Academic literature on the topic 'Profession of the link'
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Journal articles on the topic "Profession of the link"
Ogiriki, Tonye, and Seibokuro Igali Robert. "The audit profession inside and outside the firm." Journal of Global Social Sciences 4, no. 14 (May 29, 2023): 307–14.
Full textBehn, Bruce. "Toward a learned profession: The future of accounting research." FINANCIAL REPORTING, no. 2 (September 2017): 23–27.
Full textIORDANOU, IOANNA. "The Professionalization of Cryptology in Sixteenth-Century Venice." Enterprise & Society 19, no. 4 (September 24, 2018): 979–1013.
Full textVenter, Francois. "The Academia as Profession." Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal/Potchefstroomse Elektroniese Regsblad 16, no. 1 (April 26, 2017): 01.
Full textAyandiran, Emmanuel Olufemi, Omolola Oladunni Irinoye, Joel Olayiwola Faronbi, and Ntombi G. Mtshali. "Education Reforms in Nigeria: How Responsive is the Nursing Profession?" International Journal of Nursing Education Scholarship 10, no. 1 (June 8, 2013): 11–18.
Full textTuson, Alice. "Flowers In Our Profession." Practising midwife Australia 1, no. 2 (November 1, 2022): 32–35.
Full textPoudel, Bhumidatta, and Balaram Devkota. "Elderly's Contribution in Employment Generation A Study of Mandandeupur Municipality, Kavreplanchowk." Patan Pragya 7, no. 1 (December 31, 2020): 55–65.
Full textRuggera, Lucia. "Licensed professions: a new look at the association between social origins and educational attainments in Italy." Higher Education 82, no. 2 (April 19, 2021): 369–86.
Full textKUROVSKA, HANNA. "APPLICATION OF BASICS OF ACTOR-NETWORK APPROACH TO SOCIOLOGY OF PROFESSIONS." Sociology: Theory, Methods, Marketing, Stmm. 2022 (1) (2022): 196–206.
Full textGamberini, Lorna. "Reflux and voice disorders." Morecambe Bay Medical Journal 4, no. 10 (January 3, 2005): 288–89.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Profession of the link"
GENTILE, PAOLA. "The Interpreter’s Professional Status. A Sociological Investigation into the Interpreting Profession." Doctoral thesis, Università degli Studi di Trieste, 2016.
Full textMahaffey, Corinne Lydia. "The fighting profession : the professionalization of the British Line Infantry Officer Corps, 1870-1902." Thesis, University of Glasgow, 2004.
Full textTenorio, de Azevedo Maria Rosalia. "Media Literacy and the Common Good: A Link to Catholic Social Teaching." Digital Commons at Loyola Marymount University and Loyola Law School, 2015.
Full textPlatt, Michele Angeline. "Making the link : multi-professional care for acutely ill deteriorating patients : a constructivist grounded theory approach." Thesis, University of Warwick, 2015.
Full textSchiesaro, Maria <1996>. "The Black Physician in African American Fiction (1890s-1930s) : Performing a White Profession in a Racist Country." Master's Degree Thesis, Università Ca' Foscari Venezia, 2021.
Full textSmuts, Nicolette. "The elaboration and empirical evaluation of a partial talent management competency model in the nursing profession." Thesis, Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University, 2011.
Full textENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study stems from an urgent need to understand which factors contribute to nurse practitioners’ intention to quit, and consequently what organisations can do to retain these practitioners. There is increased pressure on the healthcare sector, more specifically nursing, due to a severe shortage in this discipline. These shortages are not an isolated phenomenon, but influence the private as well as public sector worldwide, as well as in South Africa. A multitude of factors contribute to the fact that nursing is a scarce skill worldwide. Some factors are controllable, others not. By isolating the controllable factors, organisations and managers can be equipped to put action plans in place to decrease the impact of this crisis. Processes and action plans to enlarge the nursing pool, and also to retain the current workforce, can contribute to overcoming this challenge. There is proof that the implementation of a structured talent management programme can contribute to overcoming this challenge. Line managers and their competence regarding the management of personnel play a key role in such a talent management programme. This study has as its objective to re-evaluate an existing talent management competency model for line managers, and to propose additional variables that can influence organisational outcomes like job satisfaction, organisational commitment and turnover intention. By understanding which line manager competencies influence organisational outcomes, and the manner in which they influence these outcomes, line managers as well as organisations can be equipped to formulate processes and programmes that can contribute to the retention of a scarce skill, and importantly, also minimise the impact of a worldwide crisis. The results of the study indicated that the operationalisation of the talent management competencies failed. The originally proposed model consequently had to be reduced by deleting all talent management latent variables from the model. Poor model fit was obtained for the reduced model. Modifications were, however, made to the reduced model based on modification index suggestions derived from the data. The modified model showed good fit and support was obtained for all the paths in the modified model. Crossvalidation of the modified model was recommended.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie spruit uit ‘n dringende behoefte om te verstaan watter faktore daartoe bydra dat verpleegkundiges die voorneme ontwikkel om ‘n organisasie te verlaat, en gevolglik wat organisasies kan doen om verpleegkundiges wel te behou. Toenemende druk word in die gesondheidsorgsektor ervaar, meer spesifiek op verpleging, weens ernstige tekorte in hierdie dissipline. Hierdie tekorte is nie ‘n geïsoleerde verskynsel nie, maar raak die privaatsektor sowel as die publieke sektor wêreldwyd, sowel as Suid-Afrika. ‘n Veelvoud van faktore dra daartoe by dat verpleegkunde ‘n skaars vaardigheid wêreldwyd is. Sekere faktore is beheerbaar, ander nie. Deur die beheerbare faktore te isoleer, kan organisasies en bestuurders aksieplanne in plek stel om die impak van hierdie krisis te verminder. Prosesse en aksieplanne om byvoorbeeld die verplegingpoel te vergroot, en ook om die huidige werksmag te behou, kan bydra tot die oorbrugging van hierdie uitdaging. Daar is bewyse dat die implementering van ‘n gestruktureerde talentbestuurprogram kan bydra om hierdie uitdaging te oorkom. ‘n Sleutelrol in so ‘n talentbestuurprogram, is die lynbestuurder en sy/haar bevoegdheid ten opsigte van die bestuur van personeel. Hierdie studie het ten doel om ‘n bestaande talentbestuurmodel vir lynbestuurders te her-evalueer en addisionele veranderlikes voor te stel wat organisasie-uitkomste soos werkstevredenheid, organisasie-verbondenheid en voorneme om te bedank beïnvloed. Deur te verstaan watter lynbestuurbevoegdhede organisasie-uitkomste beïnvloed en die wyse waarop hierdie bevoegdhede op hierdie uitkomste inwerk, kan lynbestuurders, sowel as organisasies, toegerus word om prosesse en programme te formuleer. Hierdie programme kan ‘n bydra lewer tot die behoud van ‘n skaars vaardigheid, en sodoende die impak van ‘n wêreldwye krisis minimaliseer. Die resultate van die studie het aangetoon dat die operasionalisering van die talentbestuurbevoegdhede onsuksesvol was. Die oorspronklik voorgestelde model moes gevolglik gereduseer word deur die talentbestuur-latente veranderlikes uit die model te verwyder. Swak modelpassing is vir die gereduseerde model bevind. Wysigings is egter aan die gereduseerde model aangebring gebaseer op modifikasie-indeksvoorstelle afgelei uit die data. Die gewysigde model het goeie passing getoon en steun is vir al die bane in die gewysigde model gevind. Kruisvalidasie van die gewysigde gereduseerde model is aanbeveel.
Miranda, Angela Martines. "V?nculo aluno-professor na atualidade: um estudo psicol?gico com universit?rios." Pontif?cia Universidade Cat?lica de Campinas, 2005.
Full textThe purpose of this study was to investigate the student-teacher bonds nowadays and it was held with a reflection group made up of university students. The interest for this survey came from the researcher s know-how as a professor and her noticing the interference of these bonds in the students lives, personal identification, individual choices, and professional goals. In other words, this work deals about the psychological phenomena that permeate the student-teacher relationship, as well as its influence in the students lives. The participants, whose ages vary from 20 to 40, are sophomore pedagogy graduation students at a university in the state of S?o Paulo. For the development of this study, the Reflection Group technique was used, as well as the theoretical reference point of the Psycho-dynamic Psychology and of the Group Psychotherapies with an Analytical support. A qualitative analysis was carried out, which disclosed the psychological phenomena that percolate the student- teacher interchange. The participants looked back into their past and their first relations with both their parents and their teachers, in order to understand the established bonds with their present professors. The group experience revealed not only the expression but also the form in which the bonds are established both through the eye and the students understanding. Despite all the changes that have occured in the communication and relationship fields, it showed that the teacher still ranks high in the students pychological world, wich determines the links in the present time.
Este trabalho objetivou investigar a qualidade dos v?nculos aluno-professor na atualidade, a partir de um Grupo de Reflex?o de estudantes universit?rios. O interesse por este estudo surgiu a partir da pr?tica do pesquisador como docente e em sua observ?ncia da interfer?ncia dos v?nculos como geradores de identifica??es, escolhas pessoais e profissionais dos alunos, ou seja, os fen?menos ps?quicos que permeiam esta rela??o e as interfer?ncias na vida do aluno. Os participantes s?o estudantes de uma faculdades no interior do Estado de S?o Paulo, do segundo ano do curso de gradua??o em Pedagogia, cuja idade varia de 20 ? 40 anos. Para desenvolvimento do estudo foi utilizada a t?cnica dos Grupos de Reflex?o e o referencial te?rico da Psicologia Psicodin?mica e das Psicoterapias de Grupo com base Anal?tica. Foi realizada an?lise qualitativa que revelou os fen?menos ps?quicos que permeiam o v?nculo aluno-professor. Os participantes fizeram uma busca ao passado nas suas primeiras rela??es com os pais e primeiros professores, para compreenderem as rela??es estabelecidas com os professores na atualidade. A viv?ncia em grupo possibilitou a express?o e elabora??o da forma que se estabelecem os v?nculos pelo olhar e compreens?o dos alunos. Mostraram que com tantas mudan?as no campo da comunica??o e das rela??es, h? um lugar em que o professor ? colocado no mundo ps?quico dos alunos que determina os v?nculos no presente.
Nomine, Jean-Christophe. "Les commerçants de marché : des entrepreneurs de confiance." Thesis, Lyon 2, 2015.
Full textUrban market sellers have been quite unknown by sociology. However, a long history has structured through centuries their uses and their culture. Beyond this legacy, urban markets managed to change their main function, while keeping their original one.This research is seeking a double aim. First of all it intends to depict an accurate description of urban market and its sellers. Then we can find out how a group that has to deal with global unstability manages to build and rule a territory. Second, the point is to understand why such a micro-local kind of merchant deals succeeds in still standing in a world that is more and more globalizing. Trust seems to be the key to catch it. Urban markets do aggregate the various ways of trust, hence they are still standing and produce social ties
Lacheretz, Antoine. "La profession vétérinaire : droit, économie et gestion d'une profession." Lyon 3, 2003.
Full textHlembotckiy, Vitaliy. "Game developer profession." Thesis, Дніпровський національний університет залізничного транспорту імені академіка В. Лазаряна, 2019.
Full textМетою роботи є зосередження уваги на професії розробника ігор як людини, яка займається створенням програмного коду, візуалізації та концепції гри, а також вибору засобів для виконання завдань.
Целью работы является привлечение внимания к профессии разработчика игр как человека, который занимается созданием программного кода, визуализации и концепции игры, а также выбора средств для выполнения задач.
Books on the topic "Profession of the link"
Lithuania. Socialinės apsaugos ir darbo ministerija., ed. Žingsnis po žingsnio: Socialinio dialogo link. Vilnius: Socialinės apsaugos ir darbo ministerija, 2002.
Find full textOwston, Ronald Davis. Making the link: Teacher professional development on the Internet. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann, 1998.
Find full textModern madness: The hidden link between work and emotional conflict. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1989.
Find full textM, Adolphson Suzanne, ed. The reluctant welfare state: Instructor's manual with test bank ; creative ways to teach social welfare policy history and link it to contemporary society and the profession. 5th ed. Belmont, Calif: Thomson Learning, 2005.
Find full textGetting out of line: A guide for teachers redefining themselves and their profession. Thousand Oaks, Calif: Corwin Press, 1997.
Find full textJim, Link, ed. Portrait of a professional: The Nat the Bush Doctor story as told to Jim Link. Washington, D.C: N. Mathis, 1986.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Profession of the link"
Leinonen, Satu. "Professional stocks of interactional knowledge in the interpreter’s profession." In The Critical Link 4, 227–40. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company, 2007.
Full textWadensjö, Cecilia. "Foreword: Interpreting professions, professionalisation and professionalism." In The Critical Link 4, 1–8. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company, 2007.
Full textKermit, Patrick. "Aristotelian ethics and modern professional interpreting." In The Critical Link 4, 241–49. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company, 2007.
Full textHaan, Erik de, and Willemine Regouin-van Leeuwen. "Links between person and profession." In Being Supervised, 97–109. 2nd ed. London: Routledge, 2022.
Full textThekeparampil, Jacob. "Professor Dr. John Madey - A Link to SEERI." In The Harp (Volume 19), edited by Geevarghese Panicker, Rev Jacob Thekeparampil, and Abraham Kalakudi, 1–92. Piscataway, NJ, USA: Gorgias Press, 2011.
Full textHilsen, Anne Inga, and Dorothy Sutherland Olsen. "Competence and Knowledge at Work." In The Importance and Value of Older Employees, 9–20. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2021.
Full textMausethagen, Sølvi, and Hege Hermansen. "‘Research Use’ in Education: Conceptualising the Teaching Profession Within the Policy–Research–Practice Nexus." In Policy Implications of Research in Education, 75–89. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2023.
Full textSposetti, Patrizia. "Educators in Training and Writing: Perception, Experiences, Problems." In Employability & Competences, 281–92. Florence: Firenze University Press, 2018.
Full textDenshire, Sally, and Susan Ryan. "Using Autobiographical Narrative and Reflection to Link Personal and Professional Domains." In Professional Practice in Health, Education and the Creative Arts, 147–60. Oxford, UK: Blackwell Science Ltd, 2008.
Full textMifsud, Denise. "The Attractiveness of the Teaching Profession and Possible Links to Career Choice Motivations." In Professional Identities in Initial Teacher Education, 35–55. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2018.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Profession of the link"
Ings, Welby. "Beyond the Ivory Tower: Practice-led inquiry and post-disciplinary research." In LINK 2021. Tuwhera Open Access, 2021.
Full textSteagall, Marcos, and Michele Wilkomirsky. "Co-evaluating emergency signage in coastal communities in Chile and Aotearoa: a case study." In LINK 2021. Tuwhera Open Access, 2021.
Full textCÂmara, NaiÁ. "Transmedia literacy in professional training practices: a case study." In LINK 2021. Tuwhera Open Access, 2021.
Full textScott, Elsje, and Maureen Tanner. "Using a Partnership in Industry to Link Theory and Practice in Undergraduate Courses." In InSITE 2015: Informing Science + IT Education Conferences: USA. Informing Science Institute, 2015.
Full textMaya, Sebastian. "A reflexive educational model for design practice with rural communities: the case of bamboo product makers in Cuetzalan, México." In LINK 2021. Tuwhera Open Access, 2021.
Full textMassarolo, João. "Study Group on Interactive Media in Image and Sound (GEMInIS)." In LINK 2021. Tuwhera Open Access, 2021.
Full textChillingworth, M. A., and E. Crampton. "388. Lessons Learned from the DOE Worker Safety and Health Response Line." In AIHce 1997 - Taking Responsibility...Building Tomorrow's Profession Papers. AIHA, 1999.
Full textGines, Matthew. "Practicing Design-Build." In AIA/ACSA Intersections Conference. ACSA Press, 2015.
Full textHill, Rodrigo, and Tom Roa. "Place-making: Wānanga based photographic approaches." In LINK 2022. Tuwhera Open Access, 2022.
Full textOlcott, J., K. Kratochvil, and T. Polini. "198. A Direct Reading, Real-Time Site Property Line Air Monitoring System for PM-10 and Sulfur Dioxide at a Former Refinery Clean-Up Site." In AIHce 1997 - Taking Responsibility...Building Tomorrow's Profession Papers. AIHA, 1999.
Full textReports on the topic "Profession of the link"
Djerasimovic, Sanja, and Stephanie Alder. Postgraduate researchers’ identities and wellbeing – what is the link and why does it matter? Wellcome Centre for Cultures and Environments of Health, June 2022.
Full textRada, Gabriel. How do clinical pathways affect patient outcomes, professional practice and hospital costs? SUPPORT, 2016.
Full textGaponenko, Artiom, and Vitaly Gaponenko. Site «Gaponenko Artiom Vasilievich – autobiography and results of scientific and pedagogical activity». Science and Innovation Center Publishing House, April 2021.
Full textHeath, Samantha, Sue Hudson, Nasyitah Abd Aziz, Adrianna Grogan, Bernadette Solomon, Christianah Adesina, Eltahir Kabbar, et al. Stocktake of placement preparation and clinical experience for Aotearoa New Zealand student nurses in aged care settings: July 2023. Unitec ePress, October 2023.
Full textTuranova, L. M., and S. O. Turanov. Electronic course «Profession mediator». OFERNIO, November 2020.
Full textManuel, Fernández Areal. A profession termed "Journalism". Revista Latina de Comunicación Social (RLCS), 2010.
Full textCook, Robert J. Rebalancing the Military Profession. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, March 2011.
Full textHolland, Dale A., and Lee E. DeRemer. Integration of Faith and Profession. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, March 2009.
Full textKolb, Rachel, and Marcey Hoover. Quality engineering as a profession. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), December 2012.
Full textFinnerty, Sean P. The Army Profession: A Narrative. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, May 2013.
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