Academic literature on the topic 'Politique et gouvernement – Serbie – 1945-'
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Journal articles on the topic "Politique et gouvernement – Serbie – 1945-"
Jankovic, Zeljka. "Les relations éducatives entre la Serbie et la France dans la période 1936-1940." Prilozi za knjizevnost, jezik, istoriju i folklor, no. 82 (2016): 119–37.
Full textPavlovic, Vojislav. "Franchet d’Espèrey et la politique Balkanique de la France 1918-1919." Balcanica, no. 49 (2018): 107–24.
Full textBurgard, Antoine. "Le Congrès juif canadien et l’hostilité à l’immigration juive dans l’immédiat après-guerre (1945-1948)1." Globe 18, no. 1 (November 4, 2016): 111–30.
Full textZetterqvist Nelson, Karin. "“A reason behind every action”. The early years of Swedish Child Psychiatry, 1930-1945." Revue d’histoire de l’enfance « irrégulière » N° 18, no. 1 (January 1, 2016): 201–11.
Full textGenna, Gaspare M., and Taeko Hiroi. "Safeguarding the promise of integration." Regions and Cohesion 13, no. 1 (March 1, 2023): 1–22.
Full textRothen, José Carlos. "O ensino superior e a Nova Gestão Pública: aproximações do caso brasileiro com o francês (Higher education and the new public management: comparisons between the Brazilian and French cases)." Revista Eletrônica de Educação 13, no. 3 (September 2, 2019): 970.
Full textBuffotot, Patrice. "Les Livres blancs sur la défense sous la Ve République." Paix et sécurité européenne et internationale Numéro 2 (October 16, 2015).
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Politique et gouvernement – Serbie – 1945-"
Koppa, Maria Eleni. "La formation des systèmes partisans dans les Balkans." Paris 10, 1991.
Full textMasson, Diane. "La construction des systèmes politiques en Serbie et en Croatie (1989-1995) : de l'ethnification de l'espace politique à l'utilisation politique de la guerre." Paris, Institut d'études politiques, 2000.
Full textGlamočak, Marina. "Processus de transition entre démocratisation et fascisation : (analyse sociologique appliquée en Croatie et en Serbie)." Paris, EHESS, 2000.
Full textPetrović, Piroćanac Zoran. "Anatomie d'une auto-dégradation : la Serbie et l'ascension de Slobodan Milosevic (1982-1992)." Paris, EHESS, 2009.
Full textThis investigation includes a first phase of ascension of Milosevic, a period when he becomes the secretary of the Ligue of Communists of Belgrade(1982), till a period just before a civil war 10 ex-Yugoslavia(l992). Research is split in three parts and XVI chapters. First part, Yugoslav Communist Regime and the end of Yugoslavia (1944 -1991), deals with the origins of Yugoslav crisis, beginning with an analysis of the emergence of the titoist regime in the Central and Eastern Europe and in the Balkans, from 1945 to 1991, as a process of long duration. In the second part, Search for Serbian synthesis, we make radiography of the apparatus of the Ligue of Communists of Yugoslavia (LCY), as well as the presentation of its roots (PCY). A third part, Battlefields and a beginning of the end, analyses a phenomenon of the Serb nationalism, and attempts of restoration of Serbian State, victim of federal Yugoslavia' s asphyxia. This investigation finishes with final negotiations on Kosovo, in the international political atmosphere resulting in independence of Kosovo Albanians, their geopolitical triumph. This work of research had as a goal to answer as well to the question why Serbia always turns to circle, without alternatives and where is lost this Iiberal constancy of Serbia ? Not this class, nor this system left the scene tIll today. Who was always an obstacle to this liberal option of Serbia? Why Serbia cannot become compatible with other countries of the region ?
Markovic, Sacha. "Les intellectuels marxistes humanistes de Serbie entre socialisme et nationalisme : aux origines intellectuelles et culturelles des transitions yougoslaves, des années 1920 aux années 1970." Thesis, Paris 10, 2017.
Full textAt the end of the eighties, Yugoslavia is already quite far ahead with its desintegration process. This latter comes to light and forecasts a probable flight of violence. It also has in store many outward surprises as the presence of learned serbian marxist intellectuals by the side of Slobodan Milošević. Ljubomir Tadić, Mihailo Marković or Svetozar Stojanović, for instance, were among the more eminent figures of the yugoslav communism in the sixties and seventies. At first sight, this evolution takes place in the general upheavals that break out in Eastern Europe, during the liberal transition on the occasion of the communist collapse. The yugoslav decomposition and the individual mutations seem to be the result of a global transition process, territorial, political and socioeconomic at once, that takes the whole “Other Europe” at a glance. Thus, the serbian elites would just have experience a process of “conversion” to “liberalism” and the country would have been subjected to structural transformations because of the Tito’s regime collapse. However, the uncommon nature of the yugoslav self-management experience induces us to question the past of a country which went through many political and socioeconomic transitions, a good while before the eighties ones. These last-mentioned are able to explain the emergence of an exclusive nationalism, which has its source upstream from the eighties. This doctoral thesis intends to analyse the intellectual and cultural origins of the final yugoslav divisions by studiing the political evolution of a group which tells the Tito’s Yugoslavia: the humanist marxists of the University of Belgrade, from the birth of the humanist sensibility in the twenties, among writers, to the purge of the intellectual cercles of Belgrade in the seventies by the titist regime. This diving in the communist past of Yugoslavs reveals that neither the World War II nor the eastern communism collapse are the only historical matrix of the rise of nationalisms in Yugoslavia
Turcot, Christina. "Le nationalisme ethnique serbe et les conflits en ex-Yougoslavie : lecture audiovisuelle." Master's thesis, Université Laval, 2001.
Full textBoughaba, Yassin. "Citoyennetés populaires en Suisse : Sociabilités et politique à Renens (1945-2013)." Thesis, Nantes, 2016.
Full textMy dissertation examines working-class citizenships, i.e. plural forms of political commitment of deprived individuals. It aims to establish findings on political participation of working-class people from a local study on ‘upper’ working-class, i.e. workers and lower employees who are however involved in volunteering or political activities. The purpose of this piece of research is to identify social divisions among the working-class and their consequences on political participation of deprived individuals. I have analyzed several commitments – in parties, unions, associations and during elections – in different historical contexts. Drawing on historical and ethnographic inquiries as well as statistical data, this study shows that the commitment in the Parti Ouvrier et Populaire of workers of the Swiss Federal Railways in the 1940’ is related to an exclusion of workers of the private sector; that the division between Swiss workers and foreign workers appears in the xenophobic statements held in the Swiss Workers’ Union during the 1960’ and the 1970’; and finally that, in the 2000’, although foreign residents are now involved in volunteering and political activities – the volunteer fire department and the local committee of the Parti Ouvrier et Populaire –, they are still discriminated in these organizations
Bataković, Dušan T. "La France et la formation de la démocratie parlementaire en Serbie 1830-1914." Paris 4, 1997.
Full textThe French influence on development of democracy in Serbia was considerable. It can be traced on several levels: 1 on political one from 1810 as the model of nation-state; corresponding with egalitarian and revolutionary experiences of Serbian history; 2 on ideological level because France was considered as the cradle of all democratic values: after reestablishment of the Serbian state in 1830, the French influence, up to 1914, was transmissioned by the "Parisians" who had scholarship of Serbian government in France. After 1838 they largely contributed to the formation of four political parties: liberal (1858), radical (1872), progressive (1881) and independent radical (1902). The French doctrines in Serbia were adapted to the local traditions. The strongest among the two radical parties, within their program and practical policy, the French influence was a basis for a development of a "rural democracy" finally established in 1903. This growth of French influence on ideological, cultural, political and financial plan was noticed by the frenchmen: they considered Serbia as the most francophile state in the world
Lazea, Dorin Dan. "Souveraineté des états et intégration européenne : le cas des balkans." Thesis, Bordeaux 4, 2013.
Full textN order to circumscribe the proposed research, some clarification of the historical and geographical boundaries of the subject is needed.From the historical point of view, the period begins in the late 1980s, with the fall of communism, which is practically the moment from which the question of the European reintegration of the States of the region is asked. However, it will be necessary to make some investigations in the history of the 20th century, and even before, in order to understand certain characteristics of the region. For example, the problem of Kosovo can not be understood without knowing its past and the symbolic value of this region considered by the Serbs as their historical cradle. From a geographical point of view, the political map of the Balkans is controversial. However, if one considers the Danube as the northern boundary of the region, some countries have their entire territory included in the Balkan region (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Montenegro, Greece). But there are others whose territory - either in their entirety or part - lies in the northern part of the Danube (such as Croatia, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia) or even outside Europe ( Turkey). To demarcate more clearly the countries that will be the subject of this research, the history of European integration over the last twenty years will be used as a demarcation criterion. Thus Greece, although a member of the EU since 1989, will also be the subject of this research because of the relevance for the future conditionality policy of the suspension of the agreement, decided by EEC at the time of the Regime of Colonels. Under these conditions, the countries concerned in a collateral fashion by this research cover all possible stages of integration:- States which are already members of the EU, such as Slovenia (since 2004), Bulgaria and Romania (since 2007) and Croatia (from 2013);- States to which the EU has granted the official status of candidate state, such as Macedonia, Montenegro, Turkey and Serbia;- States enjoying the status of potential candidate states, such as Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo
Bernault-Boswell, Florence. "Démocraties ambiguës : la construction d'une société politique au Gabon et au Congo-Brazzaville, 1945-1964." Paris 7, 1993.
Full textThis dissertation focuses on the political, social and cultural evolution of central african societies in the gabon and the congo-brazzaville from 1945 to 1964. This study traces the historical roots of the failure of the first african presidents of these newly independent countries (the coups of 1963 and 1964). This work demonstrates the new perception and the new image of public power (and of nation-state) among africans, in particular through the study of elections. In this perspective, this dissertation shows the role of the new colonial occupation in the 1940s and the 1950s. At the same time, it sheds light on the constant appropriation and the active invention of politics by the africans. The dissertation concludes on the important fluidity of political and cultural mobilization, and on the mobility of ethnic identities among africans during this period
Books on the topic "Politique et gouvernement – Serbie – 1945-"
Jesné, Fabrice. Consoli e consolati italiani dagli stati preunitari al fascismo (1802-1945). [Roma]: École française de Rome, 2020.
Find full textGuérard, François. Berlin depuis 1945. Paris: Documentation française, 1994.
Find full textGéopolitique de la Serbie. Paris: Ellipses, 2006.
Find full textFrei, Norbert. L' état hitlérien et la société allemande 1933-1945. Paris: Seuil, 1994.
Find full textBecker, Jean Jacques. Histoire politique de la France depuis 1945. 6th ed. Paris: Colin, 1998.
Find full textBecker, Jean Jacques. Histoire politique de la France depuis 1945. 2nd ed. Paris: Colin, 1990.
Find full textBecker, Jean Jacques. Histoire politique de la France depuis 1945. 5th ed. Paris: A. Colin, 1996.
Find full textLeon, Enrique. Le nazisme des origines à 1945. Paris: Colin, 1997.
Find full textLeydier, Gilles. Partis et élections au Royaume-Uni depuis 1945. Paris: Ellipses, 2004.
Find full textThe Ottawa men: The civil service mandarins, 1935-1957 : with a new introduction. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1998.
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