Academic literature on the topic 'Political make-Up'

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Journal articles on the topic "Political make-Up"


Marshall, E. "USDA Holds Up Grants to Make a Political Point." Science 265, no. 5178 (September 9, 1994): 1518–19.

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Warntjen, Andreas, Simon Hix, and Christophe Crombez. "The party political make-up of EU legislative bodies1." Journal of European Public Policy 15, no. 8 (December 2008): 1243–53.

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Junxue, Lian. "The "Make-Up" Fever on Campus." Chinese Education & Society 26, no. 2 (March 1993): 71–75.

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Norwood, Dael A. "What Counts?: Political Economy, or Ways to Make Early America Add Up." Journal of the Early Republic 36, no. 4 (2016): 753–81.

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Strezhneva, M. V. "Make-up of fiscal integration in the European Union." Полис. Политические исследования, no. 2 (March 27, 2024): 151–64.

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The present article aims to expose current trends in fiscal integration in the EU. Its milestones are brought forward, with particular attention being paid to the “NextGenerationEU” recovery plan, the latter constituting Brussels' key response to the socio-economic crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The article evaluates whether this program is going to remain a temporary phenomenon and to what extent it can define the “new normal” for the Economic and Monetary Union. Due to the Ukrainian crisis, the suggestions are spelled out more insistently to provide Brussels with “fiscal capacity” or permanent fiscal mechanisms that could repel emerging challenges and threats. The question that is considered here is whether we can expect such perpetual tools to become future elements of a full-scale fiscal union, bringing the euro area closer to the contours of an optimum currency area. The influence of European institutions as initiators of the integration process and the involvement of non-governmental players in it have received wider coverage in the specialized literature. Thus, in this case the role played in the process of fiscal integration by national governments is explored in more detail. For this purpose, the theory of multilevel governance and, in particular, its “dynamic” version are applied. It proves useful for identifying cases and ways in which governments can maintain control over decisions made within the integration system. The analysis confirmed that the Union has no plans to increase the issuance of the EU debt in order to replace national borrowing, or to transfer taxes from the national to the supranational level. It can be expected that in the future more active EU borrowing in financial markets will be accompanied by the measure of institutional flexibility which has now been achieved due to an intergovernmental compromise. At the same time temporary tools like NGEU and SURE are unlikely to lead to the fiscal union being completely federalized.
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Kadyrov, Anvar. "CHARACTERISTICS OF POLITICAL MENTALITY OF ETHNIC UZBEKS." American Journal of Political Science Law and Criminology 6, no. 1 (January 1, 2024): 20–27.

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The article highlights the characteristics of the political mentality of the ethnic Uzbeks, who make up the majority of the population of the Central Asian region, in traditional and globalization conditions.
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Jafari, Aliakbar, and Pauline Maclaran. "Escaping into the World of Make-Up Routines in Iran." Sociological Review 62, no. 2 (May 2014): 359–82.

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Klein, Nadav, and Ed O’Brien. "People use less information than they think to make up their minds." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115, no. 52 (December 10, 2018): 13222–27.

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A world where information is abundant promises unprecedented opportunities for information exchange. Seven studies suggest these opportunities work better in theory than in practice: People fail to anticipate how quickly minds change, believing that they and others will evaluate more evidence before making up their minds than they and others actually do. From evaluating peers, marriage prospects, and political candidates to evaluating novel foods, goods, and services, people consume far less information than expected before deeming things good or bad. Accordingly, people acquire and share too much information in impression-formation contexts: People overvalue long-term trials, overpay for decision aids, and overwork to impress others, neglecting the speed at which conclusions will form. In today’s information age, people may intuitively believe that exchanging ever-more information will foster better-informed opinions and perspectives—but much of this information may be lost on minds long made up.
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Korris, M. "Standing up for Scrutiny: How and Why Parliament Should Make Better Law." Parliamentary Affairs 64, no. 3 (June 3, 2011): 564–74.

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Black, Antony. "Political Languages In Later Medieval Europe." Studies in Church History. Subsidia 9 (1991): 313–28.

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Certain aspects of both major and minor political writings in later medieval Europe remain intrinsically puzzling. Michael Wilks, in his seminal work on the ‘Problem of Sovereignty’ in this period called the later medieval and early modern epochs an ‘age of confusion’. One problem may be summed up as (1) What difference did Aristotle make? Ullmann argued that Aristotle made it possible to construct a plausible case for ‘the ascending’ (that is, quasi-democratic) view of authority. In that case, as Wilks persistently enquires: Why did defenders of papal monarchy make such free, prolific use of Aristotle?
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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Political make-Up"


Waguespack, Jason. "An Examination of Voter Groups That Make Up the Emerging Democratic Majority Thesis." ScholarWorks@UNO, 2015.

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In 2002, John Judis and Ruy Teixeira published The Emerging Democratic Majority, a book that postulated that the United States was in the beginning of a political realignment that would spell the end of the Reagan-era coalition that gave Republicans an electoral advantage on the presidency. The authors claimed an electorate that would favor the Democratic Party would emerge to take its place. Since Senator Barack Obama’s victory in the 2008 presidential election was powered by a coalition that looked much like the one Judis and Teixeira described, it appeared the authors’ thesis was being borne out by actual election results. However, the events of the 2000s and early 2010s have lent both credibility and doubt to this possible realignment, and have drawn attention to the problems of regular realignment theory. Exploring the premise laid out by Judis and Teixeira from their work, The Emerging Democratic Majority, as well as observations about the changing composition of the American electorate, I analyze key groups in the American electorate to determine if these groups are trending more Democratic in presidential and congressional races since the 1988 presidential election. Findings showed several of these groups regularly supported Democratic candidates but did not consistently trend to the Democrats from year to year. Changes across time often depended on match-ups of nonconsecutive years, with Democrats in the year 2008 drawing especially strong support from hypothesized voter groups. While Democrats can count on the support of groups such as voters who achieve high levels of college education or voters with secular outlooks on life, their success still depends highly on candidate quality and advantage on issues and cannot be taken for granted.
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Hügelmann, Bendix [Verfasser]. "Political Influencers? How voters make up their minds in the age of social media and digital communications / Bendix Hügelmann." Hamburg : Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Hamburg Carl von Ossietzky, 2021.

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Bonelli, Valentina <1994&gt. "Leadership for children. Education and freedom: the importance of primary education as fundamental human right, in order to make the emancipation of the individual possible and to achieve the creation of a free and democratic society. Analysis of the development of this concept, born in the Enlightenment, achievements and defeats of these theories and progress of this goal up to the present days." Master's Degree Thesis, Università Ca' Foscari Venezia, 2019.

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La seguente tesi vuole produrre un'analisi sull'importanza dell'educazione come diritto umano fondamentale. Grazie all'istruzione, infatti, è possibile dotare ogni essere umano dei mezzi necessari per sviluppare la sua propria indipendenza di pensiero, che gli permetterà di ragionare criticamente ed essere libero. Inoltre, grazie all'istruzione, ogni persona sarà consapevole dei propri diritti e doveri e potrà concorrere alla propria libertà e alla costruzione di una società più equa e giusta. Questa tesi si propone di ricercare le radici di questa affermazione (nell'Illuminismo e nella Rivoluzione Francese) e vedere come storicamente si è affrontato il problema mediante il diritto internazionale e le organizzazioni internazionali, fino a giungere alla società attuale e alle sfide tutt'ora aperte riguardanti la diffusione dell'istruzione elementare come diritto umano e come mezzo per il raggiungimento della libertà.
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Foughali, Hana. "L'éclatement du plafond de verre ? Entre maquillage politique et gender patchworking identitaire : visions du monde et vie professionnelle de femmes cadres supérieures et dirigeantes." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Université Paris Cité, 2023.

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Cette thèse interroge la persistance d'un malaise professionnel, symptôme d'un « plafond de verre symbolique », au-delà du « plafond de verre » (hiérarchique), à travers les visions du monde de femmes cadres supérieures et dirigeantes. Par le biais du découplage potentiel entre les vécus hétéronomes de ces femmes et les pratiques managériales des trois entreprises observées, ce travail analyse également les raisons latentes de cette persistance, ainsi que la manière dont la protestation ou l'adaptation à ces situations de malaise, vécues par ces femmes, peuvent se manifester au sein des institutions. Trois hypothèses guident l'explication : vécu corporel, dimension culturelle et auto-plafonnement (autolimitation). Mobilisant une démarche phénoménologique, parfois avec des traits s'apparentant à une démarche praxéologique, cette recherche combine plusieurs types de matériaux et d'approches théoriques nourris par différentes disciplines. Les résultats montrent que, nonobstant l'enthousiasme égalitaire mis en avant par les entreprises analysées, elles semblent davantage préposées à améliorer leur image publique qu'à apporter des changements substantiels. La structure n'a pas véritablement changé malgré ce « maquillage politique » : ce sont les femmes qui se sont adaptées, en adhérant à la mobilisation de leur subjectivité et en acceptant de se conformer à la « neutralité masculine ». Si elles se sont appropriées hiérarchiquement du pouvoir, elles continuent cependant symboliquement à le subir, à travers notamment un processus d' « empowerment par procuration ». Alimentée par divers facteurs, la persistance d'un malaise professionnel bride les femmes cadres supérieures et dirigeantes dans une double contingence : à la fois capitaliste « cage d'acier » et patriarcale « corset invisible ». Dans cette situation professionnelle, pétrie de contraintes, de « shaming patriarcal » et d'autorisations de comportements sexistes accordées par la structure via un « pass misogyne », ces femmes se retrouvent coincées dans un mode de vie solidement établi, qu'elles ont consciemment créé et qui est conforme à la raison instrumentale qu'elles ont désirée. Elles n'ont pas d'autres possibilités que de s'adapter, en ayant recours à un « gender patchworking identitaire ». Quatre visions du monde découlent de cette adaptation : Caméléon, Ladyboss, Olympe et Cosette
This thesis examines the persistence of a professional malaise, symptomatic of a "symbolic glass ceiling", over and above the (hierarchical) "glass ceiling", through the worldviews of female senior managers and executives. Through the potential decoupling between the heteronomous experiences of these women and the managerial practices of the three companies observed, this work also analyses the latent reasons for this persistence, as well as the way in which protest against or adaptation to these situations of malaise, experienced by these women, may manifest themselves within the institutions. This thesis examins three hypotheses: bodily experience, cultural dimension, and self-ceiling (self-restraint). Using a phenomenological approach, sometimes with features resembling a praxeological approach, this research combines several types of material and theoretical approaches cultivated by different disciplines. Notwithstanding the egalitarian enthusiasm put forward by the companies analysed, the results show that the companies seem to focus more on improving their public image than to bring about substantial change. The structure has not really changed "political make-up". In fact, it is the women who have adapted, by adhering to the mobilisation of their subjectivity and accepting a mould of "masculine neutrality". Hierarchically they have appropriated power, but symbolically they continue to be subjected to these standards, notably through a process of "empowerment by proxy". Fuelled by a variety of factors, the persistence of a professional malaise traps female senior managers and executives in a double contingency; a capitalist "steel cage" and a patriarchal "invisible corset". In this professional situation, full of constraints and 'patriarchal shaming' as well as authorisations for sexist behaviour, granted by a "misogynist pass", these women find themselves trapped in a firmly established lifestyle, which they have consciously created, and which conforms to the instrumental reason they so desired. They have no choice but to conform, by resorting to "gender patchworking identity". Four worldviews emerge from this adaptation: Caméléon, Ladyboss, Olympe and Cosette
Questa tesi di dottorato esamina la persistenza di un malessere professionale, sintomatico di un "soffitto di vetro simbolico", al di là del "soffitto di vetro" (gerarchico), attraverso le visioni del mondo delle donne senior manager e dirigenti. Attraverso il potenziale disaccoppiamento tra le esperienze eteronome di queste donne e le pratiche manageriali delle tre aziende osservate, questo lavoro analizza anche le ragioni latenti di questa persistenza, nonché il modo in cui la protesta o l'adattamento a queste situazioni di malessere, vissute da queste donne, possono manifestarsi all'interno delle aziende. Tre ipotesi guidano la spiegazione: l'esperienza corporea, la dimensione culturale e l'autosoffitto (l'auto-limitazione). I risultati mostrano che, nonostante l'entusiasmo egualitario introdotto dalle aziende analizzate, questo sembra servire più a migliorare la loro immagine pubblica che a produrre un cambiamento sostanziale. La struttura non ha realmente cambiato "trucco politico", sono le donne che si sono adattate aderendo alla mobilitazione della loro e accettando uno stampo di "neutralità maschile". Si sono appropriate del potere gerarchico, ma simbolicamente continuano a subirlo, attraverso un processo di "empowerment per procura". Alimentata da una serie di fattori, la persistenza di un malessere professionale intrappola le donne dirigenti e manager in una doppia contingenza: la "gabbia d'acciaio" capitalista e il "corsetto invisibile" patriarcale in questa situazione professionale, piena di vincoli e di "shaming patriarcale" e di autorizzazioni a comportamenti sessisti, concessi dalla struttura attraverso un "pass misogino", queste donne si trovano intrappolate in uno stile di vita saldamente stabilito, che hanno consapevolmente creato e che si conforma alla ragione strumentale che hanno desiderato, non hanno altra scelta che adattarsi, ricorrendo al "gender patchworking d'identità". Da questo adattamento emergono quattro visioni del mondo: Caméléon, Ladyboss, Olympe e Cosette
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Kampf, Raymond William. "Fauxtopia." VCU Scholars Compass, 2004.

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To all who come to this fictitious place:Welcome.Fauxtopia is your land. Here, age relives distorted memories of the past, and here, youth may savor the challenge of trying to understand the present. Fauxtopia is made up of the ideals, the dreams and the fuzzy facts which have re-created reality... with the hope that it will be a source of edutainment for all the world.Ray KampfFauxtopia DedicationApril 1st, 2004
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Nogueira, Leila de Mello Yañez. "Estabilidade versus flexibilidade: a dicotomia necessária à inovação na gestão de recursos humanos em uma organização pública, estatal eestratégica como Bio-Manguinhos / Fiocruz." reponame:Repositório Institucional da FIOCRUZ, 2009.

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Este trabalho propõe analisar o fenômeno da terceirização desenvolvido ao longo das duas últimas décadas em Bio-Manguinhos. Trata-se de um estudo de caso realizado na unidade de produção de vacinas e reagentes para diagnóstico da Fundação Oswaldo Cruz. Inicialmente foi realizado um estudo de cenário, analisando a política de gestão do trabalho desenvolvida pelo Estado brasileiro para as instituições públicas. A seguir, a análise passou a verificar a inserção da Fiocruz nessas políticas, desde a sua criação e no decorrer de vigência de diferentes formas de contratação, alternando da extrema rigidez para a total flexibilidade sempre com foco na gestão do trabalho, e, como essas políticas se refletiram no desempenho de Bio-Manguinhos. Baseado no contexto da conformação do Estado e na análise do desempenho da unidade, o trabalho critica a falta de planejamento e de prospecção dessas políticas, que favoreça a inovação de processos, produtos e procedimentos e o desempenho pleno de uma unidade de produção de insumos para a saúde, tão necessários ao atendimento das necessidades da população brasileira. Critica também, a ausência de um modelo de Estado consolidado que sirva de arcabouço à formulação dessas políticas. Devido às fortes críticas dos órgãos de controle acerca da extrapolação dos limites da terceirização praticada nas últimas duas décadas e à falta de definição clara desses marcos legais, o trabalho apresenta uma metodologia baseada nas atribuições dos cargos do plano de carreiras da Fiocruz e culmina com a apresentação de uma matriz de atribuições passíveis de serem realizadas por contratação indireta. Conclui pela necessidade de convivência de dois quadros de trabalhadores: um permanente formado por servidores, estáveis e de carreira e outro flexível, executado por contratação indireta, de caráter eventual, temporário ou de apoio às atividades relacionadas à missão de Bio-Manguinhos. O trabalho ainda sugere a aplicação da mesma metodologia às demais unidades da Fiocruz e que a instituição afirme, frente aos órgãos de controle, quais atividades que ela precisa manter no quadro de servidores permanente e quais ela quer delegar a terceiros sem contudo, ferir a legislação vigente. Por fim, constata-se que a metodologia apresentada ameniza, mas não resolve o problema, dessa forma, recomenda-se à Fiocruz buscar mecanismos que altere o modelo de gestão pelo qual está submetida a fim de viabilizar as duas formas de incorporação de mão-de-obra.
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Books on the topic "Political make-Up"


You couldn't make it up. London: Heinemann, 1995.

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Littlejohn, Richard. You couldn't make it up. London: Mandarin, 1996.

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Chinni, Dante. Our patchwork nation: The 12 distinct types of communities that make up America (and what they can teach us). New York: Gotham Books, 2010.

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Cry havoc: 'when I set out to overthrow an African tyrant, I knew I would either make billions or end up getting shot ... '. Johannesburg: Jonathan Ball, 2011.

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Walsh, Paul. Will Al Franken and Bill O'Reilly please shut up: How to make millions as a liberal or conservative. Convent Station, NJ: Tammany Press, 2004.

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You Couldn't Make It Up. Pickwick Group Limited (ABM), 1999.

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Growing up Democratic: Does It Make a Difference? Rienner Publishers, Lynne, 2016.

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Spiller, Tatton. Breakdown: How to Make Sense of Politics in a Messed-Up World. Elliott & Thompson, Limited, 2019.

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Duffy, Paddy. That's a Bit Irish Ridiculous but True Political Stories That You Couldn't Make Up. Hachette Ireland, 2013.

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Make Trouble: Standing Up, Speaking Out, and Finding the Courage to Lead. Simon & Schuster, 2018.

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Book chapters on the topic "Political make-Up"


Zaphiriou-Zarifi, Heba. "History, the orphan of our time, or the timeless stories that make up history." In Political Passions and Jungian Psychology, 134–51. Abingdon, Oxon; New York, NY: Routledge, 2021.: Routledge, 2020.

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Josefsson, Jonathan. "Political Strategies of Self-representation: The Case of Young Afghan Migrants in Sweden." In The Politics of Children’s Rights and Representation, 275–99. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2023.

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AbstractIn this chapter, I explore how children and youth make use of particular strategies of self-representation to seek political representation. I do so by taking my point of departure in a group of young Afghan migrants in Sweden and their political mobilization for their right to residency permits. In dialogue with debates in political theory around democracy and representation, I examine how young political actors contest and recast dominant regimes of political representation to claim political space and a voice of their own. Focus is put on the ways in which various actors struggle over the authority to represent and give meaning to the interests, rights, and well-being of young migrants and how these processes of representing children and youth become politically productive. Four different strategies are identified and suggested to constitute a politics of self-representation: Rejecting previous forms of representation; establishing, shaping, and controlling political identity; creating political space; making opponents and allies. Based on these empirical observations, I argue that the mobilizations of young non-citizens against deportation reveal a critical dimension to the politics of childhood, namely, how the strategies of self-representation used by children and youth disrupt current legal and political orders and open up new avenues for political representation.
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Anders, Lisa H. "Promoting the Active Citizenship of Young People in Peripheral Regions: Recommendations for EU Key Players." In The Future of Europe, 225–35. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2023.

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AbstractIn light of the growing political disengagement of youth, this chapter presents four recommendations on how the Commission and the European Parliament can improve EU youth policies to promote the active citizenship of young people in peripheral regions. Firstly, given the central role that information plays for active citizenship, EU actors need to better tailor knowledge transfer to the needs of young people. Secondly, they need to enhance citizenship competences and political efficacy through meaningful local participation projects that are linked to the EU-level. Thirdly, to guarantee the long-lasting effect of these projects, EU actors should make project funding more reliable, for instance by extending funding periods or lowering the hurdles for follow-up projects. Last but not least, the inclusiveness of bottom-up dialogue formats needs to be further improved to make sure that the EU youth policy goals are connected to the diverse living conditions and needs of young people across the Union.
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Marcheschi, Daniela. "David Sassoli: Europa, Europa!" In Libere carte, 111–13. Florence: Firenze University Press, 2023.

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David Sassoli has best interpreted the great Italian tradition of Europeanism, which had in Giuseppe Mazzini, Vincenzo Gioberti, Altiero Spinelli and Ernesto G. Rossi, the highest and most concrete theoretical and political expressions of the contemporary age. Europe means democracy, therefore freedom, social justice, solidarity among the peoples and within the peoples that make up the European Union. It means building and looking upwards towards peace.
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Marcheschi, Daniela. "David Sassoli: Europa, Europa!" In Libere carte, 111–13. Florence: Firenze University Press, 2023.

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David Sassoli has best interpreted the great Italian tradition of Europeanism, which had in Giuseppe Mazzini, Vincenzo Gioberti, Altiero Spinelli and Ernesto G. Rossi, the highest and most concrete theoretical and political expressions of the contemporary age. Europe means democracy, therefore freedom, social justice, solidarity among the peoples and within the peoples that make up the European Union. It means building and looking upwards towards peace.
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Tausch, Arno. "The Empirical Results of Our Empirical Study." In Political Islam and Religiously Motivated Political Extremism, 45–75. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2023.

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AbstractThe study clearly shows that identification with Turkey and Iran, with a political Islam that also influences elections and results in a theocracy, promotes religious and gender discrimination and advocates an Islamist interpretation of Islam, are very much the most important, interrelated syndromes of political Islam, which together explain more than 50% of the total variance of the 24 model variables used. If the states of Europe want to win the fight against jihadism, they must work closely with the moderate Arab states, such as Egypt, Jordan, Morocco, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and other Arab Gulf states, and be aware that, on a population-weighted basis, 41% of all Arabs now view the Muslim Brotherhood, which is the strongest and most coherent force in political Islam today, negatively or very negatively. According to the data brought to light here, only 7% of people in the Arab world now have a high level of trust in their country's Islamist movement, while 14% have some trust, 19% have little trust, but 60% have no trust. Our overall index—Overcoming political Islam shows that Morocco and Tunisia are the top performers, while Iraq and Sudan bring up the rear. Following an important study by Falco and Rotondi (2016), we also explore the question of whether political Islam is more prevalent or less prevalent among the more than 20% of the Arab population who plan to emigrate in the coming years than among the population as a whole. Far from feeding alarmist horror scenarios, our evaluation shows firstly that Falco and Rotondi (2016) are correct in their thesis that among potential migrants to the West, political Islam is certainly less pronounced than among the Arab population as a whole. On a population-weighted basis, only 13.11% of potential migrants to the West openly state that they trust the country-specific Islamist movement. In the second part of our empirical evaluations, we explore religiously motivated political extremism (RMPE) by international comparison on the basis of the following items of the World Values Survey, which are sparse but nevertheless available on this topic: The proportion of the global population who favour religious authorities in interpreting the law while accepting political violence is alarmingly high in various parts of the world and is raising fears of numerous conflicts in the coming years in an increasingly unstable world system. It amounts to more than half of the adult population in Tajikistan (the international record holder), and Malaysia and some non-Muslim-majority countries. In many countries, including NATO and EU member states, it is an alarming 25–50%, and we mention here the Muslim-majority countries Iraq, Lebanon, Bangladesh, Kazakhstan, Nigeria and Indonesia. It is 15–25% even in core countries of the Western security architecture, but also in the Muslim-majority countries: Pakistan, Iran and Tunisia. Only in the best-ranked countries, among them the Muslim-majority countries Albania, Egypt, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kyrgyzstan, Azerbaijan and Jordan, the potentially fatal combination of mixing religion and law and accepting political violence has a relatively small following of less than 15%. In the sense of the theses of the late Harvard economist Alberto Alesina (1957–2020), social trust is an essential general production factor of any social order, and the institutions of national security of the democratic West would do well to make good use of this capital of trust that also exists among Muslims living in the West.
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Rieppel, Lukas. "Earth Science and Extractive Capitalism in the Age of Empire." In Historiographies of Science, 1–24. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2024.

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AbstractThis chapter situates the practice of geology within the history of European imperialism, arguing that the earth sciences are deeply bound up with the political economy of extractive capitalism. On a mundane level, the practice of geology primarily consists of extracting specimen collections from far-flung parts of the world to make broader claims about the history, morphology, and physical structure of the earth. In addition, the earth sciences also developed in tandem with the imperial project of resource extraction. In what follows, I draw out these connections by offering a schematic history of geology that links the practice of science to the political economy of extractive capitalism.
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Fossum, John Erik. "The institutional make-up of Europe’s segmented political order." In Towards a Segmented European Political Order, 22–43. Routledge, 2019.

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Richter, Irving. "The Trade Union Group of the Parliamentary Labour Party: Its Make-up and Philosophy." In Political Purpose in Trade Unions, 129–45. Routledge, 2018.

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Romilly, Jacqueline de. "Political Debut." In The Life of Alcibiades, translated by Elizabeth Trapnell Rawlings, 35–51. Cornell University Press, 2019.

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This chapter details Alcibiades' entry into politics. The first mention of Alcibiades in Thucydides' work refers to the year 420 BCE. Thucydides' introduction lacks the personal charm found in Plato, but it goes straight to the heart of the man's character. The juxtaposition of contrasting motives—the future of Athens versus the promotion of self-interest—is found throughout the work of Thucydides whenever Alcibiades is involved: in the Sicilian expedition and later during the action in Asia Minor. Once the subject of politics was brought up, all the flaws and insults were erased as compared with the ambition that would lead Alcibiades to the pinnacle of success and the depths of disaster. Alcibiades intended to become general, and without delay. In fact, he was elected in the same year, 420 BCE. The chapter also describes the Peloponnesian War, which provided Alcibiades an opportunity to make his name and he did not let the opportunity escape him. However, the war was more than an occasion of brilliant conduct for a young man like Alcibiades; it led him to make some critical decisions about the conduct of his affairs. The chapter then considers the Argive alliance.
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Conference papers on the topic "Political make-Up"


Luiz Gradischnig, Eduardo, Vanessa Petró, and Vinicius Hartmann Ferreira. "O Uso de Tecnologias Cívicas no Vale do Caí." In Computer on the Beach. São José: Universidade do Vale do Itajaí, 2021.

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The Internet is one of the main ways of interaction, production and consumption of content. The active participation of individuals in this environment, disseminating ideas and defending or proposing political agendas, can be considered as a new form of social mobilization, especially in the current pandemic context in which social distance is recommended. Based on this, this article presents the results of a project that aimed to investigate and learn about popular participation in the administrative sphere through the Internet in the municipalities that make up the Vale do Caí region. To achieve this goal, through exploratory research and a qualitative approach, all available technologies were mapped for citizens to participate in the political life of the 20 municipalities that make up the region from the websites of their prefectures. The analysis of these technologies is essential to understand how the interaction between the government and the citizen occurs in the Vale do Caí region.
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Cárcel-Carrasco, Javier, Elisa Peñalvo-López, José Ramón Albiol Ibañez, and Jaime Langa Sanchís. "Work-based learning system to up-skilling construction workers in wood construction methods for energy efficient buildings." In INNODOCT 2021. Valencia: Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2021.

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Nowadays, the use of wood is becoming increasingly relevant in the field of construction and design, and as a result, this material is becoming essential in construction materials market. However, the current skills of workers and apprentices are not up to the new demands of the market, and this is because the knowledge and skills obtained through the WBL do not meet the needs in the workplace for timber constructions and workings. In addition, strict renovation requirements and political measures that seek to stimulate the transformation of existing buildings make this lack of skills even more noticeable. Thus, in this article we will see how this UP-WOOD project proposes to pay attention to the need of improving skills and abilities in this sector, through a work-based learning system VET (Vocational Education and Training), so current and future demand of efficient energetic solutions can be solved.
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Boschele, Marco. "EU Innovation Performance Policies and the Economic Crisis: Innovation Policy and the Political Failure of Italy." In International Conference on Eurasian Economies. Eurasian Economists Association, 2014.

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At EU level, measures to promote research and innovation became concrete with the creation of the European Research Area and the issuing of the White Paper on Governance in 2001. These were measures to tackle low economic growth and unemployment and to boost European innovation with the aid of science and technology. Nevertheless, the economic crisis of late 2008 has halted this process and exposed the lack of convergence across European and neighbour countries in innovative performance. Moreover, economically more affected countries have abandoned innovation policies as part of the austerity policies precisely dictated by the EU bureaucrats. This paper first discusses the EU policies towards the creation of the knowledge society and the effect of the crisis in relation to research and development. Secondly, the paper will analyze the case of Italy and how it has failed to keep up with some of its other European neighbours in terms of investment on knowledge, arguing that lack of such investment make countries less equipped and more dependent on knowledge generated in other places.
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Licite, Ieva, and Dina Popluga. "THE MAPPING OF CLIMATE AND AGRICULTURAL POLICIES TARGETING ORGANIC SOIL MANAGEMENT: CASE STUDY FROM LATVIA." In 22nd SGEM International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference 2022. STEF92 Technology, 2022.

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Organic soil management and related climate and agriculture policy planning is emerging issue globally, at European Union (EU) level and nationally, especially for organic soil rich countries like Latvia and in a light of movement towards climate neutrality by 2050. Relatively small proportion of these soils by area significantly impact greenhouse gas (GHG) emission balance of many European countries including Latvia where organic soil management related GHG emissions make up to one third of GHG emissions associated with agriculture land management. Organic soil can act either as an effective carbon storage or as considerable source of greenhouse gas emissions. The effect achieved largely depends on the management practices applied and considering importance of agriculture support system - also on agriculture and climate policy planning. In this study we analyze top-down policy and legislative framework of organic soil management in Latvia to detect development pattern of the political importance of organic soil and to map normative and policy framework around this issue. We found that international policies, i.e. United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and related European level agriculture and Climate policies i.e. European Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) and Climate policy are drivers of organic soil management at national level. Study results show genesis of the organic soil issue, map political time frame and suggest further development needs.
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Haydaroğlu, Ceyhun, and Çağdaş Zarplı. "Is Eurasia Energy Association Possible?" In International Conference on Eurasian Economies. Eurasian Economists Association, 2010.

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The end of the Soviet hegemony over the Eurasia region after the dissolution of Soviet Union and the terrorist attacks targeting the USA in 11 September 2001, posed a threat for energy transfer. In addition to these, the instable situation in the Middle East brings forward the search for the alternate energy sources. The interest in the energy issue was directed to Eurasia from Middle East. The integration attempts such as energy association between the countries in the Eurasia region, lead up to utilize the resources they have more productively and economic development by promoting the trade within the region. The solution seeking of the countries in Eurasia to the problems in the region and the survival attempts in the growing global competition gave cause for the necessity to make regional cooperation agreements between countries in the region. Considering the fact that the nations in the Eurasia should utilize the resources in the Eurasia in spite of the fact that the USA uses force, the local constituent of Eurasia began to respond. In this context, the object of the study is to develop a point of view for establishing Eurasia Energy Association by discussing the possibility of the integration attempts in the region in a political and economic sense. Solutions will be offered in the following steps with a situation analysis of political and economic conditions necessary for establishing a Eurasia Energy Association, obstacles to establish the desired energy association in the Eurasia region and the encouraging facts.
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Leitold, Herbert. "Supporting Decision Making and Policy Through Large Scale Pilots." In Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics Conference. AHFE International, 2019.

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Under the European Commission’s ICT Policy Support Programme (ICT-PSP) so-called Large Scale Pilots (LSPs) have been launched to advance cross-border interoperability in key policy areas like eID, eHealth, eProcurement, eJustice or the Services Directive. Member States (MS) collaborated to make their existing services interoperable. The first LSPs started in 2008 and impressive results have meanwhile been achieved. Although being technical projects, key hurdles that had to be overcome wasn’t technology, but legal and operational issues, understanding the legacy and administrative cultures in the participating states, or governance of results. This paper will focus on those aspects. Taking the LSP STORK as an example, the experience made on decision making in such complex initiatives is discussed. The paper will discuss what activities preceded the piloting, like the ministerial declaration that expressed the political will, how the LSP was set up to implement it, and how it led to policy initiative like the upcoming Regulation on electronic identification and trust services for electronic transactions in the internal market (eIDAS).
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TUĞLUK, Mehmet Emin. "A COMPETITION TO FIND AN EQUAL TO THE TWELVE FOREIGN WORDS ORGANIZED BY THE ŞEHBÂL MAGAZINE (1909-1914)." In 3. International Congress of Language and Literature. Rimar Academy, 2021.

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One of the important magazines of the Second Constitutional period was the magazine Şehbâl, which was published between 14 March 1909 and 14 July 1914. Political events and comments in Şehbâl magazine; culture, literature, music; painting, sculpture, architecture; health,sport; inventions and inventions, discoveries, accounting, humor, fashion, make-up, embroidery, housework; articles on many subjects such as information about new publications and selections from English, French, German and American magazines have been published. Another important feature of Şehbâl magazine is that it organizes competitions on various subjects. One of these competitions organized by the Magazine is The Competition to Find an Equal to The Twelve Foreign Words In this competition, it was requested to find the equivalents of the words bibliographie, boycottage, caprice, caricature, clup, conference, concert, decor, monologue, paradoxe, surprise, taximetre. Various words were suggested to this competition by 517 people. However, none of the suggested words are used in standard Turkey Turkish instead of the desired word. However, this competition is important in terms of showing the influence of foreign languages on Turkish and the awareness and resistance shown against this influence. Key words: Şehbâl Magazine, Competition, Second Constitutional, Foreign Languages, Turkish Equivalent.
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Weller, Paul. "ROBUSTNESS AND CIVILITY: THEMES FROM FETHULLAH GÜLEN AS RESOURCE AND CHALLENGE FOR GOVERNMENT, MUSLIMS AND CIVIL SOCIETY IN THE UNITED KINGDOM." In Muslim World in Transition: Contributions of the Gülen Movement. Leeds Metropolitan University Press, 2007.

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The 7/7 (2005) attack on London Transport by Muslims brought up in the UK shocked the Government, many Muslims, and the wider civil society. Subsequently, the UK’s ‘multi- culturalist’ policy consensus has been subject to intensive questioning. Politicians and some parts of civil society have challenged a perceived ‘separatism’ among Muslims; emphasised a need for shared values and social cohesion; and advocated the promotion of ‘moderate Islam’ and ‘moderate Muslims’. This paper argues that, in legitimising simplistic distinctions between ‘good’ (understood as ‘liberal’ or ‘modernist’) and ‘bad’ or ‘suspect’ (understood as ‘traditionalist’, ‘radical’ or ‘fundamentalist’) Muslims and forms of Islam, there is a risk of eliding the condemnation of terrorist crimes conducted on religious grounds into the criminalisation, or at least social marginalisation, of religious conservatism and/or radicalism. This approach, it is argued, is more likely to undermine the development of inclusive approaches to the common good and that what is needed instead are authentically Islamic approaches that can offer both a resource and a challenge to Government, Muslims and the wider civil society. Finally, it is argued that such resource and challenge can be found in themes from Fethullah Gülen’s teaching. Gülen, on Islamic grounds, condemns terrorism in the name of religion. Further, being rooted in a confident Ottoman Muslim civilisational heritage and having during the period of the Turkish Republic engaged with both ideological ‘secularism’ and political ‘Islamism’, he also offers a critique of the political instrumentalisation of Islam while ar- guing for an active Muslim engagement with the wider (religious and secular) society based on a distinctive Islamic vision characterised by a robustness and civility that could make a positive contribution in the present UK context.
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Adedapo, Adeyemi. "Perception of Postgraduate Distance Learners on the Virtual Examinations of the National Open University of Nigeria." In Tenth Pan-Commonwealth Forum on Open Learning. Commonwealth of Learning, 2022.

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As the extension of the lockdown period of Covid-19 that was declared as a pandemic persisted, the problem of conducting face-to-face teaching-learning process was overcome with online classes. Examinations that are used to make decisions about an individual learner’s progress could not hold as the pandemic continued. The National Open University of Nigeria (NOUN) being an open and distance learning institution came up with the resolution of conducting on-demand virtual examinations for distance learners in 2020 but a few numbers of them participated and this called for attention. The study investigated perception of distance learners of the NOUN on the virtual examinations. The descriptive survey design was adopted and 247 participants of the NOUN were randomly sampled in all the six geo-political zones. Two research questions were stated to guide the study. Data were collected using a survey questionnaire. Reliability and validity of the instrument were ensured. Data obtained were analysed using descriptive and inferential statistics. Findings revealed that majority of the respondents perceived the virtual examination to be highly beneficial, secure and credible and devoid of missing scores, immoral and unethical practices. It was recommended that university authorities should embrace the new norm of global digital development to be relevant for quality virtual examinations.
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Lee, Wooju, and Dung Nguyen Thi Phuong. "HUMAN RESOURCES COOPERATION PLAN BETWEEN KOREA AND VIETNAM FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT." In International Conference on Political Theory: The International Conference on Human Resources for Sustainable Development. Bach Khoa Publishing House, 2023.

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"Research purpose: Korea and Vietnam are actively engaged in human resource exchanges and are economically interdependent. Many Vietnamese people study or export labor in Korea, and many Korean companies and private businesses hire Vietnamese employees while doing business in Vietnam, and many Korean employees are working in Vietnam. It would be better if the two countries could make up for and cooperate with each other in using human resources to expand good jobs, boost industrial growth, innovation, and economic growth together. Therefore, by analyzing the current status of human resources and cooperation in both countries for sustainable development, we would like to find out how to cooperate in a way that is helpful to both countries. Research motivation: Diplomatic relations between Korea and Vietnam, the relationship between Korea and Vietnam has grown significantly, including the volume of trade between the two countries, Korea's investment in Vietnam, the number of Vietnamese labor exports to Korea, and the number of Koreans staying in Vietnam. In the wake of the 30th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Korea and Vietnam last year and the upgrade to a comprehensive strategic partnership, both countries should now pay attention not only to quantitative growth but also to qualitative growth for sustainable development of the two countries. Therefore, the basis for this is people, and the author selected ""human resources cooperation plan between Korea and Vietnam for sustainable development"" as the subject of the study. Research design, approach, and method: Find out the current status of manpower exchange between Korea and Vietnam, and analyze the characteristics of manpower exchange, factors and problems affecting manpower exchange, and parts that need to be supplemented. Main findings: Among foreigners staying on work visas in Korea, the number of Vietnamese is 39,477, the second highest after Chinese nationals, and 27,286 are employed under the employment permit system, accounting for the highest proportion of the total employed, accounting for 69%. However, the Korean government has operated the employment permit system mainly in regulations, resulting in many side effects such as mass production of illegal residents, and even when returning to Vietnam after working in Korea, the experience of working in Korea is often not available in Vietnam. The number of Korean companies invested in Vietnam and Koreans residing in Vietnam also increased significantly. Korean companies are having difficulty securing the necessary manpower due to the strict requirements for issuing workingr permits, even though Korean companies need the role of middle managers in order to smoothly pursue their business in Vietnam. And the number of Vietnamese studying abroad in Korea and the number of Koreans studying in Vietnam are both increasing, and the number of Korean language majors in Vietnam is also increasing, but there is a lack of specific ways to utilize these programs after the end of their curriculum. Practical/managerial implications: In order to support employers suffering from labor shortages and Vietnamese workers in poor conditions, it is necessary to ease regulations on the employment permit system quota system and to help Vietnamese workers dispatched to Korea use what they learned in Korea after returning home. In addition, it is necessary to ease and implement the work permit requirements for Koreans working as middle managers in Korean companies operating in Vietnam. And after the end of studying abroad in Vietnam in Korea, it is necessary to find employment for companies lacking professional manpower, and to expand the provision of training opportunities at Korean companies for the increased number of Vietnamese students majoring in Korean."
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Reports on the topic "Political make-Up"


Santoro, Fabrizio, Laura Munoz, Wilson Prichard, and Giulia Mascagi. Digital Financial Services and Digital IDs: What Potential do They Have for Better Taxation in Africa? Institute of Development Studies (IDS), February 2022.

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New digital technologies are now being widely used in Africa and lower-income countries (LICs). This has had an impact on tax administration, which has been increasingly digitised. Specifically Digital Financial Services (DFS) and digital IDs can improve tax administration. They have the potential to identify taxpayers more easily, communicate with them better, enforce and monitor compliance, and reduce compliance costs. While the potential is clear, existing literature indicates some of the barriers. Take-up of digital technology is still low due to barriers. Also, when taking up the technology, taxpayers often tend to adopt various measures to minimise tax payments. Within tax administrations there are challenges to accessibility and use of quality data. Mistakes can be made when launching digitisation, and there are regulatory and political barriers for effective use of digital technology. Given this context, this paper summarises key questions that are relevant for research and policy development to make more effective use of digital technology in tax administration in Africa and LICs.
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Pearce, Fred. Common Ground: Securing land rights and safeguarding the earth. Rights and Resources Initiative, March 2016.

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Up to 2.5 billion people depend on indigenous and community lands, which make up over 50 percent of the land on the planet; they legally own just one-fifth. The remaining land remains unprotected and vulnerable to land grabs from more powerful entities like governments and corporations. There is growing evidence of the vital role played by full legal ownership of land by indigenous peoples and local communities in preserving cultural diversity and in combating poverty and hunger, political instability and climate change. The importance of protecting and expanding indigenous and community ownership of land has been a key element in the negotiations of the Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Agreement on climate change, and is central to their successful implementation. This report launches a Global Call to Action on Indigenous and Community Land Rights, backed by more than 300 organizations all over the world. It is a manifesto of solidarity with the ongoing struggles of indigenous peoples and local communities seeking to secure their land rights once and for all.
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Buitrago García, Hilda Clarena. The Ins and Outs of Colombian Higher Education System. Ediciones Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia, April 2023.

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In this critical reading, the importance of learning about some aspects related to the history, evolution, regulations, achievements, and challenges of higher education in Colombia is raised. This knowledge is especially relevant for tertiary education teachers. With this purpose in mind, the beginnings of such an educational system in the colonial period, as well as the transformations and milestones reached during the various historical, political, and economic changes that our country has had, are described. A description of the current state of tertiary education in Colombia is also offered through statistical data. Additionally, the laws, decrees, and resolutions that make up the legal framework, as well as the governmental bodies in charge of regulating its operation and guaranteeing the quality of the programs, are explained. It also examines the role that icts have in innovation processes and the changes and legislation that have arisen because of the COVID-19 pandemic. It is concluded that, despite its evident evolution, Colombian higher education still faces challenges that require the proposal of pedagogical, technological, and political measures that adjust to the needs of all the agents involved.
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Bano, Masooda, and Zeena Oberoi. Embedding Innovation in State Systems: Lessons from Pratham in India. Research on Improving Systems of Education (RISE), December 2020.

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The learning crisis in many developing countries has led to searches for innovative teaching models. Adoption of innovation, however, disrupts routine and breaks institutional inertia, requiring government employees to change their way of working. Introducing and embedding innovative methods for improving learning outcomes within state institutions is thus a major challenge. For NGO-led innovation to have largescale impact, we need to understand: (1) what factors facilitate its adoption by senior bureaucracy and political elites; and (2) how to incentivise district-level field staff and school principals and teachers, who have to change their ways of working, to implement the innovation? This paper presents an ethnographic study of Pratham, one of the most influential NGOs in the domain of education in India today, which has attracted growing attention for introducing an innovative teaching methodology— Teaching at the Right Level (TaRL) – with evidence of improved learning outcomes among primary-school students and adoption by a number of states in India. The case study suggests that while a combination of factors, including evidence of success, ease of method, the presence of a committed bureaucrat, and political opportunity are key to state adoption of an innovation, exposure to ground realities, hand holding and confidence building, informal interactions, provision of new teaching resources, and using existing lines of communication are core to ensuring the co-operation of those responsible for actual implementation. The Pratham case, however, also confirms existing concerns that even when NGO-led innovations are successfully implemented at a large scale, their replication across the state and their sustainability remain a challenge. Embedding good practice takes time; the political commitment leading to adoption of an innovation is often, however, tied to an immediate political opportunity being exploited by the political elites. Thus, when political opportunity rather than a genuine political will creates space for adoption of an innovation, state support for that innovation fades away before the new ways of working can replace the old habits. In contexts where states lack political will to improve learning outcomes, NGOs can only hope to make systematic change in state systems if, as in the case of Pratham, they operate as semi-social movements with large cadres of volunteers. The network of volunteers enables them to slow down and pick up again in response to changing political contexts, instead of quitting when state actors withdraw. Involving the community itself does not automatically lead to greater political accountability. Time-bound donor-funded NGO projects aiming to introduce innovation, however large in scale, simply cannot succeed in bringing about systematic change, because embedding change in state institutions lacking political will requires years of sustained engagement.
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Coelho Resende, Noelle, Renata Weber, Jardel Fischer Loeck, Mathias Vaiano Glens, Carolina Gomes, Priscila Farfan Barroso, Janine Targino, Emerson Elias Merhy, Leandro Dominguez Barretto, and Carly Machado. Working Paper Series: Therapeutic Communities in Brazil. Edited by Taniele Rui and Fiore Mauricio. Drugs, Security and Democracy Program, Social Science Research Council, June 2021.

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Spread across Brazil and attaining an unparalleled political force, therapeutic communities are as inescapable in the debate on drug policy as they are complex to define. Although they are not a Brazilian creation, they have been operating in that country for decades, and their dissemination intensified in the 1990s. In 2011, they were officially incorporated into Brazil's Psychosocial Care Network (Rede de Atenção Psicossocial, or RAPS). Since then, therapeutic communities have been at the center of public debates about their regulation; about how they should—or even if they should—be a part of the healthcare system; about the level of supervision to which they should be submitted; about their sources of funding, particularly whether or not they should have access to public funding; and, most importantly, about the quality of the services they offer and the many reports of rights violation that have been made public. However, a well-informed public debate can only flourish if the available information is based on sound evidence. The SSRC’s Drugs, Security and Democracy Program is concerned with the policy relevance of the research projects it supports, and the debate around therapeutic communities in Brazil points to a clear need for impartial research that addresses different cross-cutting aspects of this topic in its various dimensions: legal, regulatory, health, and observance of human rights, among others. It is in this context that we publish this working paper series on therapeutic communities in Brazil. The eight articles that compose this series offer a multidisciplinary view of the topic, expanding and deepening the existing literature and offering powerful contributions to a substantive analysis of therapeutic communities as instruments of public policy. Although they can be read separately, it is as a whole that the strength of the eight articles that make up this series becomes more evident. Even though they offer different perspectives, they are complementary works in—and already essential for—delineating and understanding the phenomenon of therapeutic communities in Brazil.
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Thompson, Stephen, Brigitte Rohwerder, and Clement Arockiasamy. Freedom of Religious Belief and People with Disabilities: A Case Study of People with Disabilities from Religious Minorities in Chennai, India. Institute of Development Studies (IDS), June 2021.

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India has a unique and complex religious history, with faith and spirituality playing an important role in everyday life. Hinduism is the majority religion, and there are many minority religions. India also has a complicated class system and entrenched gender structures. Disability is another important identity. Many of these factors determine people’s experiences of social inclusion or exclusion. This paper explores how these intersecting identities influence the experience of inequality and marginalisation, with a particular focus on people with disabilities from minority religious backgrounds. A participatory qualitative methodology was employed in Chennai, to gather case studies that describe in-depth experiences of participants. Our findings show that many factors that make up a person’s identity intersect in India and impact how someone is included or excluded by society, with religious minority affiliation, caste, disability status, and gender all having the potential to add layers of marginalisation. These various identity factors, and how individuals and society react to them, impact on how people experience their social existence. Identity factors that form the basis for discrimination can be either visible or invisible, and discrimination may be explicit or implicit. Despite various legal and human rights frameworks at the national and international level that aim to prevent marginalisation, discrimination based on these factors is still prevalent in India. While some tokenistic interventions and schemes are in place to overcome marginalisation, such initiatives often only focus on one factor of identity, rather than considering intersecting factors. People with disabilities continue to experience exclusion in all aspects of their lives. Discrimination can exist both between, as well as within, religious communities, and is particularly prevalent in formal environments. Caste-based exclusion continues to be a major problem in India. The current socioeconomic environment and political climate can be seen to perpetuate marginalisation based on these factors. However, when people are included in society, regardless of belonging to a religious minority, having a disability, or being a certain caste, the impact on their life can be very positive.
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Wittberg, Sara. Standardisering för individuell prövning: En kartläggning av kommunala riktlinjer för bistånd till äldreomsorg – funktion och inverkan. Linköping University Electronic Press, August 2023.

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Cutbacks and austerity measures were in 2019 estimated in a quarter of the Swedish municipalities because of financial deficit. Due to the urbanization the conditions of the municipalities vary, creating different challenges and possibilities to provide for the necessary welfare service such as elder care. Despite a growing population of older people, previous research shows a decline in residential homes since 1980 as well as a decrease in caretakers receiving home help services. According to an inspection of the Health and Social Care Inspectorate (Inspektionen för vård och omsorg) local policy guidelines, for elder care assessment, are being used to reduce the dissimilarities in decision-making within the municipalities and to control the financial costs by adapting criteria and care limits for the needs assessment. Criticism has, by the Swedish Ombudsman, been directed towards the use of municipal guidelines for not complying with the law and case-law. Despite previous research indicating the usage of municipal guidelines in the needs assessment and decision-making process, municipal guidelines are still a relatively unexplored field. The aim of this thesis is therefore to understand the role of municipal guidelines, for elder care assessment, with regard to the law and the application of the law as well as the role municipal guidelines play according to politicians. In order to achieve this, the following has been examined: 1) the spread and content of the municipal guidelines, 2) the creation and political motives for establishing the guidelines and 3) how the care managers view their impact on the decision-making process. The methods used are semi-structured interviews, a survey, and a documentation review. The result shows that municipal guidelines are politically established, that they are widely spread and can be found in 274 out of 290 Swedish municipalities. According to the survey the guidelines contain guidance of law, case-law, and the like, as well as criteria and limits for the needs assessment and decision-making of elder care service. The result indicates that the local guidelines compensate for the ambiguity of the Social Services Act (Socialtjänstlagen 2001:453) by reinstating bureaucracy. By limiting the discretion, the guidelines aim to compensate for the lack of competence as well as create certainty and enable political responsibility for the usage of municipal resources as well as accountability between politicians, care managers and citizens. By standardizing, the aim is to achieve equality and legal certainty despite risking the fundamental intentions of the Social Service Act as a framework law designed for individual needs assessment. This study highlights the need to invest necessary resources into creating guidelines in order to make them more accessible, lawful and ensure legal certainty. The conditions, however, vary noteworthy between the municipalities. As a solution, the National Board of Health and Welfare, or some other authority, could be held responsible for developing national guidelines – regularly up to date and based on current law and case-law. In summary, this study shows that municipal guidelines have a widespread impact on the decision-making of care managers. The municipal guidelines thereby have a central role in the application of the law with a noteworthy potential impact on individuals and the help warranted to older people as a consequence.
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Yatsymirska, Mariya. SOCIAL EXPRESSION IN MULTIMEDIA TEXTS. Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, February 2021.

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The article investigates functional techniques of extralinguistic expression in multimedia texts; the effectiveness of figurative expressions as a reaction to modern events in Ukraine and their influence on the formation of public opinion is shown. Publications of journalists, broadcasts of media resonators, experts, public figures, politicians, readers are analyzed. The language of the media plays a key role in shaping the worldview of the young political elite in the first place. The essence of each statement is a focused thought that reacts to events in the world or in one’s own country. The most popular platform for mass information and social interaction is, first of all, network journalism, which is characterized by mobility and unlimited time and space. Authors have complete freedom to express their views in direct language, including their own word formation. Phonetic, lexical, phraseological and stylistic means of speech create expression of the text. A figurative word, a good aphorism or proverb, a paraphrased expression, etc. enhance the effectiveness of a multimedia text. This is especially important for headlines that simultaneously inform and influence the views of millions of readers. Given the wide range of issues raised by the Internet as a medium, research in this area is interdisciplinary. The science of information, combining language and social communication, is at the forefront of global interactions. The Internet is an effective source of knowledge and a forum for free thought. Nonlinear texts (hypertexts) – «branching texts or texts that perform actions on request», multimedia texts change the principles of information collection, storage and dissemination, involving billions of readers in the discussion of global issues. Mastering the word is not an easy task if the author of the publication is not well-read, is not deep in the topic, does not know the psychology of the audience for which he writes. Therefore, the study of media broadcasting is an important component of the professional training of future journalists. The functions of the language of the media require the authors to make the right statements and convincing arguments in the text. Journalism education is not only knowledge of imperative and dispositive norms, but also apodictic ones. In practice, this means that there are rules in media creativity that are based on logical necessity. Apodicticity is the first sign of impressive language on the platform of print or electronic media. Social expression is a combination of creative abilities and linguistic competencies that a journalist realizes in his activity. Creative self-expression is realized in a set of many important factors in the media: the choice of topic, convincing arguments, logical presentation of ideas and deep philological education. Linguistic art, in contrast to painting, music, sculpture, accumulates all visual, auditory, tactile and empathic sensations in a universal sign – the word. The choice of the word for the reproduction of sensory and semantic meanings, its competent use in the appropriate context distinguishes the journalist-intellectual from other participants in forums, round tables, analytical or entertainment programs. Expressive speech in the media is a product of the intellect (ability to think) of all those who write on socio-political or economic topics. In the same plane with him – intelligence (awareness, prudence), the first sign of which (according to Ivan Ogienko) is a good knowledge of the language. Intellectual language is an important means of organizing a journalistic text. It, on the one hand, logically conveys the author’s thoughts, and on the other – encourages the reader to reflect and comprehend what is read. The richness of language is accumulated through continuous self-education and interesting communication. Studies of social expression as an important factor influencing the formation of public consciousness should open up new facets of rational and emotional media broadcasting; to trace physical and psychological reactions to communicative mimicry in the media. Speech mimicry as one of the methods of disguise is increasingly becoming a dangerous factor in manipulating the media. Mimicry is an unprincipled adaptation to the surrounding social conditions; one of the most famous examples of an animal characterized by mimicry (change of protective color and shape) is a chameleon. In a figurative sense, chameleons are called adaptive journalists. Observations show that mimicry in politics is to some extent a kind of game that, like every game, is always conditional and artificial.
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Rezaie, Shogofa, Fedra Vanhuyse, Karin André, and Maryna Henrysson. Governing the circular economy: how urban policymakers can accelerate the agenda. Stockholm Environment Institute, September 2022.

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We believe the climate crisis will be resolved in cities. Today, while cities occupy only 2% of the Earth's surface, 57% of the world's population lives in cities, and by 2050, it will jump to 68% (UN, 2018). Currently, cities consume over 75% of natural resources, accumulate 50% of the global waste and emit up to 80% of greenhouse gases (Ellen MacArthur Foundation, 2017). Cities generate 70% of the global gross domestic product and are significant drivers of economic growth (UN-Habitat III, 2016). At the same time, cities sit on the frontline of natural disasters such as floods, storms and droughts (De Sherbinin et al., 2007; Major et al., 2011; Rockström et al., 2021). One of the sustainability pathways to reduce the environmental consequences of the current extract-make-dispose model (or the "linear economy") is a circular economy (CE) model. A CE is defined as "an economic system that is based on business models which replace the 'end-of-life' concept with reducing, alternatively reusing, recycling and recovering materials in production/distribution and consumption processes" (Kirchherr et al., 2017, p. 224). By redesigning production processes and thereby extending the lifespan of goods and materials, researchers suggest that CE approaches reduce waste and increase employment and resource security while sustaining business competitiveness (Korhonen et al., 2018; Niskanen et al., 2020; Stahel, 2012; Winans et al., 2017). Organizations such as the Ellen MacArthur Foundation and Circle Economy help steer businesses toward CE strategies. The CE is also a political priority in countries and municipalities globally. For instance, the CE Action Plan, launched by the European Commission in 2015 and reconfirmed in 2020, is a central pillar of the European Green Deal (European Commission, 2015, 2020). Additionally, more governments are implementing national CE strategies in China (Ellen MacArthur Foundation, 2018), Colombia (Government of the Republic of Colombia, 2019), Finland (Sitra, 2016), Sweden (Government Offices of Sweden, 2020) and the US (Metabolic, 2018, 2019), to name a few. Meanwhile, more cities worldwide are adopting CE models to achieve more resource-efficient urban management systems, thereby advancing their environmental ambitions (Petit-Boix & Leipold, 2018; Turcu & Gillie, 2020; Vanhuyse, Haddaway, et al., 2021). Cities with CE ambitions include, Amsterdam, Barcelona, Paris, Toronto, Peterborough (England) and Umeå (Sweden) (OECD, 2020a). In Europe, over 60 cities signed the European Circular Cities Declaration (2020) to harmonize the transition towards a CE in the region. In this policy brief, we provide insights into common challenges local governments face in implementing their CE plans and suggest recommendations for overcoming these. It aims to answer the question: How can the CE agenda be governed in cities? It is based on the results of the Urban Circularity Assessment Framework (UCAF) project, building on findings from 25 interviews, focus group discussions and workshops held with different stakeholder groups in Umeå, as well as research on Stockholm's urban circularity potential, including findings from 11 expert interviews (Rezaie, 2021). Our findings were complemented by the Circular Economy Lab project (Rezaie et al., 2022) and experiences from working with municipal governments in Sweden, Belgium, France and the UK, on CE and environmental and social sustainability.
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Samochowiec, Jakub, Johannes C. Bauer, and Kathrin Neumüller. Strategies for Dealing With the Labour Shortage – An Overview. Gdi-verlag, GDI Gottlieb Duttweiler Institute, June 2023.

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The Swiss labour market will shrink without immigration. But even with high immigrationnfigures, it will not be possible to maintain the previous growth of the labour market. Employers need to adapt to this situation. This study compiles and arranges different measures for dealing with the labour shortage, with the aim of showing different approaches to deal with the situation. The measures are arranged following the formula: Number of person-hours x efficiency = output The increase in the number of person-hours includes, on the one hand, measures to make employers more attractive. These are relative competitive advantages in the labour market. In a survey, 1,000 employees from German-speaking Switzerland were asked about their satisfaction with different aspects of their work and these areas of satisfaction were compared with their overall satisfaction, loyalty toward their employer and intentions of quitting their jobs. It showed that development opportunities (both personal and in terms of their career) and the appreciation by an employer who matches one’s values are the most important employer attributes for employees, but it is precisely the development opportunities that are often not offered to a satisfactory extent. The increase in the number of person-hours comprises, on the other hand, measures to expand labour market participation, which means that more person-hours are worked in the market. There are many options for this. Where remote working has become the norm, there are not many obstacles to offshoring work abroad. In addition, pensioners are open to working on a project-by-project basis and, if need be, could be recruited via “gig-economy” style platforms for individual tasks. A corporate platform could lower the hurdle for pensioners who worked for that company (in terms of psychology and also the bureaucracy) and create a broad but casual recruitment pool. Furthermore, career and pension advice could encourage women to increase their working hours or at least to not to give up their jobs completely despite high childcare costs. Political measures could also be introduced to lower the latter. It is probable that the labour market of the future will have to cope with fewer people, despite all efforts to increase person-hours. The formula suggests another factor: the increase in efficiency. Automation of work processes is one example of an efficiency measure. In a survey of managers, half of the respondents thought that about 20% of the work could already be automated today. However, there was a lack of competencies (also a consequence of the labour shortage), of a technology-savvy culture and of confidence that quality can be maintained. In addition, respondents to the employee survey also perceive about 20% of the work they do as unnecessary (excessive emails, meetings, administrative tasks, etc.). This is partly attributed to too much in-house bureaucracy and too many managers – which is the occupational group that has grown the most in the swiss labor market since 1991. The connection between wages and value generation seems to be restricted both within companies and in society as a whole. The labour shortage is often also caused by an allocation problem. Even measures to increase efficiency do not necessarily lead to less need for staff. Rather, the consequence of increased efficiency is often an almost automatic expansion GDI Gottlieb Duttweiler Institute 5 of output. In order to cope with the labour shortage, it is necessary to deal with output carefully and to reflect on where output should be expanded, capped or even reduced so that any reduction in output is done in a controlled manner. Especially in the context of an increasing relevance of sustainability, there are services and products in all companies that need to be questioned and the elimination of which would promote the credibility of sustainability strategies and thus also increase the chance that the corporate values match those of young employees. Perhaps other legal forms are necessary in order to avoid the pressures for growth which are linked with a shareholder structure. Alternative models are possible.
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