Academic literature on the topic 'Problème Linéaire en Nombres Entiers'
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Journal articles on the topic "Problème Linéaire en Nombres Entiers"
Hamouda, Leïla, and Yassine Hachaichi. "NOTE SUR L'EXTRACTION DE LA RACINE CARRÉE D'UN ENTIER CHEZ IBN AL-HAYṮAM ET COMPARAISON AVEC AL-BAĠDĀDĪ." Arabic Sciences and Philosophy 31, no. 1 (March 2021): 149–57.
Full textBlanpain, O., L. Petit, J. Le Gouevec, and S. Merchez. "Une approche pour l'approximation du profil en long des réseaux d'assainissement à partir de données incomplètes." Revue des sciences de l'eau 12, no. 4 (April 12, 2005): 661–69.
Full textClark, Eric, and Richard Ehrenborg. "The Frobenius Complex." Discrete Mathematics & Theoretical Computer Science DMTCS Proceedings vol. AN,..., Proceedings (January 1, 2010).
Full textLinton, Stephen, James Propp, Tom Roby, and Julian West. "Equivalence Relations of Permutations Generated by Constrained Transpositions." Discrete Mathematics & Theoretical Computer Science DMTCS Proceedings vol. AN,..., Proceedings (January 1, 2010).
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Problème Linéaire en Nombres Entiers"
Létocart, Lucas. "Problèmes de multicoupe et de multiflot en nombres entiers." Paris, CNAM, 2002.
Full textThe object of this work is to study and to solve combinatorial optimization problems in graphs : maximum integral multiflow and minimum multicut problems, and some subproblems, as the multiterminal cut and flow, the unspittable flow, the multipath and the edge disjoint path problems are polynomial in directed trees and we propose a polynomial algorithm to solve both problems in rooted trees. We use linear programming and semi-definite programming in a branch and bound algorithm in order to solve the NP-hard minimum multicut problem in undirected trees. We propose also polynomial algorithms for the multiterminal cut and flow problems and for the minimum multicut problem in rings
Wu, Lei. "Contribution à la programmation linéaire en nombres entiers : problèmes de placement-chargement et knapsack." Amiens, 2011.
Full textThis thesis deals with Integer Linear Programming (ILP) : an effective approach for modeling and solving combinatorial optimization problems. ILP is becoming more and more important for treating practical problems in recent research. Despite the fact that the problem has often a complex and highly combinatorial structure, ILP-based resolution methods may lose their effectiveness. The main goal of our framework is to reduce the completeness of ILP-based method by exploiting the problem's particular properties. In order to show how the ILP could contribute effectively to solving combinatorial optimization problems, we consider two NP-hard problems : 3D Single Bin-Size Bin Packing Problem and Multi-dimensional Multi-choice Multiple Knapsack Problem. The first problem comes from the industrial world, particularly in logistics processes where it is proposed to solve, for example, a problem of optimal allocation of boxes with a set of available containers (parcels, pallets, etc. ) in the process of a supply chain. The second problem can be encountered in real-world applications, such as service level agreement, model of allocation resources, or as a dynamic adaptation of system of resources for multimedia multi-sessions
Schaal, Arnaud. "Approche hybride pour la résolution de problèmes linéaires en nombres entiers : méthodes intérieures et méta-heuristiques." Paris 9, 1997.
Full textZeghal-Mansour, Farah. "Résolution de programmes linéaires en nombres entiers de grandes tailles et application à un problème d'affectation en transport aérien." Paris 6, 2002.
Full textFeng, Jianguang. "Modélisation et optimisation des Hoist Scheduling Problems." Thesis, Université Paris-Saclay (ComUE), 2017.
Full textThis thesis studies hoist scheduling problems (HSPs) arising in automated electroplating lines. In such lines, hoists are often used for material handing between tanks. These hoists play a crucial role in the performance of the lines and an optimal schedule of the hoist operations is a key factor in guaranteeing product quality and maximizing productivity. We focus on extended lines (i.e. with multi-function and/or multi-capacity tanks) with a single hoist. This research investigates three hoist scheduling problems: robust optimization for cyclic HSP, dynamic jobshop HSP in extended lines and cyclic jobshop HSP in extended lines.We first study the robust optimization for a cyclic HSP. The robustness of a cyclic hoist schedule is defined in terms of the free slacks in hoist traveling times. A bi-objective mixed-integer linear programming (MILP) model is developed to optimize the cycle time and the robustness simultaneously. It is proved that the optimal cycle time strictly increases with the robustness, thus there is an infinite number of Pareto optimal solutions. We established lower and upper bounds of these two objectives. Computational results on several benchmark instances and randomly generated instances indicate that the proposed approach can effectively solve the problem.We then examine a dynamic jobshop HSP with multifunction and multi-capacity tanks. We demonstrate that an existing model for a similar problem can lead to suboptimality. To deal with this issue, a new MILP model is developed to generate an optimal reschedule. It can handle the case where a multi-function tank is also multi-capacity. Computational results on instances with and without multifunction tanks indicate that the proposed model always yields optimal solutions, and is more compact and effective than the existing one.Finally, we investigate a cyclic jobshop HSP with multifunction and multi-capacity tanks. An MILP model is developed for the problem. The key issue is to formulate the time-window constraints and the tank capacity constraints. We adapt the formulation of time-window constraints for a simpler cyclic HSP to the jobshop case. The tank capacity constraints are handled by dealing with the relationships between hoist moves so that there is always an empty processing slot for new parts. Computational experiments on numerical examples and randomly generated instances indicate that the proposed model can effectively solve the problem
Nait-Abdallah, Rabie. "Modèles de dimensionnement et de planification dans un centre d'appels." Phd thesis, Ecole Centrale Paris, 2008.
Full textKone, Oumar. "Nouvelles approches pour la résolution du problème d'ordonnancement de projet à moyens limités." Phd thesis, Université Paul Sabatier - Toulouse III, 2009.
Full textFarah, Ihsen. "Optimisation des flux de trafic aérien." Le Havre, 2013.
Full textIn this thesis, we adress the Air Traffic Flow Management Problem (TFMP). We present a new Integer Linear Program which takes into account all phases of flight. We purpose also a Max-Min ant system algorithm to resolve the TFMP. Numerical simulations are applied to real data to show the effectiveness of our new formulation and our approach. We adress also the static Aircraft Landing Problem (ALP). We propose a quadratic integer program and propose a change of variables to linearize the model. Second objective is to resolve effectivly this model. Therefore, an exact method based on Branch and Bound algorithm is presented. We propose also an Ant Colony System to resolve the instances with a big size. To confirm this work, simulation and computer modeling results for both of the heuristic and exact algorithm are presented
Ternier, Ian-Christopher. "Résolution exacte du Problème de Coloration de Graphe et ses variantes." Thesis, Paris Sciences et Lettres (ComUE), 2017.
Full textGiven an undirected graph, the Vertex Coloring Problem (VCP) consists of assigning a color to each vertex of the graph such that two adjacent vertices do not share the same color and the total number of colors is minimized. DSATUR is an effective exact algorithm for the VCP. We introduce new lower bounding techniques enabling the computing of a lower bound at each node of the branching scheme. Our new DSATUR outperforms the state of the art for random VCP instances with high density, significantly increasing the size of solvable instances. Similar results can be achieved for a subset of high density DIMACS instances. We study three ILP formulations for the Minimum Sum Coloring Problem (MSCP). The problem is an extension of the classical Vertex Coloring Problem in which each color is represented by a positive natural number. The MSCP asks to minimize the sum of the cardinality of subsets of vertices receiving the same color, weighted by the index of the color, while ensuring that vertices linked by an edge receive different colors. We focus on studying an extended formulation and devise a complete Branch-and-Price algorithm
Ouzia, Hacène. "Hiérarchies de relaxations semi-algébriques pour des programmes linéaires mixtes 0-1 : théorie et applications." Paris 6, 2008.
Full textBooks on the topic "Problème Linéaire en Nombres Entiers"
Schrijver, Alexander. Theory of Linear and Integer Programming. Wiley, 1998.
Find full textSchrijver, Alexander. Theory of Linear and Integer Programming. Wiley & Sons, Incorporated, John, 2000.
Find full textTheory of linear and integer programming. Chichester: Wiley, 1986.
Find full textSierksma, Gerard, and Yori Zwols. Linear and Integer Optimization: Theory and Practice, Third Edition. Taylor & Francis Group, 2015.
Find full textSierksma, Gerard, and Yori Zwols. Linear and Integer Optimization: Theory and Practice, Third Edition. Taylor & Francis Group, 2015.
Find full textSierksma, Gerard, and Yori Zwols. Linear and Integer Optimization: Theory and Practice, Third Edition. Taylor & Francis Group, 2015.
Find full textSierksma, Gerard, and Yori Zwols. Linear and Integer Optimization: Theory and Practice, Third Edition. Taylor & Francis Group, 2015.
Find full textLinear and Integer Optimization: Theory and Practice, Third Edition. Chapman and Hall/CRC, 2015.
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