Academic literature on the topic 'Professionnels de la communication'
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Journal articles on the topic "Professionnels de la communication"
Mayoral Asensio, Roberto. "Los estudios de traducción, la profesión de traductor y el mundo profesional en España." Babel. Revue internationale de la traduction / International Journal of Translation 38, no. 3 (January 1, 1992): 186–92.
Full textSchmitt, Laurie, Chloë Salles, and Manuel Dupuy-Salle. "Les parcours professionnels entre journalisme et communication." Revue Communication & professionnalisation, no. 8 (October 21, 2019): 13–35.
Full textBaillargeon, Dany, Vincent Brulois, Catherine Coyette, Marc D. David, François Lambotte, and Valérie Lépine. "Figures et dynamiques de la professionnalisation des communicateurs." Revue Communication & professionnalisation, no. 1 (May 5, 2013): 12–32.
Full textDA SILVA SANTOS, Karen, Patricia ALONSO, and Cinira MAGALI FORTUNA. "Les pratiques professionnelles dans un centre de lutte antituberculeuse : l’observation et l’implication." Phronesis 6, no. 3 (July 24, 2017): 126–38.
Full textDipede, Cheryl. "From Typographer to Graphic Designer: Typographic Exhibitions and the Formation of a Graphic Design Profession in Canada in the 1950s and 1960s." RACAR : Revue d'art canadienne 40, no. 2 (March 3, 2016): 130–45.
Full textHeller, Thomas. "Evaluer la communication interne. Une approche critique." Revue Communication & professionnalisation, no. 9 (July 2, 2020): 23–41.
Full textLefelle, Marie. "Interdiscursivité et transmissions orales dans le domaine de l’aide à la personne avec les personnes âgées." SHS Web of Conferences 133 (2022): 01003.
Full textAlemanno, Sylvie P. "La communication organisationnelle et numérique : formation en mutation, profession en construction." Revue Communication & professionnalisation, no. 3 (February 29, 2016): 180–201.
Full textCouturier, Yves, Dominique Gagnon, and Louise Belzile. "Les compétences procédurales requises à la coordination dédiée." Phronesis 1, no. 2 (May 2, 2012): 15–23.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Professionnels de la communication"
Comtet, Kouloumdjian Isabelle. "Systèmes collaboratifs et acteurs professionnels en réseau de communication." Paris 2, 1999.
Full textPreti, Alexandre. "Surveillance de réseaux professionnels de communication par reconnaissance du locuteur." Avignon, 2008.
Full textThis thesis work deals with automatic speaker recognition for professional telecommunication networks (PMR). More precisely, the targeted application is the online monitoring of communications on this kind of networks. State of the art speaker recognition systems show good performance on telephonic data. Therefore, the targeted application introduces specific constaints. We evaluate the impact of these constraints on a baseline speaker recognition system and propose solutions to limit their influence on recognition error rates. Firstly, we propose an optimised speech parameterization. Some technics are introduced to compensate the effects of noisy environments, low bitrate voice coding and channel transmission variations. Moreover, this parameterization is compliant with the online recognition processing needed by the targeted application. Then, we introduce a new approach for unsupervised speaker model adaptation to reduce the issue of the poor quantity of learning data. Unsupervised adaptation is also a way to reduce the impact of the intra-speaker and inter-session variabilities. We propose a continuous progressive speaker model adaptation able to take into account all the test data withdrawing threshold based data selection
Stalder, Pia. "Pratiques de communication des acteurs professionnels lors de réunions en contexte international." Bern : [s.n.], 2008.
Full textRauscher, François. "Gestion des connaissances et communication médiatisée : traçabilité et structuration des messages professionnels." Thesis, Troyes, 2016.
Full textEven if intangible capital represents an increasingly important part of the value of our enterprises, it’s not always possible to store, trace or capture knowledge and expertise, for instance in middle sized projects. Email it still widely used in professional projects especially among geographically distributed teams. In this study we present a novel approach to detect zones inside business emails where elements of knowledge are likely to be found. We define an enhanced context taking into account not only the email content and metadata but also the competencies of the users and their roles. Also linguistic pragmatic analysis is added to usual natural language processing techniques. After describing our model and method KTR, we apply it to a real life corpus and evaluate the results based on machine learning, filtering and information retrieval algorithms
Ranjalahy, Stephan Mampianina Andriantsoa. "Pratiques informationnelles en milieu défavorisé : cas de professionnels à Madagascar." Paris 8, 2012.
Full textTeigné, Elodie Rousteau Gabriel. "Utilisation de l'expression scénique en orthophonie enquête auprès des professionnels /." [S.l.] : [s.n.], 2007.
Full textZinaoui, Taoufik. "Problématiques et enjeux de la communication dans la prévention des risques professionnels dans les entreprises." Bordeaux 3, 2009.
Full textThe French industrial firms are in permanent mutation. They do not cease using the high-tech for reasons of competition, of production costs and the research of reliability at the level of production. In this context, the wage earners are often in the middle of these mutations which make them to adapt to all these conditions. However, this uninterrupted adaptation of the wage earners displays them in the happening of countless professional risks. The area of building illustrates perfectly the factual presence of this phenomenon. To try to control the spreading of these risks in this area, the business managers use through of the communication of risk. This communication, these business managers desire to increase the level of knowledge of their wage earners of nature, dangerosity and building of these risks on construction sites. However, it proves to be that this communication of risk meets various obstacles, that make it ineffectual, or evenput in situation of failure. This doctoral dissertation, across a theoretical analysis and an empirical job, allowed on one the hand, to put the finger on the actual dysfunctions which hinder the good functioning of this communication in its role to inform the wage earners on the reality of professional risks which threaten them regularly. These raised dysfunctions are human, material and managing order. On the other hand, this thesis could offer a certain number of pragmatic recommendations which would be likely to improve the communication of risk in this area
Le, Guern Anne-Laure. "Les écrits professionnels des formateurs d'enseignants : discours sur les pratiques et conceptions de l'écriture." Caen, 2010.
Full textThis PhD research has a double frame : in one hand, the sociological and sociolinguistic studies about professionnal writing and writings at work, but also, in the other hand, the approach to writing as defined by what is called in the French-Speaking countries « didactics » of writing. This research explores teacher's trainers writing practices, ideas and discourses about writing(s) whatever they are (linear text or tables, non-linear writings, shown as posters, published or not, just made for oneself). Those teacher's trainers practices and conceptions are not present focused research questions. Yet they influence teachers' trainnees works. The corpus-stydy is based on a rank of unstructured interviews and analyse is based on ethnological current writings approach. The results show different conceptions that does not identify writing in a the same way, but display a a wide variety as to compose a grammatology of writing (handwriting, typewriting, act of writing, notes and logbook, files, accounts, plannification, writing articles, books, signature. . . ). Several worlds and several logics can be pointed out : legal logic which makes writing as an act offering guarantee and safeness; a handcraft logic which conceive writing as a melting-pot for making professionnal knowledge; an affirmative logic of of the identity by which writing is the means becoming oneself and being recognized by others; at least, an heuristic logic of the adressed writing, made for professionnal debate and publishing made for intellectual discussion. Writing can be then considered as a real analyser of men and women at work
Mato, Ornela. "Les professionnels entendants de la surdité : transformation des dynamiques professionnelles suite à l’émergence du nouveau paradigme de la surdité dans les années 1970." Thesis, Paris 8, 2017.
Full textThe field of interventions for the deaf is strongly divided by two opposed paradigms: The first one focuses on vocal speech (repairing ear function and voice re-education), the second focuses on sign language since the 1970s with their Awakening of the Deaf (a fight for the deaf to be recognized as a linguistic and cultural community). A lot of special schools and professionals are affected (teachers, special educators, speech-therapists, audiologists, cued speech transliteration programs, communication assistants…) in different fields (health and paramedical sectors, education, communication). At first the professionals who hear were in charge, but the Deaf Awakening will legitimize the professional presence of deaf people using sign language. Associations and engaged academics play a key role within this emergence.Reconfiguration of professional dynamics leads here to a redefinition of roles and places for those in charge (professionals who hear and the field of education): competition, recognition of ways to act, emerging associations of parents and of deaf people themselves, the place of the experts. Despite the attempts at reconfiguring public action, an unequal trade-off perpetuates the dominant vocal speech acquisition model, accompanied by a partial recognition of sign language as well as of interpreters and French sign language teachers
Vincent, Alexandre. "Les musiciens professionnels au service de la cité (fin de la République – Haut-Empire)." Thesis, Aix-Marseille 1, 2011.
Full textNo general study had focused on roman professional musicians. Famous artists have been considered, but everyday musicians remained ignored, even if some of them were exercising their talent for the benefit of the State. Musicians were used to summon citizens for the political meetings, or were expected to assist with the execution of state religion’s rites. Those men were, thanks to their musical performance, minor civil servants. Epigraphy is the main resource for this research. The prosopographical methodology chosen for this work has made it possible to reach these humble citizens. It also enabled a contribution to the history of the posts ranking under centurionate : their career paths of the military musicians were distinctive.As minor civil servants, how were musicians considered among the population of the roman cities ? These men belonged to the « middle class » plebs, but a special attention must be cast on the aenatores. They were, par excellence, civic musicians. Their history highlights Augustus’ reign : they seem to have enjoyed a special attention during the first princeps’ years. As epitomes of the Roman city’s antiquity, those men were ideal instruments chosen to trumpet the imperial ideology
Books on the topic "Professionnels de la communication"
Nunnally, Elam W. Les bases de la communication pour les professionnelles et les professionnels des services humains. Sainte-Foy, Qué: Éditions Saint-Yves, 1990.
Find full textCoton, Christel. Les paradoxes de l'écriture: Sociologie des écrits professionnels. Rennes: Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2012.
Find full textColloque Chrétiens, professionnels de la communication (1991 Angers, France). Ethique et communication: Actes du Colloque Chrétiens, professionnels de la communication, I.R.C.O.M., Angers, 22-23 mars 1991. Paris: Beauchesne, 1991.
Find full textMonique, Lebhar Politi, Galazzi Enrica, and Margarito Mariagrazia, eds. Oralité dans la parole et dans l'écriture: Analyses linguistiques, valeurs symboliques, enjeux professionnels = Oralità nella parola e nella scrittura ... Torino: Libreria Cortina, 2001.
Find full textLebel, Pierre. Communication professionnelle de l'infirmière. Paris: Hospitalières, 1995.
Find full textMieux négocier: Un guide complet à l'intention des professionnels, des dirigeants et des gestionnaires. Cowansville, QC: Éditions Yvon Blais, 2005.
Find full textCommunication pour le développement: Analyse critique des dispositifs et pratiques professionnels [sic] au Congo. Cortil-Wodon: Editions modulaires européennes, 2008.
Find full textDrolet, Marie-Josée. ABC de l'argumentation: Pour les professionnels de la santé et toute autre personne qui souhaite convaincre. Québec (Québec): Presses de l'Université du Québec, 2015.
Find full textBernard, Olivier. Expression professionnelle. Beaune: Ministère de l'éducation nationale, Centre d'éducation permanente et de promotion sociale, 1986.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Professionnels de la communication"
Schmitt, Christian. "1. Vocabulaire général, vocabulaires techniques et scientifiques et la communication professionnelle." In Manuel des langues de spécialité, edited by Werner Forner and Britta Thörle, 53–67. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 2016.
Full textLefèvre, Ch. "Les noeuds professionnels." In Ligatures et sutures chirurgicales, 357–87. Paris: Springer Paris, 2011.
Full textHornsby, David. "Professionnels de la Parole Publique." In Norm and Ideology in Spoken French, 167–90. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020.
Full textMasson, Odette. "4. Difficultés de communication entre professionnels et institutions." In L'enfance maltraitée, 61–75. Karthala, 1991.
Full textMeyer, Claude. "Communication professionnelle." In Dictionnaire des concepts de la professionnalisation, 61. De Boeck Supérieur, 2013.
Full textSaboya, Fabienne. "Communication professionnelle." In Dictionnaire des concepts de la professionnalisation, 95–99. De Boeck Supérieur, 2022.
Full textFRISCH, Muriel. "Hybrider sans déshumaniser dans les métiers de l’humain et les recherches en sciences de l’éducation et de la formation pendant le confinement." In Les épidémies au prisme des SHS, 239–50. Editions des archives contemporaines, 2022.
Full textRONDOT, Camille. "« Raconte tes données », entre euphémisation, standardisation et poétique du chiffre." In Analyses des sites web, 269–89. ISTE Group, 2022.
Full textRapoport, Danielle. "9. La communication entre journalistes et professionnels de la petite enfance." In L'enfance maltraitée, 135–43. Karthala, 1991.
Full textHuteau, Michel. "Technologies de l'information et de la communication (information and communication technologies)." In Orientation et insertion professionnelle, 415–19. Dunod, 2007.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Professionnels de la communication"
Catros, S., M. Fenelon, A. Rui, K. Ross, D. Marcio, B. Angel, M. D. S. Luis, et al. "Création d’un site internet Européen de formation au sevrage tabagique." In 66ème Congrès de la SFCO. Les Ulis, France: EDP Sciences, 2020.
Full textKalinina, Irina. "Appréciation individuelle des termes du métier par des spécialistes en ostéopathie biodynamique en anglais, français et italien." In Language for International Communication. University of Latvia Press, 2023.
Full textSánchez Hernández, Ángeles. "Les associations thématiques du motif de l’eau dans un roman québécois : ‘HKPQ’ de Michèle Plomer." In XXV Coloquio AFUE. Palabras e imaginarios del agua. Valencia: Universitat Politècnica València, 2016.
Full textArdeois, F., and P. Navillon. "La réalité virtuelle au service de la prévention des risques professionnels." In Congrès Lambda Mu 19 de Maîtrise des Risques et Sûreté de Fonctionnement, Dijon, 21-23 Octobre 2014. IMdR, 2015.
Full textGressel, Reinhard. "Formes d’usage des voitures. Comment les professionnels mobiles gèrent leurs contraintes de déplacement." In Peut-on se passer de la voiture hors des centres urbains ? MSH Paris-Saclay Éditions, 2021.
Full textVergote, M.-H. "Les professionnels du babyfood face au risque ESB en 1990 : éclairages sur une décision critique." In Congrès Lambda Mu 19 de Maîtrise des Risques et Sûreté de Fonctionnement, Dijon, 21-23 Octobre 2014. IMdR, 2015.
Full textTissot, Claire. "Exploitation textuelle de données de retour d'expérience sous l'angle de la prévention des risques professionnels." In Congrès Lambda Mu 20 de Maîtrise des Risques et de Sûreté de Fonctionnement, 11-13 Octobre 2016, Saint Malo, France. IMdR, 2016.
Full textMangiante, Jean-Marc. "Analyse et enseignement des discours sur l'eau en FOS." In XXV Coloquio AFUE. Palabras e imaginarios del agua. Valencia: Universitat Politècnica València, 2016.
Full textVIANA, Marylène. "Jeu de rôle et simulation d’une entreprise ou comment former les futurs professionnels de l’industrie pharmaceutique." In Les journées de l'interdisciplinarité 2022. Limoges: Université de Limoges, 2022.
Full textLARROUILH, Noémie, Noémie FOUCHER, Gwenaele PROUTIERE-MAULION, Franck SCHOEFS, Martin SANCHEZ, Emilio BASTIDAS, and Jérôme LEBEAU. "Modulariser les formations universitaires en génie côtier pour faciliter l'accès des professionnels : le programme UN e-SEA." In Journées Nationales Génie Côtier - Génie Civil. Editions Paralia, 2018.
Full textReports on the topic "Professionnels de la communication"
Bordeleau, Raphaëlle, Mathilde Montpetit, Jade Jost, Régis Blais, Delphine Bosson-Rieutort, Géraldine Layani, and Nadia Sourial. Quels seront les soins de santé de première ligne du futur ? Compte-rendu du 40e Colloque Jean-Yves Rivard. CIRANO, February 2024.
Full textKamaté, Caroline. La sécurité, une affaire de professionnels? Intégrer la sécurité aux compétences professionnelles. Fondation pour une culture de sécurité industrielle, October 2018.
Full textZepernick, David, Katrina Feilberg Schouenborg, Sarah Lindegaard, and Mathias Wulff Jensen. Communication handbook. Nordic Council of Ministers, November 2014.
Full textMattson, Peter, William J. Dally, Scott Rixner, Ujval J. Kapasi, and John D. Owens. Communication Scheduling. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, January 2000.
Full textEparkhina, Dina, Kelle Moreau, Nicole Köstner, Kieran Reilly, Veronica Ortiz, Joaquin Tintore, Michele Barbier, and Elena Giusta. Communication Plan. EuroSea, April 2020.
Full textCharest, Francine. Enjeux professionnels et organisationnels des Relations Publiques Web 2.0. Professional and organisational issues of Web 2.0 Public Relations. Revista Internacional de Relaciones Públicas, December 2012.
Full textReeder, Melanie. The Strategic Communication Plan: Effective Communication for Strategic Leaders. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, May 1998.
Full textVieira, António. Media and Communication. Basel, Switzerland: Librello, 2013.
Full textParsa, Zohreh. Network and communication. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), April 1987.
Full textScholtz, Robert A., and Lloyd R. Welch. Advanced Communication Techniques. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, July 1988.
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