Academic literature on the topic 'Politiques du handicap'
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Journal articles on the topic "Politiques du handicap"
Baudot, Pierre-Yves, Céline Borelle, and Anne Revillard. "Politiques du handicap." Terrains & travaux N° 23, no. 2 (2013): 5.
Full textBellouze, Sarah, Lorraine Cousin, Mathilde Leyle, and Coline Terroba. "Le développement et la structuration de la recherche sur le handicap et la perte d’autonomie en France : État des lieux de l’IReSP." Questions de santé publique, no. 37 (September 2019): 1–8.
Full textAssante, Vincent. "Situations de handicap et réponses politiques." Reliance 23, no. 1 (2007): 83.
Full textChauvière, Michel, and Myriam Winance. "Les politiques du handicap en Europe." Alter 3, no. 1 (January 2009): 1–7.
Full textBertrand, Louis. "Politiques sociales du handicap et politiques d’insertion : continuités, innovations, convergences." Politiques sociales et familiales 111, no. 1 (2013): 43–53.
Full textVrancken, Didier, and Christophe Bartholomé. "L’accompagnement des personnes handicapées en Belgique." Perspectives étatiques 17, no. 1 (March 8, 2005): 98–111.
Full textParron, Audrey. "Les trajectoires professionnelles de jeunes adultes en situation de handicap psychique : du milieu ordinaire aux filières adaptées." III Le vécu et les trajectoires de la pauvreté et de la précarité, no. 61 (November 4, 2009): 207–16.
Full textVidal-Naquet, Pierre A. "Projets de vie et attribution des droits dans les politiques françaises du handicap." Développement Humain, Handicap et Changement Social 24, no. 2 (February 7, 2022): 7–25.
Full textJoly, Laurène. "L’emploi des personnes atteintes de troubles psychiques à l’aune des politiques développées par les institutions européennes et internationales." Santé mentale au Québec 42, no. 2 (November 16, 2017): 17–30.
Full textRichardier, Jean-Baptiste. "L’insuffisante prise en compte des besoins des personnes en situation de handicap dans le temps et l’espace d’une crise humanitaire est un déni de droit." Développement Humain, Handicap et Changement Social 18, no. 1 (March 23, 2022): 13–20.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Politiques du handicap"
Mohanu, Vintilă Adrian. "Les politiques du handicap entre européanisation et influence internationale : comparaison France-Roumanie." Rennes 1, 2011.
Full textThis thesis demonstrates that the disability field is undergoing changes which may only be understood through adopting a vision combining an analysis of national, European and international trends. An analysis of different policy levels can offer explanatory keys to such transformations. These changes initiated at the United nations level have diffused through into the European Union. We analyse the trends within European public policy which have been institutionalised in the image of the United Nations policy initiative, but which also may be seen as bearing witness to the process of European integration. Furthermore it may be seen that recent trends in public policy with respect to disability in different member states can no longer be analysed in isolation without reference to European and international phenomena. We have apprehended how the process of europeanisation may vary between national policy arenas through contrasting the cases of France and Romania. This has highlighted how the two countries have introduced the change-over from a medical to a social model of disability within a common context comprising both international influences and europeanisation
Ville, Isabelle. "LE HANDICAP COMME " EPREUVE DE SOI ". POLITIQUES SOCIALES, PRATIQUES INSTITUTIONNELLES ET EXPERIENCE." Habilitation à diriger des recherches, Université Rennes 2, 2008.
Full textMongy, Aymeric. "L'autisme, un handicap contre la protection sociale : les usages réformateurs d'un problème-outil." Thesis, Université de Lille (2018-2021), 2021.
Full textFor more than forty years, the political science literature has been interested in the processes of bureaucratization leading to the mobilization of knowledge and techniques from New Public Management (NPM) in the production of public action (Bezes et al., 2011), sometimes to the point of drawing up an all-encompassing observation of a "neoliberal bureaucratization" of the world (Hibou, 2013). Mechanistic conceptions of the transfer of government techniques between the public and private sectors ultimately provide little information about the conditions of their social embedding, i.e. the political, symbolic and technical operations through which social groups legitimize the use of the NPM; the action of its social base in short. From an analysis of the case of the construction of the autism problem in France, the present thesis intends to shed light on this point by bringing to light the way in which the mobilizations of the parent associations of autism contributed to motivate the use by the State of techniques and organizational formats stemming from health management, thereby reinforcing the administrative capacities of control over the organization and the contents of the psychiatric and medicosocial care offer. In fact, from the 2010s onwards, the "scandalous strategies" (Offerlé, 1998) of parent organizations have led to the archaic nature of segregated care models being publicly criticized because they are not sufficiently oriented towards school, and ineffective because they are not sufficiently informed about advances in neuroscience. Mixing the right to social inclusion of individuals and access to care in the liberal sector, the claims of these interest groups make the "trajectory of reforms" (Bezes, Palier, 2018) of autism intersect with that of another issue: that of the mode of government of the disability and mental health sectors. This second issue is marked by a return in force of the State which, since the beginning of the 1990s, has increasingly resorted to different technologies - agencies, calls for tender, contracts, platforms, recommendations of good practices, packages, etc. The use of these technologies is geared towards the development of an integrated health care "system". Their use is geared towards increasing the efficiency of health care structures and medico-social establishments, which are invited to specialize in "heavy" and "complex" care in order to send some of their patients back to the mainstream. Whether it is called the "ambulatory shift" or the "inclusive shift", this transfer of care activities to the "ordinary environment" - rarely, if ever, questioned as a source of oppression or a factor of inequality - accounts for a large part of the demand on private medicine, which is supposed to absorb the requests for services that are thus discharged from the specialized environments. On the basis of various materials - written sources, interviews, observations and an ethnographic survey conducted in particular in the Pas-de-Calais department - our research shows how, by seeking to conform the process of producing care to their conception of "good practice", these associations have fed this program. It also shows how the logistical rationalization of care leads to a disintegration of the "social properties" (Castel, 1999) distributed by the sectors it works in, to the detriment of their most socially precarious publics
Duhamel, Virginie. "Les représentations du handicap. Approche anthropologique des systèmes politiques et de santé du Sud-Ouest de la France." Thesis, Pau, 2018.
Full textThis thesis deals with the social representations of handicap in French society, by questionning the fundamental subject of otherness, our conception of difference, in both political and sanitary fields. The observation held in South West region highlighted the cultural and heritage of where the current representations of handicap come from : fantasies, fears, idea of a contagion of handicap... the social representation would therefore have barely progressed in spite of the globalization of culture (J.P. Warnier, 2008). Limited to the picture of a wheelchair, the subject of handicap consists more in a political and sanitary stake, since it is in the heart of the evolution of society. As a matter of fact, the law of February 11th 2005 impose on communities to assure their accessibility, in order to allow equal opportunities for handicapped people. Through this compliance of the environment, the conception of handicap is limited to mobility. Therefore, it seems that there is still an unconscious will to keep handicapped people at the margin of society. Therefore, we can claim that social representations still hold an important role in collective behavior. Their evolution requires to purchase an experiential knowledge. That's why we wanted to corroborate this statement thanks to a qualitative investigation organized with students in nursing school
Boutet-Civalleri, Lionel. "La controverse de Janus : l’action sociale et médico-sociale, centre de recyclage de la modernité." Thesis, Evry-Val d'Essonne, 2009.
Full textWorking orientations, resulting from the democratic political system of interaction and dynamics of the social differentiation are registered and cross all the institutionalization of assisted, making that it is all at the same time impossible to sacrilize them and to dehumanize them. The joint of these orientations making that these last ones are dequalified as human being. This deskilling demonstrates that the new individualisantes social policies placed under the aegis of the humanism resolve not at all the problem of the poverty. It questions from then on the utility of such policies asking for heavy investments for reserved social results. The re-registration of this problem in its historic development allows to light this paradox: the social policies of struggle against poverty were factors of wealth for the modernity. Far from analyses in term of "crisis", the institutionalization the aforementioned policies testifies of an exponential development, although dynamics, possibilities of economic growth. The social and medical social action is in a sense the overflow of the modernity, the real artificial market of the human surplus
Brégain, Gildas. "L'internationalisation imparfaite d'une modernité nord-atlantique : essai d’histoire croisée des politiques publiques du handicap en Argentine, au Brésil et en Espagne (1956-1982)." Thesis, Rennes 2, 2014.
Full textThis tesis aims at reconstituting the genesis and the development of the public policies of disability (1956-1982), with an entangled perspective between Spain, Argentina and Brazil. The method of entangled history encourages us to consider the singularity of the national development of public policies according to the scope of the feasibilities imagined at an international scale and to the standards promoted by the intergovernmental organisations. At the end of the Second World War, the intergovernmental organisations (UN, WHO, ILO) develop a new social innovations project in the field of rehabilitation, which is inspired by the anglo-saxon and scandinavian experience. This project is qualified as « modern » in order to discredit the european methods of reeducation developed after the First World War. We name it north-atlantic modernity of rehabilitation. It is mostly defined by a liberal legality in the field of work (refusal of quotas measures applied to private companies, selective placement, creation of sheltered workshops for people which are considered less productive), but also by coordination's principle of the sectorial policies, and by a tendency to equalization of the rights of all categories of disabled. The objective of our thesis is to understand the mechanisms and limits of the internationalization of this north-atlantic modernity in these three countries. At a national scale, the multiple actors who build the public policies of disability appropriate themselves the north-atlantic modernity principles to defend or contest them
Esta tese pretende reconstituir a gênese e o desenvolvimento das políticas públicas sobre as deficiências (1956-1982), na perspectiva da história cruzada entre a Espanha, a Argentina e o Brasil. O método de história cruzada nos incita a considerar a singularidade da trajetória nacional das políticas públicas, em função das ideias imaginadas na escala internacional e das normas difundidas pelas organizações intergovernamentais. No final da segunda guerra mundial, as organizações intergovernamentais (ONU, OMS, OIT) promoveram um novo projeto de inovações sociais na area da readaptação, as quais se inspiraram nas experiências anglo-saxonias e escandinavas. Esse projeto foi considerado "moderno", afim de descreditar os métodos europeus de reeducação desevolvidos depois da primeira guerra mundial. Nós o qualificamos de modernidade norte-atlântica de readaptação, o qual se distingue, primeiramente, pela legalidade liberal na área do emprego (rejeição de medidas de cotas aplicadas na empresas privadas, cargos seletivos, constituição de atêlies protegidos para pessoas consideradas pouco produtivas), mas também pelo princípio de coordenação das políticas setoriais, e por uma tendência à compensação dos direitos entre todas as categorias de deficientes. Sendo assim, o objetivo da nossa tese é de compreendrer os mecanismos e os limites da internacionalisação dessa modernidade norte atlântica nos três países. Na escala nacional, os múltiplos atores que constroem as políticas públicas da deficiência se apropriam dos princípios da modernidade norte atlântica para defendê-la ou contestá-la
Esta tesis tiene por objectivo reconstituir la génesis y el desarrollo de las políticas públicas de la discapacidad (1956-1982), en una perspectiva cruzada entre España, Argentina y Brasil. El método de la historia cruzada nos incita a considerar la singularidad de la trayectoria nacional de las políticas públicas en función de la amplitud de las posibilidades imaginadas al nivel internacional y de las normas difundidas por las organizaciones intergubernamentales. Después de la segunda Guerra Mundial, las organizaciones intergubernamentales (ONU, OMS, OIT) promueven un nuevo proyecto de innovaciones sociales en el ámbito de la readaptación, que se inspira en las experiencias anglosajonas y escandinavas. Los expertos califican este proyecto como "moderno" con el fin de desacreditar los métodos europeos de la reeducación desarrollados después de la Primera Guerra Mundial. Lo calificamos como modernidad norte-atlantica de la readaptación. Se caracteriza sobre todo por una legalidad liberal en el ámbito del empleo (denegación de las medidas de cuota aplicadas a las empresas privadas, colocación selectiva, constitución de talleres protegidos para las personas juzgadas poco productivas), y también por el principio de coordinación de las políticas sectoriales, y por una tendencia a la igualación de los derechos entre todas las categorías de inválidos. Nuestra tesis intenta entender los mecanismos y los límites de la internacionalización de esta modernidad norte-atlantica en estos tres países. Al nivel nacional, los múltiples protagonistas que construyen las políticas públicas de la discapacidad se apropian los principios de la modernidad norte-atlantica para defenderlos o impugnarlos
Guénat, Arthur. "Nature et handicap à la Réunion : le défi d'une accessibilité pour tous." Thesis, La Réunion, 2012.
Full textThis thesis falls within the scope of social and human geography and more exactly of« disability studies ». Understanding the disability like a « social object », the thesis analyzes the societal consideration of disabled people in non-urbanized areas with a high issue of touristic, recreational and patrimonial development. In the first place, it's the recent construction of disability as a social object that is discussed by reminding the history of the societal consideration of the disabled person in our occidental world. The French model and his fundamental rule of global accessibility for ail the domains of the social life are explained and the « Nature and Disability » thematic is more precisely analyzed as a development of an active living ideal for people who are in a disability situation. Secondly, the thesis develops this thematic on the particular field of the Reunion Island and tries to answer to a question which is both simple and complicated: « Today, how we live with a disability on the Reunion Island? ». ln a last time and on the basis of this study of the disability inside a Reunion Island society with accelerated transformations, the thesis specifies the current tendencies with the emergence of new public policies for the welcome of disabled people on natural and touristic areas of the island. To conclude and referring to an original survey, the thesis suggests some tools of evaluation and decision-making aids to these areas
Guenat, Arthur. "Nature et Handicap à La Réunion : le défi d'une accessibilité pour tous." Phd thesis, Université de la Réunion, 2012.
Full textDiotte, Michèle. "L’autonomie sous rature : (re)penser la citoyenneté sexuelle à l'intersection du handicap cognitif par l'approche des relations d'autonomie." Thesis, Université d'Ottawa / University of Ottawa, 2021.
Full textBregain, Gildas. "L'internationalisation imparfaite d'une modernité nord-atlantique : essai d'histoire croisée des politiques publiques du handicap en Argentine, au Brésil et en Espagne (1956-1982)." Phd thesis, Université Rennes 2, 2014.
Full textBooks on the topic "Politiques du handicap"
Handicap et dépendance: Drames humains, enjeux politiques. Paris: Éditions Rue d'Ulm, 2011.
Find full textL' histoire politique du handicap: De l'infirme au travailleur handicapé. Paris: L'Harmattan, 1994.
Find full textConférence européenne des ministres des transports. Groupe de travail ad hoc sur le transport des personnes handicapées. Transport des personnes à mobilité réduite: Comparaisons internationales des pratiques et politiques : recommandations. Paris: CEMT, 1986.
Find full textCommission royale sur le transport des voyageurs au Canada. Le transport des personnes ayant une incapacité: Examen de la politique. Ottawa, Ont: Division de la recherche, Commission royale sur le transport des voyageurs au Canada, 1991.
Find full textCanada. Développement des ressources humaines Canada. Vers l'intégration des personnes handicapées: Un rapport du Gouvernement du Canada. Ottawa, Ont: Développement des ressources humaines Canada, 2002.
Find full textOntario. Examen des soins fournis aux élèves des écoles provinciales pour sourds et aveugles et des internats pour enfants en difficulté d'apprentissage. Rapport provisoire sur l'Examen des soins fournis aux élèves des écoles provinciales pour sourds et aveugles et des internats pour enfants en difficulté d'apprentissage. Toronto, Ont: Imprimeur de la Reine pour l'Ontario, 1991.
Find full textSociété canadienne d'hypothèques et de logement. Services de vérification et d'évaluation. Évaluation des initiatives de logement dans le cadre de la Stratégie nationale pour l'intégration des personnes handicapées. Ottawa, Ont: Société canadienne d'hypothèques et de logement, 1998.
Find full textfamille, Québec (Province) Conseil de la. Les familles des personnes handicapées. Québec, Québec: Gouvernement du Québec, Le Conseil, 1995.
Find full textCrichton, Anne. Disability and social policy in Canada. North York, Ont: Captus Press, 1998.
Find full textArtenu-Montagna, Nelly. Les personnes handicapées à la Réunion: La formation et l'insertion au-delà de la différence : AMETHIS, prime à l'insertion, loi du 11 février 2005, politique du handicap, handicompétence, politique de formation, prestation de compensation. Île de la Réunion: Carif-Oref, 2006.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Politiques du handicap"
Zribi, Gérard. "Contextes institutionnels, politiques sociales." In Penser le handicap mental, 139. Presses de l’EHESP, 2005.
Full textLöchen, Valérie. "Chapitre 4. Handicap et inclusion." In Comprendre les politiques sociales, 197–273. Dunod, 2018.
Full textLöchen, Valérie. "Chapitre 4. Handicap et inclusion." In Comprendre les politiques sociales, 224–314. Dunod, 2021.
Full textBaudot, Pierre-Yves. "6. Les politiques du handicap." In Politiques sociales : l'état des savoirs, 97–114. La Découverte, 2022.
Full textLarrouy, Muriel. "La naissance de la politique d’accessibilité. Des politiques de transport des personnes handicapées aux politiques d’accessibilité des transports urbains de voyageurs en France de 1975 à 2005." In Accessibilité et handicap, 49–70. Presses universitaires de Grenoble, 2015.
Full textSaint-Jean, Henri. "Chapitre 10. Intégration et scolarisation : la question du handicap." In Politiques et interventions sociales, 167–82. Presses de l’EHESP, 2013.
Full textGiorgi, Dominique. "Chapitre 4. Les politiques du handicap et du grand âge." In Histoire des politiques sociales, 67–75. Presses de l’EHESP, 2021.
Full text"Bibliographie." In Politiques et dispositifs du handicap en France, 247–59. Dunod, 2019.
Full text"Bibliographie." In Politiques et dispositifs du handicap en France, 144–50. Dunod, 2015.
Full textGiraud, Olivier, and Blanche Le Bihan. "7. Les politiques de l’autonomie : vieillissement de la population, handicap et investissement des proches aidants." In Politiques sociales : l'état des savoirs, 115–33. La Découverte, 2022.
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