Academic literature on the topic 'Pollution de l'air – effets indésirables'
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Journal articles on the topic "Pollution de l'air – effets indésirables"
Argacha, J. F. "Effets de la pollution de l'air sur les évènements cardiovasculaires en unité de soins intensifs cardiologiques." Annales de Cardiologie et d'Angéiologie 72, no. 5 (November 2023): 101663.
Full textNinanne, Dominique. "Paysages "diffamés" : une lecture de l'oeuvre romanesque de Georges Eekhoud à l'aune de la question environnementale." Études romanes de Brno, no. 1 (2023): 349–67.
Full textChiroleu-Assouline, Mireille, and Mouez Fodha. "Dette, taxe et politique environnementale." Revue française d'économie Vol. XXXVIII, no. 1 (July 27, 2023): 55–106.
Full textEl Attaoui, Zuhair, Fatima Zohra Alaoui Sossi, and Youssef El Khatori. "La gestion des risques menaçant la qualité de l’eau : application du PGSSE et la méthode HACCP." SHS Web of Conferences 175 (2023): 01037.
Full textGarcía, Rosa Corina. "Articulación de la investigación académica de postgrado de la UMBV con la dimensión ambiental." GACETA DE PEDAGOGÍA, no. 37 (December 1, 2018): 325–44.
Full textLeygonie, Robert. "Les métaux lourds dans l'air : sources, émissions, mesure, effets." Pollution atmosphérique, N°139 (1993).
Full textSHEN, Yu, and Wenkai SUN. "Information et comportement d'évitement: effets de la publication de données relatives à la pollution de l'air sur l'offre de travail en Chine." Revue internationale du Travail, November 27, 2023.
Full text"Installation classée. Usine de fabrication de verre plat. Etude d'impact. Contenu. Analyse de l'état initial. Effets sur l'environnement, notamment atmosphérique. Estimation des coûts. Mesures compensatoires. Respect de la directive CEE. Demande de question préjudicielle à la C.J.C.E. Refus. Etude de danger. Insuffisance (non). Légalité au regard des dispositions générales en vigueur. Limitation des nuisances à un niveau acceptable compte tenu des techniques disponibles. Protocole de Sofia à la Convention de Genève sur la pollution atmosphérique (émissions d'oxydes d'azote et flux transfrontaliers en résultant). Décret du 25 octobre 1991 relatif à la qualité de l'air. Tribunal administratif de Strasbourg, 19 janvier 1993 Commune de Schliengen et autres." Revue Juridique de l'Environnement 20, no. 1 (1995): 111–16.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Pollution de l'air – effets indésirables"
Barbier, Emeline. "Étude des mécanismes physiopathologiques impliqués dans la toxicité des particules ultrafines chez un modèle murin : une approche multi-organes." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Université de Lille (2022-....), 2023.
Full textAlthough there has been a significant reduction in air pollution since the 1990s, it remains a major public health problem, responsible for over 4.2 million premature deaths worldwide every year. At present, experts' attention is focused on ultrafine particles (PM0.1 or UFP) because of their ability to translocate into the systemic circulation and reach peripheral organs, where they are likely to have a harmful impact. Nevertheless, the knowledge of the cellular and molecular mechanisms involved in the toxicity of these particles is still very patchy, and most often remains focused on their main target, the lung. Thus, the main objectives of this thesis project were to provide innovative insights into the toxicokinetics (i.e., distribution/persistence) and toxicodynamics (i.e., pathophysiological mechanisms, associated cell signaling pathways) of UFP collected in urban environments, on the one hand, and the organospecific effects of UFP and the use of circulating miRNA as indicators of chronic and/or cumulative exposure to UFP in a mouse model, on the other hand. To answer these questions, Balb/cJRj mice were exposed for 3 months to various doses of UFP collected in the urban area of Lille, then analyzed in various target organs richly vascularized, and therefore directly exposed to UFP during their translocation and systemic distribution phase. The results showed that, in all target organs, the intrinsic oxidative potential of UFP undeniably induced the production of oxidative oxygen species and the activation of antioxidant defenses in sufficient quantities to restore a state of redox homeostasis, but were unable to prevent the onset of an inflammatory response in the lungs, heart and brain. Transcriptomic approaches carried out in the lungs, the target organ with the most marked deleterious effects, have suggested the deregulation of numerous signaling pathways in relation to oxidative and inflammatory responses, which constitute the central mechanisms of UFP toxicity, but also with more original toxicity mechanisms such as mitochondrial dysfunction, epithelial-mesenchymal transition and tissue remodeling, whose modulation has also been validated from a functional point of view. These promising data could ultimately contribute to better decision-making on the reduction of UFP emissions, as well as to the updating of current regulatory standards
Ben, Romdhane Safa. "Effets du climat et de la pollution de l'air sur la santé respiratoire à Tunis." Thesis, Sorbonne Paris Cité, 2017.
Full textThe Greater metropolitan area of Tunis, often referred to as Grand Tunis or Tunis, presents a vulnerability to air pollution due to the high concentrations of population and the infrastructures characterizing its territory. Ozone (O3) and particles (PM10) often exceed the Tunisian thresholds for these pollutants. As for the international standards set by the WHO (world health organization), they have not been met infrequently.The respiratory tract is a preferred route of exposure to aggressions related to the environment. Many lung diseases are directly linked to inhalation of pollutants in the atmosphere. The influences of climate mechanisms on respiratory health are also very extensive, including extreme weather events, also called weather paroxysms.The main objective of this thesis was to characterize the impact of environmental factors, climate and atmospheric pollutants on respiratory health in Grand Tunis. We have chosen to quantify this relationship from the biometeorological indicators and absolute thresholds of meteorological stress, specific Tunisian climate, and air quality to predict episodes at risk for respiratory health and thresholds of weather variables and air quality resulting in excess hospital admissions for respiratory causes. And this from the climate extremes of the parameters affecting the respiratory health : temperature, relative humidity and maximum wind speed. We, too, set realistic standards for air quality, relative to O3 and PM10, identifying critical thresholds excess hospitalizations in Grand Tunis and can be applied throughout the country. Given the effect of some climatic parameters on the dispersion of pollutants in the atmosphere, we also studied the relationship between climatic parameters and pollutants of O3 and PM10. The results of this study reveal that, throughout the year, Tunisians are confronted with at least an environmental risk : photochemical pollution and heat waves, which are very responsive during the hot season ; during the cold season, it is the risk of cold and particulate pollution; and during the off-season, biological pollution, together with pollen, is more at risk. However, short-term exposure to these risks, the worsening of the respiratory illness or irritation of the respiratory system is real. This study showed that the development and worsening of respiratory diseases appear to result from a complex interplay of individual and environmental factors. They are mainly in relation to time, air quality and atopy. The importance of these factors varies the respective disease. Moreover, the low socioeconomic status of the family increases the likelihood of being exposed to more of these risk factors. Added to this are behavioral factors such as alcohol, active and passive smoking
Ndong, Awa. "Pollution de l'air extérieur et intérieur à Dakar (Sénégal) : caractérisation de la pollution, impact toxicologique et évaluation épidémiologique des effets sanitaires." Thesis, Littoral, 2019.
Full textAir pollution is nowadays a major societal challenge, as much for its harmful consequences on human health as on the environment. The general objective of this work was to determine the level of Dakar air pollution, outdoor and indoor, and to assess its health impact in the urban population. Fine particles (PM₂.₅) and a coarser fraction (PM>₂.₅) sampled at an urban site in Dakar (HLM), characterized by high road traffic emissions, were compared with particles sampled at a rural area, Toubab Dialaw located about 40 km from Dakar. The physicochemical characteristics of samples revealed that PMs differ for their physical (surface area) and chemical properties (in terms of CHN, metals, ions, paraffins, VOCs and PAHs) that were 65 to 75 % higher in urban samples. In accordance with the different sources and different physical and chemical properties, the inflammatory response (TNF-α, IL-1β, IL-6, IL-8) and the oxidative damage (total carbonylated proteins and 8-OHdG) were found higher in bronchial BEAS-2B cells exposed to urban PMs. The air quality measurement campaign showed that the bus interior was more polluted with PM₁₀, CO, CO₂ and NO than the market and the urban and rural indoor sites. The comparison of air quality between indoor and outdoor sites revealed that, particularly in urban areas, indoor air quality may be worse than the corresponding outdoor one. Monitoring individual exposure to pollutants showed that housewives in urban and rural sites were more exposed than professionals to air pollution, confirming previous observations of potential higher individual exposure level to pollutants in indoor environment. However, exposure level of traders and bus drivers that would result from the exhaust of traffic with often old, poorly maintained and uncontrolled vehicles has to be taken into consideration due the higher levels of gaseous pollutants here reported
Reyes, Perez Eneida. "Chimie multiphasique des pesticides dans l'air : distribution et photoréactivité." Strasbourg, 2009.
Full textThis thesis focuses on the environmental fate of pesticides, particularly in the atmosphere. We are interested on their partitioning between the different phases of the atmosphere and their photolysis in the environment. The partitioning between aqueous and gaseous phases in the atmosphere depends on the Henry’s law constant (H) while the partitioning between atmospheric particulate and gaseous phases is related to their vapor pressure. Henry’s law constants of two widely used herbicides, namely EPTC and trifluralin, were determined as a function of temperature (278 – 293 K) using a device based on a dynamic air/water equilibrium. The obtained results are the first experimental temperature dependence of H for trifluralin and the second one for EPTC. The measurements performed between 278 and 293 K have been used to determine the Van't Hoff expressions of H for both compounds and the corresponding enthalpies of solvation. Our data obtained at 283 K have also helped to calculate that only 0. 3% of gaseous EPTC and 0. 8% of gaseous trifluralin could be scavenged by clouds droplets, which can be considered as negligible. Thus, EPTC and trifluralin are almost exclusively present in the gas phase where degradation takes place through photochemical reactions [. . . ]
Morelli, Xavier. "Pollution de l'air, santé et défaveur sociale en zone urbaine." Thesis, Université Grenoble Alpes (ComUE), 2016.
Full textIn urban areas, atmospheric pollution represents a major threat to human health. The accurate characterization of this threat relies centrally on the quality of exposure assessment. It also requires assessment of other factors sharing the same sources and also possibly impacting health, such as noise. Fine-scale exposure assessment of air pollution levels may allow identifying spatial contrasts. Such spatial variations may lead to social differences in the distribution of the health impact of these pollutants.The general aims of the PhD were: 1. To study the possibility to model ultrafine particles distribution in urban areas and assess the correlation of ultrafine particles levels with road traffic noise; 2. To assess the risk incurred by air pollution exposure with a fine-scale modelling approach and investigate the potential socio-economic disparities in health burden induced by particulate matter; 3. To investigate the health benefits expected from hypothetical scenarios of reduction of air pollution levels at the urban scale.The first aim relies on Tri-tabs project, conducted in three European cities (Basel, Girona, Grenoble). Measurements during 20 minutes of outdoor noise and traffic, but not of UFP, were strongly reproducible over durations of a couple of days or months. In these areas, on the short-term, noise levels and UFP concentrations exhibited relatively moderate correlations, which may allow adjustment for mutual confounding in epidemiological studies, thus allowing to disentangle their possible short-term health effects.The second aim introduces health effects, and focuses on the longer term. Risk assessment studies often ignore within-city spatial variations of air pollutants. In Grenoble and Lyon areas (0.4 and 1.2 million inhabitants, respectively) in 2012, PM2.5 exposure was estimated on a 10×10 m grid by coupling a dispersion model to fine-scale data on population density. Outcomes were mortality, lung cancer and term low birth weight incidences. The numbers of cases attributable to air pollution were estimated overall and stratifying areas according to the European Deprivation Index, a measure of social deprivation. Estimations were repeated assuming spatial homogeneity of air pollutants within city. The proportion of cases attributable to air pollution was in the 3-8% range for mortality and 9–43% range for term low birth weight. In Grenoble, 6.8% (95% CI: 3.1–10.1%) of incident lung cancer cases were attributable to air pollution. The impact was underestimated by 8 to 20% when background monitoring stations were used to assess exposure, compared to fine-scale dispersion modeling. Health impact was highest in neighborhoods with intermediate to higher social deprivation.Several countries across Europe have implemented air pollution regulation policies, or low emission zones, France being an exception. We estimated the health impact of air pollution under different scenarios of reduction of fine particulate matter concentrations. Scenarios targeting a reduction in the PM2.5 annual averages by 5% led to a 10% decrease of the health burden, while actions aiming at only reducing the exposure of the population exposed above the 90th percentile did not yield a significant reduction of the health burden (around 1%).In conclusion, we have shown that short-term measurements cannot be used to model ultrafine particles levels in urban areas; we were among the first to rely on a fine-scale exposure model for estimating the health impact of air pollution, and quantify its impact on term low birth weight. Our estimations showed that background air quality monitoring stations used classically in France for health impact assessment studies tend to underestimate exposure, compared to a spatially-resolved dispersion model. We have provided an estimate of the air pollution decrease required to obtain a significant reduction of the health impact of air pollutants in urban areas
Dappe, Vincent. "Impact de la pollution de l'air en milieu industriel sur l'accumulation et le transfert foliaire des métaux dans les végétaux." Thesis, Lille 1, 2015.
Full textIndustrial activities such as production and recycling of ferrous and non-ferrous metals can emit in the atmosphere large quantities of metal(loid)s-rich particles (As, Cd, Fe, Pb, Sb, Zn …) which may have an impact on the environment and human health. Especially when these industries are located near urban areas, particles can contaminate soils and plants when they fallout, thus inducing a health risk for the population. Contamination of vegetables by metals is a topic of concern for public authorities and the scientific community. Studying the accumulation and transfer of metal(loid)s in food webs is therefore of major importance to assess health risks. The plant contamination by the soil-plant transfer has led to numerous studies and the contamination of vegetables by foliar pathway can't be ignored, as shown by recent work. The study of accumulation and transfer of metals (metalloids) has been carried out in situ and under controlled conditions for various consumable plants with different morphological characteristics (lettuce, ryegrass and cabbage). The accumulation and transfer of metals and their phytotoxicity, characterized by microscopy and spectrometric techniques (SEM-EDX, Raman, EXAFS/XANES, LA-ICP-MS, EPR…) and biological tests (photosynthetic activity, genotoxicity, gene expression), have been discussed in terms of metals concentration, metals location and speciation on/into leaves and exposure time
Duché, Sarah. "La pollution de l'air en région parisienne : exposition et perception sur les sites touristiques." Phd thesis, Université Paris-Diderot - Paris VII, 2013.
Full textJacob, Florence. "Génération contrôlée et détermination de l'impact toxicologique des aérosols organiques secondaires." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Université de Lille (2022-....), 2023.
Full textChronic exposure to atmospheric particles with a diameter less than 2.5 μm (PM2.5) at concentrations exceeding the levels recommended by the World Health Organization is responsible for the onset and/or exacerbation of respiratory, cardiovascular, neurological, and even cancer-related diseases. Regulatory threshold values have been defined regarding the ambient mass concentration of PM2.5, but these values do not take into account the impact of variations in the chemical composition of particles on induced biological effects. Special attention has been given in the literature to certain recognized harmful compounds such as metals and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, some of which have been regulated. Nevertheless, other compounds are still poorly studied to date, even though they could also play an important role in particulate toxicity. This includes secondary organic aerosols (SOA), which constitute a major chemical fraction of PM2.5 and can represent up to 90% of their organic matter mass. They are formed through the reaction/oxidation/condensation of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in the atmosphere. A rise in ambient SOA concentration is expected in the future due to the simultaneous increase in VOC precursor emissions and the oxidizing capacity of the atmosphere related to climate change. In this context, the present project first consisted in generating model SOA resulting from the oxidation of two VOCs that are widely present in the atmosphere, one of biogenic origin, limonene, and the other of anthropogenic origin, m-xylene. Limonene ozonolysis and m-xylene photooxidation were respectively carried out in a flow reactor and a simulation chamber. Two types of oxidations were tested for biogenic SOA synthesis: one with low ozone concentration and the other with high ozone concentration. The particulate phases were then characterized in terms of size (few hundred nm), mass, and chemical composition (hydroxyl, carbonyl, carboxylic acid functions, oligomers for limonene; nitrophenols, dimers for xylene). In a second step, the intrinsic oxidative potential (OP) of the generated biogenic and anthropogenic SOA was evaluated, as well as their toxicological impact in terms of oxidative stress and inflammatory effects on a model of immortalized human bronchial epithelial cells (BEAS-2B). The results obtained showed that among the biogenic SOA, those produced with low ozone concentration exhibit a more pronounced OP and antioxidant response. Furthermore, our results also indicate that, compared to these biogenic SOA, SOA resulting from m-xylene photooxidation have a higher OP and display greater cytotoxicity and activation of antioxidant defenses. In addition, oxidative damage to proteins and DNA was also detected in cells exposed to these SOA. Overall, the results from this project contribute to improving our knowledge on the chemical composition of SOA particulate phase and provide new insights into the mechanisms involved in their pulmonary toxicity
Borgie, Mireille. "Étude des particules fines et ultrafines en suspension dans l'air au Liban : caractérisation physicochimique et évaluation des effets toxicologiques sur des cellules pulmonaires humaines BEAS-2B." Thesis, Littoral, 2014.
Full textThe objectives of this study, one of the first conducted in Lebanon, were to acquire a better knowledge on the physico-chemical characteristics of atmospheric fine particles (FP or PM₂.₅₋₀.₃) and ultrafine ones (UFP or PM₀.₃), and to assess their potential toxicity. Particles were collected at two coastal sites between may and sept. 2011 at Sin El-Fil (urban site in Greater Beirut), and between sept. and oct. 2011 at Bejje (rural site). After sampling, FP and UFP were subjected to a physico-chemical characterization by quantifying their inorganic ions and elements, total carbon and organic compounds contents. Then, composite samples of FP and UFP were prepared in order to expose bronchial epithelial cells (BEAS-2B) in culture, and therefore to assess the underlying toxic mechanisms. Our results showed an influence of combustion sources especially for urban particles that are richer in total carbon, organic compounds, metals and secondary inorganic ions than rural ones. On the other hand, a more pronounced cytotoxicity was caused by UFP when compared to FP. In addition, epigenetic modifications and genotoxicity mechanisms, such as metabolic activation of organic compounds, changes in three microRNAs expression, telomerase activation and DNA breaks induction, which are potentially involved in the initiation and promotion of carcinogenesis, were induced by the two samples of FP, with a more pronounced effect of urban particles. Exposure of BEAS-2B cells to collected FP, especially urban ones, may therefore induce the transformation of lung cells to immortal cells, and consequently the initiation or the promotion of broncho-pulmonary carcinogenesis
Almarj, Elie. "Effets de la pollution atmosphérique sur la santé : développement de protocoles innovants de simulation d'atmosphères urbaines et d'exposition de modèles précliniques." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Université Paris Cité, 2023.
Full textThe World Health Organization estimates that exposure to atmospheric pollution causes more than 4 million premature deaths annually worldwide. Atmospheric pollution is therefore a major health risk. However, the assessment of the health effects of atmospheric pollution has shortcomings. Indeed, epidemiological and experimental studies only take into account regulated atmospheric pollutants without considering the synergy that may exist between them, whereas atmospheric pollution is a multiphasic mixture of gaseous and particulate compounds interacting with each other and with environmental parameters. Moreover, the concentrations studied are rarely within realistic ranges. The objective of this work is to implement an innovative platform to study the effects of atmospheric pollution on health. To do this, mice were exposed to atmospheric situations representative of real atmospheres and episodes of urban air pollution, simulated in the laboratory. These simulated atmospheres were then qualified. We have thus succeeded in reproducing multiphasic urban atmospheres, by simulating their gaseous and particulate phases in the laboratory. The formation of secondary organic aerosols and functionalized volatile organic compounds confirm the quality of our simulations (proxy of real urban atmospheres), by highlighting the oxidation of organic matter. The results of the biological analyses on the exposed mice have highlighted the relevance of the platform for studying the effects of atmospheric pollution on health
Books on the topic "Pollution de l'air – effets indésirables"
Christian, Elichegaray, ed. La pollution de l'air: Sources, effets, prévention. Paris: Dunod, 2008.
Find full textSchriver-Mazzuoli, Louise. La pollution de l'air intérieur: Sources, effets sanitaires, ventilation. Paris: Dunod, 2009.
Find full textTreshow, Michael. Plant stress from air pollution. Chichester [England]: Wiley, 1989.
Find full textAir pollution, people, and plants: An introduction. St. Paul, Minn: American Phytopathological Society, 1997.
Find full text1939-, Gulden Gro, ed. Macromycetes and air pollution: Mycocoenological studies in three oligotrophic spruce forests in Europe. Berlin: J. Cramer, 1992.
Find full textRobert, Guderian, and Becker K. H, eds. Air pollution by photochemical oxidants: Formation, transport, control, and effects on plants. Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1985.
Find full textMacKenzie, James J. Ill winds: Airborne pollution's toll on trees and crops. Washington, DC, USA: World Resources Institute, 1988.
Find full textWellburn, Alan. Air pollution and acid rain: The biological impact. Burnt Mill, Harlow, Essex, England: Longman Scientific & Technical, 1988.
Find full textSmith, William H. Air pollution and forests: Interactions between air contaminants and forest ecosystems. 2nd ed. New York: Springer-Verlag, 1989.
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