Academic literature on the topic 'Production of profits'

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Journal articles on the topic "Production of profits"


Solo, Robert, and Paul Stuart Estenson. "Profits Without Production." Journal of Economic Issues 19, no. 1 (March 1985): 201–9.

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Rahimullaily, Rahimullaily, Rahmadini Darwas, and Ratih Purwasih. "Optimization of bakery production by using branch and bound approach." Computer Science and Information Technologies 4, no. 1 (March 1, 2023): 50–58.

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Mommy Ai Kitchen is one the businesses specializing in the bakery business, producing cupcakes, birthday cakes, brownies, and donuts. However, it does not optimally determine each bakery’s production quantity, so it offers fewer profits and becomes a problem. This research aims to find the optimal production quantity so that this business maximizes profits. The method used was integer programming using the branch and bound approach, which counts the decision variable value using the simplex method. This research was based on the number of raw materials on hand-wheat flour, sugar, eggs, modal, and the profits of each bakery. Based on the analysis of the branch and bound approach, it was known that the maximum profit value was IDR 253,200, with eight alternative options for the bakeries that were produced. One of them was Mommy Ai Kitchen, which could produce three cupcakes, five birthday cakes, one brownie, and nine donuts to get that maximum profit. Meanwhile, Mommy Ai Kitchen’s estimation could produce one cupcake, one brownie, and six donuts using available materials with a profit of IDR 78,800. As a result, the profit difference before and after integer programming was IDR 174,400.
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Vasudevan, Ramaa. "Profits without production: a comment." Dialectical Anthropology 39, no. 3 (March 31, 2015): 337–42.

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De Ladurantaye, Daniel, Michel Gendreau, and Jean-Yves Potvin. "Optimizing profits from hydroelectricity production." Computers & Operations Research 36, no. 2 (February 2009): 499–529.

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Suharya, Yaya, Sutrisno Sutrisno, and Risma Nurmilah. "PENGARUH BIAYA PRODUKSI TERHADAP LABA BERSIH CV. BERKAH JAYA GENERAL SUPPLIER SNACK FOOD." Jurnal Bina Akuntansi 8, no. 2 (July 9, 2021): 145–67.

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In addition to providing goods and services, the company aims to obtain maximumprofit. As a provider of goods, the fulfillment of better product quality and competitiveprices is a challenge for the company. However, this was accompanied by highproduction costs. Thus, companies are required to be able to reduce production costswhich consist of raw material costs, direct labor wages and factory overhead. Theabove phenomenon inspires the author to examine "The Effect of Production Costs onCompany Profits" with multiple linear regression analysis. The purpose of this studywas to determine the effect of production costs on company profits CV Berkah JayaGeneral Supplier snack food. The regression analysis shows that simultaneously, rawmaterial costs, direct labor wages and factory overheads have a negative effect oncompany profits. The higher the production cost, the lower the profit the companygets. The variable that most strongly affects company profits is the cost of rawmaterials.
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Fadilah, Nina, and Tri Wulandari. "Analysis of Capital and Production Costs on the Profits of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises in Klambir Lima Kebun Village, Hamparan Perak District, Deli Serdang Regency." International Journal of Research and Review 10, no. 2 (February 13, 2023): 453–60.

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This research was carried out in Kelambir Lima Kebun Village, Hamparan Perak District, Deli Serdang Regency. The selection of respondents was carried out intentionally (purposive sampling). Primary data collection was carried out by conducting interviews with 32 MSME business owners. This study aims to partially analyze the effect of capitalization on business profits and analyze the effect of production costs on business profits and analyze the simultaneous influence of capitalization and production costs on the profits of micro, small and medium enterprises, from the results of the study obtained for the t test variable X1 capitalization obtained results t count 3.559 > t table 2.045 with a sig value of 0.001 < 0.05 then there is a positive and partial significant influence between capital and profits of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises. The results of the t test for variable product costs obtained a calculated t value of -2.193 < t table 2.045 with a sig of 0.04 < 0.05 then there was no positive and significant influence between the variable production costs on business profits. Meanwhile, for the F test, a calculated f value of 10.970 > from f table 3.333 with a sig value of 0.000 < a sig of 0.05, then there is a simultaneous influence between the variables of the free variable in this case capital and production costs on profits Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs). Equation The obtained regression model y = 11.303 + 0.591X1 + (-0.292 X2) + e. The magnitude of the coefficient of determination of 39.1% means that capital and production costs are only able to explain the profit of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises of 39.1% the remaining 60.9% can be explained by other variables that were not studied in this study. Keywords: Capital, Production Costs, Profit, MSMEs Klambir Lima Kebun
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Elina, Ade, and Susi Handayani. "PENGARUH BEBAN PROMOSI, BIAYA PRODUKSI DAN PERTUMBUHAN PENJUALAN TERHADAP LABA PERUSAHAAN." Equilibrium: Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan dan Ekonomi 18, no. 02 (July 24, 2021): 110–20.

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This study aims to provide empirical evidence regarding the effect of promotional costs, production costs and sales growth on company profits in manufacture companies on the Indonesia Stock Exchange for the period 2017-2019. Profit is the result of the difference between the income from the resource or income with the expenditure of the resource or expense for its existence. Companies need to reduce any costs incurred to get a profit, one of which is promotional expenses. Promotional expenses, namely promotional budget expenditures to acquire customers for products that have been issued by the company. In addition to promotional expenses, companies need to reduce production costs. Production costs are the sacrifice of a number of costs during the production process, starting from raw materials to products that are ready to be purchased by consumers. Company profits can be obtained from sales activities. Sales growth is an increase or decrease in sales from year to year from a company. The research sample consisted of 84 manufacture companies. The data analysis technique used in this study is multiple linear regression. Hypothesis test results show that both partially and simultaneously promotional expenses, production costs and sales growth have a significant effect on company profit. Keywords :, production costs; profits; promotional expenses; sales growth
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This study aims to determine: 1) production costs, revenues, income and profits of laying hens at the Berkah Telur Makmur Association in one production period and 2) factors influence the profit of laying hens at the Berkah Telur Makmur Association in one production period. This study used a descriptive method with the research location at the Berkah Telur Makmur Association of Purworejo. The sample in this study were 50 farmers. Sampling was done by using saturated sampling method. Data analysis uses production costs, revenues, incomes, profits and profit factors. The results of data analysis showed that the laying hens business in the Berkah Telur Makmur Association was profitable. Factor that has a significant effect of laying hens is the price of electricity and water. Keywords: Laying, Income, Profit Factor
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Mosey, Gabriel E. W., James U. L. Mangobi, and Marvel G. Maukar. "OPTIMASI MATEMATIS KEUNTUNGAN HOME INDUSTRY PIA IBU SANDRA DI TOMBATU UTARA." Jurnal Lebesgue : Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Matematika, Matematika dan Statistika 4, no. 2 (August 30, 2023): 1001–9.

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In the industrial sector, problems are often found in optimizing production results in order to obtain maximum profits. Pia home industry Mrs. Sandra has a problem in maximizing profits, namely finding solutions to produce pia with the optimal amount. The purpose of this study was to determine the amount of production and optimal profit obtained in the production of pia in the home industry using the branch and bound method and to determine the results of the sensitivity analysis to changes in production components. The results of the analysis show that using the branch and bound method, the home industry pia Mrs. Sandra gets an optimal profit of Rp. 2,078,557 per month by producing 1,666 pia chocolate, 1,041 pia temo, and 800 pia peanuts per month. The results of the sensitivity analysis show that profits will remain in optimal conditions if Mrs. Sandra's pia home industry follows the changes that occur in production components based on the upper bound and lower bound according to the output produced using Lingo 19.0 software
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Imam Purwanto and Makmun. "IMPLEMENTATION SYSTEM OF SIMPLEX METHOD FOR OPTIMIZATION PROFIT." International Journal Science and Technology 2, no. 2 (July 24, 2023): 53–60.

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Companies that carry out production activities necessarily want the company's goals to be achieved, one of which is optimal profit. Maximum profit in production can be realized by planning the optimal amount of production. The purpose of this study consists of four, namely making a profit formulation to maximize the amount of production, determining the optimal number of brown bread variants that will be produced at Win Bakery, determining the maximum profit in producing bread at Win Bakery, and predicting profits for return on investment. This research was conducted using a linear programming model. Decision variables determine the decisions that will make to achieve the optimal solution. The objective function is a function that describes the goals or objectives in linear programming problems. Relating to the optimal use of resources to obtain maximum profit or to use minimum costs. A constraint function is a form of formulation of the obstacles faced in achieving the goal. The results obtained from the research are the decision variables, with X1 being the number of square chocolate bread productions and X2 is the number of round chocolate bread productions. The objective function of the profit per unit is to maximize Z = 1000X1 + 800X2. The constraint function is the raw material used in making chocolate bread. Furthermore, the optimization of production with POM-QM resulted in the number of square chocolate bread production of as many as 13 pieces and round chocolate bread as many as 25 pieces so that the profit gained in one day was Rp. 32,500. The next calculation, the break-even point by entering fixed costs, variable costs, and profits obtained results in units of 55 units and the total profit earned is Rp. 1,777,00.
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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Production of profits"


Sohn, SugJe. "Modeling and Analysis of Production and Capacity Planning Considering Profits, Throughputs, Cycle Times, and Investment." Diss., Georgia Institute of Technology, 2004.

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This research focuses on large-scale manufacturing systems having a number of stations with multiple tools and product types with different and deterministic processing steps. The objective is to determine the production quantities of multiple products and the tool requirements of each station that maximizes net profit while satisfying strategic constraints such as cycle times, required throughputs, and investment. The formulation of the problem, named OptiProfit, is a mixed-integer nonlinear programming (MINLP) with the stochastic issues addressed by mean-value analysis (MVA) and queuing network models. Observing that OptiProfit is an NP-complete, nonconvex, and nonmonotonic problem, the research develops a heuristic method, Differential Coefficient Based Search (DCBS). It also performs an upper-bound analysis and a performance comparison with six variations of Greedy Ascent Procedure (GAP) heuristics and Modified Simulated Annealing (MSA) in a number of randomized cases. An example problem based on a semiconductor manufacturing minifab is modeled as an OptiProfit problem and numerically analyzed. The proposed methodology provides a very good quality solution for the high-level design and operation of manufacturing facilities.
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Ouarkoub, Syrine. "Maximiser les profits : enquête sur les "faiseurs de changements" au sein de la banque et du conseil en management." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Paris, EHESS, 2023.

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Cruz, Ana Rita Jacinto. "Desmancha de carcaças de bovino: influência no rendimento comercial e nos custos de produção." Master's thesis, ISA, 2014.

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mestrado em Engenharia Zootécnica - Produção Animal - Instituto Superior de Agronomia / Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária
The purposes of this study were to characterize the cutting of beef carcass, to compare suppliers and to develop models of meat dissection and production cost in order to evaluate its effects on the gross profits. The experimental basis was based on 50 samples of Holstein-friesian beef carcasses, 25 from supplier A and the remain 25 from supplier B. The average meat yield was 70,32±1,76%, with the 1st class meat presenting the highest yield (32,83±1,12%). Carcass weight presented itself as a good meat yield predictor. It was found that suppliers did not show a significant effect on the weight of the carcass pieces (P > 0,05). These pieces were grouped in “meat for processing” (MP) and in “vacuum packaged meat” (VPM). The highest meat dissection yield was obtained in MP from supplier B (51,02 %), while the highest cost was observed in VPM from the same supplier (4,24 €/kg). The highest production cost was verified in the VPM of supplier B (4,34 €/kg). It was demonstrated to be more profitable to buy carcasses from supplier A, since the gross profits was higher (0,76 €/kg) then from supplier B (0,64 €/kg). Results obtained with this study allow us to conclude that the implementation of these models in meat industry are of great importance for its economic viability.
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Nuti, Russell C. "Improving Cotton Production Margins through Management Decisions and Use of New and Standard commercial Products to Improve Quality and Profits." NCSU, 2004.

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Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) is a perennial plant managed as an annual crop to optimize yield and fiber quality while managing inputs to maximize profit. Transgenic improvements have simplified cotton production. Resistance to the non-selective herbicide glyphosate and in-plant production of Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) endotoxin are two such advances. Cultural practices including use of mepiquat chloride (MC), and optimizing planting date contribute to crop uniformity and decrease risk involved with environmental stresses. Comparisons between conventional and transgenic weed and insect management systems, optimal and late planting dates, overhead sprinkle irrigation and drip irrigation, and use of MC were evaluated. Optimal-planted cotton had better yield than cotton planted late. Mepiquat chloride did not always provide an advantage, however never caused an undesirable response. At times, cotton plants treated with MC showed improved micronaire, compensation for boll loss, and earlier maturity. Broadcast glyphosate at the eight-leaf stage reduced yield of optimal-planted cotton in 1 of 3 years and 2 of 3 years in late-planted cotton. Glyphosate contact after the four-leaf stage in 2 of 3 years shifted the majority of bolls above node 10. Lint yield results were variable between overhead sprinkle and drip irrigation systems. Mepiquat chloride did not affect yield in irrigated cotton, however did control plant height, and improve fruit retention and cotton maturity. Non-labeled glyphosate applications reduced maturity in each irrigation system in 1 of 3 years. Cotton injury caused by conventional herbicides resulted in yield loss and poor returns compared to glyphosate systems. Early-season weed competition from low input herbicide programs caused cotton biomass reduction. High costs of conventional herbicide programs offset the available profit margin compared to glyphosate systems when yields were similar. Glyphosate systems provided excellent control of all weed species, while conventional herbicides gave acceptable control in most cases. Glyphosate resistant cotton cultivars with had better yield and returned more profit than the same cultivars treated with conventional herbicides.
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Bian, Yuan. "Tactical production planning for physical and financial flows for supply chain in a multi-site context." Thesis, Ecole nationale supérieure Mines-Télécom Atlantique Bretagne Pays de la Loire, 2017.

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En période de crise financière, les entreprises ont besoin de trésorerie pour réagir efficacement aux aléas et assurer leur solvabilité. Cette thèse se situe à l’interface entre l’opérationnel et la finance pour développer des modèles de planification tactique gérant simultanément les flux physiques et financiers dans la supply chain. Le coût de financement des opérations basé sur le besoin en fond de roulement (BFR) est intégré comme un nouvel aspect financier jamais considéré dans la littérature de lot-sizing. Nous débutons par une extension du modèle EOQ considérant les coûts de financement du BFR. L’objectif est la maximisation du profit. Une quantité de production optimale est obtenue analytiquement ainsi que l’analyse de la sensibilité du modèle. De plus, les comparaisons avec le modèle EOQ et un modèle qui considère le coût du capital sont étudiées. Ensuite, un modèle basé sur un lot-sizing dynamique est établi. La propriété ZIO est démontrée et permet l’utilisation d’un algorithme en temps polynomial. Enfin un scénario multi-niveau à capacité infini est étudié avec une approche séquentielle puis centralisée. La propriété ZIO est prouvée dans ces deux cas. Des algorithmes de programmation dynamique sont utilisés pour obtenir une solution optimale. Cette thèse peut être considérée comme un premier, mais significatif, travail combinant la planification de production et la gestion du besoin en fond de roulement dans des modèles de planification tactique. Nous montrons que les aspects financiers ont un impact significatif sur les plans de production. Les cas étudiés dans cette thèse peuvent être considérés comme des sous-problèmes dans l’étude de scénario plus réalistes
In financial crisis, companies always need free cash flow to efficiently react to any uncertainties to ensure solvency. Thus, this thesis serves as an interface between operations and finance to develop tactical production planning models for joint management of physical and financial flows in the supply chain. In these models, the financing cost of operation-based working capital requirement (WCR) is integrated as a new financial aspect never before considered in the lot-sizing literature. We first focus on extending the classic EOQ model by considering the financing cost of WCR with a profit maximization objective. The optimal analytic production quantity formula is derived as well as sensitivity analysis of this model. Moreover, a comparison with the EOQ model and with the formula which considers the cost of capital are discussed. Secondly, a dynamic lot-sizing-based, discounted cash flow model is established based on Uncapacitated lot-sizing model. The zero-inventory ordering property is proven valid for this case and a polynomial-time algorithm can thus be established. Thirdly, multi-level and infinite capacity scenario is investigated with both sequential and centralized approaches. The ZIO property is demonstrated valid in both cases. Dynamic-programming based algorithms are constructed in order to obtain an optimal solution. This thesis should be considered as a first, but significant setup of combining production planning and working capital management. It is shown the significant financial consequences of lot-sizing decision on production planning. The cases investigated in this thesis may be tackled as subproblems in the study of more realistic scenarios
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Сердюк, Ю. С. "Аналіз формування та використання прибутку підприємства." Thesis, Сумський державний університет, 2013.

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Характерною ознакою економічного аналізу є об’єктивна оцінка ефективності виробничо-фінансової діяльності. При цитуванні документа, використовуйте посилання
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Avalos, de la Cruz Dora Angélica. "Faisabilité de la production au Mexique de fromages de chèvre additionnés de piment : aspects technologiques, sensoriels, sanitaires et économiques." Thesis, Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy, INPL, 2007.

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Au Mexique, les fromages de chèvre ne sont pas très consommés en dehors des zones de production. Dans cette étude a été évalué : si l’ajout de piment (Capsicum annuum var. jalapeño) pouvait rendre les fromages de chèvre plus populaires auprès des consommateurs ; l’effet antibactérien d’un extrait aqueux de piment sur des bactéries d’intérêt alimentaire et la faisabilité économique d’une entreprise intégrée production-fabrication de fromage pimenté. La technologie de fabrication a été mise au point. Onze fromages avec quatre concentrations de capsaicinoïdes (0, 5, 10 et 15 ppm) ont été évalués par deux jurys non experts : Français et Mexicains. Les Français ont bien apprécié les fromages sans piment et peu pimentés avec jalapeño rouge et capsaicinoïdes et les Mexicains les peu et moyennement pimentés, quelle que soit la provenance du caractère brûlant. L’appréciation des fromages diminue avec l’augmentation de la couleur. Les souches de yaourt (S. thermophilus et Lb. delbrueckii) se sont révélées plus sensibles à l’extrait aqueux de piment et les bactéries Gram négatives étudiées n’ont pas montré aucun effet. Une entreprise intégrée est financièrement attractive et peu sensible à une variation de 15 % des coûts de l’alimentation du troupeau, de la main d’œuvre, de la somme des deux et de 8 % sur le taux de rentabilité ; elle est sensible mais faisable à une variation (15 %) du prix de vente du produit (fromage) et très sensible à la diminution en 50 % du rendement ; elle n’est pas économiquement intéressant si produit seulement du lait
In Mexico, the goat’s cheeses are not very much consumed outside production zones. The objective of this study was to obtain a cheese with chilli pepper (Capsicum annuum var. jalapeño). The technology, sensorial parameters for acceptance, hygienic and economical aspects were analyzed. A simple manufacturing process of goat cheeses with chilli pepper was developed. Eleven cheeses with fourth concentrations of capsaicinoids (0, 5, 10 and 15 ppm) were evaluated by two untrained groups: Mexicans and French. Cheeses without chilli pepper and lightly spiced (5 ppm) with red jalapeño and capsaicinoids were well appreciated by French subjects. These cheeses as well as fairly spiced ones (10 ppm), whatever the source of spiciness, were appreciated by Mexicans. The appreciation of cheeses decrease with the increase in red colour intensity. Yoghourt bacteria (S. thermophilus and Lb. delbrueckii) appeared more sensitive to the aqueous red pepper jalapeño extract and no effect could be shown on the studied negative Gram bacteria. The economic survey showed that a goat’s exploitation production-spiced cheese manufacture is profitable. The project is not very sensitive to a variation of 15% in cost of food, labour, sum of both and to 8% of profit rate. It is sensitive but feasible with a variation (15%) of the selling price of the cheese and very sensitive to a decrease of 50% in output and it is not economically interesting if the company produces only milk
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Cheaitou, Ali. "Modèles Stochastiques pour La Planification de Production et la Gestion de Stocks : Application aux Produits à Court Cycle de Vie." Phd thesis, Ecole Centrale Paris, 2008.

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Le phénomène d'incertitude, dont les sources sont variées, est rencontré dans plusieurs domaines et on devrait y faire face. Cette incertitude est due essentiellement à notre incapacité à prédire avec exactitude le comportement futur d'une partie ou de la totalité d'un système. Dans les dernières décades, plusieurs techniques mathématiques ont été développées pour maitriser cette incertitude, afin de réduire son impact négatif, et par conséquent, l'impact négatif de notre méconnaissance.
Dans le domaine du « Supply Chain Management » la source principale d'incertitude est la demande future. Cette demande est, en général, modélisé par des lois de probabilité paramétrées en utilisant des techniques de prévision. L'impact de l'incertitude de la demande sur les performances de la « Supply Chain » est important: par exemple, le taux mondial de rupture de stock, dans l'industrie de distribution était en 2007 de 8.3%. De l'autre côté, le taux mondial de produits invendus, dans la grande distribution, était en 2003 de 1%. Ces deux types de coûts, qui sont dus essentiellement à l'incertitude de la demande, représentent des pertes significatives pour les différents acteurs de la « Supply Chain ».
Dans cette thèse, on s'intéresse au développement de modèles mathématiques de planification de production et de gestion de stock, qui prennent en compte ce phénomène d'incertitude sur la demande, essentiellement pour de produits à courte durée de vie. On propose plusieurs modèles de planification de production, à petit horizon de planification, qui prennent en compte les différents aspects de notre problématique, tels que les capacités de production, la remise à jour des prévisions de la demande, les options de réservation de capacité, et les options de retour « Payback » des produits. On souligne, dans ces modèles, un aspect important qui prend de l'ampleur à cause de la mondialisation, et qui est lié à la différence entre les coûts de production des différents fournisseurs. On propose à la fin de la thèse, un modèle généralisé qui pourrait être appliqué à des produits à longue durée de vie, et qui exploite quelques résultats obtenus pour les produits à courte durée de vie. Tous ces modèles sont résolus analytiquement ou bien numériquement en utilisant la programmation dynamique stochastique.
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Seppecher, Pascal. "Modélisation multi-agents d'une économie monétaire de production : un système dynamique et complexe d'interactions réelles et monétaires entre des agents multiples, hétérogènes, autonomes et concurrents." Phd thesis, Université de Nice Sophia-Antipolis, 2011.

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Nous présentons un modèle numérique d'économie de marché décentralisée, fonctionnant hors de l'équilibre, composée de deux grands groupes d'agents (entreprises et ménages) auxquels sont respectivement associées deux fonctions économiques principales (production et consommation). Ces fonctions s'exercent dans le respect des règles des économies capitalistes (propriété privée des moyens de production, échanges monétaires, salariat). Les agents sont des individus en interaction directe et indirecte (et non des agents représentatifs ou des agrégats), chacun poursuivant son propre but, agissant en fonction de son état individuel et de l'environnement proche, sans se préoccuper du tout de l'équilibre général du système et sans contrôle supérieur (ni de la part d'un planificateur, ni d'un commissaire-priseur). Le modèle respecte les trois principes essentiels des économies monétaires: - le processus de production prend du temps et les entreprises ont besoin de crédit pour lancer ce processus; - la monnaie est endogène, elle est créée par le crédit bancaire à la production; - les entreprises sont guidées par le motif de profit et ce profit est monétaire. Implémenté en Java, le modèle se présente comme un laboratoire virtuel permettant de conduire de véritables expériences "in silico". Les interactions réelles et monétaires entre les agents (multiples, hétérogènes, autonomes et concurrents) forment un système dynamique et complexe dont les propriétés macroéconomiques ne sont pas postulées. Nous reconstruisons ainsi les conditions de l'émergence de comportements macroéconomiques inobservables dans les modèles basés sur les notions d'agent représentatif et d'équilibre général.
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Field, Daniel James. "Profit through product quality and quality service." Master's thesis, This resource online, 1991.

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Books on the topic "Production of profits"


Wu, Shih-Yen. Production, entrepreneurship, and profits. Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1989.

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Production, entrepreneurship, and profits. Oxford, UK: B. Blackwell, 1989.

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Fineberg, Richard A. North Slope profits and production prospects. [Juneau, Alaska]: Senate Finance Committee, Alaska State Legislature, 1992.

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Barlow, James. Production profits and production efficiency: Housebuilders and the housing system in Britain, France and Sweden. Brighton: University of Sussex, Urban and Regional Studies, 1991.

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South Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station and United States Natural Resources Concservation Service, eds. Soil quality impacts production and profits: How does your soil rate. Brookings, S.D: Agricultural Experiment Station, South Dakota State University, 1998.

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Leone, Robert A. Who profits: Winners, losers, andgovernment regulation. New York: Basic Books, 1986.

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Bozzone, Vincent. Speed to market: How to cut lead time and increase profits in job shops and custom manufacturing environments. Bloomfield Hills, MI: Delta Dynamics, 1998.

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Who profits: Winners, losers, and government regulation. New York: Basic Books, 1986.

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F, Cox James, ed. Reengineering performance measurement: How to align systems to improve processes, products, and profits. Burr Ridge, Ill: Irwin Professional Pub., 1994.

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Sotamaa, Olli, and Jan Svelch, eds. Game Production Studies. NL Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2021.

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Video games have entered the cultural mainstream and now rival established forms of entertainment such as film or television in terms of economic profits. As careers in video game development become more common, so do the stories about precarious working conditions and structural inequalities within the industry. In Game Production Studies, an international group of researchers takes a closer look at the everyday realities of video game production, ranging from commercial studios to independent creators. Across sixteen chapters, the authors deal with issues related to labour, production routines, or monetization, as well as local specificities. As the first edited collection dedicated solely to video game production, this volume provides a timely resource for anyone interested in how games are made and at what cost.
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Book chapters on the topic "Production of profits"


Ive, Graham J., and Stephen L. Gruneberg. "Productivity and the Production of Profits." In The Economics of the Modern Construction Sector, 61–78. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2000.

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McMullin, Caitlin. "Non-profits, institutional logics, and co-production." In Non-profit Organizations and Co-production, 151–71. New York: Routledge, 2022.

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Sangster, Matthew. "Chapter One: Publishers, Book Production and Profits." In Palgrave Studies in the Enlightenment, Romanticism and Cultures of Print, 51–82. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2021.

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Rochon, Louis-Philippe. "The Existence of Monetary Profits within the Monetary Circuit." In The Monetary Theory of Production, 125–38. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2005.

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McMullin, Caitlin. "Conclusions and implications for the study of non-profits and co-production." In Non-profit Organizations and Co-production, 172–79. New York: Routledge, 2022.

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Wignaraja, Ganeshan, Jens Krüger, and Anna Mae Tuazon. "Production Networks, Profits, and Innovative Activity: Evidence from Malaysia and Thailand." In Production Networks and Enterprises in East Asia, 161–83. Tokyo: Springer Japan, 2016.

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Tomiyoshi, Mitsuyuki. "Organizations and Functions for Seed Management in East Asia: Korea, Japan and Taiwan." In Seeds for Diversity and Inclusion, 107–19. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2022.

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AbstractHow important are informal seed-saving systems in conserving agrobiodiversity? Mitsuyuki Tomiyoshi probes that question in the East Asian context in this survey and analysis examining the prevalence of community seed banks and other non-profits in Japan, South Korea and Taiwan. In Japan, traditional varieties are generally cultivated on the basis of heritage and culture, and an array of non-profits are involved in seed provision, domestic production, collection and networking. In South Korea, where interest in heirloom seeds has been growing since the early 2000s, comparable organizations include a research firm, cooperative and civil society network. Relevant non-profits in Taiwan, meanwhile, are at the formative stage. Informal systems are key to maintaining agrobiodiversity, Tomiyoshi concludes, but to operate sustainably they must better integrate their functions and set strategies for collaboration with public institutions.
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Yu, Haiyu, Junzo Watada, and Jingru Li. "A Bilevel Synthetic Winery System for Balancing Profits and Perishable Production Quality." In Intelligent Decision Technologies, 661–72. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2015.

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Mejía, Gonzalo, Diana C. Tascón, and Fernando Mantilla. "Maximizing Profits at the Flower Supply Chain: The Right Mix of Fixed and Open Market Orders." In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Production Research – Americas, 215–22. Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland, 2023.

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Smith, Mark Stafford, Rosemary Buxton, Greg McKeon, and Andrew Ash. "Seasonal Climate Forecasting and the Management of Rangelands: Do Production Benefits Translate into Enterprise Profits?" In Applications of Seasonal Climate Forecasting in Agricultural and Natural Ecosystems, 271–89. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 2000.

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Conference papers on the topic "Production of profits"


Lea, James F., and Joe Liu. "ESP Motor Voltage Adjustment for Maximum Profits." In SPE Production Operations Symposium. Society of Petroleum Engineers, 1997.

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Oplinger, Edward S. "Improving Soybean Profits with Management." In Proceedings of the First Annual Crop Production and Protection Conference. Iowa State University, Digital Press, 1992.

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Via, Yisti Vita, Intan Yuniar Purbasari, and Rahel Widya Arianti. "Optimization of Production Profits Using The Firefly Algorithm." In 2020 6th Information Technology International Seminar (ITIS). IEEE, 2020.

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Umeda, Yasushi, Akira Nonomura, and Tetsuo Tomiyama. "A Study on the Life Cycle Simulation for the Post Mass Production Paradigm." In ASME 1998 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1998.

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Abstract The environmental issues require a new manufacturing paradigm, because they are caused inevitably by the current mass production and mass consumption paradigm. This paper proposes a new manufacturing paradigm called the “Post Mass Production Paradigm (PMPP).” PMPP advocates sustainable production by decoupling economic growth from material and energy consumption. For examining feasibility of PMPP, this paper describes a life cycle simulation tool. Examples of simulation results illustrate that the environmental impacts can be drastically reduced without decreasing profits of a company by executing services of maintenance and reclamation.
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Ahmed, Sheraz, Khurram Farouque, Sheikh Yasir Saleem, Sharafat Ali, Manzoor Ahmad, and Mehtab Ahmed. "Increasing the Profits and Production of Mature Fields through Optimized Jet Pump Design & Operational Considerations - A Case Study." In SPE/PAPG Annual Technical Conference. Society of Petroleum Engineers, 2013.

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Organic farming is part of the national economy where renewable natural resources are used in a sustainable and prudent way in the production process, and therefore the production of primary products is environmentally friendly. Latvia has high potential for growth on the basis of the EU as a whole – in 2016, the area of organically certified territories totalled 270.73 thousand hectares, or about 11% of the total agricultural land area, which was the fifth highest indicator among the EU Member States. The aim of the research is to analyse the availability of support tools for the organic farming sector and ways to improve their use efficiency. The available support tools contribute to increase in the number of organic farms and in the organic agricultural area as well as increase in productivity and a higher level of mechanisation. The development of organic processing and the provision of a complex production cycle are less important. Financial support for organic farming partially compensates for the loss of profits, but it does not include support measures directly addressing the problems faced by farmers – the availability of organic seed, certification fees, the availability of animal breeds and public awareness.
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Vasseur, Hubert, Thomas R. Kurfess, and Jonathan Cagan. "Economic Analysis of Quality Innovation in Design and Manufacturing." In ASME 1993 Design Technical Conferences. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1993.

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Abstract Due to several possible production modes, an industrial output may have different quality levels. Production processes and quality assurance plans are chosen and adjusted, generally as a lagged reaction to customers’ input and competitors’ strategy. Different techniques based on cost benefit analysis have existed to assess beforehand the overall benefits to society of such decisions; however, these techniques do not necessarily provide any insight as to the resulting influence on corporate profits. This paper reviews different perspectives on industrial quality and adopts a formalism in which social and corporate optimum can be compared from an engineering standpoint. The potential benefits for a manufacturer to improve the quality of its products are studied under several market conditions. The incentive is the strongest in a competitive environment where the benefits of quality innovation are twofold: quality innovation increases consumers’ demand and allows the manufacturer to keep more substantial profit margins.
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Parravicini, M., M. Montini, and E. Vignati. "Short-Term Production Optimization in a Time-Dependent Parameters Scenario." In ADIPEC. SPE, 2023.

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Abstract Although the pandemic has slowed the entire world for some years, the energy demand is nonetheless set to increase significantly in the coming years, mainly driven by the expectation of an increase in prosperity in the developing world. Renewable energy is expected to play a major role as the main source of energy. Nevertheless, oil and gas production is supposed to remain a key player in the energy scenario with natural gas consumption constantly increasing and oil consumption peaking in 2030. Lately, the world has found itself in the midst of its first global energy crisis - a shock of unprecedented breadth and complexity triggered by Russia's invasion of Ukraine following rapid economic recovery from the pandemic. This uncertain scenario caused oil and especially gas prices to skyrocket in 2022, reaching levels never seen before and characterizing the whole year as a year of record profits for most of the oil and gas players across the globe. This, in turn, caused a oil and gas upstream capital expenditures increased by 39% in 2022, the highest level since 2014. However, estimates say that additional investment are still needed to ensure adequate supplies in the future, investments that are still uncertain to be granted at the horizon.
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Brundage, Michael P., Qing Chang, Jorge Arinez, and Guoxian Xiao. "Reducing Costs in the Manufacturing Industry: An Energy Economic Perspective." In ASME 2015 International Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2015.

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Manufacturers lack the proper economic tools to improve energy efficiency of the plant. This paper uses energy economic analysis to increase the overall profit of the manufacturing facility by reducing energy consumption with minimal throughput impact. A return on investment strategy is developed to give plant managers the quantitative tools to select the machine which, when replaced, will lead to the largest return on investment. Over the long term, this will lead to the largest decrease in energy costs. To increase profits on a daily basis, a control methodology is developed that uses energy opportunity windows to insert downtime events that have minimal production impact, but reduce the overall energy consumption. A simulation case study is performed to test the control methodology and the return on investment strategy to show the effect of both on the profit of the manufacturing facility.
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Zvyagintsev, D., Nina Kamalova, and N. Matveev. "ESTIMATION OF INTERNET RESOURCE PROFIT BY FORMALIZED MODELING METHODS." In PHYSICAL BASIS OF MODERN SCIENCE-INTENSIVE TECHNOLOGIES. FSBE Institution of Higher Education Voronezh State University of Forestry and Technologies named after G.F. Morozov, 2022.

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In the work, the methods of formalized modeling assessed the profitability of a possible Internet resource. The model makes it possible to carry out by public means (using spreadsheets) a comprehensive analysis of profits, taking into account possible competitors and their production volumes, demand for products, and to form a plan for the sale of products. The model clearly demonstrates the possibilities of a systematic approach in solving problems of financing Internet resources.
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Reports on the topic "Production of profits"


Lane, Erin, and Kate MacFarland. 360o of Silvopasturing to Adapt to Climate Change. USDA Northeast Climate Hub, August 2018.

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Climate change is already impacting farm and forest lands throughout the northeastern United States. Temperatures are increasing and more rain is falling all at once with dry periods in between. With these changes comes greater variation and uncertainty in crop and livestock production. Without modifying management, agricultural profits may decline
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Matar, Walid, and Rami Shabaneh. Can Oil Refiners Adjust to a Greater Supply of Shale Oil? King Abdullah Petroleum Studies and Research Center, January 2021.

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The advent of American shale oil and its prospects for continued production growth have raised concerns about whether oil refineries can handle the increasingly lighter crude oil supply. To provide a perspective on this issue, we run a global oil refining model for the years from 2017 to 2030. The model’s objective is to maximize refining industry profits in eight global regions, taking into account around 100 grades of crude oil.
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Martin, Julien, and Florian Mayneris. Revue de littérature sur l’incidence fiscale des taxes sur les entreprises. CIRANO, March 2022.

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Ce rapport présente une recension des travaux récents sur l’incidence fiscale de l’imposition des entreprises. Après une discussion des effets théoriques d’une hausse de la taxation des entreprises sur les actionnaires, les travailleurs et les consommateurs, les études empiriques sur le sujet sont discutées suivant quatre dimensions : (i) l’incidence de l’imposition des revenus des sociétés (en ce compris les dividendes), (ii) l’incidence de la taxation de la masse salariale, (iii) l’évitement de la taxation par les choix de localisation des unités de production, (iv) l’évitement de la taxation par les choix de localisation des profits d’un point de vue comptable. L’analyse permet de tirer 9 enseignements utiles pour penser la mise en place des politiques fiscales et leurs implications.
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Gauthier, Stéphane, and Guy Laroque. Production efficiency and profit taxation. The IFS, April 2018.

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Gurung, M. B., Uma Pratap, N. C. T. D. Shrestha, H. K. Sharma, N. Islam, and N. B. Tamang. Beekeeping Training for Farmers in Afghanistan: Resource Manual for Trainers [in Urdu]. International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD), 2012.

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Beekeeping contributes to rural development by supporting agricultural production through pollination and by providing honey, wax, and other products for home use and sale. It offers a good way for resource-poor farmers in the Hindu Kush Himalayas to obtain income, as it requires only a small start-up investment, can be carried out in a small space close to the home, and generally yields profits within a year of operation. A modern approach to bee management, using frame hives and focusing on high quality, will help farmers benefit most fully from beekeeping. This manual is designed to help provide beekeepers with the up-to-date training they need. It presents an inclusive curriculum developed through ICIMOD’s work with partner organizations in Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, and Nepal, supported by the Austrian Development Agency. A wide range of stakeholders – trainers, trainees, government and non-governmental organizations (NGOs), associations and federations, and private entrepreneurs – were engaged in the identification of curriculum needs and in development and testing of the curriculum. The manual covers the full range of beekeeping-related topics, including the use of bees for crop pollination; production of honey, wax and other hive products; honey quality standards; and using value chain and market management to increase beekeepers’ benefits. It also includes emerging issues and innovations regarding such subjects as indigenous honeybees, gender and equity, integrated pest management, and bee-related policy. The focus is on participatory hands-on training, with clear explanations in simple language and many illustrations. The manual provides a basic resource for trainers and field extension workers in government and NGOs, universities, vocational training institutes, and private sector organizations, and for local trainers in beekeeping groups, beekeeping resource centres, cooperatives, and associations, for use in training Himalayan farmers. Individual ICIMOD regional member countries are planning local language editions adapted for their countries’ specific conditions.
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Hertel, Thomas, and Padma Swaminathan. Introducing Monopolistic Competition into the GTAP Model. GTAP Technical Paper, September 2000.

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This technical paper documents one approach to incorporating monopolistic competition into the GTAP model. In this framework, consumer preferences are heterogeneous, leading to an apparent "love of variety" in the aggregate utility function for each region. The more heterogeneous are preferences, the smaller the elasticity of substitution in the aggregate utility function, and the greater the value placed on the addition of new varieties. The same is true for firms, which experience lower unit costs for differentiated, intermediate inputs, as the number of varieties on offer increases. In order to meet the diverse needs of consumers, firms differentiate their products through research and development (R&D) as well as advertising activities. These costs are assumed to be invariant to the total volume of sales for a given variety of product. With production occurring at constant returns to scale, this gives rise to declining average total costs. A zero profits equilibrium in this model is characterized by firms marking up their price over marginal costs by an amount sufficient to cover the fixed costs associated with establishing a new variety in the marketplace. Since the optimal markup is itself determined by the elasticity of substitution among varieties, this establishes a direct relationship between fixed costs and the degree of preference heterogeneity. The main differences between the monopolistically competitive sectors and the traditional GTAP sectors may be summarized as follows: We introduce two new variables: n, the number of firms in the industry and qof, the output per firm. Minimum expenditure and unit costs are declining in n. Average total costs are declining in output per firm. Unlike the Armington specification, foreign and domestic firms compete directly in the representative consumer's utility function. We illustrate this framework with a 2 commodity/3 region example in which we eliminate US antidumping duti
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Finkelstain, Israel, Steven Buccola, and Ziv Bar-Shira. Pooling and Pricing Schemes for Marketing Agricultural Products. United States Department of Agriculture, August 1993.

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In recent years there has been a growing concern over the performance of Israel and U.S. agricultural marketing organizations. In Israel, poor performance of some marketing institutions has led to radical reforms. Examples are the two leading export industries - citrus and flowers. In the U.S., growth of local market power is eliminating competitive row product prices which served as the basis for farmer cooperative payment plans. This research studies, theoretically, several aspects of the above problem and develops empirical methods to assess their relative importance. The theoretical part deals with two related aspects of the operation of processing and marketing firms. The first is the technological structure of these firms. To this end, we formalize a detailed theory that describes the production process itself and the firm's decision. The model accounts for multiple products and product characteristics. The usefulness of the theory for measurement of productivity and pricing of raw material is demonstrated. The second aspect of the processing and marketing firm that we study is unique to the agricultural sector, where many such firms are cooperatives. In such cooperative an efficient and fair mechanism for purchasing raw materials from members is crucial to successful performances of the firm. We focus on: 1) pricing of raw materials. 2) comparison of employment of quota and price regimes by the cooperative to regulate the quantities, supplied by members. We take into consideration that the cooperative management is subject to pressure from member farmers. 3) Tier pricing for raw materials in order to ensure efficiency and zero profits at the cooperative level. This problem is examined in both closed and open cooperatives. The empirical part focuses in: 1) the development of methodologies for estimating demand for differentiated products; 2) assessing farmers response to component pricing; 3) measurement of potential and actual exploitation of market power by an agricultural marketing firm. The usefulness of the developed methodologies are demonstrated by several application to agricultural sub-sectors, including: U.S. dairy industry, Oregon wine industry, Israeli Cotton industry and Israeli Citrus industry.
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Deonigi, D. E., D. M. Anderson, and G. L. Wilfert. Commercial milk distribution profiles and production locations. Hanford Environmental Dose Reconstruction Project. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), April 1994.

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Reedy, R. C., and J. Masarik. Production profiles of nuclides by galactic-cosmic-ray particles in small meteoroids. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), July 1994.

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Canto, Patricia, ed. The role of vocational training knowledge intensive business services. (Main conclusions). Universidad de Deusto, 2020.

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In the global economic model, the service sector continues to gain ground on the manufacturing sector and trends such as the integration of new technologies into production processes are advancing inexorably. Advanced economies are pushed to specialise, supported by their regional innovation systems, and cities are emerging as key and strategic centres of activity. In this context, Knowledge Intensive Business Services (KIBS) are presented as critical due to their capacity to promote innovation within the regional productive fabric and smart specialisation strategies, the promotion of advanced manufacturing, the generation of quality employment and the stimulation of economic growth, especially in urban environments. This is why many cities, prioritizing KIBS to stimulate their economy, need to create and retain talent for this sort of industry. Likewise, vocational and education training (VET) systems, such as the Basque VET system, have so far developed their greatest strengths in the field of manufacturing knowledge. Due to this, VET seems to be obliged to adapt to this new scenario, in which KIBS and cities stand out, in order to continue to maintain their level of excellence. KIBS have been extensively examined, but until now no one had posed the following questions: What is the role of vocational training in KIBS? To what extent are VET profiles (and will VET profiles be) relevant in KIBS? This study will show an emerging trend in the labour market. This is the growing relevance of technology profiles with VET background in KIBS, especially in technology-based KIBS. VET technology profiles can be consolidated as one of the main implementing agents of the digital transformation (cybersecurity, blockchain, cloud computing, UX design, artificial intelligence, scientific computing...). To this end, hybridisation with other fields of knowledge but also with studies of other kinds such as university studies may be essential.
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