Academic literature on the topic 'Privileged legal treatment'
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Journal articles on the topic "Privileged legal treatment"
Leiter, Brian. "Dlaczego tolerować religię?" Principia 66 (2019): 59–85.
Full textZimmermann, Sabine. "(Im)Mobilities in a postmigrant age: Narratives of forced migration in Jenny Erpenbeck’s Go, Went, Gone and Elfriede Jelinek’s Charges (The Supplicants)." Crossings: Journal of Migration & Culture 10, no. 2 (October 1, 2019): 315–29.
Full textZiehm, Cornelia. "Legal Standing for NGOs in Environmental Matters under the Aarhus Convention and under Community and National Law." Journal for European Environmental & Planning Law 2, no. 4 (2005): 287–300.
Full textGiesen, Dieter. "Medical Malpractice and the Judicial Function in Comparative Perspective." Medical Law International 1, no. 1 (March 1993): 3–16.
Full textDurieux, Jean-François. "Three Asylum Paradigms." International Journal on Minority and Group Rights 20, no. 2 (2013): 147–77.
Full textColombatto, Enrico, and Valerio Tavormina. "On the role of government in promoting altruism." International Journal of Social Economics 43, no. 11 (November 7, 2016): 1156–70.
Full textCalvo Caballero, Pilar. "Woman and Liberal Revolution." Revista Portuguesa de História 50 (October 29, 2019): 41–66.
Full textSimić, Jelena. "The right to sexual and reproductive health of LGBTIQ persons and the challenges of biomedical assisted reproduction." Pravni zapisi 13, no. 1 (2022): 261–84.
Full textGravett, Willem Hendrik. "The Myth of Objectivity: Implicit Racial Bias and the Law (Part 1)." Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal/Potchefstroomse Elektroniese Regsblad 20 (April 26, 2017): 1.
Full textGravett, Willem Hendrik. "The Myth of Objectivity: Implicit Racial Bias and the Law (Part 2)." Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal/Potchefstroomse Elektroniese Regsblad 20 (September 14, 2017): 1.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Privileged legal treatment"
Full textNo Brasil o Estado é privilegiado quando litiga judicialmente, dispondo de vantagens não disponíveis para o cidadão. A pesquisa pretende contextualizar a fundamentação dos privilégios processuais da União, chamando a atenção para a sua emergência e permanência ao longo do tempo, buscando os modos de justificação do tratamento desigual observado na relação entre Estado e sociedade no processo judicial. Parte da sugestão inicial de que tais modos de justificação encontram portadores entre os operadores do direito e circulam socialmente porque cons ubstanciam tipos ideais de representação da soberania. Reconhece a desigualdade de tratamento conferido ao homem comum nas suas lides com o Estado e, sendo os operadores do direito o grupo que melhor conhece a existência desses privilégios, investiga os modos pelos quais essa desigualdade é justificada nesse grupo, bem como as percepções dissonantes, articulando os modos de justificação encontrados com concepções ideais distintas sobre o tema da soberania em circulação no Brasil.
The Brazilian state enjoys privileges in the judicia l process not available to ordinary citizens. This research contextualizes the foundation of the state s procedural privileges, highlighs their emergence and permanence and seeks forms of justification for such unequal treatment observed within the state-society relationship in the judicial process. This investigation begins with the initial proposal that legal professionals reproduce these forms of justification and that they are present in society because represent ideal types of sovereignty representation. Recognizing the inequality of treatment that the common citizen faces in struggles with the state, and because legal professionals comprise the segment most familiar with existence of these judicial process privileges, this research investigates the varieties of ways they justify such inequality. Lastly, it explores conflicting perceptions, connecting the forms of justification found with differing idealized notions of sovereignty in Brazil.
Thebault, Déborah. "Les biens publics en droit anglais." Thesis, Université Paris Cité, 2019.
Full textAgainst the backdrop of French public law with its separate administrative and ordinary courts, French lawyers often assume that English law does not have a system of public law. This is inaccurate. This thesis aims to demonstrate the existence of a substantive public law in the English legal system. It does so by identifying a number of public assets. Substantive public law should be distinguished from judicial review, which is not substantive but procedural public law. The substance of English public law lies in a multitude of rules that deviate from the rest of the legal system. These rules are found not only in common law and equity, but also in statute and in delegated legislation. From the analysis of these derogative rules, it appears that public assets enjoy privileged legal treatment. This is triggered either by the "publicness" of the asset, such as the Crown or the public itself, or by the pursuit of the public interest, regardless of the public nature of the owner. My research reveals two sets of substantive public law rules applying to public assets. The first comprise adverse possession when applied to Crown lands and town or village greens. The second set encompasses charities, and assets owned by privatised services
Miętek, Agata. "Swoboda umów oraz jej ograniczenia przy kształtowaniu treści stosunku pracy." Doctoral thesis, 2018.
Full textThe subject of the dissertation is the analysis of issues related to the freedom of contract of parties to an employment contract. The basic framework of the current scope of the freedom of contract of parties to an employment contract to shape its content was created when the Labor Code was introduced, in different political, social and economic conditions. There have been fundamental changes since then creating a new background for discussions on the freedom of contract in employment law. Therefore, four main research questions were formulated. The first question pertains to determination of the legal nature of an employment contract and its connections with public and private law. The second question concerns determination of the normative basis for the principle of freedom of contract in individual employment law and its functioning mechanism. Next, a question was raised about the scope of the freedom of contract in respect of particular elements of the employment relationship. Finally, a fourth question was posed to determine whether the principle of freedom of contract should be recognized as a guiding principle of employment law. Despite research problems, a comprehensive analysis was also aimed at organizing the normative material related to this problem. The analysis led to the following conclusions. Firstly, although it is not possible to generally classify employment law as exclusively private or public law, the same does not apply to the employment relationship, which is a contractual relationship (although it includes elements of public intervention). Secondly, the limitations of the freedom of contract in shaping the content of an employment relationship were partly determined differently than in civil law, although with the use of civil law mechanisms. The freedom of contract applies also in the area of so called employment protection. However, it is more limited in this area. Thirdly, although art. 3531 of the Civil Code in connection with art. 300 of the Labour Code constitutes the legal basis for the freedom of contract of parties to an employment relationship to shape its content, the principle of freedom of contract in its civil meaning does not constitute a guiding principle in the area of shaping the content of an employment relationship where freedom has been granted in the scope which is necessary to effectively realize an employment relationship or does not jeopardize the equality of the parties and employee’s dignity and where the public interference is present in the scope which is justified to protect the equality of the parties to an employment contract and employee’s dignity. The dissertation has been divided into four parts covering eight chapters. The first part (Chapters I and II) presents the historical process during which employment law was separated as an independent branch of law, the material scope of the concept of an employment relationship and the sources of shaping its content. The second part (Chapters III) presents the scope of the freedom of contract in contractual civil law relationships as well as the axiological and normative background justifying application of the principle of freedom of contract. The main content of dissertation is contained in third part (Chapters IV – VII), which provides a comprehensive analysis of the legal norms concerning the freedom of contract. The theoretical considerations contained in the first three parts of the work are used in the fourth part (Chapter VIII) to perform a practical analysis of particular elements of the content of an employment relationship. The dissertation ends with a synthetic summary. In the dissertation, a historical and formal-dogmatic method of research was used. Their choice was justified by the purposes of the dissertation.
Books on the topic "Privileged legal treatment"
Annabelle, Möckesch. Part 2 Determining the Applicable Attorney–Client Privilege Standard, 8 Applicable Privilege Standard in International Commercial Arbitration. Oxford University Press, 2017.
Full textHanson, Annette L. Clinical and legal implications of gangs. Oxford University Press, 2015.
Full textVallier, Kevin, and Michael Weber, eds. Religious Exemptions. Oxford University Press, 2018.
Full textBook chapters on the topic "Privileged legal treatment"
Bauder, Harald. "Devalued Germans." In Labor Movement. Oxford University Press, 2006.
Full textDavidson, Roger. "‘Cure or Confinement’? Law, Medicine and the Treatment of Homosexual Offenders in Scotland, 1950–801." In Illicit and Unnatural Practices, 129–52. Edinburgh University Press, 2018.
Full textHarris, Joseph. "Introduction." In Achieving Access. Cornell University Press, 2017.
Full textSchillig, Michael. "Resolution and Corporate Insolvency Law." In Resolution and Insolvency of Banks and Financial Institutions. Oxford University Press, 2016.
Full textKonrad, S. Shane, and Eraka Bath. "Confidentiality and Privilege." In Landmark Cases in Forensic Psychiatry, edited by Merrill Rotter, Jeremy Colley, and Heather Ellis Cucolo, 21–28. Oxford University Press, 2019.
Full textKonrad, S. Shane, and Eraka Bath. "Confidentiality and Privilege." In Landmark Cases in Forensic Psychiatry, 3–9. Oxford University Press, 2014.
Full textde Monteverde-Robb, David. "Legal Basis for Prescribing." In A Medic's Guide to Essential Legal Matters, 169–84. Oxford University Press, 2018.
Full textBerg, Jessica W., Paul S. Appelbaum, Charles W. Lidz, and Lisa S. Parker. "Exceptions to the Legal Requirements: Emergency, Waiver, Therapeutic Privilege, and Compulsory Treatment." In Informed Consent. Oxford University Press, 2001.
Full textScroppo, Joe. "Dealing with Third Parties." In Handbook of Private Practice, 506–18. Oxford University Press, 2017.
Full textBrown, Richard D. "Equal Justice for Irishmen and Other Foreigners." In Self-Evident Truths. Yale University Press, 2017.
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