Academic literature on the topic 'Ports – France'
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Journal articles on the topic "Ports – France"
Lavissière, Alexandre. "L’opportunité des ports francs en France." Logistique & Management 27, no. 4 (August 27, 2019): 215–28.
Full textFedi, Laurent. "“Ports in France: what port strategy for business development?” Sophie Cros and Florence Lerique, ed. Eska, France, 2021." Revue Française de Gestion Industrielle 37, no. 1 (April 30, 2023): 85–90.
Full textBERTELSMEIER, CLEO, and FRANCK COURCHAMP. "Future ant invasions in France." Environmental Conservation 41, no. 2 (January 2, 2014): 217–28.
Full textRossiaud, Jacques. "Les ports fluviaux au Moyen Âge (France, Italie)." Actes de la Société des historiens médiévistes de l'enseignement supérieur public 35, no. 1 (2004): 9–19.
Full textTranchant, Mathias. "Les ports maritimes en France au Moyen Âge." Actes de la Société des historiens médiévistes de l'enseignement supérieur public 35, no. 1 (2004): 21–31.
Full textKotva, Aleš. "Francie a otevření Japonska." Historica. Revue pro historii a příbuzné vědy 15, no. 1 (July 2024): 42–57.
Full textHill, David, David Barrett, Keith Maude, Julia Warburton, and Margaret Worthington. "Quentovic defined." Antiquity 64, no. 242 (March 1990): 51–58.
Full textMartín Pérez, Fernando. "Reseña de: Tranchant, Mathias, Le ports maritimes de la France atlantique (XIe-XVe siècle). Volume I: Tableau géohistorique." Espacio Tiempo y Forma. Serie III, Historia Medieval, no. 32 (April 11, 2019): 571.
Full textMarnot, Bruno. "La politique des ports maritimes en France de 1860 à 1920." Histoire, économie et société 18, no. 3 (1999): 643–58.
Full textVaughan, Richard. "Bowhead whaling in Davis Strait and Baffin Bay during the 18th and 19th Centuries." Polar Record 23, no. 144 (September 1986): 289–99.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Ports – France"
Haffani, Zbaïda. "Ports maritimes et concurrence." Nice, 2002.
Full textThe activity of seaports represents a major economic and financial stake for the state economy. The transfer of the international exchanges as well as the realization of the single market place all the European ports in a context strongly subjected to the competition. It supposes very strong quality constraints of the harbour service (time, reliability, safety). New harbour actors appeared from then on: the private actors who intervene more by acquisitions of holdings in the investment. The localization of ports on the public domain, and the constraints of the rules of the national state were so many obstacles to the development of the private investments. To remedy it, a reform of the national state was begun. Furthermore, the harbour policy is directly concerned by the policy of the competition and the policy of transport defined at the level of the European Union. Promote the harbour sector by a certain number of measures aiming at improving ,its global performances. These actions aim at improving the efficiency of ports, at raising the obstacles to the free provision of a service and at encouraging the improvement of ports and harbour facilities
Bernard, Nicolas. "Ports de plaisance et structuration de l'espace littoral finistérien." Brest, 1993.
Full textThe maritime vocation of Finistere has been reinforced for the last 30 years by the outstanding expansion of pleasure sailing. This department presents several specific characteristics as far as sailing harbour equipments are concerned : marinas have been rejected to the advantage of smaller units ; the yachting harbours have been set up with an irregular geographical distribution depending on the physical and human conditions of the coastal environment ; their customers are mainly composed of local sailors with a marked preference for a close sailing area, with fairly small incomes but a well-established sailing practice : the need for equipments has arisen more from a collective will than from the cupidity of some covetous property developers. The sailing harbours, centres for tourist and sea activities, participate in the development of the littoral of finistere. They open onto 3 different areas : the maritime space which constitutes a recreational zone with various exploitations, the town to which they are generally attached, the inland where they have socio-economical effects and find their users
Vannoise-Pochulu, Marie-Françoise. "La mutation de la politique portuaire française à l'ère industrielle : la réforme du statut des ports de commerce : l'exemple du port du Havre, 1871-1939." Paris 12, 2000.
Full textAfter 1870 intercontinental trade expansion converts maritime economy and justifies a new development of the french ports. Le Havre harbour, which is our demonstration is straight concerned by the new international trade conditions. The chambers of commerce are locally in charge of port managment They are confronted as well as with ship tonnage increasing and competihon than with port modernisation works and financing. A harbour administration reform becomes an absolute necessity but which reform? Since beginning XXth century, the state is at work. However, there is e gap between what the local communities whish and the authorithies orientations leedind to the first 1912 law abandonment The first world war is important in the discussions advancement The winning reform should suit to industrialization progressing and maintain the high state authority on the economic wheels. The june 12th 1920 law describes the rule of autonomy. It means the different port duties grouping all together on a general manager, an administration board decides of the orientations and administers its own budget under ministry control. The new regime has been applicated to Le Havre on 1925. It is for the harbour an expanding period and the way from market commerce in industrial economy that ou exportation has favoured with-i important port substructure modifications. Le Havre is also a great transatlantic harbour, Just before the second world war, the autonomy is compromised with political and social national context
Lageiste, Jérôme. "Les ports de plaisance en Bretagne : protagonistes du développement touristique ?" Paris 4, 1994.
Full textThe last thirty years over which yachting has developed have turned the coastline into an entertainement area. In brittany, a quasi-continuous nebula of marinas is now marking out the entire coastline. Conceived as enticing elements essential to the development of the sea-side resorts rather than as equipments meant to service the yacht men, the marinas are connected to the economic and touristic interests of the coastal breton communes. In spite of its wide scope, this development was controlled by no regional policy whatsoever. One might rather say that the marinas compelled recogfnition as structuring elements of the touristic development. The national policy of coastline development, very general in nature, and torn between respect fot the environment and support to economic development, has led to a hardly efficient set of rules which permits the local authorities to impose their choice of touristic development models
Sioc'han-Monnier, Françoise. "La construction et l'évolution des ports en Bretagne aux 19ème et 20ème siècle." Rennes 2, 1998.
Full textParreau, Christophe. "Les ports de commerce moyens du versant manche-atlantique francais : etude geographique." Nantes, 2001.
Full textPaffoni, Elsa. "Renouveau du transport fluvial et dynamiques métropolitaines : le cas des ports fluviaux franciliens (1980-2010)." Thesis, Paris Est, 2013.
Full textWhile waterways and inland ports have contributed to the development of cities, since 1945 they have respectively known a traffic decrease and a progressive disconnection from the urban area. Actual freight production and distribution use road-only mode, but European, national and metropolitan transport policies encourage more sustainable mode of transport. Although the Ile-de-France region is disadvantaged in terms of infrastructure and maritime ports opportunities facing the countries of Northern Europe, Seine river traffic is growing. A large river metropolis and a set of inland ports may explain this feature. This doctoral thesis aims to identify how river ports have followed a different organization from other European territories, due to the presence of Paris. It is therefore useful to use both statistical analysis of port traffic and interviews with Port Authority and metropolitan actors, to identify contradictions in their expectations and their respective approaches. The results highlight an adaptation of inland port to the needs of the metropolis, through traffic specialization and networking, in order to justify their presence in urban areas. Hence, the Port Authority Ports de Paris has developed a policy planning to ensure urban integration of its inland ports. However, lack of coordination and understanding between Port Authority and urban actors are the main obstacles to the acceptability of inland ports in metropolitan areas
Amghar, Julien. "Les petits ports et les usages du littoral, en Bretagne, au XIXe siècle." Lorient, 2006.
Full textGuerrero, David. "Les aires d'influence des ports de la France : entre réseau et gravitation." Phd thesis, Université Paris-Diderot - Paris VII, 2010.
Full textArzul, Guy. "Le renouveau du droit du domaine public fluvial." Paris : Johanet, 2008.
Full textBooks on the topic "Ports – France"
Musée des beaux-arts André Malraux and Musée d'art et d'industrie de Roubaix, eds. Signac: Les ports de France. Paris]: Gallimard, 2010.
Find full textEric, Rieth, and Vernet Joseph 1714-1789, eds. Joseph Vernet, 1714-1789: Les ports de France. Arcueil: Anthèse, 1994.
Find full textGarneray, Louis. Vue des côtes et des ports de France en 1823. Urrugne: Pimientos, 2004.
Find full textVernet, Joseph. Joseph Vernet, 1714-1789: Les vues des ports de France. Paris: Musée de la marine, 2011.
Find full textMarguerite, Tupinier Jean. Mémoires du baron Tupinier, directeur des ports et arsenaux, 1779-1850. [Paris]: Editions Desjonquères, 1994.
Find full text1968-, Bechthold Michael, ed. The Canadian battlefields in Northern France: Dieppe and the Channel Ports. Waterloo, Ont: Laurier Centre for Military Strategic and Disarmament Studies, 2011.
Find full textCarré, Pierre. Le ventre de la mer: Histoire des 50 ports de pêche de France. Rennes: La Découvrance, 1996.
Find full textMarcadon, Jacques. L' avant-pays des ports français: Géopolitique des échanges maritimes entre la France et le monde. Paris: Masson, 1988.
Find full textGaillard, Brigitte. Marines et ports méditerranéens: Peintures des XVIIIe, XIXe, XXe siècles, collection Fondation Regards de Provence. Marseille: Association Regards de Provence, 2009.
Find full textConference on Free Zones and Development (2nd 1986 Fort-de-France, Martinique). Les zones de liberté économique et le développement: 2ème Conférence internationale sur les zones de liberté économique, Fort-de-France, Martinique, 26-29 mai 1986. Fort-de-France: Chambre de commerce et d'industrie de la Martinique, 1986.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Ports – France"
Kerbiriou, Ronan. "Île-de-France." In Maritime Ports, Supply Chains and Logistics Corridors, 44–55. London: Routledge, 2023.
Full textSanchez, Corinne, Nicolas Carayon, Julien Cavero, Patrick Andersch Goodfellow, and Vivien Mathé. "Port-la-Nautique (Narbonne, France) : une villa maritime en contexte portuaire." In Villae maritimae del Mediterraneo occidentale, 193–206. Rome: Publications de l’École française de Rome, 2024.
Full textTranchant, Mathias. "Les ports médiévaux : artéfacts des transformations littorales de la France atlantique." In Environnement et sociétés au Moyen Âge, 87–100. Paris: Éditions de la Sorbonne, 2024.
Full textPourchasse, Pierrick. "Les réseaux négociants européens et les échanges entre la France et l'Europe du Nord (XVIIe-XIXe siècles)." In Atti delle «Settimane di Studi» e altri Convegni, 155–81. Florence: Firenze University Press, 2019.
Full textXinyu, Hu, and Martine Raibaud. "Le camp chinois de La Rochelle-Pallice (1919-1921)." In Les travailleurs chinois en France dans la Première Guerre mondiale, 177–200. Paris: CNRS Éditions, 2012.
Full textLendjel, Emeric, and Marianne Fischman. "Maritime Ports and Inland Interconnections: A Transactional Analysis of Container Barge Transport in France." In Non-technological Innovations for Sustainable Transport, 67–87. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2014.
Full textChouba, Cyrine, Sophie Delpoux, Léa Causse, Mylène Marie, Rémi Freydier, Mylène Toubiana, Patrick Monfort, Olivier Pringault, and Chrystelle Montigny. "Status of water quality and impact of dredging activities in four ports of the gulf of Aigues Mortes (France)." In Ninth International Symposium “Monitoring of Mediterranean Coastal Areas: Problems and Measurement Techniques”, 416–25. Florence: Firenze University Press, 2022.
Full textKnecht, Robert J. "“Haulse (Paris) haulse bien hault ta porte”. The Entry of the Emperor Charles V into Paris, 1540." In Francis I and Sixteenth-Century France, XV_85—XV_105. London: Routledge, 2023.
Full textGilli, Eric. "A Messinian Model for Port Miou." In Port Miou and Le Bestouan (Cassis, France), 37–49. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020.
Full text"2. Ports of Call." In Arab France, 47–74. University of California Press, 2019.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Ports – France"
Maherzi, Walid, Mahfoud Benzerzour, Nor-Edine Abriak, and Ahmed Senouci. "Self-compacting Backfills using Fly Ash and Dredged Marine Sediments for Public Work Applications." In The 2nd International Conference on Civil Infrastructure and Construction. Qatar University Press, 2023.
Full textStrappa, Giuseppe, and Marta Crognale. "The forming process of Fiumicino." In 24th ISUF 2017 - City and Territory in the Globalization Age. Valencia: Universitat Politècnica València, 2017.
Full textBulla, Maria Paola. "Clay Tobacco Pipes from “Port-Louis, La Piéta” (Guadeloupe - France)." In The 6th Human and Social Sciences at the Common Conference. Publishing Society, 2018.
Full textHERMAN, Sofie, Daphné GLASER, Alain PIETERS, Pascal GREGOIRE, Christophe PRIEZ, Didier DESMOULIN, and David GUGLIELMETTI. "Cinq ans de valorisation des sédiments contaminés extraits du Port de Dunkerque (France)." In Journées Nationales Génie Côtier - Génie Civil. Editions Paralia, 2014.
Full textBesnier, A. L., M. Secher, and P. Tassi. "Numerical modelling of the sediment dynamics in the Saint-Martin-la-Porte reservoir, France." In The International Conference On Fluvial Hydraulics (River Flow 2016). Taylor & Francis Group, 6000 Broken Sound Parkway NW, Suite 300, Boca Raton, FL 33487-2742: CRC Press, 2016.
Full textMANCIOPPI, Lionel, Daniel LEVACHER, Mickaël BERTRAND, Philippe DHERVILLY, and Chengcheng XU. "Caractérisations géotechnique et mécanique de sédiments marins de dragage du port de Concarneau (France)." In Conférence Méditerranéenne Côtière et Maritime - Coastal and Maritime Mediterranean Conference. Editions Paralia, 2011.
Full textCapitani, Patrizia De. "Pratiques virtuoses de l’intrigue dans le théâtre comique de Giambattista Della Porta (1535-1615)." In Pensée et pratique de l'intrigue comique (France-Italie, XVIe-XVIIIe siècles). Fabula, 2020.
Full textLecardane, Renzo, and Zeila Tesoriere. "Patrimonio militare e progetti di rigenerazione urbana: l’infrastruttura bellica dell’Atlantic Wall e di Saint-Nazaire." In International Conference Virtual City and Territory. Roma: Centre de Política de Sòl i Valoracions, 2014.
Full textSilva, Wellisson Rafael Barros. "“ENTRE RIOS”: O DESENVOLVIMENTO DA OPERAÇÃO MESOPOTÂMIA (1971) EM PORTO FRANCO –MA." In Anais do Encontro Regional da ANPUH - MA. Recife, Brasil: Even3, 2022.
Full textSangermano, Vittorio, Mario Ciaburri, Raffaella Russo, and Daniele Palma Esposito. "Human Factors implication in innovative strategies for containership fires prevention and management." In 15th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE 2024). AHFE International, 2024.
Full textReports on the topic "Ports – France"
Jones, Thomas, Richard Strachan, David Mackie, Mervyn Cooper, Brian Frame, and Jan Vorstius. Phase Field & Monte Carlo Potts Simulation of Grain Growth and Morphology of Vertically Upwards Cast Oxygen Free Copper. University of Dundee, October 2021.
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