Academic literature on the topic 'Politique linguistique – Djibouti (Djibouti)'
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Journal articles on the topic "Politique linguistique – Djibouti (Djibouti)"
Marchal, Roland. "Mitterrand, Djibouti et la Corne de l’Afrique." Politique africaine 58, no. 1 (1995): 65–83.
Full textBureau, Jacques. "L'espace politique éthiopien." Annales. Histoire, Sciences Sociales 40, no. 6 (December 1985): 1379–93.
Full textLe Gouriellec, Sonia. "Chine, Éthiopie, Djibouti : un triumvirat pour la Corne de l’Afrique ?" Études internationales 49, no. 3 (May 23, 2019): 523–46.
Full textAbdillahi Bahdon, Mohamed. "La resolution des conflits juridiques et politiques par la justice constitutionnelle de la Republique de Djibouti." Cuestiones Constitucionales Revista Mexicana de Derecho Constitucional 1, no. 42 (February 12, 2020): 39.
Full textGenevaz, Juliette. "Introduction : Réponses aux nouvelles routes de la soie chinoises." Études internationales 49, no. 3 (May 23, 2019): 459–72.
Full textAbdillahi, Mohamed Bahdon. "La vie politique djiboutienne de 1992 à 2021 : quelques réflexions sur le changement et les réformes politiques." África, no. 42 (December 7, 2021): 177–219.
Full textAman, Moustapha, and Nikolay Nenovsky. "Rente et longévité de la Caisse d’émission de Djibouti. Éléments pour une économie politique du régime monétaire." Mondes en développement 194, no. 2 (June 29, 2021): 7–28.
Full textBouquet, Christian. "Espace, territoire, lieu, au crible de la géographie politique. L’émergence de l’Etat à Djibouti." L’Espace Politique, no. 7 (June 30, 2009).
Full textFuchs, Julien. "Les Jeux de la jeunesse de l’océan Indien : la francophonie au service de la fraternité régionale (1995-2020)." La F/francophonie dans l’aire indiaocéanique : singularités, héritages et pratiques, no. 11 (July 17, 2023).
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Politique linguistique – Djibouti (Djibouti)"
Ahmed, Issa Mohamed. "Politiques linguistiques familiales dans la ville de Djibouti : étude de la transmission familiale et des choix en matière de préscolarisation sur la dynamique francophone." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Montpellier 3, 2023.
Full textThis thesis was born from our desire to understand and study the management of languages within Djiboutian families. To do this, we decided to focus on the use of the so-called mother tongues and the French language within Djiboutian families in the city of Djibouti, the country's capital. It was seen during this research the place of the languages within the hearths, the role of the parents in such or such language and the recourse and choice of languages in an interaction between the various members of the families.We were able to see the responsibility and the function of each member of the respective families in the introduction of a language. Thus, the reasons for the language choices, the strategies were analyzed and studied.We used quantitative surveys through questionnaires distributed on paper and through technological means. The answers were collected, commented and analyzed.We used the MAC (Combined Analysis Method) methodological framework developed by B. Maurer and we also added to this method other data collection techniques such as interviews, direct observation and other methods that were deemed useful for understanding family language policies in Djibouti City.These results have been processed and have shed light on a number of answers to the hypotheses we formulated at the beginning of the thesis. Family language policies (FLP) are a matter for families, but contexts and the environment play an important role.At the end of this research, we focused on the impact of preschooling on the choice and transmission of the French language in Djiboutian families. This is an area that allows us to understand and detect parental strategies in terms of language choices within families. The family sphere holds the major role in the transmission of languages.All of our research has shown that parents are the pillars of language transmission but also the actors who decide which language or languages to transmit. However, children also have a determining role in the safeguarding of family languages and of French. The French language plays a major role in the many families encountered in this research and it is all a question of linguistic representations
Maurer, Bruno. "Le francais et les langues nationales à Djibouti : aspects linguistiques et sociolinguistiques." Montpellier 3, 1993.
Full textIn order to qualify the place of the french language in the city of djibouti, a study of the status of the different languages is made, revealing the dominance of french. After a presentation of the methods used in the survey, the sociolinguistic situation is analysed in a dynamic way through the concepts of sociolinguistic continuity discontinuity. Then, the french continuum is described, disclosing four varieties sociolinguistically articulated. Finally, a study of identity and sociolinguistic representations brings about a specification of the role of french as far as vehicularity and the construction of a national identity are concerned
Mohamed, Mahyoub Hathem. "Les fondements socio-économiques de la planification : le cas de la tuberculose en République de Djibouti." Montpellier 1, 1988.
Full textPhtisis constitutes an endemic disease in djibouti, its rate of incidence stagnates, round 680 per 100. 000 during the last nine years, in spite of the means used by the health ministry. Those means are formed, in particular, of chemeotherapy, radiology, bacteriology and alimentary assistance for the sick. The ministry is helped for that, more particulary, by france. This study has been undertaken with as assumption that population socio-economic conditions have weight on incidence of this morbidity. Socio-economic inquiry has been done on a pattern of 118 in-patients at centre paul faure, tuberculosis reference centre for djibouti and for border-lands. The results of the inquiry have shown that the poorest social strata are the most affected by the illness. On the other had, almost the half of the sick come from the borderlands, especially from somalia and ethiopia. To be effective, the tuberculosis prevention can not be limited to medical solution, but must be multi-sectorial, the whole national system is concerned by this prevention and then development of the country. . .
Ibrahim, Ahmed Mag-Teerey. "Djibouti : quelles stratégies de développement ?" Perpignan, 2004.
Full textIn its independence, in 1977, Djibouti inherited from an economy dislocated with a widely dominant tertiary sector (more than 75 % of the GDP), a secondary sector of lesser importance (17 %) and the primary sector was estimated at 3 %. In term of jobs, this strong dominion of the service industry was not synonymic of a high rate in employment. In the lake of private promoters and in front of the little encouraging perspective in terms of development, the government decides to intervene. Through the public spending, the State intervenes at the economic, social and institutional level to set up infrastructures indispensable to the development. Besides, the government benefits from a wide support of the international financial community which takes care of a big number of industrial projects. But this post-independence enthusiasm does not delay crumbling off in front of multiple constraints such as the factors' costs, the lake of natural resources, an extrovert banking system, unqualified workers and a legal environment unfavorable to the establishment and to the intensification of a dynamic private sector. At the same time as this situation of blocking of the development, the economics give signs of anxiety with deficits which do not stop racking themselves during the second half of the 80s and which reach a situation of deep crisis with the accumulation of arrears. In front of this dead end, the government is forced to give up its strategy of development which consisted in a regulation of the economy by the State for a strategy where the forces of the market play the central role in the process of the development
Hassan, Houssein Souraya. "Institutions, organisations, et changement institutionnel : le cas de Djibouti." Amiens, 2004.
Full textAli, Mohamed. "La politique française à Djibouti de 1957 à 1967." Reims, 1997.
Full textFahmi, Ahmed. "L'impact du système éducatif djiboutien sur la croissance économique : analyses descriptive et économétrique." Grenoble 2, 2005.
Full textDjibouti is a small country of the Horn of Africa which pains since independence (1977) to obtain an industrial instrument, which was recently touched by a serious economic crisis (as from the Ninety) before joining again with the economic growth in 2001 and more particularly after the war in Iraq. The process of development of Djibouti is centred around the several major elements : the political stability and the choice of the economic opening, strong urbanization and the preeminence of the services. The exogenic shocks and the internal imbalances which have occurred during the Nineties were at the origin of a fall of the real GDP per capita which passed from approximately 800 dollars in 1990 to nearly 500 dollars in 2002 and of the setting in of several programmes of economic reforms to the mitigated consequences. However, after nine years of structural adjustment, the economic situation certainly improved slightly but remains all the same fragile. In front of this difficult context, the authorities try to set up economic reforms urgently to cure it and in particular the reform of the education system. Whatever the angle under which one undertakes to tackle the problem of the Djibouti economy, one returns systematically to the failures of the economic system. Lf the relation between education and the growth remains difficult to show, it is obvious that the weak growth of these ten last years is extremely related to the inefficiency of the education system
Rayaleh, Hassan-Omar. "La gestion d'une pénurie : l'eau à Djibouti." Orléans, 2004.
Full textSince the creation of Djibouti at the end of nineteenth century until today, the requirements out of water for the city were always higher than the offer. In this context of structural shortage, during first half of twentieth century, the lack of water in the city was worsened by the mode of management of the service which privileged economic probability with the detriment of the general interest of the colony. Since 1950, the water service was nationalised by the local authorities which gave themselves the means of improving its quality in order to face the new economic and social situation of the colony. But since the independance, the lack of water in the city is accentuated by a high demographic growth which maintains the rising of the request. Today, in front of the persistence of the shortage, the National Office of Water of Djibouti set up a strategy of management based upon the unequal supply of the users, the limitation of the consumption and the recognition of the informal of water organization. This pragmatic policy contributes to the emergence of a social model of management of the shortage in which all the actors find their account, for the time being
Mohamed, Hamadou Houmed. "Stratégie de change et intégration internationale : spécificité et soutenabilité du Currency Board de Djibouti." Thesis, Université Grenoble Alpes (ComUE), 2018.
Full textDjibouti Currency Board contrasts by its longevity with the current bank's issue. Since its introduction in 1949, the Board of Djibouti has not been worried about its operation. Starting from this observation, the objective of this thesis is to study the conditions of its success and thus the specificity of the Djiboutian model. Different determinants explain the sustainability of the Djiboutian regime. As one of the oldest currency board in the world, its durability stems from a dynamic of regional and international integration, both commercially and financially. The main result of this thesis is to show that this exchange rate regime finds economic arguments in its favor in the model of integration and growth that Djibouti subscribed to.However, the substitution of a central bank by a currency board entails risks for the long-term stability of the banking system. Also, fiscal credibility is obtained at the prices of social welfare sacrifices in a country with multiple challenges. This observation raises questions about the maintenance of this monetary arrangement in the years to come.Keyword: currency board, exchange rate arrangements, central bank, Djibouti
Full textBooks on the topic "Politique linguistique – Djibouti (Djibouti)"
Idleh, Djama Omar. La politique gouvernementale de promotion de la langue arabe en République de Djibouti: Mémoire de diplôme d'études approfondies. [Bordeaux, France: s.n., 1991.
Find full textBreton, Gilles, Jean-Paul Laurens, and David Bel, eds. L’internationalisation différenciée des universités - Points de vue d’acteurs. Editions des archives contemporaines, 2020.
Full textBook chapters on the topic "Politique linguistique – Djibouti (Djibouti)"
SAMATAR, Abdallah Doualeh. "Enseigner le français dans le secondaire à Djibouti." In L’expansion de la norme endogène du français en francophonie, 175–88. Editions des archives contemporaines, 2023.
Full textLe Gouriellec, Sonia. "Chapitre 3. Une ingénieuse politique étrangère au service d’un pouvoir concentré." In Djibouti : la diplomatie de géant d’un petit État, 111–64. Presses universitaires du Septentrion, 2020.
Full text"Remarques finales formulées par le Président de l’Organe d’Examen des politiques commerciales, S.E. M. Ángel Villalobos Rodriguez du Mexique lors de l’Examen de la Politique Commerciale de Djibouti, les 12 et 14 octobre 2022." In Examens des politiques commerciales: Djibouti 2022, 5–7. WTO, 2024.
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