Academic literature on the topic 'Processus de dissolution'
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Journal articles on the topic "Processus de dissolution"
Mattos, OR. "Dissolution anodique des métaux : processus contrôlé par le transport de matière." Journal de Chimie Physique 93 (1996): 777–92.
Full textZimmer, Richard. "Autoanalyse après terminaison et abandon du cadre psychanalytique : réflexions sur un fragment de travail d’autoanalyse à la suite d’une terminaison traumatique." L’Année psychanalytique internationale Volume 2022, no. 1 (October 4, 2023): 85–110.
Full textColas, Bernard. "II Le Canada et le système monétaire international en 1991." Canadian Yearbook of international Law/Annuaire canadien de droit international 30 (1992): 329–36.
Full textPluta, Katarzyna. "Kanoniczne procesy małżeńskie a prawo polskie." Opolskie Studia Administracyjno-Prawne 16, no. 4 (1) (September 17, 2019): 213–36.
Full textBruxelles, Laurent, Marc Jarry, Jean-Yves Bigot, François Bon, Grégory Dandurand, and Céline Pallier. "La biocorrosion, un nouveau paramètre à prendre en compte pour interpréter la répartition des oeuvres pariétales : l’exemple de la grotte du Mas d’Azil en Ariège." Karstologia : revue de karstologie et de spéléologie physique 68, no. 1 (2016): 21–30.
Full textSCHEHR, Sébastien. "Processus de singularisation et formes de socialisation de la jeunesse." I. Analyse et critique des représentations de la jeunesse, no. 43 (October 2, 2002): 49–58.
Full textRoberge, Jean, Bernard Lauriol, and Luc Saint-Pierre. "La morphogénèse de la caverne à la Patate, île d’Anticosti, Québec." Géographie physique et Quaternaire 39, no. 1 (November 29, 2007): 67–75.
Full textBeato Bergua, Salvador, Miguel Ángel Poblete Piedrabuena, and José Luis Marino Alfonso. "Formas periglaciares y nivoperiglaciares en la Sierra del Aramo (Macizo Central Asturiano) /Periglacial and nivo-periglacial landforms in the Sierra del Aramo (Asturian Central Massif)." Ería 1, no. 1 (May 13, 2019): 5–23.
Full textDeguillaume, Laurent, and Angelica Bianco. "Observer les nuages au sommet du puy de Dôme." La Météorologie, no. 119 (2022): 062.
Full textHuffman, Shawn. "Gallicismes/Barbarismes : autour du conflit langagier dans L’espace furieux et Le repas de Valère Novarina." L’Annuaire théâtral, no. 42 (May 5, 2010): 31–40.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Processus de dissolution"
Azzolini-Manouk, Maryvonne. "Le processus de dissolution des firmes post-industrielles." Aix-Marseille 3, 2001.
Full textThe decline of the "Henry Ford" system of manufacture has led us to make a strategic redefinition of the big business organization, with a view to incorporating in it new parameters which form part of a global process of dematerialisation. The major changes affecting firms - changes that are accentuated by the phenomenom of globalisation - appear to highlight the insufficiency of those key values which come out of materialist doctrines of the previous period : rationalism, cartesianism, mecanism, positivism, etc. , thanks to which the capitalist, institutional business entity was able to form itself in a coherent, orderly, secure and long-lasting, all of which satisfied the prevailing mentality at the time. Various different clear signs enable us to ask questions about the uncertain future of the post-industrial firms. The crisis about sense and legitimacy affecting them is worrying to a point that is has led to reactions amongst researchers, and suggests that this crisis will tend to become a primary and unavoidable fact for anyone studying this matter in depth. .
Desboeufs, Karine. "Processus de dissolution des aérosols atmosphériques au sein des gouttes d'eau nuageuses." Phd thesis, Université Paris-Diderot - Paris VII, 2001.
Full textDesboeufs, Karine. "Processus de dissolution des aerosols atmospheriques au sein des gouttes d'eau nuageuses." Paris 7, 2001.
Full textWagener, Thibaut. "Le fer à l'interface océan-atmosphère : Flux et processus de dissolution dans l'eau de mer." Phd thesis, Université de la Méditerranée - Aix-Marseille II, 2008.
Full textDuportal, Malo. "Impact de la concentration en hydrogène sur les processus de dissolution et de passivation d’un acier inoxydable austénitique." Thesis, La Rochelle, 2020.
Full textDifferent processes can lead to hydrogen absorption on the surface of the materials and can decrease their inherent materials properties, especially their surface characteristics. Interactions between these modifications and corrosion processes have to be more thoroughly studied. In this context, this work aims to investigate the role of hydrogen absorption on the dissolution and passivation mechanisms of the AISI 316L. First, the total absorbed hydrogen concentration has been quantified after an electrochemical charging process. Then, we evaluated the different hydrogen states in the material and its distribution from surface to the bulk. Results suggest a strong concentration gradient and allows to estimate both an apparent coefficient of diffusion and a local hydrogen concentration. In addition, we observed that the local hydrogen increased hardness enhanced the dislocations density and induced an occasionally phase transformation to martensite (γ→ε). In the second time, the influence of hydrogen on anodic processes on the AISI 316L have been investigated. For that purpose, electrochemical tests have been conducted and show an increase of anodic kinetics after hydrogen absorption. Hydrogen induced an increase of the passive current density while the pitting resistance is widely degraded. XPS analyses attest of a similar passive layer (thickness and composition) before and after H-charging even though EIS results show a decrease of the resistance. Inductively Coupled Plasma showed that hydrogen promotes dissolution processes. The modifications induced by hydrogen are partially reversible with hydrogen desorption. Our results illustrate that mobile hydrogen is mainly responsible for the decrease of the properties and that trapped hydrogen and / or metallurgical modifications induced by electrochemical charging have few effects on the corrosion process even they highlight the partial non-reversibility of the observed effects
Saad, Alice. "Influence du changement climatique et des conditions extrêmes sur les massifs fracturés : rôle des fluides (H2O, CO2) dans leur processus d’altération." Thesis, Paris Est, 2011.
Full textThe objective of this work is to understand the weathering process of oolitic limestone and estimate their weathering kinetics under French climatic conditions. Accelerated ageing cycles, based on parameters deduced from a literature review and on temperature and precipitation data, have been defined. Then samples of two oolitic limestones have undergone these ageing. The measurements used to determine damage were chosen based on their metrological characteristics and their relevance. The results were compared with the same measurements performed on naturally weathered limestone. Thus, the relationships between the weathering process of oolitic limestone and their mechanical, physical and microstructural characteristics have been established. This analysis also led to weathering kinetics. The results were validated by the study of another oolitic limestone under different climatic conditions. Finally, the influence of a potential climate change on the weathering kinetics was determined using a statistical tool
Devigne, Vincent. "Ecoulements et conditions aux limites particulières appliquées en hydrogéologie et théorie mathématique des processus de dissolution/précipitation en milieux poreux." Phd thesis, Université Claude Bernard - Lyon I, 2006.
Full textproblèmes de nature phénoménologique nombreux conduisent bien souvent à
l'étude des Équations aux Dérivées Partielles (EDP's) au travers des non
moins nombreux modèles qui en découlent.
Si chaque phénomène physique, mécanique, chimique ou autres pris
indépendamment et à une échelle suffisamment fine est aujourd'hui bien
compris et relativement aisé à modéliser il n'en est pas de même pour les
problèmes multiphysiques, physico-chimique, les écoulements au voisinage de
domaines de structures différentes ou même dans l'appréhension de ces
phénomènes à des échelles plus grandes méso et macroscopique.
La compréhension des conditions aux limites et leur modélisation reste une
étape clef dans l'étude de ces phénomènes naturels.
Nous verrons au travers du (dé)couplage de problèmes multi-domaines par les
lois de paroi (Navier, Beavers et Joseph), des processus chimiques (Modèle de
Duijn-Knabner) ou la dispersion de Taylor comment il est possible de résoudre
numériquement et en partie ces difficultés par des techniques d'analyse
mathématique récentes (homogénéisation, raisonnement multi-échelles et
développements asymptotiques).
Des résultats de simulations réalisées au moyen d'un logiciel de résolution
d'EDP's baptisé SciFEM (Scilab Finite Element Method) conçu pour les besoins
de la thèse illustreront notre démarche.
Devigne, Vincent. "Écoulements et conditions aux limites particulières appliquées en hydrogéologie et théorie mathématique des processus de dissolution / précipitation en milieux poreux." Lyon 1, 2006.
Full textRembert, Flore. "Development of geo-electrical methods to characterize dissolution and precipitation processes in a carbonate context." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Sorbonne université, 2021.
Full textPrecipitation and dissolution of calcite are key processes in carbonate rocks and being able to monitor them in situ is a major issue. Hydrogeophysical methods are based on the development of appropriate geophysical techniques for monitoring hydrological and biogeochemical processes in a non-intrusive and low-cost manner. Among the existing techniques, electrical methods have already proven their ability to monitor such processes. For this reason, the methods of self-potential (SP) and spectral induced polarization (SIP) were chosen to investigate the processes of dissolution and precipitation of calcite. SP is a passive technique consisting in measuring the natural electric field generated by water flows and concentration gradients, while SIP is an active method measuring the complex electrical conductivity at low frequencies (mHz-kHz). Its real and imaginary components can be related respectively to the microstructure and surface state of the minerals constituting it. This thesis presents experimental and theoretical developments in order to improve the interpretation of SP and SIP methods. A new electrical conductivity model is developed and shows a good fit with the numerical results of dissolution and precipitation. Remarkable SP data have been obtained and could be quantitatively linked through reactive transport modeling. The SIP results provide further insights into the mechanisms responsible for the polarization variations caused by the reactivity of calcite
Pauwels, Hélène. "Etude theorique et experimentale du comportement des elements traces lors des processus d'interaction eau-roche." Paris 7, 1988.
Full textBooks on the topic "Processus de dissolution"
Azzolini-Manouk, Maryvonne. Le processus de dissolution des firmes post-industrielles. Grenoble: A.N.R.T, Université Pierre Mendes France (Grenoble II), 2001.
Find full textSymposium, on High Rate Metal Dissolution Processes (1995 Chicago Ill ). Proceedings of the Symposium on High Rate Metal Dissolution Processes. Pennington, NJ: Electrochemical Society, 1996.
Find full textMcKee, Gregory J. The development, operation, and dissolution of a value-added cooperative: United Spring Wheat Processors. Fargo, ND: Dept. of Agribusiness and Applied Economics, Agricultural Experiment Station, North Dakota State University, 2006.
Find full textDatta, Madhav. Electrodissolution Processes: Fundamentals and Applications. Taylor & Francis Group, 2020.
Find full textDatta, Madhav. Electrodissolution Processes: Fundamentals and Applications. Taylor & Francis Group, 2020.
Find full textElectrodissolution Processes: Fundamentals and Applications. Taylor & Francis Group, 2023.
Find full textElectrodissolution Processes: Fundamentals and Applications. Taylor & Francis Group, 2020.
Find full textSerafeimidis, Konstantinos. On the Dissolution, Precipitation and Transport Processes in Sulphatic Swelling Rocks. vdf Hochschulverlag ETH Zurich, 2014.
Find full textSerafeimidis, Konstantinos. On the Dissolution, Precipitation and Transport Processes in Sulphatic Swelling Rocks. vdf Hochschulverlag ETH Zurich, 2014.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Processus de dissolution"
Datta, Madhav. "Open-Circuit Metal Dissolution Processes." In Electrodissolution Processes, 1–25. First edition. | Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2021.: CRC Press, 2020.
Full textDatta, Madhav. "Anodic Dissolution of Metals in Electropolishing Electrolytes." In Electrodissolution Processes, 151–73. First edition. | Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2021.: CRC Press, 2020.
Full textGottman, John Mordechai. "Marital Processes that Predict Dissolution." In What Predicts Divorce?, 73–111. New York: Routledge, 2023.
Full textPolicastro, Steve. "Atomistic Monte-Carlo Simulations of Dissolution." In Molecular Modeling of Corrosion Processes, 99–124. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc, 2015.
Full textDatta, Madhav. "High-Rate Anodic Dissolution of Ti, W, and Their Carbides." In Electrodissolution Processes, 131–50. First edition. | Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2021.: CRC Press, 2020.
Full textDatta, Madhav. "High-Rate Anodic Dissolution of Fe, Ni, Cr, and Their Alloys." In Electrodissolution Processes, 93–130. First edition. | Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2021.: CRC Press, 2020.
Full textFruehan, R. J. "The Thermodynamics and Kinetics of Gas Dissolution and Evolution from Iron Alloys." In Foundry Processes, 411–25. Boston, MA: Springer US, 1988.
Full textMeng, Sheng, and Enge Wang. "Microscopic Processes of Salt Dissolution and Nucleation." In Water, 253–93. Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore, 2023.
Full textGrathwohl, Peter. "Modelling of Diffusion Processes." In Diffusion in Natural Porous Media: Contaminant Transport, Sorption/Desorption and Dissolution Kinetics, 43–81. Boston, MA: Springer US, 1998.
Full textDreybrodt, Wolfgang. "Dissolution and Precipitation of Calcite: The Chemistry of the Heterogeneous Surface." In Processes in Karst Systems, 103–39. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1988.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Processus de dissolution"
Kaneba, Hikaru, and Takahiro Kozawa. "Dissolution mechanism of color resist materials." In Advances in Patterning Materials and Processes XLII, edited by Douglas Guerrero and Ryan Callahan, 105. SPIE, 2025.
Full textIkegwu, Ugochukwu M., Victor M. Zavala, and Reid C. Van Lehn. "Screening Green Solvents for Multilayer Plastic Films Separation." In Foundations of Computer-Aided Process Design, 763–70. Hamilton, Canada: PSE Press, 2024.
Full textNeureuther, Andrew R., Luke Long, and Patrick Naulleau. "Algebraic model for extremely unlikely resist dissolution events." In Advances in Patterning Materials and Processes XXXVII, edited by Roel Gronheid and Daniel P. Sanders. SPIE, 2020.
Full textde Oliveira, H., H. Vieira, J. Furtado, and L. de Oliveira. "Lime Dissolution in the BOF Process." In AISTech2019. AIST, 2019.
Full textKohitlhetse, Itumeleng, Hilary Rutto, Kentse Motsetse, Malibongwe S. Manono, and Moshe Mello. "Semi-Empirical Modelling for Dissolution of Calcium from Ironmaking Slag in Ammonium Acetate for CO2 Utilization." In International Electronic Conference on Processes. Basel Switzerland: MDPI, 2023.
Full textGarza, Cesar M., Charles R. Szmanda, and Ronald L. Fischer, Jr. "Resist Dissolution Kinetics And Submicron Process Control." In 1988 Microlithography Conferences, edited by Scott A. MacDonald. SPIE, 1988.
Full textYang, Lina, Hui Chen, and Baochen Liang. "Research of Dissolution Crystallization Process of Chlorantraniliprole." In 2017 International Conference on Material Science, Energy and Environmental Engineering (MSEEE 2017). Paris, France: Atlantis Press, 2017.
Full textSantillan, Julius Joseph S., and Toshiro Itani. "Investigations on EUVL metal resist dissolution behavior using in situ high-speed atomic force microscopy." In Advances in Patterning Materials and Processes XXXV, edited by Christoph K. Hohle and Roel Gronheid. SPIE, 2018.
Full textAlqahtani, M. F., F. M. Alissa, J. K. El-Demellawi, and S. A. Bamigdad. "Calcium Sulfate Dissolution Using Lactic Acid." In SPE Caspian Technical Conference and Exhibition. SPE, 2023.
Full textNurgazizov, Niaz I., Anastas A. Bukharaev, Roza M. Aminova, and Denis V. Ovchinnikov. "Investigation of dissolution process of implanted silicon dioxide." In SPIE Proceedings, edited by Kamil A. Valiev and Alexander A. Orlikovsky. SPIE, 2004.
Full textReports on the topic "Processus de dissolution"
Ford, D. C. Processus de Dissolution [Chapitre 9: Processus Géomorpholofiques au Canada]. Natural Resources Canada/ESS/Scientific and Technical Publishing Services, 1989.
Full textSuitner, Niels. Data set on the dissolution experiments available. OceanNets, March 2023.
Full textCicero, C. A. HEME and HEPA filter element dissolution process. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), November 1992.
Full textCicero, C. A. HEME and HEPA filter element dissolution process. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), November 1992.
Full textCROWDER, MARKL. Dissolution of Plutonium Metal Using a HAN Process. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), June 2004.
Full textQureshi, Z. H., and D. K. Strege. Pilot-scale tests of HEME and HEPA dissolution process. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), June 1994.
Full textJerden, J., J. Bailey, L. Hafenrichter, and G. F. Vandegrift. Full-Scale Testing of the Ambient Pressure, Acid-Dissolution Front-End Process for the Current Mo-99 Recovery Processes. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), October 2013.
Full textJerden, J., J. Bailey, L. Hafenrichter, and G. F. Vandegrift. Optimization of an Acid-Dissolution Front-End Process to Produce a Feed for the Current Mo-99 Recovery Processes. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), June 2014.
Full textJerden, James. Optimization of an Acid-Dissolution Front-End Process to Produce a Feed for the Current Mo-99 Recovery Processes. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), September 2014.
Full textJerden, J., J. Bailey, L. Hafenrichter, and G. F. Vandegrift. Full-Scale Testing of the Ambient Pressure, Acid-Dissolution Front-End Process for the Current {sup 99}Mo Recovery Processes. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), June 2014.
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