Paris 6, 2008. http://www.theses.fr/2008PA066646.
Full textMoad, Dalil. "Contribution à l'amélioration de la qualité de service dans les réseaux sans-fil multi-sauts." Thesis, Sorbonne Paris Cité, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015PA05S010.
Full textIEEE 802.11 based wireless networks are considered the cornerstone of autonomous communication systems. These networks allow users to communicate with each others via base stations deployed in specic locations through a set of dedicated communication protocols like Ad Hoc routing protocols. The IEEE 802.11 standard proposes specications for both physical and MAC layers of the OSI model. MAC layer denes dierent types of access to the wireless medium as explained below. The DCF (Distributed Coordination Function) mechanism, in which the access to the medium is executed localy in each station. The PCF (Point Coordination Function) method, unlike DCF mechanism the access the medium is managed by a central unit. The most widespread mechanism among them is the DCF mode as it does not require any infrastructure deployment. To improve the Quality of Service (QoS) oered to the dierent applications in multihop wireless networks, this thesis proposes original solutions to enhance the eciency of certain protocols in two dierent layers of OSI, i.e., routing and MAC layers. More specically, our proposed solutions enable higher eciency of OLSR protocol and ensure more ecient usage of the available bandwidth through the designed Padovan based medium access scheme operating in DCF mode. The routing approach used in OLSR is improved by applying the conict graphs to acquire more accurate estimation of the bandwidth shared with the adjacent nodes. At MAC layer, the number of collisions in dense networks is signicantly reduced by designing new backo scheme dubbed Padovan Backo Algorithm (BEB)
Nguyen, Thuc Hai. "Developpement et realisation d'un logiciel x25 paquet multi-interface : etude du routage pour l'interconnexion de reseaux." Paris 6, 1987. http://www.theses.fr/1987PA066022.
Full textBen, Nacef Ahmed. "Relais coopératifs dans un réseau de capteurs : performances limites et stratégies." Thesis, Toulouse, INPT, 2011. http://www.theses.fr/2011INPT0098/document.
Full textWireless sensor networks (WSN) have known a great development during the last decade. They intervene in all the domain of our everyday life to make it easier. Despite the success of WSN several problems have to be solved. The restricted energy capacity and the randomness of the wireless channel seriously affect the performances of the WSN. Cooperative communication represents an efficient solution to reduce the instability of the wireless channel and to optimize energy. In this thesis we propose to use cooperative communications at the MAC and network layer in order to set up a cooperative access to the channel and to establish more robust routing paths
Mortada, Mohamad Rida. "Multi-hop routing for cognitive radio sensor network." Thesis, Brest, École nationale supérieure de techniques avancées Bretagne, 2021. http://www.theses.fr/2021ENTA0010.
Full textThe Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) consists of a large number of tiny devices called nodes, and these nodes are generally limited in power and they are randomly deployed in a geographical area for monitoring purpose. Because of the large number of nodes in the WSN, their demand on the frequency resources becomes a real challenge due to the spectrum scarcity. Cognitive Radio (CR) was introduced to enhance the spectral efficiency. The CR classifies users into the Primary User (PU) that holds a license over a spectrum bandwidth, and the Secondary User (SU), i.e., an opportunistic user. The integration of CR into WSN results in a cognitive radio sensor network (CRSN). In CRSN, the nodes behave as SUs. However,the adoption of CRSN may face several challenges. Indeed, network nodes may stop transmitting to avoid any harmful interference for PU. In addition, energy consumption constraint should be respected. Other features may be impacted by the adoption of CRSN, such as the clustering process and the in-network data aggregation, especially in a multi-hop routing based CRSN. In this manuscript, we tackle the challenges of the CRSN from different levels. Firstly, clustering nodes enhances network efficiency. In practice, grouping the network nodes saves energy during data transmission. Thus, we investigate the optimal number of clusters in the network based on energy consumption during data transmission and spectrum sensing to extend network lifespan. Then, we present LIBRO, a new uplink multi-hop routing protocol based on the geographical location information. LIBRO ensures delivery of rectified data packets in dense networks without knowledge of topology or path nodes. Finally, we used LIBRO and the energy harvesting technique to extend the CRSN's lifespan. Thus, by solving an optimization problem jointing the collision probability, energy consumption, packet delivery delay and packet delivery ratio, the appropriate parameters are found
Hadded, Mohamed. "Design and optimization of access control protocols in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks (VANETs)." Thesis, Evry, Institut national des télécommunications, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016TELE0023/document.
Full textRoad crashes and their damages represent a serious issue and are one of the main causes of people death. In this context, Vehicular Ad hoc NETworks (VANETs) are deployed to reduce the risk of road accident as well as to improve passengers’ comfort by allowing vehicles to exchange different kinds of data which ranges widely from road safety and traffic management to infotainment. Nowadays, safety applications are receiving a great deal of attention from researchers as well as from automobile manufacturers. In this thesis, we particularly focus on safety-critical applications, designed to provide drivers assistance in dangerous situations and to avoid accidents in highway environments. Such applications must guarantee to the vehicles access to the medium and have strict requirements regarding end-to-end delay and packet loss ratio. Therefore, our main goal is to propose new medium access control and routing protocols, which can efficiently adapt to frequent changing VANET network topologies. After a comprehensive overview of free-contention MAC protocols, we propose several solutions, based on Time Division Multiple Access Technique (TDMA). We have designed DTMAC, a fully distributed TDMA-based MAC protocol, which does not rely on an expensive infrastructure. DTMAC uses vehicles’ locations and a slot reuse concept to ensure that vehicles in adjacent areas have collision-free schedule. Using simulations, we prove that DTMAC provides a lower rate of access and merging collisions than VeMAC, a well-known TDMA based MAC protocol in VANET. Then, in order to ensure that event-driven safety messages can be sent over a long distance, we propose TRPM, a TDMA aware Routing Protocol for Multi-hop communication. Our routing scheme is based on a cross layer approach between the MAC and the routing layers, in which the intermediate vehicles are selected using TDMA scheduling information. Simulation results show that TRPM provides better performances in terms of average end-to-end delay, average number of hops and average delivery ratio. In the second part, we focus on coordinator-based TDMA scheduling mechanisms. First, we propose the Centralized TDMA based MAC protocol (CTMAC) which uses Road Side Units (RSUs) as a central coordinator to create and maintain the TDMA schedules. CTMAC implements an Access Collision Avoidance mechanism that can prevent the access collision problem occurring more than twice between the same vehicles that are trying to access the channel at the same time. Using simulation we show an improvement in terms of access and merging collisions as well as the overhead required to create and maintain the TDMA schedules compared to distributed scheduling mechanisms. However, in the CTMAC protocol, fast moving vehicles will need to compete for new slots after a short period of time when they leave their current RSU area, which makes a centralized scheduling approach very expensive. In order to further improve the performance of coordinator-based TDMA scheduling mechanisms, we focus on cluster-based TDMA MAC protocols in which some vehicles in the network are elected to coordinate the channel access, allowing the vehicles to remain connected with their channel coordinator for a longer period of time. To this end, first we propose an adaptive weighted clustering protocol, named AWCP, which is road map dependent and uses road IDs and vehicle directions to make the clusters’ structure as stable as possible. Then, we formulate the AWCP parameter tuning as a multi-objective problem and we propose an optimization tool to find the optimal parameters of AWCP to ensure its QoS. Next, we propose ASAS, an adaptive slot assignment strategy for a cluster-based TDMA MAC protocol. This strategy is based on a cross layer approach involving TDMA and AWCP. The objective is to overcome the inter-cluster interference issue in overlapping areas by taking into account vehicles’ locations and directions when the cluster head assign slots
Romdhani, Bilel. "Exploitation de l’hétérogénéité des réseaux de capteurs et d’actionneurs dans la conception des protocoles d’auto-organisation et de routage." Thesis, Lyon, INSA, 2012. http://www.theses.fr/2012ISAL0066/document.
Full textIn this thesis, we focused on urban wireless networks considered by the ANR project ARESA2. The networks considered by this project are heterogeneous networks. This heterogeneity is caused by the coexistence of sensor nodes with limited resources and actuator nodes with higher resources. Actuators nodes should be used differentially by the network. Hence designed protocols for WSANs should exploit resource-rich devices to reduce the communication burden on low power nodes. It is in this context that this thesis takes place in which we studied self-organizing and routing algorithms based on the heterogeneity. First, we are interested in self-organization protocols in a heterogeneous network. Based on the idea that resource-rich nodes must be exploited to reduce the communication load level on low-power nodes, we proposed self-organizing protocol called Far-Legos. Far-Legos uses the large transmit power of actuators to provide gradient information to sensor nodes. Actuators initiate and construct a logical topology. The nature of this logical topology is different inside and outside the transmission range of these resourceful nodes. This logical topology will be used to facilitate the data collection from sensor to actuator nodes. Second, we investigated the asymmetric links caused by the presence of heterogeneous nodes with different transmission ranges. The apparition of asymmetric links can dramatically decrease the performance of routing protocols that are not designed to support them. To prevent performance degradation of these routing protocols, we introduce a new metric for rank calculation. This metric will be useful to detect and avoid asymmetric links for RPL routing protocol. We also present an adaptation of data collection protocol based on Legos to detect and avoid these asymmetric links. Finally, we are interested in exploiting the asymmetric links present in the network. We proposed a new routing protocol for data collection in heterogeneous networks, called AsymRP. AsymRP, a convergecast routing protocol, assumes 2-hop neighborhood knowledge and uses implicit and explicit acknowledgment. It takes advantage of asymmetric links to ensure reliable data collection
Yang, Fei. "Reliable and time-constrained communication in wireless sensor networks." Phd thesis, INSA de Lyon, 2011. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00706211.
Full textMitton, Nathalie. "AUTO-ORGANISATION DES RESEAUX SANS FIL MULTI-SAUTS A GRANDE ECHELLE." Phd thesis, INSA de Lyon, 2006. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00599147.
Full textKhalifé, Hicham. "Techniques de contrôle pour réseaux sans fils multi-sauts." Paris 6, 2008. http://www.theses.fr/2008PA066458.
Full textBouzid, Salah Eddine. "Optimisation multicritères des performances de réseau d’objets communicants par méta-heuristiques hybrides et apprentissage par renforcement." Thesis, Le Mans, 2020. http://cyberdoc-int.univ-lemans.fr/Theses/2020/2020LEMA1026.pdf.
Full textThe deployment of Communicating Things Networks (CTNs), with continuously increasing densities, needs to be optimal in terms of quality of service, energy consumption and lifetime. Determining the optimal placement of the nodes of these networks, relative to the different quality criteria, is an NP-Hard problem. Faced to this NP-Hardness, especially for indoor environments, existing approaches focus on the optimization of one single objective while neglecting the other criteria, or adopt an expensive manual solution. Finding new approaches to solve this problem is required. Accordingly, in this thesis, we propose a new approach which automatically generates the deployment that guarantees optimality in terms of performance and robustness related to possible topological failures and instabilities. The proposed approach is based, on the first hand, on the modeling of the deployment problem as a multi-objective optimization problem under constraints, and its resolution using a hybrid algorithm combining genetic multi-objective optimization with weighted sum optimization and on the other hand, the integration of reinforcement learning to guarantee the optimization of energy consumption and the extending the network lifetime. To apply this approach, two tools are developed. A first called MOONGA (Multi-Objective Optimization of wireless Network approach based on Genetic Algorithm) which automatically generates the placement of nodes while optimizing the metrics that define the QoS of the CTN: connectivity, m-connectivity, coverage, k-coverage, coverage redundancy and cost. MOONGA tool considers constraints related to the architecture of the deployment space, the network topology, the specifies of the application and the preferences of the network designer. The second optimization tool is named R2LTO (Reinforcement Learning for Life-Time Optimization), which is a new routing protocol for CTNs, based on distributed reinforcement learning that allows to determine the optimal rooting path in order to guarantee energy-efficiency and to extend the network lifetime while maintaining the required QoS
Karbaschi, Golnaz. "Routage basé sur la qualité des liens dans des réseaux multi-sauts IEEE 802. 11." Paris 6, 2008. http://www.theses.fr/2008PA066055.
Full textDucrocq, Tony. "Auto-organisation des réseaux sans-fil multi-sauts dans les villes intelligentes." Phd thesis, Lille 1, 2013. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00915269.
Full textVarga, Liviu Octavian. "Réseaux de capteurs sans fils multi-sauts à récupération d’énergie : routage et couche liaison de bas rapport cyclique." Thesis, Université Grenoble Alpes (ComUE), 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015GREAM064/document.
Full textThe goal of the thesis is to enable IPv6 harvested and autonomous wireless sensor networks with very low duty-cycle. It is part of an industrial project, GreenNet, hosted by STMicroelectronics with the goal of being a pioneer in the Internet of Things. The new platform differentiates from its existing competitors by a small size, which implies small battery capacity. However, a photovoltaic cell is capable of recharging the battery even under low light conditions. On top of this, we aim at nodes that sleep for very long periods. Hence, the existing solutions were not completely suited for ourneeds.The thesis proposes to analyze the possible challenges that one can meet while developing a harvested low-duty cycle platform. The most important contribution of this work is that we implement and evaluate the performance of our solutions on real hardware platforms in conditions very close to real-life.In this dissertation, we first of all develop and implement a basic solution based on the IEEE 802.15.4 beacon-enabled standard. We choose the synchronized mode because it allows nodes to reach duty-cycles as low as 0.01%. A more difficult step was to bring multi-hop: we design new a routing scheme inside our network, and a time based access for routers and devices to eliminate interferences as much as possible. The routing scheme is meant to be simple and efficient.We go even further to optimize the total time the nodes are on: we proposed to shut down coordinators before their standardized end of slot when there is no communication. Devices that do not need to send data can skip beacons and only need to wake up to synchronize their clock or to send data. In the same time we solve the problem of multicast for long sleeping nodes by converting these packets into unicast traffic. We also improved the duty-cycle of routers that do no have associated devices by forcing them to beacon slower, as long as they do not have any associated devices.To improve the network performance we also propose a backward compatible multichannel solution. Such a scheme is useful when a link between two nodes achieve very bad performance on a certain channel but better results on a different frequency.All the solutions presented above and discussed in the dissertation were implemented and tested on the GreenNet platform. We also realized measurements of the nodes efficiency while in harvested conditions and showed that it is possible to handle harvested routers, when there is enough available light
Diallo, Chérif. "Techniques d’amélioration du routage et de la formation des clusters multi-sauts dans les réseaux de capteurs sans fil." Thesis, Evry, Institut national des télécommunications, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010TELE0017/document.
Full textWireless Sensor Networks (WSN) are used today in many applications that differ in their own objectives and specific constraints. However the common challenge in designing WSN applications comes from the specific constraints of micro-sensors because of their limited physical resources such as limited battery lifetime, weak computational capability and small memory capacity. This thesis aims to develop techniques to improve the energy efficiency of wireless sensor networks intended to a cold chain monitoring application. In such area, existing solutions consist of walled temperature recorders in warehouses and transport vehicles, which essentially control the room storage temperature which is not necessarily the product one. By integrating wireless micro-sensor devices with pallets and trays, one allows full real-time tracking of the cold chain originating from factories to the shelves of retailers. The first approach developed in this thesis concerns the phase of transporting food. The proposed VBS, WaS and eVBS protocols address the main issue resulting from the absence of a permanent base station in the small network deployed in a truck where nodes are generally in the same transmission range. These methods have the triple advantages of having a low overhead, increasing the ergonomics of the application and enhancing the economic interest of the network. In the state of art, there is no very large scale deployment of WSN for a cold chain monitoring system. Thus, the core of this thesis addresses the scalability issues by offering several ways to improve overall energy efficiency of the network. So, routing techniques improvement and efficient multi-hop clustering protocols are proposed through some original ideas using the Link Quality Indicator (LQI) provided by the MAC sublayer. The LQI is defined in the IEEE 802.15.4 standard in which its context of use is not specified. The link reliability based routing protocol (L2RP) which load balances the traffic between nodes, the single-node cluster reduction mechanism (SNCR) and the LQI-DCP multi-hop clusters formation protocol which improves clusterhead locations are some of contributions of this thesis which exploit the LQI to, significantly, increase the WSN efficiency. We also show that the MaxMin d-cluster formation heuristic does not support the grid deployment topology which is the more often used in WSN architectures
Diallo, Cherif. "Techniques d'amélioration du routage et de la formation des clusters multi-sauts dans les réseaux de capteurs sans fil." Phd thesis, Institut National des Télécommunications, 2010. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00594733.
Full textOdou, Simon. "Optimisation de l'utilisation de la bande passante dans les réseaux multi-sauts sans-fil." Paris 11, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010PA112157.
Full textIn this thesis, we present several algorithms to evaluate precisely the resources in wireless multi-hop networks and to improve the achievable bitrates. Wireless multi-hop networks are networks where nodes are able to join the others transparently in a direct way if they are closed enough, or by engaging intermediate nodes to relay messages if not. This relaying ability makes then very popular. Nevertheless, it has been shown in previous work that such networks cannot compete with traditional wireless networks in terms of bitrates. Consequently, the resources must be used and shared as efficiently as possible. We propose a probabilistic analysis to estimate the expected channel traffic of a given station based on the traffic reservation in its neighbourhood. From this estimation, we determine constraints on the flow bitrates that must be satisfied in order for the flows to be accepted without overloading the network. Then, given the previous constraints, we present several algorithms to maximum the flow bitrates by avoiding congested areas and by computing dynamically the emitting power of each station. The simulation results show a significant improvement over existing approaches
Alouache, Lylia. "Protocoles de Routage SDN, Multi-critères et Sécurisés Dans un Environnement IoV Collaboratif." Thesis, Cergy-Pontoise, 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019CERG1041.
Full textNowadays, Big Data, Cloud Computing, and Internet of Things (IoT) have encouraged the generalization of the Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks (VANET) to the Internet of Vehicles (IoV), where vehicles evolve from passive actors of transportation to smart entities with new perception and communication capabilities. Vehicles become active members of a smart city, they provide an omnipresent connectivity, a wide range of applications and services relating to road safety, intelligent transport and the comfort of users. In addition, the large amount of data generated by IoV applications is a major challenge in their management, storage, and manipulation. These services depend greatly on the vehicles in question, which act as transmitters, relays, and receivers. Vehicles carry out their own communications but serve simultaneously as information relays for communication between other vehicles as well. Consequently, reliable dissemination process and connectivity are required. However, the dynamic nature of the IoV entities, the disturbances related to the mobile network as well as the security challenges lead to frequent link failure. In fact, some vehicles
Laubé, Alexandre. "Agrégation de trafic pour réduire la consommation énergétique globale dans les réseaux sans fil multi-sauts." Thesis, Université Paris-Saclay (ComUE), 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017SACLS298/document.
Full textEconomic and ecologic incentives are now leading people to design networks with energetic considerations at early stages of development. Most of the works for multi-hop wireless networks tend to spread the traffic uniformly over the network to reduce the energy consumption of each node individually. However, considering that the traffic of a node doesn't impact significantly its energy consumption, this approach is not optimal regarding the global energy consumption of the network. Finding a way to turnoff as much node as possible seems then to be a better way. This PhD thesis focus on routing a set of flows over a multi-hop wireless network while minimizing the number of used nodes. This is done by using a distributed metric that allows the shortest path routing algorithms to perform flow aggregation. Using integer linear programming and simulations, we proposed an efficient solution to aggregate flows to significantly reduce the number of nodes used in the network. It allows, then, to improve algorithms that reduce the energy consumption of networks by increasing the number of nodes that can be turned off
Benbadis, Farid. "Positionnement topologique et dissémination passive dans les réseaux ad hoc." Paris 6, 2007. http://www.theses.fr/2007PA066565.
Full textSecci, Stefano. "Architectures de transport et de services multi-fournisseurs." Phd thesis, Télécom ParisTech, 2009. http://pastel.archives-ouvertes.fr/pastel-00005939.
Full textFernandes, Macedo Daniel. "Self-configuration of multi-hop wireless networks." Paris 6, 2009. http://www.theses.fr/2009PA066498.
Full textDjahel, Soufiene. "Secure routing and medium access protocols in wireless multi-hop networks." Thesis, Lille 1, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010LIL10094/document.
Full textWhile the rapid proliferation of mobile devices along with the tremendous growth of various applications using wireless multi-hop networks have significantly facilitate our human life, securing and ensuring high quality services of these networks are still a primary concern. In particular, anomalous protocol operation in wireless multi-hop networks has recently received considerable attention in the research community. These relevant security issues are fundamentally different from those of wireline networks due to the special characteristics of wireless multi-hop networks, such as the limited energy resources and the lack of centralized control. These issues are extremely hard to cope with due to the absence of trust relationships between the nodes.To enhance security in wireless multi-hop networks, this dissertation addresses both MAC and routing layers misbehaviors issues, with main focuses on thwarting black hole attack in proactive routing protocols like OLSR, and greedy behavior in IEEE 802.11 MAC protocol. Our contributions are briefly summarized as follows. As for black hole attack, we analyze two types of attack scenarios: one is launched at routing layer, and the other is cross layer. We then provide comprehensive analysis on the consequences of this attack and propose effective countermeasures. As for MAC layer misbehavior, we particularly study the adaptive greedy behavior in the context of Wireless Mesh Networks (WMNs) and propose FLSAC (Fuzzy Logic based scheme to Struggle against Adaptive Cheaters) to cope with it. A new characterization of the greedy behavior in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (MANETs) is also introduced. Finally, we design a new backoff scheme to quickly detect the greedy nodes that do not comply with IEEE 802.11 MAC protocol, together with a reaction scheme that encourages the greedy nodes to become honest rather than punishing them
Ouattara, Yacouba. "Gestion de l'énergie et de la connectivité dans les réseaux de capteurs sans fil statiques et mobiles." Thesis, Besançon, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015BESA2046/document.
Full textA number of works based on wireless sensor networks are interested in the energy management of these sensors. This energy is in fact a critical factor in the operation of these networks. Proper construction of sensor clusters is a great way to minimize the consumption of this energy. The problems related to these networks and often lies in their lifetime but also in the need to maintain connectivity between all transducers. These two aspects are closely linked. In this thesis, we focused on these two aspects in the context of static sensor networks but also of mobile sensors.We propose, as a _rst step, a hybrid algorithm for setting up clusters and the management of theseclusters. The uniqueness of this solution lies in the establishment of geographic areas for designation fcluster heads but also in transmission, in the exchanged messages, the amount of remaining energy on the sensors. Thus, the sensor data will designate the cluster heads and their successors will determine the thresholds for other sensors and for their operation. The algorithm is tested through many simulations. The second part of the work is to adapt our _rst algorithm for mobile sensor networks. We a_ect the trajectory of sensors to maintain connectivity and reduce energy consumption. For this, we are guided echo-location practiced by bats. We're interested in changing and dynamic topology in sensor networks. We analyzed the loss of energy as a function of the distance and the power transmission between the nodes and the head cluster. We also evaluate our algorithm on sensors that have a random move. We apply these algorithms to a _eet of surveillance drones simulation
Mekinda, Mengue Leonce. "Mécanismes de cache, traitement et diffusion de l'information dans les réseaux centrés sur l'information (ICN)." Thesis, Paris, ENST, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016ENST0075/document.
Full textThis thesis investigates how making content caching and forwarding latency-aware can improve data delivery performance in Information-Centric Networks (ICN). We introduce a new mechanism that leverages retrieval time observations to decide whether to store an object in a network cache, based on the expected delivery time improvement. We demonstrate that our distributed latency-aware caching mechanism, LAC+, outperforms state of the art proposals and results in a reduction of the content mean delivery time and standard deviation of LRU caches by up to 60%, along with a fast convergence to these figures. In a second phase, we conjointly optimize the caching function and the multipath request forwarding strategies. To this purpose, we introduce the mixed forwarding strategy LB-Perf, directing the most popular content towards the same next hops to foster egress caches convergence, while load-balancing the others. Third, we address ICN fairness to contents. We show that traditional ICN caching, which favors the most popular objects, does not prevent the network from being globally fair, content-wise. The incidence of our findings comforts the ICN community momentum to improve LFU cache management policy and its approximations. We demonstrate that in-network caching leads to content-wise fair network capacity sharing as long as bandwidth sharing is content-wise fair. Finally, we contribute to the research effort aiming to help ICN Forwarding Information Base scale when confronted to the huge IoT era’s namespace.We propose AFFORD, a novel view on routing in named-data networking that combines machine learning and stochastic forwarding
Chehata, Ahmed. "Algorithmes de routage dans les réseaux sans-fil de radios cognitives à multi-sauts." Mémoire, 2011. http://www.archipel.uqam.ca/4095/1/M12044.pdf.
Full textSeibel, Roman. ""Route Record Distance Vector Protocol for Minimization of Intra-Flow Interference"." Doctoral thesis, 2013. http://hdl.handle.net/11858/00-1735-0000-0001-BC21-F.
Full textKuang-Han, Fei. "A Power-Aware Routing Protocol using Multi-Route Transmission for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks." 2005. http://www.cetd.com.tw/ec/thesisdetail.aspx?etdun=U0001-1107200523142900.
Full textFei, Kuang-Han, and 費廣瀚. "A Power-Aware Routing Protocol using Multi-Route Transmission for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks." Thesis, 2005. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/49710733303658208384.
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The power-aware routing protocols are aimed to maximize the system lifetime of the mobile ad hoc networks, since the mobile hosts within the networks are normally power-constrained. We presents a novel power-aware routing protocol called Multi-Route Transmission Routing which utilizes multiple routes to transmit the data traffic simultaneously and leads to a balanced energy consumption distribution. Thus, the proposed routing approach can extend the system lifetime of the networks. A new routing cost metric is also proposed for the route selection mechanism, which takes both the shortest-path and the maximum system lifetime into consideration and dynamically adjusts its weight between them according to the energy usage of the network. Experiment results show that, the proposed routing protocol provides a higher performance than other well-known power-aware routing protocols in terms of the energy-efficiency.
MUSHTAQ, Sajjad Ali. "Un cadre de mise en oeuvre du routage mulitcritères de services IP multimédia." Phd thesis, 2012. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00719597.
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