Academic literature on the topic 'Pollution de l'eau – Afrique'
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Journal articles on the topic "Pollution de l'eau – Afrique"
Blanchon, David, and Agathe Maupin. "Géopolitique de l'eau en Afrique australe." Sécurité globale 9, no. 3 (2009): 79.
Full textBaron, Catherine. "L'eau en Afrique : disponibilité et accès." Futuribles, no. 359 (December 24, 2009): 33–56.
Full textBourgeois, Claude. "Note sur le culte de l'eau en Afrique." Bulletin Monumental 151, no. 1 (1993): 19–25.
Full textMUKADI, M. "Une ecclésiologie du sang en de l'eau en Afrique." Questions Liturgiques/Studies in Liturgy 85, no. 3 (July 1, 2004): 158–89.
Full textBlanchon, David. "Les nouveaux enjeux géopolitiques de l'eau en Afrique australe." Hérodote 102, no. 3 (2001): 113.
Full textVircoulon, Thierry. "L'eau gratuite pour tous ? L'exemple de la nouvelle politique de l'eau en Afrique du Sud." Afrique contemporaine 205, no. 1 (2003): 135.
Full textVennetier, Pierre. "Cadre de vie urbain et problèmes de l'eau en Afrique noire." Annales de Géographie 97, no. 540 (1988): 171–94.
Full textMérino, Mathieu. "La maîtrise de l'eau en Afrique de l'Est : tensions et territoires." Sécurité globale 9, no. 3 (2009): 69.
Full textDreyfus, Jacques. "L'eau et l'assainissement en Afrique noire. Le point de vue de Fidèle Dianzinga." Les Annales de la recherche urbaine 30, no. 1 (1986): 73–77.
Full textDucos-Fonfrede, S., and F. Clanet. "L'épuration domestique de l'eau par filtration." Journal français d’hydrologie 17, no. 2 (1986): 171–84.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Pollution de l'eau – Afrique"
Sow, Amadou. "Les principes généraux du droit de l'environnement et les conventions régionales dans la lutte contre la pollution marine en Afrique." Thesis, Université Paris-Panthéon-Assas, 2022.
Full textThe problem of environmental deterioration is not linked to the draft of new agreements anymore, even though not all fields are covered so far by the existing law, but to the efficiency of the norms in effect. Most often, law exists, but is badly applied or not applied at all. This leads to two problems: first, the implementation of law, and second, the control of its application. In this context, the African continent cannot achieve its unity and its economic development without caring of the sword of Damocles which is the global warming caused by greenhouse gases and environmental destruction. Furthermore, the OHADA (Organization for the Harmonization in Africa of Business Law) should allow Africa to significantly advance on the subject of the companies’ responsible behaviour in terms of environmental and climate protection. In order to fill this gap, the OHADA should adopt in the near future a Uniform Act concerning social and environmental responsibility. The implementation of environmental policies and the application of the norms arising from them require a cultural revolution. The young generations should receive an education which is adapted to the new ecological challenges. The principles contribute in an important way to the development of the soft law in international law, but it is even more surprising that this phenomenon is more and more important in national law. Beyond formal legal aspects, the implementation of regional agreements will be confronted to further challenges: first of all, the reinforcement of the national institutional authorities’ capacity to reconcile economic, social and environmental imperatives
BEAUCHAMPS, PAUL. "Pathologie de l'eau de mer." Aix-Marseille 2, 1994.
Full textBabillot, Pascale. "Optimisation économique et lutte contre la pollution de l'eau." Paris 1, 1993.
Full textThe overworld concern about human responsabilities towards the water resource stands now in agreement with the quantitative and qualitative issues attached to it. To analyse the theoritical statements of the economy of welfare within the framework of water pollution leads to a better understan-ding of the limits of economic rationality with regards to the concrete need of asserting a "good" level of pollution, defining "acceptable" risk and or deciding upon an appropriate control strategy. It also suggests the role economy can play as a main langage in negociations
Ambroise, Denis. "La qualite de l'eau de la meuse." Nancy 1, 1994.
Full textMeynadier, Rémi. "Analyse multi-échelle du cycle de l'eau dans la mousson africaine à l'aide d'observations GPS." Paris 6, 2010.
Full textPérennès, Jean-Jacques. "L'eau, les paysans et l'état : la question hydraulique dans les pays du Maghreb." Grenoble 2, 1990.
Full textMaghrib is facing an alimentary challenge never known before in its history: how to feed a population doubling in number each twenty years, whereas the agricultural potentialities are under strong restraints (exiguous soils; fluctuating climate) despite the emergency of an agricultural revolution, the efforts towards an intensive agriculture since two decades are very far from the expected results. This research is an attemps to evaluate the hydro-agricultural policies in morocco, algeria and tunisia. However any evaluation in this case ought to be moderate: the small scale of cropping intensity on the large schemes cannot overshadow some localised successes. Yet it remains true that the maghribean peasants are not still ready to adhere massively to the promoting program set up ty the states. Hence this research will try to establish what is due to the milieu (aridity, climatic fluctuations. . . ) and what is traceable to history (the weight of colonial choices, the influence of the bureau d'etudes). Yet the first concern here is to show how the main options taken by the states lead to a social and technical dynamic hardly compatible with the peasantry's motivation, by rather serve other interests. At the end of a comparative evaluation of hydro-agricultural policies in the three countries, the study ends on some propositions which put the emphasis not on technics, but on the socio-political. .
Grapin, Gérard. "Qualité des eaux usées : de la mesure en continu à l'alerte pollution." Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy, INPL, 2002.
Full textData of pH, conductivity, temperature, redox potential, water level provided by early warning stations set up on the water sewage network of the CUGN (Urban Community of Large Nancy) were treated in order to detect; on line, the passage of polluting flows. On the different sites the temporal evolutions of pH and conductivity are modeled by a fuzzy approach of multi-model type using the explicative variables: temperature, potential of electrode, water level in the manholes. The results of the models are compared with the true measurements in order to generate indicators of pollutions. The hour of a specific discharge is estimated starting from its conductivity, pH response curves modeled bya succession of perfectly mixed reactors connected in cascade (systemic approach). The time of transit thus evaluated makes it possible to direct the first field investigations to seek the origin of pollution in order to take ail decisions, which are essential for its treatment on the level of the water sewage treatment unit
Destandau, François. "Régulation de la pollution de l'eau par une redevance spatialisée." Bordeaux 4, 2000.
Full textMusa, Machado Vendramini Sylvia Maria. "La prévention et la répression de la pollution des eaux terrestres superficielles en droit brésilien et en droit français." Paris 2, 1997.
Full textSummary: in the introduction is definite the used terms, the classification of the waters in france and in brazil and is described on the geographical plan the big hydrologycals basins of the two country. Always in introduction, a survey on the right of the environment is exposed with a historic part, presenting the principles and the chronology, in using the compared right. The system of political organization and the legislative expertise in matter of environment presented then and well attended of a justification of choice of topic by the importance of the environment for the brazil and by the problems of pollution of the waters. The main existing differences between the two country (historic, economical, political and sociological) is treated in end of introduction. In the first part is, to the first chapter, the commentaries on the management of the facilities in water and the prevention of the pollution in the french law of 3 january 1992 and in the brasilian constitution of 1988 as well as the institutions of management and the instruments of existing scheduling in the two country. This chapter finishes by the description of the global actions of struggle against the pollution. To the ii chapter is treaties: - the preventive control some polluting activities in france, in the former and present laws; - the legislations concerning the dismissals, with their control and- the regimes of authorization and in order to finish, controls it some polluting activities in brazil. In the second part consecrated to the repression of the pollution, the introduction treats of penal compared right (organization laws and principles) and then some constituent elements of the infringement, some observations and pursuits and of the penal condemnation. The conclusion lands the problem of the no existence in france of an offense of reaching to the environment and of the efficiency or of the inefficiency of the repression of the pollution of the waters. The second chapter begins by the presentation of the administrative sanctions, some polices of the environment, of field of application and of the diversity of the sanctions, of the penal repression before the administrative judge and finished by an interrogation on the efficiency of the administrative sanctions in matter of protection of the environment, notably of the quality of the waters. Keys words. Water pollution- rig
Cossa, Daniel. "Le cadmium et le mercure en milieu cotier : biogéochimie et utilisation du genre mytilus comme indicateur quantitatif." Paris 6, 1987.
Full textBooks on the topic "Pollution de l'eau – Afrique"
Malandain, Guy. Pour sauver l'eau. La Garenne-Colombes: Editions M. Rino, 1991.
Find full textLegentil, Constance. L' environnement, la pollution, l'eau: Activites d'enrichissement. Ottawa, Ont: Centre franco-ontarien de ressources pédagogiques, 1990.
Find full textL'air, l'eau, l'énergie, la pollution, la vie! Paris: Hermann, 2011.
Find full textHistoire de l'eau: Du mythe à la pollution. Paris: Editions F. Bourin, 1991.
Find full textLefeuvre, Jean-Claude. L'eau douce en France: Histoire d'un long combat. Toulouse: Milan, 2009.
Find full textNicolas, Pion, ed. L'eau douce en France: Histoire d'un long combat. Toulouse: Milan, 2009.
Find full textVilleneuve, Mireille. L'eau du diable. Laval, Québec: Éditions Grand Duc HRW, 2006.
Find full textMamarbachi, Guy. Méthodes d'analyse de l'hexazinone dans l'eau et le sol. [Québec]: Gouvernement du Québec, Ministère de l'énergie et des ressources, Service des études environnementales, 1987.
Find full textTrudel, Lucien. Dossier d'information sectorielle sur l'équipement de traitement de l'eau. [Quebec]: Gouvernement du Québec, Ministère de l'industrie et du commerce, Direction générale de l'industrie, 1985.
Find full textCourt, Laurence. Le coût économique et social de la pollution de l'eau. Paris: Association française pour l'étude des eaux, Centre national de documentation et d'information sur l'eau, 1986.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Pollution de l'eau – Afrique"
Coulibaly, Siriki. "Chapitre 3. Énergie, croissance et pollution dans l’Union Économique et Monétaire Ouest Africaine." In Commerce, investissement et développement durable en Afrique, 76–104. L'Harmattan, 2017.
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