Academic literature on the topic 'Political and economic socialization'
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Journal articles on the topic "Political and economic socialization"
Pop-Eleches, Grigore, and Joshua A. Tucker. "Communist socialization and post-communist economic and political attitudes." Electoral Studies 33 (March 2014): 77–89.
Full textTong, J. "The gender gap in political culture and participation in China." Communist and Post-Communist Studies 36, no. 2 (June 1, 2003): 131–50.
Full textRashid, Hakim M. "Secular Education and the Political Socialization of Muslim Children." American Journal of Islam and Society 9, no. 3 (October 1, 1992): 387–96.
Full textJüttler, Michael, and Stephan Schumann. "Is economics a man’s business? Exploring the long-term effects of the gender gap in economic competencies at the upper secondary level on students’ choice to study economics at university." Citizenship, Social and Economics Education 18, no. 3 (November 7, 2019): 177–97.
Full textDekker, Henk, Daniel B. German, and Christ’l De Landtsheer. "Political Socialization Theory, Research, and Application. History and Analysis of Forty Years of the Research Committee on Political Socialization and Education of the International Political Science Association: 1997-2019." PCS – Politics, Culture and Socialization 8, no. 1+2-2017 (July 29, 2020): 34–80.
Full textАкиншева, И. П. "Political culture as a factor of political socialization of students." Bulletin of Pedagogical Sciences, no. 5 (May 17, 2024): 96–99.
Full textZubiashvili, Iryna, and Tetiana Melnychuk. "CONTEMPORARY CHALLENGES IN THE ECONOMIC SOCIALIZATION OF STUDENT YOUTH." PSYCHOLOGICAL JOURNAL 9, no. 2 (February 28, 2023): 15–23.
Full textS. Karumudi, Nanda. "Intergenerational Transmission of Political Ideologies in India: Analyzing the Influence of Family Upbringing and Socioeconomic Context in a Child’s Political Ideologies." International Journal of Social Science and Economic Research 09, no. 11 (2024): 4922–38.
Full text', Hasanuddin. "Peran Partai Politik dalam Menggerakkan Partisipasi Politik Rakyat." Nakhoda: Jurnal Ilmu Pemerintahan 17, no. 2 (March 7, 2019): 94.
Full textChoi, Changyong, and Hyeyoung Woo. "A Comparative Study on Political Trust in Transition Countries." Journal of Policy Studies 38, no. 4 (December 31, 2023): 41–58.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Political and economic socialization"
Laurence, Lisa. "La fabrique des financiers : une socialisation scolaire aux normes professionnelles." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Université Paris sciences et lettres, 2024.
Full textThis thesis presents and analyzes the processes of professional socialization within finance education programs. It shows how finance students are positioned by their studies and according to their social backgrounds within the hierarchical space of financial professions, but also the ways in which they internalize specific norms differently, such as the systematic pursuit of profits, depending on their prior socialization. It concludes that professional socialization in finance promotes the acceptance of the capitalist economic structure of society
Thomson, Tiffany Lynn. "Examining dimensions of political discussion and political knowledge." Columbus, Ohio : Ohio State University, 2007.
Full textKadlubovich, T. I., and R. V. Mnozhynska. "Political socialization as a factor of electoral culture." Thesis, Izdevniecība "Baltija Publishing", 2019.
Full textEkman, Joakim. "Schools, Democratic Socialization and Political Participation: Political Activity and Passivity among Swedish Youths." Södertörns högskola, 2013.
Full textBleses, Nancy Joy. "Regional and provincial outriders, the socialization of political orientations." Thesis, National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 1997.
Full textBeaupre, Charles P. (Charles Paul). "Political socialization of ethnic minorities in Thailand and Taiwan." Thesis, McGill University, 1995. http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=28988.
Full textIbrahim, Hasan Ibrahim Makki. "The Kuwaiti press : how significant for youth political socialization." Thesis, Cardiff University, 1988.
Full textHasan, Maryam Mohammad. "Political socialization in Kuwait : a study of school textbooks." Thesis, University of Exeter, 1990.
Full textCho, Young Hwan. "Religious conscientization and political socialization in modernizing Korean society." Theological Research Exchange Network (TREN), 1992.
Full textMartin, Justin D. Johnston Anne. "News consumption & political socialization among young, urban Jordanians." Chapel Hill, N.C. : University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2009.,2556.
Full textTitle from electronic title page (viewed Oct. 5, 2009). "... in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the School of Journalism and Mass Communication." Discipline: Journalism and Mass Communication; Department/School: Journalism and Mass Communication, School of.
Books on the topic "Political and economic socialization"
Weinreich, Peter. Adolescent identity: A comparative study of economic and political socialization. London: Social Statistics Research Unit, City University, 1991.
Find full textPalanithurai, G. People perception of politics, an Indian perspective. Delhi: Kanishka Publishers, Distributors, 1995.
Find full textJana, Kamal. Political socialization in rural West Bengal: Macro dimensions and micro-level analysis of Nadia District. Calcutta: Progressive Publishers, 1996.
Find full textWellie, Birgit. Zivilgesellschaftliche Demokratieerneuerung und europäische Integration als Aspekte der Systemtransformation: Herausforderungen für Politik und Politische Bildung im Globalisierungsprozess. Glienicke/Berlin: Galda + Wilch, 2001.
Find full textBeli͡akov, G. F. Internat͡sionalizat͡sii͡a obshchestvennoĭ zhizni v sovremennui͡u ėpokhu. Kiev: Gol. izd-vo izdatelʹskogo obʺedinenii͡a "Vyshcha shkola", 1985.
Find full textVerma, Jag Mohan Singh. Democratic ethos and developmental process in India. New Delhi: Uppal Pub. House, 1991.
Find full textEggenberger-Argote, Niklaus. Die gesellschaftliche Entwicklung Kubas zwischen Anspruch und Wirklichkeit: Eine Analyse der politischen Sozialisationsinstanzen und ihrer Wirkungen. Bern: Verlag Paul Haupt, 2001.
Find full textPetko, Mangachev, and Bŭlgarska komunisticheska partii͡a︡. Sofiĭski gradski komitet., eds. Dukhovnoto razvitie na trudovii͡a︡ kolektiv--uskoritel na intenzifikat͡s︡ii͡a︡. Sofii͡a︡: Sofiĭski gradski kom-t na Bŭlgarskata komunisticheska partii͡a︡, 1986.
Find full textʻUmarī, Bilāl Khalaf. Athar al-mutaghayyirāt al-ijtimāʻīyah-al-iqtiṣādīyah ʻalá al-thaqāfah al-siyāsīyah li-asātidhat al-jāmiʻāt al-ḥukūmīyah: Dirāsah maydānīyah. ʻAmmān: Markaz al-Riyādah lil-Maʻlūmāt wa-al-Dirāsāt, 1997.
Find full textHolmes, Douglas R. Integral Europe: Fast-capitalism, multiculturalism, neofascism. Princeton, N.J: Princeton University Press, 2000.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Political and economic socialization"
Ceyhan, Ahmet İlkay. "Environmentalist Political Communication: Nation-Branding and Political Socialization Through Environmentalism." In Green Marketing in Emerging Economies, 225–49. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2022.
Full textHradil, Stefan. "Socialization and Economic Reproduction in Pluralistic Welfare Societies." In The Politics, Sociology and Economics of Education, 85–100. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 1997.
Full textFarnen, Russell F., and Daniel B. German. "Central and Eastern European Elite Perspectives on Political, Communications, Educational, Economic, and Environmental Changes (1989 to 1993)." In Democracy, Socialization and Conflicting Loyalties in East and West, 106–36. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 1996.
Full textPowell, Larry, and Joseph Cowart. "Political Socialization." In Political Campaign Communication, 55–77. Third edition. | New York : Routledge, 2018. | “First edition published 2003 by Pearson Education, Inc.”—T.p. verso. | “Second edition published 2013 by Pearson Education, Inc.”—T.p. verso.: Routledge, 2017.
Full textSteel, Gill. "Political Socialization." In Power in Contemporary Japan, 39–58. New York: Palgrave Macmillan US, 2016.
Full textWang, Puqu. "Political Socialization." In Principle of Interest Politics, 383–99. Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore, 2022.
Full textMarczewska-Rytko, Maria. "Political Socialization." In The SAGE Handbook of Political Science, 641–55. 1 Oliver's Yard, 55 City Road London EC1Y 1SP: SAGE Publications Ltd, 2020.
Full textPerloff, Richard M. "Contemporary Political Socialization." In The Dynamics of Political Communication, 121–51. Second edition. | New York : Routledge, 2017.: Routledge, 2017.
Full textPerloff, Richard M. "Contemporary Political Socialization." In The Dynamics of Political Communication, 148–77. 3rd ed. New York: Routledge, 2021.
Full textRose, Richard. "Mass Political Socialization." In Politics in England, 151–74. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 1989.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Political and economic socialization"
Tulviste, Tiia. "Autonomy Orientation in the Socialization of Estonian Children." In International Association of Cross Cultural Psychology Congress. International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology, 2008.
Full textBrailyan, Natalia. "The relationship between assertive behavior and the level of motivation to achieve success in the educational activities of university students." In Scientific-Practical Сonference ‘FAMILY RESILIENCE PERSPECTIVES IN THE CONTEXT OF MULTIPLE CRISES’. X Edition. Stratum plus I.P., High Anthropological School University, 2023.
Full textFügedy, Anikó Erzsébet, and Gavril Flora. "Social Factors Influencing the Acquisition of the Romanian Language by Students Belonging to a Local Community Hungarian Minority." In World Lumen Congress 2021, May 26-30, 2021, Iasi, Romania. LUMEN Publishing House, 2022.
Full textZabelina, Ekaterina, Yulia Chestyunina, Ekaterina Vedeneeva, Irina Trushina, and Svetlana Kurnosova. "Late Economic Socialization: Regional Dimension." In 13th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE 2022). AHFE International, 2022.
Full textHornung, Severin, Matthias Weigl, Britta Herbig, and Jürgen Glaser. "WORK AND HEALTH IN TRANSITION: TRENDS OF SUBJECTIFICATION IN APPLIED PSYCHOLOGY." In International Psychological Applications Conference and Trends. inScience Press, 2021.
Full text"Research on Contemporary Significance of Marx's Political Socialization." In 2017 4th International Conference on Literature, Linguistics and Arts. Francis Academic Press, 2017.
Full textWilkerson, Amanda. "Political Socialization, Black Women Voters, and Higher Education." In 2023 AERA Annual Meeting. Washington DC: AERA, 2023.
Full textKadir, Andi Gau, Dr Nurlinah, and Mr Rahmatullah. "Political Socialization Media of Selayar Islands General Election." In Unhas International Conference on Social and Political Science (UICoSP 2017). Paris, France: Atlantis Press, 2017.
Full textKe, Hailian, Yongsheng Chen, and Kang Peng. "Research on Political Socialization of University Students under New Stage." In 2015 International Conference on Management, Education, Information and Control. Paris, France: Atlantis Press, 2015.
Full textLemrová, Soňa, Jana Kvintová, and Irena Plevová. "ATTITUDES TOWARDS MONEY, FINANCIAL LITERACY AND ECONOMIC SOCIALIZATION." In 12th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation. IATED, 2019.
Full textReports on the topic "Political and economic socialization"
Giavazzi, Francesco, and Guido Tabellini. Economic and Political Liberalizations. Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research, July 2004.
Full textAlesina, Alberto, Enrico Spolaore, and Romain Wacziarg. Economic Integration and Political Disintegration. Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research, September 1997.
Full textAcemoglu, Daron, and James Robinson. Economic Backwardness in Political Perspective. Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research, March 2002.
Full textAlesina, Alberto, Sule Ozler, Nouriel Roubini, and Phillip Swagel. Political Instability and Economic Growth. Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research, September 1992.
Full textSteffen, Thomas E. Economic and Political Liberalization: Policy Development. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, April 1996.
Full textPersson, Torsten. Do Political Institutions Shape Economic Policy? Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research, April 2001.
Full textBaker, Scott, Aniket Baksy, Nicholas Bloom, Steven Davis, and Jonathan Rodden. Elections, Political Polarization, and Economic Uncertainty. Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research, October 2020.
Full textCoibion, Olivier, Yuriy Gorodnichenko, and Michael Weber. Political Polarization and Expected Economic Outcomes. Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research, October 2020.
Full textSpolaore, Enrico. The Economic Approach to Political Borders. Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research, December 2022.
Full textFeldstein, Martin. The Political Economy of the European Economic and Monetary Union: Political Sources of an Economic Liability. Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research, February 1998.
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