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Journal articles on the topic "Politique et gouvernement – Serbie – 1918-1945"
Pavlovic, Vojislav. "Franchet d’Espèrey et la politique Balkanique de la France 1918-1919." Balcanica, no. 49 (2018): 107–24.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Politique et gouvernement – Serbie – 1918-1945"
Koppa, Maria Eleni. "La formation des systèmes partisans dans les Balkans." Paris 10, 1991.
Full textBataković, Dušan T. "La France et la formation de la démocratie parlementaire en Serbie 1830-1914." Paris 4, 1997.
Full textThe French influence on development of democracy in Serbia was considerable. It can be traced on several levels: 1 on political one from 1810 as the model of nation-state; corresponding with egalitarian and revolutionary experiences of Serbian history; 2 on ideological level because France was considered as the cradle of all democratic values: after reestablishment of the Serbian state in 1830, the French influence, up to 1914, was transmissioned by the "Parisians" who had scholarship of Serbian government in France. After 1838 they largely contributed to the formation of four political parties: liberal (1858), radical (1872), progressive (1881) and independent radical (1902). The French doctrines in Serbia were adapted to the local traditions. The strongest among the two radical parties, within their program and practical policy, the French influence was a basis for a development of a "rural democracy" finally established in 1903. This growth of French influence on ideological, cultural, political and financial plan was noticed by the frenchmen: they considered Serbia as the most francophile state in the world
Markovic, Sacha. "Les intellectuels marxistes humanistes de Serbie entre socialisme et nationalisme : aux origines intellectuelles et culturelles des transitions yougoslaves, des années 1920 aux années 1970." Thesis, Paris 10, 2017.
Full textAt the end of the eighties, Yugoslavia is already quite far ahead with its desintegration process. This latter comes to light and forecasts a probable flight of violence. It also has in store many outward surprises as the presence of learned serbian marxist intellectuals by the side of Slobodan Milošević. Ljubomir Tadić, Mihailo Marković or Svetozar Stojanović, for instance, were among the more eminent figures of the yugoslav communism in the sixties and seventies. At first sight, this evolution takes place in the general upheavals that break out in Eastern Europe, during the liberal transition on the occasion of the communist collapse. The yugoslav decomposition and the individual mutations seem to be the result of a global transition process, territorial, political and socioeconomic at once, that takes the whole “Other Europe” at a glance. Thus, the serbian elites would just have experience a process of “conversion” to “liberalism” and the country would have been subjected to structural transformations because of the Tito’s regime collapse. However, the uncommon nature of the yugoslav self-management experience induces us to question the past of a country which went through many political and socioeconomic transitions, a good while before the eighties ones. These last-mentioned are able to explain the emergence of an exclusive nationalism, which has its source upstream from the eighties. This doctoral thesis intends to analyse the intellectual and cultural origins of the final yugoslav divisions by studiing the political evolution of a group which tells the Tito’s Yugoslavia: the humanist marxists of the University of Belgrade, from the birth of the humanist sensibility in the twenties, among writers, to the purge of the intellectual cercles of Belgrade in the seventies by the titist regime. This diving in the communist past of Yugoslavs reveals that neither the World War II nor the eastern communism collapse are the only historical matrix of the rise of nationalisms in Yugoslavia
Petrović, Piroćanac Zoran. "Anatomie d'une auto-dégradation : la Serbie et l'ascension de Slobodan Milosevic (1982-1992)." Paris, EHESS, 2009.
Full textThis investigation includes a first phase of ascension of Milosevic, a period when he becomes the secretary of the Ligue of Communists of Belgrade(1982), till a period just before a civil war 10 ex-Yugoslavia(l992). Research is split in three parts and XVI chapters. First part, Yugoslav Communist Regime and the end of Yugoslavia (1944 -1991), deals with the origins of Yugoslav crisis, beginning with an analysis of the emergence of the titoist regime in the Central and Eastern Europe and in the Balkans, from 1945 to 1991, as a process of long duration. In the second part, Search for Serbian synthesis, we make radiography of the apparatus of the Ligue of Communists of Yugoslavia (LCY), as well as the presentation of its roots (PCY). A third part, Battlefields and a beginning of the end, analyses a phenomenon of the Serb nationalism, and attempts of restoration of Serbian State, victim of federal Yugoslavia' s asphyxia. This investigation finishes with final negotiations on Kosovo, in the international political atmosphere resulting in independence of Kosovo Albanians, their geopolitical triumph. This work of research had as a goal to answer as well to the question why Serbia always turns to circle, without alternatives and where is lost this Iiberal constancy of Serbia ? Not this class, nor this system left the scene tIll today. Who was always an obstacle to this liberal option of Serbia? Why Serbia cannot become compatible with other countries of the region ?
Trechniewski, Boris. "Le facteur tchèque dans les relations polono-hongroises (1918-1939)." Paris 3, 2007.
Full textInside the Polish-Hungarian relations between the two World Wars, Czechoslovakia appears as an unmissable factor, because it plays a crystallization’s rule, inserted between these both countries. Poles and Hungarian make their policy according to Czech affairs, searching to build again their mutual border, in Carpathian Ruthenia. The study of different alliances combinations deployed by these three nations in order to neutralize each other, broadened the evocation of various union and federation projects, which have been considered in order to guarantee the peace in the Danubian basin and more generally in Europe. As for Polish-Hungarian connection in the thirties, in the frame of the totalitarian rise in Central Europe, leads to realize the mutual border, after the Munich agreement, in september 1938
Paquet, Olivier. "La démocratie tchécoslovaque et ses problèmes nationaux (1918-1939)." Grenoble 2, 2002.
Full textWehrlé, Frédéric. "La pérennité du problème tchéco-slovaque : facteur national et politique en Tchécoslovaquie, 1918-1992." Paris, Institut d'études politiques, 1993.
Full textThe crisis that occured between the Czechs ans Slovaks after the fall of communism in 1989 was the culmination of a seventy-years old historical sequence during which the issue of the arrangement of the relations between the two peoples had continuously been the focus of political concern. Besides the fact that Czecho-Slovak dualism grounded in deep-rooted historical differences in development between the two communities, the Slovaks felt both estranged from the decision-making process and deprived of their share of central-government ressources. In spite of public policies implemented by the parliamentary and socialist regimes, power-decentralization appeared to be the best strategy for the Sslovaks who felt that Czechoslovakia did not equally belong to everyone. The failure of the Czechs and Slovaks to reach a common solution led to the disintegration in 1992
Ronsin, Samuel. "Police, nation(s) et République : histoire sociale et politique de la police d'État tchécoslovaque sous la Première République (1918-1938)." Paris, EHESS, 2004.
Full textVergnon, Gilles. "Catastrophe et renouveau : socialistes, communistes et oppositionnels d'Europe et d'Amérique du Nord sous l'impact de la victoire nazie : crises et reclassements (1933-1934)." Grenoble 2, 1993.
Full textThis work, which concerns the main european countries (including the ussrand the usa) in two decisive years (1933 and 1934), tries, after a picture of the german left from 1930 till 1933 and an overview of the vision of nazi rise from the main currents of the ruropean left, to sound out and to produce the typologie of their reactions against what is called as early as 1933 the "german disaster". Then, this transnational study brings out three succesive plans of renewal of leftist political strategies, each of them supported by different actors : the attempt of build "new parties", the "revolutionizing" of socialist parties, around "planism" or not, unity with communist parties, which, on communist's initiative, rapidly widens in "all-inclusive democratic blocs"
Franza, Michel. "L'Europe nouvelle (1920-1934) : étude et réactions d'une revue politique face au mouvement de rénovation internationale et sa double approche de la construction de la paix par la presse et la Société des nations." Paris 1, 1993.
Full textThe idea of reform became the major word of the years between the two wars. International politics was one of the main reasons of this reformer reflection. The league was the official political expression of this announced reform, but it was far from being sufficient for all those who considered that the century had toppled into a modern era where progress was synonymous with solidarity between the populations. An opposition saw the day between the supporters of a passive peace and the partisans of an active peace. In this struggle for the construction of peace by the international organisation, a large number of associations, groups and reforming movements, supported or at the origin of a militant press, worked at the conception of a solidary international company. « L’Europe nouvelle" was one of these reviews which, as from 1918, started, under the management of Louise Weiss, a painstaking work of reflection and gathering of the elite so as to define this new diplomacy. Circle of pacifist and european sociability , "l'Europe nouvelle" militates in favour of moral disarmament and for the construction of europe
Books on the topic "Politique et gouvernement – Serbie – 1918-1945"
European dictatorships, 1918-1945. 2nd ed. London ;aNew York: Routledge, 2000.
Find full textThe European dictatorships, 1918-1945. London: Routledge, 1988.
Find full textCatholic politics in Europe, 1918-1945. London: Routledge, 1997.
Find full textKitchen, Martin. Europe between the wars: A political history. London: Longman, 1988.
Find full textKasza, Gregory James. The state and the mass media in Japan, 1918-1945. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1988.
Find full textPatin, Nicolas. La catastrophe allemande: (1914 - 1945) ; 1674 destins parlementaires. [Paris]: Fayard, 2014.
Find full textFascism and the right in Europe, 1919-1945. Harlow, England: Longman, 2000.
Find full textJesné, Fabrice. Consoli e consolati italiani dagli stati preunitari al fascismo (1802-1945). [Roma]: École française de Rome, 2020.
Find full textDrucker, Peter F. The end of economic man: The origins of totalitarianism. New Brunswick, N.J., U.S.A: Transaction Publishers, 1995.
Find full textFascism in Europe, 1919-1945. London: Routledge, 2003.
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