Academic literature on the topic 'Population'

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Journal articles on the topic "Population"


Laporte, Valérie, and Brian Charlesworth. "Effective Population Size and Population Subdivision in Demographically Structured Populations." Genetics 162, no. 1 (September 1, 2002): 501–19.

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AbstractA fast-timescale approximation is applied to the coalescent process in a single population, which is demographically structured by sex and/or age. This provides a general expression for the probability that a pair of alleles sampled from the population coalesce in the previous time interval. The effective population size is defined as the reciprocal of twice the product of generation time and the coalescence probability. Biologically explicit formulas for effective population size with discrete generations and separate sexes are derived for a variety of different modes of inheritance. The method is also applied to a nuclear gene in a population of partially self-fertilizing hermaphrodites. The effects of population subdivision on a demographically structured population are analyzed, using a matrix of net rates of movement of genes between different local populations. This involves weighting the migration probabilities of individuals of a given age/sex class by the contribution of this class to the leading left eigenvector of the matrix describing the movements of genes between age/sex classes. The effects of sex-specific migration and nonrandom distributions of offspring number on levels of genetic variability and among-population differentiation are described for different modes of inheritance in an island model. Data on DNA sequence variability in human and plant populations are discussed in the light of the results.
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Степанов, В. А. "Population Genomics of Russian populations." Nauchno-prakticheskii zhurnal «Medicinskaia genetika», no. 7(216) (July 30, 2020): 6–7.

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Популяционная геномика человека является мощным современным подходом в популяционной генетике, базирующемся на технологиях геномного секвенирования, биоинформатики и анализа больших данных. Геномный анализ генетической вариабельности в популяциях является фундаментальной основой генетики болезней и разработки путей их диагностики, терапии и профилактики. В работе представлены собственные данные о геномном анализе генетического разнообразия населения России. Показано, что генофонд современных народов России формировался на протяжении многих тысяч лет в ходе совокупного влияния миграций, изоляции расстоянием, эффектов основателя и естественного отбора. Сформировавшиеся в ходе микроэволюции геномные паттерны современных популяций в существенной мере определяют композицию генетических факторов как частых хронических, так и редких моногенных заболеваний. Human population genomics is a powerful modern approach in population genetics based on technologies of genomic sequencing, bioinformatics, and big data analysis. Genomic analysis of genetic variability in populations is a fundamental basis for the genetics of diseases and the development of ways for their diagnosis, therapy and prevention. The work presents the own data on the genomic analysis of the genetic diversity of the Russian populations. It is shown that the gene pool of modern populations of Russia was formed over many thousands of years by the combined effects of migrations, isolation by distance, founder effects and natural selection. The genomic patterns of modern populations formed during microevolution substantially determine the composition of genetic factors of both frequent chronic and rare monogenic diseases.
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Tyner, James A. "Population geography I: Surplus populations." Progress in Human Geography 37, no. 5 (January 31, 2013): 701–11.

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Yarasheva, Aziza V., and Natalia V. Alikperova. "Gender differences in financial behavior of population." POPULATION 23, no. 2 (2020): 51–60.

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The article analyzes various studies in the field of population behavior in the financial market. Since psychological factors related to mentality, temperament, and risk-taking play an important role in implementing financial strategies, along with rational motives, women and men may behave differently. An attempt is made to answer the question: whether there are significant gender differences in financial behavior models, and whether this aspect requires a close attention of scientists who study trends and features of forming strategies of Russians when making economic decisions. A review of Russian and foreign studies aimed at investigation of gender characteristics of investment behavior and financial literacy is performed. Traditionally, in most families, men are responsible for the financial situation, they are more concerned with providing for their family, earning and multiplying money. Women, as a rule, are more concerned with the «inner» side of family life — so that everyone is fed, dressed, shod, and provided with everything necessary. Therefore, if both of them have decided to invest, the emphasis in the well-known formula «save and multiply» is made by men on the second word, and by women — on the first. As a result, women are significantly less likely to take risks and more likely to make profitable transactions. Men are more prone to take risks, for them it is not so much the result of investment that is important, as the excitement, and work in the financial markets is somewhat akin to hunting. Probably there are some primitive triggers at the level of the subconscious that are blocked by the norms of morality and etiquette in society. For women, stability is much more important, and the desire to maintain a sense of security prevails rather than a thirst for risk. The study revealed poor elaboration of this topic, lack of Russian research on gender-specific financial behavior due to the underdevelopment of the Russian financial market, as well as the lack of sufficient supply of financial instruments for further accumulation of experience in implementing their strategies by representatives of both genders.
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Ryumina, Elena. "Indicators of environmental behavior of the population." Population 25, no. 4 (December 21, 2022): 104–12.

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Ecological behavior of the population in everyday life is considered as one of the main characteristics of human potential. Therefore, were identified indicators separating the use of natural resources and environmental protection in production and in everyday life. The condition for selection of indicators was the possibility of their statistical support. As a result, the indicators of solid household waste generation and household water consumption per capita were selected to formalize the ecological behavior of the population. The issues of waste management, which have recently been raised to the forefront in environmental issues, are mainly studied in technical, technological, organizational, and economic aspects. At the same time, much less attention is paid to the process of formation and volume of household waste among the population. A strong differentiation of solid household waste generation per person by Russian regions is shown. Another indicator of the ecological behavior of the population considered in the article is the volume of water consumption in everyday life per capita. A number of indicators have been found reflecting the volume of water consumption in everyday life, which vary greatly in quantity, since they have different contents and are calculated according to different methods. The choice of the indicator of the use of fresh water for household needs per person is based on the availability of information about it in statistical collections by Russian regions. Multiple discrepancies in the values of this indicator are found out not only in the regions of different Federal districts, but also often in neighboring regions of the same district.
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Yarasheva, Aziza V., Svetlana V. Makar, and Yury A. Simagin. "Behavioral economy: population in the credit services market." POPULATION 23, no. 3 (2020): 48–58.

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The article discusses topical issues related to the current trends in the field of lending to population in Russia. The purpose of the work is to identify possible risks of individuals' actions in the market of credit services on the basis of analysis of statistical and sociological data. Based on the general scientific dialectic approaches used by the authors, the article shows dynamics of growth in the banks' loan portfolio, growth in lending volumes (banks and microfinance organizations), as well as households' debt from 2013 to 2019 in rubles and foreign currency (in general and in mortgages). Russian macro-regions are ranked by absolute indicator of debt and by its growth rate. Opportunities and risks have been identified for borrowers wishing to take advantage of the benefits provided by the State effective from April 2020 (refinancing, credit holidays). There were assessed the measures applied by the State, in particular, credit holidays for individuals and restrictions for banks in issuing loans through introduction of a mandatory debt load indicator, which will contribute to improvement of the current situation with huge debt and to reduction of social risks. Although in the long run — in terms of the overall impact on the country's economy — a reduction in public borrowing may reduce the contribution of consumer credit to economic growth and slow it down. It is concluded that despite the measures taken by the State, the existing level of the population borrowing is a great danger due to the reduction of income as the economic consequence of the coronavirus pandemic.
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Migranova, Lyudmila, and Vladislav Zharomsky. "Methods of estimating the Level and differentiation of population income." Population 23, no. 4 (December 19, 2020): 26–39.

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On the basis of data for 2013-2017, the article shows changes in the level, structure and differentiation of the Russian population monetary income after the introduction by Rosstat in 2018 of a new methodology for calculating macro-economic indicators of population monetary income by separate income sources. Comparative analysis of the calculations made by the 1996 and 2018 methods shows significant changes only in the structure of population monetary income, mainly in such income items as work remuneration of employees and other cash receipts. Average per capita income changed slightly (+/-1%). Besides, there are actually no changes in the indicators of differentiation and in the distribution series for population by income despite the fact that the estimation of population inequality was made using the data from the Sample Survey of Population Income (SSPI) instead of the Household Budget Survey (HBS) used before. Based on the data from the Sample Survey of Population Income for 2013-2017, the article shows the relationship between the indicators of wage differentiation and per capita monetary income that differ from the official data, and in our opinion, this is due not only to different information sources, but also to the methods of income inequality estimation for the total population. The article provides variants of calculating differentiation of the RF population monetary income for 2018 using logarithmic normal model with similar per capita monetary income of the total population and different number of the population with per capita income within the range of the set minimum income. As a result, the R/P10% ratio of the RF population income increases in comparison with the officially published indicators of inequality.
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Dolzhenko, Ruslan, and Dmitry Antonov. "Migration of population in Sverdlovsk oblast: problems and solutions." Population 24, no. 4 (December 22, 2021): 175–89.

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In the context of the necessity to implement the national goals, one of the important areas of activity is support of positive demographic processes, promotion of population growth in the country, including through resettlement and migration of residents of other countries. This is relevant not only at the country level, but also at the regional level, each of which has features that must be considered when forming demographic policy. The article analyzes the effectiveness of the program to promote migration and resettlement of compatriots from other countries to Sverdlovsk oblast. Its advantages and limitations are highlighted, its effectiveness is considered on the example of immigrants from several CIS countries: Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan. It is shown that despite the formal fulfillment of the objectives of the program (more than 28 thousand foreigners arrived in Sverdlovsk oblast within 9 years), some meaningful moments were missed, the selection of migrants based on the occupations in demand in the labor market of the region was not fully carry out. There are presented the directions of improving the program for the medium term, which are connected with new approaches to raising the quality of program implementation in Sverdlovsk oblast. It is shown that it is necessary to formalize and improve the mechanism for attracting foreign labor to the region using notification quotas, organized recruitment, modification of selection criteria for the point system, development of the material base and linguistic community for an accelerated adaptation. Analysis showed that promotion of resettlement is necessary with relation to professionals in relevant areas of activity (doctors, teachers), while the demand for unskilled labor is satisfied by migrants.
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Vankina, Irina, Yury Simagin, and Djamilya Murtuzalieva. "Territorial differences between the data of the current population registration and the results of the 2020 Census." Population 26, no. 4 (December 15, 2023): 15–25.

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The article analyzes population data by federal districts, subjects and municipalities of the Russian Federation, obtained from two different official sources of Rosstat for close dates: data from the current population registration as of January 1, 2022 and data from the All-Russian Population Census of 2020, the control point of which was October 1, 2021. Since population size changes rather slowly, theoretically these data should not differ significantly. In fact, it has turned out that the population size across the country, according to various data, differs by more than 1% (by 1.6 million people in the direction of the census data). The lower the level of administrative division, the greater the differences. At the level of some municipalities of the Russian Federation, the differences make almost 2 times. Moreover, with approximately equal frequency, there are both municipalities where, according to the census, the population is greater than according to the current population registration, and with the opposite situation. The article identifies the administrative units of the country where the differences between the census data and the current population registration are the largest, and the causes of the differences in one direction or another. The largest “overweight” of the population in favor of the census was found in the municipalities of the Central Federal District (especially in the Moscow urban agglomeration), and the maximum “shortage” of the population compared to the current accounting data was in the Far Eastern and Siberian Federal Districts.
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Nozdrina, Nadezhda, and Inna Schneiderman. "Quality of life and housing conditions of the population in the largest agglomerations and million-plus cities of Russia." Population 25, no. 1 (March 22, 2022): 4–17.

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The role of the largest urban agglomerations and cities with millions of inhabitants in Russia in shaping the quality of life and housing conditions of the population is analyzed in the article. The main problems of the development of large urban agglomerations of Russia in the post-Soviet period are considered. The existing methods of defining their boundaries are analyzed. Based on the calculation of the pair correlation coefficients, the nature and degree of closeness of the relationship between the population of the largest urban agglomerations of Russia and a number of basic characteristics of the housing sector (housing provision, its construction, financial accessibility of apartment purchase in the housing market), as well as with the level of monetary incomes of the population, incomes and expenditures of the budgets of the core cities of agglomerations are determined. The coefficients of the pair correlation between the population of cities with millions of inhabitants — the cores of agglomerations and the characteristics of the housing sector and the quality of life of the population of the regions — subjects of the Russian Federation, where these cities are located, are calculated. The results of the calculations allow us to conclude that the population size of the largest agglomerations and cities has a significant impact on the value of the analyzed indicators of the quality of life of the population. The larger the agglomeration and the higher the population of a million-plus city, the higher the indicators of housing commissioning, the level of monetary income and the quality of life of the population of agglomerations and regions where they are included. At the same time, larger agglomerations have, due to excessive concentration of the population, as a rule, the worst values of specific indicators — housing commissioning per capita, housing provision per 1 inhabitant. The higher level of monetary incomes of the population in them does not cover the higher level of prices in the primary and secondary housing market. As a result, the higher the population of the urban agglomeration and the core city, the lower is the financial availability of buying housing on the market. It is concluded that it is necessary to find an optimal balance between different forms of settlement.
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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Population"


Koegler, Xavier. "Population protocols, games and large populations." Paris 7, 2012.

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Le modèle des populations protocols a été proposé pour capturer les spécificités de réseaux opportunistes constitués d'une population d'agents mobiles à la mémoire limitée capables de communications sans fil par paires. L'objet de cette thèse est d'étendre la compréhension et l'analyse des population protocols ainsi que leurs liens avec d'autres modèles de dynamiques de populations. La première contribution de cette thèse est l'étude de la traduction en terme de protocoles de population de la dynamique d'une population d'agents jouant à un jeu de manière répétée les uns contre les autres et adaptant leur stratégie selon le comportement de PAVLOV. Nous montrons que les protocoles issus de tels jeux sont aussi puissants que les protocoles de population généraux. La deuxième contribution consiste à étudier des hypothèse de symétrie dans les jeux et dans les transitions d'un protocole de population, pour montrer que, si les protocoles de population symétriques sont équivalents aux protocoles généraux, les jeux symétriques sont, eux, significativement moins puissants. La troisième contribution est de montrer comment étudier le comportement d'une protocole de population lorsque la taille de la population tend vers l'infini en approchant la dynamique résultante à l'aide d'une équation différentielle ordinaire et de définir un calcul par grande population comme la convergence de cette équation différentielle vers un équilibre stable. La quatrième et dernière contribution de la thèse est la caractérisation des nombres calculables en ce sens comme étant très exactement les réels algébriques des [0,1]
Population protocols were introduced to capture the specifies of opportunistic networks of tny mobile agents with limited memory and capable of wireless communication in pairs. This thesis aims at extending the understanding and analysis of population protocols as well as their links to other models of population dynamics including ones from game theory. The first contribution of this thesis is to translate in terms of population protocols the dynamics of a population of agents playing a game repeatedly against each-other and adapting their strategy according to the PAVLOV behaviour. We show that protocols born from games are exactly as powerful as general population protocols. The second contribution consists in the study of the impact of symmetry on games and in the transitions of a population protocol to show that, if symmetric population protocols are equivalent to general protocols, symmetric games are significantly less powerful. The third contribution is to show how the dynamic of a population protocol can be approximated by an ordinary differential equation when the population grows to infinity. We then define a computation by a large population to be the convergence of this differential equation to a stable equilibrium. The fourth and final contribution of this thesis is the characterisation of the numbers computable in the above sense as exactly the algebraic real numbers in [0,1]
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Lundy, Ian J. "Theoretical population genetics of spatially structured populations /." Title page, contents and summary only, 1997.

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Martien, Karen Kay Fear. "Conservation of spatially structured populations : lessons from population genetics /." Diss., Connect to a 24 p. preview or request complete full text in PDF format. Access restricted to UC campuses, 2000.

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Gagnon, Nicolas. "Mesure et analyse de l'effet fondateur dans les populations de Charlevoix et du Bas-Saint-Laurent." Thèse, Chicoutimi : Université du Québec à Chicoutimi, 1998.

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Self, Eric C. "Population analysis a methodology for understanding populations in COIN environments." Thesis, Monterey, California. Naval Postgraduate School, 2008.

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This thesis outlines a methodology for use by tactical operators to better understand the dynamics of the population whose support they are attempting to gain. In turn, these operators (Army soldiers, Marines, Special Forces, SEALs, Civil Affairs, etc.) can use this information to more effectively develop strategy, plan operations, and conduct tactical missions. Our methodology provides a heuristic model, called the "3 x 5 P.I.G.S.P.E.E.R. Model," that can be applied in any environment and will help bridge the gap between strategic theory and tactical implementation. We believe that our methodology can be utilized to increase the operator's understanding of the environment, and improve both non-kinetic and kinetic combat operations. As a counterinsurgency (COIN) force progresses from kinetic combat operations (those attempting to gain a security foothold in a non-permissive environment) to operations focused on gaining the support of the population, our methodology will aid in collecting human intelligence (HUMINT). Our methodology shows that by providing security, working through locals, building trust and cooperation, and identifying opportunities to leverage the local populace's needs, COIN forces will be able to handle their own security.
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Burke, Mark C. Self Eric C. "Population analysis a methodology for understanding populations in COIN environments /." Monterey, Calif. : Naval Postgraduate School, 2008.

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Thesis (M.S. in Defense Analysis)--Naval Postgraduate School, December 2008.
Thesis Advisor(s): Gregg, Heather. "December 2008." Description based on title screen as viewed on January 30, 2009. Includes bibliographical references (p. 71-74). Also available in print.
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Grillenberger, Bernd K. "Biogeography, population genetics and mating systems of natural Nasonia populations." [S.l. : Groningen : s.n. ; University Library Groningen] [Host], 2009.

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McRae, Allan F. "Quantitative and population genetic analyses of domesticated and wild sheep populations." Thesis, University of Edinburgh, 2005.

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In Chapter 2, a directed linkage scam for loci involved in body weight and carcass composition traits is performed in a commercial Charollais sheep population. Five chromosomes were investigated based on prior evidence for major genes effecting the studied traits in other breeds. A maximum likelihood variance component analysis using identity-by-descent values estimated by Markov chain Monte Carlo methods was performed on a complex pedigree containing a total of 570 sheep. Of the total of nine QTL detected, the estimated position of only one overlapped with the regions showing major genes that were used in chromosome selection. During the analysis of the Charollais sheep population, a region of the genome showing a significant deviation from the published sheep linkage map was detected. This region is examined in more detail in Chapter 3, with the addition of further microsatellite markers as well as the investigation of this region in two further sheep breeds. With the inclusion of the published linkage map, this demonstrated a total of three linkage maps across four populations. Such heterogeneity in linkage maps across sheep breeds has important consequences for the design and analysis fine-mapping studies. The significance of a QTL linkage peak is not readily evaluated with general pedigrees. The extension of permutation methodology that is commonly used with structured pedigrees to more general pedigrees is investigated in Chapter 4. Chapter 5 examines the population dynamics of a well studied wild Soay sheep population. A unified statistical framework is developed for all major aspects of the life cycle of the sheep. This forms the basis of a simulation model of the population that is used to predict the amount of linkage disequilibrium in the population (Chapter 6) and the effective population size of the population (Chapter 7). The examination of the linkage disequilibrium structure in a population is an important step in the design of studies with the aim of fine-mapping quantitative trait loci. The simulated population showed significant decline of linkage disequilibrium with genetic distance and low levels of background linkage disequilibrium, indicating that the Soay sheep population is a viable resource for linkage disequilibrium fine mapping. Through the use of the simulation model, the effective population size of the Soay sheep population was estimated to be approximately 0.17 of its census population size. This is approximately half the value obtained with the use of a general predictive equation.
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Cole-Showers, Curtis Lanre. "Population structure and demographics in Nigerian populations utilizing Y-chromosome markers." University of the Western Cape, 2014.

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Philosophiae Doctor - PhD
Nigeria is peopled by ethnically and linguistically diverse populations of which little were known until the last few millennial. The absence of major natural geographical barrier increases the possibility of the populations being affected by the same demographic events. The aim of this thesis was to ascertain the genetic variations and demographics in five major Nigerian populations using Y-markers. This was done by determining the genetic structures of the Afro-asiatic speaking Hausa (n=78) of Northern Nigeria and the Niger Congo speaking populations of Igbo (n=119), Yoruba (n=238), Bini (n=13) and Ijaw (n=15) of Southern Nigeria all spread over 22 geographical origins and four (North, South east, south west and South south) geographical regions. They were compared with more than 2000 individuals from 46 populations of 20 other African and Middle Eastern countries, in published literature. The Scientific Working Group on DNA Analysis Methods (SWGDAM) recommended Y-Short Tandem Repeats (STRs) and nine Y-Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) haplogroups were typed with multiplex Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR), Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphisms (RFLP) and High Resolution Melting (HRM). Summary statistics and measures of diversity were determined. Population structure was assessed with Population Pairwise Differences, hierarchical Analysis of Molecular Variance, Multidimensional scaling and correspondence analysis plots. Mantel’s test was used to assess the correlation of genetic distances with geographic distances. Demographic inferences were assessed with lineage based Network reconstruction, Spatial autocorrelation plots, effective migrants per population and both Inter and Intra-lineages Times to the Most Recent Common Ancestor (TMRCA). The patterns of diversity of the Y-markers showed a North-South gradient and a notable sub-structure among the Hausa populations. The Niger-Congo speakers displayed rare presence of haplogroups R and E1b1b but a preponderance of E1b1a7. Overall, the Y markers showed high diversities and significant genetic sub-structure within the Hausa populations of Nigeria with stronger linguistic than geographical bias. The demographic evaluations gave credence for genetic validation of both historical records and archeological findings among these Nigerian populations. These populations showed stronger affiliations with other sub-Saharan African populations rather than with North African or Middle Eastern populations, lacking evidence for the Middle Eastern origins of the male founders of these populations. Finally, the contribution of these Nigerian dataset would greatly enhance the Africa meta-population on the YHRD with more than 274 new haplotypes of forensic estimation significance.
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Koons, David Nelson Grand James Barry. "Transient population dynamics and population momentum in vertebrates." Auburn, Ala, 2005.

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Books on the topic "Population"


Rahman, Bhuiyan Md Zahidur. Population information directory of Bangladesh: Population experts, population institutes, population researches. Dhaka: National Institute of Population Research and Training, 1998.

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Powell, Richard A. Population. 2nd ed. York: Longman, 1986.

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Great Britain. Central Office of Information. Publishing Services., ed. Population. London: HMSO, 1995.

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Stewart, Gail B. Population. Yankton, S.D: Erickson Press, 2011.

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Riches, Christopher. Population. London: Franklin Watts, 2008.

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Rivers State (Nigeria). Ministry of Finance and Planning. Statistics Division., ed. Population. 4th ed. Port Harcourt, [Nigeria]: Ministry of Finance and Planning, Statistics Division, 1987.

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Paul, Mason. Population. Oxford: Raintree, 2006.

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Paul, Mason. Population. Chicago: Heinemann Library, 2006.

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editor, Acred Cara series, ed. Population. Cambridge: Independence, 2016.

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1943-, Le Bras Hervé, ed. Population. Paris: Hachette, 1985.

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Book chapters on the topic "Population"


Bell, Siobhan, Cheryl Forchuk, and Esther N. Monari. "Population Needs: Vulnerable Populations." In The Nurses’ Guide to Psychotherapy, 129–43. Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore, 2024.

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Siegler, Mark V. "Population and Population Growth." In An Economic History of the United States, 127–48. London: Macmillan Education UK, 2017.

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Frank, J. Howard, J. Howard Frank, Michael C. Thomas, Allan A. Yousten, F. William Howard, Robin M. Giblin-davis, John B. Heppner, et al. "Population." In Encyclopedia of Entomology, 3006. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 2008.

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Brawer, Moshe. "Population." In Atlas of South America, 24–27. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 1991.

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Williams, Michael. "Population." In Society Today, 131–34. London: Macmillan Education UK, 1986.

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Harper, P. N. "Population." In Work Out Geography GCSE, 87–101. London: Macmillan Education UK, 1989.

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Mason, S. "Population." In Work Out Social and Economic History GCSE, 14–25. London: Macmillan Education UK, 1988.

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Gooch, Jan W. "Population." In Encyclopedic Dictionary of Polymers, 991. New York, NY: Springer New York, 2011.

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Egerer, Matthias, Markus Zimmer, and Markus Probeck. "Population." In Regional Assessment of Global Change Impacts, 139–45. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2016.

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Young, R. "Population." In Work Out Economics GCSE, 15–26. London: Macmillan Education UK, 1987.

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Conference papers on the topic "Population"


Webb, Glenn F. "Structured population dynamics." In Mathematical Modelling of Population Dynamics. Warsaw: Institute of Mathematics Polish Academy of Sciences, 2003.

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Koide, Kazuharu, Nobuo Noda, Hiroyuki Matsuura, and Masahiro Nakano. "Population Dynamics in Population Decline Society." In Second International Conference on Innovative Computing, Informatio and Control (ICICIC 2007). IEEE, 2007.

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den Heijer, Eelco, and A. E. Eiben. "Maintaining population diversity in evolutionary art using structured populations." In 2013 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC). IEEE, 2013.

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Meng, Rongqing, and Xiaogang Qiu. "Artificial Population: Synthesizing Population from Census Data." In 2016 International Conference on Intelligent Control and Computer Application (ICCA 2016). Paris, France: Atlantis Press, 2016.

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Arino, Ovide, and Eva Sánchez. "Delays induced in population dynamics." In Mathematical Modelling of Population Dynamics. Warsaw: Institute of Mathematics Polish Academy of Sciences, 2003.

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Lässig, Jörg, and Dirk Sudholt. "Adaptive population models for offspring populations and parallel evolutionary algorithms." In the 11th workshop proceedings. New York, New York, USA: ACM Press, 2011.

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Doh, Il, Young-Ho Cho, Won Chul Lee, Frans A. Kuypers, and Albert P. Pisano. "Sub-population analysis of deformability distribution in heterogeneous cell populations." In 2012 IEEE Sensors. IEEE, 2012.

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Vanhatalo, Ulla, and Hilary Chan. "Population testing." In the HLT-NAACL 2003 workshop. Morristown, NJ, USA: Association for Computational Linguistics, 2003.

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Goldwasser, Shafi, Rafail Ostrovsky, Alessandra Scafuro, and Adam Sealfon. "Population Stability." In PODC '18: ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing. New York, NY, USA: ACM, 2018.

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Momm, Henrique G., and Greg Easson. "Population restarting." In the 12th annual conference. New York, New York, USA: ACM Press, 2010.

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Reports on the topic "Population"


Weil, David. Population Aging. Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research, April 2006.

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Mulligan, Casey, and Andrei Shleifer. Population and Regulation. Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research, January 2004.

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McNicoll, Geoffrey. Population and sustainability. Population Council, 2005.

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Rusk, Ryan, and Joshua L. Sievers. Corn Plant Population. Ames: Iowa State University, Digital Repository, 2010.

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Pecinovsky, Kenneth T. Corn Population Research. Ames: Iowa State University, Digital Repository, 2011.

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Kekovole, John. Components of Kenya's future population growth and population policy implications. Population Council, 1996.

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The world’s population has grown rapidly from about 2.5 billion in 1950 to a current size of 5.8 billion. As noted in this report, most of the increase has been recorded in the developing countries of Africa, Asia, and Latin America due to continued high fertility in the face of reductions in levels of mortality. Kenya provides a unique opportunity to study the impact of various policy options on future population growth. The primary objective of this study is to measure the impact of different causes of continued population growth on Kenya’s future size and to formulate appropriate policy measures to minimize the adverse socioeconomic consequences of population growth. This study briefly reviews population policies pursued by the Kenyan government since the formulation of the first such policy in 1967. Projections made by the World Bank and the United Nations are summarized, and a new set of projections is presented to highlight the contributions of the different causes of future growth. The study concludes with policy implications emanating from this analysis.
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Chasteen, Bernadette, William Wheaton, Phillip Cooley, Laxminarayan Ganapathi, and Diane Wagener. Including the group quarters population in the US synthesized population database. Research Triangle Park, NC: RTI Press, February 2011.

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Acemoglu, Daron, Leopoldo Fergusson, and Simon Johnson. Population and Civil War. Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research, April 2017.

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Elliott, Douglas B., Michael J. Scott, Ernest J. Antonio, and Kathleen Rhoads. Hanford Area 2000 Population. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), May 2004.

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Yankaskas, Bonnie C. Population-Based Mammography Registry. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, October 1998.

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