Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Pressing process'
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Bergmann, Jana, Hans Dörmann, and Rüdiger Lange. "Interpreting process data of wet pressing process: Part 1: Theoretical approach." Sage, 2016. https://tud.qucosa.de/id/qucosa%3A35793.
Full textRai, Sweta. "Identification of factors influencing the valve seat pressing process." Thesis, KTH, Industriell produktion, 2017. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:kth:diva-215974.
Full textBergmann, Jana, Hans Dörmann, and Rüdiger Lange. "Interpreting process data of wet pressing process: Part 2: Verification with real values." Sage, 2016. https://tud.qucosa.de/id/qucosa%3A35791.
Full textWolfe, Robert Anthony. "The design of tooling for the vertical isostatic dust pressing process." Thesis, Staffordshire University, 2003. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.402741.
Full textMilani, Mauro. "Optimization of the pressing process of triangular shaped cutting tool inserts." Thesis, Linnéuniversitetet, Institutionen för maskinteknik (MT), 2016. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:lnu:diva-58282.
Full textSouza, NÃgila Freitas. "Process for obtaining nanocellulose fiber from the pressing the palm mesocarp." Universidade Federal do CearÃ, 2014. http://www.teses.ufc.br/tde_busca/arquivo.php?codArquivo=12142.
Full textThe present study aimed to extract nanocellulose crystalline (NCC) and nanofibrillated (NCF), and recover of lignin from oil palm mesocarpfiber (also known as palm pressed fiber). Initially, the fibers were subjected to pulping acetosolv followed by bleaching with peroxide in basic medium. The crude fiber, bleached and post acetosolv were characterized physically, chemically and morphologically. To obtain the NCC a 23 factorial design was used. NCF was obtained by combinations of the number and size of steps chamber microfluidizer. The nanocelulose obtained by acid hydrolysis (NCC) and microfluidization (NCF) was characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), zeta potential and particle size. According to the results, the pre-treatments were efficient, removing a significant amount of amorphous components, promoting a greater exposure of the pulp. The lignin rich fraction, called black liquor, had a yield of 62 % compared to the lignin initially present. Nanocellulose suspensions obtained showed typical gelatinous appearance and zeta potential of -26.6 mV and -40.6 mV, which configures stability.The crystallinity index of cellulose polymorphs I and II for nanocelulose crystal obtained by pre-treatment 1 was 65%, and for the other nanofibrilada nanocrystals obtained from the pre-treatment 2 were crystallinity of 70 and 61%, respectively. The nanostructures obtained still showed good thermal stability, demonstrating a greater microfibrillated nanocelulose to 267 Â C to 250 Â C the crystal. Furthermore, nanostructures were observed with typical cellulose lengths (L) between 172-404 nm and a diameter (D) lying between 5 and 12 nm, which reproduces aspect ratios (L / D) as high as 39. This demonstrates that the nanocelulose produced can be displayed as reinforcement in polymer matrices, among other applications.
O presente trabalho teve por objetivo extrair nanocelulose, cristalina (NCC) e microfibrilada (NCF), e recuperar lignina de fibras da prensagem do mesocarpo do dendÃ. Inicialmente, as fibras foram submetidas adois tipos de prÃ-tratamentos (1. mercerizaÃÃo seguida de branqueamento e 2. polpaÃÃo acetosolv seguida de branqueamento). As fibras brutas, pÃs acetosolv e branqueadas foram caracterizadas fÃsica, quÃmica e morfologicamente. Para obtenÃÃo da NCC, foi utilizado um planejamento fatorial 23, enquanto a NCF foi obtida por meio de combinaÃÃes de nÃmero de passos e tamanho de cÃmara do microfluidizador de alta pressÃo. As nanoceluloses obtidas por hidrÃlise Ãcida (NCC) e por microfluidizaÃÃo (NCF) foram caracterizadas por difraÃÃo de raio X (DRX), potencial zeta e anÃlise termogravimÃtrica (TGA). De acordo com os resultados, os prÃ-tratamentos foram eficientes, removendo quantidade significativa de componentes amorfos, promovendo uma maior exposiÃÃo da celulose e um consequente aumento do Ãndice de cristalinidade. A fraÃÃo rica em lignina, denominada licor negro, apresentou rendimento de 62% em relaÃÃo ao conteÃdo de lignina inicialmente presente. As suspensÃes de nanocelulose obtidas apresentaram aspecto gelatinoso tÃpico e potencial zeta variando de -26,6 mV a -40,6 mV, o que configura estabilidade. Os Ãndices de cristalinidade dos polimorfos de celulose I e II, para nanocelulose cristalina obtida atravÃs do prÃ-tratamento 1 foi de 65%, quanto aos outros nanocristais e nanofibrilada obtidas do prÃ-tratamento 2 apresentaram cristalinidade de 70 e 61%, respectivamente. As nanoestruturas obtidas apresentaram ainda boa estabilidade tÃrmica, demostrando-se maior para a nanocelulose microfibrilada, 267 ÂC contra 250ÂC para as cristalinas. Foram observadas, ainda, nanoestruturas de celulose tÃpicas com comprimentos (L) entre 172 nm a 404 nm e diÃmetros (D) situados entre de 5 nm e 12 nm, o que reproduziu razÃes de aspecto (L/D) tÃo altas quanto 39. Isso demonstra que as nanocelulose produzidas podem ser indicadas como reforÃo em matrizes polimÃricas, dentre outras aplicaÃÃes.
Zombori, Balazs Gergely. "Modeling the Transient Effects during the Hot-Pressing of Wood-Based Composites." Diss., Virginia Tech, 2001. http://hdl.handle.net/10919/27299.
Full textPh. D.
Diem, Matthew M. "Development of a combined hot isostatic pressing and solution heat-treat process for the cost effective densification of critical aluminum castings." Link to electronic thesis, 2003. http://www.wpi.edu/Pubs/ETD/Available/etd-0107103-162146.
Full textSiegl, Pavel. "Optimalizace procesu lakování." Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta strojního inženýrství, 2008. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-227955.
Full textSonberger, Vít. "Volba a optimalizace řezných podmínek pro progresivní výrobní technologii zalomeného hřídele." Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta strojního inženýrství, 2015. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-231104.
Full textТесличко, Іван Андрійович, Святослав Юрійович Хабаль, Ivan Teslychko, and Sviatoslav Khabal. "Автоматизація технологічного процесу вібропресування фасадної плитки (комплексна тема)." Bachelor's thesis, Тернопільський національний технічний університет ім. І. Пулюя, Факультет прикладних інформаційних технологій та електроінженерії, Кафедра автоматизації технологічних процесів і виробництв, 2021. http://elartu.tntu.edu.ua/handle/lib/35499.
Full textВ даній кваліфікаційній роботі автоматизовано технологічний процес пресування керамічної та бетонної плитки. Описано технологічні процеси виготовлення бетонних виробів, а також конструкцію складових частин напівавтомата що реалізує ці процеси. Зокрема розроблено креслення автоматизованої установки для вібпропресування плитки, описано роботу її складових частин, монтаж, регулювання, налагодження і пуск, а також розроблено дозатор для точного дозування сипучих матеріалів. Розраховано дозатор, обмотку магнітопроводу віброзбудників, блок живлення, стабілізатор напруги, випрямляч мостової схеми. Розроблена у кваліфікаційній роботі установка дозволяє виготовляти плитку з глини, бетону, гіпсового каменю та інших будівельних матеріалів методом імпульсного пресування.
In this qualification work the technological process of pressing ceramic and concrete tiles is automated. Technological processes of production of concrete products, and also a design of components of the semiautomatic device realizing these processes are described. In particular, the drawing of the automated installation for vibropressing of a tile is developed, the work of its components, installation, adjustment, adjustment and start-up is described, and also the batcher for exact dosing of loose materials is developed. The batcher, the winding of the magnetic circuit of the vibrators, the power supply, the voltage stabilizer, the rectifier of the bridge circuit are calculated. The installation developed in qualification work allows to make a tile from clay, concrete, gypsum stone and other building materials by a method of pulse pressing.
Вступ 6 1 Аналітична частина 9 1.1 Методи обробки сировини для виготовлення плитки з глини та бетону 9 1.2 Методи ущільнення сировини для виготовлення плитки 13 2 Проєктна частина 15 2.1 Формування компонентів бетону 15 2.2 Технічний аналіз якості бетону 22 2.3 Технологія виготовлення бетонних сумішей 33 2.4 Технологія виготовлення бетонних виробів 35 2.5 Технічні характеристики установки 44 2.6 Конструкція і робота пресової установки та її складових частин 46 2.7 Опис конструкції модуля дозатора 54 2.8 Розрахунок дозатора 56 2.9 Опис роботи схеми керування 68 2.10 Розрахунок блока живлення 75 2.11 Алгоритм і циклограма роботи установки 83 3 Спеціальна частина 85 4 Безпека життєдіяльності, основи охорони праці 96 4.1 Методи очищення повітря на дільниці цеху від шкідливих виділень 96 4.2 Розрахунок захисного заземлюючого пристрою для обладнання дільниці цеху 99 4.3 Підвищення стійкості роботи підприємства у військовий час 101 4.4 Оцінка підготовки підприємства до відновлення виробництва 103 4.5 Надійність системи матеріально-технічного постачання і виробничих зв’язків 104 Висновок 108 Література 109
Nisar, Asim. "Förbättring av monteringsstation för plockningsroboten IRB 360 FlexPicker." Thesis, Mälardalens högskola, Akademin för innovation, design och teknik, 2019. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:mdh:diva-49952.
Full textDetta examensarbete handlar om produkt och processutveckling. Arbetet utfördes hos ABB Robotics AB i Västerås och bedrivs under 20 veckor långt på halvfart vilket motsvarar 15 högskolepoäng. Uppdraget är att förbättra en monteringsstation för plockningsrobot IRB360 FlexPicker. Problem på monteringsstation är att det sker icke värdeskapande aktiviteter, och monteringsprocess som leder till arbetsmiljöproblem. Arbetet fokus var att undersöka möjligheter och ta fram konkreta förslag att hur man kan eliminera dessa problem. Efter skriftligt kontrakt med ABB AB, arbetet började med planeringen med företaget handledare och skapades Gantt Schema. Projektet har följt metoderna som beskrivs i boken ”Produktutveckling konstruktion och design” av författare Karl T Ulrich & Steven D Eppinger. I utvecklingsprocessen har använt produktutvecklingsverktyg, några av dessa är QFD, funktionsanalys, kravspecifikation och Pughs analysmatris. I första fas av projekt gjorde undersökning och observation för att hitta och analysera problem. I senare faserna genererade koncepter för åtgärden och sedan vidare utvecklades utvalda koncept för nå framgångsrikt resultat. Resultatet av arbetet blev förbättrad materialflöde som eliminerar icke värdeskapande aktiviteter. Dessutom utvecklades fram ett nytt pressverktyg som eliminerar arbetsmiljöproblem. Mjukvaran Solidworks har använt för att skapa en ny layout för monteringsstation. Med hjälp av Solidworks gjordes FEM -analys (Finita elementmetoden) för att validera den nya pressverktyg
Lazouk, Melha-Amel. "Étude de l’impact de l’environnement sur les productions et des procédés sur la qualité des produits : application à la graine de lin." Thesis, Compiègne, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015COMP2188.
Full textFlaxseed is known for their high oil content, omega 3, antioxidants and fiber. To meet growing demand, this requires controlling their production. The aim of this work is to study the effect of environmental factors and cultivar on linseed composition and subsequent pressing process. Ten linseed cultivars were grown in two different locations (north and south of France) during years 2011, 2012 and 2013. Every year have been characterized in terms of pluviometry, sunshine hours and degree days, each climatic factor has been cumulated from flowering to harvest. A strong impact of cultivar on oil, C18:3 and starch content has been noticed whereas the growing location has only affected the starch and lipid contents. Year effect has been recorded on thousand kernel weight, proteins, oil, C18:3 and starch content. Oil expression using the seeds previously characterized has exhibited a strong correlation between protein content and oil yield. To improve the pressing process, dehulling flax seeds before pressing was considered. The study of the pressing flax seeds on hydraulic and continuous press shows the possibility of pressing the dehulling flaxseeds. The concordance between the pressing performance at the laboratory scale and pilot scale was highlighted for the whole and dehulled seeds. This could be suggests a possible transposition to the industrial scale
Halvarsson, Sören. "Manufacture of straw MDF and fibreboards." Doctoral thesis, Mittuniversitetet, Institutionen för naturvetenskap, teknik och matematik, 2010. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:miun:diva-11732.
Full textSyftet med denna avhandling var att lägga grunden för en ekonomisk, hållbar och miljövänlig MDF process för halmråvara, kapabel för fullskalig produktion av MDF och goda skivegenskaper. Framställningen av MDF skivor utgick från halm av vete (Triticum aestivum L.) och ris (Oryzae sativa L.). Tre olika metoder användes för att producera MDF av halm; (A) fibrer av vetehalm belimmades i blåsledning med ett melaminmodifierat urea-formaldehydlim (MUF), (B) fibrer av rishalm belimmades i en limblandare med metylen difenyl diisocyanate (MDI), (C) Limfria MDF skivor av vetehalm framställdes med aktivering av fibrer genom tillsats av Fenton´s reagens (H2O2/Fe2+) i blåsledning utan någon tillsats av syntetiskt lim. Sammanfattningsvis kan det understrykas att framställda MDF-skivor av MUF/vetehalm var godkända enligt standard för MDF (EN 622-5, 2006). Dessutom var framställda MDF skivor av MDI/rishalm också godkända enligt krav i standard för MDF ”American National Standard Institute” (ANSI A2008.2-2002). Limfria vetehalmskivor visade på måttliga skivegenskaper och klarade inte kraven i MDF standard. Fiberframställningsprocessen för MDF modifierades till en produktion utgående från halm. MDF processen för halm delades upp i sju primära processoperationer. (1) Storleksreducering och sållning av halm (2) Vätning och uppvärmning av halm (3) Defibrering (4) Belimning av halmfiber (5) Mattformning (6) Förpressning (7) Pressning De viktigaste resultaten från denna studie är att MDF av halm kunde produceras utgående från olika typer av halmsorter och lim. Dessutom utfördes MDF-processen i pilotskala och visade på en lämplig metod för framställning av MDF-skivor från halmbalar till färdiga halmfiberskivor. Det miljömässiga perspektivet på att använda jordbruksavfall till framställning av halmskivor är att undvika förbränning av halm ute på fältet, men det är även möjligt att binda koldioxid (CO2) i halmskivor under längre tid än att omsätta halmråvaran omedelbart som bioenergi eller använda halmfiber som returpapper några få gånger. Dessutom kan MDF återanvändas eller bli omsatt till energi efter användning. Ett förhållande mellan ”water retention value” (WRV), av belimmade halmfiber, tjocklekssvällning för motsvarande MDF av halmskivor och mängden av tillsatt lim vid olika nivåer har undersökts. Med ökande limhalt tilltog WRV fibersvällning, vidare minskade tjocklekssvällning för motsvarande MDF skivor. De framtagna empiriska modellerna var godtagbara och beräknade R2 värden var 0.69 (WRV) och 0.75 (TS). Minskad tjocklekssvällning med ökad limhalt är dokumenterad sen tidigare. Ökad fibersvällning WRV vid tillsats av polymerer (limmer) är inte fullständigt etablerad inom vetenskapen för fibersvällning. Lyckligtvis kan grundläggande forskning initieras och sannolikt föreligger en enkel metod för att prediktera tjocklekssvällning av MDF genom analyser av torkade och belimmad MDF fiber.
Gómez, Meza Diego Armando. "Modelamiento fenomenológico de la densificación del Mo en el proceso de hot isostatic pressing (HIP)." Tesis, Universidad de Chile, 2018. http://repositorio.uchile.cl/handle/2250/167757.
Full textEl proceso denominado compactación isostática en caliente (o por su nombre en inglés, Hot Isostatic pressing, HIP) es un proceso de manufactura que ha tomado gran relevancia en las últimas décadas para la consolidación de polvos, dado que la aplicación simultánea de temperatura y presión ocasiona que los mecanismos de densificación (obtenidos tradicionalmente por sinterización) se vean optimizados; en efecto, la presión aplicada mejora los mecanismos de difusión y activa los mecanismos de densificación por deformación de las partículas, lo que permite obtener densidades de hasta 100% de su densidad teórica. Por otro lado, el molibdeno (Mo) es un metal de transición cuyas propiedades y características como aleante hacen de este un material de gran importancia en los mercados mundiales, en la producción de aceros de construcción, aceros inoxidables y superaleaciones. El Mo en su estado puro es usado en la industria en aplicaciones donde se requieren altos puntos de fusión, alta resistencia mecánica a altas temperaturas, alta conductividad térmica y/o alta resistencia a la corrosión. Sin embargo, el molibdeno es un material complejo de procesar, por lo que su aplicación a gran escala en la industria solo puede ser concebida cuando el proceso producción es eficiente. Por lo anterior, el objetivo de este trabajo es plantear y desarrollar la base de aplicación del proceso de manufactura HIP en Mo, al desarrollar un modelamiento fenomenológico que permita obtener los mapas de compactación por HIP y contrastar, experimentalmente, los mapas y modelos empleados, al fabricar muestras a diferentes valores de presión, temperatura y tiempos de sostenimiento. Los resultados obtenidos permiten predecir la densidad relativa del Mo durante el HIP, en función de los parámetros de temperatura, presión y tiempo de sostenimiento, al igual que permiten determinar el mecanismo de densificación predominante.
Dusserre, Gilles. "Sollicitations thermomécaniques dans un moule en acier inoxydable martensitique moulé au cours du cycle de pressage de verre." Toulouse 3, 2006. http://www.theses.fr/2006TOU30216.
Full textGlass pressing process is a forming process in which a glass gob is squeezed between two tools. The use of cast stainless steel moulds instead of wrought steel allows a decrease of the tooling costs, but the life time of the hollow mould is consequently decreased. The damages usually take place at the triple junction of dendrites. This thesis is a contribution to the improvement of these tools life time. The aim is to determine the thermomechanical loads of the mould during a glass pressing cycle. Two types of loading exist : the thermal stresses caused by the gradient of thermal dilatation caused by the heat transfer at the glass and mould interface and the superficial stresses caused by the flow of the glass along the surface of the die. An instrumentation of an industrial mould has been realized in order to measure the temperatures in the industrial context and inform about the process (time cycle, use temperature…). An inverse method has been used to estimate the heat flux density at the surface of the tool during the cycle. A high strain viscoelastic law is proposed and identified from compression tests with cylindrical glass samples. The industrial forming process is then simulated using this new rheological law in order to determine the normal stresses on the mould while pressing
Vaculík, František. "Proces opravy dvojkolí." Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta strojního inženýrství, 2011. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-229511.
Full textDopler, Thomas. "Low pressure infiltration process modeling." Châtenay-Malabry, Ecole centrale de Paris, 1999. http://www.theses.fr/1999ECAP0673.
Full textSantos, Alan Andrade dos. "Estudo de variáveis no processo de compactação de pós a base de alumina." Universidade de São Paulo, 2012. http://www.teses.usp.br/teses/disponiveis/85/85134/tde-05112012-100337/.
Full textThe compaction process by uniaxial pressing is the most used in the ceramics industry due to its low cost and high productivity. The understanding and control of several factors that interfere in this process are crucial, since most of the defects found in the final piece are originated at this stage. This paper deals with compaction evaluation of alumina powders, processed by spray-dryer with different compositions and containing different organic additives, being characterized according the flow, tap and apparent density, granule size distribution and morphology. Parameters such as relative humidity (10, 64 and 85%) and temperature (5, 25 and 45°C) were varied. The powder\'s behavior was analyzed at different compaction stages, which involves plastic deformation, breakage of the granules and reduction of intergranular and intragranular porosity. The influence of temperature and relative humidity during compaction were analyzed by compaction curves. The mechanical strength of the obtained parts was evaluated using the Weibull modulus. The microstructural analysis (SEM and porosimetry) and evaluation of the compaction curves shows that these parameters affect the characteristics of compacted powder, in particular the mechanical strength of the granules in relation to the deformation and fracture. The most important results show that higher the temperature and relative humidity occurs the Tg reduction of binders, decreasing the mechanical strength of binders and by Weibull modulus it is possible to determine the best condition for pressing, in this instance the intermediate condition.
Silva, Gilson Jr. "Estudo da influência do processo ECAP (Equal Channel Angular Pressing) nas propriedades mecânicas e características microestruturais do aço SAE 1020." Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), 2017. http://hdl.handle.net/11449/152335.
Full textApproved for entry into archive by Pamella Benevides Gonçalves null (pamella@feg.unesp.br) on 2017-12-18T13:21:51Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 silvajunior_g_dr_guara.pdf: 8602731 bytes, checksum: 8f3cbfc632bdb7f8998d8a2a7aa87243 (MD5)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-12-18T13:21:51Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 silvajunior_g_dr_guara.pdf: 8602731 bytes, checksum: 8f3cbfc632bdb7f8998d8a2a7aa87243 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-11-10
A obtenção de granulometria ultrafina em aços com baixo teor de carbono pode contribuir para ampliação de suas aplicações na indústria, devido as propriedades mecânicas superiores que podem ser alcançadas com o refinamento de grãos, tais como: resistência mecânica, dureza, e tenacidade. O processo conhecido como Equal Channel Angular Pressing (ECAP) induz deformações plásticas severas suficientes para alterar as características microestruturais dos metais reduzindo seu tamanho de grão, e consequentemente melhorando algumas propriedades mecânicas, sem alterar a composição química dos materiais, ao utilizar temperaturas abaixo do ponto de recristalização dos metais. Neste trabalho o processo ECAP foi conduzido com corpos de prova na temperatura de 550°C utilizando como material de estudo aço SAE 1020. Os corpos de prova foram separados em três grupos. No primeiro grupo as amostras não foram submetidas a nenhum tratamento térmico entre os passes, no segundo grupo foi aplicado tratamento de alívio de tensões após os passes, e por fim, no terceiro grupo e foi aplicado um tratamento de recozimento intercrítico após o primeiro passe. Ensaios mecânicos de tração, dureza e charpy foram realizados com objetivo de verificar a influência do processo ECAP no comportamento mecânico do aço. Com intuito de verificar as alterações microestruturais causadas pelo processo ECAP foram utilizadas as técnicas de microscopia óptica e eletrônica de varredura. O trabalho tem como objetivo principal induzir o refinamento dos grãos por meio do processo ECAP em matriz bipartida elaborada neste trabalho. Os resultados das análises microestruturais e dos ensaios mecânicos demonstraram que os tratamentos térmicos utilizados combinados ao processo ECAP influenciaram diretamente no comportamento do aço SAE 1020. Conforme o número de passes pela matriz ECAP ocorreu uma redução do tamanho dos grãos, assim como aumento do limite de resistência a tração e dureza do aço 1020. Com relação ao tratamento térmico de alívio de tensão, uma melhor combinação entre resistência mecânica e ductilidade foi encontrada. O tratamento de recozimento intercrítico foi suficiente para induzir a transformação de fases no aço SAE 1020, o qual proporcionou resultados positivo no que diz respeito a ductilidade e resistência mecânica. Por fim, a consistência das investigações da evolução microestrutural permitiu compreender os efeitos do ECAP no aço SAE 1020.
Ultrafine grained microstructures obtaining in low carbon steels may contribute to enlarge the application of this material in industry, due to superior properties that can be achieved, such as: mechanical strength, hardness, and toughness. The process known as Equal Channel Angular Pressing (ECAP) induces severe plastic deformation sufficient to modify metals microstructures characteristics, reducing its grains size, and consequently improve its mechanical properties without materials chemistry composition changes, under temperatures below to recrystallization point. At this work ECAP process was carried out with specimens at 550° C using steel SAE 1020 as material. The specimens were divided into three groups. The specimens in the first group none heat treatment was applied between and after ECAP passes, in the second group the specimens were submitted under stress relief heat treatment after ECAP passes, and in the third group, specimens were submitted under intercritical annealing after first pass. Mechanical tensile strength, hardness and charpy impact tests were used with aim to verify the ECAP influence in steel mechanical behavior. In order to verify microstructures evolution caused by ECAP were applied optical and scanning electron microscopy. The aim of this work is grain refining by means of ECAP process with two parts tool elaborated in this study. The microstructure analysis and mechanical tests results shown that the heat treatments applied, combined with ECAP process directly influenced on steel SAE 1020 behavior. According to the number of passes grains sizes were reduced, as well the ultima tensile strength and hardness were increased. In reference of stress relief heat treatment, better combination between mechanical strength and ductility was achieved. Intercritical annealing treatment was capable to induce phase transformation in steel SAE 1020, which provided positive results with respect to ductility and mechanical strength. In conclusion, the consistence of microstructure evolution investigation became possible to understand effects of ECAP in steel SAE 1020
Silva, Junior Gilson. "Estudo da influência do processo ECAP (Equal Channel Angular Pressing) nas propriedades mecânicas e características microestruturais do aço SAE 1020 /." Guaratinguetá, 2017. http://hdl.handle.net/11449/152335.
Full textBanca: Marcelo dos Santos Pereira
Banca: Ana Paula Rosifini Alves Claro
Banca: Karia Regina Cadorso
Banca: Mirian de Lourdes Noronha Motta Melo
Resumo: A obtenção de granulometria ultrafina em aços com baixo teor de carbono pode contribuir para ampliação de suas aplicações na indústria, devido as propriedades mecânicas superiores que podem ser alcançadas com o refinamento de grãos, tais como: resistência mecânica, dureza, e tenacidade. O processo conhecido como Equal Channel Angular Pressing (ECAP) induz deformações plásticas severas suficientes para alterar as características microestruturais dos metais reduzindo seu tamanho de grão, e consequentemente melhorando algumas propriedades mecânicas, sem alterar a composição química dos materiais, ao utilizar temperaturas abaixo do ponto de recristalização dos metais. Neste trabalho o processo ECAP foi conduzido com corpos de prova na temperatura de 550°C utilizando como material de estudo aço SAE 1020. Os corpos de prova foram separados em três grupos. No primeiro grupo as amostras não foram submetidas a nenhum tratamento térmico entre os passes, no segundo grupo foi aplicado tratamento de alívio de tensões após os passes, e por fim, no terceiro grupo e foi aplicado um tratamento de recozimento intercrítico após o primeiro passe. Ensaios mecânicos de tração, dureza e charpy foram realizados com objetivo de verificar a influência do processo ECAP no comportamento mecânico do aço. Com intuito de verificar as alterações microestruturais causadas pelo processo ECAP foram utilizadas as técnicas de microscopia óptica e eletrônica de varredura. O trabalho tem como objetivo principal in... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)
Abstract: Ultrafine grained microstructures obtaining in low carbon steels may contribute to enlarge the application of this material in industry, due to superior properties that can be achieved, such as: mechanical strength, hardness, and toughness. The process known as Equal Channel Angular Pressing (ECAP) induces severe plastic deformation sufficient to modify metals microstructures characteristics, reducing its grains size, and consequently improve its mechanical properties without materials chemistry composition changes, under temperatures below to recrystallization point. At this work ECAP process was carried out with specimens at 550° C using steel SAE 1020 as material. The specimens were divided into three groups. The specimens in the first group none heat treatment was applied between and after ECAP passes, in the second group the specimens were submitted under stress relief heat treatment after ECAP passes, and in the third group, specimens were submitted under intercritical annealing after first pass. Mechanical tensile strength, hardness and charpy impact tests were used with aim to verify the ECAP influence in steel mechanical behavior. In order to verify microstructures evolution caused by ECAP were applied optical and scanning electron microscopy. The aim of this work is grain refining by means of ECAP process with two parts tool elaborated in this study. The microstructure analysis and mechanical tests results shown that the heat treatments applied, combined with ECAP p... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
Vagliatti, Rafael Brufatto. "Desenvolvimento de processo de extrusão e prensagem de rebites de aço inox." reponame:Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da UFRGS, 2017. http://hdl.handle.net/10183/169821.
Full textThis study analyzed the differences between the rivet manufacturing process made by Aluminum of alloy AA5052 and Stainless Steel of alloys AISI 420, AISI 430 and AISI 302, wich are widely used in the cutlery industry. Taking into account the particularities of both materials, it was analyzed forming forces, stresses, strains and temperatures in order to find a viable process to manufacture stainless steel rivets. Even the manufacturing of Aluminum rivets is less critical, regarding the forming forces, the quality of the product is inferior than the stainless steel, wich provides more mechanical and corrosion resistance. The study of the process of forming Aluminum AA5052 and Stainless Steel rivets was developed using the finite elements software SIMUFACT 11.0. The simulation results of the Stainless Steel with warm temperatures showed big influence of the temperature to obtain lower stresses and forces, wich are supported by the tools. Some results with heated Stainless steel, considering temperatures from 25ºC to 500ºC, resulted in lower stress and tool forces than in the Aluminum with cold temperatures. Also, criteria like corrosion resistance was very important to the approval of the Stainless Steel AISI 302 and AISI 430. Those results confirm the information available in the bibliography, where it is preferential austenitic and ferritic alloys of stainless steel instead of martensitic alloys, when used to manufacture stainless steel rivets, wich require high corrosion resistance.
Krystýnová, Michaela. "Procesy přípravy a charakterizace objemového materiálu z prášků Mg a Zn." Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta chemická, 2016. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-240585.
Full textBONIFACIO, RAFAEL N. "Desenvolvimento de processo de produção de conjuntos eletrodo-membrana-eletrodo para células a combustível baseadas no uso de membrana polimérica condutora de protons (PEMFC) por impressão a tela." reponame:Repositório Institucional do IPEN, 2010. http://repositorio.ipen.br:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/9520.
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Dissertacao (Mestrado)
Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares - IPEN-CNEN/SP
Ciafardo, Marco. "Applicazioni del calcolo agli elementi finiti orientato alla verifica strutturale delle apparecchiature in pressione." Master's thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2021.
Find full textZhang, Fan. "Intensification du procédé antisolvant supercritique (SAS) par l'usage de microréacteur sous pression." Thesis, Bordeaux, 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019BORD0269.
Full textIn the context of this thesis, we propose to study the thermo-hydrodynamic behavior of a mixture, a solvent and a supercritical antisolvent (CO2) in a microfluidic chip, for conditions used in the Supercritical Antisolvent (SAS) process. This work is based on a complementary approach of both experiments and simulations through the use of advanced research techniques, such as the in situ characterization inside the microfluidic reactor (Micro-Particle Image Velocimetry) and the High Performance Computing. The objective of the thesis is to determine the favorable conditions for a "very good" mixture (total and fast) of species in terms of velocity, temperature, pressure and injector "design". The simulations are performed with the massively parallel code Notus. After the first chapter detailing the state of the art on the supercritical antisolvent processes, then the second concerning the applied methodologies (numerical model, microfluidic tools), we first compare the results of the numerical simulations to the experimental data obtained by micro-PIV in laminar flow conditions. The simulation results are in good agreement with the experiments. After the validation of the numerical code, we propose to use the numerical tool to determine the optimal operating conditions of mixing. For this, simulations of the mixture of two fluids (typically CO2 and ethanol) are performed for different operating conditions (velocity, temperature, pressure) for laminar conditions but also for turbulent conditions, a regime rarely reached in microreactors. Indeed, we have shown experimentally that the turbulent mixing could be reached in the microchannel thanks to the "high pressure microfluidic" technology developed in the laboratory. The study of the mixing quality is based on two criteria commonly used in the literature. The first is the segregation intensity based on the variance of the ethanol concentration. This can be estimated for all simulation cases, from laminar to turbulent mixing. The second criterion is the micromixing time related to the turbulent kinetic energy dissipation rate directly estimated from the local velocity fluctuations in turbulent flow conditions. One of the major interests of the use of microfluidic reactors lies especially in its small scales of time and space. From a numerical point of view, such scales allow, within reasonable CPU time, to perform direct numerical simulations (DNS), i.e., in which the grid size is smaller or very close to the Kolmogorov scale. This is of primary interest because we are able to capture the smallest scales of the mixture including the micromixing. Thus, the simulation results allow us to propose a reliable analysis of the mixture from both qualitative and quantitative point of view, proving that the mixing conditions in this type of device are particularly favorable for the material synthesis by supercritical antisolvent. After determining the optimal mixing conditions, we propose in a final part to simulate the synthesis of organic nanoparticles in such devices. The numerical approach is based on the coupling between the CFD code and a population balance equation to take into account the nucleation and growth of particles. The simulation results are also in a good agreement with the experimental measurements performed in the laboratory
Himber, Jacques. "Caracterisation des recepteurs adrenergiques des proces ciliaires : application a l'etude in vivo et in vitro d'antagonistes beta et d'agonistes alpha actifs sur la pression intra-oculaire." Université Louis Pasteur (Strasbourg) (1971-2008), 1988. http://www.theses.fr/1988STR13231.
Full textOutmani, Imane. "Caractérisation des variabilités Matériaux/ Process pour une convergence produit de fonderie par approche prédictive." Thesis, Paris, ENSAM, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017ENAM0007/document.
Full textSecondary Al-Si alloys are widely used in automotive industry for engine blocks because they offer a considerable weight reduction whilst maintaining good mechanical properties. The ever-expanding internationalisation of production, with same stages of production processes spread across a number of countries to produce locally, causes however high variability in the casting products. The chemical composition of the same alloys and the working variables of the unchanged high-pressure die casting process (HPDC) may change for the same casting parts from one country to another, they can even sometimes vary from one manufacturing site to another within the same country. Designing for aluminium automotive components does call today for new deterministic design methods that are often achieved from European material and casting process databases, which can affect the properties of these parts in the case of a location outside Europe. Thus, it is important to adapt the design of die casting parts quickly and inexpensively by taking into account the material and process local constraints. In this work, a methodological approach which permits to predict mechanical properties as a function of material and process variability based on an experimental/ statistical study on the effect of the variability of the primary factors of alloying elements contents (Si, Cu and Mg) and HPDC process parameters (casting temperature and injection pressure) on mechanical properties of die cast aluminium alloys has been proposed. The microstructural features and the porosity level were also investigated and assessed. This approach has resulted in statistical design tool that will allow designers to make changes to the design of their casting and to industrialize them outside Europe
Viguier, Françoise. "Écoulements diphasiques lors de la vidange d'un réservoir de gaz liquéfiés sous pression. Comparaison Eau - CFC11-CFC113." Phd thesis, Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Saint-Etienne, 1992. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00844457.
Full textLenzi, Daniele. "Analisi dei difetti in componenti meccanici prodotti in lega leggera mediante il processo di colata sotto pressione." Master's thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2018. http://amslaurea.unibo.it/15209/.
Full textSavignon, Edouard. "Modélisation et étude d'une décharge filamentaire à basse intensité et haute-pression dans l'argon." Phd thesis, Université d'Orléans, 2007. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00458689.
Full textSuprani, Enrico. "Direttiva PED: iter tecnico-procedurale ed elementi di analisi di rischio per la valutazione di conformità delle attrezzature e degli insiemi a pressione." Master's thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2013. http://amslaurea.unibo.it/5414/.
Full textVenturi, Alberto. "Implementazione di un sistema intelligente per la modellazione di processo con un'applicazione alla pressofusione." Master's thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2019.
Find full textCarnide, Guillaume. "Procédé de dépôt couplant un réacteur-injecteur et un plasma basse pression : vers le dépôt de couches minces multifonctionnelles pour l'aéronautique." Thesis, Toulouse 3, 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019TOU30321.
Full textIn the aeronautic industry, icing appears over the airplane's surfaces at ground or in flight is a major problematic. One solution could be a passive solution by the use of antiicing coatings. One material wich could allow these properties and be sustainable for aeronautics is the nanocomposite. Nanocomposite (NC), i.e. coatings with nanoparticles (NP) embedded in a matrix develop multi-functional properties. This thesis develops and studies a novel, flexible and secure approach for the formation of nanocomposite coatings. Indeed, this process combines a reactor-injector and a plasma process. The reactor-injector is a liquid/gaz injection device in which is form small ZnO NP (Ø : < 10 nm) from the hydrolysis of an organometallic precursor. Hence, the control of the chemical reagents and the injection's parameters allows to form non-aggregates NP with small quantity of stabilizing agent. This technology called "reactor-injector" has been patented. For the formation of the nanocomposite coatings, the reactor-injector is combined with a low pressure plasma process. The plasma process will interact with the matrix precursor injected to form an embedment coating for the nanoparticles. The impact of the pulsed pressure injection over the low pressure plasma has been studied to understand the mechanics of the NP transport during the process. Thus, this process permits to limit the interaction between the user and the nanoparticles from their synthesis to their embedment. The characterisation of these coatings shows well dispersed and small ZnO nanoparticles with the combination of hydrophobicity and abrasion-resistant properties. Finally, this process is flexible and depending on the precursors allows the formation of differents NP (CuOx, WOx...) or matrix (a-CH,SiOx)
Dinh, Thi hong nhung. "Etudes technologiques de composants PDMS pour applications biomédicales : développement de capteurs souples de pression par transfert de film." Thesis, Université Paris-Saclay (ComUE), 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015SACLS127/document.
Full textThis thesis focuses on the development of methodologies dedicated to the development of PDMS-based devices, which are required in medical applications. Two objective applications are considered in this work: i) the development of wearable flexible micro-sensors arrays for measuring pressure fields on human body and ii) the development of a reversible bonding technique of PDMS components dedicated to microfluidic chips. In this work, the mechanical properties of PDMS are determined using experiments and computations; they allow identifying the essential elements of the design of capacitive micro-sensors. The manufacturing process is reliable and reproducible, and different types of flexible pressure sensor have been fabricated by a film transfer process. Electromechanical characterizations show that the fabricated sensors are fully operational and suitable for the intended applications. Normal pressure sensors have a capacitance change ranging from 3 to 17% under a 10 N - 300 kPa - load, which is suitable for dental applications. Fabricated triaxial sensor arrays have a spatial resolution of 25 mm2, and a sensitivity of 4% under 3 N load in compression, and 1.4% / N under shear. These features are suitable for plantar pressure measurements required in gait analyses or for the detection of over-pressures. Besides, two different process methods for the reversible bonding of PDMS devices are developed. The microfluidic devices fabrcitated with these methods can be used within up to 5 “bonding & peeling off” cycles, and can be working at high microfluidic flows (500 µL / min, corresponding to a pressure of 148 kPa). The methodologies developed in these works open the way to the design and fabrication of PDMS-based devices suitable for demanding biomedical applications
Robert, Sébastien. "Conception d'un reacteur dynamique de depollution par procede plasma hors equilibre a pression atmospherique a l'aide d'une molecule modele." Paris 6, 2001. http://www.theses.fr/2001PA066364.
Full textEssoltani, Abdelaziz. "Modelisation d'un plasma d'oxygene homogene et stationnaire a la pression atmospherique 2000 k <- t <- 15000 k." Toulouse 3, 1988. http://www.theses.fr/1988TOU30104.
Full textSaffar, Florence. "Etude de la consolidation interpli de stratifiés thermoplastiques PEKK/fibres de carbone en conditions de basse pression." Thesis, Ecole nationale supérieure Mines-Télécom Lille Douai, 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019MTLD0008.
Full textNew manufacturing technologies of thermoplastic composite parts are being developed in order to replace the autoclave molding which requires higher manufacturing costs and longer processing time. In this context, the subject of this thesis is the study of the vacuum-bag-only (VBO) consolidation for thermoplastic (PEKK)/carbon fibers laminates. In this work, two kinds of heating method are considered: the one in an oven and the other on a heating plate. Firstly, we investigate the influence of the process on the consolidation quality. The second step of this thesis is to understand and interpret the interlaminar consolidation phenomena. For that purpose, an in-situ monitoring system has been developed to record the evolution of the laminate thickness, of the temperature gradient and of pressure losses during the whole consolidation cycle. Using these systems two major consolidation phenomena have been identified. The first one takes place at the glass transition temperature and corresponds to the establishment of intimate contact between the adjacent layers. The second one happens at the melting temperature and is associated with the flow of the molten material. The final third step is the integration of these consolidation phenomena into a FEM model. The intimate contact establishment is simulated by an improvement on the thermal contact resistance at the interlayers and by a flattening of the prepreg asperities. The melted composite behavior is described by a Carreau fluid which parameters have been experimentally identified
Boyer, Philippe. "Gravure de l'aluminium en plasmas halogénés basse pression-influence du facteur d'aspect." Toulouse, INSA, 1993. http://www.theses.fr/1993ISAT0002.
Full textGonzalez, Gomez Jesus Antonio. "Transitions optiques dans gaas sous haute pression : application a la transition de phase cubiques-orthorhombique." Paris 6, 1988. http://www.theses.fr/1988PA066264.
Full textHimber, Jacques. "Caractérisation des récepteurs adrénergiques des procès ciliaires application à l'étude in vivo et in vitro d'antagonistes beta et d'agonistes alpha actifs sur la pression intraoculaire /." Grenoble 2 : ANRT, 1988. http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb37614298n.
Full textDeumier, François. "Formulation et déshydratation de viande de volaille par immersion. Étude des transferts de matière à pression atmosphérique et sous vide." Phd thesis, ENSIA (AgroParisTech), 2000. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00709458.
Full textMontilha, Fernanda Silveira. "Identificação de um modelo constitutivo para simulação computacional do processo de prensagem a frio de um material refratário sílico-aluminoso." Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2016. https://repositorio.ufscar.br/handle/ufscar/8419.
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Approved for entry into archive by Marina Freitas (marinapf@ufscar.br) on 2017-01-16T17:50:20Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 DissFSM.pdf: 13052828 bytes, checksum: d7bc48b1bd94b3c0b5c9de86b2b4f85d (MD5)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-01-16T17:50:29Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 DissFSM.pdf: 13052828 bytes, checksum: d7bc48b1bd94b3c0b5c9de86b2b4f85d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-08-05
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
One of the methods for the processing of refractory material is cold pressing of the powder material, followed by sintering. Heterogeneous distribution of density can occur in the green compact during pressing because of the friction between the particles of the material and the pressing tools, that may hinder the sintering step. In this context, the simulation of the pressing process constitutes an important tool for the study and improvement of this step, to obtain green compacts with good microstructural homogeneity and also analyze the pressing tools to optimize its design in industrial applications. The identification of a constitutive model to represent the powder material is required to perform the simulation and it is the most complex step. The Drucker-Prager/Cap model implemented in the commercial software of finite elements, AbaqusTM, is suitable primarily for soil compaction study and is able to simulate the mechanical compaction of particulate materials. The parameters of this model have been obtained for a silico-aluminous refractory by a combination of simple, diametrical and hydrostatic compression tests. In studies available in the literature, the material models are partially identified, and in many cases, inadequate simplifications are applied. This study aimed to identify the parameters of the material model more precisely using the digital images correlation technique in the mechanical tests, which enabled a greater understanding of the yielding mechanisms and the achievement of data not obtained by conventional techniques. This methodology allowed the identification of a constitutive model and it was valitaded by the good agrrement between experimental results and those obtained in computer simulations, applied to a uniaxial case followed by isostatic pressing.
Um dos métodos para o processamento de materiais refratários é a prensagem a frio do material particulado, seguida da etapa de sinterização. Durante a prensagem pode ocorrer uma distribuição heterogênea de densidades no compacto verde, causada pelo atrito entre as partículas do material e as paredes da cavidade do ferramental de prensagem, que pode prejudicar a etapa de sinterização. Neste contexto, a simulação computacional do processo de prensagem constitui-se em uma ferramenta importante para o estudo e aperfeiçoamento desta etapa, visando obter compactos verdes com boa homogeneidade microestrutural e também analisar as solicitações no ferramental a fim de otimizar seu projeto em aplicações industriais. A identificação de um modelo constitutivo que represente o material é necessária para realização das simulações e trata-se da etapa de maior complexidade. O modelo de Drucker-Prager/Cap implementado no software comercial de elementos finitos AbaqusTM é adequado principalmente para o estudo de compactação de solos e é capaz de simular o adensamento mecânico de materiais particulados. Os parâmetros deste modelo para um material refratário sílico-aluminoso foram identificados pela combinação de ensaios de compressão simples, diametral e hidrostática. Em trabalhos disponíveis na literatura, os modelos de material são parcialmente identificados e, em muitos casos, são aplicadas simplificações inadequadas. O presente estudo visou uma identificação mais precisa dos parâmetros do modelo de material, uma vez que os ensaios mecânicos foram auxiliados pela técnica de correlação de imagens digitais, que possibilitou a avaliação mais profunda dos mecanismos de escoamento e a obtenção de dados não alcançados por técnicas convencionais. Essa metodologia permitiu a identificação do modelo constitutivo e a validação consistiu na comparação entre resultados experimentais e os obtidos em simulações computacionais, aplicados a um caso de prensagem uniaxial seguida de prensagem isostática, apresentando boa concordância.
Silva, Késia Filadélfia Dionizio. "Efeito do processo ECAP sobre a microestrutura e as propriedades mecânicas da liga Ti-35Nb-0,15Si e do Ti CP." Pós-Graduação em Ciência e Engenharia de Materiais, 2017. http://ri.ufs.br/jspui/handle/riufs/7204.
Full textThis work investigated the effect of different types of homogenization on the microstructure and the cold deformation behavior of Ti-35Nb-0,15Si alloy. Homogenization was performed under two conditions. Condition 1: treatment in ambient air at 1000 °C for 8, 24, 48, 72, 96 and 120 hours. Condition 2: treatment in argon atmosphere at 1000 °C for 8 hours. For the cold deformation study samples of the Ti-35Nb-0,15Si alloy and samples of Ti CP were deformed by ECAP with up to 8 passes, using the routes A and BC in a matrix with angle of intersection between the channels of Φ = 120º. The microstructural characterization was performed in the internal and external regions with the aid of optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy and X-ray diffractograms. Vickers microhardness measurements were performed to evaluate the changes caused by deformation. In the ambient air atmosphere the samples showed the presence of the oxide layer influencing the hardness and the level of cold deformation. With the deformation of Ti-35Nb-0,15Si by ECAP it was possible to refine the structure and increase the hardness with increasing the number of passes. XRD analysis showed the presence of the α” phase induced by deformation. With the Ti CP deformed by ECAP, it was possible to analyze the microstructural evolution throughout the sample.
Este trabalho investigou o efeito de diferentes tipos de homogeneização sobre a microestrutura e o comportamento em deformação a frio da liga Ti-35Nb-0,15Si. A homogeneização foi realizada em duas condições. Condição 1: tratamento em atmosfera de ar ambiente na temperatura 1000 °C por 8, 24, 48, 72, 96 e 120 horas. Condição 2: tratamento em atmosfera inerte de argônio de 1000 °C por 8 horas. Para o estudo de deformação a frio, amostras da liga Ti-35Nb-0,15Si e amostras de Ti CP foram deformadas via ECAP com até 8 passes, utilizando as rotas A e BC numa matriz com ângulo de intersecção entre os canais de Φ = 120º. A caracterização microestrutural foi realizada nas regiões internas e externas com o auxílio de microscopia óptica, microscopia eletrônica de varredura e difratogramas de raios-X. Medidas de microdureza Vickers foram realizadas para avaliar as mudanças ocasionadas pela deformação. Em atmosfera de ar ambiente as amostras apresentaram a presença da camada de óxido influenciando na dureza e no nível de deformação a frio. Com a deformação de Ti-35Nb-0,15Si por ECAP foi possível refinar a estrutura e aumentar a dureza com o aumento do número de passes. A análise de DRX mostrou a presença da fase α’’ induzida por deformação. Com o Ti CP deformado por ECAP foi possível analisar a evolução microestrutural ao longo da amostra.
São Cristóvão, SE
Schneider, Christine. "Etude du procede d'elaboration de composites a matrice metallique par inflitration moyenne pression. : Elaboration et caracterisation microstructurale et mecanique du composite unidirectionnel A9/Al203." Lyon, INSA, 1994. http://www.theses.fr/1994ISAL0071.
Full textThis study dealt with : the optimization of pressure infiltration casting elaboration for Metal Matrix Composites and the microstructural and mechanical characterization of the unidirectionnal A9/ Al203 composites obtained with this process. In the first part of this study, moulds were conceived and preforms were manufactured to be adapted to the new processing system. Than the optimal elaboration conditions were determined. The second part consisted to evaluate the influence of these conditions on the material quality with a study of the microstructure (elaboration defects and fibres repartition in the matrix) and of the mechanical properties. This properties were determined with axial and transverse tension tests. The result of the whole mechanical properties of the composite were interpreted on the basis of theoretical existing models
Hashemi, Sanatgar Razieh. "FDM 3D printing of conductive polymer nanocomposites : A novel process for functional and smart textiles." Thesis, Lille 1, 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019LIL1I052/document.
Full textThe aim of this study is to get the benefit of functionalities of fused deposition modeling (FDM) 3D printed conductive polymer nanocomposites (CPC) for the development of functional and smart textiles. 3D printing holds strong potential for the formation of a new class of multifunctional nanocomposites. Therefore, development and characterization of 3D printable functional polymers and nanocomposites are needed to apply 3D printing as a novel process for the deposition of functional materials on fabrics. This method will introduce more flexible, resource-efficient and cost-effective textile functionalization processes than conventional printing process like screen and inkjet printing. The goal is to develop an integrated or tailored production process for smart and functional textiles which avoid unnecessary use of water, energy, chemicals and minimize the waste to improve ecological footprint and productivity. The contribution of this thesis is the creation and characterization of 3D printable CPC filaments, deposition of polymers and nanocomposites on fabrics, and investigation of the performance of the 3D printed CPC layers in terms of functionality. Firstly, the 3D printable CPC filaments were created including multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWNT) and high-structured carbon black (Ketjenblack) (KB) incorporated into a biobased polymer, polylactic acid (PLA), using a melt mixing process. The morphological, electrical, thermal and mechanical properties of the 3D printer filaments and 3D printed layers were investigated. Secondly, the performance of the 3D printed CPC layers was analyzed under applied tension and compression force. The response for the corresponding resistance change versus applied load was characterized to investigate the performance of the printed layers in terms of functionality. Lastly, the polymers and nanocomposites were deposited on fabrics using 3D printing and the adhesion of the deposited layers onto the fabrics were investigated. The results showed that PLA-based nanocomposites including MWNT and KB are 3D printable. The changes in morphological, electrical, thermal, and mechanical properties of nanocomposites before and after 3D printing give us a great understanding of the process optimization. Moreover, the results demonstrate PLA/MWNT and PLA/KB as a good piezoresistive feedstock for 3D printing with potential applications in wearable electronics, soft robotics, and prosthetics, where complex design, multi-directionality, and customizability are demanded. Finally, different variables of the 3D printing process showed a significant effect on adhesion force of deposited polymers and nanocomposites onto fabrics which has been presented by the best-fitted model for the specific polymer and fabric
Masmoudi, Amal. "Modélisation et développement expérimental du procédé de fabrication additive par fusion laser sélective d'un lit de poudre métallique : influence de la pression de l'atmosphère." Thesis, Belfort-Montbéliard, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016BELF0287/document.
Full textThe selective laser melting process (SLM) of a metallic powder bed is an innovative process that allows the manufacturing of complex shape parts directly from a CAD file via a complete melting of powder layers deposited successively. During the SLM process, the high laser energy density creates many thermal cycles: melting - vaporization - solidification.The purpose of this work was: 1) to better characterize and understand experimentally the phenomena that occur during the laser beam - powder / molten metal pool interaction and 2) to develop a numerical model taking into account the phenomena of melting and vaporizing of the material and the presence of the surrounding gas in the build chamber.In a first time, considering simple geometries (tracks and surfaces) and 316L stainless steel as material, we studied the interaction between the laser beam, the powder bed and the liquid metal pool using several experimental techniques (spectrometry, calorimetry, ...) in order to understand the nature and the role of the metal vapor generated during the process. The results showed that the vapor has no effect on the transmission of the laser beam energy to the material during the SLM process. Meanwhile it leads to the deposition of condensed vapor and also drag some molten metal droplets.In a second time a numerical model was developed to determine the influence of the pressure of the surrounding environment on the melting process of a powder bed by a laser beam. Parameters characterizing the evolution of the physical properties of the material and of the gaseous medium according to the temperature and pressure were incorporated into the model database. Some material parameters were determined from the literature and others were obtained empirically using specific experimental measurements.Finally, this numerical model, complementing experimental results, was used to treat the main subject of the thesis which is the effect of the surrounding pressure on the SLM process. The model helped to clarify the physical phenomena provided by the change in the pressure level and its validity was checked through experimental measurements
NARDARI, CHRISTIAN. "Etude des relations entre parametres de fabrication, caracteristiques mecaniques et conception de pieces composites structurales elaborees par injection a basse pression sur preforme (procede rtm)." Toulouse 3, 1999. http://www.theses.fr/1999TOU30074.
Full textLaghi, Giulia. "Deposizione plasma assistita di coating barriera a base silicio su packaging polimerici: studio sperimentale e simulativo degli effetti dei parametri di processo." Master's thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2018.
Find full textMotta, Valentina. "Messa a punto di processi assistiti da plasmi freddi a pressione atmosferica per la sintesi in volo di nanoparticelle e la codeposizione di film polimerici nanostrutturati per applicazioni biomedicali." Master's thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2017.
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