Academic literature on the topic 'Pouvoir (sciences sociales) – Afrique'
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Journal articles on the topic "Pouvoir (sciences sociales) – Afrique"
Bangoura, Dominique. "État et sécurité en Afrique." Politique africaine 61, no. 1 (1996): 39–53.
Full textAZOUAGHE, Soufian, Adeyemi ADETULA, Patrick FORSCHER, Dana Basnight BROWN, Nihal OUHERROU, Abdelilah CHARYATE, and Hans IJZERMAN. "Psychologie et science ouverte en Afrique : pourquoi est-elle nécessaire et comment peut-on l’implanter ?" Journal of Quality in Education 11, no. 18 (December 7, 2021): 177–93.
Full textTriaud, Jean-Louis. "Le renversement du souverain injuste. Un débat sur les fondements de la légitimité islamique en Afrique noire au XIXe siècle." Annales. Histoire, Sciences Sociales 40, no. 3 (June 1985): 509–19.
Full textDianteill, Erwan. "Le Pouvoir des objets. Culture matérielle et religion en Afrique et en Haïti." Archives de sciences sociales des religions, no. 110 (July 1, 2000): 29–40.
Full textGuillaume-Pey, Cécile. "Agnieszka Kedzierska-Manzon, Chasseurs mandingues. Violence, pouvoir et religion en Afrique de l’Ouest." Archives de sciences sociales des religions, no. 168 (December 31, 2014): 229.
Full textBrégand, Denise. "Joseph Tonda, Le Souverain moderne. Le corps du pouvoir en Afrique Centrale (Congo, Gabon)." Archives de sciences sociales des religions, no. 136 (December 1, 2006): 115–283.
Full textIbáñez, José Javier Ruiz, and Gaetano Sabatini. "Alliés, voisins et ennemis du roi d’Espagne: La puissante faiblesse de la Monarchie hispanique (1580-1620)." Annales. Histoire, Sciences Sociales 75, no. 1 (March 2020): 41–72.
Full textLombe, Margaret, and Alex Ochumbo. "Sub-Saharan Africa's orphan crisis." International Social Work 51, no. 5 (September 2008): 682–98.
Full textChrétien, Jean-Pierre. "Alfred Adler, Le pouvoir et l’interdit. Royauté et religion en Afrique noire. Essais d’ethnologie comparative, Paris, Albin Michel, « Sciences des religions », 2000, 334 p." Annales. Histoire, Sciences Sociales 56, no. 2 (April 2001): 553–54.
Full textWarscheid, Ismail. "Le Livre du désert: La vision du monde d’un lettré musulman de l’Ouest saharien au xixe siècle." Annales. Histoire, Sciences Sociales 73, no. 2 (June 2018): 359–84.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Pouvoir (sciences sociales) – Afrique"
Atangana, Owona Martin-Celestin. "La Notion de pouvoir dans la pensée politique de l'Afrique noire actuelle." Besançon, 1987.
Full textBahri, Fathi. "Les hommes du pouvoir et les hommes du savoir en Ifrîqiyya aglabide (184-296/800-909)." Paris 1, 1994.
Full textIn this research we have undertaken the study of certain aspects of life in Ifriqiyya during the first three centuries following the advent of islam. On the basis of information contained in chronicies, we have sought to describe and explain the functions of administrative, military and judicial institutions, as well as the practises and structures of the ruling elites. The second part of our study is concerned with religious learning (fiqh and hadith) and the natural sciences (specifically, medecine). Our main sources for these aspects of intellectual life have been biographies, and principle works of fiqh, hadith and medecine
Hiamba, Ovungu Jean. "Structure et sens cosmopolitique du pouvoir dans la culture des Ankutsu-Membele: contribution au processus d'intégration et de démocratisation en Afrique." Doctoral thesis, Universite Libre de Bruxelles, 2012.
Full textEn effet, les rébellions, les guerres ethniques ou tribales, les rivalités et les dissensions inter groupales continuent à affecter la vie politique, économique et sociale de ce pays depuis la période précoloniale en passant par la période coloniale et postcoloniale. Cette préoccupation majeure suscite des interrogations fondamentales :de quelle manière peut-on aujourd’hui ériger un projet politique qui soit à mesure de redéfinir les finalités socio-politiques, cultuelles, et économiques globales qui accordent une meilleure écoute aux productions de sens qui émanent des valeurs théoriques de chaque groupe social, en sublimant ce qui rapproche et non ce qui divise ?Comment dépasser les clivages excluant issus des situations de crise (traite, colonisation, rébellions, guerres, dissensions) ?Comment mettre sur pied un espace commun qui serait le lieu d’échange libre où chacun exprimerait son opinion dans le respect et la dignité de l’autre ?
C’est à ces questions et à beaucoup d’autres encore que cette thèse tente de répondre. Il s’agit en fait, d’une étude à caractère paradigmatique réalisée dans le groupe Ankutshu-Membele, à la lumière des approches occidentales du pouvoir et de la démocratie. Elle s’assigne comme objectif principal de problématiser la conception du pouvoir à travers la culture et les religions de ce peuple, en vue de tenter d’établir les conditions de possibilités d’intégration de cette société traditionnelle vers une société moderne multiculturelle et démocratique.
Doctorat en Philosophie
Bako-Arifari, Nassirou. "Dynamiques et formes de pouvoir politique en milieu rural ouest-africain : étude comparée sur le Bénin et le Niger : une anthropologie politique de "l'État joueur" et de "l'État négocié" dans les arènes locales du pouvoir : cas des cantons de Gaya au Niger et de Gomparou au Bénin." Paris, EHESS, 1999.
Full textNzamba, Sylvain. "La représentation politique du pouvoir et sa dérive dans l'oeuvre littéraire de Maxime N'Débéka." Bordeaux 3, 2009.
Full textTitle: « The Political Representation of Power and its Drift in Literary Work by Maxime N’Débéka ». This thesis is a monographic study which explores the thematic of political power in six texts by the Congolese writer: Le Président (1982), Les Lendemains qui chantent (1983), Equatorium (1987), Vécus au miroir (1991), Le Diable à la longue queue (2000) et Sel-piment à la braise (2003). After having presented the various analytical categories of the selected “duchetian” socio-critical method, this dissertation highlights a literary analysis of political power by taking into account a certain number of cultural, sociological and psychological factors which in one way or another influence its perception and management within a geographical space and institutional framework representative of Sub-Saharan Africa. By putting forward the typological differences as well as the trajectories borrowed by the “Fathers of independences” and the “Guides of the revolution” in order to ascend to power, this thesis shows how, after officially achieving independence from colonial rule, African political “elites” very often driven by the lure of gain and the appropriation of privileges have set up authoritarian and mind-numbing political regimes which led them to drift
Samuel, Boris. "La production macroéconomique du réel : formalités et pouvoir au Burkina Faso, en Mauritanie et en Guadeloupe." Thesis, Paris, Institut d'études politiques, 2013.
Full textThis thesis examines the exercise of power and its transformations, based on the observation of concrete operations of macroeconomic management in two African countries, Burkina Faso and Mauritania, and one Caribbean territory, Guadeloupe. Its approach involves a combination of anthropology, the sociology of quantification and the historical sociology of the political.The exercise of power rests on practices of economic management that are caught up in a network of relations. There are those who dangle the prospect of steering the economy in accordance with an instrumental logic; there are those turn formal procedures into tools for legitimizing current regimes; and there are those who turn macroeconomic management into the site of a struggle for access to resources. Macroeconomics has many meanings and lies at the centre of a wide-ranging ‘technocratic compromise’. In all three cases studied, the detailed observation of macroeconomic calculation shows that the technocratic ethos is crucial for an understanding of the exercise of power. Social and political struggles over education and the high cost of living, and debates on the illusory claims of reformism, place the numerical approach at the very heart of social and political relations. On the turbulent political scene in Mauritania, Guadeloupe and Burkina Faso, the objects of economic management are at work, guiding the actions of individuals and provoking protest. Indeed, macroeconomics is not just to be found in the office: it is part of the political repertoire of ordinary people. It is rooted both in the specific history of these societies and in the autonomous logics of technique and procedure
Smith, Étienne. "Des arts de faire société : parentés à plaisanteries et constructions identitaires en Afrique de l'Ouest (Sénégal)." Paris, Institut d'études politiques, 2010.
Full textThis study calls for a historical and political science analysis of a classical category in anthropology, « joking relationships ». By focusing on joking relationships in Senegal it explores the fabrics of inter-community relations, the vernacular language of politics and the imagination of nationhood. It shows how the so-called pacifying function of joking relationships is questionable but also how these practices craft a culture of sociability and reveal the historicity of a common political culture in West Africa. The political instrumentalization of joking kinships in the context of the Casamance conflict in Senegal, and in some state-sponsored cultural nationalisms in West-Africa, are studied as neo-traditionalist endeavours that have succeeded in imposing this category in the public space and turning it into the cornerstone of national identities in the making
Ndemby, Mamfoumby Pierre. "D'une écriture de la rupture à une relecture de cultures : lire et comprendre les pouvoirs traditionnels dans le roman d'Afrique noire francophone." Paris 12, 2005.,exact,990002301960204611&vid=upec.
Full textThe aim was to review French discourse from the dawn of the twenty-first century ; more particulary in the following texts : The Initiated, The cry that you make won't awaken nobody, The Festival of Masks, After the silence, In waiting for the vote of the Wild Animals, The sound of Inheritance, The Identity Card and The one and a helf lives. In the end, after considering the question of traditional powers from each and every perspective, it is the problem of identity, in all its facets, which has been dealt with. Seen from this point of view, the (written and spoken) word has been pinpointed as a source of power in consideration of its social and literary aspect. The question of myths and their stylistic effect of their images have allowed us to highlight the way in which all the elements constituting ancient knowledge have been handed down over time. Myths, which, by means of the narrative structure of their texts, have revealed how contemporary literary works, destroyed by contemporary societies, are affected and they contribute also to to the breaking down of traditional orders. Following on from that, there is an attempt to legitimise Frecnh writings by means of the power of words, as writing of rupture. In order to do this, it was necessary to highlight the structural elements which would help us to define French texts on the basis of their linguistic elements. Subsequently, words have been denoted as a force which generates meaning. This semantic self-generation has helped to reveal the instability of certain characters and the apparent loss of authority bt patriarchs such as Rèdiwa or Makaya, charged with the safe-keeping and the transmission of ancient values. The internal conflict found in French black African imaginative works, often linked to the confrontation between tradition and modernity, is also that which has allowed us to read cultural phenomena differently and has led to the challenging of traditional knowledge. Finally, the entire French-speaking world, or at least that which is mentioned in the third part of this work, eventually reveals itself to be, in one way or an other, based almost exactly on the ancients' model. The analysis carried out during this work has shown how the political arena and the traditional axis of power became interdependent. Political figure circulated freely, moving from one area to another in their pursuit of meaning, without the slightest apprehension. This pursuit of meaning or of identity has led political heroes, seeking to flee everyday difficulties, to make us of the ebb and flow of symbolism and politics in order to construct new identities, new beliefs, and in order to construct a new basis for the relationships with the other, with society and with the universe. If the reading about figures of traditional power has been thus effective, it is because this model has become the matrix of French writings. This attachment to values has given the issue of modernity a dual quelity : on the one hand in terms of being a national treatment of the subject liberated from the pitfalls of nature ; and on the other hand, one which is perceived as the establisment of the new tradition. In each of these two cases, French novelists have tried to make their characters and their writting adhere to this vision of things
Djiofack-Zebaze, Calvin. "Effet de la libéralisation du commerce des services en Afrique." Phd thesis, Université d'Auvergne - Clermont-Ferrand I, 2008.
Full textde, Bruyn Gabriel. "Imago principum, imago deorum : Recherches sur les statues impériales et divines dans les cités d’Afrique (Ier – Ve siècles ap. J.-C.)." Caen, 2014.
Full textThis thesis deals with imperial and divine statues in the cities of North Africa from the 1st to the 5th century CE. By confronting epigraphic and statuary evidences, the aim is to understand the role and impact of these images in provincial public spaces. The first part focuses on understanding the mechanisms for disseminating and receiving an iconographic language principally elaborated by the center of power. The problem of the role of local elites in the representation of power is crucial here. The second part aims to replace the statues in their spatial and monumental context, in order to understand the articulation of these images in a political, religious and social discourse, that expresses civic identities in the context of Roman Empire. A final part is devoted to the issues raised by imperial and divine statues in Late Antiquity, in the context of the Christianization of imperial power and African cities. These include the problem of the disappearance of statues of urban landscapes, which is discussed with a particular attention to the chronology and the actors of the phenomenon. The different attitudes towards statues, that can be found in legal sources, literary, epigraphic and archaeological evidences principally reveal their identity function as objects symbolizing the continuity of traditional civic life or as supports of violences intended to mark the rupture with the past
Books on the topic "Pouvoir (sciences sociales) – Afrique"
Marc, Abélès, and Collard Chantal, eds. Age, pouvoir et société en Afrique noire. Montréal, Qué., Canada: Presses de l'Université de Montréal, 1985.
Find full textgéopolitique, Institut panafricain de, ed. Pouvoir et paix civile en Afrique. Paris: Présence africaine, 1996.
Find full textGabriel, Mbock Charly, Atangana-Mebara J. M, and Agence interdisciplinaire de recherches sociales et culturelles., eds. Pouvoir politique et pouvoir social en Afrique: (le cas du Cameroun). Yaoundé: Presses universitaires de Yaoundé, 2001.
Find full textAfan, Roger Mawuto. Les masques du pouvoir politique en Afrique. Paris: Harmattan, 2010.
Find full textL' Afrique à l'ère du savoir: Science, société et pouvoir. Paris: L'Harmattan, 2006.
Find full textNgoma-Binda, P. Philosophie et pouvoir politique en Afrique: La théorie inflexionnelle. Paris: L'Harmattan, 2004.
Find full textLes élites postcoloniales et le pouvoir politique en Afrique subsaharienne: La politique contre le développement. Paris: L'Harmattan, 2009.
Find full textPetithomme, Mathieu. Les élites postcoloniales et le pouvoir politique en Afrique subsaharienne: La politique contre le développement. Paris: L'Harmattan, 2009.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Pouvoir (sciences sociales) – Afrique"
Kacou, Fato Patrice. "Le système politique Odjukru , une démocratie à base collégiale et gérontologique." In Didactique des langues, plurilinguisme et sciences sociales en Afrique francophone : quelles places à l’interdisciplinarité ?, 109–20. Observatoire européen du plurilinguisme, 2020.
Full textRiot-Sarcey, Michèle. "34. Michel Foucault pour penser le genre : Sujet et pouvoir." In Sous les sciences sociales, le genre, 485–98. La Découverte, 2010.
Full textBlundo, Giorgio. "1. La corruption et l’État en Afrique vus par les sciences sociales." In Etat et corruption en Afrique, 29. Editions Karthala, 2007.
Full textTidjani Alou, Mahaman. "7. La décentralisation en Afrique : un état des lieux de la recherche en sciences sociales." In Le politique en Afrique, 185. Editions Karthala, 2009.
Full textDeyanova, Liliana, and Nadège Ragaru. "1. Les sciences sociales socialistes à l’épreuve de la consommation élargie." In Vie quotidienne et pouvoir sous le communisme, 49–81. Karthala, 2010.
Full textTroit, Virginie. "3. Les sciences sociales au soutien de l’humanitaire ? Revisiter quelques cas en Afrique." In Transition humanitaire au Sénégal, 49–61. Karthala, 2016.
Full textCharle, Christophe. "Maurice Agulhon, Marianne au pouvoir, l'imagerie et la symbolique républicaines de 1880 à 1914, et Les métamorphoses de Marianne, l’imagerie et la symbolique républicaines de 1914 à nos jours." In Lire les sciences sociales. Volume 6/2008-2013, 65–72. Éditions de la Maison des sciences de l’homme, 2013.
Full textHounnou Azoua, Mathias. "From requirements to challenges for teaching English in kindergarten and primary: beyond private schools experimentation." In Didactique des langues, plurilinguisme et sciences sociales en Afrique francophone : quelles places à l’interdisciplinarité ?, 161–75. Observatoire européen du plurilinguisme, 2020.
Full textKwame Atonon, Theophile. "Analyse stylistique de traduction de « Banking (Amendment) Act, 2007, (Act 738) »." In Didactique des langues, plurilinguisme et sciences sociales en Afrique francophone : quelles places à l’interdisciplinarité ?, 251–66. Observatoire européen du plurilinguisme, 2020.
Full text"Structures de l'OEP." In Didactique des langues, plurilinguisme et sciences sociales en Afrique francophone : quelles places à l’interdisciplinarité ?, 315–16. Observatoire européen du plurilinguisme, 2020.
Full textReports on the topic "Pouvoir (sciences sociales) – Afrique"
Daniellou, François, Marcel Simard, and Ivan Boissières. Les facteurs humains et organisationnels de la sécurité industrielle: un état de l’art. Fondation pour une culture de sécurité industrielle, March 2010.
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