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Valk, Karl. "Le projet intellectuel d'un réformateur : Philippe de Mézières (1327-1405)." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Sorbonne université, 2024.

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Cette thèse est consacrée à l'étude de l'activité littéraire de Philippe de Mézières (1327-1405) dans une perspective d'histoire intellectuelle. Elle s'appuie sur des concepts élaborés par l'« École de Cambridge », en mettant l'accent sur l'interaction entre les langages intellectuels - des façons de parler fondées sur des autorités - et les actes de langage - des énoncés réalisés à l'aide de ces langages. Je commence par souligner le rôle de Philippe de Mézières lui-même dans la construction de récits biographiques repris par l'historiographie. Une enquête sur les principales références utilisées dans les œuvres de Mézières m'amène ensuite à souligner un recours ostentatoire aux sources bibliques et patristiques. Je l'explique par ses affinités avec une culture intellectuelle émergente, centrée sur la cour papale d'Avignon et pratiquée par un cercle influent et mobile de clercs et de laïcs ayant un penchant pour la création littéraire et la pensée réformatrice. Des études de cas consacrées à Nicole Oresme et à Brigitte de Suède me permettent d'illustrer les relations sociales et intellectuelles soudant ce réseau. Une dernière partie est consacrée aux fondements de la vision du monde de Mézières. Son œuvre met en évidence la relation historique entre Dieu et la congrégation des fidèles. Son intérêt pour l'Église primitive et son plaidoyer en faveur d'un concile général incluant des laïcs le rapprochent à la fois des critiques de la papauté d'Avignon et des partisans du mouvement conciliaire. Son projet d'Ordre de la Passion témoigne d'une préférence pour l'ecclésiologie des ordres militaires ainsi que pour les institutions politiques des cités-états de l'Italie du Nord
This thesis is devoted to the study of the literary activity of Philippe de Mézières (1327-1405) from an intellectual historical perspective. It draws from concepts elaborated by the “Cambridge school”, focusing on the interplay between intellectual languages - ways of speaking based on authoritative traditions - and language acts - particular utterances made using those languages. I begin by emphasising the importance of Philippe de Mézières himself in forming the narratives upon which historiographical accounts of his life have largely been based. An investigation of the main references used in Mézières' works then leads me to underline an ostentatious reliance on Biblical and Patristic sources. I explain this tendency by Mézières' affinities with an emerging intellectual culture centred around the papal court of Avignon and practised by an influential and highly mobile circle of clerics and laypeople with a penchant for literary creation and reformist thought. Case studies devoted to Nicole Oresme and Bridget of Sweden permit me to exemplify the social and intellectual relations that bind this network together. A final section is devoted to the basic tenets of Mézières's world-view. His work brings to the fore the historical relationship between God and the congregation of the faithful. Mézières' interest for the early church and his advocacy for a general council including laypeople connect him with both critics of the Avignon papacy and proponents of the conciliar movement. His project of the Order of the Passion evinces a preference for the vanguardist ecclesiology of the military orders as well as for the political institutions of Northern-Italian city-states
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Petit, Sébastien. "La rationalisation du travail intellectuel : ethnographie de l'activité de conception industrielle." Thesis, Université Paris-Saclay (ComUE), 2016.

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La production industrielle a favorisé l’émergence d’une catégorie de salariés détachés de la fabrication et ayant le monopole du travail intellectuel. Le travail des concepteurs, regroupés dans des bureaux d’études, n’a cependant jamais cessé d’être rationalisé, reproduisant en son sein une logique de séparation entre préparation et exécution du travail. Du bureau d’études tayloro-fordiste à l’organisation par projet, une division du travail s’est successivement recomposée, distinguant d’abord les ingénieurs et les techniciens puis les ingénieurs entre eux. Au-delà de la complexification des produits, des procédés et des outils techniques, les transformations de l’organisation du travail de conception ont eu pour effet d’intensifier la productivité du travail en bureau d’études et de séparer les populations d’ingénieurs et de techniciens de leur propre métier, celui de concepteur.Cette configuration produit une ingénierie du travail de conception par laquelle les concepteurs ne réalisent plus un travail de conception mais une activité technico-gestionnaire parcellaire dans le processus de conception. L’enjeu actuel de la rationalisation du travail intellectuel dans les activités de conception est de transformer les bureaux d’études de manière à légitimer un procès de conception sans concepteurs. Il s’agit de recomposer une population de conception pour laquelle la gestion par projet, la réalisation de tâches fragmentaires, les normes et pratiques managériales et l’implication dans des collectifs de travail flexibles apparaissent comme naturels et participent de la nouvelle professionnalité des concepteurs industriels. Cela conduit à une perte de maîtrise des travailleurs intellectuels tant sur l’organisation du travail, sur les procédés de travail que sur les finalités de leur activité
The industrial production led the emergence of a category of workers separated from the manufacturing and having the monopoly of the intellectual work. The work of the designers, grouped in design offices, was always rationalized, reproducing within it a logic of separation between preparation and execution of the work. Of the taylorist design offices to the project-based organization, a division of labor successively recomposed, distinguishing at first the engineers and the technicians then the engineers between them. Beyond the complexity of products, process and technical development, the transformations of the organization of the design work increase the productivity of the work in design offices and moving away engineers and technicians with their profession of designer.This configuration produces an engineering of the design work: the designers realize no more design, it is a technical and managerial fragmentary work. The rationalization of the intellectual work in the design activities transforms design offices to legitimize a design process without designers. It is a matter of reconstituting a population of designers for who the project-based organization, the realization of fragmentary tasks, the standards and managerial practices and the implication in a flexible teamwork are the mains features of the industrial designers professionality. This situation causes a loss of command among the intellectual workers about the organization of the activity, the working processes and the purposes of their activity
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Luemba, José Dupuis Pierre-André. "Projet de vie et construction identitaire chez des adolescents en situation de handicap intellectuel scolarisés en institut médico-technique." S. l. : Université Nancy 2, 2007.

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Luemba, José. "Projet de vie et construction identitaire chez des adolescents en situation de handicap intellectuel scolarisés en institut médico-technique." Thesis, Nancy 2, 2007.

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Le bouleversement identitaire qui advient à la période de l'adolescence constitue une étape incontournable dans le processus de croissance d'un individu. Elle représente, selon les termes d'Erik H. Erikson, un "tournant nécessaire", voire une "crise". Or, en cette période de transformation, les adolescents en situation de handicap sont particulièrement sensibles à des représentations sociales souvent négatives et à des processus de stigmatisation au sens d'Erving Goffman, ce qui peut donner lieu à des phénomènes d'"identité négative" ou de dépréciation de soi. La mise en œuvre d'un projet de vie, incluant le rapport à l'avenir professionnel, est proposée comme moyen de construction d'une identité personnelle. Cette thèse en étudie la teneur et les conditions. Bâtir un projet de vie, c'est, dans une temporalité définie et dans un environnement porteur, à la fois se construire une identité, donner un sens à sa vie et pouvoir se valoriser soi-même
The identity disruption which occurs in the teenage years represents an inescapable stage in the development process of an individual. According to Erik H. Erikson's words, it is a "necessary turning point" even a "crisis". And yet, in that transformation period, adolescents with a handicap are particularly sensitive to often negative social representations and to stigmatising processes in Erving Goffman's sense of the word which may give way to "negative identity" phenomena or self-depreciation. The implementation of a life plan, including dealing with professional prospects, is suggested as a means to build up a personal identity. This thesis examines the content and conditions of it. In a definite temporality and a supportive environment, building a life plan both means building up one's identity, giving one's life a meaning and being able to make the most of it
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Georgie-Ghaly, Basma. "L'écrit universitaire professionnalisant en sciences de l’ingénieur dans le contexte libanais francophone : quels enjeux et quel dispositif de formation? : l’exemple du Projet de Fin d’Études (PFE)." Thesis, Bourgogne Franche-Comté, 2018.

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La question de l’enseignement/apprentissage des langues se pose avec acuité en bien des régions du monde, notamment la région du Moyen-Orient et plus particulièrement le contexte libanais. Le français est l’une des deux langues principales de scolarisation dans les écoles publiques et privées dans le pays. L’apprentissage du français à l’école continue à suivre les méthodologies et pratiques d’enseignement du français langue maternelle ou seconde. Or, ce choix ne correspond plus à la réalité actuelle ni ne prépare les jeunes Libanais à la réussite dans leurs études supérieures en français (dans les universités francophones), et surtout dans les écrits universitaires.La question des écrits universitaires se pose donc de plus en plus là où les étudiants libanais allophones optent pour un parcours universitaire francophone. La maîtrise de l’écrit figure en tête des objectifs de l’école et de l’université, mais enseigner la production écrite est souvent problématique. Rares sont les méthodes qui aident les étudiants à développer une véritable compétence discursive dans le contexte universitaire. Cela d’autant que ceux-ci ne perçoivent guère la nécessité de ces apprentissages avant leur toute dernière année, quand il est presque trop tard.La situation des étudiants de l’Université Antonine (UA) nous a poussée à approfondir la réflexion méthodologique sur le problème de l’écrit universitaire chez les étudiants en Master2 en sciences de l’Ingénieur. À la fin de leur parcours, ces étudiants doivent rédiger un écrit long et normé, le Projet de Fin d’Études (PFE). Cet écrit leur permet de communiquer et mettre en valeur une innovation scientifique dans le domaine de télécommunication. Mais encore faut-il qu’ils le réussissent.Notre souci premier, trouver la méthodologie la plus adaptée à notre public pour accomplir les activités universitaires, nous a poussée à questionner la Perspective actionnelle dans toutes ses dimensions. Ce que nous appelons la Perspective Actionnelle Consolidée s’inscrit donc dans une logique qui lie la langue à l’action. C’est l’ingénierie pédagogique qui permet l’élaboration didactique des genres particuliers en prenant appui sur l’ensemble notionnel méthodologique constitué par les compétences, la tâche et les stratégies.La particularité de notre démarche réside dans le choix de son inscription dans le cadre d’une recherche-action. Ce type de recherche nous a permis, à la fois, d’analyser le problème et de proposer une solution. Le choix de la Perspective Actionnelle Consolidée a donné sens à l’enseignement du/en français aux yeux des étudiants, mais également a mobilisé leurs compétences. Le recours à la notion de genre de discours nous a permis de dégager les caractéristiques de ce genre universitaire normé, qu’est le PFE pour ensuite élaborer des activités adaptées à l’aide de supports authentiques. Les conclusions découlant de l’analyse de nos choix ouvriront la possibilité à un nouveau curriculum des tâches universitaires de se constituer
The issue of language teaching / learning is acute in many parts of the world. It is in the Middle East region and more particularly in the Lebanese context. French is one of the two main languages of schooling in the country. Learning French at school continues to follow the methodologies for teaching French as a mother tongue or second language. This choice no longer corresponds to reality or prepares young Lebanese for the success of higher education andunivers especially academic writing (in francophone universities).The question of academic writing is increasingly raised where allophone students opt for a francophone university course. The mastery of the written word is at the top of the objectives of the school and the university. Teaching written production is often problematic. Few methods help students develop true discursive competence in the academic context.The situation of the students of the Université Antonine (UA) pushed us to deepen the methodological reflection on the problem of the university writing in the students in Master 2 ( sciences of the Engineer). At the end of their course, these students must write a long and standardized writing, the Projet de Fin d’Études (PFE). This writing allows them to communicate and showcase a scientific innovation in the field of telecommunication.Our first concern, being to find the most suitable methodology for our audience to carry out university activities, led us to question the Action Perspective in all its dimensions. What we call the Perspective Actionnelle Consolidée is therefore a logic that links language to action. The PAC is the pedagogical engineering that allows the didactic development of particular genres by building on the methodological notional set of skills, tasks and strategies.The particularity of our approach lies in the choice of its inscription as part of an Action-research. This type of research allowed us to both analyze the problem and propose a solution. The choice of the Perspective Actionnelle Consolidée gave meaning to the teaching of French in the eyes of students, but also mobilized their skills. The use of the notion of discourse genre has allowed us to identify the characteristics of this standardized academic genre, the PFE, and then to develop adapted activities using authentic media. The findings from the analysis of our choices will open up the possibility for a new curriculum of academic tasks to be formed
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Branco, Mirian Adriana. "Estado de tensão e compreensão internacional: o projeto tensões e as ações intelectuais pela paz (1948 - 1958)." Universidade de São Paulo, 2015.

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Nos anos que se seguiram ao término da Segunda Guerra Mundial, sob os efeitos devastadores de duas grandes conflagrações ocorridas em curto espaço de tempo, houve a intensificação da busca pelos caminhos da paz mundial. Como parte desse esforço, a Organização das Nações Unidas para a Educação, a Ciência e a Cultura UNESCO mobilizou a comunidade intelectual internacional para a elaboração e execução de um projeto a que se denominou Projeto Tensões. No âmbito deste projeto que se manteve ativo de 1948 a 1958, caracterizado por sua diversificação e abrangência, foram empreendidas ações interdisciplinares de caráter educativo e investigativo, que tinham como finalidade assegurar a coexistência pacífica, o desenvolvimento e a sustentabilidade das relações de paz entre as nações.
In the years which followed at the end of the Second World War, under the devastating effects of two major conflagrations occurred in a short period of time, there has been an intensification of the search for paths of world peace. As part of this effort, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization - UNESCO mobilized the international intellectual community for the establishment and implementation of a project that has been called Tensions Project. Under this project, which remained active from 1948 to 1958, characterized by its diversification and scope, were undertake interdisciplinary actions of education and investigative character, which were aimed ensuring the peaceful coexistence, the development and sustainability of peace relations between the nations.
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Turner, Neil. "The management of ambidexterity : an intellectual capital approach." Thesis, University of Bath, 2011.

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In this thesis I propose that the literature on ambidexterity does not fully explore the detailed practices by which organisations and managers may achieve both exploitation and exploration. A systematic review identifies that studies have focused principally at the organisation-level, and there is a lack of both empirical and theoretical work at the micro-level of analysis highlighting how ambidexterity may be achieved in practical, complex, working structures. The research addresses these micro-mechanisms in the context of the management of projects, a suitable area in that it can be considered as using defined processes together with the flexibility to overcome particular issues that arise. The contribution of the thesis is that it presents an insight into the management of ambidexterity in such an environment, and identifies how multiple knowledge resources are utilised, together with the underlying managerial practices. The level of analysis is the project (specifically, IT-services projects in a major multinational organisation), using the manager as the unit of analysis. The research question is ‘How is ambidexterity achieved at the level of the project?’ This is an opportunity to explore a practical as well as a theoretical gap, in an increasingly important area of business operations. The first stage of the research examines the managerial role in terms of intellectual capital, using a variety of projects. This shows that the sub-components of IC (human, social and organisational/project capital) can each be understood as having co-existing, orthogonal, exploitative and exploratory elements, an important extension of existing theory. The forms of intellectual capital are interwoven not only with each other, but also with the processes of exploitation and exploration, and to conceive of them as separate is an insufficient theorisation. The findings from the qualitative approach are used to investigate the duality of these concepts and bring greater clarity to our understanding of their operationalisation. .This is followed by eight case studies, each using between three and five managerial respondents, together with project data, used to develop a more fine-grained understanding of ambidexterity in a wide range of industrial settings. This shows different managerial configurations (including ‘distributed’ and ‘point’ ambidexterity – an addition to current theory), together with five key managerial practices to enable project-level ambidexterity, identified in the context of project complexity, critical events and constraints.
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Hayes, Diane S. "Intellectual Capital Management Among Project Managers in the Information Technology Domain." NSUWorks, 2001.

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Intellectual capital - the intangible assets of skill, experience, productivity, information, knowledge, infrastructure, and relationships - can be used to provide a source of competitive advantage. When human, structural, and relational components are properly formalized, captured, and leveraged, a higher value asset can result, directly affecting a company's prosperity. It is advantageous for knowledge-based companies with assets consisting mainly of skill, ideas, and intellectual ability to adopt organizational learning and knowledge management as strategic initiatives and include the intangible assets of intellectual capital in performance measurements. This descriptive study utilized an electronic survey to collect information directly from a sample of project managers active in the information technology (In domain in order to identify the extent to which project managers participated in the management of intellectual capital. In addition, the level of importance these elements have on project success in the opinion of the same group of IT project managers was investigated. This was accomplished in order to identify the practical synergies of the practice of project management and the development of intellectual capital. Finally, a determination of whether or not an awareness of intellectual capital as a formal concept existed among project managers was pursued. Results showed that a majority of the IT project managers participating in the study claimed a basic awareness intellectual capital and reported participation in activities associated with the management of intellectual capital, but at varying frequency levels. Among participants, project managers currently involved in one or more information systems projects also validated that the elements identified as important contributors in the management of intellectual assets are considered important to their project's success. The research proposed expanded the current knowledge base by making explicit the connections of the concepts of intellectual capital management with project management practices and techniques. The study offered a set of recommendations for practicing project managers to use in order to focus on the successful intellectual asset management of an information technology project team, with the aggregate result being further value and wealth creation for the firm.
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Dunbar, Charles David. "Methods and techniques for valuation of patents." CSUSB ScholarWorks, 2003.

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Schneider, Ulrich Johannes. "The international dictionary of intellectual historians: intellectual history in a global age." University of Pennsylvania Press, 2005.

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This paper sets out a particular concept of intellectual history for discussion and debate concerning the guidelines for our project for the International Dictionary of Intellectual Historians. First let me advance the idea that intellectual history is written everywhere, not only in West European countries, where it emerged, but in East European countries, too, and second that it really is a concept that applies not just to Europe alone but to the whole world, although this suggestion will vastly complicate our notions of intellectual history.
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Vanhalme, Charlotte. "Citoyenneté postmoderne et didactique des langues anciennes: quel projet d'autonomie intellectuelle pour l'apprenant ?" Doctoral thesis, Universite Libre de Bruxelles, 2011.

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Il s’agit de déterminer si différents constats posés initialement relatifs à l’évolution de la société et du monde scolaire sont les épiphénomènes d’une tendance générale ou s’ils sont simplement issus d’une synchronie fortuite. De l’analyse de ces constats émergent des problématiques qui se cristallisent autour de concepts. D’une part, on identifie la perception de la citoyenneté, de l’autre, le développement d’un projet d’autonomie intellectuelle, assorti d’une conscientisation des apprentissages. Nous traitons d’abord les questions relatives à la citoyenneté dans le cursus scolaire avant d’approfondir les questions concernant la didactique, adoptant l’hypothèse que les liens entre ces constats participent d’une même dynamique mais s’actualisent à des degrés divers. Ainsi, la recherche débute par les différentes situations pédagogiques dans lesquelles les apprenants sont confrontés à la citoyenneté durant leur cursus officiel dans certains pays ou communautés représentatives. Le second chapitre présente l’analyse profonde et minutieuse des dynamiques sociétales sous-jacentes aux écueils mentionnés pour se focaliser ensuite sur le contexte scolaire. Une définition du sens des notions utilisées est nécessaire au troisième chapitre avant d’envisager toute réponse aux questions liminaires en pédagogie puis en didactique des langues anciennes, aux chapitres quatre et cinq. Le travail se concrétise par un corpus de textes accompagnés de pistes d’exploitation avant de conclure et d’envisager les perspectives.

&9679; Clef :comment les langues anciennes peuvent-elles aider les élèves à s’approprier les concepts de l’éthique citoyenne ?L’autonomie intellectuelle, condition sine qua non de l’éthique citoyenne, ne provient pas ipso facto d’une lecture assidue des auteurs classiques mais elle peut constituer le projet qui sous-tend toute démarche de l’enseignant. Praxéologique à tendance pragmatique, cette recherche ne vise point à un utilitarisme réducteur de leur enseignement mais tente de répondre à un besoin axiologique.

&9679; Objectif :montrer comment une orientation méthodologique et déontologique précise dans l’apprentissage des langues anciennes sensibilise aux problématiques citoyennes du même type que celles qui caractérisent notre société postmoderne

Doctorat en Langues et lettres

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Sanches, Rodolfo [UNESP]. "Projeto Chile: um elo ativo na Revolução Passiva." Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), 2016.

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Submitted by RODOLFO SANCHES null ( on 2016-03-22T13:31:28Z No. of bitstreams: 1 DISSERTAÇÃO FINALIZADA.pdf: 1506819 bytes, checksum: b96111965e35731526b07809221cb92d (MD5)
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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
O Objetivo central desta pesquisa é o estudo de um grupo de economistas chilenos, formados na Escola de Economia da Universidade de Chicago, durante as décadas de 1950-1960. A análise deste grupo, chamado popularmente de Chicago Boys, e politicamente de "Projeto Chile", demonstra para nós o enredo final de um processo de transformação social mais profundo e amplo. As possibilidades que se abrem com a eclosão da Revolução Passiva no Chile, em 1927, abrem precedentes para que novos grupos políticos surjam, disputem espaço institucional e a hegemonia com os já existentes. O ciclo longo da Revolução Passiva no Chile perdura até a segunda metade da década de 1970, quando da implementação das propostas neoliberais de ajuste fiscal e de liberdade irrestrita ao capital e ao mercado. É latente a conexão existente entre estes dois processos: o mais amplo conhece o seu enlace final na concreção deste "restrito", isto é, o novo supera o novíssimo e enterra o velho na medida em que os Chicago Boys conseguem forjar um novo patamar de consenso à burguesia chilena.
The main objective of this research is the study of a group of Chilean economists trained at the School of Economics at the University of Chicago, during the decades of 1950-1960. The analysis of this group, popularly called the Chicago Boys and politically known as the "Chile Project" demonstrates to us the final plot of a deeper and broader process of social transformation. The outbreak of the passive revolution in Chile in 1927, opens a pretext to new political groups to emerge, and thus, compete in the institutional space and for hegemony with the already existing ones. The long cycle of passive revolution in Chile lasted until the second half of the 1970s, when the implementation of neoliberal proposals for fiscal adjustment and unrestricted freedom to capital and market took place. The connection between these two processes is latent: the broader one meets its final link in the concretion the more "restricted" one, ie the new surpasses the brand new and buries the old as the Chicago Boys can forge a new level of consensus on the Chilean bourgeoisie.
CNPq: 130140/2015-5
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Tobin, Allison Claire Simmons. "Patenting human genetic sequences : a comparative analysis of intellectual property protection policies." Thesis, Georgia Institute of Technology, 1994.

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Schneider, Ulrich Johannes. "The international dictionary of intellectual historians." Universitätsbibliothek Leipzig, 2015.

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This paper sets out a particular concept of intellectual history for discussion and debate concerning the guidelines for our project for the International Dictionary of Intellectual Historians. First let me advance the idea that intellectual history is written everywhere, not only in West European countries, where it emerged, but in East European countries, too, and second that it really is a concept that applies not just to Europe alone but to the whole world, although this suggestion will vastly complicate our notions of intellectual history.
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Wright, Dave. "The management of Intellectual Capital within the Defence Fixed Network Integrated Project Team." Thesis, University of the West of England, Bristol, 2008.

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The impetus for this work has evolved from the development of Intellectual Capital (IC) within the Defence Fixed Network (DFN) Integrated Project Team (IPT). Using case study methodology it focuses on an examination of a sample group of DFN desk officers who perform the Customer Relationship Management (CRM) function. The metrics contributing to the DFN IC Model are then contrasted with the results of a benchmark IC study conducted on BT Global services. The purpose of the benchmarking exercise is to determine areas for improvement within the DFN IC Model. The study moves on to describe the commercial and operational context of the DFN IPT and its contracted delivery partner, British Telecom. The relationship between BT and the Ministry of Defence (MOD) is explained and the government's current Public Private Partnerships (PPP) and Private Finance Initiatives (PFI) are discussed. A top level strategic analysis of the DFT IPT, including its immediate operating environment is provided using PEST and SWOT analysis techniques. The study considers the theoretical basis of the literature review and seeks to develop an appropriate IC Model, whilst reviewing its main components. The application of the IC Model to the DFN IPT and BT Global services contexts is also examined. The case study was conducted in two phases. The first phase consisted of the application of the DFN IC Model across a sample of twenty members of the DFN IPT, in order to establish the IC index rating of the organisation. The indices are further developed by the introduction of qualitative data from the subsequent discourse with each of the respondents in support of each of the formal questions. The second phase of the research Model comprised the application of the DFN IC Model to a similar cross section of twenty members of BT Global services, in order to provide a benchmark against which the DFN profile can be further assessed.
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Archibald, William Charles. "Myth-making and motivation to write." CSUSB ScholarWorks, 1995.

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O presente trabalho procura apresentar algumas questões que envolvem a trajetória de Eça de Queirós na construção de sua atividade literária ao longo da segunda metade do século XIX, analisando o projeto de modernização de Portugal utilizado pelo escritor, a fim de cumprir o seu propósito inicial, anunciado nas Conferências do Casino: regenerar Portugal através da literatura, cujas marcas principais são a denúncia e a intervenção. A partir da análise de textos, produzidos entre os anos de 1871 e 1888, a tese busca indagar sobre o papel do intelectual exercido por Eça de Queirós. Por intermédio da crítica mordaz da primeira fase, associdada à fina ironia dos seus romances mais maduros, Eça inaugura o romance moderno português, como parte do seu projeto de tornar Portugal uma nação reconhecidamente européia. O riso sarcástico, a ambiguidade e a galeria de tipos reconhecidamente portugueses são marcas de seu estilo, e constituem ferramenta fundamental para a evidência do seu papel como intelectual das letras em Portugal no século XIX.
The present work aims to present some questions that involve Eça de Queirós s trajectory in the construction of his literary production during the second half of the 18th century, by analyzing the modernization project of Portugal used by the writer, in order to accomplish his initial purpose, announced in the Conferences of the Casino: to regenerate Portugal through literature, whose main marks are denunciation and intervention. Starting from the analysis of texts, produced from 1871 to 1888, the thesis attempts to investigate the role of the intellectual played by Eça de Queirós. Through the bitter criticism of his first phase, along with the fine irony of his riper romances, Eça inaugurates the Portuguese modern romance, as part of his project of turning Portugal into a recognized European nation. The sarcastic laughter, the ambiguity and the gallery of typically Portuguese characters are marks of his style, and offer a fundamental tool to the evidence of his role as an intellectual in the arts of Portugal in the 18th century.
Le propos de cette Thèse est de présenter quelques aspects de la trajectoire de Eça de Queiroz dans la construction de son activité littéraire au cours de la seconde moitié du XIXe siècle, en faisant l examen du projet de modernisation du Portugal utilisé par l écrivain en vue de remplir son objectif initial, annoncé dans les Conférences du Casino : régénérer le Portugal à travers la littérature, dont les principales marques sont la plainte et l intervention. Dès l analyse de textes produits entre les années 1871 et 1888, la thèse vise à renseigner sur le rôle d intellectuel joué par Eça de Queiroz. Grâce à la critique acerbe de la première phase, associée à l ironie de ses romans d âge mûr, Eça inaugure le roman portugais moderne, dans le cadre de son projet de rendre le Portugal une nation reconnue comme Européenne. Le rire sarcastique, l ambiguïté et la galerie de types caractéristiquement portugais sont des marques de son style, et sont un outil fondamental pour la preuve de son rôle d intellectuel des lettres au Portugal au XIXe siècle.
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Bouazzi, Habib. "Contribution à l'identification de nouveaux gènes impliqués dans la Déficience intellectuelle liée au Sexe(X-LID) par séquençage à haut débit de l’exome du chromosome X avec la technologie SOLiD." Thesis, Sorbonne Paris Cité, 2016.

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La Déficience Intellectuelle liée au chromosome X (X-LID), anciennement appelée RMLX (retard mental lié au chromosome X) est une pathologie fréquente (3 % de la population) et handicapante. Cette déficience se manifeste par la réduction de la capacité à comprendre les informations nouvelles ou complexes, des difficultés d’acquisition de nouvelles compétences et l’échec dans la gestion de sa vie en toute autonomie ; celle-ci est souvent accompagnée par un dysmorphisme corporel. Cette pathologie s’installe dès l’enfance (avant l'âge de 18 ans) et a des répercussions sur le développement de l’individu (QI<70). La pathogénie de la déficience intellectuelle reste obscure et dans 50 % des cas, la cause n’est pas connue. Dix pour-cent (10 %) des cas de la déficience intellectuelle seraient liés à des gènes localisés sur le chromosome X, avec une mutation transmise par les mères et affectant principalement les garçons. Parmi les 931 gènes du chromosome X, seulement 114 gènes ont été identifiés comme gènes de déficience intellectuelle. Le dernier (le gène SSR4) fut caractérisé en mars 2014. À l’heure des technologies du séquençage de haut débit, le laboratoire de génétique moléculaire de l’hôpital Necker de Paris s'est doté d’une plateforme d’identification de mutation génétique humaine par séquençage à haut débit permettant le diagnostic des maladies rares. L’objectif de mon travail de thèse était d’appliquer l’approche du séquençage à très haut débit (technique SOLiD) dans l’identification de nouveaux gènes de la déficience intellectuelle liée au chromosome X chez des familles ayant des garçons atteints de déficience intellectuelle non-syndromique, d’identifier les mutations des gènes qui sont déjà connus et d’en discuter la corrélation génotype-phénotype. L’approche que j’ai utilisée dans cette étude est le diagnostic génétique par séquençage à haut débit de l’exome du chromosome X de vingt sujets appartenant à dix familles (X-LID) françaises. La procédure consiste à capturer l’exome du chromosome X des patients atteints, à l’enrichir par la technologie Rain-Dance, puis à le séquencer dans notre plateforme avec un séquenceur à haut débit de la technologie SOLiD5500 afin d’analyser les résultats et pour ne retenir que les nouvelles mutations et commenter leur pouvoir pathogène. Cette étude a mis en évidence de nouvelles mutations dans 21 gènes, dont neuf gènes ne sont pas encore décrits parmi les gènes X-LID et a révélé l’importance de l’hétérogénéité génétique tout en relevant la possibilité de l’effet des charges mutationnelles et le rôle gènes modificateurs. Certaines nouvelles mutations, nous les avons identifiées dans des gènes connus pour leur implication dans la déficience intellectuelle et les avons publiées durant les études doctorales. Pour confirmer la causalité des nouveaux gènes ayant muté chez les familles atteintes, des études fonctionnelles supplémentaires in vivo doivent être appliquées tout en suivant les publications sur le même sujet afin de comparer avec des cas similaires
X linked Intellectual deficiency (X - LID); formerly X-LMR (X Linked Mental Retardation) is a common pathology (3 % of the population). Intellectual Deficiency (ID) is the most frequent cause of serious handicap in children and young adults. Defining features of ID include an overall intelligence quotient (IQ) of less than 70 together with associated functional deficits in adaptive behavior (such as daily living, social and communication skills), which manifest before18 years of age. ID pathogenesis remains obscure and 50% of cases have no known cause. Ten percent of the intellectual intellectual deficiency would be related to genes located on the X chromosome, and subsequently inherited by affected boys. Among the 931 genes of the X chromosome, only 114 genes have been identified as X-LID genes. The last (SSR4 gene) was characterized in March 2014. At the time of the Next Generation Sequencing (NGS), the laboratory of molecular genetics of Necker hospital in Paris is equipped with a platform for the identification of human genetic mutation by high-throughput sequencing for the diagnosis of rare diseases. The objective of my thesis work was to seek new genes for X linked intellectual deficiency in families with non-syndromes cognitive disorder affected boys and to identify mutations in the genes that are already known and to discuss the genotype, phenotype correlation. The approach that I have used in this study is genetic diagnosis by high-throughput sequencing of chromosome X exomes of 20 subjects belonging to ten X-LID French families. The procedure is to capture and enrich the exome of the X chromosome of patients, then to sequence it in our platform with a high throughput sequencer of SOLid technology then analyze the results and retain that new mutations to discuss their pathogenity. This study has highlighted new mutations in 21 genes, including nine that are not yet described among the X-LID genes. Some new mutations, we identified in genes known through their involvement in cognitive impairment were published during my doctoral studies. To confirm causality of new genes that were found mutated in families, additional studies in vivo must be applied while following the literature to make comparisons with similar cases
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Keren, Boris. "La déficience intellectuelle : du diagnostic en puces ADN à l'identification de gènes candidats." Phd thesis, Université René Descartes - Paris V, 2013.

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L'analyse chromosomique sur puce ADN (ACPA) tend à devenir le principal examen diagnostique dans la déficience intellectuelle (DI). Parmi les techniques d'ACPA, les puces SNP ont l'intérêt de pouvoir détecter les pertes d'hétérozygotie, et par conséquent d'identifier les isodisomies uniparentales (iUPD) et les zones d'identité liées à la consanguinité. Nous avons étudié une cohorte de 1 187 patients atteints de DI, dans un cadre diagnostique, sur puces SNP. Nous avons réalisé, par cette étude, 145 diagnostics (12%) dont 2 iUPD et 6 délétions n'incluant qu'un seul gène. De plus, nous avons détecté 639 CNV rares non décrits chez des sujets contrôles et incluant des séquences codantes, ce qui nous a permis d'identifier 11 gènes candidats dans la DI : CAMTA1, SP3, CNTNAP4, NUDT12, STXBP6, DOCK8, DOCK10, SMARCA2, NYAP2, ATAD3A et ATAD3B. Nous avons tenté de valider l'implication de ces gènes par séquençage, mais n'avons trouvé de seconde mutation pour aucun d'entre eux. Toutefois, des réarrangements de CAMTA1 ont été retrouvés dans 2 autres familles avec un phénotype homogène (DI et ataxie congénitale) ce qui nous a permis d'affirmer qu'il s'agit d'un gène de DI. Par ailleurs, l'homozygosity mapping, réalisé avec puces SNP, a identifié, par séquençage whole exome, une mutation non-sens homozygote du gène BUD13 dans une famille de DI syndromique. Enfin, de façon fortuite, nous avons caractérisé en ACPA une translocation familiale entraînant une disruption d'un gène d'ataxie spino-cérébelleuse, ATXN10, ce qui a permis de mieux comprendre la physiopathologie de cette maladie. Au total, notre étude démontre l'intérêt des puces SNP dans la DI, d'une part en diagnostic et d'autre part pour l'identification de nouveaux gènes responsables de DI.
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Litvan, Valentina. "Susana Soca et le champ littéraire uruguayen : projet culturel, pratique et image d'écrivain." Paris 8, 2008.

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Susana Soca (1906-1959) est une figure clé dans le champ littéraire uruguayen, car éditrice et écrivain, elle joue un rôle catalyseur de la culture de son époque, de certaines forces et valeurs littéraires qui configurent une tradition. En tant qu'éditrice, elle fonde une revue entre deux mondes ("La Licorne", Paris 1947-1948 ; Montevideo, 1953-1959) qui l'inscrit dans la longue tradition d'échange culturel existant entre la France et l'Amérique latine. En tant qu'écrivain, son œuvre posthume et peu abondante nous incite à remettre en question la notion d'auteur. Cette thèse a pour objectif de comprendre quelle est la place de Susana Soca dans le champ culturel mais aussi sa fonction dans le système littéraire. Les deux aspects de son activité littéraire (éditrice et écrivain) correspondent à la division interne du corpus (revue/œuvre proprement dite), tout en réclamant des méthodologies différentes pour deux projets qui, en effet, se révèlent bien distincts : en premier lieu, un projet collectif et d'engagement, dans la mesure où toute revue agit dans le présent, participant des débats esthétiques et idéologiques du présent auquel elle appartient ; en deuxième lieu, la pratique intime d'écriture qui répond à un projet individuel fondé sur une conception atemporelle de la littérature. Cette division est d'autant plus importante qu'elle traduit la tension qui habite Susana Soca et annonce de nouveaux enjeux qui nous permettent de parler de son insertion dans la tradition en tant que "phénomène" littéraire ; notion qui implique par ailleurs la relation entre texte et contexte, dans un moment clé de l'histoire de l'Amérique latine
Susana Soca (1906-1959) is a key figure in the Uruguayan literary field: editor and writer, she is a cultural driving force of her time, drawing together literary values that configure a tradition. As an editor, she established a literary journal bridging two worlds ("La Licorne" : Paris, 1947-1948; Montevideo, 1953-1959) that can be inscribed in the long tradition of cultural exchange between France and Latin America. As a writer, her posthumous and scarce texts incite us to rethink the notion of authorship. This dissertation intends to enlighten Susana Soca's place in the cultural field but also her function within the literary system. Both aspects of her literary activity (editor and writer) correspond to the internal division of the ensemble of her texts (magazine/actual writings), while each one of these projects calls for a different methodology. On the one hand, we find a group project of engagement, inasmuch as every journal acts upon the present, by participating in the aesthetic and ideological debates of its time; on the other hand, a private practise, the act of writing that responds to an individual project based on an a-temporal idea of literature. This division is all the more important because it renders the tension that lives within Susana Soca and announces new issues that enable us to consider her insertion in tradition as a literary "phenomenon", a notion that also implies the relation between text and context in a key moment of Latin American history
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Peruzzo, Eduardo Holderle. "Jaime Cortesão, trajetória intelectual e projeto historiográfico (1910-1960)." Universidade de São Paulo, 2018.

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Filho precoce do modernismo lusitano, Jaime Cortesão (1884-1960) surge no cenário contemporâneo investindo-se de um papel já típico da modernidade, a figura do intelectual. Tendo originalmente se formado em Medicina e com significativa inserção no meio literário da época, fora, todavia, à História que dedicou maior parte de sua vida. Seus trabalhos acerca do Portugal medieval e moderno, expansão territorial, colonização, entre outros temas, contribuíram para dar uma orientação atlântica e visão de conjunto do império marítimo português. A pesquisa pretende reconstituir aspectos de sua entrada na vida cultural e política portuguesa sob o advento da I República, em 1910. Explorando, para tanto, componentes de sua trajetória pessoal e seu combate a uma visão positivista/naturalista da figura do gênio histórico. O que culmina em destacada participação no grupo Seara Nova e consequente engajamento nas forças de oposição à Ditadura e ao Estado Novo portugueses. Retomando sua produção inicial busca-se compreender o sentido de seu projeto historiográfico que tinha por intuito restituir a consciência nacional, destacando os recursos mobilizados pelo autor frente a institucionalização da História, enquanto campo disciplinar. Procurando, por fim, elucidar como a aproximação com as demais ciências sociais, algumas tendências da historiografia contemporânea e, sobretudo, a incorporação da Geografia, viriam compor seu saber e fazer historiográficos. Elementos que alcançam sua obra da maturidade, revelando também uma interpretação única da formação do Brasil, proveniente ainda de seu largo período de exílio e intercâmbio intelectual neste país.
Precocious son of Portuguese modernism, Jaime Cortesão (1884- 1960) appears in the contemporary scenery assuming a typical role inside the modernity, the intellectual figure. In spite of graduating in Medicine firstly and with a distinguished insertion on the literary environment of his time, he dedicated most of his life to Historical studies. His works regarding medieval and modern Portugal, territorial expansion, colonization, among others subjects, have contributed to an Atlantic view and a global perspective of the Portuguese Seaborn Empire. This study aims to reconstruct some aspects of his entrance in Portuguese cultural life and politics during the rise of the First Republic in 1910, exploring components of Cortesão\'s personal trajectory and his fight against a positivist/naturalist view of the historic genius figure. Which has culminated in his distinctive participation of the Seara Nova group and consequent activism in the resistance against Portuguese Dictatorship and Salazar\'s Government. Then, his initial production is recapitulated in order to understand the meaning of his historiographic project which aimed the restoring of a national consciousness, highlighting the main resources mobilized by the author forward the institutionalization of History, as a disciplinary field. Thus, this study aims to elucidate how the approximation with other social studies, some trends of contemporary historiography, and, mostly, Geographys incorporation, would add to his historiographical knowledge and making. These elements would culminate in his work of maturity and so revealing an unique interpretation of making of Brazil, also result of his long period of exile and intellectual exchange in this country.
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Panzeri, Miriam. "Le projet d'un nouvel humanisme dans la culture architecturale en Italie et en France après la Seconde Guerre mondiale (1945-1965)." Paris 1, 2012.

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Partant du constat de la diffusion d'un terme strictement caractérisé, le mot « humanisme», cette recherche souhaite d'abord démontrer l'existence, après la Deuxième Guerre mondiale, d'un projet de nouvel humanisme (première partie) et déterminer les influences que cette idée a eu sur la conception et les projets architecturaux de cette période (deuxième partie). Après un bref excursus sur la naissance et les principales acceptions du terme « humanisme» et de ses dérivés directs (néo-humanisme, nouvel humanisme), nous analysons dans le premier chapitre les usages du mot, en particulier dans l'histoire de l'art et de l'architecture de 1914 au début de la Deuxième Guerre mondiale. Dans le deuxième chapitre, nous explorons encore l'utilisation du terme « humanisme» dans son acception contemporaine, en considérant le passage de ce concept des textes philosophiques aux arts et à l'architecture. Nous analysons à ce propos également un thème très lié à la notion de nouvel humanisme, à savoir le rapport entre arts et technique. Dans la deuxième partie, nous nous intéressons aux valeurs les plus représentatives de la pensée humaniste moderne, notamment avec l'analyse de la critique de l'architecture italienne pendant les vingt ans qui suivent la fin de la Deuxième guerre mondiale : - le sentiment historique, dont le rôle, à cette période, est un rôle actif et opérationnel sur le présent, et non plus une attitude passéiste et imitative; - la formation de l'architecte, qui fait partie d'un intérêt plus général envers l'éducation de tous les hommes et de la société; - l'attention portée à tous les types de relations, en particulier au rapport entre homme et communauté.
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Strater, Kate. "Post high school transition to work| an examination of self-determination in young adults with intellectual disabilities participating in project search." Thesis, Northern Kentucky University, 2016.

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Challenges encountered by young adults with intellectual disabilities (ID) during the transition from high school to employment have great potential to limit an individual’s opportunity and/or capacity for self-determination regarding employment. This mixed-method study is focused on defining the characteristics of self-determined people and examining the challenges to self-determination experienced by a group of nine Project SEARCH interns with ID. Through field observations as well as initial and final interviews, photographs, goal-reporting, and administration of the AIR Self-Determination Scale, the challenges discovered among the Project SEARCH interns included those related to communication; social interaction and awareness; work skill development; emotional control; disposition, positive attitude, and work ethic; and seeing oneself outside of the current work experience. It further examined how intern experiences, interactions, and individualized supports available during the Project SEARCH year contributed to an intern’s positive growth and change in the self-determination characteristics directly related to his/her identified challenges.

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Murillo, Charles Ray. "The other within the other: Chicana/o literature, composition theory, and the new mestizaje." CSUSB ScholarWorks, 2004.

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In this thesis the author explores the notion that American Chicana/o literature serves as an interactive pedagogical site that nurtures a blend of academic and street discourse, proposing the writing of those who exist on the "downside" of the border of non-standard English and academic discourse-basic writers be acknowledged.
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Zou, Qiang. "Fabriquer pour la Chine 1978-2008 : théories et pratiques des architectes occidentaux sur les projets étatiques chinois." Thesis, Paris 1, 2014.

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Grâce à sa politique de réforme économique et d'ouverture, la Chine a connu une forte croissance qui lui a permis de lancer des projets architecturaux et urbains de grande ampleur. Retracer la récente histoire de la modernisation urbaine chinoise, c’est constater l’abondante présence des architectes occidentaux qui la réalisent. Cette thèse explore les raisons pour lesquelles, en vue d’affirmer l’identité et l’ambition de reconnaissance mondiale de la Chine, les « stars » de l’architecture occidentale ont été sollicitées pour réaliser ces grands projets officiels à fortes significations idéologiques. Elle analyse tout autant le positionnement de ces architectes dans leur acceptation de la situation. Parmi ces projets icônes réalisés par les architectes occidentaux, quatre projets dont L’Hôtel Fragrant Hill de Ieoh Ming Pei, le Grand Théâtre National de Paul Andreu, le Stade National de Herzog & de Meuron et la CCTV de Rem Koolhaas, sont retenus pour analyser, à travers l’histoire de leur construction et de leur réception, l’impact du contexte sociopolitique chinois sur les pratiques de ces architectes occidentaux. Il s’agit de comprendre l’attitude intellectuelle de leurs auteurs, vis-à-vis des pouvoirs politiques et économiques au siècle de la globalisation. Parmi ces projets icônes réalisés par les architectes occidentaux, quatre projets dont L’Hôtel Fragrant Hill de Ieoh Ming Pei, le Grand Théâtre National de Paul Andreu, le Stade National de Herzog & de Meuron et la CCTV de Rem Koolhaas, sont retenus pour analyser, à travers l’histoire de leur construction et de leur réception, l’impact du contexte sociopolitique chinois sur les pratiques de ces architectes occidentaux. Il s’agit de comprendre l’attitude intellectuelle de leurs auteurs, vis-à-vis des pouvoirs politiques et économiques au siècle de la globalisation. Une nouvelle architecture incarnant les évolutions sociales chinoises à l’ère du postcommunisme est peut être née via les architectes intellectuels
Alongside of the economic reforms and opening-up, China has been experiencing a strong growth which allowed the government to launch many large-scale urban projects. Across the recent history of Chinese urban modernization, we try to put Western architects’ presence into China’s urban modernization context, and intend to figure out the reason for inviting Western “star” architects to construct important official buildings which often have strong ideological meanings, to serve national identity and ambitions. Among the major projects by Western architects, we have selected four projects. They are Fragrant Hill Hotel of I. M. Pei, the National Grand Theater of Paul Andreu, the National Stadium by Herzog & de Meuron and the CCTV of Rem Koolhaas. We have analyzed their construction histories and the impact of Chinese socio-political context on the practices of the architects, in order to understand their intellectual positions in relation to the economic-political power in the era of globalization. In this post-communist era, a new architecture reflecting Chinese social changes is made possible by the intellectual-architects
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Carvalho, Elizabeth Santos de. "Revista americana: caminhos e descaminhos de um projeto cultural para o continente." Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, 2011.

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O presente trabalho contempla o projeto da Revista Americana, publicada entre 1909 e 1919, idealizado pelo Barão do Rio Branco e realizado por seu pupilo Arthur Guimarães de Araújo Jorge. Verificaremos a coleção da Revista, sob a perspectiva das revistas culturais e políticas característica do início do século XX, que se constituíam veículos de divulgação de cultura, idéias e doutrinas. A análise do objeto consiste em ponderar o comprometimento com o projeto inicial avaliando as transformações sofridas ao longo dos dez anos que esteve em circulação. Para além do conteúdo do periódico, este estudo busca revelar a rede de sociabilidade envolvida com a publicação, que passava pelos quadros do Instituto Histórico e Geográfico Brasileiro, da Academia Brasileira de Letras e do Ministério das Relações Exteriores.
This work contemplates the design of the Revista Americana, published between 1909and 1919, designed by the Baron of Rio Branco and directed by his pupil ArthurJorge Guimarães de Araújo. We will check the collection of the Journal, from the perspective of cultural and political magazines feature of the early twentieth century, which were vehicles for the dissemination of culture, ideas and doctrines. Theanalysis of the object is to consider the initial commitment to the project evaluatingthe transformations undergone over the ten years he was outstanding. In addition to the content of the journal, this study seeks to reveal the network of sociability involved with the publication, which passed by the membership of the Instituto Histórico e Geográfico Brasileiro, the Academia Brasileira de Letras and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
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Waugh, Rebecca E. "Effects of Error Correction During Assessment Probes on the Acquisition of Sight Words for Students with Moderate Intellectual Disabilities." Digital Archive @ GSU, 2010.

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Simultaneous prompting is an errorless learning strategy designed to reduce the number of errors students make; however, research has shown a disparity in the number of errors students make during instructional versus probe trials. This study directly examined the effects of error correction versus no error correction during probe trials on the effectiveness and efficiency of simultaneous prompting on the acquisition of sight words by three middle school students with moderate intellectual disabilities. A single-case adapted alternating treatments design (Sindelar, Rosenberg, & Wilson, 1985) was employed to examine the effects of error correction during probe trials in order to reduce error rates. A functional relation was established for two of the three students for the use of error correction during probe sessions to reduce error rates. Error correction during assessment probes required fewer sessions to criterion, resulted in fewer probe errors, resulted in a higher percentage of correct responding on the next subsequent trial, and required less total probe time. For two of the three students, probes with error correction resulted in a more rapid acquisition rate requiring fewer sessions to criterion.
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Oliveira, Daniel de Lara. "Ciência moderna e newtonianismo no projeto pedagógico de Luís António Verney." Universidade de São Paulo, 2011.

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Esta pesquisa analisa a recepção das ideias de Isaac Newton que está expressa na obra do português Luís António Verney (1713 1792). Trata-se de um estudo de caso sobre o newtonianismo, fenômeno histórico da cultura iluminista, realizado aqui a partir de uma investigação acerca da compreensão conceitual da filosofia natural de Newton a que chegou Verney, bem como de algumas das intenções deste autor ao adotar determinadas concepções da ciência moderna e aplicá-las em seu projeto pedagógico, voltado a uma reforma no sistema de ensino português. As análises do texto de Verney estão problematizadas a partir de questões em torno do empirismo, do instrumental matemático e da concepção mecanicista de natureza, buscando avaliar suas respectivas relações com a física de Newton, e assim melhor conhecer as concepções que operavam nos seguintes intentos de Verney: afastar a influência dos jesuítas sobre a educação em Portugal, evitar as possíveis contradições entre sua fé católica e as concepções da filosofia natural moderna e, finalmente, adotar uma física que a ele se apresentava como muito promissora para o desenvolvimento econômico do reino.
This research analyzes the reception of Isaac Newtons ideas which is expressed in the work of the Portuguese Luís António Verney (1713-1792). This is a case study on the Newtonianism, historical phenomenon of the Enlightenment culture, held here from an investigation of the conceptual understanding of Newton\'s natural philosophy reached by Verney, as well as some of the authors intentions to adopt certain modern science concepts and apply them in his educational project, aimed at a reform in the Portuguese education system. The analysis of Verneys text are problematized from issues of the empiricism, the mathematical tools and the mechanistic conception of nature, seeking to evaluate their relationships with Newtonian physics. Then, to understand deeply the concepts which worked in the following attempts to Verney: repel the influence of Jesuits on Portuguese education, avoid the possible contradictions between his Catholic faith and modern conceptions of natural philosophy and, eventually, embrace a physics which had presented to him as very promising for the kingdoms economic development.
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Chavan, Rohit. "JAVA synchronized collaborative multimedia toolkit: A collaborative communication tool." CSUSB ScholarWorks, 2004.

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In this project a collaboration multimedia toolkit, JSCMT (Java Synchronized Collaborative Multimedia Toolkit) was developed which is intended to connect a group of people located in different geographical locations who are working on the same project.
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Velitchkova, Borin Juliette. "Les projets d'education bulgares au xixe siecle : affirmation nationale et transferts culturels." Paris, EHESS, 1998.

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L'analyse fonctionnelle d'une dizaine de projets d'education visant soit a une conversion des bulgares a la culture occidentale, soit a une reforme institutionnelle dans l'empire ottoman, montre que ces projets ont ete des vecteurs sociaux tres importants de changements qui ont marque l'histoire de la bulgarie et celle de l'empire ottoman. Grace a leur formation europeenne et aux influences diverses recues, les auteurs des projets etaient conscients du pouvoir social de l'education. Ils etaient aussi sensibles aux valeurs universelles de la philanthropie. Ces hommes de bonne volonte ont su selectionner, transferer et institutionnaliser au sein de la communaute bulgare des modeles de socialisation susceptibles d'operer a la longue la reconstruction de cette communaute, en empruntant aux normes europeennes les regles de vie en commun. La realisation des projets de petar beron, de vassil aprilov, d'ivan seliminski, d'alexandre exarque etc. , a sensibilise la communaute bulgare a ses caracteristiques socioculturelles propres. Ces caracteristiques ont evolue en fonction des conditions de vie dans l'empire ottoman, de la codification du droit ottoman a laquelle les tanzimat doivent leur consistance, des transferts culturels, qui dans les cas observes, ont abouti a des projets d'education. L'affirmation nationale des bulgares au xixe siecle, leur sentiment national relevaient d'une sensibilite sociale qui, en valorisant leur culture specifique, fut a l'origine de structures et d'institutions nouvelles dans le domaine social et politique.
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Tabatchnikova, Svetlana. "Le Cercle de méthodologie de Moscou (1954-1988) : sa formation, son expérience et son projet philosophique." Paris, EHESS, 2002.

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Cette thèse est consacrée à un groupe d'intellectuels qui s'est constitué à Moscou, à la Faculté de philosophie, au début des années cinquante et a fonctionné, les uns partant les autres arrivant, jusqu'à la fin des années quatre-vingt. Ce travail a pour objectif d'analyser cette expérience philosophique, qui articule une recherche théorique avec une pratique originale (les " jeux d'organisation "), en tenant ensemble les différentes dimensions qu'elle présente : les idées elles-mêmes, la formation du groupe et les principes de son fonctionnement, les relations avec ses contextes sociaux. La notion d'expérience, telle qu'elle a été proposée notamment par Michel Foucault, devient ici essentielle dans la mesure où elle permet d'étudier les articulations entre les formes de savoir, les formes de pouvoir et les formes de subjectivité. Dans le cas concret du Cercle de méthodologie, le recours à cette notion permet d'éviter le schéma binaire, encore très répandu, selon lequel ne pouvait exister en Union soviétique que la vulgate marxiste dans sa fonction idéologique et, à l'opposé, la dissidence politique. Dans ses dimensions historique et sociologique, ce travail étudie les conditions de l'exercice de la pensée philosophique non seulement en URSS, mais également en Russie d'avant la Révolution, pour constater une sorte de continuité entre les XIXe et XXe siècles, malgré toutes les différences de conditions sociales et politiques : l'utilisation des conceptions philosophiques à des fins idéologiques avait en effet commencé en Russie bien avant l'arrivée du marxisme et ses dogmatisation et idéologisation ultérieures. En ce sens, la démarche du Cercle de méthodologie doit être vue comme la première expérience, en Russie, d'une pensée critique qui réfléchit sur les formes et les fondements même de la pensée.
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Sheen, Peter Bernard. "Managing Intellectual Property and Licensing: A Study on Cooperative Research Centres." Thesis, Queensland University of Technology, 2005.

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This thesis examines the perceived importance by two-tiered management of Cooperative Research Centres (CRCs) for managing a range of intellectual property issues. Fifty survey items are presented to the executive directors and commercialization managers of 62 CRCs. The survey items are categorized under four themes: relationships with collaborators, project management; design and implementation of agreements; and specific licensing issues. An analysis of the data, using a series of independent samples t-tests, repeated measures t-tests, chi-square tests for independence or relatedness and goodness of fit, shows a range of results. There are significant differences between executive directors and commercialization managers on a number of issues. There are particular emphases or trends about certain issues for the whole sample of managers. These findings are compared with text analyses of 23 CRC strategic planning documents. This is done in order to explore any similarity, difference or nuance between what the managers say in response to the survey items, compared with what is stated in the codified policies of the CRCs. While there is a high degree of consistency among certain themes between the two sets of findings, the overall analysis points to the need for the CRCs to have a better understanding and practice of commercialization opportunities, especially through the involvement of third party commercial interests. It is argued that accommodating third party commercialization interests involves the application of an important knowledge economy principle that has an important bearing on the future economic viability and competitiveness of the CRCs.
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Sheen, Peter Bernard. "Managing Intellectual Property and Licensing: A Study on Cooperative Research Centres." Queensland University of Technology, 2005.

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This thesis examines the perceived importance by two-tiered management of Cooperative Research Centres (CRCs) for managing a range of intellectual property issues. Fifty survey items are presented to the executive directors and commercialization managers of 62 CRCs. The survey items are categorized under four themes: relationships with collaborators, project management; design and implementation of agreements; and specific licensing issues. An analysis of the data, using a series of independent samples t-tests, repeated measures t-tests, chi-square tests for independence or relatedness and goodness of fit, shows a range of results. There are significant differences between executive directors and commercialization managers on a number of issues. There are particular emphases or trends about certain issues for the whole sample of managers. These findings are compared with text analyses of 23 CRC strategic planning documents. This is done in order to explore any similarity, difference or nuance between what the managers say in response to the survey items, compared with what is stated in the codified policies of the CRCs. While there is a high degree of consistency among certain themes between the two sets of findings, the overall analysis points to the need for the CRCs to have a better understanding and practice of commercialization opportunities, especially through the involvement of third party commercial interests. It is argued that accommodating third party commercialization interests involves the application of an important knowledge economy principle that has an important bearing on the future economic viability and competitiveness of the CRCs.
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Crano, Ricky D'Andrea. "Posthuman Capital: Neoliberalism, Telematics, and the Project of Self-Control." The Ohio State University, 2014.

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Almeida, Dalva Regina Araújo de. "Um projeto reformista no Brasil do oitocentos: a questão educacional na agenda política de Joaquim Nabuco (1879-1888)." Universidade Federal da Paraí­ba, 2013.

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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior
The resumption of talks on the performance of the subjects in the final years of the Brazilian Empire has aroused the interest of researchers in several fields of study such as social sciences, history and education as well. A review of some theses, in particular about the placement of these individuals face the transformations of time, has opened space for dialogue among scholars and allowed new perspectives on the topic. Interested in this discussion, we focused on the relationship between intellectuals and the history of education, and the role of these in the process of modernization of society through educational bias. We propose the history of intellectuals as guiding this work, in the sense of finding out the ideas, trajectories and the social role assumed by intellectuals in the construction of the project of modernity. Particularly, we are interested in studying the role education played in the Joaquim Nabuco s political project, as a constitutional and fundamental national progress element. Based on this premise, we seek since then analyze his reformation projects and understand how it was conceived in order to civilize society and promote the sense of rational work. Therefore, we elected as a source for this study, the work of Joaquim Nabuco produced between 1879 and 1888, the initial and final years of his parliamentary career, conceiving it as a political agenda undertaken by Nabuco to Brazil. We take as our basic interpretation of Angela Alonso (2002), which suggests the existence of a reformist movement composed by the intellectuals generation of 1870, points the concepts of political opportunity structure, repertoire and community experience to support his argument. According to Alonso (2002), was from a structure of political opportunities and immersion into a community of experience that intellectuals generation in 1870 had appropriated the European repertoire in order to develop criticism to the imperial status quo. The productions of this generation configured a reform program for Imperial Brazil. It is in the light of the directions of Alonso (2002), that we situate the political project of Nabuco Joaquim for the Brazilian society in that period, seeing education as a basis for social (re)arrangement after the abolition, starting point, according to Nabuco, to the end of the moral backwardness and economic context in which the country was immersed. The education assume the transformational role and shaper of society that sought to be civilized, according to the European standard. The function that it assumed was to not only educate and train future workers, but also to educate a conscious subject, capable of forming an autonomous and consistent public opinion, basis of the exercise of citizenship. We understand yet, the existence of a network of sociability (Sirinelli, 2003) in which Nabuco was inserted and, thus, seek to situate the gestation of ideas this intellectual dialogue with their peers, which is consistent with his criticism of the decree Leôncio de Carvalho, one the most relevant documents of the late Empire.
A retomada das discussões sobre a atuação dos sujeitos nos anos finais do Império Brasileiro tem despertado o interesse de pesquisadores em diversas áreas de estudo como as ciências sociais, a história e também a educação. A revisão de algumas teses em especial, sobre o posicionamento desses sujeitos frente às transformações da época, tem aberto espaço para o diálogo entre os estudiosos e permitido novos olhares sobre o tema. Interessados nessa discussão, debruçamo-nos sobre a relação entre os intelectuais e a história da educação, e sobre a atuação destes no processo de modernização da sociedade, através do viés educativo. Propomos a história dos intelectuais como norteadora desse trabalho, no sentido de buscarmos as ideias, as trajetórias e também o papel social assumido pelos intelectuais na construção do projeto da modernidade. Particularmente, interessa-nos o estudo do lugar ocupado pela educação no projeto político de Joaquim Nabuco, enquanto elemento constituinte e basilar do progresso nacional. Com base nessa premissa, buscamos desde então analisar o seu projeto de reformas e compreender como ele foi pensado no sentido de civilizar a sociedade e promover o sentido do trabalho racional. Para tanto, elegemos como fonte para esse estudo, a obra de Joaquim Nabuco produzida entre 1879 e 1888, anos inicial e final de sua carreira parlamentar concebendo-a como a agenda política empreendida por Nabuco para o Brasil. Tomamos como basilar a interpretação de Ângela Alonso (2002) que, sugerindo a existência de um movimento reformista composto pela geração intelectual de 1870, aponta os conceitos de estrutura de oportunidades políticas, repertório e comunidade de experiência para fundamentar seu argumento. De acordo com Alonso (2002), foi a partir de uma estrutura de oportunidades políticas e da imersão em uma comunidade de experiência que os intelectuais da geração 1870 se apropriaram do repertório europeu, a fim de desenvolverem uma crítica ao status quo imperial. Suas produções configuravam um programa de reformas para o Brasil imperial. É à luz das indicações de Alonso (2002), que situamos o projeto político de Joaquim Nabuco para a sociedade brasileira do período, enxergando a educação como base para o (re) arranjo social posterior à abolição, ponto de partida, segundo Nabuco, para o fim do atraso moral e econômico no qual estava imerso o país. A educação assumiria o papel transformador e modelador da sociedade que se buscava civilizada, de acordo com o padrão europeu. A função que esta assumia era não apenas o de instruir e capacitar o futuro trabalhador, mas também o de educar um sujeito consciente, capaz de formar uma opinião pública autônoma e consistente, base do exercício da cidadania. Compreendemos ainda, a existência de uma rede de sociabilidades (Sirinelli, 2003) na qual Nabuco esteve inserido e assim, buscamos situar a gestação de ideias desse intelectual em diálogo com seus pares, o que coaduna com sua crítica ao Decreto Leôncio de Carvalho, um dos documentos mais relevantes do final do Império.
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Kasai, Maria Inez Nunes. "Cor, pobreza e ação afirmativa:. o projeto Geração XXI (SP, 1999/2006)." Universidade de São Paulo, 2006.

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O processo de desenvolvimento intelectual e moral do ser humano como instrumento básico para a inclusão de jovens negros na sociedade paulistana e o impacto do Projeto Geração XXI na vida de vinte um (21) deles, constituem o tema desta Dissertação. E tem como meta retratar, analisar e historicizar o Projeto Geração XXI, da Ong Geledés - Instituto da Mulher Negra. Levanto a discussão relacionada a não existência de racismo contra o afro-descendente no Brasil. Defino em seguida alguns conceitos mais conhecidos acerca do racismo, discriminação e preconceito, enfocando as discussões sobre o tema com historiadores, antropólogos e sociólogos (contemporâneos ou não). Coloco em destaque os vinte um (21) jovens negros, participantes do Projeto Geração XXI, este que reconstrói a realidade desses indivíduos através da Educação e aponto os resultados , que até o presente momento se mostraram positivos. Faço uma discussão acerca do aproveitamento escolar desses jovens desde o início do Projeto em 1999 até o segundo semestre de 2005. Coloco uma discussão acerca das cotas para afro-descendentes. Acrescento as falas de alguns participantes do Projeto Família XXI e da Coordenadora do Projeto Geração XXI, fazendo uso da História Oral. Essa oralidade tem por finalidade reafirmar a inclusão dos jovens após sua inserção no Projeto. Busco fazer uma comparação da situação desses jovens supra citados, dentro da sociedade, antes e depois de sua participações no Projeto Geração XXI. Explico a escolha do tema. A Dissertação apresentada na USP é uma espécie de vitrine e tem por intuito propagar esse projeto, para que outras Ongs possam nele se espelhar, o Estado possa copiar e a Academia possa apoiar e com o passar do tempo, ver encerrada a exclusão sofrida pelo afro-descendente no Brasil
The process of intellectual and moral development of the human being as basic instrument for the inclusion of young blacks in the paulistana society and the impact of the Project Generation XXI in the life of 21 of them, constitutes the subject of this dissertation. Has as goal to portray, to analyze and to historicizar the Project Generation XXI, of the Ong Geledés - Institute of the Negra. Levanto Woman the related quarrel not the existence of racism against the afro-descendant in Brazil. I more define after that some concepts known concerning racism, discrimination and preconception, focusing the quarrels on the subject with historians, anthropologists and sociologists (contemporaries or not). I place in prominence twenty one (21) young blacks, participants of the Project Generation XXI, this that the reality of these individuals through the Education reconstructs and points the results, that until the present moment if had shown positivos. Make a quarrel concerning the pertaining to school exploitation of these young since the beginning of the Project in 1999 until as the semester of 2005. I place a quarrel concerning the share for afro-descendants. I add you also say to some participants of the Project Family XXI, and the coordinators of the Project Generation XXI, making use of Verbal History. This orality has for purpose to reaffirm the inclusion of those young after its insertion in the Projeto. I search to make a comparison of the situation of these young supplies cited inside of the society, before and after its participation in the Project Generation XXI. Explain the choice of tema. The dissertation presented in the USP it is a species of show window and it has for intention to propagate this project, so that other Ongs can in it if mirrored, the State can copy and the Academy can support and with passing of the time, to see locked up the exclusion suffered for the afro-descendant in Brazil.
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Gervais, Mhairi. "Sleep problems in adults with intellectual disabilities : an exploratory analysis of support workers' causal attributions, sleep quality and treatment acceptability : major research project and clinical research portfolio." Thesis, University of Glasgow, 2010.

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Background: Sleep has been found to have an important restorative function. Any disturbance to sleep can be detrimental to both physical and mental health. Between 9-50% of adults with intellectual disabilities (ID) are reported to experience sleep disturbance. Support workers have a key role in identifying and responding to difficulties in the people they work with. Support workers' attributions towards the cause of these difficulties are crucial in mediating their decision to seek treatment. Their attributions may also mediate their adherence to a recommended treatment. Hence, their awareness and beliefs regarding sleep difficulties may influence their ability to recognise and seek help for sleep problems in adults they support. Method: This study utilised an exploratory vignette and questionnaire design. Questionnaires were given to 120 support workers, based in community settings, to measure their attributions to negative behaviour change and sleep problems. Support workers' attributional style was compared to their views on the acceptability of a variety of treatments for sleep disturbance. Support workers' own sleep quality was measured and compared to their attributions. Results: Support workers attributed negative behaviour change to sleep and mental health problems most strongly. Sleep problems were believed to be internal, uncontrollable and unintentional. Support workers were optimistic about treatment, particularly non-pharmacological treatments. Support workers' own sleep quality did not correlate with their attributions towards sleep problems or views on the different types of treatment. Conclusions: Support workers are optimistic that sleep problems in adults with ID can be treated, however further work is necessary to understand barriers to seeking out assessment and treatment for clients with ID.
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Duquette, Catherine. "Application de l'approche par projet et intégration des technologies de l'information et de la communication description et comparaison du profil motivationnel d'élèves en difficulté." Sherbrooke : Université de Sherbrooke, 2002.

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Buell, Susan. "Health-based information for people with intellectual disabilities : an investigation into the linguistic properties of 'easy read' literature and its contribution to the construction of meaning : the Easy Read Project." Thesis, University of East Anglia, 2017.

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Health information is often conveyed in printed or digital form. This can present challenges to people with intellectual disabilities, many of whom experience literacy difficulties and are therefore disadvantaged in reading and understanding such information. ‘Easy read’ versions of health-related documents purport to circumvent these difficulties, but there is little evidence to demonstrate their effectiveness in doing so. The aim of the current research was to address how effective adapted health-based ‘easy read’ literature was in contributing to the construction of meaning for people with intellectual disabilities. Four studies investigated different areas of ‘easy read’ information and its use. 1. A survey compared presentational features found in ‘easy read’ and ‘non-easy read’ literature published by the UK Department of Health and aligned these with advice given in published guidelines for ‘easy read’ material. 2. Critical differences between the linguistic features in these two groups of documents were analysed using specialised software. 3. A systematic qualitative linguistic analysis was undertaken to investigate the subtleties conveyed through the discourse of ‘non-easy read’ compared to ‘easy read’ texts. 4. Finally, a randomised experiment tested the effects of linguistic simplification and literacy mediation on the understanding of ‘easy read’ information with sixty participants with intellectual disabilities. When material was compared to its ‘non-easy read’ counterparts it showed that clear differences had been rendered by authors of the ‘easy read’ documentation. These differences were indicative of presentational changes and reduced linguistic complexity. They did not appear to translate into more effective understanding of content by people with intellectual disabilities, whether human mediation was present or not. Individual capacity for language, however, was shown to be integral to the construction of meaning from ‘easy read material’. This has implications for both the production and the use of ‘easy read’ material in practice.
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McCoy, Daniel D. "‘Our Responsibility and Privilege to Fight Freedom’s Fight’: Neoconservatism, the Project for the New American Century, and the Making of the Invasion of Iraq in 2003." ScholarWorks@UNO, 2016.

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The Project for the New American Century (PNAC) was a neoconservative Washington, D.C. foreign policy think tank, comprised of seasoned foreign policy stalwarts who had served multiple presidential administrations as well as outside-the-beltway defense contractors, that was founded in 1997 by William Kristol, editor of the conservative political magazine The Weekly Standard, and Robert Kagan, a foreign policy analyst and political commentator currently at the Brookings Institution. The PNAC would shut down its operations in 2006. Using The Weekly Standard as its mouthpiece, the PNAC helped foment support for the removal of Iraqi president Saddam Hussein beginning in 1998, citing Iraq’s noncooperation with UN weapons inspections. The PNAC became further emboldened in its urgency and rhetoric to quell the geopolitical risk posed by Hussein after the 9/11 terror attacks. The only justifiable response the George W. Bush Administration could play in thwarting Hussein, the PNAC argued, involved a military action. Keywords: The Project for the New American Century; Iraq War; Saddam Hussein; The Weekly Standard; The Vulcans; weapons of mass destruction
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Tchilingirova, Ivleva Krassimira. "Horizon et projet des traducteurs littéraires bulgares du russe et du français dans la Bulgarie communiste (1944-1989)." Paris, INALCO, 2011.

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La présente étude, qui se fonde sur la méthodologie de critique de traduction d'A. Berman, tente d'explorer l'« horizon traductif» dans la Bulgarie communiste et d'examiner comment, et si, il a influencé les« projets de traduction» de certaines œuvres littéraires du russe et du français. «Horizon» et «projet» sont, ici, deux notions empruntées à A. Berman, qui sont précisément définies et nous permettent de cerner, d'une part, le contexte dans lequel s'inscrivent la théorie et la pratique de la traduction pendant la période étudiée et, d'autre part, la manière dont les traducteurs abordent la traduction et effectuent la « translation» des œuvres étrangères. A travers un parcours historique, conventionnellement délimité en périodes, nous tentons de faire surgir des tendances. Et cela sur deux plans : la manière dont on fait de la critique de traduction et les critères à partir desquels on choisit et « transfère » les œuvres traduites dans le contexte littéraire bulgare. Ainsi, nous voudrions définir « ce-à-partir-de-quoi » (Berman : 1995) on traduit en Bulgarie durant les années communistes. Nous voudrions particulièrement savoir s'il existe un « canon traductif » et comment il influence la pratique et la théorie de la traduction. Pour ce faire, nous avons exploré, l'horizon et le projet de traduction de deux œuvres concrètes : le recueil de poèmes de P. Éluard, Pesni za vsicki (Chants pour tous) et le roman de M. Boulgakov, Le Maître et Marguerite. Le choix de ces œuvres nous pennet de saisir des exemples pris aux cultures russe et française et de nous arrêter à différentes sous-périodes des années communistes
This thesis uses Berman's methodology of translation critique to explore the 'translation horizon' in communist Bulgaria, with particular emphasis on the way that the 'translation horizon' might have influenced the 'project of translation' in relation to particular literary works translated into Bulgarian from Russian and French. Berman's notions of 'horizon' and 'project' allow us to study the context of the theory and practice of translation during the period in question. Furthermore, these notions also allow us to study the way that translators approach the process of translation and how they introduce foreign literary works. By dividing the communist era into historical sub-periods, this thesis aims to reveal the tendencies which characterise the translation critique and also the criteria used for choosing and transferring literary translations into Bulgarian. This thesis considers the question of whether there was a 'translation canon' and how this might have influenced the practice and theory of translation. The reflections in this thesis are base on an analysis ofthree translations : Paul Eluard's political poems, from the book Pesni za vsicki (Songs for everyone), and two translations of M. Bulgakov's novel The Master and Margarita
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Wood, Derek. "“Art had almost left them:” Les Cenelles Society of Arts and Letters, The Dillard Project, and the Legacy of Afro-Creole Arts in New Orleans." ScholarWorks@UNO, 2016.

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In 1942, in New Orleans a group of intellectual and artistic African-Americans, led by Marcus B. Christian, formed an art club named Les Cenelles Society of Arts and Letters. Les Cenelles members both looked to New Orleans’s Afro-Creole population as the pinnacle of African American artistic achievements and used their example as a model for artists who sought to effect social change. Many of the members of Les Cenelles wrote for the Louisiana Federal Writers’ Program (FWP). A key strategy the members of Les Cenelles used to accomplish their goals was gaining the support of white civic leaders, in particular Lyle Saxon. Christian and Saxon’s relationship was unusual in the 1940s Jim Crow era in the sense that it was built upon mutual respect and admiration. This thesis examines both the efforts of Les Cenelles and the black division of the FWP, as well as Christian and Saxon’s relationship.
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Young, Ruth. "A comparison of the nature and severity of worries held by adolescents with and without intellectual disabilities as they approach the transition away from school : major research project and clinical research portfolio." Thesis, University of Glasgow, 2013.

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Background: The transition away from secondary school is an important time for adolescents, when identity is shaped and autonomy is increased. It is likely that this period can be particularly worrisome for people with intellectual disabilities (IDs) and it is possible that these worries will have an impact on mental well-being. This study sought to shed light on the content and implications of worries during the approach to transition. Methods: Twenty-five participants with mild to moderate IDs and 27 participants without IDs, all aged 15 to 18, were recruited from schools in the West of Scotland. Participants were interviewed using a Worry Interview that had been adapted from previous research carried out with young adults with IDs. They also completed a measure of rumination and distress that related to their most salient worries. Anxiety was measured using the Glasgow Anxiety Scale for People with an Intellectual Disability (GAS-ID). Results: Content analysis of the interviews identified differences between the worries of the two groups of participants that may represent differences in life experiences. The distress that was linked to the worries was positively correlated with anxiety in both groups. The ID group were significantly more anxious than the non-ID group. Conclusions: Consideration should be given to the specific worries of adolescents in the approach to transition. Doing so may allow solutions for their concerns to be identified, thus easing distress and leading to an overall impact on mental well-being. Limitations of the study and ideas for future research are discussed.
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Petry, Fernando Floriani. "Revista do Livro : um projeto político, literário e cultural." reponame:Repositório Institucional da UFSC, 2015.

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Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Comunicação e Expressão, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Literatura, Florianópolis, 2015.
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Publicada entre os anos de 1956 e 1970, a Revista do Livro era o órgão oficial do Instituto Nacional do Livro. Seu projeto foi retomado pelo Departamento Nacional do Livro - subordinado à Fundação Biblioteca Nacional - em 2002. Idealizada pelo poeta gaúcho Augusto Meyer, a revista reuniu em suas páginas nomes significativos da intelectualidade brasileira em suas diferentes fases de publicação, que coincidiram com diferentes momentos políticos brasileiros. Sua primeira fase, de 1956 a 1961, compreende exatamente o período do Governo de Juscelino Kubitschek e possui 24 números divididos em 20 volumes. Sua segunda fase, de 1964 a 1970, ocorreu durante o período da Ditadura Militar no Brasil, com 19 números publicados em 17 volumes. E sua terceira e atual fase, iniciada em 2002, coincide com a eleição de Luís Inácio Lula da Silva, do Partido dos Trabalhadores para a Presidência da República e recupera a sequência numérica da revista. O último número lançado, em 23 de julho de 2015, foi o 55, totalizando 12 números em 12 volumes. Diante dessa proliferação de números, optamos por realizar um recorte na definição do corpus de pesquisa para a presente tese, focando na primeira fase da revista. Assim sendo, trabalharemos com os 24 primeiros números, publicados entre os anos de 1956 e 61, ampliando o olhar para a sua fase embrionária, ou seja, para os anos de planejamento e criação do Instituto Nacional do Livro e da sua revista. A presente tese sustenta a hipótese de que a Revista do Livro atuou a partir de um projeto político, literário e cultural específico, cujos objetivos eram imaginar e selecionar as tradições que serviriam de base para (re)fundar a Literatura Nacional a partir da constituição de um cânone baseado nos grandes vultos da historiografia literária.

Résumé : La Revista do Livro (Revue du Livre) fut publiée au Brésil entre les années 1956 et 1970, en tant que revue officielle de l'Instituto Nacional do Livro (Institut National du Livre), organe du gouvernement fédéral du Brésil responsable de la politique publique sur le livres et les bibliothèques entre 1938 et 1970. En 2002, la Revista do Livro fut reprise par le Departamento Nacional do Livro (Département national du livre), subordonnéà la Fundação Biblioteca Nacional (Fondation bibliothèque nationale). Le projet conçu par le poète Augusto Meyer, avait attiré d'importants personnages de l'inteligentzia brésilienne au long des différentes étapes de sa publication. Chacune de cellescia correspondu à des différents moments politiques du pays. Dans sa première phase, la Revista do Livro fut publiée entre 1956 et 1961, période qui correspond à celle gouvernement du président Juscelino Kubistchek. La deuxième phase de publication, de 1964 jusqu'à 1970 correspond à la période de la dictature militaire au Brésil. La phase actuelle débuta en 2002, la même année de l'élection du président Luís Inácio Lula da Silva, le premier élu d'un parti de gauche à la tête du gouvernement au Brésil. Cette thèse se propose d'analyser, la première phase de publication de la Revista do Livro qui constitue son corpus. La présente thèse part de l'hypothèse que à travers la compréhension de l'action de la revue se dégage un projet politique, littéraire et culturel spécifique dont les objectives étaient d'imaginer et de sélectionner parmi les traditions brésiliennes celles qui devaient être la base de la formation d'une spécificité de la Littérature Brésilienne : la Littérature Brésilienne des « grands hommes ».
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Eklund, Johan, and Elinor Larsson. "Incitament bakom rapportering av intellektuellt kapital : En kategoribaserad analys av årsredovisningar från åtta IT-företag." Thesis, Högskolan i Borås, Institutionen Handels- och IT-högskolan, 2014.

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Syftet med denna studie är uppdelat i två aspekter. För det första avser vi bidra till kunskapsutveckling genom att observera och presentera vilka incitament som kan finnas bakom kommunicerande av intellektuellt kapital (IK) utifrån IT-företags rapportering av IK genom årsredovisningen. För det andra avser vi att genom vår studie ge ett metodbidrag till forskningen på IK-området genom att visa hur kategorisering med hjälp av ett flerdimensionellt analysverktyg kan användas, tillsammans med olika teoretiska perspektiv, för att analysera hur incitament för rapportering av IK reflekteras i IT-företags årsredovisningar.Studien har utförts genom att empiriskt material från årsredovisningar har kategoriserats utifrån en nyskapad modell bestående av fyra huvudkategorier med vardera fyra underkategorier. Modellen är starkt influerad av Sveiby (1997) och Meritum Project (2002) men utgörs totalt sett av en syntes av ett antal olika modeller och teorier från forskare inom IK-området, med vissa externa influenser. Det kategoriserade empiriska materialet har sedan analyserats utifrån fyra teoretiska analysperspektiv. Dessa fyra perspektiv är intressentteorin, legitimitetsteorin, signalteorin och IC disclosure motivations. Studien är utformad som en kvalitativ innehållsanalys och empirisk data i studien utgörs av årsredovisningar från åtta bolag i IT-branschen listade på marknadsplatsen Nasdaq OMX Nordic Stockholm (Stockholmsbörsen).Resultatet av studien visar att det kan finnas olika incitament för företag att kommunicera sitt IK genom årsredovisningen beroende på vilken teori som används som analysperspektiv. När det gäller intressentteorin kan företagens incitament i stor utsträckning ta sin utgångspunkt i intresset att kunna bedöma företagets risknivå. Utifrån legitimitetsteorin skulle ett incitament bakom rapportering kunna vara att visa att företaget använder sina resurser på ett effektivt och ansvarsfullt sätt. Signalteorin kan erbjuda en möjlighet för företagen att skicka positiva signaler till marknaden även om önskan att inte lämna för mycket information till konkurrenter kan sätta vissa begränsningar. Utifrån modellen för IC disclosure motivations förefaller företagen ha incitament att använda kommunikationen av IK genom årsredovisningen som ett medel för att bland annat stärka sina varumärkens position bland sina intressenter.
Program: Civilekonomprogrammet
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Vakily-Wagniart, Anne. "Le parcours artistique de Johann Christian Hallmann et le projet d'un théâtre impérial allemand : 1662-1704 : contribution à l'histoire du patriotisme littéraire silésien dans la seconde moitié du XVIIe siècle." Paris 4, 2002.

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Dernier auteur de l'école dramatique silésienne, J. Chr. Hallmann (1640 ?-1704 ?) est un témoin important de la fin du patriotisme littéraire silésien et de l'histoire du spectacle dans le Saint-Empire. Influencé par la culture catholique, Hallmann a essayé d'infléchir le théâtre silésien dans un sens pro-impérial. Son œuvre est portée par le projet poétique de créer un théâtre impérial allemand, projet auquel s'opposa la confessionnalisation de la culture allemande. Luthérien anti-calviniste et combattu pour des raisons idéologiques par ses compatriotes (Hoffmannswaldau, Lohenstein), Hallmann ne bénéficia pas non plus de soutien du côté catholique. Conçue comme un travail d'ensemble sur Hallmann, cette thèse repose sur un corpus complet de ses œuvres. Leur étude et celle du contexte historique et culturel ont servi à reconstituer le parcours artistique de Hallmann et sa position dans le champ littéraire silésien. Ses huit drames publiés ont ensuite fait l'objet d'analyses détaillées
The last author of the Silesian dramatic school, J. Chr. Hallmann (1640 ?-1704 ?) is an important witness of the late evolution of Silesian literary patriotism and of the history of drama in the Holy Roman Empire. Influenced by the catholic culture, Hallmann tried to bend Silesian theatre towards a more pro-imperial approach. His work is carried by the poetic project of creating an imperial German theatre ; a project that clashed with the confessionalism of German culture. Opposed for ideological reasons by Hoffmannswaldau and Lohenstein, the anti-Calvinist Lutheran Hallmann also failed to gain support from the Catholic side. Conceived as a comprehensive work on Hallmann, this thesis is founded on the complete texts of the author. The study of those works and of their historical and cultural context has allowed the re-building of the artistic journey of Hallmann and has placed him firmly in the Silesian literary field. His eight published plays have been then analysed in detail
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Purvis, Zachary. "Theology and university : Friedrich Schleiermacher, Karl Hagenbach, and the project of theological encyclopaedia in nineteenth-century Germany." Thesis, University of Oxford, 2014.

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This study examines the rise, development, and crisis of theological encyclopaedia in nineteenth-century Germany. As introductory textbooks for theological study in the university, works of theological encyclopaedia addressed the pressing questions facing theology as a ‘science’ (Wissenschaft), a rigorous, critical discipline deserving of a seat in the modern university. The project of theological encyclopaedia, I argue, functioned as the place where theological reflection and the requirements of the institutional setting in which that reflection occurred—here the German university—converged. I explore its roots as a pioneering idealist model for organizing knowledge in the German university system in the late eighteenth century. I focus especially on Friedrich Schleiermacher (1768–1834), the father of modern Protestantism and principal intellectual architect of the University of Berlin (1810). Schleiermacher’s programme transformed the scholarly theological enterprise into one defined in terms of science. That transformation laid the groundwork for the later historicization of theology, which I investigate in the two predominant ‘schools’ of German university theology in the middle of the nineteenth century, the Hegelian ‘speculative’ school and ‘mediating theology’ (Vermittlungstheologie). Among the latter, I emphasize the remarkable international influence of the Swiss-German Karl Hagenbach (1801–74), whose theological encyclopaedia was among the most widely read theological books in German-speaking Europe from the 1830s through World War I. Finally, I analyze the project’s downfall in the context of Wilhelmine Germany and the Weimar Republic, beset by radical disciplinary specialization, a crisis of historicism, and the attacks of dialectical theology. Throughout, I contend that theological encyclopaedia represented the institutionalization of the idea of theology as science, which furnishes an explanatory grid for understanding the relationship between theology and the university. The project resulted in a powerful synthesis that fundamentally shaped the reigning theological paradigms in nineteenth-century Germany and beyond.
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Broca, Sebastien. "L'utopie du logiciel libre. La construction de projets de transformation sociale en lien avec le mouvement du free software." Phd thesis, Université Panthéon-Sorbonne - Paris I, 2012.

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Dans le mouvement d'extension de la portée sociale du logiciel libre s'est constituée une utopie, qui constitue un pan de l'imaginaire politique contemporain. Cette utopie s'étend désormais bien au-delà de son milieu socio-culturel d'origine (le milieu hacker), du fait des liens tissés entre " libristes " et défenseurs des " biens communs ", du poids croissant de l'approche open source, et à proportion de l'intérêt suscité par le logiciel libre chez certains intellectuels critiques à partir de la fin des années 1990. Reprenant l'idéal cybernétique de libre circulation de l'information, l'utopie du logiciel libre se présente comme une contestation de la vision néolibérale de la propriété intellectuelle, et comme une critique des formes d'organisation du travail caractéristiques du capitalisme industriel. Elle se déploie en tant qu'" utopie concrète " (E. Bloch), mettant en jeu des pratiques de collaboration en ligne, des créations juridiques originales, et des formes de militantisme. Elle embrasse un idéal d'auto-organisation de la société civile, fondé sur la valorisation d'un domaine d'activités sociales distinct tant de l'État que du marché. Elle est toutefois condamnée à demeurer en deçà de cet idéal, et reste par ailleurs toujours menacée par les séductions du mythe et les renoncements de l'idéologie.
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Chatot, Tristan. "Aldo Rossi : trajectoire d'un architecte enseignant dans l'Italie des années 1960 : pour une approche dialectique et épistémologique de la théorie du projet." Thesis, Strasbourg, 2014.

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L’esprit dialectique qui caractérise la posture intellectuelle d’Aldo Rossi en tant qu’enseignant et architecte, cristallise durant les années 1960, en Italie, une nouvelle approche de l’enseignement de la théorie du projet en architecture. Cherchant à être rationnel tout en intégrant la question de « l’élément subjectif » de l’architecte, au travers de son expérience, la posture intellectuelle de Rossi s’est positionnée en réponse à un contexte politique et universitaire en crise. Dans la continuité des recherches menées sur l’épistémologie et la pédagogie de l’architecture ainsi que sur son ouverture réflexive à d’autres champs disciplinaires, Rossi tente de construire un essai théorique à la Fabrique du projet (la Città analoga). Il y questionne la pensée analogique face aux études typologiques en cherchant à esquisser une méthode didactique fonctionnant par étapes. Face à la difficulté de rationaliser « l’élément subjectif », Rossi, prolonge son essai sur la Fabrique du projet, au travers de ses propres œuvres
The dialectical spirit which characterizes Aldo Rossi's intellectual disposition as a teacher and architect practitioner, crystallized during the 1960s, in Italy, a new approach to the teaching of the theory of the project in architecture. Trying to be rational while integrating the question of " the subjective element " of the architect, through his experience, the intellectual posture of Rossi was positioned in response to a political and university crisis. In the continuity of the researches led by the epistemology and the pedagogy of architecture and on his reflexive openness to other disciplinary fields, Rossi tries to build a theoretical essay to the Fabric of the project (Città analoga). He questions the analogical thought in front of the typological studies and tries to sketch a didactic method step by step. Facing the difficulty of rationalising " the subjective element ", Rossi, extends his essay on the Factory of the project, through his own works
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Narvselius, Eleonora. "The Nation’s Brightest and Noblest : Narrative Identity and Empowering Accounts of theUkrainian Intelligentsia in Post-1991 L’viv." Doctoral thesis, Linköpings universitet, REMESO - Institut för forskning om Migration, Etnicitet och Samhälle, 2009.

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This study brings into focus the issue of reproduction and transformation ofcultural authority in the so-called post-Soviet context. It seeks to examine howintelligentsia may be presented and what empowering narratives it may articulatein a concrete locality, namely, in the post-1991 West Ukrainian city of L’viv. Theauthor argues that claims for cultural authority stemming from the socio-culturallocation of intelligentsia are decisive in discussions about Ukrainian nationalidentity and cultural development, which gained momentum after independence.Despite significant discursive transformations, after 1991 intelligentsia is stillpresented as the essence of the nation, as its typical and brightest representativeswho assume the right to speak for the whole nation and to extrapolate own valuesand choices to it. The debate focused on the issues of ‘the national’ actualizes a very significantissue of whose class vision is to become a winning concept for the Ukrainiannation-building. Post-Soviet ‘normalization’ in L’viv implies that cultural patternstypical of the privileged and educated urbanites have been rehabilitated andpresented as both nationally authentic and culturally superior ones. In the post-1991 L’viv the representations embedding the urban community into variouslocal, regional, national, and supranational symbolic contexts resonate with effortsof the intelligentsia to (re-)gain control over reproduction of their own socialpositions and cultural narratives about the nation. This study suggests that analysisof the nation-building processes in Ukraine should pay more attention to symbolicrepresentations of cultural authority which are exploited by local actors runningtheir empowering projects.
Denna studie tar upp frågor om sociokulturell reproducering och omvandling avkulturell auktoritet i en postsovjetisk kontext. Studien undersöker de sätt på vilkaen intelligentia kan representeras och de maktanspråk som den genom berättelserartikulerar i den västukrainska staden L’viv efter självständigheten 1991.Författaren hävdar att de anspråk på kulturell auktoritet som intelligentianuttrycker har principiell betydelse i de diskussioner som förs kring ukrainsknationell identitet och nationens kulturella utveckling. Trots betydande diskursivaomvandlingar som intelligentian genomgått har den behållit sin position somnationens centralfigur. Intelligentian representeras som nationens mest typiskaoch framstående representant med rätt att tala i hela nationens namn, vilket gör attden också kan överföra sina egna värderingar och åsikter till sina landsmän. Diskussioner om det nationella temat sätter mycket betydelsefulla frågor ifokus, inte minst de som handlar om vilkas klassvisioner som kommer att fågenomslag i det ukrainska nationsbyggandet. Den postsovjetiska”normaliseringen” i L’viv har inneburit att de kulturella mönster som är typiskabland privilegierade och högutbildade stadsbor har återupprättats, ofta framställdasom nationellt genuina och kulturellt överlägsna. I det postsovjetiska L’viv ärsymboliska representationer av urbansamhället färgade av olika lokala, nationellaoch supranationella symboliska kontexter. Dessa kommer väl till pass iintelligentians försök att (återigen) kontrollera reproducering av sina socialapositioner och de kulturella berättelserna om nationen. Avhandlingen sätterdärmed fingret på hur kulturell auktoritet utnyttjas av lokala aktörer som strävarefter ett socialt och politiskt övertag samt uppmärksammar betydelsen avsymboliska framställningar i analyser av nationsbyggandeprocesser i Ukraina.
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