Academic literature on the topic 'Pratiques de la description'
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Journal articles on the topic "Pratiques de la description"
Pierre, Delcambre. "Pratiques de description et formation." Études de communication, no. 6 (September 1, 1985): 2.
Full textCourte, Amandine, Nathalie Cialdella, Alexandre Muller, Vincent Blanfort, Jean-Luc Bochu, and Michel Brossard. "Recenser et évaluer les pratiques agricoles qui stockent le carbone des sols, premier pas vers une agriculture à faible impact en Guyane." Cahiers Agricultures 29 (2020): 21.
Full textMoisa, Daniela. "Forces et défis de l’intégration de l’apprentissage expérientiel dans les programmes postsecondaires en sciences sociales." Ethnologies 43, no. 1 (October 5, 2021): 29–53.
Full textLafantaisie, Vicky, and Gabrielle Boulanger. "Psychoéducation et coopération internationale : l’exemple de Psychoéducation sans Frontières." Revue de psychoéducation 50, no. 2 (November 23, 2021): 349–63.
Full textKorobelnik, J. F., I. Cochereau, S. Y. Cohen, G. Coscas, C. Creuzot-Garcher, F. Devin, A. Gaudric, et al. "Description des pratiques pour la réalisation des injections intravitréennes." Journal Français d'Ophtalmologie 29, no. 1 (January 2006): 82–86.
Full textClanet, Joel. "Les pratiques professionnelles des aides-éducateurs : éléments de description." Recherche & Formation 37, no. 1 (2001): 41–59.
Full textLe-Bastard-Landrier, Séverine, and Bruno Suchaut. "L’élève comme objet d’évaluation au sein d’une démarche d’apprentissage de la lecture." Mesure et évaluation en éducation 23, no. 2-3 (August 9, 2022): 21–36.
Full textGrégoire, Muriel. "Liens entre la prise en charge, la psychothérapie et les facteurs déterminants dans les pratiques problématiques du chemsex , selon une expérience clinique." Psychotropes Vol. 31, no. 2-3 (September 25, 2024): 17–35.
Full textHovington, Stéphanie, and Sarah Dufour. "Pratiques et enjeux des stages en psychoéducation dans les universités québécoises." Revue de psychoéducation 50, no. 2 (November 23, 2021): 223–44.
Full textFabi, Bruno, Denis J. Garand, and Normand Pettersen. "Acquisition et conservation des ressources humaines en PME : diagnostic dans le domaine du génie-conseil." Revue internationale P.M.E. 11, no. 2-3 (February 16, 2012): 49–74.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Pratiques de la description"
Skaf, Bariaa. "Variantes graphiques numériques dans le contexte libanais : Description sociolinguistique des pratiques et des représentations." Thesis, Université Grenoble Alpes (ComUE), 2018.
Full textThe digital and multimedia technologies favor, in various sociolinguistic contexts, the emergency of written communication modes presenting linguistic and graphic specificities (Crystal, 2001) that we name, in our research, digital graphic variants (VGN). The electronic written exchanges that we are studying were conducted by writers from different age groups (pre-teens, adolescents, young adults students, and adults from 28 to 63 years old). All these writers mainly use the Lebanese dialect; they transliterate it through the means of Latin graphemes and add numbers to transcribe Arabic phonemes that have no match in this writing system. They enrich their instant multilingual messages by using abbreviations, acronyms, phonetic-based rebuses and many other graphic process that mimic orals. They share the same code, that of written, but their electronic exchanges are conducted in a form that evokes the spontaneous oral, as it has already been shown by Anis (1999). They use different means to compensate the lack of multimodality, which is known to be so relevant for face-to-face interaction.Due to the trilingualism of the Lebanese context, these digital usages are also associated with multilingual practices (Lüdi and Py 2002,) or translanguaging (Garcia, 2009). We also analyze the implications and modalities of contact between Arabic, French and English.In parallel with these formal descriptions, we are provide new descriptions of wide range of contexts and modalities of the use of VGN in the north of Lebanon. This study shows the distribution of VGN and forms of contact in different types of writing such as digital and non-digital messages, private and public, synchronous and asynchronous, formal and informal on Facebook. We complete these exchange analyzes with student writings, done by 13 students attending private and public schools and universities. These last writings show the diffusion of the VGN from the electronic communication towards the paper writings for private use.Our open corpus finally includes different kinds of public writing as signs and menus of restaurants and sidewalk cafes, commercials, screen shots, Lebanese singers' song titles, Lebanese channel television programs, Lebanese textbooks, a novel, press articles and also photos taken in a public garden and in a public school. Our dissertation demonstrates that VGN have gained significant visibility in Lebanese society, becoming, as Henri Boyer (1997) writes, “a linguistic object under the scope of the media”, and that they are now widespread regardless of the media. These VGN testify a mode of vernacular writing recognized and used by the Lebanese society in contexts other than digital. Thus, our survey shows that VGN are no longer limited to adolescents and youth who initially used them, but include all age groups. They are now a means of communication sought to reach a wider audience.We also conducted a questionnaire survey of script writers who provided digital and / or non-digital messages, and teachers and professors from the public and private sectors facing VGN. These questionnaires were supplemented by interviews with 11 writers belonging to different age group. This survey allowed us to study the representations and attitudes of the writers, users or not of the digital tools, users or not VGN. This reveals the importance of the interindividual and situational variation and the ambivalent representations that the Lebanese have of these VGN
Barbeau, Brunelle Émilie. "Description du sens que donnent les enseignantes et les enseignants du secondaire à leurs pratiques d’enseignement de la grammaire." Mémoire, Université de Sherbrooke, 2017.
Full textSémidor, Pierre. "La genèse orthographique chez l'élève de cours préparatoire : description de la langue et pratiques d'enseignement." Thesis, Bordeaux, 2015.
Full textOur research about orthographic genesis is descriptive andpraxeologic. Semiographic phenomena contribute to opacify the phonographicprinciple and to autonomize writing. So we interrogate phonocentric approachesof orthography. We show that among the four linguistic descriptions presentbetween 1967 and 1988, only one is being used in didactics today. Because ofits phonocentrism, it is in accordance with child awareness practices asstipulated in the Rouchette plan and with consecutive approaches of syllabicreading methods and traditionnel grammar teaching. We postulate thatorthography development may have provoked an epistemologistic breach. It isour opinion that this breach could be an obstacle as for teaching.In order to question the articulation between individual development and sociallearning conditions, the concept of habitus is integrated in the framework ofeducational discursive communities. We believe that orthographic schematadevelopment is correlated with the reading and writing practices proposed topupils. The setting up of recurrent and prolonged phonographic scripturalactivity may immobilise schemata linked to the phonic-graphic conversion.We observe how teachers in the first year of primary school institute anorthographic scriptural educational discursive community focalising activity onwords and initiating the orthographic genesis by bringing value to orthographicmanners brought about by the distinctive heterographic principle. The pupils,observed for two years, appropriate the proposed patterns about word's usage.The orthographic secondarisation of their scriptural primary habitus ischaracterised by the emergence of dispositions accorded to the rule oforthographic writing
Cailly, Charlène. "La contribution des assistantes maternelles au développement psychoaffectif du jeune enfant : Description et analyse clinique de pratiques." Thesis, Aix-Marseille, 2012.
Full textThe purpose of the study is to shed light on the unknown contribution of the childminders in the psycho-emotional development of young children. Our goal was to highlight the development of « intelligence at work » (C. Dejours, 1993) of the childminders from a paradigm of « ergology clinic » (Y. Clot, 1999). For this, we asked three working hypotheses : 1) the childminders develop a secondary intelligence at work experience in the « functions of mothering » (D.W. Winnicott, 1969). 2) The nurses develop a secondary intelligence at work experience in the « paternal function » (F. Dolto, 1984). 3) The childminders develop a secondary intelligence at work experience in the form of « defensive strategies » (C. Dejours, 1993; P. Molinier, 2006). The population was incorporated into 2 groups : 3 childminders « novices » and 3 childminders « expert ». The methodology consisted of a qualitative method of data collection (semi-structured interviews with « instruct the double » and « self-confrontation cross ») and a qualitative method of data processing (clinical thematic analysis and analysis of the linguistic utterance). This analysis was used to validate the research hypotheses and identify the qualities, knowhow, skills and defensive strategies leading to efficiency in working with young children
Duguet, Amélie. "Les pratiques pédagogiques en première année universitaire : description et analyse de leurs implications sur la scolarité des étudiants." Thesis, Dijon, 2014.
Full textIn France, there is little research on university teaching and focusing specifically on teaching practices. This present research aims to explore this concept in two different ways. The first part focuses on the description of the practices implemented by teachers during first-year university lectures. Using in situ observation of lecture practices of 49 teachers from five programmes, we first show that teachers’ practices mostly rely on traditional methods as defined by Bru (2006). However, we show a variety of practices among teachers. The second part of this research updates our knowledge of the implications of these practices on student studies. 734 freshmen from these sectors were interviewed by questionnaire. We see first that the " declared practices " by the students, or in other words the opinion that they have of teaching practices, particularly affect their motivation, while the effect on ways of studying is nonexistent all things being equal. In comparison to other variables, such as those related to educational background of the individual, they have in addition a relatively moderate impact on the average score of the exam first and second semester and the likelihood of passing the year. However, the motivation appears to be a mediator of the effect of "declared" on study practices and success. In addition, we look at the effect of "observed" practices, ie effectively implemented by teachers on student studies. These play a significant direct role in explaining study practices and student success, but they have no effect on motivation
Nekkar, François. "L'action ludique dans les pratiques d'enseignement ? : le cas de la description d'images en cours de français au collège." Thesis, Aix-Marseille, 2018.
Full textPlay has always been part of the education of the child, and although play and learning activities have far-reaching aims (pleasure for one, knowledge for the other), we show possibilities for a school learning activity to be playful. To do this, our methodology, based on the didactic joint action concept, put in perspective the learning during the game : a pupil of 5th class describes a hidden image to the other pupils who draw it to guess it ; that is the goal of the game and the purpose of teaching-learning. Starting from this double play / learning issue, we model some conditions of possibilities for a teaching-learning knowledge activity to be playful, which abounds in the sense of a potential space of development-learning of the game in school context
Lapeyre, Françoise. "Pratique langagière et culture enfantine : éléments de description." Rouen, 1986.
Full textThis study is a textual analysis of the socio linguistic variation in the conversation of nine year olds with an adult. Six of the children belong to lower classes and six to middle or upper classes. As far as the syntactical organisation of the sentence is concerned, the two groups of texts are very closely related. However, if one considers conversational behavior, a strongly structured variation appears which associates the length of the turns and the way the text is constructed : the frequency and the position of cohesive elements, the alternation of narrative and commentative tenses, the type of conjunction used, and the selection of personal pronouns evolve interdependantly. The correlation between the child'social background and the type of text he produces leads us to conclude that linguistic variation depends on the status the child gives himself in an exchange with an adult and how he deals with conflictual relationships in class-room interactions
Lapeyre, Françoise. "Pratique langagière et culture enfantine éléments de description." Lille 3 : ANRT, 1986.
Full textGreco, Luca. "Interaction, contexte et cognition : les pratiques de description et de catégorisation de la douleur dans les appels au 15." Paris, EHESS, 2002.
Full textThe object of our study is constituted by practices of description and categorization of pain in calls to emergency assistance (15 , Samu 78). The aim of our research is to take in account discursive resources employed by participants (caller, patient, call-taker, doctor) in order to construct an experience : a pain. Therefore, we are interested in socio-cognitive aspects concerning verbalization of a sensorial data and in referential practices emerging in talk-in-interaction. In order to do that, we have studied sequential organization of emergency calls (part II) and categorization practices emerging by the actions of the participants to the interaction (part III). We have used a pluridisciplinary approach : Conversation Analysis, Ethnography and Situated Cognition
BOUISSOU, PIERRE. "Le pansement : aspects descriptifs, juridiques, pratiques et budgetaires." Nice, 1988.
Full textBooks on the topic "Pratiques de la description"
Jean-Pierre, Olivier de Sardan, and Blundo Giorgio, eds. Pratiques de la description. Paris: EHESS, 2003.
Find full textSurun, Isabelle. Dévoiler l'Afrique?: Lieux et pratiques de l'exploration (Afrique occidentale, 1780-1880). Paris: Éditions de la Sorbonne, 2018.
Find full textArmelle, Le Goff, and Direction des archives de France., eds. Les archives des associations: Approche descriptive et conseils pratiques. Paris: Direction des archives de France, 2001.
Find full textGervais-Lambony, Philippe. De Lomé à Harare: Le fait citadin : images et pratiques des villes africaines. Paris: Karthala, 1994.
Find full text1959-, Hébert Martine, and Centre de recherche interdisciplinaire sur la violence familiale et la violence faite aux femmes., eds. Des interventions préventives et des services d'aide directe aux victimes en matière d'agression sexuelle: Description des pratiques québécoises : rapport de recherche. Montréal, Qué: Centre de recherche interdisciplinaire sur la violence familiale et la violence faite aux femmes, 2002.
Find full textRighou, Nestor Ide. Koulamoutou: Guide pratique. Libreville, Gabon: [s.n.], 2004.
Find full textMayengo, André. Guide pratique pour entreprendre à Kinshasa: Description de 7 secteurs d'activités économiques. Bruxelles: OCIV, 2004.
Find full textPassot, Bernard. Le BÉNIN - Guide pratique. Paris: Editions L'Harmattan, 2005.
Find full textTilden, Freeman. The national parks: The classic book on the national parks, national monuments & historic sites. 3rd ed. New York: Knopf, 1986.
Find full textCorse, Université de, ed. Le français régional de Corse: Étude linguistique et sociolinguistique : pratiques langagières du français en Corse : approche descriptive et problème glottopolitique. Lille: A.N.R.T, Université de Lille III, 1992.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Pratiques de la description"
Noël, Yvonnick. "Description de liaison." In Pratique R, 23–50. Paris: Springer Paris, 2013.
Full textNoël, Yvonnick. "Description sur une variable." In Pratique R, 1–22. Paris: Springer Paris, 2013.
Full textNebbiai-Dalla Guarda, Donatella. "La description du livre au XVe siècle: pratiques et modèles." In Textes et Etudes du Moyen Âge, 473–97. Turnhout: Brepols Publishers, 1995.
Full textEsquenazi, Jean-Pierre. "Introduction : description et explication." In Questions de cinéma et pratique de l’analyse de film, 5–12. Strasbourg: Presses universitaires de Strasbourg, 2019.
Full textTourniaire, B. "Fiches pratiques." In Migraine, céphalées de l’enfant et de l’adolescent, 161–69. Paris: Springer Paris, 2014.
Full textBret, Pierre, Christine Cuche, and Gérard Schmutz. "Conclusions pratiques." In Radiologie de l’intestin grêle, 305. Paris: Springer Paris, 1989.
Full textRainfray, Muriel. "La description dans les pratiques de recherche en médecine." In La description, 181–90. Presses universitaires du Septentrion, 1998.
Full text"Avant-propos." In Pratiques de la description, 7–10. Éditions de l’École des hautes études en sciences sociales, 2003.
Full textOlivier de Sardan, Jean-Pierre. "Observation et description en socio-anthropologie." In Pratiques de la description, 13–39. Éditions de l’École des hautes études en sciences sociales, 2003.
Full textAbbott, Andrew. "La description face à la temporalité." In Pratiques de la description, 41–53. Éditions de l’École des hautes études en sciences sociales, 2003.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Pratiques de la description"
Jeanneret, Yves. "Faire avec le faire communicationnel." In Arts du faire : production et expertise. Limoges: Université de Limoges, 2009.
Full textFontanille, Jacques. "La sémiotique est-elle un art ? Le faire sémiotique comme « art libéral »." In Arts du faire : production et expertise. Limoges: Université de Limoges, 2009.
Full textBrun, Jean-Louis. "Réussir les transitions en s’inspirant de pratiques traditionnelles, un paradoxe ? Entre idéalisation et pragmatisme, la fluctuation." In Actes du congrès de l’Association Française de Sémiotique. Limoges: Université de Limoges, 2024.
Full textF, Rubona, Ibongu E, Bah AJ, Dianouni F, and Wepnyui H. "Formation virtuelle comme catalyser d'amelioration des soins neonataux au centre de sante de reference de douentza au Mali." In MSF Paediatric Days 2024. NYC: MSF-USA, 2024.
Full textLekic, Dijana. "Pratiques Informationnelles dans l'Environnement Numérique." In the 1st International Conference. New York, New York, USA: ACM Press, 2018.
Full textElsen, Catherine, Françoise Darses, and Pierre Leclercq. "Evolution des pratiques en conception." In the Ergonomie et Informatique Avancee Conference. New York, New York, USA: ACM Press, 2010.
Full textDondero, Maria Giulia. "Le texte et ses pratiques d’instanciation." In Arts du faire : production et expertise. Limoges: Université de Limoges, 2009.
Full textMoha, Naouel, Li Qing, Ashraf Gaffar, and Ahmed Seffah. "Enquête sur les pratiques de tests d'utilisabilité." In the 17th conference. New York, New York, USA: ACM Press, 2005.
Full textKalinina, Irina. "Appréciation individuelle des termes du métier par des spécialistes en ostéopathie biodynamique en anglais, français et italien." In Language for International Communication. University of Latvia Press, 2023.
Full textReports on the topic "Pratiques de la description"
Gautrais, Vincent, Anne Tchiniaev, and Émilie Guiraud. Formulaire du Guide des bonnes pratiques en IA: Disposition de la Loi 25 et bonnes pratiques. Observatoire international sur les impacts sociétaux de l’intelligence artificielle et du numérique, July 2023.
Full textGuide des Bonnes Pratiques de la Corrélation d'Images Numériques. International Digital Image Correlation Society, March 2020.
Full textGruber, Verena, Ingrid Peignier, and Charlotte Dubuc. Pratiques et tactiques de vente des concessionnaires automobiles au Québec. CIRANO, October 2023.
Full textConnolly, Tara, Boris Vukovic, Heather Brown, and Sonia Rahimi. Une perspective neurodivergente : Pratiques recommandées pour l’inclusion de la neurodiversité. Institut de l’accessibilité, Université Carleton, 2024.
Full textLe Béchec, Mariannig, Aline Bouchard, Philippe Charrier, Claire Denecker, Gabriel Gallezot, and Stéphanie Rennes. State of open science practices in france (SOSP-FR). Ministère de l'enseignement supérieur et de la recherche, January 2022.
Full textMcKinley, M. S. Problem Description. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), November 2018.
Full textLemmen, D. S. Pratiques exemplaires pour l'adaptation intégrée aux changements climatiques dans les collectivités côtières canadiennes. Natural Resources Canada/CMSS/Information Management, 2023.
Full textMarsden, Eric. Quelques bonnes questions à se poser sur son dispositif de REX. Fondation pour une culture de sécurité industrielle, February 2014.
Full textMott, Joanna, Heather Brown, Di Kilsby, Emily Eller, and Tshering Choden. Outil d’autoévaluation sur l’égalité des genres et l’inclusion sociale. The Sanitation Learning Hub, Institute of Development Studies, 2022.
Full textSpira, Charlotte, Hajaniaina Rasoloarison, Morgane Cournarie, Michelle Wieland, and David Wilkie. Protocole de Recherche sur les Pratiques de Chasse Autour du Parc Naturel de Makira. Wildlife Conservation Society and Food and Agricultural Organization and Center for International Forestry Research and CIRAD, 2019.
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