Academic literature on the topic 'Posmom'

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Journal articles on the topic "Posmom"


Bernard, Yves A., and Peter M. W. Gill. "Posmom: The Unobserved Observable." Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 1, no. 8 (March 29, 2010): 1254–58.

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Liu, Q. H., L. Qin, X. L. Huang, D. Y. Zhang, and D. M. Xun. "Distribution of x ⋅ p for quantum states on a circle." International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics 12, no. 07 (July 10, 2015): 1550078.

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We first give the proper definition of the particle's position-momentum dot product, the so-called posmomx ⋅ p, to quantum states on a circular circle, in which the momentum turns out to be the geometric one that is recently intensively studied. Second, we carry out the posmom distributions for eigenstates of the free motion on the circle, i.e. [Formula: see text], (m = 0, ±1, ±2, …). The results are not only potentially experimentally testable, but also reflect a fact that the embedding of the circle S1 in two-dimensional flat space R2 is physically reasonable.
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Sah, Birendra Kumar, Chen Ming Min, Wang Xiao Yan, Yang Qiu Meng, Li Chen, Xiang Ming, Chen Jun, Yan Min, and Zhu Zheng Gang. "Risk adjusted auditing of postop complications in gastric cancer patients by POSSUM." International Journal of Surgery 6, no. 4 (August 2008): 311–16.

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Joković, Sandra, Divna Kekuš, Mile Despotović, Jelena Pavlović, and Natalija Hadživuković. "Satisfaction with the work of nurses." Sestrinska rec 21, no. 76 (2018): 20–24.

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Lornell, Kip, Vaughan Webb, Greg Killmaster, Elizabeth Barrett, and William Ferris. "Possum, Oh, Possum." Journal of American Folklore 100, no. 395 (January 1987): 90.

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Ćurčić, Mihailo, and Ivica Matejić. "Knowledge management as a determinant of job satisfaction." Trendovi u poslovanju 9, no. 2 (2021): 64–74.

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The development of technics, technology, communication and traffic has contributed to all organizations having the same or similar material resources that they use in the process of work. The difference between organizations is reflected in human resources, ie., employees. Employees are not enough to outperform the competition. Establishing a leadership position over competitors requires employees who possess knowledge, abilities and skills that are critical to the success of the organization. For this reason, more and more organizations are focusing on identifying, training and retaining employees with "critical knowledge". For the success of the organization in this regard, it is necessary to have a developed knowledge management system in the work environment. The aim of the research in this paper is to identify the interdependence of elements that determine the processes of knowledge management and job satisfaction. The empirical research was conducted in 2021 in the organizational units of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Serbia on a sample of 58 respondents, using the survey method. The results of the research show that there is an interdependence between the observed parameters, and their interpretation is presented in the paper itself.
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Ilić-Koderman, Đurđijana. "Organizational commitment of employees as a result of job satisfaction." Trendovi u poslovanju 9, no. 1 (2021): 16–24.

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In modern business conditions, human resources are the most valuable resource that enables the realization and maintenance of the competitive advantage of the organization. Given this statement, it is not surprising why in recent decades in professional and academic circles there is a growing interest in researching issues of how to improve, retain and motivate employees to invest their maximum efforts in achieving organizational goals. As companies are both capital and labor intensive, it is easy to come to the conclusion that depending on the degree of motivation and commitment of employees to the realization of organizational goals, the realization of the above-mentioned imperative also depends on it. In other words, the degree to which employees identify with their organization depends on how motivated they will be to achieve its goals and to participate in improving its efficiency. This means that organizational commitment is becoming one of the key determinants of the success of 21st century organizations. Generally speaking, job satisfaction is an attitude that manifests in the workplace as individual behavior of the employee and can have an impact on the organization and organizational behavior. Job satisfaction encourages employees to increase performance and commitment to the organization, while reducing absenteeism and increasing interest in the profession, and it is of immeasurable importance to pay attention to the cause-and-effect relationship of job satisfaction and organizational commitment.
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Maškarin, Helga. "SATISFACTION WITH THE EMPLOYEES' JOB IN THE CROATIAN HOTEL INDUSTRY." Tourism and hospitality management 11, no. 1 (May 2005): 193–206.

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Mjerenje zadovoljstva zaposlenika poslom pomaže managerima u donošenju na informacijama baziranih odluka u području upravljanja ljudskim potencijalima, ali i poduzeća sveukupno. Mjerenje osim toga doprinosi razumijevanju načina na koji se zadovoljstvo poslom uklapa u sveukupnu sliku motivacije za rad i rezultata rada. U ovom su radu prezentirani rezultati istraživanja zadovoljstva zaposlenika poslom u hrvatskoj hotelskoj industriji.
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Rodić, Sanja. "ZADOVOLJSTVO POSLOM I APSENTIZAM ZAPOSLENIH." Zbornik radova Fakulteta tehničkih nauka u Novom Sadu 35, no. 02 (January 24, 2020): 300–303.

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Ovaj rad se bavi istraživanjem zado­voljstva poslom zaposlenih kompanije AD Podunavlje Bačka Palanka, kao i stepenom prisustva apsentizma u kompaniji. Predmet rada su stavovi zaposlenh kompanije AD Podunavlje o različitim aspektima posla. Cilj istraživanja je utvrditi stepen zadovoljstva zaposlenih, broj odsustva i povezanost ova dva faktora. Rezultati is­traživanja mogu da daju doprinos poboljšanju zadovolj­stva zaposlenih, ali i poboljšanju rada kompanije.
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Došenović, Dragana, and Branka Zolak-Poljašević. "The impact of human resource management activities on job satisfaction." Anali Ekonomskog fakulteta u Subotici 57, no. 45 (2021): 117–31.

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Although there are numerous and various factors that can affect job satisfaction, human resource management has been identified as one of the most important causes of job satisfaction. For this reason, this paper analyses the impact of human resource management and its activities on job satisfaction in various organizations in the Republic of Srpska, with the main goal to investigate and determine the existence and nature of the relationship between human resource management activities, as an independent variable, and job satisfaction, as a dependent variable. In order to analyse the observed relationship, an empirical research was conducted on a sample of 738 employees from 283 organizations from the Republic of Srpska. The research was conducted using a specially created survey questionnaire, and the reliability of the created instrument was calculated using the Cronbach's Alpha coefficient. Based on the results of the research, which were obtained by correlation analysis, the basic hypothesis was confirmed, which proved that human resource management activities have a statistically significant effect on job satisfaction. Also, all additional hypotheses, claiming that individual human resources management activities (recruitment and selection, training, development and rewarding) have a positive effect on job satisfaction, were confirmed.
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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Posmom"


Harmos, Melinda. "Implementation and testing the pose computation, POSCOM, system." Thesis, National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 1999.

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Mila, Kavalić. "Efekti menadžmenta znanja na zadovoljstvo poslom zaposlenih i finansijske performanse preduzeća." Phd thesis, Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Tehnički fakultet Mihajlo Pupin u Zrenjaninu, 2020.

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Osnovni cilj istraživanja ove doktorske disertacije je da se utvrde smerovi i intenziteti dve grupe efekata: menadžmenta znanja (KM) na zadovoljstvo poslom (JS) zaposlenih i finansijske performanse (FP) preduzeća, uz prikaz uticaja pojedinih kontrolnih varijabli (nacionalno poreklo preduzeća, vlasnička struktura preduzeća, veličina preduzeća, visina finansijskih performansi preduzeća) na dimenzije menadžmenta znanja, kao i utvrđivanje moderatornih odnosa (pol, godine starosti, vrsta radnog mesta i stepen stručne spreme ispitanika) na relacije KM na JS. Istraživanje je izvršeno anketiranjem, na uzorku N=520 ispitanika (menadžeri svih nivoa) iz proizvodnih preduzeća u Srbiji. Statistička obrada podataka vršena je pomoću namenskog softvera IBM SPSS Statistics 21. Pri tome, korišćene su sledeće statističke metode: deskriptivna statistika, t-test, korelaciona analiza, regresiona analiza, analiza varijanse (ANOVA) i hijerarhijska regresiona analiza za analizu moderatornih dejstava. U radu su posmatrane dve grupe uticaja, menadžment znanja na zadovoljstvo poslom zaposlenih i menadžment znanja na finansijske performanse preduzeća. Prilikom analize relacija obe grupe, uočene su značajne razlike. Uticaj menadžmenta znanja na finansijske performanse preduzeća je jasan i nedvosmislen: statistički značajan i pozitivan. Međutim, uticaj menadžmenta znanja na zadovoljstvo poslom zaposlenih je znatno kompleksniji: uglavnom je statistički značajan i negativan, ali ima i statistički značajnih i pozitivnih uticaja.Osnovno ograničenje istraživanja je činjenica da se rezultati istraživanja odnose na zemlje sa specifičnim tranzicionim uslovima privrede, tako i na prisutnost psihološkog stava ljudi koji je specifičan u ovakvim uslovima. S druge strane, mora se napomenuti da je značajan istraživački uzorak obuhvatio i strane kompanije koje posluju u Srbiji, što može implicirati univerzalnost rezultata. S obzirom da se tranzicioni uslovi menjaju, značajno bi bilo pratiti te promene i u odnosu na njih postaviti nova istraživanja i komparirati rezultate i u skladu sa tim davati preporuke za dalji rad i unapređenje poslovanja.
The main goal of this doctoral dissertation is to determine the directions and intensities of two groups of effects: knowledge management (KM) on employee job satisfaction (JS) and enterprise financial performance (FP). In addition, the impact of individual control variables (national origin of the enterprise, ownership structure, the size of the enterprise, and the financial performance of the enterprise) on the dimensions of knowledge management (KM) is presented. Also the effects of the defined moderating relations (gender, age, type of job and level of education of respondents) on the relations of KM to JS are analyzed. The research was conducted via survey, on a sample of N = 520 respondents (managers of all levels) from manufacturing enterprises in Serbia. Statistical data analysis was conducted with the IBM SPSS Statistics 21 software. The following statistical methods were used: descriptive statistics, t-test, correlation analysis, regression analysis, analysis of variance (ANOVA) and hierarchical regression analysis for analysis of moderator actions. Two groups of influences were observed: knowledge management on employee job satisfaction and knowledge management on enterprise financial performance. During the analysis of these relations, significant differences were noticed. The impact of knowledge management on financial performance is clear and unambiguous: statistically significant and positive. However, the impact of knowledge management on employee job satisfaction is much more complex: it is mostly statistically significant and negative, but it also has statistically significant and positive impacts. The main limitation of the research is the fact that the research results refer to countries with specific transition conditions of the economy, and to the presence of the psychological attitude of people, which is specific in such conditions. On the other hand, it must be noted that a significant research sample included foreign companies operating in Serbia, which may imply the universality of the results. Given that the transition conditions are changing, it would be important to monitor these changes and in accordance with them set new studies and compare the results and accordingly make recommendations for further research and business improvement.
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Metličková, Jitka. "Postoj Islandu k evropské integraci." Master's thesis, Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, 2007.

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Island je jednou z mála zemí, která neustále zůstává vně Evropské unie. Cílem práce je zmapovat členství Islandu v hlavních evropských integračních seskupeních druhé poloviny 20. století, se zaměřením na jeho specifický vztah k EU. První část je věnována komplexnímu pohledu na postavení Islandu v rámci integrující se Evropy v minulosti i v současnosti. Následují kapitoly, které analyzují faktory vysvětlující zdrženlivý přístup k evropské integraci a stanoviska politických elit a veřejnosti. Závěr je zaměřen na zhodnocení současného uspořádání vztahů mezi Islandem a EU a potenciálních přínosů islandského členství v EU.
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Everaardt, Annika. "The impact of fire on the honey possum Tarsipes rostratus in the Fitzgerald River National Park, Western Australia." Thesis, Everaardt, Annika (2003) The impact of fire on the honey possum Tarsipes rostratus in the Fitzgerald River National Park, Western Australia. PhD thesis, Murdoch University, 2003.

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The honey possum Tarsipes rostratus is a tiny (7 - 12 g) highly specialised flower-feeding marsupial endemic to the south-western corner of Australia. The impact of fire on this small mammal was studied, over a 19-year period, in the Fitzgerald River National Park, a large (330,000 ha) area of relatively undisturbed heathland/shrubland, rich in the proteaceous and myrtaceous plants upon which the honey possum appears to rely for food. The honey possum is the most abundant and widespread mammal in this Park. Capture rates of honey possums were significantly related to the years since the vegetation was last burnt, annual rainfall in the preceding (but not the current) year, the season when trapping occurred, and the trapping grid operated. Capture rates declined markedly after fire and remained low (less than one third of those in long unburnt vegetation) for about 4 - 5 years following a fire. Rates of capture then increased steadily over the next 20 - 25 years, with maximal abundance recorded about 30 years after fire. Thereafter, there appeared to be a slight decline in capture rates, but even in the vegetation unburnt for longest (> 50 years since fire), honey possum abundance was substantial and relatively stable. In contrast to these changes in abundance, the structure of the honey possum population, with 79 % adults and 57 % males, appeared little influenced by fire history, annual rainfall, season or grid. The increase in the rates of capture of honey possums following fire paralleled the pattern of availability of cover in the vertical and, to a lesser extent, horizontal plane. Indeed, projective foliage cover took around 20 years after fire to reach levels similar to those available in areas unburnt for even longer. The trend in capture rates was also congruent with the maturation of the most frequently visited foodplants of honey possums, particularly Banksia nutans (summer flowering) and B. baueri (winter flowering). Areas long unburnt still contained shelter and foodplants adequate for honey possums even 50 years or more after fire, with only slight evidence of senescence. Pollen loads indicated that honey possums caught in burnt areas, where their preferred foodplants were absent, continued to feed on these favoured foodplants (Banksia and Dryandra spp.) at nearby unburnt areas. In addition, they also fed, in both burnt and long unburnt areas, upon a suite of other plant species that regenerated more rapidly from lignotubers and epicormic buds, as well as from seeds (e.g. Eucalyptus and Calothamnus spp.). Thus, honey possums appeared to persist with their preferences for feeding from a limited number of flowering plants despite some of these species not being available in recently burnt areas for many years. Nearby patches of unburnt vegetation can clearly be important refuges, feeding grounds and shelter for the few honey possums that visit recently burnt areas, and appear to be the source of honey possum colonists in the years following a fire. Capture rates were also greater following years when rainfall was higher than average. Indeed, rainfall had as great an influence upon capture rates as time since fire. Capture rates were also consistently higher over winter, and to a lesser extent over summer, than in either autumn or spring. Individual grids, even those close together in apparently similar vegetation with a similar fire history, still differed significantly overall in their capture rates of honey possums. This last finding has implications for the use of chronosequences in the study of post-fire changes in biota. Although not the primary focus of the study, data on the limited suite of other, far less abundant, small mammals present indicated that house mouse Mus musculus domesticus numbers peak soon after fire (about two years after fire), grey-bellied dunnart Sminthopsis griseoventer numbers somewhat later (about eight years after fire) and that southern bush rats Rattus fuscipes fiuscipes, like honey possums, are later successional species. Most species were present in vegetation over a range of post-fire ages, with data consistent with models based on sequential changes in relative abundance. Like many Australian mammals, the range of the honey possum has contracted substantially over the last 200 years and the coastal heathlands of the south-west are its last stronghold. In terms of its conservation, this study indicates that, if possible, management burns in these heathlands should be separated by intervals of at least 20 years between successive burns, and preferably even longer. If burns are required more frequently to meet other management priorities, it is highly preferable that they are small and patchy, rather than large scale. Such practices may help ensure the long-term survival of this unique, highly specialised and endemic marsupial.
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Everaardt, Annika. "The impact of fire on the honey possum Tarsipes rostratus in the Fitzgerald River National Park, Western Australia." Everaardt, Annika (2003) The impact of fire on the honey possum Tarsipes rostratus in the Fitzgerald River National Park, Western Australia. PhD thesis, Murdoch University, 2003.

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The honey possum Tarsipes rostratus is a tiny (7 - 12 g) highly specialised flower-feeding marsupial endemic to the south-western corner of Australia. The impact of fire on this small mammal was studied, over a 19-year period, in the Fitzgerald River National Park, a large (330,000 ha) area of relatively undisturbed heathland/shrubland, rich in the proteaceous and myrtaceous plants upon which the honey possum appears to rely for food. The honey possum is the most abundant and widespread mammal in this Park. Capture rates of honey possums were significantly related to the years since the vegetation was last burnt, annual rainfall in the preceding (but not the current) year, the season when trapping occurred, and the trapping grid operated. Capture rates declined markedly after fire and remained low (less than one third of those in long unburnt vegetation) for about 4 - 5 years following a fire. Rates of capture then increased steadily over the next 20 - 25 years, with maximal abundance recorded about 30 years after fire. Thereafter, there appeared to be a slight decline in capture rates, but even in the vegetation unburnt for longest (> 50 years since fire), honey possum abundance was substantial and relatively stable. In contrast to these changes in abundance, the structure of the honey possum population, with 79 % adults and 57 % males, appeared little influenced by fire history, annual rainfall, season or grid. The increase in the rates of capture of honey possums following fire paralleled the pattern of availability of cover in the vertical and, to a lesser extent, horizontal plane. Indeed, projective foliage cover took around 20 years after fire to reach levels similar to those available in areas unburnt for even longer. The trend in capture rates was also congruent with the maturation of the most frequently visited foodplants of honey possums, particularly Banksia nutans (summer flowering) and B. baueri (winter flowering). Areas long unburnt still contained shelter and foodplants adequate for honey possums even 50 years or more after fire, with only slight evidence of senescence. Pollen loads indicated that honey possums caught in burnt areas, where their preferred foodplants were absent, continued to feed on these favoured foodplants (Banksia and Dryandra spp.) at nearby unburnt areas. In addition, they also fed, in both burnt and long unburnt areas, upon a suite of other plant species that regenerated more rapidly from lignotubers and epicormic buds, as well as from seeds (e.g. Eucalyptus and Calothamnus spp.). Thus, honey possums appeared to persist with their preferences for feeding from a limited number of flowering plants despite some of these species not being available in recently burnt areas for many years. Nearby patches of unburnt vegetation can clearly be important refuges, feeding grounds and shelter for the few honey possums that visit recently burnt areas, and appear to be the source of honey possum colonists in the years following a fire. Capture rates were also greater following years when rainfall was higher than average. Indeed, rainfall had as great an influence upon capture rates as time since fire. Capture rates were also consistently higher over winter, and to a lesser extent over summer, than in either autumn or spring. Individual grids, even those close together in apparently similar vegetation with a similar fire history, still differed significantly overall in their capture rates of honey possums. This last finding has implications for the use of chronosequences in the study of post-fire changes in biota. Although not the primary focus of the study, data on the limited suite of other, far less abundant, small mammals present indicated that house mouse Mus musculus domesticus numbers peak soon after fire (about two years after fire), grey-bellied dunnart Sminthopsis griseoventer numbers somewhat later (about eight years after fire) and that southern bush rats Rattus fuscipes fiuscipes, like honey possums, are later successional species. Most species were present in vegetation over a range of post-fire ages, with data consistent with models based on sequential changes in relative abundance. Like many Australian mammals, the range of the honey possum has contracted substantially over the last 200 years and the coastal heathlands of the south-west are its last stronghold. In terms of its conservation, this study indicates that, if possible, management burns in these heathlands should be separated by intervals of at least 20 years between successive burns, and preferably even longer. If burns are required more frequently to meet other management priorities, it is highly preferable that they are small and patchy, rather than large scale. Such practices may help ensure the long-term survival of this unique, highly specialised and endemic marsupial.
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Rocha, Isabel Maria Baptista Lopes da. "Posto Médico Avançado." Master's thesis, Universidade do Porto. Reitoria, 2003.

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Stroisch, Sandra Regina Gonzaga. "Professora, posso falar?" Florianópolis, SC, 2005.

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Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Ciências da Educação. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação.
Made available in DSpace on 2013-07-15T22:41:32Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 223488.pdf: 1134368 bytes, checksum: 88235c04070f99c796895f2a526161ad (MD5)
Este trabalho tem por finalidade conhecer como as professoras interpretam a participação da criança na atividade de ensino. O objetivo principal é ouvir professoras que participaram de um processo de Formação Continuada durante cinco anos no que diz respeito a suas trajetórias escolares buscando perceber, com base em seus relatos, como foram construindo o conceito de participação e de que forma utilizam esse conceito cotidianamente em suas práticas de sala de aula.Considerando a importância de ouvir as professoras para que elas dessem significado às suas experiências escolares, a opção teórico-metodológica foi a história oral. O livro Introdução ao Estudo da Escola Nova de autoria de Lourenço Filho foi uma das referências teóricas deste trabalho, uma vez que foi a partir do movimento escolanovista que é proposta uma nova relação entre o professor e o aluno. Pela primeira vez na história da educação a criança é colocada no centro do processo educativo. Atualizo esta discussão, no entanto, com base na teoria da atividade proposta por Leontiev, destacando o modo como a criança desenvolve sua atividade, procurando, dessa forma, dar sentido e significado à sua participação na atividade de ensino. Finalmente, ouvir as professoras sobre seus processos de aprendizagem e de que forma traduzem seus conhecimentos em práticas pedagógicas resultou em importante reflexão e provocou novos questionamentos. Algumas conclusões foram apresentadas embora sem a pretensão de caracterizar um julgamento ao trabalho do professor, mas prevendo a possibilidade de que tais considerações venham a contribuir para posteriores estudos por parte do corpo docente da Escola do Porto, campo desta pesquisa bem como a todos aqueles profissionais que se dedicam à educação da criança. Concluiu-se que todas as professoras atribuem importância à participação da criança na atividade de ensino; demonstram que o conceito de participação foi sendo construído durante suas trajetórias escolares e interpretam a participação da criança tendo como princípio o ato de fazer coisas, ou seja, sua ação. Esta pesquisa foi realizada no período de 2003 a 2004.
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Rocha, Isabel Maria Baptista Lopes da. "Posto Médico Avançado." Dissertação, Universidade do Porto. Reitoria, 2003.

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Borges, Altemir José. "Técnicas resolutivas para problemas mal postos." reponame:Repositório Institucional da UFSC, 2012.

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Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Ciências Físicas e Matemáticas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Matemática e Computação Científica, Florianópolis, 2010
Made available in DSpace on 2012-10-24T22:24:37Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 280833.pdf: 697674 bytes, checksum: e8a5b8acb0f9edd4095e86fb4ca90188 (MD5)
Este trabalho apresenta alguns dos métodos diretos e alguns dos iterativos mais comumente utilizados para resolver problemas mal postos discretos, focalizando diferentes estratégias de escolha do parâmetro de regularização. Os métodos diretos aqui abordados são o da GCV, da curva-L, do ponto fixo, da quase-otimalidade e o da discrepância. Os métodos iterativos são o LSQR, GMRES e o RRGMRES. Estes métodos são aplicados na resolução dos problemas teste Heat, Baart, Deriv2, Foxgood, Gravity, I\_laplace, Phillips, Shaw, Tomo e Wing, da literatura. Nos métodos iterativos são adotados os critérios de parada de Morigi e da discrepância. Para os métodos iterativos, aqui também é apresentado um novo critério de parada baseado no decrescimento da norma do resíduo e no crescimento da norma da solução. Este novo critério desempenhou melhor performance que os critérios de Morigi e da discrepância, na maioria dos problemas testes abordados.
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Bryant, Kate Alexandra. "The mating system and reproduction in the honey possum, Tarsipes rostratus: a life-history and genetical perspective." Thesis, Bryant, Kate Alexandra (2004) The mating system and reproduction in the honey possum, Tarsipes rostratus: a life-history and genetical perspective. PhD thesis, Murdoch University, 2004.

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The honey possum Tarsipes rostratus, a marsupial endemic to South-Western Australia, feeds exclusively upon nectar and pollen. It is one of the smallest marsupials, with adult females (8-12g) significantly larger than adult males (6-9g). Honey possum males have the longest sperm (356 mcg) recorded for any mammaland the testes represent 4.2% body weight, amongst the largest recorded formammal species. These features suggest that sperm competition is an importantpart of the mating system. This study used a combination of field based studies,DNA analysis and histological examination of the female reproductive tract toinvestigate the life history, multiple paternity and reproduction of the honey possum innatural populations in the Fitzgerald River National Park (FRNP), on the south coastof Western Australia. This study drew upon earlier work on the honey possum in the FRNP in order to describe its life-history. The honey possum is short-lived (1-2 years), and attains sexual maturity whilst still growing. All four teats are occupied after birth, but the litter is reduced to 2 or 3 young during pouch life. The young have a relatively slow rate of growth. Breeding occurs continuously throughout the year, but is affected by the flowering phenologies of its foodplants. The greatest proportion of females with pouch-young occurs in winter; there are fewest pouch-young in autumn, a time of year when there is a dearth of flowers. Honey possums are essentially solitary animals, with no structured social unit, and male and female home ranges overlap. In captivity they are largely tolerant of one another, but larger females are behaviorally dominant to smaller females and to males. The densities and structure of the honey possum populations in the FRNP were analyzed from trapping data collected over 19 years. Population densities fluctuated significantly from season to season throughout the year, with changes in the flowering food resources available. There were also year-to-year differences in the intensity of those fluctuations, and these were significantly associated with rainfall in the previous year, and probably mediated through a lag effect in the flowering of the honey possum's foodplants. The greatest densities of animals occurred over winter. In years following high rainfall, mean winter densities reached 88 individuals per hectare. The lowest densities occurred in spring, and in years following low rainfall mean spring densities fell to 8 individuals per hectare. Even at these lowest densities, there is still the potential for interaction between males and females. A succession from high to low, then back to high densities was seen during the three years of the present study (2000-2002) and this shadowed a similar succession of changes in rainfall. The proportion of females with pouch-young was significantly affected by the season, and by rainfall in the previous year. Years following low rainfall had a lower proportion of females in a condition to breed. The autumn dip in breeding that occurred in all years was exacerbated following dry years. Of those females that did breed in 2001, a time of low resources, there was no difference in the size of the litter compared to 2000 and 2002, times of higher resource availability. The sex-ratio of pouch young was at parity, but there was a slight bias towards males among both juveniles (56%) and adults (58%). This was probably due to the greater movements shown by males. Sex ratios were not affected by changes in rainfall and density. Male-biased dispersal was detected using genetic data and the movement patterns of males showed that they moved greater distances than females during their normal activity. Analysis of four microsatellite loci revealed extremely high levels of variation, with 28 to 50 alleles per locus and a mean expected heterozygosity of 0.95. These are amongst the highest seen in any microsatellite study of vertebrates. There was multiple paternity in 86% litters, using a minimum number of sires per litter method, and in 95% litters, using an estimated number of sires method based upon the relatedness of litter males. This indicates that multiple mating is frequent in female honey possums and is evidence for sperm competition. The estimated number of sires in a litter was often three or four. In 41% of cases, the number of sires was less than the number of young in the litter, indicating that some males were more successful at siring offspring than others. Nevertheless, no more than two offspring in a litter were known to have been sired by the same male. Despite marked fluctuations in density from high in 2000, to low in 2001, then high again in 2002, the level of multiple paternity remained equally high in all years. Embryonic diapause and female reproduction was investigated in the honey possum. All adult females examined, both with and without pouch-young, were either close to oestrus, had ovulated or were carrying conceptuses. The honey possum has a postpartum oestrus and it was evident that this occurs approximately 2-4 days after birth. Cleavage and formation of the unilaminar blastocyst appears to occur rapidly over approximately 5 days. Embryonic diapause proceeded in a two phase manner similar to other small possum species. The unilaminar blastocyst expanded rapidly at first; and then, from about 18-20 days after birth, the diameter of the blastocyst remained constant at approximately 1.2-1.8mm. No growth or development beyond the unilaminar stage was observed during pouch-life. The first signs of reactivation occurred during lactation, after pouch exit, and expansion of the blastocyst only occurred in one post-lactational female. The development of the corpus luteum appeared different to patterns described for other marsupials, but its formation coincided with the formation of the unilaminar blastocyst. The diameter of the corpus luteum remained constant throughout diapause. The histology of the reproductive tract was generally similar to other marsupials. There were no sperm storage crypts in the female reproductive tract. The length of pouch-life in the honey possum was 55-65 days, and the interval between litters of the same size varied between 65 and 100 days. Embryonic diapause may reduce the time between production of successive litters in the honey possum, but lifetime reproductive potential is reasonably low. Females had up to four litters over the period that they were captured. Thus, each litter represents a substantial proportion (25%) of a female's lifetime reproductive output. Reproductive amortization occurred, with 61% loss overall, due to overproduction of ova, loss of conceptuses and reduction of the litter during lactation. The behavioural dominance of females suggests that multiple mating is an active strategy, and this presumably allows the genetic quality of their offspring to be maximized. Males that succeed in sperm competition may be of better intrinsic quality. Overproduction of conceptuses by females presents the opportunity for them to select those fertilized by intrinsically viable males or genetically compatible males. Sexually active males are present all year round. Females were not synchronous in their sexual receptivity, and this would lead to a skewed operational sex ratio, with more reproductive males than oestrous females. Since adult males are significantly smaller than adult females and possess no ornaments or armaments, it is unlikely that males overtly fight for access to females. Rather, males appear to monitor the reproductive status of females through smell, and probably compete in their ability to locate oestrous females. The risk and intensity of sperm competition is high, sexual selection for a large investment in spermatogenesis is evident and competition after copulation is probably an important factor in the mating system. It is likely that males, as well as females mate multiply, and the mating system is promiscuous.
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Books on the topic "Posmom"


Heath, McKenzie, ed. Town possum, outback possum. Prahan, Vic: Little Hare Books, 2011.

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Possum. Treadwell, N.Y: Bright Hill Press, 2004.

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Đorić, Jelena Želeskov. Rezilijentnost i zadovoljstvo poslom hirurga. Beograd: Institut za kriminološka i sociološka istraživanja, 2012.

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Fox, Mem. Possum magic. Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1987.

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Bateman, Flannery. Awesome possum. San Francisco: Pretend Press, 2003.

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Freed, Dolly. Possum living. Portland, Or: Tin House Books, 2010.

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Fox, Mem. Possum magic. Australia: Omnibus Books, 2004.

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Possum summer. New York: Holiday House, 2011.

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Fox, Mem. Possum magic. Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1987.

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Fox, Mem. Possum magic. Norwood, S. Aust: Omnibus/Puffin, 1989.

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Book chapters on the topic "Posmom"


Conti, Marco, Valentina Spunton, and Roberto Fenini. "Postop Rehabilitation in rTSA." In Reverse Shoulder Arthroplasty, 353–61. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2018.

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Baglioni, Daniele. "Al posto di un’introduzione." In Il veneziano «de là da mar», edited by Daniele Baglioni, 1–8. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 2019.

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Mayich, Michael, Brian P. Walcott, Christopher J. Stapleton, and Daniel Thomas Ginat. "Postop Evaluation of Aneurysms (Including Vasospasm)." In Neurovascular Imaging, 583–601. New York, NY: Springer New York, 2016.

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Mayich, Michael, Brian P. Walcott, Christopher J. Stapleton, and Daniel Thomas Ginat. "Postop Evaluation of Aneurysms (Including Vasospasm)." In Neurovascular Imaging, 1–22. New York, NY: Springer New York, 2014.

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Bartl, Andrea. "Empfang bei der Welt (postum 1956)." In Heinrich Mann-Handbuch, 237–46. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler, 2022.

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Butters, M., T. Vögele, and C. Kaden-Bode. "Postop. Schmerzmanagement als interdisziplinäre Aufgabe — erste Erfahrungen." In Vielfalt und Einheit der Chirurgie Humanität und Wissenschaft, 677. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1998.

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Moshkovsky, Filip, Maureen Mercante, and Mark Cipolle. "Care of the Postop Craniectomy/Craniotomy Patient." In Surgical Critical Care Therapy, 77–83. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2018.

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Hassan, Mohammad Mahbubul. "Possum Fiber—A Wonderful Creation of Nature." In Sustainable Fibres for Fashion Industry, 59–88. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2016.

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Cooke, Raylene, Fiona Hogan, Bronwyn Isaac, Marian Weaving, and John G. White. "Powerful Owls: Possum Assassins Move into Town." In Urban Raptors, 152–65. Washington, DC: Island Press/Center for Resource Economics, 2018.

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Flammer, August. "Possum, ergo Sum—Nequeo, ergo Sum qui Sum." In The Self in European and North American Culture: Development and Processes, 333–49. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 1995.

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Conference papers on the topic "Posmom"


Kim, Dohun, Ja Young Choi, and Young Bok Park. "POSMOS: POSCO middleware for open systems in the iron-and-steel-making level 2 system." In 2012 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics - SMC. IEEE, 2012.

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"Posco." In 2007 International Conference on Electronic Materials and Packaging. IEEE, 2007.

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Mihajlov, Snežana, Goran Perić, and Nenad Mihajlov. "Rodne razlike u zadovoljstvu poslom državnih službenika u Srbiji." In Synthesis 2015. Belgrade, Serbia: Singidunum University, 2015.

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Ghobakhlou, A., X. Wang, P. Sallis, S. Inder, and S. Blok. "Using WSN for possum management." In 2015 9th International Conference on Sensing Technology (ICST). IEEE, 2015.

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García, Rebeca, and José Vicente Velázquez. "REINFORCED POSETM: THE 18 PLICATIONS SOLUTION." In 41 Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Endoscopia Digestiva (SEED). Madrid (España): Arán Ediciones, S.L., 2019.

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M. Colla, Luciane, Danúbia Cadore Favaretto, Thaís S. Machado, Maria Tereza Friedrich, Ana Cláudia Margarites, and Vandré Brião. "BIOAUMENTAÇÃO DE EFLUENTES DE POSTOS DE COMBUSTÍVEIS." In Simpósio Nacional de Bioprocessos e Simpósio de Hidrólise Enzimática de Biomassa. Campinas - SP, Brazil: Galoá, 2015.

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de Carvalho, Ana, Fabio de Carvalho, and Ana Pascal. "Postagem de Dietas nas Redes Sociais: Todos Postam." In XXI I Congresso Brasileiro de Nutrologia. Thieme Revinter Publicações Ltda, 2018.

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Botlíková, Milena. "Postoj generací k rybnikářství v kontextu cestovního ruchu." In XXIV. mezinárodního kolokvia o regionálních vědách. Brno: Masaryk University Press, 2021.

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The aim of the article was to identify the level of association between fishing and selected attributes, especially from the field from tourism, traditions or basic functions of ponds, especially the between generation of YZ. Furthermore, the aim was to verify whether there are statistically significant differences between the associations of generations using the Kruskal - Wallis test. The analysis of the questionnaire survey showed that the connection between fish farming and selected attributes with the coming generations is decreasing. More than tourism, the young generation recalls ponds with traditional Christmas holidays, fish on a plate with fishing ponds. These new generations (YZ) will form a significant segment of tourism. For the development of fishing tourism, it is necessary to create products and communication strategies tailored to these generations, cooperate with influencers, use Facebook, Instagram or stimulate demand with the help of fish gastronomy and catch, which are closest to the younger generation.
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Kim, Hyoseob, Byung Chul Oh, and Hoesoo Jeong. "ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT OF POSCO CONSTRUCTION, KOREA." In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference. WORLD SCIENTIFIC, 2004.

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Cachapa, Daniel, Robert Harrison, Armando Colombo, and Les Lee. "SoA-based production monitoring systems for energy efficiency: A case-study using Ford's POSMon system." In 2010 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology. IEEE, 2010.

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Reports on the topic "Posmom"


Collier, K. S., David A. Blandford, and William W. Dibble. M1A2 Adjunct Analysis (POSNOV Volume). Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, December 1989.

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Falta de efetivo, postos fechados e sensação de insegurança fazem parte da realidade do controle do território por parte dos órgãos de segurança pública no Brasil e, de maneira mais concreta, no Rio Grande do Sul. Este quadro nos leva a buscar maior qualificação das decisões tomadas pelas instâncias gestoras da segurança pública. Um dos papéis da Universidade é colaborar para essa qualificação, sendo este o propósito deste projeto, em colaboração com a Polícia Rodoviária Federal.
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Barros, Caio. Documento de Trabalho- Ensaios sobre Saúde Suplementar. Departamento de Estudos Econômicos - Cade, October 2021.

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Nesta coletânea, são apresentados três estudos sobre o mercado de saúde suplementar, realizados de 2020 a 2021, que fomenta o debate concorrencial e contribui para o aprimoramento das análises empreendidas pelo Cade. Espera-se que diferentes atores possam utilizar esse documento como apoio para novos trabalhos, bem como para suporte em casos concretos.
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Adhikari, Kamal, Bharat Adhikari, Sue Cavill, Santosh Mehrotra, Vijeta Rao Bejjanki, and Matteus Van Der Velden. Monitoria de Campanhas de Saneamento: Metas, Relatórios e Informação, e Realismo. Institute of Development Studies, June 2022.

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Muitos governos da Ásia e de África definiram prazos ambiciosos para os seus países se tornarem livres de fecalismo a céu aberto (ODF). Alguns concluíram recentemente campanhas nacionais de saneamento; vários países têm campanhas em curso; enquanto outros estão no processo de conceptualização e planificação. Monitorar resultados e dar conta deles é um dos principais desafios que se colocam a essas campanhas. Este número de Fronteiras do Saneamento apresenta as lições aprendidas até agora para que estas possam ser usadas nas campanhas governamentais em curso e a realizar que visem acabar com o fecalismo a céu aberto e melhorar o acesso ao saneamento gerido com segurança.
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Magalhães Eloy, Claudia, Felipe de Jesús Ruiz Hernández, Jorge Armando Guerrero Espinosa, Juan José Cervantes Bautista, Luis Ignacio Joaquín Torcida Amero, and Renato Nardoni. Habitação de interesse social no Brasil: propostas para melhorias ao sistema de financiamento habitacional. Edited by María Paloma Silva de Anzorena and Clémentine Tribouillard. Inter-American Development Bank, September 2021.

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A publicação integra o conjunto de temas de política habitacional, objeto da Cooperação Técnica ProMorar, firmada entre o BID a SNH, vinculada ao Ministério do Desenvolvimento Regional (MDR). Este caderno se debruça sobre o tema do financiamento, central nas modelagens de política habitacional posto que fundamental para viabilizar a produção e a aquisição de moradias. O foco recai sobre o atendimento aos segmentos de renda baixa e moderada, aqueles que compoem, majoritariamente, o déficit habitacional e a demanda que se constitui a cada ano e que enfrentam maiores dificuldades para acessar o crédito. O objetivo geral é contribuir para o desenvolvimento de um mercado de crédito robusto, dinâmico e sustentável no Brasil, que permita alavancar a renda das famílias com capacidade adequada e regular de pagamento, possibilitando focar subsídios e estratégias governamentais para imprimir maior eficiência e cobertura no uso dos limitados recursos públicos.
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Fassio, Rafael Carvalho de, Vanderléia Radaelli, Eduardo De Azevedo, and Karina Diaz. Contrataçoes de inovaçao: guia de alternativas jurídicas e de boas práticas para contrataçoes de inovaçao no Brasil. Inter-American Development Bank, March 2022.

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A inovaço aberta e as contrataçes públicas de inovaço so possíveis e esto acontecendo no Brasil. Apesar dos desafios apresentados nas pesquisas anteriores, essa contrataço que era vista no apenas como algo excepcional, mas quase contra-intuitivo ao sistema tradicional, está sendo mais utilizada pelos gestores e os primeiros casos concretos já esto sendo divulgados. A inovaço aberta pode buscar alternativas para solucionar os desafios dos governos, por meio de soluçes inovadoras que possam ser testadas em ambiente real, reduzindo a assimetria no acesso à informaço e a impermeabilidade do setor público a soluçes propostas de fora da administraço, promovendo a melhoria dos serviços públicos, aumento da eficincia e o desenvolvimento social. Assim, visando promover este instrumento de inovaço, o estudo "Guia de Alternativas Jurídicas e Boas Práticas para Compras de Inovaço no Brasil" apresenta um mapa com as ferramentas legais alternativas disponíveis para a realizaço de compras públicas de inovaço e para a inovaço aberta no Brasil, apresentando uma série de diretrizes e boas práticas nacionais e internacionais destinadas aos gestores públicos, para ajudá-los a avançar na lógica de cooperaço e colaboraço fundamentais para uma administraço pública moderna e eficiente.
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Martínez Fritscher, André, Maria Cristina Mac Dowell, Soraya Naffah Ferreira, and Ricardo Gazel. A modernização fiscal dos estados brasileiros e seu impacto arrecadatório e econômico: o caso do Profisco. Inter-American Development Bank, May 2022.

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Este artigo analisa o impacto do Projeto de Modernização da Gestão Fiscal dos Estados (Profisco I), financiado pelo Banco Interamericano de Desenvolvimento, na arrecadação estadual, número de empresas locais e remuneração de seus trabalhadores. Desde 2009, o Profisco I foi implantado em 2 3 das 27 unidades federativas, permitindo digitalizar documentos fiscais e melhorar os sistemas de processamento de dados fiscais e as capacidades de análise dessas informações pelas administrações tributárias. Usando uma metodologia de diferenças em diferenças, considerando que a adesão foi faseada e nem todos os estados o implantaram, estima-se que o programa contribuiu para que os estados incrementassem em 11,7% e 1 ,7%, respectivamente, sua arrecadação total e o número de unidades locais de empresas formais. Os potenciais mecanismos que levaram a esses resultados estão relacionados a uma mudança no cumprimento tributário devido à simplificação das declarações e ao aumento da capacidade real e percebida da autoridade tributária na detecção de irregularidades. Isso levou a: (i) uma diminuição do custo de fazer negócios, permitindo realocação de recursos para atividades mais substantivas e que possam acarretar maior produtividade laboral e salários; e (ii) maior compliance tributária e empresarial de toda a cadeia produtiva, pela crença de que práticas indevidas serão detectadas mais facilmente. Adicionalmente, são identificadas complementariedades entre o Profisco e a Nota Fiscal Eletrônica. Por fim, estima-se que o gap tributário reduziu 6 pontos percentuais entre 2012 e 2019, como evidência complementar de que as capacidades dos fiscos estaduais foram incrementadas no período, permitindo aumentar a eficiência arrecadatória.
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Rui, Taniele, and Mauricio Fiore, eds. Working Paper Series: Comunidades Terapêuticas no Brasil. Drugs, Security and Democracy Program, Social Science Research Council, June 2021.

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Espalhadas pelo Brasil e atingindo força política inédita, as comunidades terapêuticas são tão inescapáveis do debate sobre políticas de drogas quanto complexas em sua definição. Embora não sejam uma criação brasileira, elas operam nesse país há algumas décadas, sendo que sua disseminação se intensificou nos anos 1990. Em 2011, elas foram incorporadas oficialmente à Rede de Atenção Psicossocial (RAPS) brasileira. Desde então, as comunidades terapêuticas estão no centro de debates públicos sobre sua regulamentação; sobre como devem – ou mesmo se devem – ser caracterizadas no sistema de saúde; sobre o nível de supervisão a que devem ser submetidas; sobre suas fontes de financiamento, particularmente se devem ou não ter acesso a financiamento público; e, mais importante, sobre a qualidade dos serviços que oferecem e as várias denuncias de violações de direito existentes. No entanto, um debate público bem informado só pode florescer se as informações disponíveis forem baseadas em evidências. O programa Drugs, Security and Democracy to SSRC preocupa com a relevância dos projetos de pesquisa que apoia e o debate em torno das comunidades terapêuticas no Brasil aponta para uma clara necessidade de pesquisas imparciais que abordem diferentes aspectos transversais deste tópico em suas várias dimensões: jurídica, regulatória, sanitária e de observância dos direitos humanos, entre outros. É nesse contexto que publicamos esta working paper series sobre comunidades terapêuticas no Brasil. Os oito artigos que compõem esta série oferecem uma visão multidisciplinar sobre o tema, expandindo e aprofundando a literatura existente e oferecendo contribuições contundentes para uma análise substantiva das comunidades terapêuticas como instrumentos de politica pública. Embora possam ser lidos separadamente, é como conjunto que a força dos oito artigos que compõem esta série se torna mais evidente. Mesmo que ofereçam perspectivas diversas, são trabalhos complementares— e já essenciais— na delineação e compreensão do fenômeno das comunidades terapêuticas no Brasil.
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Figueiredo, Ana Beatriz, Arturo Daniel Alarcon Rodriguez, Bruno César Araújo, Clémentine Tribouillard, Dalve Alexandre Soria Alves, Dea Fioravante, Diego Arcia, et al. Retomada nos municípios: Por onde começar. Inter-American Development Bank, April 2021.

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Ao assumirem as prefeituras em 2021, os novos gestores e os gestores reeleitos se depararam com uma complexa realidade socioeconômica em virtude da pandemia, com desemprego e urgências sanitárias que vão emergindo a partir de uma segunda curva pandêmica. Podemos resumir que, neste quadro apreensivo, os desafios destes gestores, especialmente aqueles de cidades pequenas e médias são priorizar e optar por ações concretas que possam ser implementadas. Todas as necessidades são importantes, no há dúvidas. Entretanto, o estabelecimento de foco em alguns elementos da gestão pública pode resultar em uma abordagem mais pragmática para apoiar os municípios na retomada da economia e dos índices de qualidade de vida de seus cidadãos, tanto do ponto de vista imediato, quanto prospectando as condições necessárias para uma recuperação consistente nos próximos anos. Essa recuperação economica também deve ser sustentável, introduzindo medidas simples de mitigação e adaptação às mudanças climáticas. Assim, a retomada econômica trata da redução de despesas nos cofres públicos, possibilidades de crescimento econômico e geração de emprego e renda. Apresentamos nesta publicação sugestes de áreas a dedicar mais atenção nos próximos meses, tendo a inovação e o empreendedorismo como elementos transversais, reunindo produtos de conhecimento e material técnico do BID e de parceiros, iniciativas de organizações dedicadas a ajudar às cidades neste período único da história recente, e material multimídia de maneira sintética e esquemática, porém compreensiva aos problemas que mais afligem a população. E nas cidades onde tudo acontece, e no BID estamos comprometidos a atuar de maneira multissetorial, tendo os cidadãos como centro das intervenções e iniciativas que apoiamos. No cenário atual de apreensão em que nos encontramos, acreditamos que a priorização é uma maneira construtiva de criar as bases da sociedade que queremos quando as emergências se dissiparem. Esperamos que os gestores municipais encontrem neste material, de acordo com a sua realidade e necessidades locais, conteúdo útil para dirigirem esta jornada.
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