Academic literature on the topic 'Protection des données publiques'
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Journal articles on the topic "Protection des données publiques"
Lanna, Maximilien. "Données publiques et protection des données personnelles : le cadre européen." Revue française d'administration publique 167, no. 3 (2018): 501.
Full textBeaudoin, Carole, David Houle, and Jean Mercier. "Les interventions du ministère de l’Environnement du Québec. Un premier inventaire." Globe 9, no. 1 (February 15, 2011): 211–35.
Full textRochon, Madeleine. "Dépendance financière et revenus de retraite des personnes âgées par génération et par sexe, au Québec." Articles 30, no. 1 (March 25, 2004): 63–87.
Full textMancosu, Giorgio. "L’accès aux données publiques et aux codes source en Italie. À la recherche d’une « transparence algorithmique », à l’aube du Réglement général sur la protection des données." Revue française d'administration publique 167, no. 3 (2018): 575.
Full textLemay, Isabelle, and Daniel Tremblay. "Les mesures financières hors normes – La profession comptable pourrait bien détenir la solution." Revue Organisations & territoires 26, no. 1-2 (September 1, 2017): 205–23.
Full textFrédette, Jean-Marc. "Cueillette et traitement des données sur les naissances, les mariages, les divorces et les décès au Québec : rêves et réalité." Articles 9, no. 1 (January 6, 2009): 117–35.
Full textHowlett, Michael. "Analyzing Multi-Actor, Multi-Round Public Policy Decision-Making Processes in Government: Findings from Five Canadian Cases." Canadian Journal of Political Science 40, no. 3 (September 2007): 659–84.
Full textUrquijo, Laura Gómez. "La conexión entre política de cohesión y gobernanza económica en la UE: Eficiencia del nuevo marco para abordar las consecuencias de la crisis." Regions and Cohesions 5, no. 3 (December 1, 2015): 44–62.
Full textDaviault1, Ariane, and Anthony Amicelle. "L’environnement sous haute surveillance ? Éclairage sur plus de quarante ans d’action publique au Canada." Criminologie 49, no. 2 (December 19, 2016): 263–300.
Full textCampeau, Aimée, Shazmeera Qadri, Farah Barakat, Gabriella Williams, Wendy Hovdestad, Maaz Shahid, and Tanya Lary. "Aperçu - Cadre des indicateurs de surveillance de la maltraitance envers les enfants." Promotion de la santé et prévention des maladies chroniques au Canada 40, no. 2 (February 2020): 64–67.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Protection des données publiques"
Teresi, Laurent. "La commercialisation des données publiques." Aix-Marseille 3, 2007.
Full textBenzine, Mehdi. "Combinaison sécurisée des données publiques et sensibles dans les bases de données." Versailles-St Quentin en Yvelines, 2010.
Full textProtection of sensitive data is a major issue in the databases field. Many software and hardware solutions have been designed to protect data when stored and during query processing. Moreover, it is also necessary to provide a secure manner to combine sensitive data with public data. To achieve this goal, we designed a new storage and processing architecture. Our solution combines a main server that stores public data and a secure server dedicated to the storage and processing of sensitive data. The secure server is a hardware token which is basically a combination of (i) a secured microcontroller and (ii) a large external NAND Flash memory. The queries which combine public and sensitive data are split in two sub queries, the first one deals with the public data, the second one deals with the sensitive data. Each sub query is processed on the server storing the corresponding data. Finally, the data obtained by the computation of the sub query on public data is sent to the secure server to be mixed with the result of the computation on sensitive data. For security reasons, the final result is built on the secure server. This architecture resolves the security problems, because all the computations dealing with sensitive data are done by the secure server, but brings performance problems (few RAM, asymmetric cost of read/write operations. . . ). These problems will be solved by different strategies of query optimization
Kaplangil, Diren. "Les enjeux juridiques de l'Open Data : Les données publiques entre la patrimonialisation et dé-patrimonialisation." Thesis, Université Grenoble Alpes, 2022.
Full textThe Legal Issues of Open Data: Public data between patrimonialisation and de-patrimonialisationSince the first commitment of the French Government in its open data policy, for a decade now, the issue of free circulation of public sector information takes a new dimension. Considered as « open » in the sense of « free of any restrictive rights », public data do not serve only the democratic goal of consolidating the rights of citizens in their relations with the public authorities, but rather provide an essential « information infrastructure » which constitutes the basis of today's emerging "digital" economy. However, this transformation in apprehension of public data inevitably raises the question of their legal status, which is still far from being clarified. Whereas some adjustments brought under the regime of open data make them legally closer to the legal status of « commons », some other monopolistic practices coming from the public institutions (in particular cultural establishments or their concessionaires) in exploiting the content of their information reveal another approach which is quite close to the form of exclusive property rights.Moreover, opening public data does not only raise the question of the legal nature of these information. Indeed, these information are at the heart of the French State's public policy relating to its intangible assets seeking to protect and exploit them in a way which sometimes may enter into conflict with the principles of open data. At the crossroads of public and private law, more specifically intellectual property law, our thesis is therefore focused on the analysis of this conflictual relationship emerged around the process of proactive release of public sector data online
Rossi, Julien. "Protection des données personnelles et droit à la vie privée : enquête sur la notion controversée de « donnée à caractère personnel »." Thesis, Compiègne, 2020.
Full textInternet and digital information and communication technologies in general are often portrayedas a threat to privacy. This gives rise to many debates, both in the media and among decisionmakers. The Snowden revelations, in 2013, followed by the adoption in 2016 of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), have moved these discussions under the spotlight of the publicsphere.The research presented in this dissertation was born out of three questions: can we define what“privacy” is? Is there any consensus on its definition? And does this consensus change with theevolution of the technical milieu transforming our ways of communicating, and by doing so, theway in which our privacy can be intruded upon? By defining “privacy” as the object which is protected by normative texts – laws, court decisions,techno-political standards of the Internet – protecting the right to privacy, it becomes possible toconduct an empirical study of how it evolved and how it has been a topic of contention. Data protection law emerged in Europe during the 1970’s. Its aim was to protect a “privacy” that was perceived as under threat by the advent of computers. Currently, the GDPR, or somedocuments adopted by standards-settings organisations like the Internet Engineering Task Force(IETF) or the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), are written with the intention that they protect this privacy through a set of rules and principles referred to as “data protection”, that apply to “personal data”. The legal definitions of this notion produced by political institutions and those crafted instandards-settings bodies are identical. Furthermore, the study of the genealogy of data protection reveals that computer scientists have played a pivotal role in the invention of the principles that “data protection” still relies on, for instance in the GDPR. The analysis of the controversies that took place in the shaping of these rules shows that the notion of “personal data” written down in the normative texts we analysed essentially reflects the beliefs system of a coalition inspired by liberal utilitarian ideals, valuing individual autonomy and granting importance to the respect of one’s consent. This framing of “privacy” has become the paradigm on the field. Other theories, such as those defining “privacy” as a space bound by collectively defined borders protecting it from the public eye, or those advocating the recognition of private property rights on personal data, have been less successful in shaping policy out comes.The advent and spread of networked computers have not directly determined the evolution of theobject that is protected by the right to privacy. It is, rather, the perceptions a group of actors had of computers, that caused such an evolution. Convinced that their liberal conception of privacy issocially valuable, they managed to craft a new legal category during the 1970’s in Europe: the right to the protection of personal data. The GDPR, adopted in 2016, just like Web standards aiming at enhancing the protection of privacy, rely those same principles that were invented during these early debates. Therefore, it can be said that the emergence of computers has indeed, but indirectly, been a triggering factor in the evolution of “privacy” defined as the object protected by the right to privacy
Faria, Maria Paula Marçal Grilo Lobato de. "Données génétiques informatisées : un nouveau défi à la protection du droit à la confidentialité des données personnelles de santé." Bordeaux 4, 1996.
Full textAfter a description of the dangers posed to human privacy by "new genetics" and informatics, this thesis leads to the conclusion, by means of an analysis of the portuguese juridical framework, in a compared law perspective, of the right to confidentiality, medical secrecy and personal data protection laws, that contemporary law needs a special legal statute to rule the confidentiality of personal health genetic data without which fundamental human rights will be in threat
Harivel, Jean. "Libertés publiques, libertés individuelles, risques et enjeux de la société numérique." Thesis, Paris 1, 2018.
Full textThe invasion of digital technology has changed civil and administrative society since the end of the 20th century. Public and individual freedoms have been affected by this information technology. Common law has adapted to defend public liberties. Special legislation has been put in place to protect privacy through the protection of personal data. Mercantile companies collect these data and exchange them. They thus constitute a database containing a mass of information concerning each individual. The government adapts laws to allow surveillance of individuals to fight against terrorism. But technology also allows the dissemination of administrative data to citizens and promotes neutral information. This information paves the way for citizen participation. Since France refuses to introduce the protection of privacy directly into the Constitution, the European courts, ECHR and CJEU, have in recent years effectively protected this private life. This protection is also based on better training of individuals in the face of the dangers of social networks and the Internet, training that remains to be developed
Lechevalier, Fabien. "Les fiducies de données personnelles de santé : étude illustrée des enjeux et bénéfices d’une gestion collective de la propriété des données personnelles de santé." Master's thesis, Université Laval, 2020.
Full textDevigne, Julien. "Protocoles de re-chiffrement pour le stockage de données." Caen, 2013.
Full textPrivacy is one of the main issues of our modern day society in which the Internet is omnipotent. In this thesis, we study some technics allowing to realise a privacy-preserving cloud storage. In this way, we focus to protect stored data while allowing their owner to share them with people of his choice. Proxy re-encryption, one of the primitives offered by cryptography, is the solution we decide to consider. First, we give a definition of a proxy re-encryption system unifying all existing conventional models. We also describe usual characteristics that this primitive may present and we provide its security model. Then, we focus more precisely on some specific schemes in order to improve their security. In this meaning, we expose a method which turns a scheme secure against a replayable chosen ciphertext attack into a secure scheme against a chosen ciphertext attack. We study schemes based on the Hash ElGamal encryption too and propose some modifications in order to reach a better security. Finally and in order to obtain the most functional cloud storage, we propose two new models. The first one, that we call combined proxy re-encryption, offers dynamic right access. The second one, that we call selective proxy re-encryption, enables a more fine-grained access right control than the one offered by the conditional proxy re-encryption
Cavalier, Mathilde. "La propriété des données de santé." Thesis, Lyon, 2016.
Full textThe question of the protection and enhancement of health data is subject to a permanent renewal because it appears to be in the middle of some conflicting interests. Legal, health and economic logics confront and express themselves through a particularly heterogenous set of regulations on health data. Property rights here seem able to reconcile these issues that first look contradictory appearance issues. Given the place of this right in our legal system and uniqueness of health data, the study of their reconciliation deserves a study of some magnitude. This is a first step to ensure the compatibility of this law with health data. The answer requires a vision of simplified property only to find that the existing rights of the data is already in the property rights but which, because of the particularity of health data, are largely limited. Secondly, therefore the question of the relevance of the application of "more complete" property rights applies to health data. However, we note that the specificity of health data implies that such a the solution is not the most effective for achieving a fair balance between patients and data collectors. Nevertheless, other solutions are possible
Criqui-Barthalais, Géraldine. "La protection des libertés individuelles sur le réseau internet." Thesis, Paris 2, 2018.
Full textThis study considers the internet as a new territory where rights guaranteed to each individual in physical space can be promoted; not only free speech and privacy, but also the Habeas Corpus prerogative writ, which protects against unlawful imprisonment, and the right to freedom of movement. Thus, processing by analogy, the dissertation intends to promote two specific digital rights: the freedom to connect to the internet and the freedom to surf on the web. The freedom to connect should be part of a public service which promotes this access through public policies. Moreover, barring someone from using the internet can only be decided by a judge. The freedom to surf should protect the web users against unreasonable restrictions. Thus, measures blocking illegal websites should not come through self-regulation but through a legal framework which defines how administrative authorities are entitled to decide such restrictions. The protection of these two rights entails further obligations. Individuals must access the internet anonymously and they must be aware of how the government monitors their actions on the web. This study tries to outline the content of measures aiming to frame network addressing mechanisms. Identity checks based on the IP address should be subject to a strict legal regime. The study concludes that individuals have to be protected from surveillance when data reveal their choices among websites while they are connected. Internet access providers, but also search engines and browsers, must delete this data. Only special measures taken by a public entity or someone entitled to control the web users may lead to this kind of data retention
Books on the topic "Protection des données publiques"
France. Observatoire juridique des technologies de l'information. Commercialisation des données publiques. Paris: La Documentation française, 1993.
Find full textOpen data: Comprendre l'ouverture des données publiques. Paris]: Éditions fyp, 2012.
Find full textDesgens-Pasanau, Guillaume. Protection des données à caractère personnel. Paris: LexisNexis, 2012.
Find full textDroit de réutilisation et exploitation commerciale des données publiques. Paris: Documentation française, 2011.
Find full textGilman, Pierre. Les aides publiques en matière d'environnement. Diegem: Kluwer éditions juridiques Belgique, 1997.
Find full textFlueckiger, Christian. Dopage, santé des sportifs professionnels et protection des données médicales. [Bruxelles]: Bruylant, 2008.
Find full textOrganisation for economic co-operation and development. OECD environmental data: Données OCDE sur l'environnement. Paris, France: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, 1985.
Find full textDavis, Mark W. (Mark William), 1955-, ed. Digital assassination: Protecting your reputation, brand, or business against online attacks. New York: St. Martin's Press, 2011.
Find full textMoreau, Françoise. Commerce des données sur la population et libertés individuelles. Paris: Institut national d'études démographiques, 2001.
Find full textBarbaras, Simone. Le temps de la parole: Consommation & communication. Paris: InterÉditions, 1987.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Protection des données publiques"
de Lambert, Florence Revel, and Laurence Tellier-Loniewski. "Vue juridique des données publiques." In Guide pratique Archimag, 14–16. Serda édition-IDP, 2012.
Full text"Les données, actif stratégique du secteur public." In Panorama des administrations publiques. OECD, 2021.
Full text"Données détaillées sur les déclarations de conflits d'intérêts." In Panorama des administrations publiques, 196–200. OECD, 2015.
Full text"Données détaillées provenant de l'enquête de 2009 sur l'intégrité." In Panorama des administrations publiques, 136–40. OECD, 2009.
Full textLahary, Dominique, and Élise Garet. "IABD : les bibliothécaires face aux données publiques." In Guide pratique Archimag, 24. Serda édition-IDP, 2012.
Full textLegois, Jean-Philippe. "L'AAF et l'ouverture des données publiques culturelles." In Guide pratique Archimag, 22. Serda édition-IDP, 2012.
Full textGaret, Élise. "Petite histoire de l'ouverture des données publiques." In Guide pratique Archimag, 6–7. Serda édition-IDP, 2012.
Full textBédard, Pierre-Olivier, and Alexandra Mallett. "La demande pour des données probantes au sein de la fonction publique canadienne." In Démocratie et politiques publiques, 229–56. Presses de l'Université Laval, 2019.
Full text"Assainissement budgétaire : la nécessité de fonder les décisions sur des données probantes." In Panorama des administrations publiques 2011, 35–61. OECD, 2013.
Full textGayon, Élisabeth. "ADBS : les professionnels de l'information face aux données publiques." In Guide pratique Archimag, 23. Serda édition-IDP, 2012.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Protection des données publiques"
Vo Quang Costantini, S., S. Petit, A. Nassif, F. Ferre, and B. Fournier. "Perspectives thérapeutiques du matrisome gingival dans la cicatrisation pathologique." In 66ème Congrès de la SFCO. Les Ulis, France: EDP Sciences, 2020.
Full textReports on the topic "Protection des données publiques"
Gruson-Daniel, Célya, and Maya Anderson-González. Étude exploratoire sur la « recherche sur la recherche » : acteurs et approches. Ministère de l'enseignement supérieur et de la recherche, November 2021.
Full textKaboré, Gisele, Abdoulaye Semde, and Lanko Some. Cartographie sociale des espaces de rencontres des adolescentes mariées ou non dans la zone d'intervention du projet. Population Council, 2009.
Full textDoyon, Maurice, Stéphane Bergeron, and Jacinthe Cloutier. Analyse des préférences des résidents-propriétaires de la ville de Québec pour l’aménagement de bassins de rétention à proximité. CIRANO, June 2022.
Full textLatané, Annah, Jean-Michel Voisard, and Alice Olive Brower. Les réseaux de producteurs du Sénégal font face à la COVID-19. RTI Press, September 2021.
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