Academic literature on the topic 'Preuve (droit) – Québec (Canada)'
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Journal articles on the topic "Preuve (droit) – Québec (Canada)"
Senécal, Sébastien, and Christian Brunelle. "Le Tribunal des droits de la personne devant la Cour d’appel du Québec : appel à plus de déférence." McGill Law Journal 60, no. 3 (August 18, 2015): 475–525.
Full textCloutier, Étienne. "Origines et évolution du droit québécois de l’absence : de l’existence incertaine aux présomptions de vie et de mort." McGill Law Journal 63, no. 2 (March 20, 2019): 247–81.
Full textHoule, France, and Dominic Roux. "Le droit des professionnels et des gens de métier qui ont le statut de résident permanent de gagner leur vie au Québec en vertu de l’article 6 (2) (b) de la Charte canadienne des droits et libertés." Les Cahiers de droit 53, no. 1 (February 20, 2012): 79–108.
Full textPratte, Marie. "LES NOUVELLES RÈGLES RELATIVES À LA FILIATION." Revue générale de droit 13, no. 1 (May 6, 2019): 159–74.
Full textViau, Louise. "La surveillance vidéo et le droit à la vie privée au Canada et au Québec : l'impact des chartes des droits et l'exclusion de la preuve." Revue internationale de droit comparé 52, no. 3 (2000): 581–603.
Full textDucharme, Léo. "Le nouveau droit de la preuve en matières civiles selon le Code civil du Québec." Revue générale de droit 23, no. 1 (March 13, 2019): 5–80.
Full textPratte, Marie. "La possession d’état : un mode de preuve méconnu." Revue générale de droit 24, no. 4 (February 27, 2019): 571–79.
Full textDi Pietro, Giancarlo. "Commission du droit du Canada, La réforme du droit et la frontière entre le public et le privé, Québec, Les Presses de l’Université Laval, 2003, 285 pages, ISBN 2-7637-7952-2 Line Gosselin-Després, La preuve d’un abus sexuel en l’absence du témoignage de l’enfant : analyse juridique et empirique des obstacles, Montréal, Wilson & Lafleur, 2 pages, ISBN 2-89127-582-9." Revue générale de droit 34, no. 2 (2004): 383.
Full textBrunelle, Christian, and Mélanie Samson. "L’exclusion de la preuve obtenue en violation du droit à la vie privée des salariés : à chacun sa vérité ?" Les Cahiers de droit 54, no. 2-3 (August 5, 2013): 223–53.
Full textVergès, Etienne, and Lara Khoury. "Le traitement judiciaire de la preuve scientifique : une modélisation des attitudes du juge face à la connaissance scientifique en droit de la responsabilité civile." Les Cahiers de droit 58, no. 3 (September 12, 2017): 517–48.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Preuve (droit) – Québec (Canada)"
Coindreau, Jonathan. "Analyse comparée de l’équivalence des supports papier et électronique au regard de l’évolution du droit civil de la preuve par écrit en France et au Québec." Electronic Thesis or Diss., La Rochelle, 2023.
Full textWith the emergence of information technology, the era of dematerialization has spread to all areas of society. The legal framework was forced to evolve and to regulate these new practices in order to establish a climate of trust. In this context, this study analyzes the influence of dematerialization on French and Quebec civil evidence law. These two legal systems have rapidly taken measures in order to regulate evidence in electronic form. As it turns out, the French and Quebec legislative choices differ noticeably, both in substance and in form, in fact, a similar purpose appears, that of functional equivalence between tangible and intangible media. In both cases, it is a question of achieving equality of media, not based on the form of the means of media, traditional or electronic, but on its function, such as integrity, intelligibility, identification, durability etc. To this end, the French and Quebec laws have succeeded to recognize an equivalent probative force, provided that the functional criteria have been duly fulfilled and it is possible to demonstrate it. Indeed, it appears that the fulfillment of the functional criteria does not have the same level of diligence between the medium. Therefore, if the same function differs from one medium to another, the admissibility of the electronic evidence becomes dependent on greater legal risk than the traditional means of evidence. Could it be the case that the law did not succeed in ensuring the equivalence between the mediums ? Through a theoretical comparison between French and Quebec law, this analysis shows that trust in digital tools does not inevitably depend on the rigor of its framework, but to the contrary, on a subtle balance between sufficient legal reliability and necessary practical use
Lehaire, Benjamin. "L'action privée en droit des pratiques anticoncurrentielles : pour un recours effectif des entreprises et des consommateurs en droits français et canadien." Thesis, Université Laval, 2014.
Full textRegulation of competition is dualistic in France and Canada. On one side, public authority frame the market and impose sanction, if appropriate, to the practices contrary to existing legislation, and, on other side, the victims injured by antitrust practices, that is consumers and company, may bring a private procecussion based on the liability to obtain a compensation for the antitrust injury. They are respectively of public action and private action, also referred to as public enforcement and private enforcement of competition law. However, in the European Union, and particularly in France, the antitrust harm has no effective remedy. Indeed, in France, consumers had not, until the adoption of the collective redress, procedural means to access the judge of compensation. In addition, the French civil law proves too rigid to allow compensation for something as complex as the competitive harm. For its thinking about it, the French legislator has often turned to the Canadian and Quebec models to reform its bicentenary civil law. Indeed, the Quebec civil law is particularly flexible in disputes related to competition law. In addition, the Canadian Competition Act provides a right to compensation adapted to the constraints of the victims of anticompetitive practices. The author has sought to understand how the Canadian private enforcement mechanism works to assess whether this model, through the Quebec civil law, could inspire a reform of French civil law model adopted by the legislature in particular during the introduction of collective redress. The analysis is primarily civil law to allow a reading of private action that departs from conventional stereotypes of the American experience in this field. The ultimate goal of this comparison is to make effective use of the private businesses and consumers in French and Canadian rights following an injury resulting from a violation of anti-competitive practices
Jolin, Louis. "Associations et activités touristiques en droit français et en droit québécois." Lyon 3, 1995.
Full textAssociation's status (or non-profit organization's status) is compatible with tourism activity in france and in quebec. This compatibility is based upon disinterested character and economic character of association and tourism activities. If french law recognizes more than quebec law the specificity of association's status, quebec law relating incorporated associations is rather an exception of joint stock companies law, associations from quebec have less legal impediments than french associations in their activities practising. This compatibility in principle is nevertheless annoled by practising conditions of tourism activity and, more generally, of economic activity. Various annoyances lived by tourism associations induce them to question their future. But there are solutions and some of them come from comparative analysis of french law quebec law. Legislator can take these solutions to attenuate annoyances and to renforce compatibility
Houde, Marie. "La rationalité judiciaire dans l'appréciation du témoignage : le cas de la preuve par récits oraux dans le contentieux relatif aux droits des peuples autochtones." Thesis, Université Laval, 2012.
Full textTrantoul, Jeanne-Marie. "L'évolution du statut de la femme en droit québécois : entre tradition et modernité." Toulouse 1, 2007.
Full textMoreau, Marc. "Recherche sur l'autonomie normative des partenaires sociaux : L'interprétation des conventions collectives en droit québécois et en droit français." Paris 2, 1994.
Full textNadeau, Danielle. "La preuve psychologique et la prise de décision judiciaire : perception des juges de première instance dans un cas ambigu d'abus sexuel." Doctoral thesis, Université Laval, 2001.
Full textBideau, Cécile. "L'accès de l'enfant à la justice : en droit français et en droit québécois." Lyon 3, 2006.
Full textA comparative study between French and Quebec Law reveals that under French Law, less importance is given to the protection of the child than to his rights. Apart from specific procedures such as youth protection or penal procedures, access to justice for minors is still limited. The minor may only address the tribunal individually in exceptional circumstances. The right to be heard, recognized under the January 8th, 1993 Act, is still not applied properly. Quebec Law has found a balance between the protection a child needs and the exercice of his rights. The diversity of the systems developed under Quebec Law enables the child's access to the tribunal while preserving his interests
Lachance, Martine. "Le contrat de transaction : étude de droit privé comparé -France-Québec- et de droit international privé." Paris 2, 2004.
Full textBooks on the topic "Preuve (droit) – Québec (Canada)"
École du Barreau du Québec, ed. Preuve et procédure. Cowansville: Éditions Yvon Blais, 2011.
Find full textÉcole, Barreau du Québec, ed. Droit pénal: Procédure et preuve. Montréal, Québec: Éditions Yvon Blais, 2015.
Find full textCharles-Maxime, Panaccio, ed. L'administration de la preuve. 4th ed. Montréal: Wilson & Lafleur, 2010.
Find full textDucharme, Léo. L' administration de la preuve. Montréal, Qué: Wilson & Lafleur, 1986.
Find full text1943-, Bryant Alan W., and Lederman Sidney N. 1943-, eds. The law of evidence in Canada. 2nd ed. Toronto: Butterworths, 1999.
Find full text1943-, Bryant Alan W., Fuerst Michelle K, Sopinka John 1933-1997, and Bryant Alan W. 1943-, eds. The law of evidence in Canada. 4th ed. Markham, Ont: LexisNexis, 2014.
Find full textOuattara, Aboudramane. La preuve électronique: Étude de droit comparé Afrique, Europe, Canada. Aix-en-Provence: Presses universitaires d'Aix-Marseille, 2011.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Preuve (droit) – Québec (Canada)"
Halley, Paule, and Christine Gagnon. "Le droit de l’eau au Canada et les réformes en cours au Québec." In Gestion de l'eau, 15–44. Presses de l'Université du Québec, 2011.
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