Academic literature on the topic 'Process phenomenology'
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Journal articles on the topic "Process phenomenology"
Alpert, Murray. "Language process and hallucination phenomenology." Behavioral and Brain Sciences 9, no. 3 (September 1986): 518–19.
Full textDonner-Banzhoff, Norbert, Judith Seidel, Anna Maria Sikeler, Stefan Bösner, Maria Vogelmeier, Anja Westram, Markus Feufel, Wolfgang Gaissmaier, Odette Wegwarth, and Gerd Gigerenzer. "The Phenomenology of the Diagnostic Process." Medical Decision Making 37, no. 1 (July 10, 2016): 27–34.
Full textGee, Joanna, Del Loewenthal, and Julia Cayne. "Methodological Paper: Phenomenological research: The case of Empirical Phenomenological Analysis and the possibility of reverie." Counselling Psychology Review 28, no. 3 (September 2013): 52–65.
Full textGee, Joanna, Del Loewenthal, and Julia Cayne. "Phenomenological research: The case of Empirical Phenomenological Analysis and the possibility of reverie." Counselling Psychology Review 39, no. 1 (July 2024): 59–72.
Full textVALIHURA, Volodymyr. "PHENOMENOLOGY OF PROPERTY TAXATION." WORLD OF FINANCE, no. 1(66) (2021): 138–48.
Full textJoseph C. Zinker, Ph.D. and Sandra Cardoso-Zinker, Lic. "Process and Silence: A Phenomenology of Couples Therapy." Gestalt Review 5, no. 1 (2001): 11.
Full textBulatevych, Nataliya. "Teacher’s burnout syndrome: the phenomenology of the process." Polish Journal of Public Health 127, no. 2 (June 1, 2017): 62–66.
Full textŠimėnienė, Akvilė. "Feminist Phenomenology in the Criticism of Birutė Ciplijauskaitė." Colloquia 38 (June 30, 2017): 104–24.
Full textCheeli, Bhagya Prabhashini. "Process of Phenomenology as Qualitative Research Method in English." International Journal of Methodology 3, no. 1 (September 9, 2024): 1–20.
Full textHodge, Joanna. "Adorno and Phenomenology." Philosophy Today 63, no. 2 (2019): 403–25.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Process phenomenology"
MIGLIO, NICOLE. "Phenomenology of Pregnancy: the lived experience of gestation." Doctoral thesis, Università Vita-Salute San Raffaele, 2021.
Full textLa mia ricerca si inserisce nell’attuale dibattito sulla gravidanza nel contesto della filosofia continentale contemporanea, con lo scopo di un’indagine fenomenologica delle strutture eidetiche dell’esperienza gestazionale. In particolare, mostra come l’approccio eidetico husserliano può spiegare l’irriducibilità qualitativa delle esperienze di gestazione, con lo stesso impianto teorico che serve a rendere conto della cosiddetta esperienza gestazionale “normale”. La sezione uno (Phenomenological accounts) delinea lo sviluppo originale della fenomenologia della gravidanza. Partendo dagli scritti di Edmund Husserl, Maurice Merleau-Ponty, Simone de Beauvoir e Iris Marion Young, esplora la comprensione fenomenologica della vita intra-uterina e il ruolo svolto dal corpo gestante, elaborando una nozione di gravidanza come processo e non come condizione o stato. Il principale risultato di questa indagine si concretizza nel cambio di paradigma nel considerare la donna incinta: non più (solo) paziente, ma anche soggetto di esperienza. La sezione 2 (Space and Time of pregnancy) è un esercizio di epoché volto a criticare le rappresentazioni comuni del corpo incinta e delle temporalità gestazionali. Attraverso un confronto tra il modello dell’hospitality e quello del container, sostengo che la corporeità gestante debba essere pensata come Leib. Inoltre, propongo di rinegoziare la temporalità gestazionale integrando la retorica degli “stadi” (dello sviluppo fetale) con un’analisi delle temporalità del sé gestante (che definisco scattered temporalities). Questa indagine dello spazio e del tempo della gestazione mostra l’inconsistenza fenomenologica di un’idea della gravidanza come fase transitoria che si conclude con il parto e del corpo gestante come involucro di un processo biologico e sub-personale. Nella terza sezione (The who of pregnancy), esploro la natura dell’altro-fetale (fetal-other). Inizio con una panoramica della concettualizzazione dell’alterità fetale nel capitolo sei, concentrandomi sul processo di personalizzazione del feto e sulle sue conseguenze per il processo gestazionale. Nel capitolo sette esploro l’esperienza vissuta della gravidanza, sostenendo che essa esibisca una forma di intercorporeità radicale intercorporeità. Indago dunque il ruolo del tocco nella costituzione della polarità gestazionale e il tipo specifico di agency, sia del soggetto gestante che dell’altro fetale, così come emerge nel e dal loro reciproco ma asimmetrico rapporto. Invece di considerare il processo gestazionale come una condizione che interessa la donna incinta, la mia tesi mira a delineare il carattere essenziale del processo gestazionale come intrinsecamente intersoggettivo e a indagare la portata filosofica del sé-in-gravidanza. Interrogando le strutture dell'esperienza gestazionale, contribuisce infine alla comprensione filosofica del sé gestante, inteso sia come oggetto di indagine filosofica che come soggetto epistemico e patico.
Häärä, J. (Jonna). "Phenomenology and the process and role of phenomenological reduction in research." Bachelor's thesis, University of Oulu, 2016.
Full textTämä kandidaatin tutkielma on henkilökohtainen tutkimus tutkijan omista kokemuksista, siitä miten ne ovat vaikuttaneet häneen ja miten tutkija voi tulevaisuudessa kerätä aineistoa ja tietoa henkilöistä, joilla on ollut samanlaisia kokemuksia. TCK (Third-culture Kid) -taustansa takia tutkija on kiinnostunut TCK-kulttuurin ja kokemuksien vaikutuksista. TCK-henkilö on ihminen joka on viettänyt suurimman osan lapsuudestaan pois omasta kotimaastaan. Tämän tutkimuksen kautta tutkija pyrkii fenomenologian sekä fenomenologisen reduktion avulla irrottautumaan omista kokemuksistaan, jotta hän pystyisi tulevaisuudessa tarkastelemaan ja tuottamaan TCK-kokemusten tuloksia mahdollisimman objektiivisesti. Fenomenologia tutkii ihmisiä, ilmiöitä, kokemuksia sekä niiden merkityksiä. Se on filosofian osa-alue jossa pyritään tuottamaan mahdollisimman “puhdasta” tiedettä ihmisten kokemuksia tutkimalla. Fenomenologian luoja Husserl väitti, että varman tiedon perusta on ihmisen kokemus maailmasta ja että nämä kokemukset ovat usein subjektiivisia, sillä ihmisten arkikokemuksia ohjaavat erilaiset ennakkoehdot. Ihmisen tajunnan merkityssuhteet muodostuvat suhteessa hänen elämismaailmaansa (life world) ja elämismaailma ja elämäntilanne korreloivat myös suoraan ihmisten kokemuksiin. Ihminen myös havainnoi todellisuutta aina pyrkimystensä, kiinnostustensa ja uskomustensa valossa, jotka ihminen usein omaksuu yhteiskunnasta jossa hän on kasvanut. Tämä tutkimus käyttää näitä ajatuksia selvittämään onko tutkijan mahdollista irrottautua omista kokemuksistaan fenomenologisen reduktion avulla. Koska TCK-lapsilla on usein hyvin samantapaisia kokemuksia yhteiskunnasta ja muutoksista, on heidän elämismaailmansa ainutlaatuinen ja kiinnostava tutkimuksen aihe. Fenomologinen reduktio on siis prosessi, jossa tutkija pyrkii tutkimaan maailmaa uusin silmin, ilman omien kokemuksiensa vaikutteita. Koska oma TCK-tausta mahdollisesti vaikuttaa tutkijan tuloksiin, tutkija pyrkii fenomenologinen reduktion avulla lähestymään näitä kokemuksia objektiivisesti, jolloin fenomenologisesta reduktiosta tulee tietyllä tavalla henkilökohtainen tutkimusmenetelmä
O'Rourke, Kathleen Mary. "Relationship Narratives: Appalachian Women's Experiences with Familial Process of Reentry." Diss., Virginia Tech, 2019.
Full textDoctor of Philosophy
The reentry process post incarceration has been identified to be difficult in the most ideal of situations and family support has been shown to be nearly essential to avoid re-incarceration (Bahr et al., 2005; Visher & Travis, 2003). This study is a first attempt to delve into the nature of relationships between women in Appalachia specifically, and their male relative who is a formerly incarcerated person. Informed by feminist and family theories, this study interviews eight women who reported maintaining a relationship with a male relative who had been incarcerated and reported assisting in his reentry process, in effort to identify the essence of daily lived experience in the context of multiple identities and social locations. Essential to the analytic process was identification of how the researcher’s identities may intersect with the research process and participants themselves. Key findings included two prominent themes, and one overall essence of the lived experience of women interviewed. The essence of women’s lived experience in Appalachia within the context of reentry is that family is everything, and exists at the center and above all else. Subsumed within this lived experience were the themes of family traditions, or how things are done in Appalachia, and the meaning of incarceration to these women.
Unwin, Bren Carolyn. "Phenomenology and landscape experience : a critical appraisal for contemporary art practice." Thesis, University of Hertfordshire, 2008.
Full textRaine, Rosalind Angela Oates. "The meaning and process of engagement in outdoor adventure from an occupational science perspective to inform health promotion and occupational therapy practice." Thesis, University of Plymouth, 2018.
Full textMorin, Viktor. "Intuition, Teknik och Erfarenhet : Observation av en lärandeprocess." Thesis, Karlstads universitet, Institutionen för konstnärliga studier, 2014.
Full textThis is a study about learning and creative processes. More specifically, the study contains an observation of how I arrange three songs for different instruments within a specific time limit. The questions that are accounted for in this study are what techniques I use, which problems arise and how the time limit affects the result. The result of this study shows that a variety of factors are present during my composition/arranging process. It shows that I apply intuition, discursive thinking, music theoretical techniques, and experience in the field of arranging music. The observation is, to some extent, analysed from phenomenological perspective.
Gilpin, Elizabeth Jean. "Teacher Understandings and Perceptions of the Teacher Evaluation Process in Virginia." Diss., Virginia Tech, 2016.
Full textPh. D.
Sinnamon, Catherine. "How body awareness interventions can enhance the architectural digital design process." Thesis, Queensland University of Technology, 2021.
Full textBaker, Susan. "'Black women' therapists' impressions of the social differences of 'race' and gender in the therapeutic process : a post-structuralist phenomenology narrative exploration." Thesis, Middlesex University, 2018.
Full textBooks on the topic "Process phenomenology"
Cooper, Ron L. Heidegger and Whitehead: A phenomenological examination into the intelligibility of experience. Athens: Ohio University Press, 1993.
Find full textRowlands, Mark. The new science of the mind: From extended mind to embodied phenomenology. Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press, 2010.
Find full textSergio, Sorrentino, ed. Democracy-- an alternative view. Lewiston: E. Mellen Press, 2004.
Find full textL, Wilson Neil, Stewart Donald 1936-, and Guelph McMaster Doctoral Programme in Philosophy., eds. Entities and individuation: Studies in ontology and language : in honour of Neil Wilson. Lewiston [N.Y.]: E. Mellen Press, 1989.
Find full textDonald, Stewart, and Wilson N. L. 1922-, eds. Entities and individuation: Studies in ontology and language in honour of Neil Wilson. Lewiston, N.Y: Mellen, 1989.
Find full textPhenomenology and the Creative Process. Lang AG International Academic Publishers, Peter, 2023.
Find full textPhenomenology and the Creative Process. Lang AG International Academic Publishers, Peter, 2023.
Find full textPhenomenology and the Creative Process. Lang AG International Academic Publishers, Peter, 2023.
Find full textRethinking Religious Conversion: Phenomenology and the Conversion Process. Bloomsbury Academic & Professional, 2024.
Find full textMadary, Michael. Visual Phenomenology. The MIT Press, 2017.
Full textBook chapters on the topic "Process phenomenology"
Röck, Tina. "Process Philosophy and Phenomenology." In Encyclopedia of Phenomenology, 1–9. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2024.
Full textKutay, Cat, Paul Brown, Eva Cheng, and Jeremy Lindeck. "Aboriginal Design Process." In Design Praxiology and Phenomenology, 147–70. Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore, 2022.
Full textMartín-Rodríguez, Manuel M. "The Reading Process: An Intertextual Approach." In Horizons of Phenomenology, 265–84. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2023.
Full textSaurén, Kirsi-Marja. "The Phenomenology of a Dissertation Process." In Obsessed with the Doctoral Theses, 137–41. Rotterdam: SensePublishers, 2012.
Full textWorsley, Richard. "The Spirituality of Counselling: Phenomenology, Existentialism and Beyond." In Process Work in Person-Centred Therapy, 174–86. London: Macmillan Education UK, 2009.
Full textAlvear, Soledad. "The Current Process of the Constituent Assembly and the Relevance of Edith Stein’s An Investigation Concerning the State." In Contributions to Phenomenology, 137–48. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020.
Full textGontier, Elodie. "Ontopoietic Process of Life in Kierkegaard’s Books: Zoe and Bios." In Phenomenology of Space and Time, 95–103. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2013.
Full textOstovar-Namaghi, Seyyed Ali. "Chapter 10. Phenomenology." In Research Methods in Applied Linguistics, 162–79. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company, 2024.
Full textPrasad, Hari Shankar. "Process philosophy and phenomenology of time in Buddhism." In History of Indian Philosophy, 49–58. 1 [edition]. | New York : Routledge, 2017. |: Routledge, 2017.
Full textOrmerod, Thomas C., and Wendy Ross. "Modelling Insight as a Creative Domain: Process or Phenomenology?" In Studies in Applied Philosophy, Epistemology and Rational Ethics, 415–32. Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland, 2024.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Process phenomenology"
Radici, Marco. "Transversity: theory/phenomenology overview." In 7th International Workshop on “Transverse phenomena in hard processes and the transverse structure of the proton, 001. Trieste, Italy: Sissa Medialab, 2024.
Full textRogers, Ted, Fatma Aslan, Mariaelena Boglione, Tommaso Rainaldi, Andrea Simonelli, and Osvaldo Gonzalez-Hernandez. "TMD phenomenology and nonperturbative structures." In 7th International Workshop on “Transverse phenomena in hard processes and the transverse structure of the proton, 030. Trieste, Italy: Sissa Medialab, 2024.
Full textQiu, Jianwei, and Zhite Yu. "Overview on the theory and phenomenology of generalized parton distributions." In 7th International Workshop on “Transverse phenomena in hard processes and the transverse structure of the proton, 035. Trieste, Italy: Sissa Medialab, 2024.
Full textD'Alesio, Umberto, Carlo Flore, Francesco Murgia, Cristian Pisano, and Pieter Taels. "Process dependence of the gluon Sivers function in inclusive $pp$ collisions: phenomenology." In 23rd International Spin Physics Symposium. Trieste, Italy: Sissa Medialab, 2019.
Full textDasi, Lakshmi Prasad, Khandakar Niaz Morshed, and Marcio Forleo. "Phenomenology of Hemolysis in Turbulent Flows." In ASME 2013 Summer Bioengineering Conference. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2013.
Full textFerrera, Giancarlo. "Higher order QCD corrections for the Drell-Yan process." In 10th International Symposium on Radiative Corrections (Applications of Quantum Field Theory to Phenomenology). Trieste, Italy: Sissa Medialab, 2013.
Full textLaude, Lucien D. "Alumina gamma-phase excimer laser synthesis: phenomenology of the process and properties of the material." In Photonics West '95, edited by Jan J. Dubowski. SPIE, 1995.
Full textVasić, Milica, and Maja Petrović. "Phenomenology of the hybridization of law in the digital society." In XXI međunarodni naučni skup Pravnički dani - Prof. dr Slavko Carić, na temu: Odgovori pravne nauke na izazove savremenog društva, 693–704. Faculty of Law for Commerce and Judiciary, Novi Sad, 2024.
Full textSHANWAN, A. "Experimental study of woven fabrics forming defects." In Material Forming. Materials Research Forum LLC, 2023.
Full textReports on the topic "Process phenomenology"
Klochko, Oksana V., Vasyl M. Fedorets, Aleksandr D. Uchitel, and Vitaliy V. Hnatyuk. Methodological aspects of using augmented reality for improvement of the health preserving competence of a Physical Education teacher. [б. в.], November 2020.
Full textOsadchyi, Viacheslav V., Hanna B. Varina, Kateryna P. Osadcha, Olesia O. Prokofieva, Olha V. Kovalova, and Arnold E. Kiv. Features of implementation of modern AR technologies in the process of psychological and pedagogical support of children with autism spectrum disorders. [б. в.], November 2020.
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