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Journal articles on the topic 'Politics of disability'

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Tsiokou, Katerina. "Body Politics and Disability." Journal of Literary & Cultural Disability Studies 11, no. 2 (May 2017): 205–22.

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ISHIKAWA, Jun. "The Politics of Disability." Japanese Sociological Review 50, no. 4 (2000): 586–602.

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Oliver, Mike. "Disability, politics and health." Critical Public Health 6, no. 2 (April 1995): 2–3.

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Longmore, Paul K. "Disability Policy and Politics." Journal of Disability Policy Studies 11, no. 1 (June 2000): 36–44.

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Slorach, Roddy. "Disability politics and theory." Disability & Society 29, no. 2 (January 10, 2014): 340–41.

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Rogers, Naomi. "Polio chronicles: Warm Springs and disability politics in the 1930s." Asclepio 61, no. 1 (June 30, 2009): 143–74.

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Burns, Shawn, and Beth Haller. "The Politics of Representing Disability." Asia Pacific Media Educator 25, no. 2 (December 2015): 262–77.

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Grue, Jan. "False dichotomies of disability politics." Journal of Language and Politics 10, no. 1 (June 28, 2011): 109–27.

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This article discusses the relationship between the social and medical models of disability and between the academic and NGO communities in that field. Interviews with professionals from Norwegian disability NGOs show that while they share some of the political goals of the social model, they have a somewhat narrow understanding of the model’s critical potential. A false dichotomy has emerged in NGO discourse: The medical model, which originated as a negative construct within the social model, is reinterpreted as a legitimate conceptual alternative. This hinders dialogue between academe and the NGO community, and hampers the critical potential of the NGOs. In order to eliminate the dichotomy, it is necessary to develop the social model more extensively in discourse contexts outside the academic field.
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Stewart, Thomas G. "Government, Politics, and Disability Policy." Journal of Disability Policy Studies 11, no. 2 (September 2000): 109–10.

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Kasnitz, Devva. "The Politics of Disability Performativity." Current Anthropology 61, S21 (February 2020): S16—S25.

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Hurst, Rachel. "The international politics of disability." Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 15, no. 4 (October 1998): 17–19.

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Viviers, Hennie. "THE POLITICS OF BODILY DISABILITY." Scriptura 90 (June 12, 2013): 799.

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Barnes, Colin. "Introduction: Disability, policy and politics." Policy & Politics 30, no. 3 (July 1, 2002): 311–18.

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McKinney, Claire. "Biopluralism, disability, and democratic politics." Politics, Groups, and Identities 9, no. 2 (February 3, 2021): 423–37.

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Julijanto, Muhammad. "Politik Hukum Disabilitas: Studi Kasus Perda No. 8 Tahun 2013 di Wonogiri." INKLUSI 6, no. 1 (June 30, 2019): 127.

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This study answers the question of how the politics of protection and fulfilment of the rights of persons with disabilities in the case of Regional Disability Regulations in Wonogiri Regency. With a mixed-method between normative legal research and empirical law, the research found that: 1) Regional Regulation No. 8 of 2013 concerning Disability and Empowerment of the Disabled in Wonogiri shows concern and attention to the fulfilment of disability rights along with social security; 2) The politics of disability law is the response of all factions in the DPRD who approve and support the fulfilment of the rights of persons with disabilities through accommodation in regional regulations; 3) Regional Regulations have been implemented largely in stages. Such as the implementation of inclusive education, health services, disability political participation, accessibility for people with disabilities in public facilities and infrastructure.[Penelitian ini menjawab pertanyaan bagaimana politik perlindungan dan pemenuhan hak penyandang disabilitas dalam kasus Peraturan Daerah Disabilitas di Kabupaten Wonogiri. Dengan metode campuran antara penelitian hukum normatif dan hukum empiris, penelitian menemukan bahwa: 1) Peraturan Daerah No. 8 Tahun 2013 tentang Kesetaraan dan Pemberdayaan Difabel di Wonogiri menunjukkan kepedulian dan perhatian terhadap pemenuhan hak-hak disabilitas beserta jaminan sosialnya; 2) Politik hukum disabilitas merupakan respon semua fraksi di DPRD yang menyetujui serta mendukung terpenuhinya hak-hak difabel melalui akomodasi peraturan daerah; 3) Peraturan Daerah ini telah diimplementasikan sebagian besar secara bertahap. Seperti implementasi pendidikan inklusif, pelayanan kesehatan, partisipasi politik difabel, aksesbilitas bagi difabel dalam sarana dan prasarana publik.]
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Shields, Todd G., Kay Fletcher Schriner, and Ken Schriner. "The Disability Voice in American Politics." Journal of Disability Policy Studies 9, no. 2 (July 1998): 33–52.

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We, Jeong Eun Annabel. "Transnational Feminist and Queer Disability Politics:." GLQ: A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies 25, no. 3 (June 1, 2019): 500–502.

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Lang, Harry G. "Disability Protests: Contentious Politics, 1970-1999." Sign Language Studies 5, no. 2 (2005): 245–47.

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Thomas, Huw. "Disability, politics and the built environment." Planning Practice & Research 7, no. 1 (March 1992): 22–26.

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Ellis, Katie, and Gerard Goggin. "Disability Media Participation: Opportunities, Obstacles and Politics." Media International Australia 154, no. 1 (February 2015): 78–88.

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This article discusses participatory media from a critical disability perspective. It discusses the relative absence of explicit discussion and research on disability in the literatures on community, citizen and alternative media. By contrast, disability has emerged as an important element of participatory cultures and digital technologies. To explore disability participatory cultures, the article offers analysis of case studies, including disability blogs, ABC's Ramp Up website and crowd-funding platforms (such as Kickstarter).
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Goodley, Dan. "Challenging Transhumanism." Balkan Journal of Philosophy 12, no. 1 (2020): 5–16.

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This paper cautiously ponders the offerings of transhumanism. We begin the paper by introducing the transhumanist movement and related transdisciplinary thinking before giving space to the emergence of critical disability studies. We argue that the latter field has the potential to ground a critical and reflexive analysis of transhumanism– not least through a consideration of the contributions of posthuman and green disability studies. Drawing on these two perspectives, two specific areas of transhuman contemplation are offered. First, we consider (in the section titled, ‘The Ban on Straws: Disability prosthetics and the complication of eco-politics’) the relationship between disability advocacy politics and the potential ableism present in popular eco-political discourse. Second, we explore mainstreaming assistive technologies and e-waste collateral. These analytical thematics highlight the complexities of a critical transhuman disability studies, not least, in relation to the clash of disability and green politics. We conclude the paper with some considerations for future theory and research that trouble an uncritical acceptance of transhumanism in the area of critical disability studies.
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Danforth, Scot. "“Companions”." Journal of Literary & Cultural Disability Studies: Volume 15, Issue 4 15, no. 4 (November 1, 2021): 401–18.

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The documentary Crip Camp presents a 1970s summer camp for disabled youth as a place of friendship and political dialogues that spawned the American disability rights movement. The film also represented Camp Jened as a haven of racial harmony and inclusion. Jened was not the only American micro-community of disability solidarity and political possibilities that also involved questions of racial politics. Scholars have criticized disability activists and disability studies scholars for neglecting problems of racial oppression. This historical study examines three examples of empowering disability subcultures in twentieth century America: Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s Warm Springs rehabilitation resort from the mid-1920s through the mid-1940s, the Rolling Quads at the University of California, Berkeley, in the late 1960s, and Camp Interdependence in California in the 1980s. The article interrogates the racial politics of these egalitarian communities.
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Capron, Alexander Morgan. "At Law: Oregon's Disability Principles or Politics?" Hastings Center Report 22, no. 6 (November 1992): 18.

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Baber, Zaheer, Sharon Barnartt, and Richard Scotch. "Disability Protests: Contentious Politics, 1970 to 1999." Contemporary Sociology 32, no. 3 (May 2003): 360.

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Baár, Monika. "De-pathologizing Disability: Politics, Culture and Identity." Neue Politische Literatur 2017, no. 2 (July 1, 2017): 281–304.

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Peters, Susan. "Disability, politics and the struggle for change." International Studies in Sociology of Education 13, no. 1 (March 1, 2003): 101–4.

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Oliver, Mike, and Gerry Zarb. "The Politics of Disability: A New Approach." Disability, Handicap & Society 4, no. 3 (January 1989): 221–39.

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Chappell, Anne. "Disability, Politics and the Struggle for Change." British Journal of Learning Disabilities 31, no. 3 (September 2003): 136–37.

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Kitchin, Rob, and Robert Wilton. "Disability activism and the politics of scale." Canadian Geographer/Le G?ographe canadien 47, no. 2 (June 2003): 97–115.

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East, Kay. "Book Review: Disability Politics and Community Care." British Journal of Occupational Therapy 62, no. 4 (April 1999): 181–82.

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Sapey, Bob. "Book Review: Disability Politics and Community Care." Sociological Research Online 5, no. 1 (May 2000): 190–91.

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Drake, Robert F. "Book Review: Disability Politics and Community Care." International Social Work 43, no. 2 (April 2000): 266–67.

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Riddell, Sheila. "The Politics of Disability: post‐school experience." British Journal of Sociology of Education 14, no. 4 (January 1993): 445–55.

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Reeders. "Disability and the Queer Politics of Disclosure." QED: A Journal in GLBTQ Worldmaking 6, no. 3 (2019): 111.

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Bonnie, Selina. "Sex & disability: politics, identity and access." Disability & Society 27, no. 1 (January 2012): 145–47.

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SHELDON, ALISON. "Personal and Perplexing: Feminist disability politics evaluated." Disability & Society 14, no. 5 (September 1999): 643–57.

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Fritsch, Kelly, and Anne McGuire. "Risk and the Spectral Politics of Disability." Body & Society 25, no. 4 (June 19, 2019): 29–54.

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Drawing on the institutional history of the sperm bank and legacies of eugenics, we consider how spectrums of risk simultaneously constrain and expand possibilities for disability justice. We do so by examining the discourses surrounding US-based Xytex Corporation sperm bank Donor 9623, described as the ‘perfect’ donor but later discovered to have a criminal record and a diagnosis of schizophrenia. Haunted by the dread of disability, we examine how parents mark the fate of their donor-conceived child on a graded spectrum of genetic and psychiatric risk, in need of perpetual monitoring and intervention. Using this case to understand the contemporary reorganization of disability via spectral risk, we advocate for a critical engagement with how disability haunting can enable us to better attend to the effects of the past and present in such a way that provokes a more collectively just future.
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Barnes, Colin. "A working social model? Disability, work and disability politics in the 21st century." Critical Social Policy 20, no. 4 (November 2000): 441–57.

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Newell, Christopher. "Digging for Disability." Media International Australia 120, no. 1 (August 2006): 18–20.

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This article reads media coverage of the May 2006 Beaconsfield Gold Mine rescue through the lens of disability. It argues that disability is essential to the way discourses of heroism, masculinity and nationalism were constructed in the rescue of the miners. However, the importance of disability to this, and other aspects of media, politics and society in Australia, was not well recognised — yet raises important questions.
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Snyder, Sharon, and David Mitchell. "Introduction: Ablenationalism and the Geo-Politics of Disability." Journal of Literary & Cultural Disability Studies 4, no. 2 (January 2010): 113–25.

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Harrison, J. F. "The Politics of Disability: Some Implications for Geriatricians." Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine 90, no. 32_suppl (December 1997): 5–10.

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Schweik, S. "Disability Politics and American Literary History: Some Suggestions." American Literary History 20, no. 1-2 (January 23, 2008): 217–37.

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Corker, Mairian. "Disability Politics, Language Planning and Inclusive Social Policy." Disability & Society 15, no. 3 (May 2000): 445–62.

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Williams, Nerys. "The Science and Politics of Work Disability Prevention." Occupational Medicine 70, no. 6 (August 1, 2020): 451.

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Shakespeare, Tom, and Sarah Richardson. "The Sexual Politics of Disability, Twenty Years On." Scandinavian Journal of Disability Research 20, no. 1 (2018): 82–91.

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Hahn, Harlan. "The Politics of Physical Differences: Disability and Discrimination." Journal of Social Issues 44, no. 1 (April 1988): 39–47.

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Belser, Julia Watts. "Disability and the Social Politics of “Natural” Disaster." Worldviews 19, no. 1 (2015): 51–68.

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The stories we tell about crisis and catastrophe often intensify structural violence, augmenting existing dynamics of racism, sexism, classism, and ableism. Disaster stories often reinforce cultural narratives of suffering womanhood and tragic stories of disability to portray people with disabilities—especially women—as “natural” and “inevitable” victims of a harsh new world. Examining both contemporary rhetoric in the wake of Hurricane Katrina and classical rabbinic Jewish narrative, I argue that tales of communities in crisis commonly depoliticize disaster. By inscribing the disabled body with a narrative of “natural” vulnerabilities and inevitable suffering, conventional disaster discourse obscures the political significance of structural inequalities that render people with disabilities more at risk in disaster. Bringing together disability studies scholarship and Jewish feminist ethics, I challenge the discursive tendency to portray disabled individuals as symbols of suffering—and to focus on the pathos of an individual in distress instead of critiquing social inequality. I advocate a constructive, redemptive storytelling that illuminates and critiques social and political exclusion, that underscores the agency and dignity of people in crisis, that valorizes the disability justice movement’s call for interdependence in community, and that captures the artistry and resiliency of disabled lives.
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Ferri, Beth A. "Disability Life Writing and the Politics of Knowing." Teachers College Record: The Voice of Scholarship in Education 113, no. 10 (October 2011): 2267–82.

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Background/Context Scholars in disability studies in education, like scholars in other critical fields of inquiry, increasingly draw on a more interdisciplinary range of texts in their research and teaching, including art, fiction, film, and autobiography. Purpose/Objective/Research Question/Focus of Study The author asserts that contemporary disability life writing can and should be read with view to challenging a tangle of oppressive ideologies and destabilizing any claim to a normative or fixed center. Autobiography as a genre, however, requires a particular set of critical reading practices to fully illuminate myriad ways in which these texts can serve as important and politically grounded counternarratives to the dominant discourse. Read critically, these texts have the potential to unravel the myth of normalcy that undergirds so many of the exclusionary practices in education. Research Design Analytic essay. Conclusions/Recommendations A critical disability studies approach requires more than the infusion of different kinds of texts; it also requires the incorporation of diverse methods of analysis and theoretical framing of those texts in order to fully appreciate their transgressive potential.
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Okudolo, P. T. I., and V. Ojakorotu. "Politics, Disability Governance and Inclusiveness of Parasport Athletes in a Coronavirus Pandemic Aftermath in Africa: Observations from Nigeria." Journal of Intellectual Disability - Diagnosis and Treatment 9, no. 1 (March 12, 2021): 1–10.

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The paper evaluates politics and governance underlining disability inclusion development using reflections in parasport. Its thesis-of-thesis derives from the presentation of surveyed explanations from Nigerian stakeholders in the Paralympics sector to generalize for Africa. Before the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak, politics in Africa shows an abysmal scorecard in terms of combating discrimination against disabled persons. Accordingly, the continent's disability inclusiveness governance shows it is effectual. Thus, there is perhaps ample indication to adduce that sports politics will continually fail to achieve the inclusiveness of parasports athletes in a coronavirus epidemic aftermath. Using the Nigerian context, the paper gathers evidence from interviews with stakeholders and evaluative-secondary data in parasports concerning not only to responding to disability inclusion in sports but also to the wider politics of sustaining inclusiveness of Paralympic athletes in a post-COVID-19 era. The paper argues that the character of politics in Africa generally has not resulted in optimal investments, considerations, and willpower from political leaders to advance outcomes in the aspect of inclusivity of athletes with disabilities. It considers contextual factors that militate against achieving all-inclusiveness of disabled sports persons and how politics can be channelled to achieve their optimum well-being in the sports arena.
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Timár, J., and Sz Fabula. "Whose identity politics? – Lessons for emerging critical disability geography in Hungary." Geographica Helvetica 68, no. 3 (October 7, 2013): 171–79.

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Abstract. In response to the economic crisis in 2009, the Hungarian government reduced the level of support for the employment of impaired people. The withdrawal of this state support has not only resulted in a massive wave of dismissals, but has also transformed some peripheral settlements into spaces of resistance. The research presented in this paper was conducted to understand the nature of political actions organised in Békés County (one of Hungary's disadvantaged regions) in order to support the social employment of impaired people. By analysing these political actions we have highlighted certain contradictions of applying the concept of identity politics in a post-socialist context, and the advantages of a combined, biosocial model. On the one hand, the outline of the political and economic situation helped us understand that the analysed social protests only resembled identity politics. In reality, they may even have contributed to the reproduction of ableism. On the other hand, by integrating individual experiences into the social model of disability we could also reveal that according to our impaired interviewees, it is not only their impairments and/or disabilities that render daily life difficult. Their firm call for changes in both economic and regional policy suggests that the deliberate and combined use of identity and class politics would be particularly important. Overall, our results suggest that it is essential for scholars in Hungary to engage more strongly in critical disability geography and to thus help the approach take root and develop further.
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