Academic literature on the topic 'Possibilitic maps'
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Journal articles on the topic "Possibilitic maps"
Quintanilha, Bruno Lins, and Leandro Andrei Beser de Deus. "Mapeamento participativo:." Revista Brasileira de Educação em Geografia 12, no. 22 (June 17, 2022): 05–28.
Full textSánchez, María T. "Translation as a(n) (Im)possible Task." Babel. Revue internationale de la traduction / International Journal of Translation 45, no. 4 (December 31, 1999): 301–10.
Full textAguilla dos Santos, Gabriel, and Renata Mirella Farina. "MAPEAMENTO GEOGRÁFICO POR DRONE." RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar - ISSN 2675-6218 3, no. 9 (September 17, 2022): e391901.
Full textLi, Haodong, Weiqi Luo, Xiaoqing Qiu, and Jiwu Huang. "Image Forgery Localization via Integrating Tampering Possibility Maps." IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security 12, no. 5 (May 2017): 1240–52.
Full textBalciunas, Andrius. "The Possibilities for Functionality Research on Interactive Internet Maps." Cartographica: The International Journal for Geographic Information and Geovisualization 46, no. 2 (June 2011): 66–73.
Full textExon, N. F., P. J. Hill, and J. Y. Royer. "New maps of crust off Tasmania expand research possibilities." Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union 76, no. 20 (1995): 201.
Full textAlmeida, Tarsis Esaú Gomes, Maria do Socorro Almeida Flores, and Mário Vasconcellos Sobrinho. "MAPEAMENTO DE RISCO DE DESASTRE POR INCÊNDIO FLORESTAL NA AMAZÔNIA: uma abordagem multifatorial no município de Moju (PA)." InterEspaço: Revista de Geografia e Interdisciplinaridade 5, no. 19 (January 22, 2020): 202009.
Full textLosiak, A., A. Jõeleht, J. Plado, M. Szyszka, K. Kirsimäe, E. M. Wild, P. Steier, C. M. Belcher, A. M. Jazwa, and R. Helde. "Determining the age and possibility for an extraterrestrial impact formation mechanism of the Ilumetsa structures (Estonia)." Meteoritics & Planetary Science 55, no. 2 (January 22, 2020): 274–93.
Full textPlinta, Dariusz, Martin Krajčovič, Radovan Svitek, and Patrik Grznár. "Computer aided design of logistics systems." Multidisciplinary Aspects of Production Engineering 2, no. 1 (September 1, 2019): 416–24.
Full textTarnapowicz, Dariusz. "Use of Transformer Multi-Level Inverters in Parallel Operation of Marine Generating Sets with PMSG." Multidisciplinary Aspects of Production Engineering 1, no. 1 (September 1, 2018): 1–7.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Possibilitic maps"
Ben, marzouka Wissal. "Traitement possibiliste d'images, application au recalage d'images." Thesis, Ecole nationale supérieure Mines-Télécom Atlantique Bretagne Pays de la Loire, 2022.
Full textIn this work, we propose a possibilistic geometric registration system that merges the semantic knowledge and the gray level knowledge of the images to be registered. The existing geometric registration methods are based on an analysis of the knowledge at the level of the sensors during the detection of the primitives as well as during the matching. The evaluation of the results of these geometric registration methods has limits in terms of the perfection of the precision caused by the large number of outliers. The main idea of our proposed approach is to transform the two images to be registered into a set of projections from the original images (source and target). This set is composed of images called “possibility maps”, each map of which has a single content and presents a possibilistic distribution of a semantic class of the two original images. The proposed geometric registration system based on the possibility theory presents two contexts: a supervised context and an unsupervised context. For the first case, we propose a supervised classification method based on the theory of possibilities using learning models. For the unsupervised context, we propose a possibilistic clustering method using the FCM-multicentroid method. The two proposed methods provide as a result the sets of semantic classes of the two images to be registered. We then create the knowledge bases for the proposed possibilistic registration system. We have improved the quality of the existing geometric registration in terms of precision perfection, reductionin the number of false landmarks and optimization of time complexity
D'Olimpio, Lauralin. "The moral possibilities of mass art." University of Western Australia. Philosophy Discipline Group, 2009.
Full textIsaksson, Camilla. "HTML5-based Travel HabitApplication: Investigation of VectorWeb Mapping Possibilities." Thesis, KTH, Geodesi och geoinformatik, 2013.
Full textMotivet till rapporten är att granska och utvärdera möjligheterna för vektorgrafik i webbkartor,förhoppningen är att i en webbkarta endast visa vektorgrafik. Istället för på det traditionella sättet medraster data som genererats färdigt på server-sidan för varje zoom-nivå av kartan. Nackdelen medrasterdata är att den är fattig på information jämfört med vektordata, som i sin tur kan bidra till ettrikare användargränssnitt. Dock har vektorgrafik jämfört med rasterdata en komplex datastruktur ochär ineffektivt att hantera så som rasterdata traditionellt görs.Tack vare nya rittekniker för vektorgrafik, så som genom VML, SVG men främst via canvaselementet, kan webbkartor förbättras i och med att vektorgrafik kan ritas upp direkt genom browserutan att behöva generera data på server-sidan. Genom att välja ut tre vektor-baserade utvecklingsbibliotek som använder sig utav HTML5 och speciellt canvas elementet, så undersöks och utvärderasrespektive bibliotek utifrån deras möjlighet att använda vektorgrafik, både prestandamässigt, genomatt slumpmässigt generera vektor data på en karta omfattande av hela världen, men också utifrån ettantal användbarhetskriterier. Därefter utvecklas en test implementation, d.v.s. en applikation för resvanor,baserat på den utav biblioteken som uppfyller kriterierna bäst. Res-vane applikationen ärinriktad på att registrera användarens geografiska rörelser och kan sedan visa användarens genomfördaresa i form av vektordata på en karta. Applikationen är utvecklad med ASP.NET tekniken som bestårutav HTML, JavaScript och C# språken. Resultatet från den empiriska undersökningen visar attkartbiblioteken utmärker sig på förmånligt men på olika områden. Utifrån prestandatestet förrendering av vektordata, presterade Tile5 bibliotek bäst med en renderingstid motsvarande ungefärhäften av tiden det tog för det näst bästa biblioteket, Leaflet. Dock ledde bristande dokumentation förTile5 till att Leaflet, till det stora hela sett, passade bedömningskriterierna bäst och kom attimplementeras i den mobila test applikationen för resvanor. För framtida utvecklings, har Tile5potential att utvecklas till ett användbart och effektivt verktyg för vektorkartläggning och för attkonkurrera med traditionella webbkartor som renderar rasterdata.
Delmas, Didier. "Show me the truth: the conditions of possibility for the invention of photography." Thesis, McGill University, 2012. http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=106306.
Full textLa vulgarisation de la science au cours du dix-huitième siècle créa, vers la fin du siècle, une anxiété épistémologique qui toucha toute les couches de la population depuis les savants les plus instruits jusqu'aux paysans les plus pauvres, depuis les adeptes des équations différentielles jusqu'aux témoins des vols de montgolfières. Livres, magasines, écoles, salons privés, et démonstrations publiques contribuent à cette angoisse quasi-universelle. Vers la fin du siècle apparaissent des spectacles qui sont simultanément des expressions et des tentatives de remèdes à ce malaise. Parmi eux on citera la fantasmagorie, le panorama, et le diorama, tous associés à la photographie. Dans cette thèse j'examine la montée progressive, au cours du dix-huitième siècle, d'un désir d'une représentation précise et véridique du monde naturel qui aboutira à l'invention de la photographie en 1839. Plutôt que considérer la photo comme l'inévitable résultat du progrès des sciences de l'optique et de la chimie je considère les conditions additionnelles nécessaires a l'invention de la photographie. Ces conditions incluent une crise de la connaissance qui s'amplifie au cours du 18ème siècle quand un ordre bâtit sur la solidité de la raison menace un système de connaissance de la nature fondé sur la théologie et introduit la notion de la fragilité de la pensée humaine et l'incertitude de l'observation ; ainsi une inquiétude s'attache aux questions, « pouvons-nous nous fier à ce que nous savons ? Comment être sûr de savoir ce que nous savons ?»Mais dès lors de son invention, la photographie se fragmente en pratiques parfois opposées l'une à l'autre. Si, d'un coté, les scientifiques s'engagent dans la photographie «objective», de l'autre, les artistes détournent cette invention pour leur propres besoins créatifs. De ce fait la pratique de la photographie annule, ou au moins complique, son intention originale ; ce que certains historiens ont perçu comme la deuxième invention de la photographie. Nous pouvons comprendre cette deuxième invention de la photographie si l'on considère que le 18ème siècle n'est pas seulement caractérisé par le règne de la Raison mais aussi par la spéculation philosophique, la vulgarisation des sciences, et les spectacles de masse qui se combinent pour exposer les questions concernant la vérité et le doute à un large segment de la population urbaine. Ainsi, le public du 19ème siècle devient très préoccupée par la question de la compréhension du monde physique. Ma thèse essaie de reconnecter la pratique de la photographie avec sa pré-histoire.
Olson, Brooke. "The politics and possibilities of integrative medicine: An anthropological analysis of pluralistic health care movements in America." Diss., The University of Arizona, 2001.
Full textSchroeder, Kathleen Mary. "The female voyeur and the possibility of a pornography for women : redefining the gaze of desire." Thesis, University of South Africa, 2000.
Full textEnocson, Julia, and Linnéa Söderholm. "Digital Transformation, a Question of Survival? : Exploring the Possibility for a Swedish Car Rental Company to Digitally Transform into a Mobility Service Provider." Thesis, Linköpings universitet, Företagsekonomi, 2017.
Full textStamm, Johannes [Verfasser]. "Magnetic-Activated-Cell-Sorting (MACS); Entering guide in method - a possibility to separate fetal neural rat stem cells expressing the GABAA-receptor gamma 2 from different types of lineage-restricted-porgenitors / Johannes Stamm." Ulm : Universität Ulm. Medizinische Fakultät, 2013.
Full textMählkvist, Simon, and Netzell Pontus. "Pulp mill heat and mass balance model : Exploring the benefits and possibilities of process modelling as an applied method in a case study." Thesis, Mälardalens högskola, Akademin för ekonomi, samhälle och teknik, 2018.
Full textBerrebi, Johanna. "Contribution à l'intégration d'une liaison avionique sans fil. L'ingénierie système appliquée à une problématique industrielle." Phd thesis, Ecole Polytechnique X, 2013.
Full textBooks on the topic "Possibilitic maps"
Hamilton, James Frederick. Democratic communications: Formations, projects, possibilities. Lanham: Lexington Books, 2008.
Find full textHamilton, James Frederick. Democratic communications: Formations, projects, possibilities. Lanham: Lexington Books, 2008.
Find full textHamilton, James Frederick. Democratic communications: Formations, projects, possibilities. Lanham, MD: Lexington, Books, 2007.
Find full textEuropean Commission on Preservation and Access. and Commission on Preservation and Access., eds. Mass deacidification: An update of possibilities and limitations. Amsterdam: European Commission on Preservation and Access, 1996.
Find full textPorck, Henk J. Mass deacidification: An update on possibilities and limitations. Amsterdam: European Commission on Preservation and Access, 1996.
Find full textHalleck, DeeDee. Hand-held visions: The impossible possibilities of community media. New York: Fordham University Press, 2002.
Find full textDežman, Jože. Huda jama: Možnosti muzeološke predstavitve = Huda jama : (cave of evil) : possibilities of museological presentation. Ljubljana: Družina, 2009.
Find full textCollins, Patricia Hill. Another kind of public education: Race, schools, the media, and democratic possibilities. Boston: Beacon Press, 2009.
Find full textAbramov, Vi︠a︡cheslav. Rezulʹtaty issledovanii︠a︡ "Mass-media Kazakhstana: kli︠u︡chevye igroki, vozmozhnosti, potrebnosti i riski rezulʹtaty issledovanii︠a︡": Zertteu nătizhelerī "Qazaqstan mass-mediasy: negīzgī oĭynshylar, mu̇mkīndīkter, qazhettīlīkter men qauīp-qaterler zertteu nătizhelerī" = Results of research "Kazakhstan mass media: kety participants, possibilities, needs and risks results of research". Almaty: [publisher not identified], 2009.
Find full textSchultermandl, Silvia, Jana Aresin, Si Sophie Pages Whybrew, and Dijana Simic, eds. Affective Worldmaking. Bielefeld, Germany: transcript Verlag, 2022.
Full textBook chapters on the topic "Possibilitic maps"
Møller, Anders Laurell Blom, Katja Witzel, Annelies Vertommen, Vibeke Barkholt, Birte Svensson, Sebastien Carpentier, Hans-Peter Mock, and Christine Finnie. "Plant Plasma Membrane Proteomics: Challenges and Possibilities." In Sample Preparation in Biological Mass Spectrometry, 411–34. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 2011.
Full textKrause, Décio, and Jonas R. Becker Arenhart. "Quantum Non-individuality: Background Concepts and Possibilities." In The Map and the Territory, 281–305. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2018.
Full textHutter, Dieter. "Possibilistic Information Flow Control in MAKS and Action Refinement." In Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 268–81. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2006.
Full textSanchez, Gustavo, Luciano Agostini, and César Marcon. "Conclusions and Open Research Possibilities." In Algorithms for Efficient and Fast 3D-HEVC Depth Map Encoding, 77–78. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2019.
Full textKehayias, Joseph J. "The Elemental Partition Analysis Approach to Body Composition: Possibilities for Future Studies." In Quality of the Body Cell Mass, 166–74. New York, NY: Springer New York, 2000.
Full textBauereiss, Thomas, and Dieter Hutter. "Compatibility of Safety Properties and Possibilistic Information Flow Security in MAKS." In ICT Systems Security and Privacy Protection, 250–63. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2014.
Full textReitz, Talitta. "Back to the Drawing Board: Creative Mapping Methods for Inclusion and Connection." In Co-Creativity and Engaged Scholarship, 323–55. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2021.
Full textDunbar, Robert C. "Photodissociation of Biomolecule Ions: Progress, Possibilities, and Perspectives Coming from Small-Ion Models." In Principles of Mass Spectrometry Applied to Biomolecules, 337–77. Hoboken, NJ, USA: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2006.
Full textKelly, Ashley Scott, and Xiaoxuan Lu. "Chinese Mass Nature Tourism and Ecotourism." In Critical Landscape Planning during the Belt and Road Initiative, 159–92. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2021.
Full textManslow, John. "Possibility Maps for Opportunistic AI and Believable Worlds." In Game AI Pro 360, 193–200. CRC Press, 2019.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Possibilitic maps"
Gede, Mátyás, Valentin Árcai, Gergely Vassányi, Zsófia Supka, Enikő Szabó, Anna Bordács, Csaba Gergely Varga, and Krisztina Irás. "Automatic Vectorisation of Old Maps using QGIS –Tools, Possibilities and Challenges." In International Workshop on Automatic Vectorisation of Historical Maps. Department of Cartography and Geoinformatics ELTE, 2020.
Full textGeweniger, Tina, and Thomas Villmann. "Relational and median variants of Possibilistic Fuzzy C-Means." In 2017 12th International Workshop on Self-Organizing Maps and Learning Vector Quantization, Clustering and Data Visualization (WSOM). IEEE, 2017.
Full textSrivastava, Viranjay M., G. Singh, and K. S. Yadav. "Possibilities of HfO2 for Double-Pole Four-Throw Double-Gate RF CMOS switch." In 2011 IEEE 4th International Symposium on Microwave, Antenna, Propagation, and EMC Technologies for Wireless Communications (MAPE). IEEE, 2011.
Full textChen, Keyu, Hai-Ning Liang, Charles Fleming, and Ka Lok Man. "An Investigation of the Use of Maps in Mobile Learning Contexts: Possibilities and Challenges." In 2015 International Conference on Platform Technology and Service (PlatCon). IEEE, 2015.
Full textAnohina-Naumeca, Alla, and Sigita Milasevicha. "Studying possibilities to use several experts' maps in the concept map based knowledge assessment system." In the 12th International Conference. New York, New York, USA: ACM Press, 2011.
Full textLa Vecchia, Loredana, and Marco Pedroni. "Concept Maps as a Learning Assessment Tool." In InSITE 2007: Informing Science + IT Education Conference. Informing Science Institute, 2007.
Full textAmeta, Gaurav, Joseph K. Davidson, and Jami J. Shah. "Allocating Tolerances Statistically With Tolerance-Maps and Beta Distributions: The Target a Planar Face." In ASME 2005 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference. ASMEDC, 2005.
Full textDa Silva, João Batista, Dayne Kelly Rodrigues Soares De Almeida, José Ademir Damasceno Júnior, and Darkson Fernandes Da Costa. "Cultura Maker e Robótica Sustentável no Ensino de Ciências: Um Relato de Experiência com Alunos do Ensino Fundamental." In Congresso sobre Tecnologias na Educação. Sociedade Brasileira de Computação - SBC, 2020.
Full textDi Carlli, Maria Eduarda Rebelo, Tássia Laís Barros Bastos, Bianca Carneiro Ribeiro, and Obionor De Oliveira Nóbrega. "Modelagem de uma Metodologia para Implementação de Aprendizagem Significativa em Ambientes Virtuais de Aprendizagem (AVAs)." In Congresso sobre Tecnologias na Educação. Sociedade Brasileira de Computação - SBC, 2020.
Full textRao, Shyam S., Payam Haghighi, Jami J. Shah, and Joseph K. Davidson. "Library of T-Maps for Dimensional and Geometric Tolerances." In ASME 2014 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2014.
Full textReports on the topic "Possibilitic maps"
Butyrina, Maria, and Valentina Ryvlina. MEDIATIZATION OF ART: VIRTUAL MUSEUM AS MASS MEDIA. Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, February 2021.
Full textIatsyshyn, Anna V., Iryna H. Hubeladze, Valeriia O. Kovach, Valentyna V. Kovalenko, Volodymyr O. Artemchuk, Maryna S. Dvornyk, Oleksandr O. Popov, Andrii V. Iatsyshyn, and Arnold E. Kiv. Applying digital technologies for work management of young scientists' councils. [б. в.], June 2021.
Full textShpigel, Nahum, Raul Barletta, Ilan Rosenshine, and Marcelo Chaffer. Identification and characterization of Mycobacterium paratuberculosis virulence genes expressed in vivo by negative selection. United States Department of Agriculture, January 2004.
Full textSynchak, Bohdan. Freedom of choice and freedom of action in the Ukrainian media. Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, February 2022.
Full textBorrett, Veronica, Melissa Hanham, Gunnar Jeremias, Jonathan Forman, James Revill, John Borrie, Crister Åstot, et al. Science and Technology for WMD Compliance Monitoring and Investigations. The United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research, December 2020.
Full textSukenik, Assaf, Paul Roessler, and John Ohlrogge. Biochemical and Physiological Regulation of Lipid Synthesis in Unicellular Algae with Special Emphasis on W-3 Very Long Chain Lipids. United States Department of Agriculture, January 1995.
Full textVenäläinen, Ari, Sanna Luhtala, Mikko Laapas, Otto Hyvärinen, Hilppa Gregow, Mikko Strahlendorff, Mikko Peltoniemi, et al. Sää- ja ilmastotiedot sekä uudet palvelut auttavat metsäbiotaloutta sopeutumaan ilmastonmuutokseen. Finnish Meteorological Institute, January 2021.
Full textPreliminary experimental results on studying possibility of variable mass liner (VML) formation. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), December 1995.
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