Academic literature on the topic 'Projets locaux'
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Journal articles on the topic "Projets locaux"
Dargelos, Sophie. "Temps éducatifs, projets locaux d’éducation et coéducation." Diversité 183, no. 1 (2016): 99–101.
Full textBerthet, Jean-Marc, and Véronique Laforets. "Réussite éducative et projets éducatifs locaux : quelles avancées ?" Diversité 172, no. 1 (2013): 86–92.
Full textRoméas-Maurin, Veronique, Catherine Lopez, and Mathieu Danguin. "Réussite des projets d’aménagement de locaux : prévention primaire." Archives des Maladies Professionnelles et de l'Environnement 79, no. 3 (May 2018): 353–54.
Full textKahloun, Hatem. "L’agenda 21 local en tunisie : des tentatives de democratisation de la planification du developpement durable." Environnement urbain 7 (December 9, 2014): a62—a82.
Full textPauze, Jean-Michel. "Naissance d’un projet éducatif local. La commune, pivot de la politique éducative locale ?" Diversité 181, no. 1 (2015): 40–43.
Full textGuillemot, Julie. "La gouvernance des territoires : obstacles et opportunités en Acadie." Articles, no. 28 (February 22, 2018): 59–78.
Full textFranck, Robert. "Quelques questions sur l’orientation des Centres locaux de santé." La prise en charge communautaire de la santé, no. 1 (January 28, 2016): 109–14.
Full textBocquet, Gérard. "Projets locaux d'aménagement et ressources en eau, en région montagneuse." Revue de géographie alpine 74, no. 1 (1986): 75–82.
Full textFuchs, Julien, and Frédérick Guyon. "Le Projet sportif territorial de la ville de Brest (France)." Articles non thématiques 40, no. 3 (October 28, 2021): 3–28.
Full textChampollion, Pierre, and Michel Floro. "Du diagnostic à la prise en compte du territoire. La démarche d'« intelligence territoriale »." Diversité 16, no. 1 (2015): 66–78.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Projets locaux"
L'Huillier, Hélène. "L’impact de projets locaux de RSE sur le développement humain durable : Applications à des projets menés par des multinationales au Nigeria et au Mexique." Thesis, Lille 1, 2017.
Full textGiven the recent legal framework on corporate social responsibility (CSR), multinational corporations show growing interest in measuring the social impact of their practices. Based on two case studies, this thesis examines the impact which CSR projects have on the affected populations’ human development, including a measure of relational development. The first part of the thesis constructs the theoretical framework. Uncovering the assumptions underlying the three objects of study – development indicators, views on CSR and impact assessment approaches – reveals convergences and incompatibilities between different postures. This framework justifies the choice of a methodology based on the use of non-experimental quantitative methods joined to qualitative analyses, which mobilizes a multidimensional approach to development founded on the capability approach. The second part of the thesis presents two empirical applications based on the impact assessment of Total's societal programs in Nigeria and of a waste pickers inclusion project conducted by Danone in Mexico. The empirical results show that beyond their impact on poverty, these projects have important effects on the social fabric. This provides evidence for the value of evaluative frameworks which use unconventional indicators and which inform quantitative data with a qualitative analysis of the processes of change and the balance of power involved
Bares, Franck Froehlicher Thomas. "Contribution à la connaissance du processus entrepreneurial au départ de l'Université étude des représentations au travers des discours de créateurs et acteurs locaux du développement territorial /." S. l. : Université Nancy 2, 2007.
Full textQueva, Christophe. "Entre territoires et réseaux : la requalification des espaces locaux en France et en Allemagne : jeux d'acteurs, d'échelles de projets." Phd thesis, Université Michel de Montaigne - Bordeaux III, 2007.
Full textEn confrontant des expériences locales de projet (Libournais et Périgord noir en France, Thuringe du Sud-Ouest en Allemagne) aux nouvelles attentes législatives, ce travail mobilise la notion de jeu comme grille de lecture des dynamiques à l'œuvre. Il met en évidence une multiplicité et une complexité réelles de l'espace et des objectifs du jeu (jeux de projets), des rôles et stratégies d'acteurs (jeux d'acteurs) et des relations entre les échelons territoriaux (jeux d'échelles), intervenant dans la dynamique de requalification. Le tout entretient une certaine hybridation des espaces locaux émergents, situés dans un « entre » territoires et réseaux, dont les enjeux épistémologiques et méthodologiques concernent à la fois la discipline géographique et les pratiques d'aménagement, que ce soit en France, en Allemagne ou dans le cadre européen.
Besfamille, Martin. "Essais sur la manipulation des annonces d'information privée : transferts intergouvernementaux et projets publics locaux, corruption et fraude à l'assurance." Toulouse 1, 2000.
Full textChaab-Vallet, Meriam. "L'insertion spatiale des projets "exceptionnels" de clusters-campus : comparaison internationale France-Russie." Thesis, Paris Est, 2019.
Full textWhether we call them clusters, technopoles, campus or Knowledge Industries, these places, symbols and indices of metropolisation, multiply in the Western world. They aim to connect stakeholders in the production of knowledge and companies with the aim of stimulating the emergence of innovations. Our thesis work aims to question the production methods of these places, specifics by their form and their function, the system of stakeholders that is at the origin of them and their relationship to the territory, from a multi-scalar perspective. The spatial inscription of a campus or a cluster in its urban environment cannot be understood without an analysis of the relationships between the various stakeholders involved. We hypothesize that the interactions between the stakeholders of urban production and those of the university system and the production of knowledge are crucial to understanding the territorial integration of a cluster or a campus. These stakeholders are placed in a complex system of interactions that we have tried to explain. By comparing two self-proclaimed "exceptional" projects - the Paris-Saclay campus and the Skolkovo Innovation Center in Moscow, this thesis shows that historical, social and urban contexts are decisive factors in the appropriation of the "urban model" of campus-cluster and that the factors of acclimatization and translation remain powerful, even in a context of globalization. This work aims to highlight the paths of dependency, both in scientific and urban policies, that determine the spatial configuration of projects that showcase the knowledge economy
Chagas, Paraboa Clara. "La relation ville-école-société : Expériences participatives autour de projets locaux : Croisement de regards entre Florianopolis (Brésil) et Saint-Fons (France)." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Lyon 2, 2023.
Full textThis thesis, rooted in urban anthropology and urban practices, focuses particularly on the process democratic participation in urban development projects. Indeed, urban development leads to significant consequences throughout the city's territory, causing tensions and repercussions both on the environment and on local social dynamics. The public school, as an architectural element and public facility dedicated to cultural education and the transmission of scientifically validated knowledge, is inevitably affected by these projects, themselves influenced by contemporary urban planning norms. My professional and personal experiences, rooted in the school context, enabled me to engage in urban renewal projects from 2010 to 2015. I conducted an ethnographic investigation into specific participation scenarios in the neighborhoods of Armação in Florianópolis, Brazil, and Carnot-Parmentier in Saint-Fons, in the metropolis of Lyon, and carried out an analysis of territorial development projects. In a reflexive approach and within a research-action perspective, I engaged in pedagogical initiatives that, through a multi-situated comparative study, enabled me to follow different actors in urban policy, residents, school professionals, and students. I analyzed institutional dynamics as well as the processes experienced by social actors involved in urban changes, while examining my own trajectory and commitment. Despite the emergence of democratic participation in our societies, I have observed that in the studied projects, this practice remains marginal. I have observed that this practice remains marginal in our societies, and that experiences lived, perceived, and conceived influenced by memory, by politico-administrative processes, as well as by sciences are scarcely considered in this participatory process. Participatory school experiences observed on the ground have been perceived as relational emancipatory practices, both individual and collective. Schools, influenced by epistemological and methodological elements, can become crucial local actors in the transgenerational construction of responses to challenges related to gentrification, the environment, development, as well as culture and urban social policies. However, educational and territorial public policies, influenced by political-administrative and scientific processes, appear to be very poorly connected. In this sense, considering the systemic aspect of participatory experience is of increasing importance for the sustainable development of cities and the promotion of the integral fulfillment of citizens
Brullot, Sabrina. "Mise en oeuvre de projets territoriaux d'écologie industrielle en France : vers un outil méthodologique d'aide à la décision." Troyes, 2009.
Full textWaste from some used as resources by others… industrial symbiosis is based on this idea and is the subject of this thesis. Implementation of industrial ecology is in fact not really forthcoming, especially in France, despite potential economic advantages provided by this new way of territorial development that can be considered as a kind of industrial district. Moreover, thanks to industrial symbiosis, local industrial activity development is more sustainable concerning environmental aspects. To promote operational achievement of industrial symbiosis in France and in industrialized countries, this work presents a decision-making methodology whose original feature is to define an implementation strategy according to the specific organizational, economic, social and political context of the chosen territory: STRATIS (STRATegy for Industrial Symbiosis). Thanks to the theory of Proximity, we show that industrial ecology project implementation results from a dynamic process of participants’ coordination. Choice of the most relevant scale of territory, ideal com-position of the project team, these aspects are revealed by the nature of the ways of coordination between actors. These ways of coordination are indeed evolving progressively from a geographical proximity to an organised proximity as the approach continues in time
Majumdar, Barbara. "Pilotage de la création de valeur en R&D : quelle instrumentation dans un cadre multi-projets et multi-agents ?" Rennes 1, 2010.
Full textSince the 1990s, networks have been increasingly considered as the best organizational form to foster the creation of value through innovation, and more specifically through technological innovation. Hence the development of clusters, which are a gathering of companies and research laboraties working in the same field within a given perimeter, whether spontaneously or upon the will of public authorities. In this context, the question is how can we help to improve the creation of value in such networks dedicated to innovation ? In response, first, we need to understand why a network organization is so well adapted to creating value. So we start with giving a clear definition of what value means within this context. Then, we identify the processes involved in creating value so that we can draw a systemic model, which is operationalized in order to build a management tool. This research is grounded in one of the french clusters launched in 2005 under the name of "pôles de compétitivité", located in Brittany. It designs a tool focused on evaluating the implementation of strategic decisions oriented towards the creation of value within the cluster. However, this tool was finally abandoned by the people in charge of the cluster. Therefore, the document concluded with a critical analysis of the limits of the tool and the conditions under which it could be implemented successfully
Belghoul, Khaled. "Les réseaux et clusters d'innovation, dynamique d'évolution et de restructuration de l'innovation dans l'industrie biopharmaceutique : éléments de conceptualisation et analyse des cas de l'Ile-de-France et de la région lyonnaise." Thesis, Amiens, 2018.
Full textThe structuring of innovation in science-based industries in the form of networks has become the new organizational dynamics of innovation over the past decades. More specifically, in the biopharmaceutical industry, this new organizational dynamic refers to the logic of efficiency and rationalization efforts in R&D. The nature of innovation and technological interdependencies between different actors are all elements that drive the organization in innovation networks. In this perspective, the study of the process of emergence, structuration and evolution of clusters of innovation in the biopharmaceutical industry enables us to understand the benefits of spatial proximity (knowledge spillovers, shared infrastructure...) and other benefits of organizational and strategic proximity. This thesis also attempts to answer the question of essential factors in the emergence and development of these innovation clusters and that through several case studies of the emergence of clusters of innovation in the biopharmaceutical industry in the United States and Europe.In our empirical study, we chose to analyze this structure in terms of innovation clusters for two regions in France, Ile-de-France and the Lyon region. Through the approach of collaborative projects, we are come to rebuild the two networks and identify the role of some major players in defining the morphology of the network and the transmission and dissemination of knowledge within it. The results also show a structure in networks at multiple scales. The work done contributes to the understanding of the dynamics of interaction within networks of R&D in science-based sectors
Arnal, Clément. "LA PLACE ET LE RÔLE DE L'AGRICULTURE À LA PÉRIPHÉRIE DES VILLES MOYENNES. Le cas des villes d'Annecy, Bourg-en-Bresse, Montbrison et Romans-sur-Isère." Phd thesis, Université Lumière - Lyon II, 2012.
Full textBooks on the topic "Projets locaux"
African Training and Research Centre in Administration for Development. Actes des deux séminaires sur "la formation à la gestion des projets locaux": Bamako (Mali), 23-27 avril 1990 et Yaoundé (Cameroun), 25-29 mars 1991. Tanger, Maroc: CAFRAD, 1991.
Find full textClearinghouse, Ontario Prevention, and Coalition des communautés en santé de l'Ontario., eds. Promotion de la santé communautaire 3: Sécurité alimentaire, un guide à l'intention des communautés et des particuliers qui lancent des projets alimentaires locaux. Toronto: Le Centre, 1996.
Find full textDia, Abdoulaye. La Grande Muraille Verte: Capitalisation des recherches et valorisation de savoirs locaux. Marseille]: IRD, Institut de recherche pour le développement, 2012.
Find full textOffice, Northern Ireland Audit. CORE: A case study in the management and control of a local economic development initiative. Belfast: Stationery Office, 2010.
Find full textGrasso, Antonio, and Leonardo Urbani. L'approccio integrato allo sviluppo locale: Il sistema locale Val d'Anapo. Milano, Italy: FrancoAngeli, 2001.
Find full textYerel, Yönetimler ve GAP Sempozyumu (1993 Mardin Turkey). Yerel Yönetimler ve GAP Sempozyumu: 21-22 Mayıs, Mardin- Şanlıurfa. [Turkey]: GAP Belediyeler Birliği, 1993.
Find full textBritish Council of Churches. Consultative Committee for Local Ecumenical Projects in England., ed. Ministry in local ecumenical projects. London: British Council of Churches on behalf of the Consultative Committee for Local Ecumenical Projects in England, 1986.
Find full textAuthority, Health Education, ed. The Health Education Authority's alcohol project: Report of local grant scheme projects 1996-97. London: Health Educucation Authority, 1997.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Projets locaux"
Rosenau, W. "Optical Fibre Pilot Projects." In Telecommunications Local Networks, 19–42. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 1993.
Full textSumner, Greta, and Randall Smith. "Finance—Capital Projects." In Planning Local Authority Services for the Elderly, 247–57. London: Routledge, 2024.
Full textRamirez-Cobo, Inès, Gilles Debizet, and Silvère Tribout. "Anticipating energy communities in urban projects." In Local Energy Communities, 87–104. London: Routledge, 2022.
Full textProulx, Myriam, and Sophie Van Neste. "Shared geothermal energy projects in Montreal." In Local Energy Communities, 49–66. London: Routledge, 2022.
Full textArslan, Pelin. "Project: Locast Health Diary." In Mobile Technologies as a Health Care Tool, 57–113. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2016.
Full textWeidinger, Jürgen. "Local and New." In City Project and Public Space, 163–77. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 2013.
Full textBartlett, Lesley. "World Culture or Transnational Project?" In Local Meanings, Global Schooling, 183–200. New York: Palgrave Macmillan US, 2003.
Full textZammetti, Frank W. "A Gateway to Industry: Local Business Search." In Practical Palm Pre webOS Projects, 165–226. Berkeley, CA: Apress, 2009.
Full textCameron, Neil. "Wireless local area network." In Electronics Projects with the ESP8266 and ESP32, 159–80. Berkeley, CA: Apress, 2020.
Full textVenus, Terese E., Mandy Hinzmann, and Holger Gerdes. "Public Acceptance of Hydropower." In Novel Developments for Sustainable Hydropower, 29–40. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2022.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Projets locaux"
Almutairi, Bader, and Abdulrahman Bin Mahmoud. "An Exploration into Delay-Influencing Factors on Healthcare Construction Projects: The Case of Saudi Arabia." In The 2nd International Conference on Civil Infrastructure and Construction. Qatar University Press, 2023.
Full textPILIPAVIČIUS, Vytautas, and Rūta ADAMONIENĖ. "MANAGEMENT OF COMMUNITY PROJECTS’ EFFECTIVENESS." In Rural Development 2015. Aleksandras Stulginskis University, 2015.
Full textBecker, Edward. "[Local] Materials Matter." In 2020 ACSA Fall Conference. ACSA Press, 2020.
Full textAkinradewo, Opeoluwa, Winnie Mushatu, Nokulunga Mashwama, Clinton Aigbavboa, and Didi Thwala. "Learning from existing errors: External stakeholders’ impact on road infrastructure projects." In 13th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE 2022). AHFE International, 2022.
Full textVieira, Jacqueline de Castro, Bruna Gandufe Rodrigues Oliveira, Jonathan Mendes De Oliveira Dos Santos, Márcia Gomes Da Silva, Mauricy Melquisedeque Santos De Souza, and Thaís Correia Lourenço. "PROJETO MANGUEZAL: SENSIBILIZAR PARA CONSERVAR." In I Congresso Nacional On-line de Conservação e Educação Ambiental. Revista Multidisciplinar de Educação e Meio Ambiente, 2021.
Full textMacKinnon, Matthew T., Chris Dane, and Amy Hennessy. "South Arm Crossing Project: Navigating Through the Regulatory Environment and Stakeholder Communication in the Lower Fraser River Basin." In 2010 8th International Pipeline Conference. ASMEDC, 2010.
Full textBonnel, Pierre-Olivier. "Enhancing Local Content for Projects." In OTC Brasil. Offshore Technology Conference, 2011.
Full textBertei, Angela Costella. "Architecture for sustainable behavior: analysis of constructions through the vernacular typology and bioconstruction." In ENSUS2023 - XI Encontro de Sustentabilidade em Projeto. Grupo de Pesquisa Virtuhab/UFSC, 2023.
Full textBarbosa, Ana Beatriz Avelino, Cláudia Regina Hasegawa Zacar, and Marta Karina Leite. "Strategic Design in the social dimension for Sustainability: discussion on planning in the collective processes of artisanal production." In ENSUS2023 - XI Encontro de Sustentabilidade em Projeto. Grupo de Pesquisa Virtuhab/UFSC, 2023.
Full textNeuhaus, Artur Garcia, Patricia Turazzi, and Regiane Trevisan Pupo. "Learning Florianopolis biogeography through digital prototyping." In ENSUS2023 - XI Encontro de Sustentabilidade em Projeto. Grupo de Pesquisa Virtuhab/UFSC, 2023.
Full textReports on the topic "Projets locaux"
Esquivel, Valeria, Ana Carolina Ogando, Ghida Ismail, Marcela Valdivia, Pranita Achyut, Nomancotsho Pakade, Gountiéni D. Lankoandé, and Ian Heffernan. Pourquoi la reprise après la Covid-19 doit être sexospécifique. Institute of Development Studies, March 2022.
Full textCanto, Patricia, ed. Social acceptance of local renewable energy projects. Universidad de Deusto, 2023.
Full textWozniak-Brown, Joanna. Gaps and Opportunities for Local Resilience Planning in Connecticut. UConn Connecticut Institute for Resilience and Climate Adaptation, September 2022.
Full textMcFall, Brian C., Douglas R. Krafft, Hande McCaw, and Brooke M. Walker. Metrics of Success for Nearshore Nourishment Projects Constructed with Dredged Sediment. U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center, July 2021.
Full textHinchman, R. R., S. D. Zellmer, D. O. Johnson, W. D. Severinghaus, and J. J. Brent. Freihoelser Forst Local Training Area rehabilitation project. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), December 1991.
Full textMejía, María Clara, and William L. Partridge. Guide to Critical Issues for Socio-Cultural Analysis. Inter-American Development Bank, March 2013.
Full textHinchman, R. R., S. D. Zellmer, D. O. Johnson, W. D. Severinghaus, and J. J. Brent. Freihoelser Forst Local Training Area rehabilitation project. Final report. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), December 1991.
Full textFelix Filho, Jose, Robert Montgomery, Ernesto Monter Flores, Elizabeth Brito, Hilary Hoagland-Grey, Irene Soler, and Pablo Cardinale. Environmental and Social Value Added in IDB Private Sector Projects. Inter-American Development Bank, October 2006.
Full textSoares, Yuri, Pablo Ibarrarán, and Miguel Sarzosa. The Welfare Impacts of Local Investment Projects: Evidence from the Guatemala FIS. Inter-American Development Bank, March 2008.
Full textWoods, Mel, Saskia Coulson, Raquel Ajates, Angelos Amditis, Andy Cobley, Dahlia Domian, Gerid Hager, et al. Citizen Science Projects: How to make a difference. WeObserve, 2020.
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