Academic literature on the topic 'Politique de la scène'
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Journal articles on the topic "Politique de la scène"
KOEBEL, Michel. "La politique noble des conseils d’enfants." Lien social et Politiques, no. 44 (October 2, 2002): 125–40.
Full textLemonnier-Texier, Delphine. "The Analogy of the Body Politic in Shakespeare’s Coriolanus: From the Organic Metaphor of Society to the Monstrous Body of the Multitude." Moreana 43 & 44 (Number, no. 4 & 1-2 (March 2007): 107–31.
Full textSchmitt-Pantel, Pauline. "Mort, mémoire et politique à Athènes au Vème siècle avant J.-C." Revista M. Estudos sobre a morte, os mortos e o morrer 7, no. 14 (July 30, 2022): 362–74.
Full textSoulas, Nicolas. "Sédimentation des expériences politiques et séquelles postrévolutionnaires : les Cent-Jours dans le couloir rhodanien." Parlement[s], Revue d'histoire politique N° 27, no. 1 (May 18, 2018): 165–78.
Full textBrillet, Emmanuel. "Scène judiciaire et mobilisation politique." Pôle Sud 24, no. 1 (2006): 45.
Full textMévellec, Anne, and Manon Tremblay. "Les partis politiques municipaux." Recherche 54, no. 2 (September 6, 2013): 325–47.
Full textConstantin, Christian. "Comprendre la sécurité énergétique en Chine." Articles thématiques 25, no. 2-3 (June 13, 2007): 15–45.
Full textSaintôt, Bruno. "Le «genre » sur la scène politique." Études juillet-août, no. 7 (June 19, 2014): 41–52.
Full textGallant, Nicole. "Quand le politique dit la justice." Articles 19, no. 2-3 (November 19, 2008): 115–31.
Full textVittoz, Samuel. "Villeréal, la scène politique de l'inattendu." Tumultes 42, no. 1 (2014): 135.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Politique de la scène"
Donizeau, Pauline. "La scène égyptienne en révolution (2007-2018) : théâtre, performance et politique." Thesis, Paris 10, 2019.
Full textThis thesis investigates the transformations of the Egyptian theatrical stage during the revolutionary period of the « Arab Springs ». This study considers different aspects of the creation: the artists’ position regarding the institutional field, the thematical content of the productions, the forms and the stagings used, and pay also attention to the discourses produced about theatre. This work proposes a general overview of the theatrical production during this period while examining the creations from different sectors – public, private, independent and amateur – and studies specifically the creations on the independent stages which developed during this period. In the pre-revolutionary period, the theatre appears as subjected to politics: its practice is closely linked to the State’s organization in the context of an authoritarian regime. However, new theatrical and performative forms appear at the end of the 2000s and seem to confer a new capacity to the theatre. This movement goes on and affirms itself during the revolutionary period between 2011 and 2013. The artists – most often gathered in collectives of practitioners – invent new forms which enable most of the time audience participation. Theatre is then considered as a tool for political change. Aesthetics become political and, more and more, the artists resort to the traditional forms of the political theatre. Finally, after the Revolution and the arrival of the new regime, the artists must reinvent their practice and their art. Giving up the forms which appear as obviously political, they develop new strategies of resistance and resilience. As such, through the examination of the links between the artistic creation and the political revolutionary event, this thesis tries to highlight the phenomenon of a politicization of the aesthetics which has led to an evolution of the dramaturgies, the forms and the stagings: the Egyptian stage has encountered its own revolution
Bialas, Mateusz. "Le discours politique hégémonique de Nicolas Sarkozy : rhétorique et mise en scène." Paris 7, 2014.
Full textThis work attempts a rhetorical analysis of Nicolas Sarkozy's hegemonic political discourse. The rhetorical effectiveness of the sixth President of the Fifth Republic stems from a particular discursive tactic, one based upon the implementation of an inherent feature of hegemonic discourse, i. E. The Aristotelian category of pathos. In the discourse this dissertation shall examine, the effects of pathos are produced by means of certain figures of speech, considered here as discursive strategies employed in a systematic and synergetic fashion so as to arouse strong feelings in Sarkozy's listeners: positive emotions (joy, contentment, pride, reassurance, happiness, etc. ) and negative emotions (anger, exasperation, disdain, sadness, bitterness, hatred, etc. ). Our study is based upon a corpus comprised of roughly sixty speeches (approximately 380,000 words) made by the President both domestically and internationally between January 2007 and May 2012. For the sake of our analysis, we have collected and examined official texts: that is, speeches prepared beforehand and made in public, such as commemorative speeches, the President's wishes, declarations, messages, etc. Additionally, we have analyzed the "spontaneous discourse" which encompasses interactive and off-the-cuff genres of hegemonic political discourse: TV and radio interviews, press conferences, and sound bites, ranging from less-official to utterly informai, made by Nicolas Sarkozy while away from the podium and then relayed by the media
Shamsuddin, Mohammed. "La scène politique du Bangladesh 1975-1990 : étude sur les régimes militaires." Paris 10, 1994.
Full textThe aim of this thesis is to examine the military intervention in Bangladesh politics from 1975 to 1990. Bangladesh started her political career with parliamentary regime immediate after its inception in 1971. August 1975, the military captured power by overthrowing Mujib government (1971-75). How did the army come to power, what were the reactions of the people to military rule, and in what manner the army tried to govern the country have been analyzed in our study. The first military ruler of the country, General Riaur Rahman (1975-1981), succeeded in civilianizing his military regime making himself a civilian politician. But he was killed by a small group of army officers in May 1981. The country was ruled by a civilian government for a short period of time. On March 1982, the army came to power again by staging a coup d’état. The new regime, led by general Ershad (1982-90), failed to legitimize its right of governing before the public opinion. Ultimately, the army had to give up political power facing a popular uprising in December 1990. It was proved that no authoritarian regime could stand against the popular will. The fall of military power ushered a new era of democracy in Bangladesh
Haegel, Florence. "Un maire à Paris : genèse, fondation et mise en scène d'un nouveau rôle politique." Paris, Institut d'études politiques, 1992.
Full textIn 1977 the function of the mayor of Paris have been established. The marking feature of this new function is the lack of a specific conception in the system set forth by Jacques Chirac. Such a lack is explained by the conditions of this role-taking. The origins of these particular role has made it impossible to settle an executive framework (criteria of definition and role expectations). Partnership has privileged "maintenance agents", particularly in the field of administration
Yaghi, Jérôme. "Les conséquences de la révolution religieuse iranienne sur l'émergence du Hezbollah et sa dimension sur la scène libanaise." Nice, 2000.
Full textThe emergence of Hezbollah as an armed militia on the lebanese scene dates from the iranian revolution as from 1979. This party grows in the shadow of the israeli invasion of Lebanon in 1982. Whereas in the 80's Hezbollah clashed with the libanese identity and came into conflict with most lebanese parties, today as from the second gulf war and the setting up of the Tae͏̈f agreement in 1989, the "party of God" has started a process of integration into the libanese political life while poing on facing the israeli occupation in the south of the country. Wavering between the "islamic revolutionary purity" of its origins and the total integration into the lebanese political interaction, Hezbollah is still looking where he stands on the lebanese scene. After a possible israeli withdrawal from the south-Lebanon, what will hezbollah become ? Should we believe, at least are we right to think, that we are living the last days of Hezbollah ?
André, Paul. "La notion d'État dans la pensée politique chinoise et ses conséquences sur la scène internationale." Phd thesis, Université Paris-Est, 2009.
Full textCamilus, Adler. "Conflictualités et politique comme oubli du citoyen (Haïti)." Thesis, Paris 8, 2015.
Full textMy doctoral thesis is a critical reading of the traditional intelligibility of the Haitian society which includes it in the relationship where its being is determined by the slave colony. The postcolonial subject is a self-chained subject, self-destructive and not emancipated one, because his subjectivity is produced by the coloniality. Beyond this interpretation, we hypothesize that the Haitian Revolution can be interpreted as a decolonial scene whose repetition can be verified in History and whose radicality can be found in an exigency of emancipating citizenship. Its truth manifests itself in the polemical encounter with the colonial modernity. It becomes the site of an against-imaginary which would bring the detachment of the imaginary of domination and a difficult experience of foundation/beginning which must be analyzed by taking into account the conflictualities. The forgetting of the citizen results of the impossible cross-road between stásis and dêmos against the social order of domination to make actual new rights in the name of equality and emancipation.The doctoral thesis is divided into three parts and nine chapters. The first part studies the othering process of the colonial subject in connection with Western subjectivity, the ambivalent forms of its claims and its self-institution not being able to self-abolition. The second part analyzes the interpretation of the Revolution and the post-colonial forms of domination. The last part finds the memory of a demand of foundation and beginning. It apprehends the relationships between violence, power and conflictualities with the aim of reconfiguration of the post colonial-world
Lama-Rewal, Stéphanie Tawa. "La représentation des femmes sur la scène politique : étude comparée du Bengale occidental, du Maharashtra et du Népal." Aix-Marseille 3, 1999.
Full textRoman, Mathilde. "Représentations et mises en scène de soi dans les vidéos d'artistes." Paris 1, 2005.
Full textZalila, Ikbal. "Les mises en scène du politique dans les actualités cinématographiques tunisiennes entre 1956 et 1970." Paris 1, 2010.
Full textBooks on the topic "Politique de la scène"
Michel, Anselme. Du bruit à la parole: La scène politique des cités. La Tour d'Aigues: Ed. de l'Aube, 2000.
Find full textDescamps, Tanguy. Techno et politique: Étude sur le renouveau d'une scène engagée. Paris: Harmattan, 2017.
Find full textLavergne, Marc. L'émergence d'une nouvelle scène politique: Egypte, an 2 de la révolution. Paris: L'Harmattan, 2012.
Find full textLes religions sur la scène mondiale. Québec [Qué.]: Presses de l'Université Laval, 2010.
Find full textBadie, Bertrand. Le retournement du monde: Sociologie de la scène internationale. 2nd ed. Paris: Presses de la Fondation nationale des sciences politiques, 1995.
Find full textGoldzink, Jean. La Politique dans les Lettres persanes: Théâtre de l'idéologie, scène de la fiction. Fontenay: E.N.S., 1988.
Find full textLa télévision sur la scène du politique: Un service public pendant les Trente Glorieuses. Paris: L'Harmattan, 2009.
Find full textWole Soyinka et Nestor Zinsou: De la scène à l'espace public : politique et religion. Paris: Éditions Karthala, 2015.
Find full textLa privation de l'intime: Mises en scène politiques des sentiments. [Paris]: Seuil, 2008.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Politique de la scène"
Cleven, Gorry. "Ontwikkelingen in de geestelijke gezondheidszorg." In In scène, 17–19. Houten: Bohn Stafleu van Loghum, 2003.
Full textCleven, Gorry. "Observeren en concluderen." In In scène, 69–88. Houten: Bohn Stafleu van Loghum, 2003.
Full textCleven, Gorry. "Indicaties en doelstellingen." In In scène, 89–98. Houten: Bohn Stafleu van Loghum, 2003.
Full textCleven, Gorry. "Behandeling." In In scène, 101–42. Houten: Bohn Stafleu van Loghum, 2003.
Full textCleven, Gorry. "Vraag-aanbodcombinaties." In In scène, 143–91. Houten: Bohn Stafleu van Loghum, 2003.
Full textCleven, Gorry. "Transformatie." In In scène, 195–212. Houten: Bohn Stafleu van Loghum, 2003.
Full textCleven, Gorry. "Ontwikkelingen in creatieve en psychomotorische therapie." In In scène, 21–23. Houten: Bohn Stafleu van Loghum, 2003.
Full textCleven, Gorry. "Trends, wens of werkelijkheid." In In scène, 25–27. Houten: Bohn Stafleu van Loghum, 2003.
Full textCleven, Gorry. "Spel, expressie en creativiteit." In In scène, 31–37. Houten: Bohn Stafleu van Loghum, 2003.
Full textCleven, Gorry. "Het Grieks drama." In In scène, 39–45. Houten: Bohn Stafleu van Loghum, 2003.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Politique de la scène"
Rossi, Marie-Laure. "Quelle présence des écrivains contemporains sur la scène politique ? Édouard Louis - Michel Houellebecq – Inculte." In Auteurs en scènes. Lieux et régimes de visibilité des écrivains contemporains. Fabula, 2017.
Full textPellus, Anne. "Hybridité, Intermédialité, Politique sur la scène chorégraphique contemporaine : Then love was found and set the world on fire d’Hooman Sharifi." In Création, intermédialité, dispositif. Fabula, 2017.
Full textJaussi, Sophie. "Scène orale, scène écrite : faire grand cas du récit." In Littérature et écritures du cas. Fabula, 2021.
Full textDuranović, Amir. "Političko i kulturno naslijeđe (skica za studiju)." In Panel razgovor "Adil Zulfikarpašić i liberalne političke inicijative". Bošnjački institut - Fondacija Adila Zulfikarpašića, 2021.
Full textVeg, Sebastian. "Kafka : politique de l’inachèvement." In Le début et la fin. Roman, théâtre, B.D., cinéma. Fabula, 2007.
Full textLeichter-Flack, Frédérique. "Babi Yar, un palimpseste politique." In Témoigner sur la Shoah en URSS. Fabula, 2015.
Full textPernot, Denis. "Jules Lemaitre et la scène éducative." In Jules Lemaitre: « un don d'ubiquité familière ». Fabula, 2012.
Full textGleizes (Lyon 2), Delphine. "Hors-scène et symboliques de l’espace." In Victor Hugo, Hernani, Ruy Blas. Fabula, 2009.
Full textReports on the topic "Politique de la scène"
Research Institute (IFPRI), International Food Policy. La politique nutritionnelle au Nigéria. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute, 2019.
Full textDiatta, Ampa Dogui, Laura Casu, Mariame Dramé, Irina Uzhova, Judith Kaboré, Fanta Touré, and Roosmarijn Verstraeten. La politique nutritionnelle au Sénégal. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute, 2021.
Full textAtuobi-Yeboah, Afua, Laura Casu, Ampa Dogui Diatta, Judity Kaboré, Fanta Touré, and Roosmarijn Verstraeten. La politique de nutrition au Ghana. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute, 2021.
Full textAalborg, Jack T. Algeria: Everlasting Political Drama (Algerie: Un Drame Politique Perpetuel),. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, May 1996.
Full textWilson, Norbert, and Joyce Cacho. Relations entre l'investissement direct étranger, les échanges et la politique commerciale. Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD), March 2007.
Full textCheng, Yeeva, and Cara Krause-Perrotta. Guide d’utilisation de la liste de contrôle de la politique A3. Population Council, 2022.
Full textFeret, Romain, Françoise Catherine Gouzi, Sandra Guigonis, Hélène Jouguet, Nicolas Larousse, and Armelle Thomas. Recommandations aux revues souhaitant définir une « politique de données » liées aux publications. Ministère de l'enseignement supérieur et de la recherche, February 2020.
Full textFeret, Romain, Françoise Gouzi, Sandra Guigonis, Hélène Jouguet, Nicolas Larousse, and Armelle Thomas. Guidelines for journals that wish to establish a “data policy” related to their publications. Ministère de l'enseignement supérieur et de la recherche, June 2021.
Full textFeret, Romain, Françoise Gouzi, Sandra Guigonis, Hélène Jouguet, Nicolas Larousse, and Armelle Thomas. Guidelines for journals that wish to establish a “data policy” related to their publications. Ministère de l'enseignement supérieur et de la recherche, June 2021.
Full textBoyer, Marcel. Commentaires sur la politique de la concurrence et les marchés du travail. CIRANO, February 2022.
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