Academic literature on the topic 'Principe de dignité'
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Journal articles on the topic "Principe de dignité"
Fabre-Magnan, Muriel. "Le statut juridique du principe de dignité." Droits 58, no. 2 (2013): 167.
Full textMathieu, Bertrand. "Chapitre 6. La dignité, principe fondateur du droit." Journal International de Bioéthique 21, no. 3 (2010): 77.
Full textMitaine, Chloé. "Le tatouage et le principe de dignité humaine." Médecine & Droit 2017, no. 146-147 (November 2017): 115–20.
Full textTonetto, Fernanda Figueira, and Sidney Guerra. "La proteción de la dignité humaine comme point de convergence entre pa constitutionnalisation et l'internationalisation du droit." Revista de Direitos e Garantias Fundamentais 21, no. 3 (December 8, 2020): 119–40.
Full textEvain, Stéphanie. "Liberté religieuse et respect de la dignité humaine : l'exemple de la question du port du foulard islamique dans les établissements d'enseignement en France." Les Cahiers de droit 40, no. 4 (April 12, 2005): 911–25.
Full textLecomte, Jeanne, and Patricia Hennion. "Le principe de dignité humaine dans les lois de bioéthique [Première partie]." Revue juridique de l'Ouest 17, no. 1 (2004): 47–106.
Full textLecomte, Jeanne. "Le principe de dignité humaine dans les lois de bioéthique. Deuxième partie." Revue juridique de l'Ouest 17, no. 2 (2004): 159–214.
Full textFortin, Sabrina. "De la donnée personnelle au bien commun." Dossier 70, no. 1 (January 27, 2015): 93–103.
Full textMoraes, Carlos Alexandre, Dominique Rousseau, and Júlia Francieli Neves Scherbaum. "L'UTILISATION DE LA PROCRÉATION MÉDICALEMENT ASSISTÉE (PMA) POUR RÉALISER LE PROJET PARENTAL." Revista Direitos Sociais e Políticas Públicas (UNIFAFIBE) 6, no. 2 (December 19, 2018): 580.
Full textMager, Robert. "L'égalité dans l'Église catholique. Une approche politique." Studies in Religion/Sciences Religieuses 25, no. 1 (March 1996): 51–60.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Principe de dignité"
Vouleli, Vasiliki. "Sources et construction du principe de dignité humaine en droit allemand." Thesis, Strasbourg, 2014.
Full textThe first article of the Basic Law for the Federal Republic of Germany guarantees the respect and the protection of human dignity. The principle of human dignity has a particular significance in German law, since it is the only value therein to enjoy absolute protection under any circumstances. The concept of human dignity is not unknown to French law ; however, contrary to the German legal system, there is not, in French law, a coherent and unified theory of human dignity as an element of constitutional law. The present doctoral dissertation aims to study the concept of human dignity, its definition and its function within a legal and constitutional system by concentrating on the German paradigme. Though this core value of German constitutional law is currently under a lot of strain, as it is faced with new challenges such as those presented by the progress of biotechnology and the fight against terrorism, a study of human dignity in German law is indispensable in order to understand the importance – and the difficulty – of constructing a coherent constitutional theory of human dignity
Diani, Florian. "L'influence du principe de dignité humaine sur l'évolution du droit public de la vie en détention." Thesis, Lille 2, 2016.
Full textAs from the early 2000s, the European Court of Human Rights started to give unprecedentedlegal effect and meaning to the principle of human dignity applied to conditions of detention, drawing, when doing so, in particular on Article 3 of the European Convention on Human Rights prohibiting torture and inhumane or degrading treatment or punishment. This major development, which has enabled the Court to have its case law implemented to a significant extent in prisons, has forced French administrative courts to fully review their case law concerning internal measures and, in substance, to impose human dignity as a framework principle in the light of which all fundamental rights of detainees must henceforth be considered. This major development has also influenced the lawmaker when voting on laws concerning the deprivation of liberty, such as the Prisons Act of 2009.Under this European influence, but also as part of an internal movement concerning the general promotion of citizens rights, the referral, to courts of public law, of matters pertaining to prison life, has, since its inception, led to a reinforcement of the rights granted to detainees (framework for sanctions and preventive security measures - solitary confinement and body searches in particular - the right to life, the right to respect for privacy and family life, freedom of conscience and of religion, etc.) and facilitated compensation for damages caused to detainees by a penitentiary authorities.However, many obstacles remain to establishing constitutionality for detainees. Indeed, thepersistence of inhuman conditions of detention, and the limits applied on exercising detainees’ rights, and to ensuring that these rights are protected by a court of law or are implemented by Administration, raise the question of their effectiveness and of their compliance with European standards as set down by the Strasbourg Court
Carvajal, Sanchez Bernardo Andrés. "Le principe de dignité de la personne humaine en droit public colombien et français." Paris 1, 2011.
Full textPerera, Sandrine. "Le principe de liberté en droit public français." Thesis, Paris 1, 2018.
Full textThis research on the principle of freedom explores freedom as a principle, and endeavors to determine its meaning, value and scope. The first part ("A positively uncertain principle") draws on an observation of substantive law, particularly the way in which it lays down freedom as a principle, in order to grasp the meaning(s) this gives it, while observing its actual or possible developments. First, the principle is explored as a basis of the legal system. Second, it is considered as a standard that prevails on principle. But a series of observations and thoughts throughout the first part aim to explain why there is no explicit recognition of the freedom principle as such. The reasons for this certainly stem from various doctrinal or theoretical contexts, practical fears, and changes in the commonly-perceived meaning of freedom, which has moved away from the original sense given to it by the1789 Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizens. The second part ("The principle of freedom : a legally necessary principle") sets out initially to demonstrate the need to acknowledge the freedom principle fully as a principle of law as it is laid down, i.e. as a standard of substantive law. This recognition would enable a better grasp of the way the legal system works, the rationale for standards, and the generation of new procedural standards, concepts and mechanisms. This recognition would also ensure a reappraisal of the framework of the freedom principle. Following this, the second part aims to show that, more fundamentally, freedom is also a principle of ontological Law, i.e. that it is necessary as a whole to the existence of law itself, and to the total recognition of a positive principle of freedom. The freedom principle is then examined from an ontological standpoint
Maurer, Béatrice. "Le principe de respect de la dignité humaine et la Convention Européenne des Droits de l'Homme." Montpellier 1, 1998.
Full textLelieur-Fischer, Juliette. "La règle ne bis in idem : du principe de l'autorité de la chose jugée au principe d'unicité d'action répressive : étude à la lumière des droits français, allemand et européen." Paris 1, 2005.
Full textGimeno, Cabrera Véronique. "Le principe de dignité de la personne humaine dans la jurisprudence du Conseil constitutionnel français et du Tribunal constitutionnel espagnol." Montpellier 1, 2003.
Full textEVAIN, STEPHANIE. "Le principe de sauvegarde de la dignite et le respect de l'identite de la personne humaine en droit public francais." Cergy-Pontoise, 1999.
Full textGenonceau, Cassandre. "Les droits du migrant en mer." Thesis, Brest, 2022.
Full textWhile “spontaneous” migratory flows are on the increase since the beginning of the 21st century, the sea has become the scene of a humanitarian drama that seems endless. On all the European seaboards, the deaths or disappearances of migrants remain frequent due to extreme transport conditions, most often linked to the smuggling in which they are the object, or dangerous maneuvers carried out during their boarding. In addition to the risk of losing their life at sea, there are repeated attacks on the dignity and freedom of the migrant attributable to certain coastal States of departure and destination which seek to interrupt his navigation, including when he requires international protection. The fight against irregular immigration or organized crime constitutes a legitimate reason for interception under the international law of the sea; however, the actions (abusive use of force, refoulement, collective expulsion, arbitrary deprivation of liberty) and inactions (refusal to coordinate a rescue or to cooperate in the disembarkation of the survivors in a place of safety) of some states in this space constitute a serious disregard for human rights, refugee law and the law relating to the safeguard of human life in sea. The behavior of private users of the sea can also be detrimental to migrants in distress, survivors or stowaways. This observation requires to think about how to ensure the effective enjoyment and exercise of the rights of migrants at sea. In this respect, the thesis proposes to resolve issues that are insufficiently or not apprehended by positive law and which concern the content and scope of the fundamental right to emigrate applied to the maritime space, the question of the legality of a refusal to disembark opposed to a surviving migrant, or the apparent inability of supranational jurisdictions to control the practices of European States which attempt to dilute their responsibility with regard to the migrant at sea in that of third States
Lagarde, Emmanuelle. "Le principe d'autonomie personnelle. Etude sur la disposition corporelle en droit européen." Thesis, Pau, 2012.
Full textThe personal autonomy was consecrated by the European court of human rights as an interpretation principle of the guarantees of the Convention, and especially the article 8, protecting the right to respect for private life. In this field, the principle of personal autonomy implicates « the right to use one’s own body » including « activities (…) physically or morally harmful or dangerous for the person ». This principle was « borrowed » from north american right by the judge of Strasbourg, to be integrated to the corpus of the Convention with opportunity. Indeed, he wants to mark the liberalization of the european right to respect for private life, justifying an absolutist body using. Yet, the french right is supposed to welcome the principle of personal autonomy, and so, admit this one, despite its severe supervision of the possibilities of body using. Nevertheless, in the face of its virtualities, the principle of personal autonomy is limited in two ways. Indeed, concerning european right, this principle leads to justify the right to respect for private life on a subjective conception of dignity, intrinsically « no normative ». Concerning the french right, in spite of the possibilities always more importants of body using, the reception with success of the principle seems impaired by a perennial public order. Finally, the principle of personal autonomy doesn’t seem to threaten, for now, nor the stability of the Convention, neither the balance safeguarded until now between the body using and the public order concerning it in french right. However, this constatation invites to self-effacement, regarding to scientific and political issues always more pressing that human access sparks off
Books on the topic "Principe de dignité"
Le traitement jurisprudentiel du principe de dignité de la personne humaine dans la jurisprudence du Conseil constitutionnel français et du Tribunal constitutionnel espagnol. Paris: L.G.D.J., 2004.
Find full textCollste, Göran. Is human life special?: Religious and philosophical perspectives on the principle of human dignity. Bern: P. Lang, 2002.
Find full textCostantini, Dino, ed. Multiculturalismo alla francese? Florence: Firenze University Press, 2009.
Full textLe principe de respect de la dignité humaine et la Convention européenne des droits de l'homme. La Documentation française, 1999.
Find full textIs Human Life Special?: Religious and Philosophical Perspectives on the Principle of Human Dignity. Peter Lang Publishing, 2002.
Find full textIs Human Life Special?: Religious And Philosophical Perspectives On The Principle Of Human Dignity. Peter Lang Publishing, 2002.
Find full textThompson, Jason M. The Dignity of the Psychiatric Patient. Edited by John Z. Sadler, K. W. M. Fulford, and Cornelius Werendly van Staden. Oxford University Press, 2014.
Full textLe Manuel Sphère. Practical Action Publishing, 2018.
Full textGrover, Sonja C. Human Dignity as the Foundation for the Democratic Rule of Law. Oxford University Press, 2018.
Full textAlison, Bisset. Part II The Right to Know, B Commissions of Inquiry, Principle 10 Guarantees for Victims and Witnesses Testifying on Their Behalf. Oxford University Press, 2018.
Full textBook chapters on the topic "Principe de dignité"
Reis Monteiro, A. "Human Dignity Principle." In Ethics of Human Rights, 199–326. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2014.
Full textTiedemann, Paul. "The Human Dignity Principle I." In Springer Textbooks in Law, 79–98. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020.
Full textTiedemann, Paul. "The Human Dignity Principle II." In Springer Textbooks in Law, 99–119. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020.
Full textSchlag, Martin. "Christianity and the principle of dignity." In Christianity and Global Law, 214–30. Abingdon, Oxon ; New York : Routledge, 2020. | Series: Law and religion | “Produced by the Center for the Study of Law and Religion, Emory University”: Routledge, 2020.
Full textSøbirk Petersen, Thomas. "On Dignity Principles of Criminalization: A Critical Discussion." In Why Criminalize?, 93–111. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2019.
Full textSommermann, Karl-Peter. "Constitutional State and Public Administration." In Public Administration in Germany, 17–33. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2021.
Full textKernaleguen, Francis. "The Jurisprudential Reality(-ies) of the Principle of Human Dignity in France: A Prevailing or an Authoritative Principle?" In The Reality of Human Dignity in Law and Bioethics, 25–37. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2018.
Full textAgallopoulou, Penelope. "Applying the Overarching Principle of Human Dignity in Greek Law." In The Reality of Human Dignity in Law and Bioethics, 59–69. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2018.
Full textBäcker, Carsten. "Limited Balancing: The Principle of Human Dignity and Its Inviolability." In Proportionality, Balancing, and Rights, 85–111. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2021.
Full textMarguénaud, Jean-Pierre. "The Principle of Dignity and the European Court of Human Rights." In The Reality of Human Dignity in Law and Bioethics, 141–49. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2018.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Principe de dignité"
Full textEngel, Joachim. "Statistics education and human rights monitoring." In Statistics education for Progress: Youth and Official Statistics. International Association for Statistical Education, 2013.
Full textLazdins, Janis. "Payment of Mandatory Social Insurance Contributions in a Socially Responsible State as a Safeguard for the Inviolability of Human Dignity in Emergency Conditions in a State Governed by the Rule of Law." In The 8th International Scientific Conference of the Faculty of Law of the University of Latvia. University of Latvia Press, 2022.
Full textRudenko, Valentina. "Anti-Corruption Policy, the Constitution, and Human Rights in Poland." In The Public/Private in Modern Civilization, the 22nd Russian Scientific-Practical Conference (with international participation) (Yekaterinburg, April 16-17, 2020). Liberal Arts University – University for Humanities, Yekaterinburg, 2020.
Full textEngel, Joachim, Achim Schiller, Daniel Frischemeier, and Rolf Biehler. "Statistics education and monitoring progress towards civil rights." In Promoting Understanding of Statistics about Society. International Association for Statistical Education, 2016.
Full textŽivojinović, Dragica. "NAČELA POSTUPKA PRESAĐIVANjA LjUDSKIH ORGANA U SRPSKOM PRAVU." In XVIII Majsko savetovanje. University of Kragujevac, Faculty of Law, 2022.
Full textTrigueiros, Paula. "Freedom, equality, identity: the Right to Design." In 13th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE 2022). AHFE International, 2022.
Full textFleischmann, Shirley T. "Educating the Citizen Engineer: Making a Case for Community Service in Engineering." In ASME 2007 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. ASMEDC, 2007.
Full textReports on the topic "Principe de dignité"
van der Sloot, Bart. The Quality of Life: Protecting Non-personal Interests and Non-personal Data in the Age of Big Data. Universitätsbibliothek J. C. Senckenberg, Frankfurt am Main, 2021.
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