Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Principes logiques'
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Arazam, Yannis. "Les lois logiques sont-elles révisables ?" Electronic Thesis or Diss., Strasbourg, 2024. http://www.theses.fr/2024STRAC027.
Full textThe problem of revising logic permeated the thinking of the major authors of the analytic tradition in the 20th century. From Wittgenstein to Dummett and through Quine, Putnam or Kripke, authors have tackled afresh a problem that has taken various forms throughout the history of philosophy. Developments in mathematical logic following the fregean revolution, or even the formalization of quantum mechanics, have both renewed and sharpened the problem. Is there any sense in questioning logical laws classically acknowledged since Aristotle? More simply put, is it intelligible to change our logic ? Are the intuitionnistic refusal of the law of excluded-middle and, more generally, the emergence of "alternative logics" constitutive of a turning point in the history of logic ? The difficulty faced stems from the constitutive nature of logic for thought : if logical laws are the norms of intelligibility, how can they be challenged without undermining the very possibility of meaning ? This work traces this difficulty back to the classical analytical corpus, and gets new perspectives out of it by means of the concept of paradigm, alongside logical developments in the second-half of the 20th century
Dufatanye, Aimable-André. "Le principe de non-contradiction. considérations logiques, mathématiques et ontologiques : De la nature et de la valeur du principe de non-contradiction, contribution de Jan Łukasiewicz à l'interprétation d'Aristote." Thesis, Lyon, École normale supérieure, 2011. http://www.theses.fr/2011ENSL0669.
Full textIn mathematics and classical logic, one proves that {P,¬P}├Q. This is the celebrated ex contradictione sequitur quodlibet, also named the principle of explosion. If a contradictory theory is condemned to explode, that is to become trivial and to lose all interest from a scientific point of view, one must at all costs avoid any contradiction which plays the role of detonator. Consequently, it is necessary to deny any conjunction of a formula and its negation. This is the principle of non-contradiction (PNC) symbolised by ¬(P^¬P), a tautology in classical mathematical logic. Already in antiquity, Aristotle had explicitly formulated PNC which, since, has been elevated to the status of a definitive and an absolute principle. However, a few obstinate critics have questioned the absolute status of this principle. The present thesis is a reappraisal of PNC -of its status, its validity, its value- which builds on the work of the logician J. Łukasiewicz. It will be demonstrated that the critique of absoluteness attributed to PNC proposed by Łukasiewicz is not a continuation of the theses of the ancient sophists. His criticisms can be placed in the framework of a Twardowskian-Meinongian Gegenstandstheorie. The combination of elements from a theory of objects and an original analysis using the tools of the algebra of logic in the interpretation of ancient texts has enabled Łukasiewicz to discern an essential idea according to which one can challenge the absoluteness attributed to PNC without sinking into triviality. It will be shown that his works contain, for logic, an outline for a new paradigm based on the disabsolutization of PNC, by dissociating it from the principle of explosion
Bertrand, Aliénor. "Logique naturelle et principes de l'action humaine dans l'œuvre de Condillac." Paris 10, 1999. http://www.theses.fr/1999PA100009.
Full textVezeanu, Ion. "Le principe d'identité : de quelques difficultés logiques, épistémiques et ontologiques de l'identité au XXème siècle." Grenoble 2, 2003. http://www.theses.fr/2003GRE29052.
Full textMondello, Gérard. "Logique environnementale, logique économique : Etude par le contentieux des Installations Classées pour la Protection de l'Environnement (ICPE)." Phd thesis, Université de Nice Sophia-Antipolis, 2009. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00727231.
Full textMondello, Gérard. "Logique environnementale, logique économique : étude par le contentieux des Installations Classées pour la Protection de l'Environnement (ICEP)." Phd thesis, Nice, 2009. http://www.theses.fr/2009NICE0006.
Full textThe French Law about installations (Classified Installation for Environment protection CIEP) is generally understood as a compromise between the protection of economical and environmental interests. This dissertation analyses the terms of this social contract, and, in this aim, we study the different CIEP litigations facing judicial (civil and criminal) and administrative Courts. Then, it is put into evidence the structural difficulties to achieve this goal. This is mainly due to the missing of an effective representation of the Environment in front of these Courts in spite of unquestionable progresses in Law and Constitution. This work makes proposals for the rewriting the CIEP Law by a more comprehensive integration of the fundamental roots of the sustainable development, particularly the precaution principle and the participation of the concerned people. This involves extending strict liability to the precaution
Tousseul, Sylvain. "Les principes de la pensée ou les conditions d'impossibilité de l'expérience." Paris 10, 2009. http://www.theses.fr/2009PA100133.
Full textThis study aims to show that the legitimacy of a thought is based on spatiotemporal conditions that are unique to the experience of its author, meaning that its legitimacy is always singular. In contrast, when a thought is illegitimate, it is based on spatiotemporal conditions that are empirically impossible, whoever its author is, meaning that its illegitimacy is always universal. In fact, in order to relevant, we necessarily exclude certain impossibilities, that is we respect the fundamental principles by following the logics that derive from them. But since we are not aware of these impossibilities, it means that we unconsciously follow their logics, in the same way that the drives we can not achieve follow destinies we are not aware of. In reality both are a single thing, because the failure to achieve an drive causes an affective dynamic whose movement consists in a logic. And secondly, it is precisely because an experience can not be achieved that it is more desired, so that each impossibility represents an ideal. By showing how an experience determines our way of thinking, our work constitutes the foundation of a new philosophy: the immanental
Quine, Willard Van Orman. "The logic of sequences : a generalization of "Principia mathematica /." New York : Garland pub, 1990. http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb35698378n.
Full textFischer, Aurélie. "Apprentissage statistique non supervisé : grande dimension et courbes principales." Paris 6, 2011. http://www.theses.fr/2011PA066142.
Full textSeymour, Michel. "Descriptions et référence : la théorie de la syntaxe logique de Principia Mathematica et ses perspectives contemporaines." Thèse, Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, 1985. http://depot-e.uqtr.ca/6827/1/000559864.pdf.
Full textDobrzynski, Anne Claire. "Violence à l'adolescence et maillage transdisciplinaire : enjeux, effets, logiques et perspectives." Thesis, Lyon, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017LYSE2117.
Full textThis thesis emerges from violent acts clinical situations to Youth Judicial Protection Service, and leads us to narcissistic conflict clinical situations. A broader excursion into eight clinical supports of adolescents in penal framework illustrates this clinical situation, support of modelling.The inaugural issue on this research studies is to model a clinical support consultation for these adolescents, as are frequently heard that they haven’t a demand for mental care. The prospect is to receive and transform “commettage”, subjective langage of violent act, resulting of infant distress, weaved with transgenerational heritage and psychic readjustments characteristic of adolescence.Intrapsychic and intersubjective roots of “commettage” are looked at it from three perspectives : paradox and narcissistic issues ; disorder of containing function ; traumatism and latent depression.The theorical focus informs of the fundamental violence (Bergeret) effects to adolescents-professionals intersubjective links ; to professionalism and established groups.Subjectivity raw fragments of these adolescents are expelled through and in violent act, into extern psychic extern scene of clinical support. They move in a transferential and countertransferential movement. Projective identification, unconscious alliances and phoric function give an understanding of circulation process of subjectivity raw fragments into three psychic spaces (Kaës).Transdisciplinary approach constitutes a substance of clinical support. This clinical posture maintains ethic, democracy and humor, democratic factor that protect narcissism. This state of mind and methodology is couples to three reliance operators of complex thinking (Morin) : dialogic, recursive loop, hologram principle.Small group of transdisciplinary meeting (SGTM) gathers adolescent, educator and service psychologist : borders are decompartmentalized into not hierarchical relationships, but preserving subjective singularity. This clinical posture receives the effect of intersubjective and disciplinary borders dilution. This dilution ties with trans-subjective (Wainrib) share of link, particularly expanded into clinical situations of violent act and narcissistic conflict.These meetings, co-thought with adolescent (duration, frequency), unfold themselves in form of ordinary conversations (Winnicott). The issue is to bring together hic et nunc subjectivity raw fragments, expelled by the adolescent hic et ubique into interinstitutional scene.Supporting the idea that if the adolescent is absent physically, he isn’t subjectively, the transdisciplinary meeting takes place in the presence of or without the adolescent. This clinical support in the absence replies to psychic portage disorder into primary links, and drives a work of absence.Transdisplinary groupality, which emerges over meetings, has effects of extern containing, then intern containing through support link introjection. Finally, violent acts are appeased and subjectivation process can restart.Into this consultation, the clinical support of these adolescents can get to export of transdisciplinary state of mind into interinstitutional scene. Clinical modelling defines this scene as a psychic singular and plural scene, characteristic at each adolescent, with intern groups, interstitial scenes and envelope. The intern interinstitutionals groups (IIG) constitute the organizers of groupality of interinstitutional psychic scene. These IIG are groupal meetings that emerge inside clinical support. The SGTM is one of them. These IIG have articular function between interinstitutional, institutional et intrapsychic scenes and, function of metapsychic and metasocial guarantor (Kaës)
Quine, W. V. "The logic of sequences a generalization of Principia mathematica /." New York : Garland Pub, 1990. http://catalog.hathitrust.org/api/volumes/oclc/20797392.html.
Full textDurand-Guerrier, Viviane. "Logique et raisonnement mathématique : défense et illustration de la pertinence du calcul des prédicats pour une approche didactique des difficultés liées à l'implication." Lyon 1, 1996. http://www.theses.fr/1996LYO10245.
Full textLengelo, Muhenya Junior-Placide. "De la conception empiriste du langage représentationnel au projet carnapien du réductionnisme logique : En quête d'une démarche empiriste libérale autour des années 1930." Thesis, Poitiers, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016POIT5002.
Full textAn empiricist theory of knowledge argues that language has the capacity to represent something other than itself. Beginning from the end of the 17th century, Locke and his successors analysed empirically what our ideas are reflections of and what words represent in the mind. At the beginning of the 1930s, Schlick and his Vienna Circle colleagues exploited the logico-linguistic advances of Frege, Russell and Wittgenstein in the logical analysis of scientific propositions, i.e. their correspondence with the states of affairs they represent. Following their example, analytic philosophy would henceforth reduce problems of knowledge to the level of linguistic experience. This is where the radical and reductionist character of the empiricist perspective is to be found: the classical empiricists identified the chronological genesis of our ideas and thoughts in perception; the Vienna Circle philosophers in their turn determine the meaning of a proposition by translating it into elementary propositions or Protokollsätze, which reflect directly an empirical “given”. During the same period, Carnap distances himself from his fellow empiricists by formulating the formulating the problems of scientific language in terms of the rational reconstruction of concepts by introducing new concepts based on those already identified as fundamental from a phenomenalist (the Aufbau, 1928) or physicalist (during the 1930s) perspective. This is the logical reductionism that Carnap reinforces through logical syntax. For him, logical analysis is less concerned with the given than with the proposition, and in particular with the formal properties and purely logical relations between propositions within a system. Carnap attempts in this way to “liberalize” empiricism, both by rendering more flexible and open its claim to be scientific and, in conformity to his “Tolerance Principle”, in adding questions of conventions to the empirical grounding of scientific propositions. In attributing to philosophy, understood as “the logic of science”, the task of elaborating forms and methods adequate to the construction of the language of science, he thus moderates the Viennese critique of metaphysics
Galinon, Henri. "Recherches sur la vérité : définition, élimination, déflation." Phd thesis, Université Panthéon-Sorbonne - Paris I, 2010. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00527422.
Full textRieger, Schmidt Ana. "La primauté de l’étant et les premiers principes chez Gérard Odon." Thesis, Paris 4, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014PA040030.
Full textThis thesis deals with Geraldus Odonis’ treatise De duobos communissimis principiis scientiarum (ca. 1320). In the first part, we analyze the text by focusing on the concept of "ens tertio adiacens". It is the being signified by the totality of the proposition and its truthmaker; it is univocally common to ens reale and ens rationis, for this reason Odonis identifies it to the subject of the principle of non-contradiction and the principle of excluded middle. The ens tertio adiacens also corresponds to the first adequate object of the intellect and to the subject of logic, which is understood as the first science. In the second part, we place Odonis in two historiographical debates: the propositional realism (alongside Walter Burley, Gregory of Rimini and John Wyclif) and the advancements of the doctrine of supertranscendentals (alongside Nicolas Bonetus, Francis of Marchia and others), which emerges from the distinction between the two senses of "res" in Henry of Ghent and in Duns Scotus
Fischer, Sandrine. "Etude diagnostique de l'intuitivité des interfaces innovantes basée sur les principes de transfert et d'induction des schémas : application aux ordinateurs de bord automobiles." Toulouse 2, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010TOU20081.
Full textThe intuitive use of complex interfaces is apprehended by a schema induction protocol, due to its interaction with prior knowledge. The protocol is specified to account for multi-states interfaces and for their decomposition into separate informational attributes. We obtain two dominant empirical patterns that are schema induction, accounting for non intuitive states, non familiar tasks, as well as for accessible states for experiential users, and inaccessible states for rational ones, and transfer, accounting for familiar tasks and intuitive states. Patterns of inoperant analysis and negative induction effect are also obtained that justify the diagnosing approach and its relevance in current frameworks for the design of intuitive interfaces
Damlaci, Ferry Pinar. "La narration classique dans le cinéma turc (1980-2000) : prémisses pour une étude structurale de la logique narrative et des principales figures héroïques." Paris 1, 2012. http://www.theses.fr/2012PA010521.
Full textBozzo-Rey, Malik. "Le statut du principe d'utilité dans la philosophie politique et juridique de Jeremy Bentham." Paris 10, 2007. http://www.theses.fr/2007PA100105.
Full textJeremy Bentham's philosophy is often reduced to the principle of utility. This thesis wishes to challenge the status of the principle of utility in Jeremy Bentham's political and legal philosophy. So, our approach consists in a reconstruction of Bentham's thought from his will of reform, particularly of English legal language, which can be understood as a demystification mechanism. Then we will see the main part that can be played by the theory of fictions. It is necessary for Bentham to build a positive concept of fictions if he wants to elaborate a legal theory. It is based on a new and wider comprehension of the meaning of of what a law is. It is defined as the expression of sovereign's will. It allows to introduce a new logic: the logic of the will and we demonstrate it can be a deontic logic. Together with other tools in the hands of a legislator, it permits to construe law as a social system of control. We can claim this, thanks to the concept of force of a law. Thanks to it, Bentham reintroduces the principle of utility in his thought. The legislator has to use punishment to influence his subjects' agency, therefore law becomes a true guide for his subjects. But must we conclude that utilitarian calculus is the only tool on the part of the individual bound by law to decide if he is obliged to abide by the law, or not? We think that utilitarian calculus is only one aspect of a practical meta-reasoning, the other being the deontic calculus. We must rethink Bentham's philosophy through the idea of dynamic relationships between fiction, logic and utility
Seban, Pierrot. "L’aporie du passage : Zénon d’Élée et le principe d’achevabilité." Thesis, Paris 10, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018PA100149/document.
Full textWe reconsider Zeno of Elea’s arguments known as “Achilles” and the “Dichotomy”, bringing together perspectives from several disciplines, including the history of ancient philosophy, the history and philosophy of mathematics and the philosophy of time. We contend that the usual contemporary answers to these arguments – according to which modern mathematics allow us to dissolve the aporia – are wrong, and carry a false view of the original problem, especially of the concept of infinity it implies. In the first part of the dissertation, we study the sources relevant to Zeno and his arguments’ reception context, in order to establish that Zeno’s infinite is dependant upon an idea of unachievability, acquired through to a new mode of reasoning that we call “indefinite iterative”. We examine the ways Zeno used this mode of reasoning in order to design dialectical aporias, and how ancient philosophical systems were capable of solving them. In the second part, we vindicate Zeno’s aporia of motion. We show that it rests on what we call “the achievability principle”, that itself is anchored in our intuition of passage. Through the consideration of problems relevant to so-called ‘supertasks’, to the reality and the nature of time, to the notion of infinity and to the metamathematical debate, we show, at the same time, how mathematical theories of the infinite are the only de facto reason to deny the achievability principle, and how they cannot, de jure, justify such a denial
De, Rancourt Noé. "Théorie de Ramsey sans principe des tiroirs et applications à la preuve de dichotomies d'espaces de Banach." Thesis, Sorbonne Paris Cité, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018USPCC208/document.
Full textIn the 90's, Gowers proves a Ramsey-type theorem for block-sequences in Banach spaces, in order to show two Banach-space dichotomies. Unlike most infinite-dimensional Ramsey-type results, this theorem does not rely on a pigeonhole principle, and therefore it has to have a partially game-theoretical formulation. In a first part of this thesis, we develop an abstract formalism for Ramsey theory with and without pigeonhole principle, and we prove in it an abstract version of Gowers' theorem, from which both Mathias-Silver's theorem and Gowers' theorem can be deduced. We give both an exact version of this theorem in countable spaces, and an approximate version of it in separable metric spaces. We also prove the adversarial Ramsey principle, a result generalising both the abstract Gowers' theorem and Borel determinacy of countable games. We also study the limitations of these results and their possible generalisations under additional set-theoretical hypotheses. In a second part, we apply the latter results to the proof of two Banach-space dichotomies. These dichotomies are similar to Gowers' ones, but are Hilbert-avoiding, that is, they ensure that the subspace they give is not isomorphic to a Hilbert space. These dichotomies are a new step towards the solution of a question asked by Ferenczi and Rosendal, asking whether a separable Banach space non-isomorphic to a Hilbert space necessarily contains a large number of subspaces, up to isomorphism
Lachance, Geneviève. "La conception platonicienne de la contradiction." Thesis, Paris 4, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015PA040023.
Full textThis thesis examines the notion of contradiction understood in its logical or formal sense. Specifically, it seeks to study that notion in a philosopher who, chronologically speaking, precedes the advent of syllogistic or logic: Plato. Based on an analysis of Plato’s refutative dialogues, this thesis will determine the form given by Plato to contradictory propositions, unveil the terminology and metaphors used by Plato to name and describe contradictions and evaluate the context in which Plato reflected upon contradiction. The analysis will reveal that Plato had a very clear idea of what is a logical contradiction and that he even had an influence on Aristotle when the latter defined his famous principle of non-contradiction
Marzal, Yetano Antonio. "La dynamique du principe de proportionnalité : essai dans le contexte des libertés de circulation du droit de l'Union européenne." Thesis, Paris 1, 2013. http://www.theses.fr/2013PA010305/document.
Full textDespite its apparent innocuousness, the principle of proportionality actually brings about a profound transformation of the law. The importance of this development, as well as the spread of this principle throughout the world, accounts for the considerable interest that this issue has raised in recent scholarship. However, it is uncommon to analyze this principle within a specific context, as a manifestation of a particular culture. This thesis embarks on such an analysis within the context of the European Union, which would seem paradigmatic, by examining the reasoning of the European Court of Justice in its judgments applying the freedoms of circulation. This examination will make it possible, on the one hand, to take cognizance of the potential for transformation of the principle of proportionality at a formal, substantial and institutional level. lndeed, this principle having been conceived by the Court as an evaluation of efficiency of State measures, the implications are significant with regards to the form of reasoning employed by the Court, the function of the freedoms of circulation and finally the distribution of competence between the Union and the Member States. On the other hand, the principle of proportionality becomes a particularly appropriate mirror for reflecting the specific characteristics of the legal culture of the European Union, within which a technocratic discourse appears prevalent
Imbert, Cyrille. "L'opacité intrinsèque de la nature : théories connues, phénomènes difficiles à expliquer et limites de la science." Paris 1, 2008. http://www.theses.fr/2008PA010703.
Full textPamart, Pierre-Yves. "Contrôle des décollements en boucle fermée." Phd thesis, Université Pierre et Marie Curie - Paris VI, 2011. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00659979.
Full textKoehl, Ludovic Zeng Xianyi. "Optimisation de la qualité et du confort des produits textiles par exploitation de données physiques et de la connaissance humaine." Villeneuve d'Ascq : Université des sciences et technologies de Lille, 2007. https://iris.univ-lille1.fr/dspace/handle/1908/1014.
Full textN° d'ordre (Lille 1) : 545. Titre provenant de la page de titre du document numérisé. Bibliogr. p. 82-85. Liste des publications et communications.
Galicia, Auyón Jorge Armando. "Revisiting Data Partitioning for Scalable RDF Graph Processing Combining Graph Exploration and Fragmentation for RDF Processing Query Optimization for Large Scale Clustered RDF Data RDFPart- Suite: Bridging Physical and Logical RDF Partitioning. Reverse Partitioning for SPARQL Queries: Principles and Performance Analysis. ShouldWe Be Afraid of Querying Billions of Triples in a Graph-Based Centralized System? EXGRAF: Exploration et Fragmentation de Graphes au Service du Traitement Scalable de Requˆetes RDF." Thesis, Chasseneuil-du-Poitou, Ecole nationale supérieure de mécanique et d'aérotechnique, 2021. http://www.theses.fr/2021ESMA0001.
Full textThe Resource Description Framework (RDF) and SPARQL are very popular graph-based standards initially designed to represent and query information on the Web. The flexibility offered by RDF motivated its use in other domains and today RDF datasets are great information sources. They gather billions of triples in Knowledge Graphs that must be stored and efficiently exploited. The first generation of RDF systems was built on top of traditional relational databases. Unfortunately, the performance in these systems degrades rapidly as the relational model is not suitable for handling RDF data inherently represented as a graph. Native and distributed RDF systems seek to overcome this limitation. The former mainly use indexing as an optimization strategy to speed up queries. Distributed and parallel RDF systems resorts to data partitioning. The logical representation of the database is crucial to design data partitions in the relational model. The logical layer defining the explicit schema of the database provides a degree of comfort to database designers. It lets them choose manually or automatically (through advisors) the tables and attributes to be partitioned. Besides, it allows the partitioning core concepts to remain constant regardless of the database management system. This design scheme is no longer valid for RDF databases. Essentially, because the RDF model does not explicitly enforce a schema since RDF data is mostly implicitly structured. Thus, the logical layer is inexistent and data partitioning depends strongly on the physical implementations of the triples on disk. This situation contributes to have different partitioning logics depending on the target system, which is quite different from the relational model’s perspective. In this thesis, we promote the novel idea of performing data partitioning at the logical level in RDF databases. Thereby, we first process the RDF data graph to support logical entity-based partitioning. After this preparation, we present a partitioning framework built upon these logical structures. This framework is accompanied by data fragmentation, allocation, and distribution procedures. This framework was incorporated to a centralized (RDF_QDAG) and a distributed (gStoreD) triple store. We conducted several experiments that confirmed the feasibility of integrating our framework to existent systems improving their performances for certain queries. Finally, we design a set of RDF data partitioning management tools including a data definition language (DDL) and an automatic partitioning wizard
Valdivia, Fuenzalida José Antonio. "La démonstration selon Thomas d’Aquin. Une étude sur la réception des Seconds Analytiques au XIIIème siècle." Thesis, Sorbonne université, 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019SORUL004.
Full textThe aim of this thesis is to reconstruct the set of theoretical questionings supposed by the authors who participate in Posterior Analytics’ reception during the 13th century. Considering that the doctrine contained in this Aristotle’s work is difficult to interpret in a systematical approach is inevitable that its progressive reception would have been guided by metaphysics and epistemological questionings, partially shared by these authors. The present research is an attempt to track down these questionings, with the objective of proposing a systematic reconstruction of the theory contained in the commentaries of the Posterior Analytics during that period. This systematic reconstruction offers a unified vision of the aspects assessed in this investigation. This due to the identification of a general question which would determine the orientation of specific ones. Thomas Aquinas is the author about whom most of the analyses are focused. But always considering the aim of comprehending questions which guide all this tradition of comments, two other comments have been studied: Robert Grosseteste and Alberto the Great. The thesis proposed is that the Posterior Analytics’ reception during the 13th century, reflects an attempt to answer the following question: which characteristics must a perfect knowledge possess? In accordance with this thesis, the doctrines developed in commentaries regarding this Aristotle’s work did not seek to propose a method of true knowledge of reality. The properties of a demonstration, regarding its shape and content of the propositions that compose it, would describe an ideal of perfect knowledge
Valdivia, Fuenzalida José Antonio. "La démonstration selon Thomas d’Aquin. Une étude sur la réception des Seconds Analytiques au XIIIème siècle." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Sorbonne université, 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019SORUL004.
Full textThe aim of this thesis is to reconstruct the set of theoretical questionings supposed by the authors who participate in Posterior Analytics’ reception during the 13th century. Considering that the doctrine contained in this Aristotle’s work is difficult to interpret in a systematical approach is inevitable that its progressive reception would have been guided by metaphysics and epistemological questionings, partially shared by these authors. The present research is an attempt to track down these questionings, with the objective of proposing a systematic reconstruction of the theory contained in the commentaries of the Posterior Analytics during that period. This systematic reconstruction offers a unified vision of the aspects assessed in this investigation. This due to the identification of a general question which would determine the orientation of specific ones. Thomas Aquinas is the author about whom most of the analyses are focused. But always considering the aim of comprehending questions which guide all this tradition of comments, two other comments have been studied: Robert Grosseteste and Alberto the Great. The thesis proposed is that the Posterior Analytics’ reception during the 13th century, reflects an attempt to answer the following question: which characteristics must a perfect knowledge possess? In accordance with this thesis, the doctrines developed in commentaries regarding this Aristotle’s work did not seek to propose a method of true knowledge of reality. The properties of a demonstration, regarding its shape and content of the propositions that compose it, would describe an ideal of perfect knowledge
Al-Hamdani, Hayja. "Réexamen de la notion d'arbitraire linguistique. Définition et contribution à l'identification de sa problématique." Thesis, Lyon, École normale supérieure, 2013. http://www.theses.fr/2013ENSL0808.
Full textThis thesis sheds light on the linguistic notion of arbitrariness, which, since the very first reflections on the nature of language, continues – to a greater or lesser extent – to be a subject of debate: is the origin of language human or divine? Is its status conventional or natural? Is the naming of things based on human arbitrariness or human reason? Consequently, is the linguistic sign arbitrary or motivated? This debate extends from antiquity to the present day, in a proportion of variable intensity in time and place. But in all this, what do we mean by arbitrary? And why has it always represented a problematic?In this context, we have conducted a survey which retraces the history of this notion from antiquity to the present day, to see how the question of arbitrariness has been treated by savants. The global nature of this study can enable the construction of an idea of the point of divergence which makes arbitrariness into a matter of such sustained and controversial debate among savants. Thus, this study was designed to review the concept of arbitrariness in order to identify and define the problem.This study has been conducted using a working method based on the logical and philosophical analysis of texts. It conclusively demonstrates that the problem of the arbitrary lies in the ambiguity of the concept. This is due to the multiplicity of meanings that it can contain, that is, the multiplicity of its conceptions among philosophers and linguists, but this is also due to the multiplicity of points of view applied to determining the part affected by the arbitrary within the theory of the sign. In other words, it is in terms of arbitrary ideas that we can speak of the arbitrariness of language.The thesis ends by presenting a position about language and arbitrariness, which has been constructed around two issues: i) the fact that there are laws in the language that manage its working according to an own system; ii) that there is a relevant connection between the thought of a group and its language
تلقي هذه الأطروحة الضوء على مفهوم الاعتباط اللغوي الذي ما انفك يكون بشكل او بآخر موضوعا للجدل منذ البدايات الأولى للتفكير في طبيعة اللغة : فهل إن أصل اللغة إنسانيّ أم إلهي؟ وهل أنّ تشريعها جاء بشكل اتفاقي أم طبيعي؟ هل جرت التسمية على أساس اعتباطية الإنسان ام على عقلانيته؟ وبالنتيجة فهل ان الإشارة اللغوية اعتباطية ام معللة؟ امتد هذا الجدل منذ العصور القديمة وحتى يومنا هذا بنسب متفاوتة بالشدة في الزمان والمكان. ولكن في كل هذا ، ما الذي نعنيه بالضبط بالاعتباط؟ ولماذا يمثل دائما إشكالية؟في هذا السياق أجرينا بحثا طاف التاريخ برمته منذ العصر القديم حتى يومنا هذا كي نتعرف كيف تمت معالجة هذا الموضوع عند علماء اللغة. ان شمولية هذا العمل تسمح بتكوين فكرة حول نقطة الخلاف الذي جعل من الاعتباط موضوعا قابلا للتأييد والرفض على حد سواء بين العلماء. وعليه فقد صممت هذه الدراسة لإعادة النظر في مفهوم الاعتباط من اجل تعريفه وتحديد اشكاليته.تتألف الأطروحة من أربعة أجزاء فصلت في سياق زمني ، ولكن رتبت على وفق التوزيع ألموضوعاتي. يتناول الجزء الأول مكونات الاعتباط كعناصر تعريفية ، وأنواع الاعتباط ، ويبحث الجزء الثاني في إشكالية الاعتباط من خلال دراسة جذور فكره والحجج التي قدمت في هذا الطرح والطرح الذي عارضه ، الأمر الذي ترك المشكلة بلا حل، إضافة إلى المقترحات التي حاول من خلالها العلماء الخروج من المشكلة. وقد خصص الجزء الثالث حصرا حول ملامح الاعتباط عند سوسير ؛ في حين ناقش الجزء الرابع مفهوم الاعتباط في الفكر الحديث.أجريت هذه الدراسة على وفق منهج بحث استند على التحليل المنطقي والفلسفي للنصوص. وبينت بالنتيجة أن مشكلة الاعتباط تكمن في غموض مفهومه. ويعود ذلك إلى تعدد المعاني التي يمكن ان تحتويه المفردة، وبالتالي تعدد طريقة فهمه عند الفلاسفة وعلماء اللغة ، إضافة إلى تعدد وجهات النظر في تحديد الجانب المعني بالاعتباط في نظرية الإشارة اللغوية. وبعبارة أخرى، يمكننا القول إنّ اعتباطية اللغة تكمن في إطار اعتباطية الأفكار.تقدم الأطروحة في النهاية فكر المؤلف حول اللغة ومسألة الاعتباط اللغوي، وقد بناه على مسألتين: الأولى أن هناك قوانين في اللغة تدير حركته على وفق نظام خاص؛ والثانية أن هناك علاقة وثيقة بين فكر المجموعة ولغتها
Poirier, Sébastien. "La logique et les logiques : la question du pluralisme." Thèse, 2011. http://hdl.handle.net/1866/6066.
Full textStarting from the seminal work of Boole, Frege and Russell, the dissertation seeks to clarify the issue of logical pluralism in the era of the proliferation of non-classical logics and the developments in theoretical computer science and proof theory. Two “historical” chapters are scheduled: the first chapter articulate the absolutism of Frege and Russell, taking care to show how it condemns the possibility to consider alternative structures and logics; the fourth chapter describes the path that led Carnap from the adoption of the syntactic method to the formulation of the principle of tolerance, then goes on to display Carnap‟s instrumentalism in philosophy of Logic and mathematics. Opening with the analysis of an intuitive interpretation of linear logic, the second chapter then turns to the establishment of a form of logico-mathematical pluralism with the help of order theory and category theory. The third chapter delineates the playground of revisionism (philosophical positions surrounding the debate between monism and pluralism) and then provides an argument against the thesis that denies the reality of the conflict between rival logics, all this being done by adopting the substructural logic point of view. The fifth chapter shows that each of the three main approaches to the concept of logical consequence (model-theoretic, proof-theoretic and dialogical) supplies a framework sufficiently general to establish pluralism. In short, the dissertation is a defence of logical pluralism.
Girard, Claire. "Logique du vague : survol des principales théories." Thèse, 2018. http://hdl.handle.net/1866/22171.
Full textLachance, Genevieve. "La conception platonicienne de la contradiction." Thèse, 2014. http://hdl.handle.net/1866/12346.
Full textThis thesis examines the notion of contradiction understood in its logical or formal sense. Specifically, it seeks to study that notion in a philosopher who, chronologically speaking, precedes the advent of syllogistic or logic: Plato. Based on an analysis of Plato’s refutative dialogues, this thesis will determine the form given by Plato to contradictory propositions, unveil the terminology and metaphors used by Plato to name and describe contradictions and evaluate the context in which Plato reflected upon contradiction. The analysis will reveal that Plato had a very clear idea of what is a logical contradiction and that he even had an influence on Aristotle when the latter defined his famous principle of non-contradiction.
Rieger, schmidt Ana. "La primauté de l’étant et les premiers principes chez Gérard Odon." Thesis, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014PA040030.
Full textThis thesis deals with Geraldus Odonis’ treatise De duobos communissimis principiis scientiarum (ca. 1320). In the first part, we analyze the text by focusing on the concept of "ens tertio adiacens". It is the being signified by the totality of the proposition and its truthmaker; it is univocally common to ens reale and ens rationis, for this reason Odonis identifies it to the subject of the principle of non-contradiction and the principle of excluded middle. The ens tertio adiacens also corresponds to the first adequate object of the intellect and to the subject of logic, which is understood as the first science. In the second part, we place Odonis in two historiographical debates: the propositional realism (alongside Walter Burley, Gregory of Rimini and John Wyclif) and the advancements of the doctrine of supertranscendentals (alongside Nicolas Bonetus, Francis of Marchia and others), which emerges from the distinction between the two senses of "res" in Henry of Ghent and in Duns Scotus
Anbarian, Mehrdad. "Identification and classification of geometrical parameeters related to foot pathologies." Thèse, 2005. http://hdl.handle.net/1866/15444.
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