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Harrington, H. J. Le coût de la non-qualité. Paris: Eyrolles, 1990.
Find full textGogue, Jean Marie. Qualité et productivité: Même combat : améliorer la qualité, réduire les coûts, conquérir les marchés, créer des emplois. 2nd ed. Paris: Editions du Moniteur, 1988.
Find full textDunaud, Michel. Maîtriser la qualité et les coûts des produits et des projets. 2nd ed. Paris: Masson, 1994.
Find full textAgathocleous, Andréas. Qualité: Changement d'organisation et performance. Montrouge: Éditions de l'ANACT, 1996.
Find full textDuret, Daniel. Qualité en production: De l'ISO 9000 aux outils de la qualité. Paris: Éditions d'organisation, 1998.
Find full textLa qualité et la sécurité des produits agro-alimentaires: Approche juridique. Paris: Harmattan, 2006.
Find full textGitlow, Howard S. Le guide Deming pour la qualité et la compétitivité. Paris: Association française de normalisation, 1992.
Find full textStassart, Pierre. Produits fermiers: Entre qualification et identité. Bruxelles: P.I.E.-Lang, 2003.
Find full textI know it when I see it: A modern fable about quality. New York: AMACOM American Management Association, 1985.
Find full textGlasser, William. Contrôler ou influencer: Le leader qualité. Montréal: Éditions logiques, 1997.
Find full textBerry, Thomas H. Managing the total quality transformation. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1991.
Find full textLadouceur, Luc L. Résultats du sondage sur la qualité des aliments dans six collectivités isolées du Labrador, mars 2001. Ottawa, Ont: Affaires indiennes et du Nord Canada, 2002.
Find full textJoan, Freeman. Pour une éducation de base de qualité: Comment développer la compétence. Paris: l'Organisation des Nations Unies pour l'éducation, la science et la culture, 1993.
Find full textCattan, Michel. Guide des processus: Passons à la pratique! Saint-Denis-La Plaine: AFNOR, 2005.
Find full textTalley, Dorsey J. Total quality management: Performance and cost measures : the strategy for economic survival. Milwaukee, Wis: ASQC Quality Press, 1991.
Find full textCoestier, Be ne dicte. E conomie de la qualite. Paris: La De couverte, 2004.
Find full textDuret, Daniel. Qualité en production: De l'ISO 9000 à Six Sigma. 3rd ed. Paris: Éditions d'Organisation, 2005.
Find full textOakland, John S. Cases in total quality management. Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann, 1994.
Find full textGuaspari, John. Theory why: In which the boss solves the riddle of quality. New York, N.Y: AMACOM, American Management Association, 1986.
Find full textEberts, Ray E. The myth of Japanese quality. Upper Saddle River, N.J: Prentice-Hall PTR, 1995.
Find full textD, Wiersema Frederick, ed. L' exigence du choix: Trois disciplines de valeur pour dominer ses marchés. Paris: Village mondial, 1995.
Find full textGarvin, David A. Managing quality: The strategic and competitive edge. New York: Free Press, 1988.
Find full textForest, Gérard. Le choix d'une méthode de contrôle. Paris: Association française de normalisation, 1992.
Find full textGlasser, William. The control theory manager: Combining the control theory of William Glasser with the wisdom of W. Edwards Deming to explain both what quality is and what lead-managers do to achieve it. New York: HarperBusiness, 1994.
Find full textInternational Symposium on Sustainable Fish Farming (1st 1994 Oslo, Norvège). Sustainable fish farming: Proceedings of the first International Symposium on Sustainable Fish Farming, Oslo, Norway, 28-31 August 1994. Rotterdam (Pays-Bas): A. A. Balkema, 1995.
Find full textDirectorate, Canada Drugs. Blood collection and blood component manufacturing =: Collecte de sang et préparation des composés sanguins. Ottawa, Ont: Health and Welfare Canada = Santé et bien-être social Canada, 1992.
Find full textBranch, Canada Health Products and Food. Our science, our health: A report from the Health Products and Food Branch, 2003 = Notre science, notre santé : un rapport de la direction générale des produits de santé et des aliments, 2003. Ottawa, Ont: Health Canada = Santé Canada, 2004.
Find full textSykes, A. O. Product standards for internationally integrated goods markets. Washington, D.C: Brookings Institution, 1995.
Find full textBranch, Canada Health Products and Food. Our science, our health: A report from the Health Products and Food Branch, 2003. Ottawa: Health Canada, 2004.
Find full textCanada. Health Products and Food Branch. Our science, our health =: Notre science, notre santé. Ottawa: Health Canada, Health Products & Food Branch, 2004.
Find full textAllen, Larry. Effects of acetone extractives in grey-stage mountain pine beetle-killed lodgepole pine on kraft mills. Victoria, B.C: Pacific Forestry Centre, 2010.
Find full textClemmer, Jim. Firing on all cylinders: The service/quality system for high-powered corporate performance. Toronto: Macmillan of Canada, 1991.
Find full textClemmer, Jim. Firing on all cylinders: The service/quality system for high-powered corporate performance. 2nd ed. Toronto, Ont: Macmillan, 1992.
Find full textBarry, Sheehy, ed. Firing on all cylinders: The service/quality system for high-powered corporate performance. Homewood, Ill: Business One Irwin, 1992.
Find full textClemmer, Jim. Firing on all cylinders: The service/quality system for high-powered corporate performance. Toronto: Macmillan of Canada, 1990.
Find full textClemmer, Jim. Firing on all cylinders [2nd ed.]: The service/quality system for high-powered corporate performance. 2nd ed. Toronto: Macmillan Canada, 1992.
Find full textBourdet. Tolérancement et métrologie dimensionnelle: Qualité des produits dans les entreprises. CETIM, 1998.
Find full textRomain, Jeantet, ed. Science des aliments: Biochimie, microbiologie, procédés, produits. Paris: Tec & Doc, 2006.
Find full textSophie, Dubuisson-Quellier, and Neuville Jean-Philippe, eds. Juger pour échanger: La construction sociale de l'accord sur la qualité dans une économie des jugements individuels. Paris: Maison des sciences de l'homme, 2003.
Find full textProduits Fermiers: Entre Qualification Et Identite. Peter Lang Publishing, 2003.
Find full textI Know It When I See It. AMACOM/American Management Association, 2004.
Find full textGuaspari, John. I Know It When I See It: A Modern Fable About Quality. American Management Association, 1991.
Find full textLigne directrice à l'intention de l'industrie: Qualité des produits issus de la biotechnologie : évaluation de la stabilité des produits biologiques ou issus de la biotechnologie, ICH thème Q5C. Ottawa, Ont: Programme des produits thérapeutiques, Santé Canada, 2000.
Find full textPlan de réduction des émissions de composés organiques volatils provenant des produits de consommation au Canada (à l'exclusion des liquides lave-glace et des revêtements): Rapport final. Hull, Qué: Environnement Canada, 2000.
Find full textDiscoloration in canned lobsters: Report of an inquiry into the causes leading to a deterioration in the quality of canned lobsters. [Ottawa?: s.n.], 1993.
Find full textUnited Nations. Economic Commission for Europe. Working Party on Regulatory Cooperation and Standardization Policies and International Forum on Market Surveillance (2002 : Geneva, Switzerland), eds. Market surveillance in the UNECE region. New York: United Nations, 2004.
Find full textMarket Surveillance In The Unece Region. United Nations, 2005.
Find full text(Editor), Helge Reinertsen, and Herborg Haaland (Editor), eds. Sustainable Fish Farming. CRC, 1995.
Find full text(Producer), WHO, ed. Fumonisin B1: Environmental Health Criteria Series No. 219 (Environmental Health Criteria Series). World Health Organisation, 2000.
Find full textO, Marasas W. F., WHO Task Group on Environmental Health Criteria for Fumonisin B₁., United Nations Environment Programme, International Labour Organisation, World Health Organization, Inter-Organization Programme for the Sound Management of Chemicals., and International Program on Chemical Safety., eds. Fumonisin B₁. Geneva: World Health Organization, 2000.
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