Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Professeurs (enseignement secondaire) – Mathématiques'
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Lenfant, Agnès. "De la position de l'étudiant à la position d'enseignant : l'évolution du rapport à l'algèbre de professeurs stagiaires." Paris 7, 2002. http://www.theses.fr/2002PA070030.
Full textProblems raised by the professional training of pre-service mathematics teachers led us to investigate how teachers build their professional practices. With this aim in mind, we studied the professional development of four pre-service teachers having fo the first time a class in ful responsibility, by focusing on one specific area : elementary algebra. This work has shown the existence of similarities in the constitution and the evolution of their professional relationships with algebra (relating to their vision about algebra teaching and its aims, of students' difficulties and behaviours, to the development of teaching strategies). It has also shown an evident diversity in these relationships and their evolutions. These can be explained by several factors : the working conditions of pre-service teachers their propensity to analyse their own practises, their representations of mathematics and mathematics teaching, as well as some critical incidents
Huraux-Masselot, Pascale. "De la formation initiale en didactique des mathématiques (en centre I. U. F. M. ) aux pratiques quotidiennes en mathématiques, en classe, des professeurs d'école (une étude de cas)." Paris 7, 2000. http://www.theses.fr/2000PA070074.
Full textBarbazo, Eric. "L' association des professeurs de mathématiques de l'enseignement public (A. P. M. E. P) : un acteur politique, scientifique, pédagogique de l'enseignement secondaire mathématique du 20e siècle en France." Paris, EHESS, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010EHES0106.
Full textThe « Association des professeurs de mathématiques de l'enseignement public », that is to say the state schools mathematics teacher association is a corporate body created in 1910 and made of Secondary education teachers i. E. , teachers who teach ailleveis from Year 7 groups to the preparation in mathematics and physics for the competitive entrance examination to French Engineering Schools. It was initially created to support the 1902 reform which was questioned by political power and it also acted as a union labour which was forbidden for civil servants in the inter wars years. In the meantime, it developed scientific and pedagogical communication between its members. In 1925, it fought against the implementation of the so-called scientific equality and gradually became the Mathematics teachers' official organisation in relation with the Ministry. After World War 2, the association played a part in the modifications which both the curriculum and teaching methods underwent, especially as regards the introduction of modern mathematics. It daims the creation of the « Instituts de recherches sur l'enseignement des mathématiques» (IREM). This PHD focuses on the study of some 300 notices, edited by the-Association since its creation, showing the evolution of the teaching of Mathematics in secondary schools between 1910 and 1975. To start with this PHD probes into the political ideology the association had in its early days. Then, it studies the •scientific and pedagogical stand which rose in the 1920s, both on the national and international level. Finally, it deals with 4 of the famous personalities which contributed to the introduction of modem mathematics from the end of World War 2 to the 1970s
Sayac-Miranda, Nathalie. "Les pratiques des professeurs de mathématiques : une approche croisée des influences de l'âge, du cursus et su sexe. Etude globale à partir de 255 questionnaires ; etude locale à partir de 5 professeurs." Paris 7, 2003. http://www.theses.fr/2003PA070032.
Full textThe present research focuses on the practices of maths teachers teaching in secondary schools. It attempts to characterize them according to objective data and more particularly according to three factors : gender, level of qualification and age. It is based on several investigations (questionnaires, interviews, class observation) which aim at assessing the practices of maths teachers both quantitatively and qualitatively. The analysis of such practices is based on the "double approach" devised by Aline Robert, which takes into account what the pupils will potentially learn as well as the teachers' professional skills. The first investigation is based on 255 questionnaires answered by maths teachers working in a lycée (equiv. High school) and on 47 questionnaires answered by teachers working in a collège (equiv. Junior high school). The questionnaires have been processed with a statistical software program (SP AD), which has first allowed us to get a general picture of the teachers' practices and then to find out if the selected factors could give a more accurate and a richer picture. From the analysis of the questionnaire we have been able to identify four types of teachers, which are representative of the diversity of the teachers in our sample. The second investigation consists of a more localized study, based on the examination of the practices of 5 teachers who had answered our questionnaire and had agreed to be interviewed. They were observed while teaching ordinary classes in 1ère S (equiv. Lower sixth form or eleventh grade science option), Terminale S (equiv. Upper sixth form or twelfth grade science option) and in Terminale ES (equiv. Upper sixth form or twelfth grade economics option). The processing of the various data collected during the investigations revolves around the five components of the practices we identified with the double approach : a cognitive, mediative, personal, social and institutional component
Montoya, Delgadillo Elizabeth. "Etude de la transformation des connaissances géométriques dans la formation universitaire des professeurs de lycée de mathématiques au Chili." Paris 7, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010PA070106.
Full textThis research focuses on the training of high school mathematics teachers in Chile and more particularly on the transition between knowledge learned during the training and knowledge they have to teach. To investigate this question, we start by explaining the training the pre-service teachers received in geometry at university and the ways they consider the proof-process that they will learn to their future students. We postulated that there are some breaks in the teaching of geometry between university education and teaching at school, particularly in the demonstration. These breaks - didactic, epistemological and cognitive - are due to different geometric paradigms and proof-processes in both institutions. The demonstration in considered as an explicit content at school which is not taught explicitly at the university. Our investigation based on the theoretical framework of geometric paradigms and geometric workspaces introduced by Kuzniak and Houdement and the type of proof described by Balacheff. The results of our study invite to reorganize the teaching and learning of geometry in teachers training in Chile
El, Bouazzaoui Habiba. "Conceptions des élèves et des professeurs à propos de la notion de continuité d'une fonction." Doctoral thesis, Université Laval, 1988. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11794/29250.
Full textEl, Nabbout Marie. "Enseignement des probabilités en classe terminale au Liban : étude de représentations et de pratiques de professeurs dans des situations aménagées." Paris 5, 2006. http://www.theses.fr/2006PA05H082.
Full textThis study lies within the general scope of research on the representations and practice of mathematics teachers, and more particularly those related to probability and its teaching. We studied, in simulated situations, the activities of sixteen Lebanese teachers in tasks related to the production of assessments, grading and evaluation ofstudents’answers, The analysis is based on a created method of identification ofthe representations which is based on the theory ofthe (noyau central), and the theory ofthe elaboration of the conflict. The comparison between grades and qualitative judgments reveals a great diversity among the professors: a convergence in grading can hide very different qualitative judgments (in the conflict cases, we study the elaboration ofthe teacher’s model of reference). The results reveal that the concept of independence of events is problematic for the majority ofthe teachers and that their attempt to make sense to this concept is the origin of much confusion
Roussel, Valentin. "La modélisation en mathématiques : historicité, épistémologie et perspectives institutionnelles internationales : quels besoins pour les enseignants de mathématiques ?" Thesis, Lyon, 2022. http://www.theses.fr/2022LYSE1092.
Full textResearch in mathematics education shows that the notions of model and modeling are a source of epistemological tensions and biased conceptions among teachers. Indeed, these notions have been the subject of many attempts at definitions through the scientific and didactic literature, without ever reaching a consensus: the result is an epistemological disorder through the discussions of the international community, where certain conceptions are shared, and others marginalized. But there are reasons for this epistemological disorder: through a historical and epistemological analysis, it appears that models and modeling convey certain ambiguities inherent in their very nature. The hypothesis defended in this thesis suggests that these ambiguities generate turbulence in the internal and external didactic transposition and contribute to maintaining tensions and epistemological misunderstandings among teachers. To explore this hypothesis, a national survey of secondary school mathematics teachers is being conducted in France. Results based on 748 responses show significant heterogeneity of epistemological conceptions among respondents. Semi-structured interviews are conducted, and training engineering is tested. In conclusion, the concept of overdetermined epistemological system is introduced and proposals for teacher training are made
Kaba, Guy-Roger. "Former les futurs enseignants de mathématiques du secondaire gabonais à l'articulation visualisation-raisonnements en géométrie." Doctoral thesis, Université Laval, 2019. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11794/34903.
Full textThe preparation of Gabonese teachers in secondary school to take into account the errors of students in geometry led us to question their pre-service training. This questioning has led to design and experiment a pre-service training in geometry teaching based on connection between visualization and reasoning. This research aims to study relationships to knowledge of pre-service teachers during this training. To achieve this goal we are based on several frameworks. Thus, these pre-service teachers's relationships to knowledge have been apprehended through two perspectives: relationships to learn and relationships to teach (Caillot, 2014). In these two perspectives, we have added three dimensions: identity, social and epistemic (Charlot et al., 1992). We chose to apprehend the dimensions of identity and social through the Dialectic Tool-Object (Douady, 1986) and the epistemic dimension using visualization-reasoning articulation model inspired by Duval (2005). The relationships to knowledge of pre-service teachers emerging during the training were later explained by the interactions between the three epistemological stances they adopted (DeBlois et Squalli, 2002). These explanations were based on the model of DeBlois (2012). Our methodology focused on a formative experiment (Steffe et D’Ambrosio, 1996). Thus, relationships to knowledge of five pre-service teachers were studied during the different components of the training. It has been possible to highlight the fact that pre-service teachers are illustrated at the beginning of training by heuristic or formal relationships to knowledge. Heuristic relationships are characterized by a concern for visualization, while formal relationships show a concern for deductive reasoning. The thesis also shows that the training has led to the emergence of pragmatic relationships to knowledge. These relationships to knowledge are characterized by a greater concern for the connection of visualization-reasoning and promote the taking into account of pupils’ errors based on this connection. The heuristic and formal relationships are explained by a tension between former-pupil stance and student stance, which resulted in advantage of the first. Pragmatic relationships to knowledge seems result from a synergy between student stance and teacher stance.
Lataillade, Gilles. "L'activité des professeurs de mathématiques dans les dispositifs d'aide en classe de sixième : Analyse didactique et analyse du travail : quelles conditions pour un dialogue ?" Aix-Marseille 1, 2005. http://www.theses.fr/2005AIX10067.
Full textAraya-Chacon, Andrea-Maria. "La gestion de la mémoire didactique par le professeur dans l'enseignement secondaire des mathématiques : étude du micro-cadre institutionnel en France et au Costa Rica." Toulouse 3, 2008. http://thesesups.ups-tlse.fr/187/.
Full textThis thesis analyse the teachers' didactic memory management in mathematics' class: the management of phenomenons that take back to the indexing on the time of the objets of knowledge and the rapports to these objets of persons or institutions. Two hypotheses are worked on: in managing memory the teacher lean on the elements of the "institutional micro-famework of memory" considered as an institutional referential system of pupils and teacher didactic past; the opération of each institution-class provokes effets on the mémorial management carry out in class. The thesis thus situates itself within an anthropological of knowledge approach and bases itself on the analyses of scholar studies practices of pupils organised and supervised by teachers. A typologie composed by nine "memorial gesture" is proposed: gestures that are settled by the "memorial support" that the request and other related to the re-interrogations or re-organisations of persals' pupils rapports to the knowdlegde objets. These "memorial support" are systematized on the "micro-framework of memory" model articulated into three dimensions: temporary, positionnary and the ones related to the objets and rapports of these objets belong to the class cognitif univers. In the last part, the thesis approaches the effects that the organisation of the study, the didactical contrats and the dominant epistemological theories of the mathematical activity in class may induce on memory management by teachers
Nongni, Siake Gael. "Intégration des ressources documentaires numériques dans la planification de l'enseignement de la statistique par des futurs enseignants au secondaire." Doctoral thesis, Université Laval, 2020. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11794/38214.
Full textIn many countries, the textbook is both the student's book and the teaching guide. It is the main resource for planning educational tasks (Lepik et al., 2015, Bjarnadóttir, 2018). However, Belinga (2009) observes that the content of some Cameroonian textbooks does not take into account the social context. This is why teacher training in terms of context and content to be taught remains a major challenge in an education system (Balhan et al., 2019, Ben-Zvi and Makar, 2016, Djeumeni, 2015, Proulx and Bednarz, 2010). Thus, we invited secondary school pre-service teachers to explore a directory of digital resource materials to enrich the statistical content of the textbook. We sought to understand how they orchestrate information from documentary resources during anticipatory activities prior to planning. An articulation between several theoretical frameworks and concepts allowed to develop an approach that could contribute to study the anticipatory activities of the trainees. This framework derives from the documentary approach of didactics (Gueudet and Trouche, 2008) and epistemological stances (DeBlois and Squalli, 2002, Deblois, 2012). The didactic experimentation that we put in place during a six-month period involved three statistical contents to be taught in secondary school: the average, the standard deviation and the statistical diagrams. The results of this work provide an added value to the documentary approach of didactics through the study of the influence of the epistemological stances adopted by trainees during their anticipatory activities. Thus, it appears that the trainees choose their documents based on arrangement variables characterized by a tension between the stances of the former student and the teacher. Trainees' concerns about the choice of context for students seem to be influenced by their experiences as former students. This justifies the predominance of the context related to students' grades in all of the completed planning. The study of statistical content and interactions between trainees contributed to the emergence of the stance of the university student. Indeed, the trainees valued and mobilized the knowledge of training in statistics education and improved their understanding in the statistical knowledge at stake. The teaching stance emerges when studying the variables related to the nature of the data. It manifests itself when trainees plan the teaching of the concepts in play in many ways in order to target students' understanding and interpretation. However, the trainees do not anticipate the tasks making it possible to value the use of meaningful data such as those derived from daily reality and those collected by the students. This seems to have reduced the anticipation of tasks anchored on the development of statistical reasoning in students.
Douamba, Kirsi. "Formation à l'enseignement des mathématiques au Burkina Faso." Doctoral thesis, Université Laval, 2015. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11794/26079.
Full textIn Burkina Faso, studies carried out by Kiélem and Barro (2007) and Traoré (2012) showed deficiencies in the initial training of teachers. For example, Traoré (2012) reveals that initial training to the teaching of mathematics programs are inadequate to the needs of graduates. Our study aims at the understanding of teaching practice of students of primary and post-primary on the fraction in CM2 and first form. The fraction that is taught in the two levels of education is hardly learned by students. A combination of several theories and concepts including theories of didactic situations (Brousseau, 1986a) and conceptual fields (Vergnaud, 1981), the concepts of didactic incidents (Roditi, 2003; Rogalski, 2003), epistemological postures (DeBlois & Squalli, 2002) and adaptations (DeBlois & Maheux, 2005) and mathematical concepts (Noël & Mura, 1999) allowed to answer the following question "what are the practices of primary and post primary trainees in teaching the fraction in the medium second-year (CM2) of the primary level and the first form of the post-primary? "Our research methodology is based on a multiple case study. Eight teaching projects, including four for the Grade 6 and four for the Grade 7 were analyzed. Semi-structured interviews that followed the lessons performance were also analyzed. Our analyzes show that during the performance of course, the trainees encountered are concerned about the completion of the planned contents, which may explain that they practice a transmissive teaching. Some designs, such as mathematics are transparent, could support these practices and explain that trainees encountered all adopt a posture of former student. In addition, our analyzes show that primary school trainees manifest normative adaptations or avoidance while four forms of adaptation are manifested by the post-primary trainees. This understanding of the practical trainees could promote initial training in the teaching of mathematics bringing trainees to decenter from the posture of former student by changes in their conceptions of mathematics and their concerns of teaching in a context of a large class.
Bouillon, Stéphane. "Temps, culture des professeurs et mémoire didactique : une étude comparée des modes de gestion de la mémoire dans l'enseignement des mathématiques au collège et à l'école primaire." Thesis, Bordeaux 2, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010BOR21760/document.
Full textThis research is two-fold, taking place in the field of research on the organization of school time and the one focusing on Mathematics teaching organization, both in primary school and middle school. The approach exposed is transversal, forging links between instructional time, teacher culture and didactic memory. The thesis demonstrates how the possibility or not to mobilize mathematical situations, requiring long research and discussions, affects the institutionalization of knowledge shapes and, beyond, teachers’ feeling about Mathematics. In the course of the 2006-2007 school year, four classes of fifth grade and four classes of sixth grade were observed. The production of a large number of different enunciations of various knowledge was highligthed, resulting in a regulation with a limited number of knowledge recalled and / or institutionalized in writing. We can describe this dual process as didactic extension and reduction.Didactic reduction ensures targeted knowledge elective visibility, all along the institutionalization process. Highlighting a specific knowledge is called “institutional visibility”. The ability of didactic memory to project into the future as into the past confirms its prospective dimension and its ability to organize a story that could win students’ support
Tufféry-Rochdi, Chantal. "Les ressources au cœur des pratiques des professeurs de mathématiques : le cas de l'enseignement d'exploration MPS en seconde." Thesis, La Réunion, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016LARE0010/document.
Full textOur questioning emerges from the establishment of a new teaching, called Scientific Methods and Practices (MPS), as part of the French high school reform in 2010. This multidisciplinary teaching, which aims to initiate pupils to a scientific approach, leds mathematics teachers to question and to change their practices. We propose to analyze these changes in terms of resources and the way teachers work on these resources. We retain two approaches: the double approach didactic and ergonomic of the teaching practices (Robert, 2010a; Rogalski, 2010) and the documentational approach of didactics (Gueudet et Trouche, 2010). Our research is conducted from observations of mathematics teachers involved in MPS and engaged in different disciplinary and multidisciplinary collectives. These observations are supplemented by interviews with colleagues in other disciplines. We also performed a study of resources available for one of the themes proposed. This study is part of the research program ReVEA (Living Resources for Teaching and Learning), supported by the ANR. Our thesis aims to show the impact of resources and lack of resources from understanding the prescribed task to the effective task, and also the impact of the different collectives in which the mathematics teacher is involved. It questions as well the effects of this work on professional development, especially regarding the inquiry-based science teaching
Murillo, Lopez Susana. "Etude d'une pratique ordinaire face à un obstacle didactiques : la correction en classe de mathématiques dans le cas de la fonction réciproque." Toulouse 3, 2008. http://thesesups.ups-tlse.fr/204/.
Full textThis work researches regularities in ordinary teachers' practices in mathematics classes. It focuses on the correction of exercises involving the inverse function, which represents a didactical obstacle. The transition between the "Terminale" and the first year at the IUT is the selected environment for this study. We state that the notion of inverse function has been a didactical obstacle in France since the curricula reform in 2000 and that we are in the presence of an institutional didactical gap. A didactical de-transposition would certainly be appropriate in this instance. The methodology used is not to be found neither in Education Sciences nor in mathematics didactics publications. It combines a quantitative study (questionnaire) and a qualitative study (class observations and teacher interviews) by searching for variable networks and consequently by the selection of certain individuals. This has been made possible because of new developments in the CHIC software. Teachers' stated practices are studied in order to understand their personal relationship to the inverse function and to exercise corrections. A model of correction episodes with three variables helped to analyse the teachers' actual practices: the teacher's accompanying speech, the knowledge status and the written solutions. The regularities found (related to the networks) correspond to the teacher's action dimensions. The results show in the observed teachers' manner of correcting these exercises (involving a notion which is an obstacle) that certain teachers bring to the class the missing content; others, getting around the obstacle, move the difficulty to another mathematical property
da, Silva Junior Clovis Gomes. "Livro didatico de matematica e formaçao continuada dos professores do ensino fundamental(6° ao 9° ano) e ensino medio na França e no Brasil- O caso da estatistica e de seu ensino." Thesis, Lyon 2, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010LYO20022/document.
Full textThis thesis has as objective generality to analyze the Didactic Book of mathematic used on the basic education and high school in France and in Brazil as vector of formation continued for the mathematics teacher who makes the teaching of the statistics in these respective levels of education. This study was developed with supported by the “Programme Alβan, the European Union Program of High Level Scholarships for Latin America, scholarship [E06D101218BR]”. This work is structuralized in two parts. The first part has as objective to the treatment of the theoretical bases which give support to our thesis. The initially approach the insertion of the didactic book as a tool whose has its place and use of teaching learning. Then it approaches the processes of training professional through Theory of the Conceptual Fields and the Didactic Professional. After that it approaches the function and formation of teacher in search to clarify on the continued formation of teacher. To finish the first part of this research made approach on teaching of the statistics. The second part of this work east dedicates to the procedure of research. Initially the rebuilding of the problematic of research approaches through all the theoretical procedure which was seen previously, and methodology by tackling the subjects, the places, the instruments, the analyses used the tools and categorizations for analysis. To conclude it approaches all the procedure of research with the data collected in Brazil and in France in three parameters analyzes: manpower and of frequency; relations and dependences between variables (similarity and implication) and analysis of subjective questions
Esta tese possui como objetivo geral fazer uma análise do Livro Didático de matemática do ensino fundamental «6° ao 9° ano» e médio ao Brasil e na França como vetor de formação continuada para o professor de matemática que leciona estatística nesses respectivos níveis de ensino. Este estudo foi desenvolvido com apoio do “Programa Alβan, Programa de bolsas de alto nível da União Européia para America Latina, bolsa n° [E06D101218BR]”. Este trabalho está estruturado em duas partes. A primeira parte é direcionada a tratar das bases teóricas que dão suporte a nossa tese. Inicialmente aborda a inserção do livro didático como ferramenta que possui seu lugar e uso dentro do ensino aprendizagem. Em seguida busca elucidar os processos de aprendizagem profissional através da Teoria dos Campos Conceituais e com a Didática Profissional. Após, trata da função e formação de professores em busca de elucidar sobre formação continuada de professor. Para concluir a primeira parte da pesquisa, o último capítulo se estrutura com a busca de uma análise sobre o ensino da estatística.A segunda parte deste trabalho está direcionada ao processo da pesquisa como um todo. Inicialmente aborda a reconstrução da problemática da pesquisa através de todo processo teórico visto anteriormente, e a metodologia abordando os sujeitos, os lugares, o instrumento, as análises utilizadas, as ferramentas e as categorias de analise. Por concluir aborda todo o processo de análise da pesquisa com os dados coletados no Brasil e na França e em três parâmetros: efetivos e freqüência; relações e dependências entre variáveis (similaridade e implicabilidade) e análise de questões subjetivas
Auxire, Nathalie. "Interdidactique de l'enseignement des mathématiques dans trois disciplines de la filière productique usinage en lycée professionnel." Thesis, Nice, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015NICE2025/document.
Full textIn the context of the professional and educational program in Automated Manufacturing, languages of three courses (Mathematics, Engineering Design, Automated Manufacturing)are compared from the cross cultural point of view to the way of teaching spatial mathematical reasoning : on the one hand, topological relations between three-dimensional forms and, on the other hand,modelling with vectors as conceptual tool
Sabra, Hussein. "Contribution à l'étude du travail documentaire des enseignants de mathématiques : les incidents comme révélateurs des rapports entre documentations individuelle et communautaire." Phd thesis, Université Claude Bernard - Lyon I, 2011. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00768508.
Full textSirejacob, Stéphane. "Le rôle de l'enseignant dans l'organisation de l'étude personnelle hors la classe de collégiens : le cas des équations du premier degré à une inconnue." Thesis, Sorbonne Paris Cité, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017USPCC181/document.
Full textThis work is based on two main areas: on the one hand, the private study of middle school students, a few discussed topic in science education (in mathematics); on the other hand, the teaching of the equations of the first degree with one unknown, which aggregates many elementary algebra concepts and which is a source of difficulties for students. Thanks to the Anthropological Theory of the Didactic (Chevallard, 1999), we re-examine these difficulties from an institutional point of view: we assume that some of the learning needs relative to private study and subject knowledge are not explicitly organized by the institution (Castela) while these needs are necesseray to build a an appropriate personal relationship to equations. Based on an epistemological mathematic organization reference (Bosch et Gascon, 2005) related to the equations of the first degree and on a research overview about private study, we build and analyse the impacts of a teaching sequence on students learnings
Martin-de, Montagu Robert Mougniotte Alain. "Le temps de travail chez les professeurs de l'enseignement secondaire français les conceptions de professeurs stagiaires /." Lyon : Université Lumière Lyon 2, 2006. http://demeter.univ-lyon2.fr:8080/sdx/theses/lyon2/2006/martin-de-montagu_r.
Full textMartin-de, Montagu Robert. "Le temps de travail chez les professeurs de l'enseignement secondaire français : les conceptions de professeurs stagiaires." Lyon 2, 2006. http://theses.univ-lyon2.fr/documents/lyon2/2006/martin-de-montagu_r.
Full textDespite a series of adjustments, the way secondary education teachers' work time is organized has not been basically altered over the years. In the bounds still set by a Decree of May 25, 1950 (n° 50-581), French teachers have gradually had to cope with new requirements, which they have often been reluctant to abide by. One of their grounds is that they have not enough time to devote to those tasks. To what extent does the statutory organization of teachers' work time influence their representations of the growing diversity of the tasks they are expected to fulfil? If that is true for experienced teachers, can it also be observed among beginners? Based on the analysis of a series of interviews with pre-service teachers, this research focuses on the criteria the organization of their personal work is based on
Albanel, Xavier. "Le travail d'évaluation : l'inspection des professeurs de l'enseignement secondaire." Toulouse 2, 2007. http://www.theses.fr/2007TOU20078.
Full textThis thesis focuses on the assessment work carried out by regional inspectors among secondary school teachers. Every five years on average these teachers meet with their inspectors. The session begins with an observation of the teacher's work for a one-hour period and then proceeds with a private discussion. The final stage is the inspector's report which officializes the individual inspection and legitimizes the procedure. Yet what do we know exactly about this assessment activity consisting of observations, interviews and report writing ? Do inspectors have a pre-defined list of criteria helping them to check that professional practices are in accordance with instructions and to appreciate performances - or do they in situ devise a pragmatic system of analysis of the teacher's work ? As for teachers, how do they react to their being assessed ? How do they prepare themselves for the inspection ? How do they benefit from it? Our analysis of the inspecting process has been conducted through interviews both of inspectors and teachers, by observing real sessions of inspection and by analyzing nearly 500 reports. We shall first of all give an account of the formation of the professional group gathering inspectors and we shall then analyze inspectors' activities, emphasizing the observation of classroom activities, the way personal interviews are conducted and the writing of the inspector's report. Finally we shall consider the targets of the assessment process – namely teachers. We shall then argue that inspectors do not single-handedly control the inspecting process since teachers contribute to making it meaningful by integrating it in their professional activity
Ibouanga, Julien. "La formation à l'évaluation pédagogique dans le curriculum des enseignants du second degré général : rôle des expériences formelles et informelles." Grenoble 2, 2007. http://www.theses.fr/2007GRE29063.
Full textThe research aims to show the influence of training upon conceptions and the assessing practices of non vocational secondary school teachers in the Gabonese educational system. It pursues a broader objective that of the identification and analysis of mobilized competences in the teachers' work. It also takes into account the role of experience in the training of the latter. First of all it raises a set of questions on the experiences of training, the conceptions and assessing practices, this set of questions emphasizes factors that can act on teacher' perception of evaluation in the classroom – standard terminology, link between practice and theory, mobilized knowledge – From these categories, it is suggested a framework of questions about the teachers' viewpoint regarding the origin of their know-how in this field – initial training, continued training, experience-based training. The methodology that is resorted to consists in establishing, from exploring interviews, a categorization of the group that is studied, namely non vocational secondary-school teachers in subgroups – trained/untrained, old timers/newcomers – and investigating a representative sample of this group via a questionnaire and a test based on the marking of secondary school pupils' work. The findings though incomplete and inconclusive show that the knowledge acquired thanks to training is being eroded over the years ; it also puts forward a widespread tendency to have a preference for injunction-based evaluation, it highlights the significant role of experience and the varying effects of continued training. All of these observations evidence the problems raised by the assessment of teachers' training
Veschambre, Vincent. "Les professeurs du secondaire public : Essai de géographie d'un groupe social." Caen, 1994. http://www.theses.fr/1994CAEN1139.
Full textThis geographical study is firmly rooted in the field of social science, and contributes to the study of groups. It seeks to identity the social position of teachers in the state secondary school system by looking at the way they use the space in which they evolve and to verify their existence as a group with reference factors of group identity which have a spatial nature. It is important to define this teaching body upon which the quality of education depends. Having indicated what draws the teachers together, and what divides them, with reference to the inception and establishment of the secondary teaching body, we consider the professional aspect of their use of space. We describe the geography of recruitment, of first appointments and of subsequent transfers. The distance between geographical origins and appointments, the ensuing career mobility and the importance attached to the question of transfers are considerations of a spatial nature which characterise the teaching group in question. Secondly, we interpret mobility in a teaching career in terms of strategy: having described the constraints of professional localization, and the rules governing transfer, we can identify the way in which teachers seek to reproduce, or better, their original social position, through their choice of place of residence, and of work. In the development of their spatial strategy, the importance that teachers attach to cultural pursuits, to their children's schooling, and to their becoming householders, sets them apart from other professionally active people. Men and women teachers do not, however, share the same priorities. Similarly, teachers' relations to mobility differ according to their level of promotion and social origin
Monchaux, Philippe. "Professeurs en collège : un nouveau métier ? : contribution à l'analyse sociologique des professeurs en poste dans les collèges publics à la fin des années mil neuf cent quatre vingt dix." Amiens, 2001. http://www.theses.fr/2001AMIEA004.
Full textGambart, Christian. "Recherche sur l'information et la culture dans le domaine de l'éducation concernant les enseignants dans les collèges." Paris 13, 1988. http://www.theses.fr/1988PA131003.
Full textThis study, carried out in 1985, concerns 15 educational establishments situated in the amiens academie. The written word has been chosen to give an "operational definition" to the data, these having been obtained through several sorts of approach. A self-managed set of questions permits to appreciate the utilization of different types of data. The condensation of theresults is achieved on a computer thanks to the technique of segmentation. A systematic study of the non-answers has made it possible to obtain a preliminary correction of the sample trough "a posteriori stratification". It has also established the existence of a strong impression of "statutory competence" or "statutory incompetence", the impression depending of the rank of the teachers. The informative importance of the educational system is perceived as well (especially thanks to a systematic study of the potentialities of the cdi in the matter of information and of the way they may be used). On the whole, the results show a "pedagogical illeteracy" wich seems to be general. There also appears a utilization of written information inferior to that which is given in a classical way for the csp "teachers". As to educational system, the fact that it is a "bureaucratic organization" with narrow informative possibilities is largely substantiated. The convergence of the approaches makes it possible to establish the "coercive" importance of the underutilization of the written data, which thus assumes the importance of a "social fact" (cf. Durkheim)
Clergue, Chantal. "Les professeurs agrégés de l'enseignement secondaire spécial (1866-1914)." Thesis, Lyon 2, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015LYO20043.
Full textIn 1865, Victor Duruy, Minister of State Education appointed by Napoleon III, puts in place an intermediate course between primary and secondary education. This “Special Secondary Education” was meant to provide the nation with intermediate executives for the industry, trade and agriculture. Consequently, this sector called up in its ranks specific teachers and, wishing this new training to be officially recognized, V. Duruy created three distinct agrégations. He also founded at Cluny a Teacher Training College or École normale in charge of training the new staff while giving the opportunity to external candidates to take this new examination. From 1881 onwards the Special Secondary Education underwent several reforms, until 1891 when it became Modern Education. The Teacher Training College closed down and the special agrégations were stopped. The last exam session took place in 1893. From 1866 to that date, 468 candidates will have passed the special agrégation. For a period which extends from 1866 to 1914, our research work suggests first of all getting to know this neglected teaching staff. Relying on the special agrégés’ personal files, we will first study their social, academic and geographical origins, then their personal routes both in their professional and private lives. The study will next attempt to follow these teachers in their everyday life in order to assess their standard of living. Finally, historiography having pointed out that the standard agrégés often showed contempt towards lower grade social groups, our task will be to highlight the place either in the University or in society the special agrégés held
Lagae, Brigitte. "L'image du professeur dans la littérature : étude différenciée de l'image des professeurs de l'enseignement secondaire public en France dans la production littéraire de la deuxième moitié du XXe siècle, 1945-2000." Paris 5, 2003. http://www.theses.fr/2003PA05H032.
Full textMass secondary education in France in the secon half of the 20th Century led to a multiplication of the representations of teachers, either as fictional characters or as writers. The aim of this work is to study the image of French public secondary teachers from a corpus of diverse literary genres based on a qualitative analysis. Their features are analyzed through their outward appearance, daily routine, affects, private life and opinions, and also their place of work and relationship with their profession : course preparation and content according to subject matter taught, ties with the institution, colleagues and students ; perception of their role : involvement with students'inclass or out of class writing. The initial hypothesis of this thesis being that the selected corpus gives more information and sheds more light than interviews or fiels-observation investigation methods. Old stereotypes still survive regardless of reality. However, most recent literature shows distress in the profession which still impose an elitist model on an heteregeneous audience in a world where teachers are not the only sources of knowledge
Leon, Barrios Merysol. "L'évaluation des arts plastiques en secondaire." Paris 10, 1986. http://www.theses.fr/1986PA100172.
Full textEspinassy, Laurence. "Analyse ergonomique de l'activité des professeurs d'arts platisques au collège : les sous-entendus du métier." Aix-Marseille 1, 2006. http://www.theses.fr/2006AIX10055.
Full textQuentin, de Mongaryas Romaric-Franck. "Les jugements scolaires dans l'enseignement secondaire général au Gabon : analyse des expérience scolaire et professorale à Libreville." Amiens, 2006. http://www.theses.fr/2006AMIE0015.
Full textNy, Ratha. "Pour une démarche « qualité » dans la formation des enseignants du secondaire au Cambodge." Caen, 2011. http://www.theses.fr/2011CAEN1628.
Full textOur research aims at understanding what may be a quality teacher training according to the paradigm of education / training throughout life. This study was conducted among protagonists in education and training of secondary teachers at the National Institute of Education and other training institutions for secondary teachers. The research studied in a constructive way, the quality of training of secondary school teachers in Cambodia to first learn about the system of quality training, to understand the strategies of training for each subject, to develop better perceptions of the behavior of trained teachers and trainers, heads of institutions training teachers and representatives of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, to create quality training activities and further develop the protagonists’ skills in training. In addition this research intends to locate information about the quality concept, quality management, teacher training concept, assessment concept through specialists research in education and training in human resources to suggest quality training strategies and finally draw a conclusion helping to improve the quality training of secondary school teachers for all the protagonists: policy makers, training institutions, trainers, schools and teachers
Safourcade, Sandra. "Rôle du sentiment d'efficacité personnelle dans l'organisation des pratiques enseignantes : le cas des professeurs de collège." Toulouse 2, 2009. http://www.theses.fr/2009TOU20099.
Full textThe work exposed in this thesis deals with the junior high school teachers' self efficacy and studies the part of this cognitive process in teachings practices. Aiming at a heuristic study of teachings practices and according to the socio-cognitive approach developed by Bandura, this work seeks to define first the professional dimensions of teaching activity in Junior High school considered as crucial by the teachers themselves in leading of the teaching/learning situations. From this basis, a translation of the valued dimensions in observable acts is reported. This translation is used in order to study then the role of the personal effectiveness feeling as a process for selection and decision of the choice of valorisation of dimensions and in performing of acts. Research protocol is based on the use of Likert-like scales of measurement, video-recorded observations and semi-directive interviews. This research deeply focuses on epistemological and methodological aspects of the measurement process in human sciences. This work tends to assess the hypothesis of an influence of self efficacy in the building of teaching practice. Good coherence between valued dimensions and personal effectiveness as perceived by the teachers themselves is reported. However this work brings also clarification on important differences related to this link, in the scope of effective practices. Overall the Junior high school teachers observed for this work have a consistency kernel between declared practices and effective practices, centred on management of contents, on educational activity, on relationship with the students and on rules management
Llobet, Aurélie. "Les professeurs du secondaire en action : de l'engagement professionnel à la mobilisation politique." Paris 9, 2011. https://portail.bu.dauphine.fr/fileviewer/index.php?doc=2011PA090024.
Full textDevoted to the public secondary education, this research analyses, from four monographs of schools, how the transformations of the French educational policy redefine the commitment of the teachers. Interviews and ethnographic observations shine on the process of investment of the teachers in the institution which grants them autonomy. By the confrontation between conception of their role, theirs social dispositions and professional careers, this inquiry explains the practices deployed to get rid of difficulties met in their work. From suffering to pleasure, the teachers adapt themselves to the realities of the ground. By local sociability, this thesis studies the work of local labor-unions and reveals how, by refocusing the frame of mobilization on the local and daily problems, they convert the individual resistances in collective action
Bouchard, Jérôme. "La transition primaire/secondaire : étude des programmes mathématiques." Master's thesis, Université Laval, 2016. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11794/27466.
Full textJarty, Julie. "L'emploi, la famille et l'articulation des temps de vie chez les enseignant( e)s du secondaire : une comparaison France-Espagne." Toulouse 2, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010TOU20060.
Full textEsta tesis pretende analizar la articulación de las diferentes temporalidades sociales a partir de un estudio comparativo de las trayectorias profesionales, familiares y personales del profesorado de secundaria en Francia y en España. Apoyándose en una cartografía de los contextos societales, un examen de los modos de estructuración de la profesión docente, así como en 70 entrevistas biográficas y 17 ‘diarios de tiempo', la tesis propone un análisis de los mecanismos de diferenciación sexuada de las modalidades de gestión de la relación público/privada vía la articulación de estos diferentes niveles de análisis. Desde este punto de vista, el proceso comparativo permite identificar “contratos de género” y “ethos profesionales” distintos a ambos lados de los Pirineos. Respecto al nivel societal, las políticas públicas y las normas propias de la actividad remunerada y no remunerada hacen que la presencia de las madres en el mercado de trabajo sea menos conflictiva en Francia que en España. Al nivel profesional, la figura docente francesa conduce a una fuerte flexibilidad temporal mientras que la española supone temporalidades profesionales más largas en los centros de trabajo (Institutos). Estas diferencias, asimismo, implican prácticas y representaciones diferentes en lo relativo a la articulación de los tiempos de vida en los dos países, que las biografías individuales pueden tanto aceptar, cuestionar, como incluso transformar. La pluralidad de las situaciones empíricas está presentada a través de una tipología de las experiencias sociales de género en el profesorado
The research analyses the articulation of the different social times based on a comparative study of the work, family and personal paths of female and male secondary school teachers in Spain and France. Drawing on a cartography of the societal contexts, a study of the working conditions within the teaching profession, as well as 70 interviews and 17 “time budgets”, the research proposes to understand the gender differentiated mechanisms of the work/life balance through the articulation of these different levels of analyses. The cross-national comparative approach enables the identification of distinct “gender contracts” and “professional ethos” on both sides of the Pyrenees. On the societal level, public policies and the societal norms relating to paid and unpaid work make of the continuous activity patterns of French mother less problematic than in Spain. On the professional level, the normative model of the French teacher induces high levels of working time flexibility whereas the Spanish school system leads to more rigid working time norms. These differences reflect distinct practices and representations of work/life balance between the two countries, which are confirmed, questioned or even transformed at the individual biography level. A typology of the gender social experiences within the teaching profession provides an illustration of this variety
Staali, Mohamed. "La rénovation de la formation des professeurs de français du 1er cycle du secondaire (Maroc)." Besançon, 1989. http://www.theses.fr/1989BESA1019.
Full textAmra, Nadia. "La transposition didactique du concept de fonction : comparaison entre les systèmes d'enseignement français et palestiniens." Paris 7, 2003. http://www.theses.fr/2003PA070047.
Full textThis curricular-type research is concerned with the didactical transposition of the concept of function at secondary teaching level in France (corresponding to 10th and 11th grades) and Palestine (10th, 11th and 12th grades). In the first part, we present our problematic, theoretical frames and methodology. The second part handles out the study of the "institutional relation" to the concept of function in each one of the two teaching systems through the analysis of syllabus and textbooks. The third part is concerned by the study of the "personal relation" of students to the same object, it corresponds to the experimental part of our research and relies on a questionnaire. This comparative study reveals the institutional organisation weight on the knowledge acquired by students. Concerning more specifically the curricular project, it brings some light on mathematical organisations relative to the mathematical theme of functions
Braconne-Michoux, Annette. "Compréhension de la démonstration en géométrie chez les professeurs et les élèves au secondaire." Master's thesis, Université Laval, 1988. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11794/29249.
Full textVantourout, Marc. "Etude de l'activité et des compétences de professeurs des écoles et de professeurs de mathématiques dans des situations "simulées" d'évaluation à visée formative en mathématiques." Paris 5, 2004. http://www.theses.fr/2004PA05H037.
Full textWe situate this research within the general framework of reflexions on the professionality of teachers In this research, we study the activity of eighteen pre-service elementary and middle school mathematics teachers, all at the end of their formation at the IUFM (Institut Universitaire de Formation des Maîtres) during their formative assessment of pupil's work in mathematics This work is carried out according to a double didactic orientation : didactic of mathematics and professional didactic. Our approach is comparative and descriptive. The device of research, organised around a "simulator", allows sparing identical "experimental" conditions for all teachers. We presented to the pre-service teachers, during three sessions, the results as well as the unfolding of the work o two "fictious" binomials of pupils of grade 5, (CM 2) for the elementary teachers (Professeurs des écoles), and of grade 6 for the middle school teachers (Professeurs de lycée et de Collège de mathématiques) solving proportionality problems using charts. The study of these teacher's activities enable us, on the one hand, to analyze the totality of the evaluative judgements expressed by each one of them, and, on the other hand, to reach professional competences and the evaluation processes which originate them. The study of competences mainly consists in inventoring knwoledge and proposing a categorization of it comprising three poles : "disciplinary", "evaluation" and "professional". The comparison of the study of knowledge and that of the evaluation process enables us to better understand the activity of the appraisers. We reach then their steps, their expectations and the finalities which they allot to this evaluation. This work shows first of all that the expression of two evaluative judgements, seemingly identical, can rely on a diversity of knowledge and processes. It then clarifies the essential role that disciplinary knowledge plays during formative evaluation in mathematics. In addition, the possibility of comparing, for similar work, the activity of evaluation of elementary teachers (grades 1 to 5) and middle-school (grades 6 to 9) constitutes a particular approach of the transition "elementary school - middle school"
Ben, Salah Breigeat Chedlia. "Les connaissances mathématiques des nouveaux enseignants de mathématiques au collège à l'épreuve du feu : une étude de cas." Paris 7, 2001. http://www.theses.fr/2001PA070056.
Full textWe studied one aspect of the practices of secondary school teachers, looking for traces of their own mathematical knowledge in a classroom situation. We examined three new teachers with an implicit objective : to understand how they put in place their teaching practices. The research was based on two aspects. The first one is a double analysis (quantitative and qualitative) of how the teachers talk to their students in the classrooms. The second one is a comparison between the teachers'spoken word and the contents of the textbooks used in the classrooms. We studied fourth year teachers and analysed one lesson per teacher. We took into account the effect of the students'oral response to the teachers'spoken word. The obtained results seemed to show that there was a dependence link between the adaptation of teachers' speeches to students and the availability of their own mathematical knowledge in the classroom situation. Our case studies showed three approaches : one teacher seemed to forbid herself to use mathematical knowledge that what different from that of her students; one teacher seemed to want to share her knowledge with that of her students and the third one seemed to put a limit between her knowledge and that of her students (she behaved as if she thought that her mathematical knowledge would be of no benefit to her students). Regarding the adaptation to students, the most successful approach was that of the teacher who shared her knowledge with her students. The three teachers organised the classroom exchanges very differently. The only similarity being the exchanges linked to mathematical contents. Comparing the teachers' spoken word in a classroom and the contents of the textbooks, we noticed a correspondence between the way the teachers did their preparation works outside the classroom and the way they gave their lessons
Broccolichi, Sylvain. "Organisation de l'école : pratiques usuelles et production d'inégalités." Paris, EHESS, 1994. http://www.theses.fr/1994EHES0007.
Full textThe disparities of scholarly attainments (school performances) of the pupils coming from different social groups increase, in the course of school years, particularly in mathematics in secondary education. The linked study of school trajectories of the pupils (and of their view points), of the social family characteristics and of the functioning of the school leads to distinghish two sources of increasing inequalities. The socio-educational disparities send back to the unequal family transmissions likely to make easier school acquisitions. As regards mathematics, the previous familiarity with school games is seldom sufficient, morever the regulating accompaniment of the family circle proves also determinating. The intra-educational disparities privileging the top pupils go in the same direction, yet they can also produce "miracoulously gifted cases. The possibilities of fruitful interactions with the teacher, the access to school actvities and the chances of dreiving some satisfaction from them, increase with the rank of
Nguimbi, Armel. "Enseignement des textes littéraires : paroles et pratiques d'enseignants de lycées du Gabon." Thesis, Université Laval, 2009. http://www.theses.ulaval.ca/2009/26181/26181.pdf.
Full textNgamba, Engohang Maurice. "Usage des TICE et enseignement des mathématiques dans le secondaire au Gabon." Thesis, Normandie, 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019NORMC052.
Full textEmpirically, as a mathematics teacher, we found that it is one of the subjects for which students get the lowest grades in school. With the intention of giving a different orientation to its teaching / learning, we have thought about the pedagogical uses of ICTs because several authors, like Karsenti Thierry and Issa Boro (2013) report in their work the considerable contribution of these digital tools in education in general and that of mathematics in particular. Questions about the uses and the pedagogical representations of the TIC by the actors of the teaching of the mathematics directed us towards this research. This work, limited to secondary education, was conducted using a mixed methodology combining the following data collection tools: a questionnaire addressed to teachers, semi-structured interviews with a few actors and some class observations. The results show that even relatively, the use of ICT is widespread in education and training as in other sectors. However, the educational uses of ICT are negligible and limited to the use of scientific calculators and sometimes smartphones that are not officialized in Gabon as a teaching tool. For a successful implementation of these technologies, multi-faceted and multivariate needs are expressed by the actors of the education sector encountered in this research
Öztürk, Ibrahim Hakki. "La dimension européenne dans la formation des enseignants et l'enseignement de l'histoire en Turquie." Amiens, 2005. http://www.theses.fr/2005AMIE0008.
Full textThe thesis relates to the teaching of the topics relating to Europe in the history courses of secondary education and of the teacher training in Turkey. The teaching of “the history of Europe”, included into the Turkish curriculum as a separate topic, is basically concentrated on the political, economic and scientific evolution of the countries of Western Europe between 15th and 20th centuries. The topics concerning Europe also appear in the study of the national history and especially in the “Ottoman history” studying the Turkish presence in Europe of South-east. However the integration process of Turkey to the European Union still doesn't have a significant influence on the history curriculum. On the other hand, the teachers generally support the development of topics relating to Europe in the curriculum and the promotion of the feeling of being part of Europe to the pupils. It is about a strong relationship between their opinion with respect to adhesion to the EU and their attitude concerning the development of the teaching of the history of Europe
Liquète, Vincent. "Etude des pratiques documentaires et informationnelles du professeur de collège." Bordeaux 3, 2000. http://www.theses.fr/2000BOR30043.
Full textAsselin, Carmen. "Les tendances historiographiques de la conception de l'histoire des sciences véhiculées par le discours des enseignants du secondaire et du collégial." Master's thesis, Université Laval, 1988. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11794/29431.
Full textCabassut, Richard. "Démonstration, raisonnement et validation dans l'enseignement secondaire des mathématiques en France et en Allemagne." Paris 7, 2005. http://www.theses.fr/2005PA070014.
Full textFor the study of the proof we adapt Toulmin's theoretical frame on arguments of plausibility and arguments of necessity to Chevallard's anthropological theory of didactics. The validations of mathematic teaching are the double transposition of proofs from the mathematical institution (producing the knowledge) and validations (argumentations and proofs) from other institutions (like the "daily life"). The diachronic study of curricula of French “collège-lycée” and of German Gymnasium (in Baden-Württemberg), confirmed by the study of textbooks shows that proof is explicitly taught as opposed to the cases of Realschule and Hauptschule. These curricula advise the use of different types of validation (argumentation, proof. ) and arguments (pragmatic, semantic, syntactic) depending on the functions and when they are introduced: The influence of the functions of validation on the different types of tasks (discovering, controlling, changing registers. . . ) is also observed in lessons on proof. In spite of linguistic, institutional, and cultural difficulties in comparing France and Germany, the study of validations, of class theorems in textbooks, and of proofs produced by students, shows similarities about combining different types of arguments as well as different types of functions. Differences are observed on the types of technology and technique involved in the validation and on the weight given to different types of arguments and registers used, with an explanation related to the institutional conditions (moment of introduction, didactical contract, function, educational system. . . )
Baştürk, Savaş. "L'enseignement des mathématiques en Turquie : le cas des fonctions au lycée et au concours d'entrée à l'Université." Paris 7, 2003. http://www.theses.fr/2003PA070069.
Full textThe aim of this study is to diagnose grade 9 (15-16 year-old) students at high school level for the case of functions. On contrary to French university entrance examinations (baccalauréat), the university examination preparations in Turkey require extra course work apart from the courses in high schools. However, this results in the absence of a real mathematical practice and superficial learning in high schools. This also causes students some difficulties at undergraduate level. This study reports the findings various analysis; the analysis of high school and undergraduate programmes, the analysis of high school and university preparation textbooks, the analysis of questions on functions that were asked in university entrance examinations in the previous years, the analysis of questionnaires on the teaching of functions which were administered to the teachers in high schools and university examination preparation courses, the analysis of grade 9 students' written reports on functions, the analysis of the questionnaires on beliefs for mathematics teaching which were administered to undergraduate students