Academic literature on the topic 'Programmes de convergence'
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Journal articles on the topic "Programmes de convergence"
Lemisko, Lynn Ellen, Gemma Porter, and Kurt Clausen. "Community and Teacher Education, Convergence or Divergence? Saskatoon and the Saskatoon Normal School, 1930–1950." Alberta Journal of Educational Research 67, no. 4 (December 2, 2021): 397–420.
Full textRambe, Roosemarina Anggraini, and Purmini Purmini. "KEMAMPUAN BELANJA PEMERINTAH DAN PERTUMBUHAN EKONOMI DALAM MENURUNKAN TINGKAT KEMISKINAN: BUKTI EMPIRIS DARI SUMATERA DAN JAWA." Convergence: The Journal of Economic Development 2, no. 1 (July 30, 2020): 1–15.
Full textSaint-Arnaud, Sébastien, and Paul Bernard. "Convergence ou résilience ?" Sociologie et sociétés 35, no. 1 (June 15, 2004): 65–93.
Full textDorussen, Han, and Kyriaki Nanou. "European Integration, Intergovernmental Bargaining, and Convergence of Party Programmes." European Union Politics 7, no. 2 (May 8, 2006): 235–56.
Full textSimoni, Mary. "Project Lovelace: unprecedented opportunities for music education." Organised Sound 8, no. 1 (April 2003): 57–60.
Full textPrinz, Christopher, and William Tompson. "Sickness and disability benefit programmes: What is driving policy convergence?" International Social Security Review 62, no. 4 (October 2009): 41–61.
Full textSkovmand Rasmussen, Niels, and Nina Dietz Legind. "Article 29a – Towards a new Strategic Dimension in Supervisory Convergence?" European Company and Financial Law Review 20, no. 3 (October 16, 2023): 409–37.
Full textSanger, Thomas J., Liam J. Revell, Jeremy J. Gibson-Brown, and Jonathan B. Losos. "Repeated modification of early limb morphogenesis programmes underlies the convergence of relative limb length in Anolis lizards." Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 279, no. 1729 (August 17, 2011): 739–48.
Full textTésits, Róbert, Levente Alpek, and Gábor Hoványi. "Some Experience of the Complex, National Human Resource Development Programmes in the Hungarian Rural Regions." Eastern European Countryside 25, no. 1 (December 1, 2019): 95–119.
Full textBrooker, Robert. "Parliamentary Scrutiny of UK Convergence Programmes: the One that Got Away?" European Public Law 2, Issue 3 (September 1, 1996): 437–51.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Programmes de convergence"
Cochise, Acacia. "Multi-Perspective, Culturally Responsive Students Within Experiential Education Paradigms: A Case Study of Select Programmes in Samoa." Thesis, University of Canterbury. Macmillan Brown Centre for Pacific Studies, 2013.
Full textSeladgi, Yassamine. "Calcul de point fixe pour la vérification de programmes numériques." Palaiseau, Ecole polytechnique, 2013.
Full textNazareno, Claudio. "Regulation and the promotion of national audio-visual content in the era of digital convergence : a comparative analysis of the United Kingdom, France and Brazil." Thesis, University of Roehampton, 2013.
Full textTodosijević, Raca. "Contributions théoriques et pratiques pour la recherche dispersée, recherche à voisinage variable et matheuristique pour les programmes en nombres entiers mixtes." Thesis, Valenciennes, 2015.
Full textThis thesis consists of results obtained studying Scatter Search, Variable Neighbourhood Search (VNS), and Matheuristics in both theoretical and practical context. Regarding theoretical results, one of the main contribution of this thesis is a convergent scatter search with directional rounding algorithm for 0-1 Mixed Integer Programs (MIP) with the proof of its finite convergence. Besides this, a convergent scatter search algorithm is accompanied by two variants of its implementation. Additionally, several scatter search based heuristics, stemming from a convergent scatter search algorithm have been proposed and tested on some instances of 0-1 MIP. The versions of the methods tested are first stage implementations to establish the power of the methods in a simplified form. Our findings demonstrate the efficacy of these first stage methods, which makes them attractive for use in situations where very high quality solutions are sought with an efficient investment of computational effort.This thesis also includes new variants of Variable Neighborhood Search metaheuristic such as a two-level variable neighborhood search, a nested variable neighborhood search, a cyclic variable neighborhood descent and a variable neighborhood diving. Additionally, several efficient implementation of those variable neighborhood search algorithms have been successfully applied for solving NP-Hard problems appearing in transportation, logistics, power generation, scheduling and clustering. On all tested problems, the proposed VNS heuristics turned out to be a new state-of-the art heuristics. The last contribution of this thesis consists of proposing several matheuristics for solving Fixed-Charge Multicommodity Network Design (MCND) problem. The performances of these matheuristics have been disclosed on benchmark instances for MCND. The obtained results demonstrate the competitiveness of the proposed matheuristics with other existing approaches in the literature
Ogweno, Jedah. "Essays on fiscal space in developing countries : the role of international remittances, convergence programs and fiscal federalism." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Orléans, 2023.
Full textFiscal policy is important for development financing, particularly in the context of limited fiscal space, as in many developing countries. This thesis studies the potential of fiscal policy as an asset to fund development. It explores four fundamental questions about the effectiveness of this political-economic tool and resource mobilization. The first essay analyses the impact of migrant remittances on non-resource tax revenues in remittance-recipient countries and how institutional stability modifies this relationship. The results show a positive association mainly through its effect on indirect taxes. Furthermore, institutional quality does not augment the remittance-taxation relationship, as this positive effect diminishes as institutions stabilize. The second essay studies macroeconomic convergence programs' contribution to fiscal convergence and fiscal sustainability of African Regional Economic Communities. Although there is no absolute fiscal convergence in public debt, revenue and expenditure, the log-t tests show conditional convergence. Furthermore, the subsequent analysis fails to validate the hypothesis that belonging to a monetary zone, which is perceived as the deepest form of integration, augments the response of fiscal policy to increasing public debt. The third essay examines the effects of expenditure decentralization and revenue autonomy on the fiscal performance of central government (CG) and subnational governments (SNGs). The results show that expenditure decentralization could enhance CG fiscal performance but only at low levels of transfer dependency by SNGs. However, higher revenue autonomy is detrimental to both central and subnational performance. Nevertheless, enhancing SNG accountability and taking into account the vertical fiscal relations when designing decentralization reforms could reduce the deficit bias at the central and local levels. The final essay investigates how fiscal imbalances (vertical and horizontal) affect tax revenue collection efforts in Kenyan local governments. The results show that vertical imbalances diminish the share of own-source revenues, confirming that large vertical imbalances may foster subnational fiscal indiscipline through a lower tax effort. However, "poorer" county governments exert a higher tax effort
Ferraz, Bruna Alves. "Métodos computacionais de otimização /." Rio Claro, 2017.
Full textBanca: Renata Zotin Gomes de Oliveira
Banca: Ligia Lais Femina
Resumo: Neste trabalho discutiremos alguns métodos clássicos para otimização irrestrita, a saber o Método de Cauchy e o Método de Newton, e analisaremos a convergência desses métodos. Veremos que o Método de Cauchy, que faz a cada iteração uma busca unidirecional na direção de máxima descida, ou seja, na direção oposta ao gradiente, tem convergência linear. O método de Newton, por outro lado, minimiza, em cada iteração, a aproximação quadrática da função objetivo. Nos métodos de busca unidirecional é preciso minimizar uma função a partir de um certo ponto, segundo uma direção dada, que é a direção de busca. Por essa razão, estudaremos o Método da Seção Áurea, que fornece uma minimização exata de uma função real de uma variável real
Abstract: In this work we will discuss some classic methods for unrestricted optimization, namely the Cauchy Method and Newton's Method, and we will analyze the convergence of those methods. We will see that the Cauchy Method, that realizes on each iteration a unidirectional search in the direction of maximum descent, that is, in the direction opposite to the gradient, has linear convergence. The Newton Method, on the other hand, minimizes, in each iteration, the quadratic approximation of the objective function. In unidirectional search methods, one must minimize a function from a certain point in a given direction, which is the search direction. For that reason, we will study the Golden Section Method, which provides the exact minimization of a real function of a real variable
Gamonar, Flavia Daniele Oliveira [UNESP]. "Planejamento e prototipagem de uma rede social de gastronomia convergente com programas de TV e mídias sociais." Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), 2015.
Full textEste trabalho apresenta o processo de planejamento de uma rede social para o nicho da gastronomia, convergente com programas de TV, sites especializados e outras mídias sociais, a partir dda adoção da metodologia ágil para desenvolvimento de software Scrum. Como justificativa do trabalho, são apresentados dados sobre a valorização de temas gastronômicos no cenário contemporâneo, e sobre as tendências de uso de redes sociais no Brasil. Para a definição do escopo do projeto e das funcionalidades do produto, foram analisados programas de TV, sites especializados e canais de mídias sociais que tratam do tema. Como resultados, o trabalho apresenta o modelo de negócios concebido para o produto, um roadmap cronológico que define versões para seu lançamento no mercadoe um protótipo que demonstra o conceito e algumas funcionalidades dessa rede social.
This research presents the planning process of a niche social network about gastronomy convergent with TV shows, specialized sites and other social media, with the adoption of agile software development Scrum. As justification, presents data about the importance of gastronomic themes in the contemporary scene and on social networking usage trends in Brazil. To define the project scope and product features. TV programs, specialized websites and social media channels about the theme are analyzed. As results, presents the business model designed for the product, a chronological roadmap that defines versions to-market and a prototype that demostrates the concept and some features of the social network
Gamonar, Flavia Daniele Oliveira. "Planejamento e prototipagem de uma rede social de gastronomia convergente com programas de TV e mídias sociais /." Bauru, 2015.
Full textBanca: Denis Porto Reno
Banca: Élvio Gilberto da Silva
Resumo: Este trabalho apresenta o processo de planejamento de uma rede social para o nicho da gastronomia, convergente com programas de TV, sites especializados e outras mídias sociais, a partir dda adoção da metodologia ágil para desenvolvimento de software Scrum. Como justificativa do trabalho, são apresentados dados sobre a valorização de temas gastronômicos no cenário contemporâneo, e sobre as tendências de uso de redes sociais no Brasil. Para a definição do escopo do projeto e das funcionalidades do produto, foram analisados programas de TV, sites especializados e canais de mídias sociais que tratam do tema. Como resultados, o trabalho apresenta o modelo de negócios concebido para o produto, um roadmap cronológico que define versões para seu lançamento no mercadoe um protótipo que demonstra o conceito e algumas funcionalidades dessa rede social.
Abstract: This research presents the planning process of a niche social network about gastronomy convergent with TV shows, specialized sites and other social media, with the adoption of agile software development Scrum. As justification, presents data about the importance of gastronomic themes in the contemporary scene and on social networking usage trends in Brazil. To define the project scope and product features. TV programs, specialized websites and social media channels about the theme are analyzed. As results, presents the business model designed for the product, a chronological roadmap that defines versions to-market and a prototype that demostrates the concept and some features of the social network
Sharma, Reetu. "Coordination of frontline workers for improving the health of children in Rajasthan (India) : a case study." Thesis, University of Oxford, 2014.
Full textMalin, Sunna. "SVT i det nya mediesamhället : En kvalitativ studie om hur TV-programmen Gokväll, Mitt i naturen och Plus använder sociala medier." Thesis, Umeå universitet, Institutionen för kultur- och medievetenskaper, 2014.
Full textBooks on the topic "Programmes de convergence"
Institute, West African Monetary, ed. Programmes for macroeconomic convergence in the West African Monetary Zone, 2003-2005. Accra Ghana: West African Monetary Institute, 2003.
Find full textTreasury, Great Britain, ed. United Kingdom Convergence Programme. London: The Treasury, 1998.
Find full textIreland. Department of Finance. Ireland--convergence programme 1997 to 1999. Dublin: Stationery Office, 1997.
Find full textMilly, Buonanno, ed. Convergences: Eurofiction fourth report. Napoli: Liguori, 2002.
Find full textTreasury, Great Britain. Convergence Programme for the United Kingdom: Submitted in line with the Stability and Growth Pact. London: HM Treasury, 2005.
Find full textTreasury, Great Britain, ed. Convergence Programme for the United Kingdom: Submitted in line with the Stability and Growth Pact. London: HM Treasury, 2006.
Find full textE, Wisler Carl, and American Evaluation Association, eds. Evaluation and auditing: Prospects for convergence. San Francisco, Calif: Jossey-Bass Pub., 1996.
Find full textMali. Direction nationale de la statistique et de l'informatique. and Mali. Comité national de politique économique., eds. Programme pluriannuel de convergence, de stabilité, de croissance et de solidarité (2007-2009). Bamako: Ministère du plan et de l'aménagement du territoire, Direction nationale de la statistique et de l'informatique [et] Comité national de politique économique, 2006.
Find full textPatel, Tapan. Convergence of watershed development programme & MGNREGA to ensure drinking water security: Where do we stand? Ahmedabad: Development Support Centre, 2011.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Programmes de convergence"
Fischer, Jonas, and Gabriele Giudice. "The Stability and Convergence Programmes." In The Stability and Growth Pact, 158–82. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2001.
Full textMajid, Ishfaq, and Y. Vijaya Lakshmi. "An Analysis of Artificial Intelligence Initiatives and Programmes in India." In Convergence of Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence in Internet of Things, 281–92. Boca Raton: CRC Press, 2022.
Full textCora, Zoltán. "Johan Béla és a modern magyar közegészségügy kiépítése." In Fontes et Libri, 23–44. Szeged, Hungary: Szegedi Tudományegyetem, 2023.
Full textDutta, Saikat, Zixin Huang, and Sasa Misailovic. "SixthSense: Debugging Convergence Problems in Probabilistic Programs via Program Representation Learning." In Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering, 123–44. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2022.
Full textO'Hea, Kieran. "The Future of Content: Towards a 5th Framework Programme in Multimedia Content & Tools." In Digital Convergence: The Information Revolution, 13–25. London: Springer London, 1999.
Full textMobasser, Supannika K. "Agile Fit Check Framework for Government Acquisition Programs." In Disciplinary Convergence in Systems Engineering Research, 1005–20. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2017.
Full textSzypulewska-Porczyńska, Alina Dorota. "The emergency measures underpinning Poland's Convergence Programme 2020." In The Economic and Legal Impact of Covid-19, 126–42. London: Routledge, 2021.
Full textPugh, William, Evan Rosser, and Tatiana Shpeisman. "Exploiting monotone convergence functions in parallel programs." In Languages and Compilers for Parallel Computing, 75–85. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1997.
Full textEngelhardt, Richard A., and Pernille Askerud. "Methodological Convergence: Documentary Heritage and the International Framework for Cultural Heritage Protection." In The UNESCO Memory of the World Programme, 111–28. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2019.
Full textPatriksson, Michael. "Convergence of the CA algorithm for nonlinear programs." In Nonlinear Programming and Variational Inequality Problems, 135–68. Boston, MA: Springer US, 1999.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Programmes de convergence"
Kang, Ki-Sig, Claude Russell Clark, and Poong Eil Juhn. "Integrated Plant Life Cycle Management: The IAEA Contribution." In ASME 2003 Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference. ASMEDC, 2003.
Full textKammerer, Susanne. "Diet and exercise programme: a successful OA strategy in a community-based setting." In ACR Convergence 2022, edited by Rachel Giles. Baarn, the Netherlands: Medicom Medical Publishers, 2022.
Full textCheville, R. Alan, Robert Nickel, Stewart Thomas, Rebecca Thomams, and Michael S. Thompson. "Systemic Convergence Education in Undergraduate ECE Programs." In 2021 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE). IEEE, 2021.
Full textYing, Kexing, and Rémy Degenne. "A Formalization of Doob’s Martingale Convergence Theorems in mathlib." In CPP '23: 12th ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Certified Programs and Proofs. New York, NY, USA: ACM, 2023.
Full textCoutinho, Jose G. F., Wayne W. Luk, and Markus Weinhardt. "Optimizing Parallel Programs for Hardware Implementation." In ITCom 2002: The Convergence of Information Technologies and Communications, edited by John Schewel, Philip B. James-Roxby, Herman H. Schmit, and John T. McHenry. SPIE, 2002.
Full textVajjha, Koundinya, Avraham Shinnar, Barry Trager, Vasily Pestun, and Nathan Fulton. "CertRL: formalizing convergence proofs for value and policy iteration in Coq." In CPP '21: 10th ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Certified Programs and Proofs. New York, NY, USA: ACM, 2021.
Full textLanger, Akhil, and Udatta Palekar. "Split-and-Merge Method for Accelerating Convergence of Stochastic Linear Programs." In International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems. SCITEPRESS - Science and and Technology Publications, 2015.
Full textBalodis, Rihards, and Inara Opmane. "Computing and communication convergence reflection to legislation system and higher education programs." In 2017 International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC). IEEE, 2017.
Full textHavelková, Eva, and Iveta Hnětynková. "Residual norm behavior for Hybrid LSQR regularization." In Programs and Algorithms of Numerical Mathematics 21. Institute of Mathematics, Czech Academy of Sciences, 2023.
Full textBaek, Nakhoon, and Byeonguk Im. "Providing Preliminary Profiling Information for OpenGL ES 1.1 Application Programs." In 2015 5th International Conference on IT Convergence and Security (ICITCS). IEEE, 2015.
Full textReports on the topic "Programmes de convergence"
Kwon, Yumi, and Sook Jin Kim. Study on Development of Convergence Subjects for Software Education in Fashion Design: Convergence Education of Western Costume History and 3D Virtual Costume Programs. Ames: Iowa State University, Digital Repository, November 2016.
Full textRiquier, Marie. Improving the Prospects for Peace in South Sudan: Spotlight on Measurement. Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, June 2023.
Full textAbdullah, Hannah, Karim Elgendy, and Hanne Knaepen. Climate Resilience in Cities of the EU’s Southern Neighbourhood: Opportunities for the EU Green Deal. The Royal Institute of International Affairs, November 2021.
Full textSiercke, Maj, Sanne Pagh Moller, Lau Caspar Thygesen, Henrik Sillesen, and Dorthe Overgaard. Improving Rehabilitation for Patients with Intermittent Claudication: A Randomized Controlled Trial with a Mixed-Methods Evaluation (The CIPIC Rehab Study). Science Repository, October 2021.
Full textAyuda para el Comercio y el Proyecto Mesoamérica. Inter-American Development Bank, January 2010.
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