Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Preuve (droit) – Québec (Canada)'
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Coindreau, Jonathan. "Analyse comparée de l’équivalence des supports papier et électronique au regard de l’évolution du droit civil de la preuve par écrit en France et au Québec." Electronic Thesis or Diss., La Rochelle, 2023. http://www.theses.fr/2023LAROD001.
Full textWith the emergence of information technology, the era of dematerialization has spread to all areas of society. The legal framework was forced to evolve and to regulate these new practices in order to establish a climate of trust. In this context, this study analyzes the influence of dematerialization on French and Quebec civil evidence law. These two legal systems have rapidly taken measures in order to regulate evidence in electronic form. As it turns out, the French and Quebec legislative choices differ noticeably, both in substance and in form, in fact, a similar purpose appears, that of functional equivalence between tangible and intangible media. In both cases, it is a question of achieving equality of media, not based on the form of the means of media, traditional or electronic, but on its function, such as integrity, intelligibility, identification, durability etc. To this end, the French and Quebec laws have succeeded to recognize an equivalent probative force, provided that the functional criteria have been duly fulfilled and it is possible to demonstrate it. Indeed, it appears that the fulfillment of the functional criteria does not have the same level of diligence between the medium. Therefore, if the same function differs from one medium to another, the admissibility of the electronic evidence becomes dependent on greater legal risk than the traditional means of evidence. Could it be the case that the law did not succeed in ensuring the equivalence between the mediums ? Through a theoretical comparison between French and Quebec law, this analysis shows that trust in digital tools does not inevitably depend on the rigor of its framework, but to the contrary, on a subtle balance between sufficient legal reliability and necessary practical use
Lehaire, Benjamin. "L'action privée en droit des pratiques anticoncurrentielles : pour un recours effectif des entreprises et des consommateurs en droits français et canadien." Thesis, Université Laval, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014LAROD002/document.
Full textRegulation of competition is dualistic in France and Canada. On one side, public authority frame the market and impose sanction, if appropriate, to the practices contrary to existing legislation, and, on other side, the victims injured by antitrust practices, that is consumers and company, may bring a private procecussion based on the liability to obtain a compensation for the antitrust injury. They are respectively of public action and private action, also referred to as public enforcement and private enforcement of competition law. However, in the European Union, and particularly in France, the antitrust harm has no effective remedy. Indeed, in France, consumers had not, until the adoption of the collective redress, procedural means to access the judge of compensation. In addition, the French civil law proves too rigid to allow compensation for something as complex as the competitive harm. For its thinking about it, the French legislator has often turned to the Canadian and Quebec models to reform its bicentenary civil law. Indeed, the Quebec civil law is particularly flexible in disputes related to competition law. In addition, the Canadian Competition Act provides a right to compensation adapted to the constraints of the victims of anticompetitive practices. The author has sought to understand how the Canadian private enforcement mechanism works to assess whether this model, through the Quebec civil law, could inspire a reform of French civil law model adopted by the legislature in particular during the introduction of collective redress. The analysis is primarily civil law to allow a reading of private action that departs from conventional stereotypes of the American experience in this field. The ultimate goal of this comparison is to make effective use of the private businesses and consumers in French and Canadian rights following an injury resulting from a violation of anti-competitive practices
Jolin, Louis. "Associations et activités touristiques en droit français et en droit québécois." Lyon 3, 1995. http://www.theses.fr/1995LYO33005.
Full textAssociation's status (or non-profit organization's status) is compatible with tourism activity in france and in quebec. This compatibility is based upon disinterested character and economic character of association and tourism activities. If french law recognizes more than quebec law the specificity of association's status, quebec law relating incorporated associations is rather an exception of joint stock companies law, associations from quebec have less legal impediments than french associations in their activities practising. This compatibility in principle is nevertheless annoled by practising conditions of tourism activity and, more generally, of economic activity. Various annoyances lived by tourism associations induce them to question their future. But there are solutions and some of them come from comparative analysis of french law quebec law. Legislator can take these solutions to attenuate annoyances and to renforce compatibility
Houde, Marie. "La rationalité judiciaire dans l'appréciation du témoignage : le cas de la preuve par récits oraux dans le contentieux relatif aux droits des peuples autochtones." Thesis, Université Laval, 2012. http://www.theses.ulaval.ca/2012/29348/29348.pdf.
Full textTrantoul, Jeanne-Marie. "L'évolution du statut de la femme en droit québécois : entre tradition et modernité." Toulouse 1, 2007. http://www.theses.fr/2007TOU10045.
Full textMoreau, Marc. "Recherche sur l'autonomie normative des partenaires sociaux : L'interprétation des conventions collectives en droit québécois et en droit français." Paris 2, 1994. http://www.theses.fr/1994PA020140.
Full textNadeau, Danielle. "La preuve psychologique et la prise de décision judiciaire : perception des juges de première instance dans un cas ambigu d'abus sexuel." Doctoral thesis, Université Laval, 2001. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11794/54571.
Full textBideau, Cécile. "L'accès de l'enfant à la justice : en droit français et en droit québécois." Lyon 3, 2006. https://scd-resnum.univ-lyon3.fr/in/theses/2006_in_bideau_c.pdf.
Full textA comparative study between French and Quebec Law reveals that under French Law, less importance is given to the protection of the child than to his rights. Apart from specific procedures such as youth protection or penal procedures, access to justice for minors is still limited. The minor may only address the tribunal individually in exceptional circumstances. The right to be heard, recognized under the January 8th, 1993 Act, is still not applied properly. Quebec Law has found a balance between the protection a child needs and the exercice of his rights. The diversity of the systems developed under Quebec Law enables the child's access to the tribunal while preserving his interests
Lachance, Martine. "Le contrat de transaction : étude de droit privé comparé -France-Québec- et de droit international privé." Paris 2, 2004. http://www.theses.fr/2004PA020097.
Full textLevesque, Frédéric. "L'obligation in solidum en droit privé québécois." Doctoral thesis, Université Laval, 2009. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11794/20977.
Full textLa présente thèse propose une étude complète de l'obligation in solidum en droit privé québécois. Elle en embrasse donc tous les aspects : origines, nature, justification, portée et effets. Elle cherche principalement à comprendre et à cerner cette notion (Partie 1) et à en préciser le régime ainsi que le champ d'application (Partie II). Pour éclairer notre analyse, nous retraçons les origines historiques de l'obligation in solidum en droit romain, en Ancien droit français et en droit français moderne. L'obligation in solidum telle qu'elle existe aujourd 'hui est formellement née en doctrine et en jurisprudence françaises au tournant du 20e siècle. Au Québec, avant le début du 21 e siècle, sa présence s'est avérée discrète et incertaine. Nous examinons également, quoique de manière moins systématique, la présence de l'obligation in solidum dans d'autres juridictions de tradition civiliste et en droit de tradition anglaise. Cet exercice nous a permis de construire notre vision de l'obligation in solidum, tout en exposant et critiquant celles des principaux auteurs français et québécois qui se sont intéressés au sujet, et ce de la fin des années 1800 jusqu'à aujourd'hui. À partir de la vision de l'obligation in solidum qui fut ainsi construite, nous avons dégagé le régime juridique de l'institution ainsi que son champ d'application en droit québécois. Par une étude et une comparaison systématique avec le régime de la solidarité, régime qui est prévu de façon détaillée par les législateurs québécois et français, nous proposons un régime juridique pour l'obligation in solidum. Après avoir ainsi posé ces assises générales, notre thèse est complétée avec des assises vraiment particulières au droit québécois. Le champ d'application de l'obligation in solidum est intimement lié dans tout système juridique à l'espace octroyé par le législateur et la jurisprudence à l'obligation solidaire. Le droit québécois diffère à cet égard de façon notable du droit français. Pourtant, le droit québécois a formellement reconnu l'obligation in solidum et la jurisprudence en fait maintenant un usage constant. En s'appuyant sur leur structure, leurs fondements théoriques et leurs effets pratiques, nous dégageons le champ d'application souhaitable de l'obligation solidaire et de l'obligation in solidum en droit privé québécois.
Vallée, Guylaine. "L'ancienneté en droit du travail français et québecois : une approche de droit comparé." Lyon 3, 1991. http://www.theses.fr/1991LYO33012.
Full textIn france and quebec labour law, seniority has been recognized as a source of advantages for workers. However, different effects are related to seniority. In quebec, as in north america, many authors consider seniority as a hierarchic principle. French authors don't use this definition of seniority, because seniority provisions don't exist in french collective agreements. The doctrine's definitions are related to the use of seniority in a particular labour law. A comparative approach can be used to study the concept of seniority in labour law. The first part of the research examines the objective notion of seniority. Seniority has been compared to other mesures of work time, and the links between seniority and the contract of employment and the collective agreement, especially in cases of triangular work relations, have been examined, to conclude that seniority is fundamentally related to the execution in time of obligations of individual work relations. The second part of the research is founded on a sociological postulate which supposes that judges give some importance to social values, such as seniority, when they control the use of managerial prerogatives. Thus, seniority is considered, in quebec and in france, in abuse of rights, dismissal for cause, mass layoffs and disciplinary law. The french supreme court and the european court consider, as the american supreme court, that seniority isn't contrary to the principle of equality of treatment. It's not discriminatory to use seniority to distinguish worker's rights
Côté, Martin. "Les mécanismes d'indemnisation des consommateurs dans l'industrie des services financiers au Québec." Master's thesis, Université Laval, 2014. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11794/27211.
Full textLes premières années du 21e siècle ont été marquées par des scandales financiers d'importance dont ont souffert plusieurs investisseurs au Québec et ailleurs au Canada. En tenant compte des conséquences dévastatrices de nature économique, sociale et psychologique de ces évènements, l'objectif du présent mémoire est d'évaluer si les mécanismes d'indemnisation actuellement en vigueur au Québec dans l'industrie des services financiers offrent une protection adéquate aux consommateurs. Le premier chapitre dresse le portrait du secteur financier d'aujourd'hui, alors que le deuxième chapitre examine les risques auxquels fait face l'investisseur de détail, les conséquences de ces risques de même que les mesures de protection mises en place par le législateur. Sur cette base, le troisième chapitre analyse certaines mesures de protection que sont les mécanismes d'indemnisation, afin de vérifier l'hypothèse de départ et de proposer, s'il y a lieu, des pistes de réflexion et de solution en vue de bonifier l'encadrement actuel.
Rivet-Sabourin, Joëlle. "Le droit de communication de l'employeur dans les rapports collectifs du travail." Thesis, Université Laval, 2012. http://www.theses.ulaval.ca/2012/28791/28791.pdf.
Full textSaint-Pierre, Louis. "L' effectivité du droit aux soins : Etude comparative de droit interne français et québecois." Aix-Marseille 3, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010AIX32032.
Full textLike it use to be with most of the right to statements, legal practitioner are generally skeptical regarding the right to health care ability to produce juridical effects. However, this specific right shows, through judges constructions, that he can influence positive law, once it's stated. Such an influence can clearly be noticed in Quebecker law. It can also be in French law, less clearly. Right to health care statement modified the nature and the schema of the duty inherent to the horizontal relation between care giver and patient. The influence can be noticed regarding the juridical qualifying of the relation, as long as the scheme of the main duty incumbent on the care giver. The prerogatives conferred by this right have subsidiary and complementary functions in relation to those general and specific duties. The right to health care also has a vertical effectiveness, creating prerogatives for all citizens that can be opposed to the State. The degree of protection so given fluctuates according the fact that the care needed is or not due to guaranty the respect of a fundamental right
Landheer-Cieslak, Christelle. "La religion devant les juges français et québécois de droit civil." Paris 1, 2005. http://www.theses.fr/2005PA010285.
Full textGeneves, Victor. "Normativités et usages judiciaires des technologies : l’exemple controversé de la neuroimagerie en France et au Canada." Thesis, Université Paris-Saclay (ComUE), 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019SACLN011.
Full textNeuroimaging allows the observation of the nervous system, of both its metabolism and some of its structures. An important literature in “neurolaw” conveys illusions and fantaisies about the judicial possibilities that imaging technologies would contain.Whether it is about lies detection, cerebral identifications of dangerous individuals through their neurobiology or predictions of criminal behaviors, neuroimaging, in the current state of technologies, can not be seriously conceived as being able to offer such applications.Judicial uses of neuroimaging through expertise are a reality nonetheless, in Canadian courts as in French law.This thesis emphasizes that the conceptions of imaging technologies integrated in the two legal systems studied are incomplete, which creates an important amount of risks. It discusses the conditions for the use of an extra-legal normativity, the international technical standardization, which could be elaborated in this particular and controversial context, and outlines several features of an increased dialogue between legal and technological norms
Lavallée, Carmen. "Le rôle de la volonté en matière d'adoption en droit français et en droit québécois." Lyon 3, 2002. http://www.theses.fr/2002LYO33037.
Full textBach, Raphaëlle. "Les conditions juridiques de l'effectivité de la participation du public dans les examens de projets de pipelines interprovinciaux." Master's thesis, Université Laval, 2017. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11794/27981.
Full textThis paper focuses on the analysis of the conditions of the effectiveness of public participation in the Canadian and Quebec legal regimes when examining interprovincial pipeline projects. Participation mechanisms and processes implemented by the federal government, as part of the National Energy Board's review of projects, those developed by the Crown as part of its constitutional obligation to consult First Nations and those participating in the hearings of the Bureau of Public Hearings on the Environment in Quebec will be under consideration. The assumption in this essay is that despite their appearance as participatory, the mechanisms implemented by the various levels of government for this purpose are more akin to consultation than to true participation. The analysis of the legal conditions for the effectiveness of public participation will make it possible to identify potential gaps in participatory processes. It will then be possible to propose ways of thinking about how to guarantee better public participation in federal and Quebec law, while taking into account the current reforms in the country.
Roger, Philippe. "Les incidences de la réforme hospitalière issue de l'ordonnance N°96-346 du 24 avril 1996 sur les établissements publics de santé au regard de certains éléments du droit québécois." Poitiers, 2001. http://www.theses.fr/2001POIT3007.
Full textBourgault, Julie. "L'articulation entre la liberté d'entreprendre et la liberté d'association dans les cas de restructurations d'entreprises." Doctoral thesis, Université Laval, 2016. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11794/27045.
Full textGosselin, Jessica. "Analyse différenciée entre les sexes, gouvernance et progression égalitaire : étude de la compatibilité du droit constitutionnel canadien aux obligations relatives à l'égalité par l'exemple du Plan Nord." Thesis, Université Laval, 2014. http://www.theses.ulaval.ca/2014/30626/30626.pdf.
Full textThis study purports to analyze the government of Quebec’s obligations with respect to sex-based equality in the elaboration of the PLAN NORD. We address this issue with an approach combining the State’s obligations resulting from the right to sex-based equality in Canada, the governance issue raised in major projects such as the PLAN NORD and the implementation of gender-mainstreaming analyses as a means to achieve substantive equality. We take the position that the right to sex equality guaranteed under Section 15 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms imposes on the State a positive obligation to act. This conclusion is supported by Canada’s international agreements, social policies favoring the implementation of gender-mainstreaming analyses and the often reiterated position of the Supreme Court of Canada pursuing substantive equality. Gender-mainstreaming is presented as to be the subject of a formal constitutional recognition and as a means to achieve equality in Canada.
Crépeau, François. "La condition du demandeur d'asile en droit comparé : droit international, droit français, droit canadien et quebecois." Paris 1, 1990. http://www.theses.fr/1990PA010280.
Full textThe recent increase in the number of asylum-seekers in industrialized states has given headaches to public administrations. The overburdening of refugee status determination systems has given rise to restrictive pratices approved by a badly informed public opinion. These practices are studied in view of defining the principles that should guide polices in the field. In the introduction, the present situation of asylum-seekers is described and followed by a presentation of the French and Canadian efforts towards refugees. In the first part, a short history of asylum and of the contemporary concept of refugee allows to apprehend the elements of a definition of asylum. In the second part, the rules of entry and sojourn of the asylum-seeker in the country of asylum are described and compared. In the third part, the social condition of the asylum-seeker is studied in both countries, as well as the protective rules of the refugee status determination system. In the conclusion, the principles defines are synthetized, developped and gathered under the umbrella of the protection of the human dignity
Pelletier, Marie-Louise. "Déclin et mutation : l'évolution juridique de l'entreprise publique de service public." Doctoral thesis, Université Laval, 2008. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11794/20406.
Full textPoissant, Noémi. "L'intégration de l'adaptation aux changements climatiques au droit québécois : le cas des inondations." Master's thesis, Université Laval, 2018. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11794/37823.
Full textBonnin, Coralie Angélique. "L'intégration de la consommation durable en droit français et canadien." Doctoral thesis, Université Laval, 2010. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11794/21677.
Full textPlançon, Caroline. "La représentation dans la production et l'application du droit. Etudes de cas dans le droit de propriété foncière au Canada/Québec, en France et au Sénégal." Phd thesis, Université Panthéon-Sorbonne - Paris I, 2006. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00189910.
Full textPlançon, Caroline. "La représentation dans la production et l'application du droit : études de cas dans le droit de propriété foncière au Canada/Québec, en France et au Sénégal." Paris 1, 2006. https://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00189910.
Full textFontaine, Laurence Léa. "Le service minimum et les services essentiels : approches française et québécoise." Toulouse 1, 2004. https://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/halshs-00008635.
Full textEvery public sector strike brings up the question of a need for a skeleton service. In this area French law is extremely fragmentary and vague. In spite of numerous attempts to introduce legislation no law has been voted. The main reason has been the considerable technical difficulty in reconciling the two basic constitutional principles of the right to strike and the continuity of public services. This study brings into focus the problems and questions arising from the idea of a skeleton service and attempt to identify the most practical solution in the context of French law. To give clearer definition to the study, the Quebec legislation in this field was used as a model. It has been in force for twenty years and this offers many practical lessons. Setting up a skeleton service in the public sector has to be based on an accurate definition of the notion itself as well as its concrete application. Its underlying principles and field of application have to be defined. Qualitative and quantitative aspects, bargain procedures and partners, necessary resources, all have to be identified
Épinette, Françoise. "L'accession démocratique du Québec à la souveraineté nationale : le défi du parti québécois." Paris 1, 1996. http://www.theses.fr/1996PA010287.
Full textSince 1968, the parti quebecois incarnates the dynamic of sovereignty in Quebec. We study it through a global lecture of the national Quebec question and an analysis of the real chances and of the juridic feasability for quebec to access to sovereignty. The first part tries to appreciate the credibility of this project in relation to the development of the national claim and after the formation of an almost state of Quebec around 1960. The second part studies the pq strategie for the success of sovereignty project and the consequences of it. The carrying out of this project is very complicated and implies a long negociation with the federal power and the others canadian provinces
Desjardins, Marie-Claude. "Les possibilités et les limites de l'«analyse du cycle de vie» pour un droit de l'environnement plus cohérent et efficace." Thesis, Université Laval, 2007. http://www.theses.ulaval.ca/2007/24192/24192.pdf.
Full textNober, Ophélie. "L'encadrement du raisonnement du juge des faits au sein du procès pénal." Master's thesis, Université Laval, 2017. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11794/27461.
Full textHulin, Anne-Sophie. "La philanthropie au profit des musées d’art : une étude de droit privé comparé (France/États-Unis/Québec)." Thesis, Paris 2, 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019PA020070.
Full textWhether resulting from a private or public initiative, art museums have developed through the support of philanthropy (creation, funding the museums’ activities, development of museum collections). In recent years, philanthropy has become an increasingly popular practice in the museum sector, sometimes with the hope of reaching a level comparable to the American philanthropic practice. As a result, the French legislator undertook to support philanthropy by implementing tax incentives. These measures had an important effect as philanthropy for the benefit of art museums developed massively. However, the legal framework for philanthropy remains generally incomplete and its role in encouraging gifts underestimated. This observation has a particular resonance in the context of art museums, where the deficiencies in the legal framework for philanthropy have a significant influence on the conduct of museum activities. This observation is even a matter of urgency in view of the current context in which the legitimacy of tax incentive schemes is being discussed. Consequently, this work focuses on the legal qualification of philanthropic acts for the benefit of art museums in order to determine what complementary legal levers could be put in place to establish an attractive and sustainable legal framework. This approach is enriched by the legal comparison with the United States and Québec, as the former is the reference model for philanthropy for art museums, and the latter allows for a dialogue between civil law and common law traditions. More broadly, this work highlights the challenges related to the development of philanthropy for the benefit of art museums. It also pays particular attention to the power of private will in view of its growing influence on the conduct of activities in the public interest
Filion, Michel. "Le problème de l'américanisation [de] la radiodiffusion québécoise depuis ses origines jusqu'à la réglementation du contenu canadien (1922-1959)." Doctoral thesis, Université Laval, 1992. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11794/29163.
Full textBenadiba, Aurore. "Les sûretés mobilières sur les biens incorporels : Propositions pour une rénovation du système des sûretés mobilières sur les biens incorporels en France et au Québec." Paris 1, 2012. https://www-numeriquepremium-com.passerelle.univ-rennes1.fr/content/books/9782919211630.
Full textVezina, Nathalie. "L'obligation de sécurité : Etude de droit comparé (droits français et québécois)." Paris 2, 2006. http://www.theses.fr/2006PA020022.
Full textSaghbini, Charbel. "La détermination d'un verdict en action et contexte." Thesis, Université d'Ottawa / University of Ottawa, 2016. http://hdl.handle.net/10393/34644.
Full textQuiquerez-Finkel, Isabelle. "Représentations et stratégies juridiques de migrants d'afrique noire en région parisienne et à Montréal." Paris 1, 1992. http://www.theses.fr/1992PA010279.
Full textDiallo, Aly. "L'efficacité des réformes pénales en matière d'alternatives à l'emprisonnement : l'exemple de la France, du Mali et du Québec." Thesis, Aix-Marseille, 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019AIXM0152.
Full textCriminal reforms in alternatives to imprisonment have boomed around the world (with the exception of some countries like Mali, which has only one alternative sentence to imprisonment in the strict sense of the term "The sentence of community service"), particularly in France and Quebec between the 1970s and 2000s. These reforms have led to the creation of various punishments or measures classified as alternatives to imprisonment or alternatives to incarceration, etc. For example, in France and Quebec, we can mention the creation of various alternatives to imprisonment such as the penalties affecting the driving license, the day-fine, the confiscation, the sentence of probation, etc. That said, have the various penal reforms in the field of alternatives to imprisonment carried out by the authorities of the above-mentioned countries helped to combat prison overcrowding and recidivism? The research is divided into two parts: the first is devoted to the relative effectiveness of penal reforms in terms of alternatives to imprisonment, mainly due to the ambivalence of the penal policies of the French, Malian and Quebec authorities, but also to a explosive prison overcrowding and the increase in the recidivism rate of those sentenced to alternatives to imprisonment; the second part focuses on the need to empower alternatives to imprisonment to effectively combat recidivism and prison overcrowding
Gingras-Tremblay, Arnaud. "Le régime minier et la reconnaissance judiciaire d'un titre ancestral sur le territoire québécois : un arrimage imparfait." Master's thesis, Université Laval, 2017. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11794/28155.
Full textThis paper examines the relationship between Aboriginal title and the Quebec mining regime. It examines the issues regarding the judicial recognition of an Aboriginal title in the Province of Quebec, more specifically regarding the applicable mining regime. Aboriginal title grants to its holders extended rights over the concerned territory. Such recognition implies compatibility issues with the applicable laws over the territory, particularly the ones regarding the use of this territory. Given the nature and the scope of the rights and obligations included in the Quebec mining regime, we may expect compatibility problems between this regime and Aboriginal title if this title is recognized. This paper examines the compatibility problems between these two concepts from the perspective of the division of powers in Canadian constitutional law and from the perspective of the property rights granted under the Quebec mining regime. The current analysis concludes that the Mining Act applies to lands held under Aboriginal title, but the provisions regarding real property rights in this same law may be incompatible with the rights granted by Aboriginal title.
Dorigny, Julien. "La notion d'environnement en droit pénal français et canadien." Master's thesis, Université Laval, 2019. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11794/38199.
Full textThe protection of the environment through penal law is a real challenge for the future. However, it is enough to look at the substance of the protection regime to see that it contains a number of specific features that still make it insufficiently effective. It will therefore be necessary to study the penal law's understanding of the notion of the environment, both in Canada and in France, from a comparative law perspective, through the common core of penal offenses. However, to understand how we protect, we must clearly identify what we are protecting. It will therefore also be a question of studying the very definition of the environment as protected by penal law. All this will make it possible to more effectively identify what constitutes the notion of the environment in French-Canadian penal law.
Saunier, Camille, and Camille Saunier. "La protection des données personnelles des utilisateurs d'enceintes connectées «intelligentes» par le Règlement européen no 2016/679, le droit canadien et le droit québécois : approche comparatiste." Master's thesis, Université Laval, 2020. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11794/38291.
Full textLe présent travail de recherche porte sur la protection des renseignements personnels des utilisateurs d’enceintes connectées « intelligentes ». Au regard de cet objet connecté particulier, l’étude se penchera sur la manière dont la protection des données personnelles est envisagée par le Règlement européen n°2016/679 (RGPD), la Loi sur la protection des renseignements personnels et les documents électroniques (LPRPDE) et la Loi québécoise sur la protection des renseignements personnels dans le secteur privé (LPRPSP) tout au long du cycle de vie de la donnée. Ces différentes législations divergent tant sur leurs dates d’adoption que sur leurs systèmes juridiques. Pourtant, les rapports de faits qui les animent en font une des objets de comparaison particulièrement intéressants. Il ressort de cette étude que l’enceinte connectée « intelligente » met en évidence les insuffisances des législations étudiées vis-à-vis du rapport au temps, de la masse de données collectées mais aussi de l’opacité de la machine.
Lavoie, Bertrand. "La foi musulmane et la laïcité en France et au Québec, entre régulation publique et négociation quotidienne." Thesis, Paris 2, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017PA020019.
Full textThe overall goal of the dissertation is to analyze the relation to religious norms and state law regarding the question of the wearing of muslim religious symbols. This socio-legal research follows results from 50 interviews done with persons who wear muslim religious symbols and work (or consider working) at the same time for the french and quebec states. The two legal contexts shows dissension regarding the regulation of religious symbols in public institutions. Empirical results shows different strategies of action and interpretation of state and religious norms, a human legal agency, where the rational autonony of the weaerer is the central element in the relation to norms
Torres-Ceyte, Jérémie. "Les contrats et les droits fondamentaux : perspective franco-québécoise." Thesis, Aix-Marseille, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016AIXM1021.
Full textThe meeting of contract law with fundamental rights is at the center of numerous contemporary legal debates, notably with regard to the place of the religious in society, the commodification of the body, or respect for human dignity. This encounter has prodded a reflection from numerous jurists. The aim of this study is to bring a modest contribution to the discussion, through a comparison of French and Québec law. The exigencies of respect for fundamental rights is evolving in the two legal systems. Because fundamental rights instruments play a larger role in our laws, their authority in contractual matters is becoming ineludible. Indeed, it should be noted that fundamental rights have not reached their full extent in this field. They emerge within contracts, because from revisiting to re-writing, Québec and French contract law are increasingly influenced by the obligation to comply with fundamental rights.However, this evolution in France and in Quebec is accompanied by a requirement that fundamental rights be allowed social admission. From that point on, we can see power over fundamental rights being asserted within contacts, that power evolving from medical contracts to work contracts towards becoming inescapable for their enforcement. Yet, the danger inherent in such power over fundamental rights calls for serious deliberations on the limits that must be set upon it, both with regard to the dignity of the human person, and in relation to its legitimacy
Cousineau, Julie. "L'anonymat des dons de gamètes et d'embryons au Québec et au Canada: Essai théorique sur l'internormativité entre le droit positif et l'éthique de la sollicitude dans la résolution du conflit." Thesis, McGill University, 2011. http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=104729.
Full textS'il existe un consensus sur la transmission de renseignements médicaux et génétiques aux enfants issus d'un don d'engendrement, la divulgation d'informations nominatives continue de semer la controverse. Tant à l'égard de l'enfant en quête d'un droit aux origines, du donneur désirant le respect de son anonymat et de sa vie privée ou des parents qui aspirent au secret entourant le mode de conception de leur enfant. La problématique devient d'actualité en raison, notamment, du fait que depuis près de vingt ans de plus en plus de pays décident de mettre fin à l'exigence de non divulgation de l'identité du géniteur. Les cadres législatifs canadien et québécois persistent quant à eux à maintenir la philosophie de l'anonymat du tiers donneur. Le choix de favoriser soit l'anonymat des donneurs, soit la quête de l'enfant quant à ses origines a des conséquences importantes pour tous les acteurs du don de gamètes ou d'embryons. En découle des affrontements de valeurs et des débats où l'incertitude liée au "bon choix législatif", dans l'optique où nous pouvions considérer l'une ou l'autre des positions comme étant la meilleure, requiert de s'attarder aux fondements du processus décisionnel. Cela implique nécessairement une réflexion allant au-delà du seul législateur et engageant cette normativité qu'est l'éthique. Ainsi, en contexte de pluralisme normatif, comment trouver un juste équilibre entre les droits et intérêts des enfants issus de la procréation assistée, ceux des donneurs de matériel reproductif ainsi que ceux du couple y ayant recours, et maximiser les avantages de la procréation assistée tout en réduisant au minimum ses conséquences négatives? Dans la lignée du cadre d'analyse retenu par la Commission royale sur les nouvelles technologies de la reproduction (Canada, 1993), nous proposons une étude des phénomènes d'internormativité entre la règle de droit positif que doit adopter l'État (dont la légitimité régulatrice est affirmée) et l'éthique de la sollicitude. Cette internormativité est l'instrument théorique permettant des échanges et une inter influence entre les différents types de norme. Se basant sur l'empathie et la responsabilité, l'éthique de la sollicitude a d'intéressant qu'elle définit la personne non pas uniquement en rapport à ses droits, mais dans sa relation avec autrui. C'est un élément vital de la problématique sous étude où les acteurs demeurent inter reliés sous différents angles, que celui-ci soit juridique, affectif, sociologique ou biologique. Au-delà des considérations morales, cela nous amène à considérer la responsabilité de chacun selon un nouvel angle de réflexion tout en cherchant à démontrer l'impact de ce dernier sur la règle de droit positif. L'éthique de la sollicitude reposant sur l'interdépendance des rapports entre individus, l'enfant en étant ici le point de mire, nous en remarquons l'apparition à deux niveaux dans la problématique : en premier lieu dans le rapport parents – enfant quant au secret sur le mode de conception puis, dans le lien donneur – enfant relativement à l'obtention d'informations nominatives. Enfin, partant de l'hypothèse que l'éthique de la sollicitude peut être un instrument pertinent pour guider le législateur, nous effectuons une étude comparatiste des lois canadienne et québécoise avec celles de la France et du Royaume-Uni. S'interroger sur une modification potentielle de la loi implique de regarder des législations qui l'ont fait en abolissant l'anonymat ou qui y songent. De longue date, la France et le Royaume-Uni furent des précurseurs dans l'encadrement juridique de la procréation assistée. L'un des objectifs du recours au droit comparé est donc d'analyser comment éthique et droit interagissent dans le cadre du conflit, se manifestant dans diverses approches législatives. Cela nous permet ultimement de mieux comprendre, commenter et critiquer les positions adoptées par le Canada et le Québec.
Bernier, Dominique. "Les mesures d'intégration des victimes dans la Loi sur le système de justice pénale pour les adolescents : vers un équilibre entre les droits des victimes et les droits des adolescents?" Thesis, Université Laval, 2008. http://www.theses.ulaval.ca/2008/25307/25307.pdf.
Full textPerron, Michel. "Analyse de la transférabilité d'un concept québécois : la médiation préventive québécoise dans les organisations en France." Lyon 3, 1998. http://www.theses.fr/1998LYO33017.
Full textTanguay, Jean. "La liberté d'errer et de vaquer : les Hurons de Lorette et l'occupation du territoire, XVIIe-XIXe siècles." Master's thesis, Université Laval, 1998. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11794/28449.
Full textBenyahia, Nesrine. "Le droit de l'imagerie médicale et ses enjeux de santé publique : étude comparative France, Angleterre, Allemagne et Québec." Thesis, Sorbonne Paris Cité, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017USPCB173.
Full textMedical imaging is a care activity at the crossroads of all medical specialties. It has become a primary care activity at the heart of the diagnosis and treatment of many pathologies in oncology, neurology and cardiology, for instance. Its essential role in the care path of the patient is the result of the important development of the technologies, but also of the clinical indications. The framing of medical imaging in the French healthcare system remains nevertheless unclear and bordered by legal and economic constraints. This legal and economic uncertainty is an obstacle to the effective access to medical imaging technology for patients through, in particular, an exacerbated control of equipment installations and a disorganized acts pricing procedure. Furthermore, the lack of medico-economic evaluations delays the implementation of innovations and even creates risks to the safety and quality of the imaging tests performed
Duquet, Pascal. "La controverse historique entourant la survie du titre aborigène sur le territoire compris dans les limites de ce qu'était la province de Québec en 1763." Thesis, National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 1999. http://www.collectionscanada.ca/obj/s4/f2/dsk2/ftp03/MQ38075.pdf.
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