Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Polymères – Matériaux – Modèles mathématiques'
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Rached, Rabih. "Mise au point de nouveaux outils et de concepts de modélisation et d'optimisation pour l'élaboration anionique par extrusion réactive de matériaux macromoléculaires multiphasés et nanostructurés à base de polyamides." Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy, INPL, 2005. http://docnum.univ-lorraine.fr/public/INPL/2005_RACHED_R.pdf.
Full textCes travaux de recherche ont pour but l'élaboration des mélanges de polyamide 12 (PA12) et de polydiméthylsiloxane (PDMS), selon une démarche originale reposant sur la synthèse simultanée, par voie anionique, du polyamide et d'un compatibilisant, durant l'élaboration du mélange par extrusion réactive. Cela conduit à la structuration du matériau sous la forme d'une phase continue (PA12) au sein de laquelle l'élastomère, qui est stabilisé par le compatibilisant, est finement dispersé. Le mécanisme de formation de la morphologie est alors complètement différent de celui mis en œuvre dans les autres procédés. Les deux phases étant alors liées de manière très intime, il en résulte une amélioration remarquable des propriétés mécaniques des matériaux, en particulier leur tenue au choc. A cette fin, un modèle cinétique des deux polymérisations a été élaboré. Par ailleurs, la synthèse complète d'un nouveau macroactivateur a été réalisée pour former in situ le compatibilisant. Avant la mise en oeuvre du procédé d'extrusion réactive, des études préalables ont été nécessaires afin d'étudier l'influence des conditions opératoires et la composition du milieu sur les propriétés finales des matériaux. Pour conduire de façon optimale le procédé, des nouveaux outils et concepts scientifiques ont été élaborés. Ces outils, issus d'une expérimentation importante, sont des modèles prédictifs et des algorithmes d'optimisation multicritère qui se sont avérés très utiles pour la fabrication de ces matériaux et pour la conduite des procédés correspondants
Maurel, Gaëtan. "Simulations multi-échelles de matériaux polymères." Thesis, Clermont-Ferrand 2, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014CLF22512/document.
Full textPolymer materials are widely used, both for everyday applications and in high-technology products. These materials involves a wide range of time and length scales, making the modelling of their properties challenging by using only one method. This thesis focuses on the development of a multiscale strategy, combining different levels of description of the matter. The aim is to reach the rheological properties of a polymer over a large time scale, while retaining the chemical structure inherent of its microstructure. The investigation of structure-property relationships will then be facilitated. The mesoscopic potentials are developped from atomistic configurations. A quantitative reproduction of several structural properties of the polymer such as density or end to end distance is obtained. Then, the transferability of the potentials has been studied through the dependence of temperature, pressure or polymer structure on thermomechanical properties. By using these potentials, nonequilibrium simulations have been carried out to calculate the entanglement mass and the plateau modulus. The multicale approach has been extended to model the polymer-silica interaction in order to study the impact of the degree of confinement or the grafting density on the dynamical and structural properties of polymer chains close to the surface
Chatel, Thibaud. "Fluage et recouvrance d'empreintes et de sillons sur surface de polymère." Strasbourg, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010STRA6206.
Full textThe indentation test permits to characterize the mechanical properties of materials surfaces. An innovative experimental approach is proposed here to study the viscoelasticity of a polymer during an indentation test. This test permits to apply an indenter on the surface of a material under a constant applied load. The transparency of the sample allows the in-situ observation of the evolution of the true contact as a function of time. This is the creep phase. After a holding time, it is possible to observe the healing of the residual imprint as a function of time. This is the recovery phase. The spherical probe is chosen and the polymer is PMMA. The results show that it is necessary to study the recovery of the residual imprint to conclude on the linearity or non-linearity of the material behavior. Numerical modeling of viscoelastic behavior of PMMA can get more information. The identification process based on the generalized Maxwell model is made from relaxation tests. The description of the strain fields indicate that the onset of permanent strain is correlated to the positioning of the strain level at the interface sphere / material. The second part of the work involves the return of viscoelastic groove obtained during a scratch test. The influence of interfacial friction, the strain applied and the strain rate are investigated. All these results suggest ways to identify the properties responsible for the healing surfaces
Mikdam, Amine. "A strong-contrast statistical theory for the effective properties in heterogeneous media : application to effective conductivity." Strasbourg, 2009. http://www.theses.fr/2009STRA6141.
Full textHeterogeneities of materials may be due either to different atomic or molecular organization in the same material (semi-crystalline polymer or polycrystals), or to the presence of different constituents (composite materials). To determine the physical properties of these materials, experimentations, although expensive, is still necessary. Other disadvantages such as difficulty of implementing experimental procedures complicate the work of the researchers and engineers. Therefore modeling the effective properties using analytical models is positioned as a performance alternative to facilitate the understanding of the behavior of these heterogeneous materials. Many analytical models based on the volume fraction of each phase are used to predict the effective properties of heterogeneous materials. However, these models are based on different geometrical simplifications of the real material’s microstructure. This work investigates the modeling of effective conductivity (electrical or thermal) of heterogeneous materials using statistical continuum theory. This methods use probability functions to take into account the microstructure distribution, shape of constituents and their orientations
Lefèvre, Delphine. "Étude expérimentale, modélisation et simulation de la filtration lors de l'écoulement d'une résine chargée de particules à travers un renfort fibreux dans les technologies LCM." Lille 1, 2007. http://www.theses.fr/2007LIL10144.
Full textQuirant, Jérôme. "Systèmes de tenségrité et autocontrainte : qualification, sensibilité et incidence sur le comportement." Montpellier 2, 2000. https://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00174699.
Full textPrevost, Valérie. "Contribution à l'élaboration de matériaux polymères conducteurs électroniques : étude et modélisation de la polymérisation de l'aniline et de sa copolymérisation avec des acides o-amino-phénoxyalcanesulfoniques." Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy, INPL, 1997. http://www.theses.fr/1997INPL046N.
Full textZhao, Jing. "Étude des aspects cinétiques et thermodynamiques gouvernant la perméabilité de modèles d’essence à l’interface de deux matériaux polymères barrières : application à l’optimisation de réservoirs pour carburants." Thesis, Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy, INPL, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010INPL088N/document.
Full textResponding to a strong demand for security, weight reduction and volume optimization, the fuel tanks are currently usually made of polymer multi-layer barriers in order to limit vapour emissions into the atmosphere. The prediction of their permeability remains a world-wide critical challenge for the multi-layer optimization. Thanks to original semi-automated experimental set-ups, sorption and permeability measurements were carried out for three leading polymer materials (HDPE, EVOH and Binder) and model fuel mixtures of ethanol, iso-octane and toluene. The modelling of the sorption properties was successfully achieved by the UNIQUAC model and a new model called SORPFIT. The parameters of the diffusion laws according to the TSVF2 or the generalized Long models were also optimized for each polymer despite some difficulty with EVOH. An original methodology was then proposed for predicting the partial fluxes of polymer multi-layers from the characteristic parameters of the corresponding mono-layers. Depending on the nature and disposition of each layer, two scenarios were identified: the kinetics limitation and the thermodynamics limitation of mass transfer, the latter being estimated from the sorption models initially optimized. The comparison of the calculated fluxes with the experimental data obtained for bi-layer and tri-layer films provided by the world-wide industrial company Arkema showed that the predictions were very satisfying. This approach was then extended to the simulation of the permeability of more complex multi-layer structures which are more representative of commercial fuel tanks
Solar, Mathieu. "Simulations numériques de dynamique moléculaire du contact normal et tangentiel sur surfaces de polymères amorphes linéaires : vers une meilleure compréhension de la physique locale du contact." Strasbourg, 2010. https://publication-theses.unistra.fr/public/theses_doctorat/2010/SOLAR_Mathieu_2010.pdf.
Full textThe improvement of polymer behavior requires a better understanding of the local physics of their contact mechanics. Continuum Mechanics (CM) approach is nevertheless limited when the local physics contributes to the global behaviour, because the matter is seen as a continuous medium. The Molecular Dynamics (MD) simulations are more relevant in such a situation because they consider molecular details and use a statistic thermodynamic formulation. In this work, MD simulations of nano-indentation and nano-scratch tests are studied on linear amorphous polymer surfaces. The tested volume elements are close to the Representative Volume Element of the model of linear amorphous polymer. First, results of MD simulations exhibit good correlations with experimental indentation data, and a study of local friction during scratch tests propose some origins to local friction. Then, an analysis of bond orientation in polymer chains display the existence of a small sheared layer under the tip, during indentation and scratch. The thickness of this small sheared layer depends on the interaction between the tip and the polymer film, on the roughness of the tip, and on the cristallographic pattern of the tip. At last, we sketch out an original link between DM and CM by investigating one-dimensional mechanical behavior of the numerical model of polymer. Finally, our results on local microstructural changes in the polymer (during indentation and scratch) are a first step for a better comprehension of local physics of contact mechanics on polymer surfaces
Leboeuf, Mathilde. "Influence des paramètres du procédé sur les propriétés électriques et rhéologiques des polyamides chargés de noir de carbone." Phd thesis, École Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Paris, 2007. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00246810.
Full textCastro, Lopez William Camilo. "Modélisation du comportement diffuso-mécanique d'un polymère semi-cristallin sous pression d'eau." Thesis, Chasseneuil-du-Poitou, Ecole nationale supérieure de mécanique et d'aérotechnique, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015ESMA0010.
Full textComprehension of the hydro-mechanical coupling affecting the mechanical behavior of a semicrystalline polymer (SCP) under high water pressure was the motivation of this research work.In order to describe the water diffusion phenomenon and its impact on the mechanical behavior of the SCP when multiaxial stresses are applied, the effect of the microstructure on the diffuso-mechanical behavior of the polymer was considered for modeling. A constitutive model including void nucleation and growth induced by large strains, and a dependence of the macroscopic mechanical behavior on hydrostatic pressure, is then coupled with a sorption model depending on the microstructure of the polymer.A multiphase representation at two scales is considered: at a ‘macroscopic’ scale, the cavitated SCP under water pressure is considered to be a saturated porous medium with the SCP as the solid phase, and the water saturating the voids as the fluid phase.At a lower scale, the viscoplastic behavior of the SCP has been modeled from the thermodynamics of porous media based on a meso-scale representation of its microstructure with the crystalline lamellae interacting with the free amorphous.The coupled model was implemented into a finite elements code. The simulation results demonstrate the potential of the proposed model, in particular its capability to take into account coupling phenomena between the microstructure of the material, species diffusion and the local state of stresses and strains which contributes to the comprehension of experimental observations
Zerguine, Walid. "Adaptation de maillages anisotropes et écoulements multifluides : Applications en injection assistée eau." Paris, ENMP, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010ENMP0082.
Full textThe Water Assisted Injection Molding (WAIM) is a recent manufacturing process that produces thermoplastic hollow parts. Numerical simulation is an important step in the development of this innovative technology. The framework of the thesis is the development of a numerical simulation module for the WAIM process. The industrial and technological benefits of this numerical tool will provide crucial information on the sensitivity of the properties of injection molded parts to injection conditions. The hydrodynamics of the multiphase polymer-water-air system is described by the resolution of the Navier-Stokes equations within the framework of an eulerian monolithic formulation. The method consists in solving the system of equations on a single mesh. A distance function allows to describe the interfaces water-polymer and polymer-air to supply the physical properties of every sub-domain. A strategy of anisotropic dynamic mesh adaptation allows to decrease the strong heterogeneities of the phases in presence. Two ways are investigated. The first one considers meshes constructed from a priori metrics based on the gradient of the Levelset function and the second approach considers the construction of a metric based on a posteriori error estimator minimizing the error of approximation under constraint to keep a constant number of elements. A confrontation in experimental trials confirms the relevance of our tool to predict the evolution of the water vein in a typical WAIM part
Dabo, Mouhamadou. "Analyse du comportement mécanique des mousses polymères : apport de la tomographie X et de la simulation numérique." Thesis, Strasbourg, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015STRAE041/document.
Full textPolymer foams materials combine mechanical, thermal, chemical and optical interesting properties going with light weighting structures problems. However, to diversify their applications and make them even more efficient in health field, transportation or building, a fine study of the relationships between manufacturing processes to generated microstructures and resulting properties must be conducted. These mechanical properties are highly depending on the properties of material with which foams are made but also on the morphology of their microstructures (orientation, distribution and pore size, wall thickness). Thus it is crucial to quantify and measure these parameters to strive for a detailed understanding of the mechanical properties and define models capable of linking global behavior of cellular materials to bulk materials and microstructures. Working closely with research and development division of INTEREP, European leader in waterproof cellular rubber, an experimental characterization of the mechanical behavior of polymer foams of different natures and different topologies has been performed first. Then geometrical modeling was developed from micro structural observations of real foams in x-ray micro-tomography and from virtually generated microstructures through a physical description of polymer foams manufacturing process. Finally finite element simulation in 2D and 3D of these microstructures were coupled with the experimental characterization of bulk material allowing thus to reproduce and finely study deformation mechanisms experimentally observed on polymer foams and refine empirical behavior laws by taking into account additional characteristic parameter of cells statistical distribution in space like their location and their size distribution and shape
Mortazavi, Bohayra. "Multiscale modeling of thermal and mechanical properties of nanostructured materials and polymer nanocomposites." Thesis, Strasbourg, 2013. http://www.theses.fr/2013STRAD007/document.
Full textNanostructured materials are gaining an ongoing demand because of their exceptional chemical and physical properties. Due to complexities and costs of experimental studies at nanoscale, computer simulations are getting more attractive asexperimental alternatives. In this PhD work, we tried to use combination of atomistic simulations and continuum modeling for the evaluation of thermal conductivity and elastic stiffness of nanostructured materials. We used molecular dynamics simulations to probe and investigate the thermal and mechanical response of materials at nanoscale. The finite element and micromechanics methods that are on the basis of continuum mechanics theories were used to evaluate the bulk properties of materials. The predicted properties are then compared with existing experimental results
Nguyen, Van-Hau. "Characterization and modeling of flax fiber reinforced composites manufacturing by resin transfer molding process." Thesis, Lille 1, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014LIL10156.
Full textThis thesis presents an experimental characterization of flax fiber and a modeling of the resin flow during the resin transfer molding process with flax preform. The change of diameter of flax fiber filament immersed in different test liquids was characterized using optical microscope. The sorption rate of the resin mass into the fiber filament immersed in the test liquids was also experimentally characterized using centrifuge test. A new permeability model was proposed to predict the permeability taking into account the fiber swell effect, regardless of test liquid and the model was validated by a comparison with the experimental measurement data. The wetting properties of flax fiber in contact with different test liquids were measured by capillary rise test using flax fiber yarn and a new model was established to obtain surface tension and contact angle by considering the fiber swell effect and the liquid sorption into the fiber filament. The unsaturated resin flow in the flax fiber preform was modeled by modifying the conventional mass conservation equation and Darcy’s law in order to take into account the effects of fiber swell and liquid sorption. The mass rate absorbed into the fiber and the change of fiber volume were considered as sink terms in the mass conservation equation. The permeability change due to the fiber swell was modeled in terms of time of fiber’s immersion in liquid. In particular, the sink term and permeability were considered as spatially and temporally non-uniform in the flow model. The proposed model was validated by a comparison with the experimental measurement of flow advancement in the flax fiber preform
Lebihain, Mathias. "Large-scale crack propagation in heterogeneous materials : an insight into the homogenization of brittle fracture properties." Thesis, Sorbonne université, 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019SORUS522.
Full textBeing able to predict the macroscopic response of a material from the knowledge of its constituent at a microscopic or mesoscopic scale has always been the Holy Grail pursued by material science, for it provides building bricks for the understanding of complex structures as well as for the development of tailor-made optimized materials. The homogenization theory constitutes nowadays a well-established theoretical framework to estimate the overall response of composite materials for a broad range of mechanical behaviors. Such a framework is still lacking for brittle fracture, which is a dissipative evolution problem that (ii) localizes at the crack tip and (iii) is related to a structural one. In this work, we propose a theoretical framework based on a perturbative approach of Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics to model (i) crack propagation in large-scale disordered materials as well (ii) the dissipative processes involved at the crack tip during the interaction of a crack with material heterogeneities. Their ultimate contribution to the macroscopic toughness of the composite is (iii) estimated from the resolution of the structural problem using an approach inspired by statistical physics. The theoretical and numerical inputs presented in the thesis are finally compared to experimental measurements of crack propagation in 3D-printed heterogeneous polymers obtained through digital image correlation
Blivi, Adoté Sitou. "Effet de taille dans les polymères nano-renforcés : caractérisation multi-échelles et modélisation." Thesis, Compiègne, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018COMP2431/document.
Full textThe work presented in this paper aims to highlight and to understand the size effect of nano-reinforcements on nanocomposite properties With an experimental approach. Nanocomposites of PMMA and silica particles With different sizes (15nm, 25nm, 60nm, 150nm and 500nm) and volume fractions (20/0, 4 0/0 and 60/0) were manufactured. Multiscale analysis (MET and DRX-WAXS) have shown that the characteristic parameters of the microstructure of nanocomposites vary With the size of the nanoparticles. Indeed, the decrease in the size of nanoparticles at a given volume fraction implies a decrease of the intermolecular distance. This decrease has induced a densification of the matrix and a decrease of the matrix chain mobility. Mechanical tests (tensile, DMA) have shown that the young (E) and the conservation (E') moduli of the nanocomposites increase With the decrease in the size of the nanoparticles With a constant volume fraction. And the increase of E l is kept when temperature growing. An increase in glass transition (Tg) and degradation temperature (Td) was also observed With the DSC, DMA and ATG tests. Experimental elastic properties of the nanocomposites were used to assess the relevance of size effect micromechanical models, particularly the Hashin-Shtrikman bounds With interface effects proposed by Brisard. The modeling has shown that to reproduce the experimental elastic moduli of nanocomposites, the elastic coefficients of the interface must be dependents on particle sizes. And the state of dispersion of particles must be taken into account
Moreno, Flores Gregorio. "Modèles de polymères dirigés en milieu aléatoires." Paris 7, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010PA077043.
Full textWe study several models of directed polymers in random environments. For the classical model on Z^d, we study the convergence of the environments seen by the particle in the weak disorder region. We prove strong results for very high values of the temperature. We then give a complete treatment of the partition function of directed polymers on the diamond hierarchical lattice. Finally, we study the free energy of directed polymers in random environments on Z^d in very asymmetric boxes. We prove that, in a particular regime, it coincides with the free energy of a continuous time model in a Brownian environment. For d=l, the exact value of this free energy is known. We also study one- dimensional directed polymers with a huge drift. We give the exact value of the free energy and compute the order of fluctuations of the partition function
Corneille, Sylvie. "Homogénéisation périodique de matériaux microfissures." Montpellier 2, 1993. http://www.theses.fr/1993MON20104.
Full textFederico, Carlos. "Effets couplés de la température et de la vitesse de déformation sur le comportement mécanique non-linéaire des polymères amorphes : Caractérisation expérimentale et modélisation de la superposition vitesse de déformation-température." Thesis, Paris Sciences et Lettres (ComUE), 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018PSLEM009/document.
Full textThe present PhD thesis proposes a simplified and accurate strategy for characterising and modelling the mechanical behaviour of amorphous polymers from the quasi-fluid state up to the solid state.The study was carried out on PMMAs with different molar masses and crosslinking degree.First, we addressed the mechanical behaviour in the linear viscoelastic domain using DMTA and rheological tests. Results showed that increasing the molar mas and crosslinking degree increased the elastic and loss moduli as the α-transition. In parallel, using the time-temperature superposition principle allowed determining “equivalent strain rates at reference temperature”.Then, we performed uniaxial tensile and shear uploading-unloading tests at high temperature and coupled with DIC, to characterise the mechanical behaviour at large strain. Additionally, strain rate and temperature effects were coupled by means of the “equivalent strain rate at reference temperature” extracted from observations in the linear domain. Results showed that targeting the same equivalent strain rate lead to the same stress-strain curves, i.e. same mechanical response. This allows reducing the number of experimental tests needed to characterise the mechanical behaviour of amorphous polymers.Finally, a constitutive modelling based in a thermodynamics framework, was used to reproduce the mechanical response of the PMMAs at large deformation. The model presented a good agreement with the experimental data, being able to reproduce viscoelastoplastic, viscoelastic, hyperelastic and viscohyperelastic behaviours for cyclic loading tensile
Inoubli, Rabi. "Synthèse, structure et propriétés viscoélastiques de polymères chargés modèles." Pau, 2005. http://www.theses.fr/2005PAUU3020.
Full textThe linear viscoelastic properties of dispersed systems such as filled polymers are still poorly understood, because of a lack of theoretical knowledge about the role of interactions between particles of the dispersed phase. The aim of this work is to investigate the structure/properties relationship of polybutylacrylate filled with grafted silica particles. The method used to synthesize the silica grafted particles (coupling between techniques of “grafting from” and “controlled radical polymerization”) allows to vary the length, density and molecular topology of the grafted polybutylacrylate layer. We are thus able to study model filled polymers, and more particularly the influence of steric interactions between particles on the linear viscoelastic behavior. We first investigated the link between steric interactions, volume fraction of silica, and the spatial organization of the particles in the matrix. SANS experiments clearly show a transition between low volume fractions, were no correlations between individual particles can be detected, and high volume fractions (4%), were a structure factor is measured, showing a spatial organization of the particles. We correlated these results to spectromechanic experiments on the same systems. We show a liquid-to-solid transition for volume fractions of the same order of magnitude as the one measured by SANS. This study on a model filled polymer shows that there are only steric interactions in this system. Particles have a hard sphère behavior and the liquide-solide transition is due to the interpenetrating of grafted polymer extern part
Rubio, Patrice. "Rhéologie élongationnelle, équation constitutive en viscoélasticité non linéaire." Pau, 1999. http://www.theses.fr/1999PAUU3005.
Full textGaétane, Ceglia. "Elaboration et caractérisation de matériaux polymères poreux modèles à base d'émulsions contrôlées." Phd thesis, Université Sciences et Technologies - Bordeaux I, 2001. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00731266.
Full textCeglia, Gaétane. "Élaboration et caractérisation de matériaux polymères poreux modèles à base d’émulsions contrôlées." Thesis, Bordeaux 1, 2011. http://www.theses.fr/2011BOR14462/document.
Full textPolymer foams are cellular materials commonly used for safety applications in many industrial sectors (aeronautic, passive safety, gears…). To even improve their performances, the link between their structural parameters (cell sizes, density...) and their mechanical behaviour should be better understood and modelled. A way of producing such foams is to polymerize the continuous phase of highly concentrated emulsions. The advantage of such an emulsion-based strategy is that it becomes possible to take advantage of the good control over emulsion parameters (drop size, dispersed phase volume fraction, continuous phase composition) to elaborate model foams with cells and pores having narrow size distributions. The production of model foams makes it possible to determine independently the influence of each parameter on the compression modulus and to compare the results with existing models
Yemmas, Rachida. "Simulations numériques des matériaux granulaires." Montpellier 2, 1993. http://www.theses.fr/1993MON20197.
Full textAbbas, Assef. "Proprietes et potentialites de valorisation de nouveaux alginates a haute viscosite." Aix-Marseille 1, 2000. http://www.theses.fr/2000AIX11015.
Full textDupuy, Delphine. "Modélisation mathématique de l'extrusion bivis." Saint-Etienne, 2004. http://www.theses.fr/2004STET4001.
Full textWe aim, in this work, to construct a numerical solution of a polymer flow through a twin screw extruder. This PhD is dedicated to the mathematical analysis of a fluid flow inside a wavy constricted channel which dimensions depend on a small parameter. The steady motion of a newtonian and incompressible fluid is considered. By the asymptotic analysis of the problem, the periodically behavior of the solution is shown and the cellular problem is detailled. Considering the boundary layer effects, some error estimates are evaluated in order to justify the construction of this asymptotic solution. The partial asymptotic decomposition of domain method is then developped. The main idea of this numerical method is to consider the initial variational problem on a simpler subspace. The subspace is structured according to the behavior of the asymptotic solution. The study of the error estimates justifies the construction of the partially decomposed solution as a good approximation for the initial solution. This analysis is developped for three different flows : flows governed by the Stokes, the Navier-Stokes equations and the more general case of a micropolar fluid. The partial asymptotic decomposition of domain method is then used to compute a numerical three dimensionnal solution for a simplified flow in the extruder
Bénazet, Stéphane. "Apport de la modélisation moléculaire aux matériaux energétiques." Aix-Marseille 2, 2004. http://www.theses.fr/2004AIX22009.
Full textLogvinova, Kira. "Modèles mathématiques pour la diffusion en milieux poreux hétérogènes." Avignon, 2005. http://www.theses.fr/2005AVIG0501.
Full textTroadec, Hervé. "Texture locale et plasticité des matériaux granulaires." Montpellier 2, 2002. http://www.theses.fr/2002MON20119.
Full textGarcia, David. "Contribution à l'élaboration de modèles pour l'optimisation du procédé d'injection de polymères." Saint-Etienne, 2002. http://www.theses.fr/2002STET4015.
Full textIn the area of polymer injection, research is presently focused on 3D modelization. In particular, the appropriate simulation of 3D mould filling is crucial and opens large vistas : thorough understanding of welding areas ,"fountain effect" observation, etc. This research direction is attractive. Nevertheless, a state-of-the-art study shows that there is almost no model which copes with tools conception. The underlying question is the lack of specific mathematical models. We have developed such models for filling phase and we have covered two main needs. The first is the optimal placement of injection points in order to minimize final injection pressure ; it aims at the determination for a given shape, to the optimal injection positions. The second deals with the controlled propagation. The purpose of this approach is to control the polymer front propagation during the filling time in order to have the less possible defects. This document is a first investigative step for future Computer Assisted Tools Conception
Smirnova, Julia. "Modélisation numérique et expérimentale de la cristallisation des polymères en injection." Paris, ENMP, 2006. http://www.theses.fr/2006ENMP1382.
Full textThe purpose of the present work is to develop a crystallization model which is able to predict overall crystallization kinetic and microstructure development in the injection moulding. The mathematical model is based on the Avrami's hypothesis and consists of a system of differential equations where the initial parameters are functions of the temperature and of the shear rate. The system is solved numerically by the Runge and Kutta method of order 2. The coefficients of the physical functions are determined directly from the experience or adjusted using Inverse Optimisation Methods as the Genetic Algorithm Method. The model is implemented in a fluid mechanics software, Rem3D®, that enables to predict the crystallization in the complex conditions of industrial processes
Aleksy, Nicolas. "Etude du comportement mécanique des polymères en rayure." Saint-Etienne, EMSE, 2009. http://www.theses.fr/2009EMSE0020.
Full textThe objective of the study is to develop a numerical model which describes the behaviour of amorphous glassy polymers submitted to a mechanical scratch test under ploughing and spherical conditions. After experimental validation, the model is used to simulate the scratch test conditions and clarify the interpretation of phenomena which occur during the mechanical process. First, a review of scratch tests applied to solid amorphous polymers is given and introduces the study and shows the sensitivity of the strain recovery to different classical stress/strain relations. It is shown that the elastic-viscoplastic model of Arruda and Boyce can account for the sensitivity of the yield stress to the strain rate only. However, when some viscoelastic behaviour is introduced, significant changes of the characteristic values of the scratch test can be obtained. Experimental nano-scratch tests carried out on PMMA (polymethylmetacrylate) samples confirm that this material may display time-dependent mechanical effect. The elastic-viscoplastic model of Arruda and Boyce is proved not to be sufficient to model the relationship between the scratching velocity and the experimental penetration depth. In that particular case, a viscoelastic-viscoplastic model seems to lead to a reliable solution. Finally, it is shown that an increase of the temperature can occur close to the tip in a scratch test. This thermal effect introduces some modifications of the behaviour of the PMMA in scratch test directly proportional to the scratch velocity. The healing phenomenon of the amorphous polymers, which is based on a heating of the sample in order to reduce the residual deformation, can be regarded as a viscoelastic thermally activated recovery and a hyperelastic hardening of the material
Bourguignon, Elsa Sophie Odile. "Dessalement de matériaux poreux modèles par la méthode des compresses." Paris Est, 2009. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/docs/00/49/43/21/PDF/EBourguignon_PhD_2009.pdf.
Full textEn anglais : Poultices, wet adhesive pastes applied to porous materials to draw out salts, are used in the in situ conservation of built heritage. This study aims to better understand the mechanisms of water and ion transport during desalination to improve its efficiency. Sodium chloride crystallization in laboratory-made model porous samples (sintered glass beads) was carried out to master the artificial salting process. Poultices made of kaolin, cellulose, aggregates, and water were characterized to investigate the relationship between their formulation and their properties. Finally, desalination experiments were conducted. Nuclear magnetic resonance imaging was used throughout the studies to obtain the spatial distribution of water in the different elements non-destructively. Desalination efficiency is related to the system drying behavior which, in turn, depends partly on the material microstructure. Drying of the material before the poultice seems to lead to greater desalination efficiency
Samson, Éric. "Modélisation numérique du transport ionique dans les matériaux cimentaires non saturés." Doctoral thesis, Université Laval, 2005. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11794/18188.
Full textTrinh, Duy Khanh. "Méthodes d'homogénéisation d'ordre supérieur pour les matériaux architecturés." Paris, ENMP, 2011. https://pastel.hal.science/pastel-00677046.
Full textStandard homogenization with Cauchy medium has got many successes in heterogeneous material study. However, it is limited when the characterised length of applied macroscopic loadings is at the same order of material's heterogeneities; in particular in case of grand gradient solicitation, for instance in sandwich bending case. The homogenization with generalized continua is then necessary to overcome these limits and extend the validation of homogenization approach out of strict scale separation condition. There are recently much progression in this domain; the contributions have developed mainly material multi-scale modelling by Cosserat (or micropolar) medium, by second gradient medium, by couple-stress medium and recently by micromorphic continuum. There is many methods for multi-scale modelling an heterogeneous material : computational average on RVE; asymptotic developement method or empirical methods. My contribution follows the local fields average technique, with the purpose of looking for a new method which is not so complicated but systematically enough for modelling composite material by generalized continuum media. Motivation of this method is its good applicability to any micro--structure, and also relatively simple to apply non-linear behavior (elasto-plastic behavior)
Tchamba, Jean Claude. "Contribution à l'étude expérimentale du comportement des matériaux cimentaires au jeune âge : pression, rhéologie et perméabilité." Lorient, 2008. http://www.theses.fr/2008LORIS112.
Full textThe advent of the Self Compacting Concretes brought important evolutions in the sectors of building behaviour of materials with cementing matrix in a fresh state in particular self compacting concrete. The objective is to follow the evolution of the constraints of structuring and the intrinsic parameters (particularly the threshold of shearing) of these materials, before, during and after the implementation. Experiments of pore water pressures coupled with rheology were carried out on pastes cement and concretes at constant temperature 20° C. The studied mixtures were manufactured with same cement. The approach among other things consists in crossing the results obtained using a casing column, of a rheometer of laboratory for better determining the behaviour of materials tested. A first trial run made it possible to be interested in the problems of recoveries of shear stresses the walls using three devices to determine the constraints of structuring. A test on the column making it possible to measure the pore water pressure and the vertical pressure is carried out. Moreover, one study relating to the constraints with the interfaces was undertaken while being based on the evolution of the apparent mass of a plate immersed in studied materials. Lastly, the dimensional checks of endogenous withdrawal were carried out in parallel with the tests on the column. In the second time, a rotary rheometer, with Vane geometry coupled to interstitial pressure pick-ups was developed to describe the rheological characteristics of these materials. The aim is to follow the evolution of the flow property of material. In this context, the evaluation of the intrinsic parameters according to the model of Bingham was carried out. The results show the influence of the parameters of the composition on the rheological properties. Lastly, because of our interrogation on the evolution of the properties of transfer when the fresh material is at rest, an experimental campaign aiming at characterizing the permeability of a cement paste fresh by device of test oedometric and filtration is presented. We thus precisely measure compressing of material under load in conditions draining as well as the evolution of the permeabilities during the maturation of a cement paste
Arnault, Axel. "Simulation et optimisation de l'intégration de matériaux à changement de phase dans une zone thermique." Thesis, Université Laval, 2012. http://www.theses.ulaval.ca/2012/28549/28549.pdf.
Full textMady, Franck. "Modélisation des phénomènes de transport et des effets de charge dans les matériaux isolants." Nantes, 2002. http://www.theses.fr/2002NANT2026.
Full textThe fundamentals properties of insulating materials as well as their technological performances are strongly influenced by the electric charges they have stored. The charging-up of the insulator can be provoked by various stresses suffered by the sample. It is responsible for the appearance of an electric field which favours the aging and the breakdown of the material. The eradication of such undesirable effects requires a good understanding of the charging mechanisms
Preechawuttipong, Itthichai. "Modélisation du comportement mécanique de matériaux granulaires cohésifs." Montpellier 2, 2002. http://www.theses.fr/2002MON20033.
Full textThieulot-Laure, Emmanuelle. "Méthode probabiliste unifiée pour la prédiction du risque de rupture en fatigue." Cachan, Ecole normale supérieure, 2008. https://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-01199575v1.
Full textOne of the main sources of randomness in fatigue is the presence of defects in the material. So as to establish specifications about the material cleanliness, i. E. The distribution of inclusion sizes, the relation between the defect size and the risk of failure should be established. The pioneering results of Kitagawa and Takahashi have established that two domains can be distinguished: when defects are small, the endurance limit does not vary with the defect size. Endurance models are therefore expressed within the framework of continuum mechanics. On the contrary, the size of large defects should be accounted for, which is usually done within the framwork of linear elastic fracture mechanics. When the distributions of defects are wide, an accurate prediction of the failure probability requires a unified fatigue criterion in terms of defects sizes. Therefore, a non‐propagation criterion was developed. It is based on a critical elastic distortional energy around the crack tip and includes higher order terms (Tstress) of LEFM asymptotic fields, so as to be applicable to smaller defects. This criterion responds like the Dang Van criterion for small defects and like a non‐propagation threshold stress intensity factor for large defects. The probably of failure is then determined using the weakest link theory from the statistic distribution of defects sizes. However, when defects are small, their non‐propagation threshold becomes sensitive to the local environment of the defect. Therefore, the last part of this thesis concerns the fluctuation of stresses within the microstructure and its effects on the non‐propagation threshold of defects. This “microstructural” fluctuation induces a dispersion of the non‐propagation threshold, when defects have a dimension below ten grains and then vanishes progressively with the inverse of the squareroot of the defect size, when this defect size increases
Al, Jarbouh Ali. "Applications de la dérivation fractionnaire à la modélisation du comportement des matériaux viscoélastiques." Lyon 1, 1988. http://www.theses.fr/1988LYO10098.
Full textMousseau, Pierre. "Analyse et modélisation des transferts thermiques en aval de la filière dans le procédé d'extrusion de profilés polymères." Nantes, 1998. http://www.theses.fr/1998NANT2130.
Full textMercier, Mathilde. "Étude expérimentale et modélisation d'un procédé d'élaboration par extrusion réactive de mélanges de polymères compatibilisés : caractérisation hydrodynamique du procédé : couplage des processus de plastification et de fonctionnement de polymères par greffage." Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy, INPL, 2002. http://www.theses.fr/2002INPL092N.
Full textLecante, Pierre. "Modélisation de l'ordre local dans des solides amorphes : approche multi-méthodes par diffusion et spectroscopie d'absorption des rayons X, conception d'un logiciel de modélisation moléculaire, application en chimie inorganique et de coordination." Toulouse 3, 1990. http://www.theses.fr/1990TOU30179.
Full textBahloul, Mostefa. "Modélisation de l'évolution de phases liquides hétérogènes." Pau, 1990. http://www.theses.fr/1990PAUU3001.
Full textPichavant-Berthou, Karine. "Contribution à la modélisation des ferrites non saturés en hyperfréquences." Brest, 1996. http://www.theses.fr/1996BRES2036.
Full textBouloré, Antoine. "Etude et modélisation de la densification en pile des oxydes nucléaires UO2 et MOX." Grenoble INPG, 2001. http://www.theses.fr/2001INPG4203.
Full textAmongst the many phenomena which take place in the course of the irradiation of UO2 or (U, Pu)O2 nuclear fuels, one of them involves the elimination of a fraction of the as-fabricated porosity. In-pile densification or sintering can reach 2. 5%, i. E. Approximately half the initial volume of pores is likely to disappear. Our literature survey indicates that the amplitude and kinetics of the phenomenon are both heavily dependent on the initial fuel microstructure. Micro-structural characterisation techniques of oxide fuels have therefore been developed in conjunction with quantitative image analysis methods. The ensuing methodology enables a quantitative comparison of micro-structural features in different fuels and has been applied to ascertaining the influence of the local fission rate and temperature on in-pile densification. It is thus revealed that in-pile operation eliminates a significant fraction of pores smaller than 3 microns in diameter. The experimental data generated has been used to set up a semi-empirical and a mechanistic model. The former is based on experimental results and is not essentially predictive. The inability of this model to predict the in-pile densification of oxide fuels is illustrated by the fact that the maximum fraction of pores that disappears is proportional to an empirical function of fission rate, and temperature. The proportionality factor appears to be difficult to correlate quantitatively to any given micro-structural feature. The model has however been applied to the interpretation of an in-pile densification experiment carried out in the Halden reactor (Norway). The latter model is mechanistic, i. E. It is based on the solution to a set of equations that describe the coupled temperature and radiation induced phenomena which occur in-pile. These can broadly be broken down into three categories : the fission fragment-pore interaction, the creation of point defects as the fission fragments slow down, and the diffusion of these point defects to sinks. The model calculates the evolution of the pore size distribution and has successfully been applied to modelling the in-pile densification behaviour of a fuel pellet characterised before and after irradiation
Fouassier, Patrick. "Modélisation électrique des composants magnétiques haute fréquence : prise en compte de la température et caractérisation des ferrites." Grenoble INPG, 1998. http://www.theses.fr/1998INPG0108.
Full textThe increase of working frequencies in static converters used in power electronic applications requires a more realistic modeling of magnetic componems. The lumped équivalent electrical circuit assîgned to a comportent has about twenty éléments, derived by extemal impédance measurements only. This équivalent circuit, designed with a rigorous theoretical and expérimental approach, and quickly worked out using well ada^ted computer tools, enables ail the physical phenomena to be represented from DC to one or two décades beyond its operating frequency. A uniform température study has shown that the prédiction of the electric behavior of a transformer at any température, from its characterization at ambient température only, was possible for windings. On the other hand, suoplier data remain insufficient to correctly quantify the behavior of magnetic core. Moreover, résistances placed on the équivalent circuit to represent losses of the component hâve been validated by calorimetry. Thus, they allow dissipations to be determined with fine accuracy for a given source and load. To better characterize high frequency magnetic materials in the absence of complète and reliable data from ferrite manufacturers, a new origina! method has been developed. With this method requiring some expérimental précautions, simple analytical relations lead to the déduction of both complex permeability and complex permittivity at each frequency and uniform température. It also gives parameters applicable to any geometry of magnetic core and accounts for ail the physical phenomena occurring in the material when the frequency increases, notabiy the capacitive behavior that can be noticed in MnZn ferrites above tens of kHz. This method allows îron losses to be computed up to 10 MHz
Sato-Gaillot, Elizabeth. "Modélisation physique et numérique de l'éjection de matériaux bouillants dans des structures fusibles : étude d'une approche simplifiée." Aix-Marseille 1, 1993. http://www.theses.fr/1993AIX11006.
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