Academic literature on the topic 'Professeurs des écoles – Langage'
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Journal articles on the topic "Professeurs des écoles – Langage"
Charrier, Marie Cécile, and Bertrand Bergier. "Exploration de l’imaginaire des professeurs des écoles : repères méthodologiques." Revista Diálogo Educacional 15, no. 46 (July 13, 2015): 773.
Full textPoujade, Chloé, and Claudine Garcia-Debanc. "Un atelier d’écriture créative personnelle au service de la professionnalisation de professeurs des écoles débutants : écrire un selfie professionnel." SHS Web of Conferences 191 (2024): 07019.
Full textMarques de Almeida Bouix, Andréa. "Multiculturalité et plurilinguisme : défis pour la formation des professeurs des écoles." Çédille, no. 22 (2022): 495–99.
Full textAzzam-Hannachi, Radia. "L’autoformation : une solution pour optimiser la formation en langue vivante des professeurs des écoles." Recherche et pratiques pédagogiques en langues de spécialité - Cahiers de l APLIUT, Vol. XXVI N° 1 (February 15, 2007): 23–35.
Full textRondelli, Fabienne, and Anne Leclaire-Halté. "Les savoirs convoqués par les formateurs dans les rapports de visite de stages de professeurs des écoles." Lidil, no. 43 (May 30, 2011): 89–102.
Full textVelmezova, Ekaterina. "Présentation." Cahiers du Centre de Linguistique et des Sciences du Langage, no. 65 (December 14, 2021): 7–9.
Full textStarck, Sylvain. "L’évaluation des professeurs des écoles." Recherche & formation, no. 64 (July 1, 2010): 157–67.
Full textDontenwille-Gerbaud, Aude. "Former les professeurs des écoles." Diversité 149, no. 1 (2007): 59–62.
Full textHADJ AMOR, Habib. "À la recherche des savoirs et des connaissances des enseignants de français dans le 1er degré : état actuel des enseignants novices du commissariat de la région de Mahdia - Tunisie." Langues & Cultures 4, no. 02 (December 31, 2023): 23–43.
Full textMusard, Mathilde, Maël Le Paven, and Philippe Le Borgne. "Les principes pédagogiques à l’œuvre dans les épistémologies pratiques de deux professeurs des écoles stagiaires." Éducation et didactique 18, no. 3 (2024): 57–75.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Professeurs des écoles – Langage"
Zougs, Muriel. "Les gestes professionnels d’adaptation linguistique en contexte multilingue : le cas des professeurs des écoles dans leur gestion de l’hétérogénéité des élèves en langue de scolarisation." Thesis, Aix-Marseille, 2017.
Full textOur research is based on a comparative analysis of what we call the Professional Skills of Linguistic Adaptation (PSLA) in Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) employed in France, and in particular, in international sections at primary school. It is aimed at understanding how primary school teachers, working in a multilingual context, adapt themselves to pupils’ heterogeneity in the language of instruction. Our study focuses on ordinary classes (classes taught in French and English section classes) and groups of French as a foreign language and English as a second language, in the nursery and elementary schools of a state-run International School in PACA. Through a comparative approach, we wish to understand how the status of the language of instruction (vernacular or vehicular), the pupils’ ages and the level of linguistic heterogeneity influence the PSLA teachers use. For each of these three factors, we compare two sessions in ordinary classes and two sessions conducted in support schemes aimed at facilitating pupils’ integration to the language of instruction, in order to illustrate also the impact of the type of teaching (ordinary or specialised) on the primary school teachers’ use of PSLA. We compare the number, category and type of PSLA used by teachers and also the forms they take through “the teachers’ concerns structuring the didactic environment” (Bucheton, 2011), the instances when teachers employ them through “the quadruplet of the structure of the teacher's action” (Sensevy & Mercier, 2007), and for what purposes through the “4 Cs” (Coyle, 2002)
El, Ajel El Ghazi. "Eléments pour une formation continue des maîtres bilingues au Maroc : constat diagnostique et propositions." Paris 3, 2000.
Full textEssawy, Dina. "L'autonomie de l'enseignant de français dans les écoles publiques égyptiennes : quel avenir, quelle formation ?" Paris 3, 2002.
Full textDuring thet last decade, several factors helped the importance of the concept of teacher autonomy : transition from applied linguistics to didacology of languages-cultures, eclectism, new technologies, ethical dimension of learning language. In this perspective, autonomus teacher has several roles : researcher, creator of pedagogical material. He is also the one who accompagy students to autonomy. The autonomus teacher is also a researcher ; his task consists on permanent questionning of his own practices. The research initiation develops critisism ability and helps teacher to refuse ready made material, he feels able to conceive his own pedagogical material. This material should not simply promote transmission of Knowldge, but developps self-learning. The present thesis studies how to autonomize teachers of french in egyptian schools through a survey with educators, descision makers. Then we will conceive a project of teacher training intended for the futur teachers of french in Egypte. His project has not intend to be neither authoritarian nor exhaustive, it follows the lines of didactology of languages-cultures who is suggesting but not imposing
Leroy, Denis. "Contribution à la description des gestes d'enseignement - Un cas d'analyse didactique comparée : les aides-éducateurs et les professeurs des écoles." Phd thesis, Université de Provence - Aix-Marseille I, 2004.
Full textNous appelons geste l'action d'un professeur qui se donne pour but de mettre en relation des élèves à des objets de nature diverses : techniques, connaissances, objets matériels, symboliques.
Nous étudions la nature de ces aides déployées par des adultes tuteurs - professeurs des écoles et aides-éducateurs - auprès d'élèves de cours moyen première année dans des conditions ordinaires d'enseignement au moment où les élèves ont en charge la résolution individuelle de problèmes qui leur sont proposés.
La recherche compare ces aides selon trois dimensions :
. la discipline (mathématiques/français)
. l'expérience des professeurs (première année de fonction, 15 ans d'ancienneté)
. le statut de ces tuteurs (enseignant/aide-éducateur)
L'hypothèse principale est que l'activité manifestée par tout tuteur didactique consiste à contrôler trois grandes fonctions didactiques : la part de responsabilité des élèves relative au savoir, l'aménagement de milieux pour apprendre et l'avancement d'un temps qui règle l'ordre et la vitesse d'apparition des savoirs.
Nous montrons que les différences d'aide entre des tuteurs didactiques occupant des positions différentes dans l'institution proviennent des différences dans les façons de contrôler ces trois fonctions.
Nous mettons également en évidence que les gestes d'aide à l'étude se modifient en fonction des disciplines et des savoirs enseignés et que le contrôle des fonctions s'y réalise différemment.
La recherche montre que certains gestes affectent de façon assez prévisibles les fonctions didactiques et créent les conditions d'apparition de certains phénomènes décrits dans la littérature didactique alors que d'autres dépendent au contraire très fortement des contextes.
Kassimi, Chryssafo. "L'école primaire grecque et ses enseignants face aux enfants d'immigrés : entre réalités et alibis." Paris 8, 2003.
Full textIn the present research we refer to the principles underpinning the schooling of immigrants' children in Greece. Considering this relatively new population for Greek elementary school as a privileged starting-point in order to study the relation of Greek teachers to the difficulty, language, cultural diversity and the profession, we focus on the representation of the linguistic difficulties and of the teaching language. The aim of this research is to study how Greek teachers deal with the presence of these pupils and to demonstrate what their difficulties and school condition imply as well as to diffuse the principles with which teachers are preoccupied and the contradictions the latter face, taking into account the lack of explicit objectives concerning immigrants' education
Baba-Ali, Mohammed. "L'enseignement du français et la formation des maîtres à l'école primaire marocaine." Paris 8, 2002.
Full textThis research reminds us about Moroccan educational system throughout history. It tells us about the progress occurred since the independence period in arabisation, moroccanisation, unification and the time when school became a right for everyone. The implementation of French as a first language within the Moroccan primary school system has encountered quite a few hindrances so that it has resulted into the regress of pupils' level in French language and aroused parents' anger. The Moroccan primary school teacher hardly deals with linguistic, morphological and syntaxical problems of the French language. Teachers' training centers do not despatch high standard programs yet. The methods used, the programs taught, the pedagogical items and bocks are too old. This research may help the Moroccan primary school teacher to deal with French phonetic sounds, rhythm, intonation and the way they work together in comparison with Arabian phonetic. It also gives advice about the way French must be taught and how new words must be introduced in oral classes. Moroccan primary school teaches must be aware of the difficulties of the oral language and know what progression has to be followed for the first few weeks of the teaching. The second chapter introduces the way primary school teaches are taught how to teach French at school. The timetable, the methods used in training centers are hardly efficient. The didactic items used and the great numbers of pupils per class are obstacles to any kind of progress. The primary school teacher fails when he enters a countryside primary class whit pupils of different school levels, whit no electricity &water. This work may help him to make up his mind about his future as a French teacher
Kister, Paul Stéphanie. "L'enseignement du français langue seconde - langue de scolarisation (FLS / FLSco) aux élèves allophones arrivants accueillis en classe ordinaire à l'école élémentaire." Thesis, Strasbourg, 2016.
Full textThis research aims at studying the representations of elementary school teachers about the specificities of the French language used at school, in order to guide and optimize the educational materials needed by allophone pupils recently arrived in France, included into ordinary classes. The first part of the thesis proposes an inventory of French teaching at allophone pupils immersed in an elementary school without any support. Next, some clarification of the concepts of French as a second language (FSL) and French as the language of schooling is done. It will help enlightening the analysis of the surveys of school teachers questioned about the specificities of French used at school, such as a specific communication language, a language as subject and a language of the other subjects. The collection and the analysis of the answers compose the second part of this thesis. The results obtained serve as a support to make didactic and pedagogical proposals to facilitate school inclusion of newly arrived allophone children, and also, of all pupils who have difficulties with French of / at school
Durrieu-Gardelle, Magali. "Langage et recherche collaborative : effets de la construction d’une communauté discursive d’enseignants en grammaire sur leurs modes d’agir, parler et penser et sur ceux de leurs élèves dans la discipline." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Bordeaux, 2024.
Full textOur doctoral work focuses on oral language for teaching and learning in grammar at the end of French primary schools. It examines the effects of collaborative research into language for learning in grammar in cycle 3 (9-10 years old), on teachers‘ classroom practices, their pupils’ use of language and their awareness of oral language and grammar as a subject. It is rooted in a historical and cultural perspective that leads us first to look back to the establishment of school grammar as a discipline in order to understand the difficulties faced by teachers. Following in the footsteps of Vygotski (1934/1997), our roots lead us to attribute a major role to language, conceived as a semiotic, dialogical tool with contextualised uses (Bakhtin, 1984), and to the teacher's mediation of language in the construction and appropriation by pupils of the knowledge deposited in culture. We are thus led to mobilise, the concept of the Communauté Discursive Disciplinaire et Scolaire (Jaubert, Rebière and Bernié, 2003) at the class level to understand, and at the language level, the teaching-learning co-activity that enables pupils to appropriate ways of acting, speaking and thinking that are specific to grammar. This position leads us to question the dominant model of the masterly grammar lesson followed by drill exercises inherited from the Middle Ages, which leaves little room for the cognitive and linguistic activity required by pupils to negotiate the meaning of grammatical activity and the knowledge they need to acquire. Moreover, the ministerial injunction to develop language for learning in every subject leaves many teachers bewildered. We therefore hypothesise that collaborative research into the question of language for teaching and learning in grammar could help the teachers involved to become aware of the importance of the language of the various players in the classroom and to modify their practices for the benefit of pupils' cognitive and language learning and to strengthen their disciplinary awareness (Reuter, 2007). We set up a 2-year collaborative research project, based on activity analysis (Clot & Faita, 2000), with four cycle-3 teachers We had films and verbatims of 8 grammar sessions conducted by the teachers on the notion of simple/complex sentence, before and at the end of the research, 12 verbatims of self-confrontations, cross-confrontations and group work sessions as well as two series of student questionnaires aimed at (1) identifying their written language practices in grammar and (2) defining their awareness of grammar and oral grammar, at the beginning and end of the research. The comparison of the verbatims of the sessions enables us to observe transformations in the actual teaching practices (corpus, activity solicited, discursive interventions, handling of errors, knowledge taught) as well as the speaking time of the actors, the nature of the verbal interactions, the enunciative positioning and language uses of the pupils. The analysis of the interview transcripts shows that the elements of practice that were transformed were all the subject of discourse, either reformulated or questioned, or debated or even reconfigured as a sign of cognitive and linguistic shifts on the part of the participants. Finally, the initial processing of the student questionnaires showed changes in their use of written language, a disciplinary awareness more in tune with grammatical activity and the beginnings of an objectification of oral language for learning grammar
Charrier, Marie-Cécile. "Imaginaire des professeurs des écoles et apprenance." Nantes, 2012.
Full textDepth imagery has been deep-rooted since time immemorial. However, it also plays an important role in contemporary world. Isn’t fear of linear time that mankind tries to solve in mythical stories both timeless and universal ? In a context of long-standing growth established as an essential requirement for the good health of the States and companies, the employee’s responsibility will include his/her own education which he/she will have to take on throughout his/her life. The notion of “learnance” is born. It raises its own questions of temporality. What imaginary story does it tell us? How do the subjects, heroes of their own mythical universes deal with the connection to knowledge viewed as a myth? This is the question the present research work tries to answer, in an understanding and qualitative approach, exploring the specific environment of primary school teachers and being essentially based on the Structures of the Imaginary brought in light by G. Durand under the terms “héroïque”, “mystique”, “synthétique”. Thus, the myth of ‘learnance’ being outlined, we explored the imaginative world of 5 primary school teachers thanks to two complementary approaches. First, semi-directive interviews dealing with the initial and continuing education of these teachers were analysed in the light of the symbolism of their terms. Then, everyone was invited to carry out the Archetype -Test with 9 elements (AT. 9) worked out by Y. Durand to see how G. Durand’s work stands to the test. Each participant was given the opportunity to react to their test session report. The analysis of the different data gradually drew the portrait of single heroes who, in their style, by means of their personal tools and/or weapons come to a compromise with the dramatic elements of the “learnance”. Depth imagery has been deep-rooted since time immemorial. However, it also plays an important role in contemporary world. Isn’t fear of linear time that mankind tries to solve in mythical stories both timeless and universal ? In a context of long-standing growth established as an essential requirement for the good health of the States and companies, the employee’s responsibility will include his/her own education which he/she will have to take on throughout his/her life. The notion of “learnance” is born. It raises its own questions of temporality. What imaginary story does it tell us? How do the subjects, heroes of their own mythical universes deal with the connection to knowledge viewed as a myth? This is the question the present research work tries to answer, in an understanding and qualitative approach, exploring the specific environment of primary school teachers and being essentially based on the Structures of the Imaginary brought in light by G. Durand under the terms “héroïque”, “mystique”, “synthétique”. Thus, the myth of ‘learnance’ being outlined, we explored the imaginative world of 5 primary school teachers thanks to two complementary approaches. First, semi-directive interviews dealing with the initial and continuing education of these teachers were analysed in the light of the symbolism of their terms. Then, everyone was invited to carry out the Archetype -Test with 9 elements (AT. 9) worked out by Y. Durand to see how G. Durand’s work stands to the test. Each participant was given the opportunity to react to their test session report. The analysis of the different data gradually drew the portrait of single heroes who, in their style, by means of their personal tools and/or weapons come to a compromise with the dramatic elements of the “learnance”
Le, Bihan Jean-Claude. "La formation en langue des maîtres du 1er degré : problèmes épistémologiques et pratiques : le cas de l'anglais." Compiègne, 1999.
Full textBooks on the topic "Professeurs des écoles – Langage"
Dequiré, Anne-Françoise. La sélection des professeurs des écoles: Regard sociologique sur une pratique. Paris: Harmattan, 2008.
Find full textChampagne, Madeleine. Langue et culture: Clés premières de la réussite scolaire à l'école de langue française en milieu minoritaire : synthèse analytique. s.l: Fédération canadienne des enseignantes et des enseignants, 2005.
Find full textGranet, Vincent. Algorithmique et programmation en Java: Cours et exercices corrigésIUT, IUP, licence, master, écoles d'ingénieurs. 3rd ed. Paris: Dunod, 2010.
Find full textAssociation canadienne d'éducation de langue française. Congrès. L' école de langue française, un + pour la vie: Actes du congrès, 2 au 4 octobre 2003, Toronto (Ontario), ACELF. Québec: Association canadienne d'éducation de langue française, 2003.
Find full textCicurel, Francine. Parole sur parole, ou, Le métalangage dans la classe de langue. Paris: CLE international, 1985.
Find full textCanada, Presbyterian Church in, ed. Syllabus of Presbyterian S.S. teacher's course of study: Biblical Department, Senior Division : subject: Moses' ministry and Hebrew worship. [S.l: s.n., 1986.
Find full textSizer, Theodore R. Horace's compromise: The dilemma of the American high school : with a new preface. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., 2004.
Find full textNational Association of Secondary School Principals (U.S.) and National Association of Independent Schools. Commission on Educational Issues., eds. Horace's compromise: The dilemma of the American high school. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1992.
Find full textSizer, Theodore R. Horace's compromise: The dilemma of the American high school. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1985.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Professeurs des écoles – Langage"
Vujović, Ana. "Le Français sur Objectifs universitaires pour les professeurs des écoles." In Interactions dans les Sciences du Langage. Interactions disciplinaires dans les Études littéraires, 148–57. Београд: Универзитет у Београду, Филолошки факултет, 2019.
Full textGiraud, Cédric. "La sacra pagina et les écoles du premier xiie siècle." In Arts du langage et théologie aux confins des XIe et XIIe siècles, 235–46. Turnhout: Brepols Publishers, 2011.
Full text"Les Professeurs." In L’étude des religions dans les écoles, 207–22. Wilfrid Laurier Press, 2006.
Full textLegrand, Gilles. "Les professeurs des écoles." In Les professionnels face à l'enfance en danger, 79–90. Elsevier, 2010.
Full text"Bibliographie." In Professeurs des écoles au XXIe siècle, 209–22. Presses Universitaires de France, 2018.
Full textGeitner, Vincent. "Les professeurs du secondaire et le mouvement de Mai 68 à Lyon et à Grenoble." In Écoles en révolte, 71–90. Presses universitaires de Lyon, 2023.
Full textBédard, Raymond. "L’avis de la Société des professeurs d’histoire du Québec (SPHQ)." In L'histoire nationale telle qu'elle est enseignée dans nos écoles, 127–31. Presses de l'Université du Québec, 2015.
Full textVerneuil, Yves. "Chapitre 8. Entre patriotisme et corporatisme. La valorisation du rôle des professeurs de l’enseignement secondaire dans la Grande Guerre." In Les Écoles dans la guerre, 195–214. Presses universitaires du Septentrion, 2014.
Full text"Introduction générale." In Professeurs des écoles en formation initiale au fil des réformes, 11–18. Presses universitaires du Septentrion, 2019.
Full textThémines, Jean-François, and Patricia Tavignot. "Chapitre 1. Professionnalisation – professionnalité enseignante – développement professionnel." In Professeurs des écoles en formation initiale au fil des réformes, 21–46. Presses universitaires du Septentrion, 2019.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Professeurs des écoles – Langage"
BOREL, Jean-Pierre. "Professorat des écoles : quelle pluridisciplinarité dans le métier, quelle pluridisciplinarité dans la formation ?" In Les journées de l'interdisciplinarité 2022. Limoges: Université de Limoges, 2022.
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