Academic literature on the topic 'Political make-Up'
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Journal articles on the topic "Political make-Up"
Marshall, E. "USDA Holds Up Grants to Make a Political Point." Science 265, no. 5178 (September 9, 1994): 1518–19.
Full textWarntjen, Andreas, Simon Hix, and Christophe Crombez. "The party political make-up of EU legislative bodies1." Journal of European Public Policy 15, no. 8 (December 2008): 1243–53.
Full textJunxue, Lian. "The "Make-Up" Fever on Campus." Chinese Education & Society 26, no. 2 (March 1993): 71–75.
Full textNorwood, Dael A. "What Counts?: Political Economy, or Ways to Make Early America Add Up." Journal of the Early Republic 36, no. 4 (2016): 753–81.
Full textStrezhneva, M. V. "Make-up of fiscal integration in the European Union." Полис. Политические исследования, no. 2 (March 27, 2024): 151–64.
Full textKadyrov, Anvar. "CHARACTERISTICS OF POLITICAL MENTALITY OF ETHNIC UZBEKS." American Journal of Political Science Law and Criminology 6, no. 1 (January 1, 2024): 20–27.
Full textJafari, Aliakbar, and Pauline Maclaran. "Escaping into the World of Make-Up Routines in Iran." Sociological Review 62, no. 2 (May 2014): 359–82.
Full textKlein, Nadav, and Ed O’Brien. "People use less information than they think to make up their minds." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115, no. 52 (December 10, 2018): 13222–27.
Full textKorris, M. "Standing up for Scrutiny: How and Why Parliament Should Make Better Law." Parliamentary Affairs 64, no. 3 (June 3, 2011): 564–74.
Full textBlack, Antony. "Political Languages In Later Medieval Europe." Studies in Church History. Subsidia 9 (1991): 313–28.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Political make-Up"
Waguespack, Jason. "An Examination of Voter Groups That Make Up the Emerging Democratic Majority Thesis." ScholarWorks@UNO, 2015.
Full textHügelmann, Bendix [Verfasser]. "Political Influencers? How voters make up their minds in the age of social media and digital communications / Bendix Hügelmann." Hamburg : Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Hamburg Carl von Ossietzky, 2021.
Full textBonelli, Valentina <1994>. "Leadership for children. Education and freedom: the importance of primary education as fundamental human right, in order to make the emancipation of the individual possible and to achieve the creation of a free and democratic society. Analysis of the development of this concept, born in the Enlightenment, achievements and defeats of these theories and progress of this goal up to the present days." Master's Degree Thesis, Università Ca' Foscari Venezia, 2019.
Full textFoughali, Hana. "L'éclatement du plafond de verre ? Entre maquillage politique et gender patchworking identitaire : visions du monde et vie professionnelle de femmes cadres supérieures et dirigeantes." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Université Paris Cité, 2023.
Full textThis thesis examines the persistence of a professional malaise, symptomatic of a "symbolic glass ceiling", over and above the (hierarchical) "glass ceiling", through the worldviews of female senior managers and executives. Through the potential decoupling between the heteronomous experiences of these women and the managerial practices of the three companies observed, this work also analyses the latent reasons for this persistence, as well as the way in which protest against or adaptation to these situations of malaise, experienced by these women, may manifest themselves within the institutions. This thesis examins three hypotheses: bodily experience, cultural dimension, and self-ceiling (self-restraint). Using a phenomenological approach, sometimes with features resembling a praxeological approach, this research combines several types of material and theoretical approaches cultivated by different disciplines. Notwithstanding the egalitarian enthusiasm put forward by the companies analysed, the results show that the companies seem to focus more on improving their public image than to bring about substantial change. The structure has not really changed "political make-up". In fact, it is the women who have adapted, by adhering to the mobilisation of their subjectivity and accepting a mould of "masculine neutrality". Hierarchically they have appropriated power, but symbolically they continue to be subjected to these standards, notably through a process of "empowerment by proxy". Fuelled by a variety of factors, the persistence of a professional malaise traps female senior managers and executives in a double contingency; a capitalist "steel cage" and a patriarchal "invisible corset". In this professional situation, full of constraints and 'patriarchal shaming' as well as authorisations for sexist behaviour, granted by a "misogynist pass", these women find themselves trapped in a firmly established lifestyle, which they have consciously created, and which conforms to the instrumental reason they so desired. They have no choice but to conform, by resorting to "gender patchworking identity". Four worldviews emerge from this adaptation: Caméléon, Ladyboss, Olympe and Cosette
Questa tesi di dottorato esamina la persistenza di un malessere professionale, sintomatico di un "soffitto di vetro simbolico", al di là del "soffitto di vetro" (gerarchico), attraverso le visioni del mondo delle donne senior manager e dirigenti. Attraverso il potenziale disaccoppiamento tra le esperienze eteronome di queste donne e le pratiche manageriali delle tre aziende osservate, questo lavoro analizza anche le ragioni latenti di questa persistenza, nonché il modo in cui la protesta o l'adattamento a queste situazioni di malessere, vissute da queste donne, possono manifestarsi all'interno delle aziende. Tre ipotesi guidano la spiegazione: l'esperienza corporea, la dimensione culturale e l'autosoffitto (l'auto-limitazione). I risultati mostrano che, nonostante l'entusiasmo egualitario introdotto dalle aziende analizzate, questo sembra servire più a migliorare la loro immagine pubblica che a produrre un cambiamento sostanziale. La struttura non ha realmente cambiato "trucco politico", sono le donne che si sono adattate aderendo alla mobilitazione della loro e accettando uno stampo di "neutralità maschile". Si sono appropriate del potere gerarchico, ma simbolicamente continuano a subirlo, attraverso un processo di "empowerment per procura". Alimentata da una serie di fattori, la persistenza di un malessere professionale intrappola le donne dirigenti e manager in una doppia contingenza: la "gabbia d'acciaio" capitalista e il "corsetto invisibile" patriarcale in questa situazione professionale, piena di vincoli e di "shaming patriarcale" e di autorizzazioni a comportamenti sessisti, concessi dalla struttura attraverso un "pass misogino", queste donne si trovano intrappolate in uno stile di vita saldamente stabilito, che hanno consapevolmente creato e che si conforma alla ragione strumentale che hanno desiderato, non hanno altra scelta che adattarsi, ricorrendo al "gender patchworking d'identità". Da questo adattamento emergono quattro visioni del mondo: Caméléon, Ladyboss, Olympe e Cosette
Kampf, Raymond William. "Fauxtopia." VCU Scholars Compass, 2004.
Full textNogueira, Leila de Mello Yañez. "Estabilidade versus flexibilidade: a dicotomia necessária à inovação na gestão de recursos humanos em uma organização pública, estatal eestratégica como Bio-Manguinhos / Fiocruz." reponame:Repositório Institucional da FIOCRUZ, 2009.
Full textEste trabalho propõe analisar o fenômeno da terceirização desenvolvido ao longo das duas últimas décadas em Bio-Manguinhos. Trata-se de um estudo de caso realizado na unidade de produção de vacinas e reagentes para diagnóstico da Fundação Oswaldo Cruz. Inicialmente foi realizado um estudo de cenário, analisando a política de gestão do trabalho desenvolvida pelo Estado brasileiro para as instituições públicas. A seguir, a análise passou a verificar a inserção da Fiocruz nessas políticas, desde a sua criação e no decorrer de vigência de diferentes formas de contratação, alternando da extrema rigidez para a total flexibilidade sempre com foco na gestão do trabalho, e, como essas políticas se refletiram no desempenho de Bio-Manguinhos. Baseado no contexto da conformação do Estado e na análise do desempenho da unidade, o trabalho critica a falta de planejamento e de prospecção dessas políticas, que favoreça a inovação de processos, produtos e procedimentos e o desempenho pleno de uma unidade de produção de insumos para a saúde, tão necessários ao atendimento das necessidades da população brasileira. Critica também, a ausência de um modelo de Estado consolidado que sirva de arcabouço à formulação dessas políticas. Devido às fortes críticas dos órgãos de controle acerca da extrapolação dos limites da terceirização praticada nas últimas duas décadas e à falta de definição clara desses marcos legais, o trabalho apresenta uma metodologia baseada nas atribuições dos cargos do plano de carreiras da Fiocruz e culmina com a apresentação de uma matriz de atribuições passíveis de serem realizadas por contratação indireta. Conclui pela necessidade de convivência de dois quadros de trabalhadores: um permanente formado por servidores, estáveis e de carreira e outro flexível, executado por contratação indireta, de caráter eventual, temporário ou de apoio às atividades relacionadas à missão de Bio-Manguinhos. O trabalho ainda sugere a aplicação da mesma metodologia às demais unidades da Fiocruz e que a instituição afirme, frente aos órgãos de controle, quais atividades que ela precisa manter no quadro de servidores permanente e quais ela quer delegar a terceiros sem contudo, ferir a legislação vigente. Por fim, constata-se que a metodologia apresentada ameniza, mas não resolve o problema, dessa forma, recomenda-se à Fiocruz buscar mecanismos que altere o modelo de gestão pelo qual está submetida a fim de viabilizar as duas formas de incorporação de mão-de-obra.
Books on the topic "Political make-Up"
Chinni, Dante. Our patchwork nation: The 12 distinct types of communities that make up America (and what they can teach us). New York: Gotham Books, 2010.
Find full textCry havoc: 'when I set out to overthrow an African tyrant, I knew I would either make billions or end up getting shot ... '. Johannesburg: Jonathan Ball, 2011.
Find full textWalsh, Paul. Will Al Franken and Bill O'Reilly please shut up: How to make millions as a liberal or conservative. Convent Station, NJ: Tammany Press, 2004.
Find full textSpiller, Tatton. Breakdown: How to Make Sense of Politics in a Messed-Up World. Elliott & Thompson, Limited, 2019.
Find full textDuffy, Paddy. That's a Bit Irish Ridiculous but True Political Stories That You Couldn't Make Up. Hachette Ireland, 2013.
Find full textMake Trouble: Standing Up, Speaking Out, and Finding the Courage to Lead. Simon & Schuster, 2018.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Political make-Up"
Zaphiriou-Zarifi, Heba. "History, the orphan of our time, or the timeless stories that make up history." In Political Passions and Jungian Psychology, 134–51. Abingdon, Oxon; New York, NY: Routledge, 2021.: Routledge, 2020.
Full textJosefsson, Jonathan. "Political Strategies of Self-representation: The Case of Young Afghan Migrants in Sweden." In The Politics of Children’s Rights and Representation, 275–99. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2023.
Full textAnders, Lisa H. "Promoting the Active Citizenship of Young People in Peripheral Regions: Recommendations for EU Key Players." In The Future of Europe, 225–35. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2023.
Full textMarcheschi, Daniela. "David Sassoli: Europa, Europa!" In Libere carte, 111–13. Florence: Firenze University Press, 2023.
Full textMarcheschi, Daniela. "David Sassoli: Europa, Europa!" In Libere carte, 111–13. Florence: Firenze University Press, 2023.
Full textTausch, Arno. "The Empirical Results of Our Empirical Study." In Political Islam and Religiously Motivated Political Extremism, 45–75. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2023.
Full textRieppel, Lukas. "Earth Science and Extractive Capitalism in the Age of Empire." In Historiographies of Science, 1–24. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2024.
Full textFossum, John Erik. "The institutional make-up of Europe’s segmented political order." In Towards a Segmented European Political Order, 22–43. Routledge, 2019.
Full textRichter, Irving. "The Trade Union Group of the Parliamentary Labour Party: Its Make-up and Philosophy." In Political Purpose in Trade Unions, 129–45. Routledge, 2018.
Full textRomilly, Jacqueline de. "Political Debut." In The Life of Alcibiades, translated by Elizabeth Trapnell Rawlings, 35–51. Cornell University Press, 2019.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Political make-Up"
Luiz Gradischnig, Eduardo, Vanessa Petró, and Vinicius Hartmann Ferreira. "O Uso de Tecnologias Cívicas no Vale do Caí." In Computer on the Beach. São José: Universidade do Vale do Itajaí, 2021.
Full textCárcel-Carrasco, Javier, Elisa Peñalvo-López, José Ramón Albiol Ibañez, and Jaime Langa Sanchís. "Work-based learning system to up-skilling construction workers in wood construction methods for energy efficient buildings." In INNODOCT 2021. Valencia: Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2021.
Full textBoschele, Marco. "EU Innovation Performance Policies and the Economic Crisis: Innovation Policy and the Political Failure of Italy." In International Conference on Eurasian Economies. Eurasian Economists Association, 2014.
Full textLicite, Ieva, and Dina Popluga. "THE MAPPING OF CLIMATE AND AGRICULTURAL POLICIES TARGETING ORGANIC SOIL MANAGEMENT: CASE STUDY FROM LATVIA." In 22nd SGEM International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference 2022. STEF92 Technology, 2022.
Full textHaydaroğlu, Ceyhun, and Çağdaş Zarplı. "Is Eurasia Energy Association Possible?" In International Conference on Eurasian Economies. Eurasian Economists Association, 2010.
Full textLeitold, Herbert. "Supporting Decision Making and Policy Through Large Scale Pilots." In Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics Conference. AHFE International, 2019.
Full textTUĞLUK, Mehmet Emin. "A COMPETITION TO FIND AN EQUAL TO THE TWELVE FOREIGN WORDS ORGANIZED BY THE ŞEHBÂL MAGAZINE (1909-1914)." In 3. International Congress of Language and Literature. Rimar Academy, 2021.
Full textWeller, Paul. "ROBUSTNESS AND CIVILITY: THEMES FROM FETHULLAH GÜLEN AS RESOURCE AND CHALLENGE FOR GOVERNMENT, MUSLIMS AND CIVIL SOCIETY IN THE UNITED KINGDOM." In Muslim World in Transition: Contributions of the Gülen Movement. Leeds Metropolitan University Press, 2007.
Full textAdedapo, Adeyemi. "Perception of Postgraduate Distance Learners on the Virtual Examinations of the National Open University of Nigeria." In Tenth Pan-Commonwealth Forum on Open Learning. Commonwealth of Learning, 2022.
Full textLee, Wooju, and Dung Nguyen Thi Phuong. "HUMAN RESOURCES COOPERATION PLAN BETWEEN KOREA AND VIETNAM FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT." In International Conference on Political Theory: The International Conference on Human Resources for Sustainable Development. Bach Khoa Publishing House, 2023.
Full textReports on the topic "Political make-Up"
Santoro, Fabrizio, Laura Munoz, Wilson Prichard, and Giulia Mascagi. Digital Financial Services and Digital IDs: What Potential do They Have for Better Taxation in Africa? Institute of Development Studies (IDS), February 2022.
Full textPearce, Fred. Common Ground: Securing land rights and safeguarding the earth. Rights and Resources Initiative, March 2016.
Full textBuitrago García, Hilda Clarena. The Ins and Outs of Colombian Higher Education System. Ediciones Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia, April 2023.
Full textBano, Masooda, and Zeena Oberoi. Embedding Innovation in State Systems: Lessons from Pratham in India. Research on Improving Systems of Education (RISE), December 2020.
Full textCoelho Resende, Noelle, Renata Weber, Jardel Fischer Loeck, Mathias Vaiano Glens, Carolina Gomes, Priscila Farfan Barroso, Janine Targino, Emerson Elias Merhy, Leandro Dominguez Barretto, and Carly Machado. Working Paper Series: Therapeutic Communities in Brazil. Edited by Taniele Rui and Fiore Mauricio. Drugs, Security and Democracy Program, Social Science Research Council, June 2021.
Full textThompson, Stephen, Brigitte Rohwerder, and Clement Arockiasamy. Freedom of Religious Belief and People with Disabilities: A Case Study of People with Disabilities from Religious Minorities in Chennai, India. Institute of Development Studies (IDS), June 2021.
Full textWittberg, Sara. Standardisering för individuell prövning: En kartläggning av kommunala riktlinjer för bistånd till äldreomsorg – funktion och inverkan. Linköping University Electronic Press, August 2023.
Full textYatsymirska, Mariya. SOCIAL EXPRESSION IN MULTIMEDIA TEXTS. Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, February 2021.
Full textRezaie, Shogofa, Fedra Vanhuyse, Karin André, and Maryna Henrysson. Governing the circular economy: how urban policymakers can accelerate the agenda. Stockholm Environment Institute, September 2022.
Full textSamochowiec, Jakub, Johannes C. Bauer, and Kathrin Neumüller. Strategies for Dealing With the Labour Shortage – An Overview. Gdi-verlag, GDI Gottlieb Duttweiler Institute, June 2023.
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