Academic literature on the topic 'Politique fiscale – Pays en développement'
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Journal articles on the topic "Politique fiscale – Pays en développement"
Chiroleu-Assouline, Mireille, and Mouez Fodha. "Dette, taxe et politique environnementale." Revue française d'économie Vol. XXXVIII, no. 1 (July 27, 2023): 55–106.
Full textArestoff, Florence, and Jean-François Jacques. "Politiques éducatives et évasion fiscale dans les pays en développement." Revue d'économie politique 126, no. 6 (2016): 1057.
Full textChiappini, Raphaël. "Comment mesurer la compétitivité structurelle des pays dans les équations d’exportation ?" Articles 87, no. 1 (November 9, 2011): 31–57.
Full textMathieu, Catherine, and Henri Sterdyniak. "L'émergence de l'Asie en développement menace-t-elle l'emploi en France ?" Revue de l'OFCE 48, no. 1 (January 1, 1994): 55–106.
Full textDecaluwe, B., and J. S. Bhandari. "Un cadre d’analyse pour l’étude d’un régime de double marché des changes imparfaitement cloisonné." Recherches économiques de Louvain 53, no. 1 (March 1987): 75–88.
Full textBaudchon, Hélène, Jérôme Creel, Vincent Touzé, and Bruno Ventelou. "La politique budgétaire américaine sous la présidence Clinton : un rêve de cigale." Revue de l'OFCE 75, no. 4 (December 1, 2000): 243–90.
Full textLlorca, Matthieu. "Défis à relever pour la politique budgétaire en Amérique latine en matière de stabilisation et de redistribution." Cuadernos de Economía 35, no. 67 (January 1, 2016): 119–47.
Full textKourda, Zouhour. "La Politique Fiscale Tunisienne en Faveur du Développement Durable." دفاتر السياسة و القانون, no. 11 (June 2014): 1–19.
Full textBird, Richard, and François Vaillancourt. "Décentralisation financière et pays en développement : concepts, mesure et évaluation." L'Actualité économique 74, no. 3 (February 9, 2009): 343–62.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Politique fiscale – Pays en développement"
Fauvelle-Aymar, Christine. "Analyse positive de la politique fiscale." Paris 1, 1996.
Full textThis thesis propounds a positive analysis of tax policy which embodies political and economic determinants of taxation. Both theoretical and empirical, this work concerns the whole developed and developing coutries. The first part deals wit governmental behaviour and the second part with the study of public policies. Chapter 1, which analysis the behaviour of a government whose objective is to maximise tax revenue, examines the economic and financial aspects of taxation and the problem of administrative constraint. Chapter 2 describes the main positive models of tax policy (where governemental objective is to ensure his political survival) and studies the effect political constraint on governmental tax choices (i. E. The redistributive consequences of taxation, the problem of tax counterpart). In chapter 3, we propose a model of governement which accounts for both economic and political determinant of taxation and which is aplicable to any economic system and any political regime. In this model, the objective of the governement, constraints by his political environment, is to maximise his discretionary surplus, which corresponds to th of financial means that can be used in complete political autonomy. Chapter 4 deals with fiscal and political repression policies as well as with persuasion policy which aims at modifying way taxpayers view the levying policy (by creating fiscal illusion). Chapter 5 analysis redistributive actions governeme takes in order to increase his political support (electoral and partisan policy). It also includes study of interest gro influence. The final chapter (chapter 6) proposes a cross section analysis concerning 67 developing coutries. This empirical study scrutinizes the effect of the political capacity of a government (measured by the degree of political instability, the f of opposition movements) on its fiscal capacity (tax level and structure)
Boukhris, Leïth. "La politique des dividendes en pays en voie de développement, cas de la Tunisie : théories et pratiques." Paris 9, 1991.
Full textIn our thesis, we attempt to analyses, to what extent, in the context of the Tunisian economy, the dividend policy may be an development instrument able to conciliate the often conflicting interests between firms and savers, and the effectiveness of its role in the evolution of the financing system of the economy towards a predominance of direct finance and capital stock. This point of view has leaded us to: -analyses the dividend policy in Tunisia through the evolution of financial theory. Study the relationship between the dividend policy and the state of the capital market. - combine the components of the Tunisian fiscal system with a financial analysis of the dividend policy
Tialati, Abdelkader. "Le droit fiscal international et les pays en voie de développement : le cas des pays arabes : contribution à l'étude juridique du nouvel ordre fiscal international." Montpellier 1, 1987.
Full textGautier, Jean-François. "Réformes fiscales et comportement de fraude : une taxe optimale pour les licornes?" Paris 9, 2001.
Full textOuedraogo, Amidou. "Fiscalité et développement économique : leçons de l'expérience des pays de l'Afrique sub-saharienne." Paris 12, 1991.
Full textWane, Waly. "Taxation optimale dans un contexte de pauvreté, fraude fiscale ou corruption." Toulouse 1, 1999.
Full textThis thesis tackles three important problems for the developing world, namely poverty, tax evasion and corruption. The thesis is organized around three distinct chapters. The first chapter introduces poverty concerns in a mirrleesian optimum income taxation framework. Poverty, measured by any given index, is considered as an aggregate negative externality. Individuals may have different degrees of aversion to poverty. The optimal non-linear income tax schedule displays interesting features as the negative marginal tax rates (at least) at the lower end of the distribution of incomes. The poor are therefore induced to work hard in order to reduce the burden supported by the rest of the society for poverty alleviation. Even with negative marginal tax rates it is still possible to restore the classical no distortion at the endpoints result. One must then no longer consider individual but social distortions. The second chapter introduces tax evasion by assuming that income is observable only through a costly audit. The study is done within the finite economy framework which allows correlated individuals' characteristics. It is possible to show that any first best allocation is implementable by using a generalized tax schedule a la piketty (1993) with a generalized audit strategy. However, only a subset of the first best pareto frontier is implementable by replacing the generalized tax schedule by a classical one. In contrast to the tax evasion literature, at the equilibrium, nobody is audited and everybody except the most able evades some amount. Finally, corruption is dealt with in the last chapter. The problem at hand is one of a tax agency which objective is to maximize tax revenue. The agency needs to hire inspectors in order to collect the citizens' tax liabilities. The inspectors have to exert a costly and unobservable effort to assess the true income of any citizen. This introduces a moral hazard problem. There is an adverse selection problem on top of that since inspectors are either honest or corruptible and this is private information. An optimal remuneration scheme can be such that no honest inspector is hired
Tranchant, Jean-Pierre. "Essays on Fiscal Decentralization, Institutions and Ethnic Conflict." Clermont-Ferrand 1, 2010.
Full textSameti, Madjid. "Articulation financière des secteurs public et privé dans les pays en développement : (le cas de l'Iran)." Nice, 1998.
Full textThe deficiency of the financial system, the dichotomy of economic activities of the public and the private sectors, and the dependence on exterior economic resources in the long run are the essential causes of the inefficient allocation of financial and other economic resources in developing countries. Moreover, the ambiguity of the economic strategies and the lack of an exact determination of the specific roles of the public ant private sectors are the reasons behind the failure of governmental economic policies. The main question here is to determine how and in what areas the government should intervene and invest in order to encourage the private sector and economic development. This question is worth discussing within the general framework of all developing countries, but with the specifics of each country taken into account when discussing economic policies in that particular country. Our objective is to analyze the financial problems and linkage between the two sectors in developing countries in general and in iran in particular. The main results are that the monetary and financial policies applied since 1973 in iran had negative effects on the economic growth of real gdp. Also, the petroleum revenues had a crowding out effect on the productions of other economic activities. Finally, the econometric results show the existence of complementarity relations between investments in both public and private sectors, i. E. That the public investment has a crowding in effect on the private one
Sawadogo, Régis Signaon. "State capacity and endogeneous economic growth." Thesis, Aix-Marseille, 2017.
Full textState capacity refers to the ability of a state to fully and efficiently play their role (North, 1990; Williamson, 2000). This capacity is a key determinant of economic outcomes. According to neo-classical growth theory, state capacity key in providing develloping countries with a favorable economic environment. A good quality of institutions, efficient gestion of natural ressources and public goods and infrastructure provision (Barro 1990). Yet in many develloping countries poilical and economic power is in the hands of a minority that controls and disputes political and/or economic power sources. This is a source of rent-seeking activities and corruption. This thesis aims at investigating the role of corruption on long run economic growth. The first chapter provides a new analysis of a possible reason why foreign aid may fail to promote growth. We argue that monitoring aid is the key element in determining its effect on growth. The second chapter focuses on the natural resource curse. We fund that the abundant endowment in natural resources of the latter lead to the accumulation of political capital at the expense of human capital, while scarce resources created the incentives for the former to invest in education and leap-frog the rich African economies. The third chapter adds to the literature seeking to understand why England preceded France in the industrialization process. Our argument is that Britain's more progressive fiscal system was anelement that fostered industrialization. Using data that dates back to the 15th century for the two countries, we show that a lighter fiscal burden on the lower class in England favored faster growth compared to France
Sidi, Sani Mahamane Laouali. "Gouvernance et mobilisation des ressources fiscales au Niger : appréciation de l'influnce des mutations socio-politiques sur le prélèvement fiscal dans un pays d'Afrique subsaharienne." Thesis, Aix-Marseille, 2017.
Full textThe role of the relationship between the State and the citizens, in its historical context, namely tax collection, has social and political implications. Indeed, like everywhere in Sub- Saharan Africa countries, mobilizing fiscal resources in Niger is not spared by the changes taking place in contemporary world. In the early 1990s already, these major changes - regarding scale and stakes - have gradually and closely tied tax payment to good governance principles. Ultimately, economic performance and tax reforms are necessary but not enough sufficient to guarantee effectiveness and sustainability in mobilizing fiscal resources; it would still be important for citizens-taxpayers to legitimize public action by voluntarily fulfilling their fiscal duty
Books on the topic "Politique fiscale – Pays en développement"
Bijit, Bora, ed. Foreign direct investment: Research issues. London: Routledge, 2002.
Find full textSelassie, Abebe Aemro, and International Monetary Fund, eds. Designing monetary and fiscal policy in low-income countries. Washington, D.C: International Monetary Fund, 2006.
Find full textInternational Bank for Reconstruction and Development., ed. Politique d'urbanisation nationale dans les pays en développement. Paris: Économica, 1985.
Find full textmondiale, Banque. Politique D'urbanisation Nationale Dans Les Pays en Développement. S.l: s.n, 1985.
Find full textDoris, Bonnet, ed. L' éthique médicale dans les pays en développement. La Tour d'Aigues: Aube, 2003.
Find full textMalcolm, Gillis, ed. Économie du développement. Paris: Éditions Universitaires, 1990.
Find full textDuy-Tan, Joele Nguyen. Vie politique comparée dans les pays du Tiers-Monde. Paris: Éditions Érasme, 1989.
Find full textProblèmes économiques contemporains: Les grands pays industriels. Paris: Hachette Supérieur, 1999.
Find full textCurran, Donald William. Tiers-Monde: Évolution et stratégies de développement. Paris: Eyrolles, 1990.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Politique fiscale – Pays en développement"
Beauval, Valentin. "La situation alimentaire de quelques pays en développement." In Une politique mondiale pour Nourrir le monde, 13–17. Paris: Springer Paris, 2007.
Full textMusset, Alain. "Politique de l’État et développement urbain au Mexique." In Politiques et dynamiques territoriales dans les pays du Sud, 17–37. Éditions de la Sorbonne, 2000.
Full textFischer, Bénédicte. "L’instrumentalisation du contexte globalisé pour la réforme de l’État dans les pays en développement." In Droit et politique, 25–33. Presses universitaires de Grenoble, 2014.
Full textLiouane, Naoufel. "Chapitre 2. Commerce, Politique Environnementale et Croissance : cas des pays en développement." In Commerce, investissement et développement durable en Afrique, 58–75. L'Harmattan, 2017.
Full textCoussy, Jean. "18. La place des pays tard venus au développement en économie politique internationale." In La question politique en économie internationale, 261–72. La Découverte, 2006.
Full textSOMÉ, Kogh Pascal. "Les enjeux de l'enseignement bilingue en Afrique francophone." In Linguistique pour le Développement, 129–50. Editions des archives contemporaines, 2022.
Full text"Le nouveau paysage de la production et le regain d'intérêt des pays en développement pour la politique industrielle." In Perspectives du développement mondial 2013, 97–132. OECD, 2014.
Full textFRATH, Pierre, and Ndiémé SOW. "La question de la terminologie dans l’enseignement des langues africaines." In Linguistique pour le Développement, 97–114. Editions des archives contemporaines, 2022.
Full text"Mettre en oeuvre une politique de la concurrence dans les pays en développement." In Lignes directrices et ouvrages de référence du CAD, 97–106. OECD, 2008.
Full textRanghieri, Federica. "Changement climatique, politique du village global et partenariat dans les pays en voie de développement." In Entreprises et environnement : quels enjeux pour le développement durable ?, 335–57. Presses universitaires de Paris Nanterre, 2011.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Politique fiscale – Pays en développement"
Cherdivara, Cristian. "The impact of taxes on the investment process." In Simpozion stiintific al tinerilor cercetatori, editia 20. Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova, 2023.
Full textReports on the topic "Politique fiscale – Pays en développement"
Santoro, Fabrizio, and Ronald Waiswa. De petits filets pour de gros poissons ? Imposition des plus riches – l’exemple de l’Ouganda. Institute of Development Studies, April 2023.
Full textCorlin Christensen, Rasmus, Martin Hearson, and Tovony Randriamanalina. Une tablée plus grande, mais toujours le même menu ? Evaluer l’inclusion des pays en développement dans les négociations fiscales mondiales. Institute of Development Studies, December 2020.
Full textFontecave, Marc, and Candel Sébastien. Quelles perspectives énergétiques pour la biomasse ? Académie des sciences, January 2024.
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